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06/10/2024 08:39 PM 

Reply for 𝘙𝘈𝘞 𝘊𝘏𝘈𝘖𝘚 .ᐟ

@import url(''); @import ''; @import url(''); @import url(''); @font-face { font-family: "BebasNeueVE"; src: url("");} @font-face { font-family: "BenguiatStdVE"; src: url("");} @import url(''); betty ♔ cooper home comment message gallery blog stream bulletins navilink violent delightswith violent ends As I watched him clumsily ascend the ladder, my heart raced with a mixture of fear and anticipation. Each sway of the ladder echoed the turmoil inside me. From my vanity, surrounded by pink and floral excess that felt more oppressive than comforting, his presence was both an intrusion and a solace. The room, a shrine to a version of Betty that everyone else celebrated, suddenly felt alien with him peering in.His gaze was weighty, brimming with concern that seemed to pierce through the glass, reaching out to the part of me that's been concealed beneath layers of cheer and charm. The Betty that he perceived wasn't the girl with the high ponytail and the flawless smile but the one grappling with shadows that threatened to spill over into the daylight."Why now?" I pondered, pressing my fingertips against the cool glass, leaving a trace of my breath. The memory of this morning's breakfast loomed over me, where words were weapons and glances were shields. His sudden appearance was reckless, yet here he was, silently vowing not to let me face my battles alone.My mother's sharp words echoed earlier, warning me of the dangers of vulnerability and letting someone see the cracks. But as I met his eyes through the window, those warnings crumbled. It was clear he saw beyond the facade, recognizing the grief that I wore like an ill-fitting garment.The gentle tap on the glass snapped me out of my racing thoughts, the kind that only seemed to spiral deeper into darkness as I contemplated Polly's plight. As I turned to the window, a slight smile broke through the turmoil at the sight of him. It was him, always him, who managed to bring a sense of normalcy—or perhaps bearable chaos—to my life. "Hey there, Juliet," he greeted, a playful lightness in his voice that belied the gravity of everything we faced.I moved quickly, almost too eagerly, to slide the window open, welcoming the escape from my own suffocating thoughts. "Nurse off duty?" he joked, stepping awkwardly onto the ledge, his attempt at ease almost endearing. I couldn’t help but smile back despite the ache in my chest when I thought of Polly, trapped and alone.“Haven’t gone full Yellow Wallpaper on me yet, have you?” His words, though teasing, touched a nerve. The reference to descent into madness wasn’t too far off from how I felt these days, haunted by what I’d seen at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy.“No, not yet,” I responded, my voice lighter than I felt. "But give it time; the walls in here are starting to close in." I stepped aside, giving him room to make his way fully into the room clumsily. His presence, as always, seemed to fill the space with a different energy, one that pushed back against the pressing gloom.I paced back and forth, my thoughts racing as fast as my footsteps. "They're crazy," I muttered, the words like a broken record in my mind. My parents, Polly, this whole twisted situation—it was all spiraling out of control. The more I thought about Polly locked away, the more I felt the walls of sanity crumbling around me."No, but what if Polly is, too?" The question escaped my lips before I could rein it in. My shoulders hunched up to my ears, a physical manifestation of my anxiety. The memory of Polly's haunted eyes and the desperation in her voice flooded back, fueling my fears. "The way she was talking to me, the way she looked at me..." It was all too much."And now, all I can think is, 'maybe I'm crazy like they are.'" The words tasted bitter; the idea that I could inherit that same madness was terrifying. I continued to pace, feeling trapped in an endless loop of worry and dread. As I turned to face him, he met my stance, his hand comforting on my shoulder. "Hey!" His voice broke through my panic, a solid, grounding force in the chaos of my thoughts. I rolled my eyes, a reflex to push away the concern, but deep down, I was grateful for his presence."We're all crazy." His eyes locked onto mine, his resolve clear. The simplicity of his statement was strangely comforting. He hated to see me like this, and I hated feeling so powerless.He sighed and chuckled lightly, trying to lift the mood. "We're not our parents, Betty." His words were a lifeline, a reminder of a truth I clung to desperately. "Thank God, or I'd be an alcoholic Southside Serpent, and you would be a lying sociopath. We're not our families." His attempt to lighten the atmosphere didn't go unnoticed, and despite everything, a small smile tugged at my lips.I felt the tension in my body begin to ease as he spoke. It was true—we weren't destined to become our parents. We had the power to choose differently, to forge our own paths. As he continued to speak,The moment stretched between us, thick with unsaid words and raw emotions. I watched him, my heart thumping irregularly as he struggled to find his words. His eyes darted between mine, a mix of hesitation and something deeper, something perhaps even he couldn't name."What?" I asked again, my curiosity piqued by his nervous energy. The slight arch of my brow was instinctual, accompanied by a slight smile that I hoped would ease his tension. It was a smile that had disarmed many, but now, it was a shield, protecting both my heart and his.The way he looked at me, so intensely yet so vulnerably, charged the air around us. His gaze had a gravity that pulled at something deep within me—a longing for connection and understanding that went beyond the usual confines of teenage angst and family dramas."Also..." he started again, his voice trailing off as if catching on a snag of doubt. My smile faltered slightly, replaced by a breath of anticipation. What was he trying to say? What was he so afraid to express?At that moment, I realized how much we indeed mirrored each other. Here he was, struggling to vocalize his thoughts and his fears, just as I often battled with my own. We were two sides of the same coin—wrestling with our identities, our histories, and the thin line between love and pain that our families had so carelessly drawn.His hesitance made him all the more endearing, all the more real. It shattered any remnants of the illusion that we were different because of where we came from—the pristine facade of the Coopers versus the raw, unfiltered life of the Southside. We were both damaged in our ways, both trying to navigate a world that seemed set against us from the start.Deep down in that space, I felt a profound sense that she knew what it was, filled with his nervous energy and my anxious heart. It didn't matter what he said next; the fact that he was here, that he was trying—that was enough to bridge any gap between us. His presence, his effort to connect despite the chaos that swirled around us, was a balm to the scars we both carried.The warmth of his hands on my neck, the gentle pressure of his thumbs against my cheeks, pulled me into a reality I had only dared to dream of. As his lips met mine, a cascade of emotions flooded through me, each one more intense and terrifying than the last. His kiss was a revelation, soft yet insistent, and it awakened a longing I had suppressed for too long.As we kissed, my hand found its way to his shoulder, a gesture of both support and need. My heart raced, echoing his, a tumultuous rhythm that seemed to say, this is right, this is where you belong. I had feared so many things at that moment—the rejection, the confusion, possibly the end of something precious. But as he drew me closer, my fears dissipated, replaced by a courage I didn't know I possessed.Leaning into him, into the kiss, was like accepting a part of myself I had been afraid to acknowledge. It felt like a gentle yet profound awakening to something new, something inevitably beautiful. It was as if all the pieces of my tumultuous life were aligning, bringing me to this point of unexpected yet perfect clarity.The thought flitted through my mind as we slowly, reluctantly, began to part—a lull in the storm of emotions that had engulfed us.Our noses touched lightly as we pulled away, his hands still framing my face with a tenderness that made my heart swell. The room was silent except for our breathing, heavy with the weight of what had just happened. Then, as I opened my eyes to look at him, a sudden realization struck me—the car! I had forgotten the responsibility of waiting outside in all the chaos of our emotions and the turmoil of family dramas."The car!" I exclaimed, the words tumbling out in a rush. The shift from our intimate moment to the practical concern might have seemed abrupt, but it grounded us, tethering our newfound connection to the realities we still had to face. As I looked into his eyes, still close enough to feel his breath, I saw not just the boy from the wrong side of town but someone who had seen me at my most vulnerable and still stepped forward, someone who shared not just my fears, but now my hopes too.The shift from our intimate moment to a sudden surge of urgency was jarring but not unexpected—not with everything on the line. As he looked at me with a mix of amusement and disbelief, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for disrupting the rare peace we had found in each other's arms. His hand fell from my face as I moved away, caught up in the implications of what Polly had mentioned."No! Polly talked about a car Jason had stashed for them down Route 40 near some sign??" I tried to explain, my words tumbling out hastily as I paced towards the window, glancing outside as if I could see the solution waiting for us in the darkness. The reality of Jason's mysterious car could be a breakthrough, a piece of the puzzle that had eluded us, potentially vindicating Polly or plunging us deeper into the labyrinth of the town’s secrets."If we can find it, we can confirm Polly’s story." I turned back to him, my determination setting in. My investigative drive continuously surged to the forefront in times like this, overpowering even the most personal moments. I could see the realization settling in his eyes; he knew this was how it had to be, at least for now."One way or another," he echoed, his voice firm, yet there was a hint of something else—perhaps disappointment. I knew this wasn't what he wanted—to be pulled back into another mystery just when we'd found a moment's respite in each other's company.I can’t say I wasn’t bothered that this took precedence over our moment, but this was Betty. That thought echoed in my mind, reminding me painfully of the balancing act I was constantly engaged in—between the person I wanted to be for him and the responsibilities that seemed to claim me time and again.As I eyed him with an empowering and burdensome resolve, I understood the conflict within him. It was a reflection of my own. Here he was, standing in my room, a witness to the chaos that was my life, choosing to stay when it would have been easier to step back. His willingness to dive into the depths with me, to face whatever horrors or truths we might uncover together, only deepened the affection I felt for him, tangled as it was with the complexities of our lives.“This is important,” I finally said, meeting his eyes. “Not just for Polly, but for all of us.” I reached out, touching his arm gently, a silent plea for understanding. “Thank you for being here, for being part of this, even when it’s messy.”When I spoke his nickname, the urgency in my voice softened a stark contrast to the enthusiasm of our earlier conversation. "I need to know, Juggie." The word lingered between us, familiar yet weighted with a new significance. His nickname, a term of endearment that only I used, seemed to draw a line around us, enclosing us in our own little world amidst the chaos.His eyes met mine, searching for affirmation. I could see the slight hesitation, the readiness to jump into whatever mess we were about to uncover, tempered by a concern for what it might do to us. The sweetness in my voice wasn't just for reassurance—it was a reminder of the bond we shared that went beyond Riverdale's mysteries and darkness.As he stammered out his agreement, "Then let’s go," it was more than just a commitment to follow Polly's clue—it was a pledge to stick by each other, no matter what we found.My heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and dread. The investigation was a path fraught with unknowns, but having him by my side made it bearable, even empowering. The way he said, "Let’s go," wasn’t just about setting out to find a car; it was about moving forward together, tackling whatever challenges lay ahead with a united front.As we prepared to leave, I felt a surge of gratitude for his unwavering support. His presence was a constant in my life, a steady force amid the ever-changing tides. The nickname 'Juggie' was a small thing, but it symbolized so much more—it was about intimacy, trust, and a shared history that only we understood."I’m glad you’re here," I said quietly as we gathered our things, my hand brushing his arm lightly. "Really, I am." The smile he gave me then was all the reassurance I needed. Therefore love moderately; long love doth so; Too swift arrives as tardy as too slowToo swift arrives as tardy as too slow

Everyoɴe ιѕ мy тoy

06/10/2024 03:39 PM 

Current mood:  adored

you can always in roleplays torture, kill, kidnap, ruin Felix in anyway you want to. So don't hold back on the torture or anything else you want to do with him

♛Sugar Belle,

06/10/2024 02:01 PM 


Hey there! I'm Celia Rae Foot. It's good to makeyour aquaintence. I'm a really nice gal from SugarDitch Mississippi, and moved to Jackson when I gotmarried. Anyway, I'm not as bad as Hilly Hollbrooksays. Just thought I'd come down to say hey! Anddon't worry this pie is just a regular apple pie if ya'dlike a slice. My maid is a great cook! Hope to hearfrom ya soon. 


06/10/2024 01:21 PM 

Optional Task 500

Somehow, someway Rowena had found herself as the only person in Hartsville. Everyone else had vanished. Just poof, and gone. Rowena was going to have a lot of fun with this. Rowena walked through town in a very small bikini, one that definitely shouldn’t have been on her body. She was chugging from a bottle of bourbon, and nobody could say a damn thing. She played rock music from her phone obnoxiously loud before heading into Buck Wild. She got up on the platform and began dancing seductively to an empty room. This was something her brothers would never allow if they were around. But they weren’t so they couldn’t do a damn thing. After a while she went behind the bar and made different cocktails for herself, adding extra alcohol simply because she could. There was no sticking to measures here. She went into the office and changed the background of the computer to some ridiculous looking dog in a hat. She then went to her brothers placed and moved everything around, so he would be extremely confused when he got back. She then did the same to Rebecca’s place. Just a little harmless fun. 

illicit affairs

06/10/2024 11:46 PM 

Audition Form

If you have read the rules and signed them accordingly, then please fill out the audition for and send it back the completed for to us via messages, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via message and the staff will get back to you when they are available.   OOC Questions: How long have you been roleplaying in general? Have you ever been a part of the twilight verse before? Rate your activity level between 1 - 10 (10 being the highest) this does not affect our audition in any way: For you What is the most important part of being in an RPG?: Have you seen the all the movies? :Have you read all the books?:Are you in any RPG's at the moment, if so which ones?: IC Questions ​​​​​Name of Character: Playby: Age of Character: Species: Please give a brief explanation of your character, in your own words:Please provide a sample with a minium of 3 well written paragraphs, this must be in the character you are auditioning for unless otherwise stated. 


06/10/2024 11:36 PM 


The Last Person In Hartsville Bowie woke up early like she always did and went for a run with her dog Baxter. Hardly anyone was ever around when she went for a run. People enjoyed their sleep far too much to be up before the sun. She normally ran into a couple of people though, early rising workers starting their day. Only today she hadn’t seen them. She just assumed they were sick. After her run she returned home and showered and got herself ready. She made a coffee and some breakfast and turned on the news channel but she was met with a black screen. Bowie was extremely confused. The weather girl was normally doing the local weather somewhere in Hartsville, but not today. Bowie figured there must be a problem with the channel and shrugged it off and went to work. As she was driving through town it was very quiet, eerily quiet. There was nobody. “How is this possible?” She asked herself. Getting out of her car she tried different establishments but everything was locked and not a single person was inside. It was the same with the cafe. Bowie tried calling her friends but nothing. She went to the hospital and nobody was there. Now that wasn’t possible. Returning home she sat at the table with a glass of bourbon, thinking over everything. None of this could be real. What if it was some stupid joke... it wasn’t April 1st... but it still could be. “Ah screw it” Bowie said to herself. Bowie removed her clothes and walked back into town. The supermarket was still open so she walked through the supermarket and did her shopping. Drinking from the carton and eating things as she went around. She didn’t pay, bagged everything up and went on her way. Next up was skinny dipping in the lake, before a stroll through the park. 

illicit affairs

06/10/2024 09:54 PM 


  We at Illicit affairs are a Twilight based rpg, we would like to see the verse thrive once more, we not only accept non canon characters, but we also accept genederbent characters from Twilight reimagined . Please read the rules before auditioning.   ACTIVITY: We do expect for you to be active, as much as possible, as we would like to see this rpg thrive and help us in our quest to bring back the twilight verse to its former glory. We have a few things we would like for you to do for the rpg. We aren't going to force anyone to do anything, but 1x1s are on your time, we will have monthly drabbles and group storylines for you to do on here and on discord. Be sure to do one post of each and at the end of the month there will be a check. Please keep in mind we are a rpg so we want to be active. We understand real life is important, just let us know! DRAMA: We all know this rule, please no drama in the rpg, chat etc, we will remove you, before that, we'd like to talk first to get to the bottom of things. If you start any kind of drama you'll be given a warning. Do not bully people or judge people by who they love or race, we do not talk about politics etc...if you have a problem with someone or something? Talk to us let us know! Don't be afraid to reach out. ACCOUNTS: We'd love to see our rpg grow and expand also we'd like for people to add on accounts in the near future! If you would like to have more than one account? You'll have to meet your activity first! The first one for second accounts you'll at least need storylines and a Drabble, third account storylines drabble and group storylines and so on for third accounts. You'll need to make sure that you keep up with everything you owe have a owes list done etc...please make sure that the stuff will be done before the checks, if not, you can always do your previous owes from the last month for the new month if you haven't done it. You can have an account for only just this rpg because we want to avoid drama from other rpgs. FACE CLAIM: When it comes to major characters we at illicit affairs would prefer if you used the actor/actress cast in the movies but we will also alllow you to use a secondary face claim if you so wish to do some, when it comes to the more minor roles/ characters we don't mind if you use a completely different face claim, and not stick to the actor/actress of they appear in the movies.GROUP STORYLINES: We will be doing group storylines for the rpg there will be a specific storyline for here and we will have discord and writing link for it as well! We will be doing different kind of mini storylines both au and canon to the books and movies, we will have a lot of fun ideas for everyone...remember you can do it on your own time, just let us know if you want to be skipped or not join at all. And if you have a group storyline idea of your own let the stuff know before hand please. HIATUS: Please let us know you're going on hiatus don't just leave the rpg or abandon the pages you have in here, we will try to contact you if you haven't been back, if you don't answer, we will have to reopen your account, you are more than welcome to come back if you do come back. Please keep in mind rl comes first we understand completely! Do not hesitate to take a step back mental health is more important too! Just let us know or update we will understand! AUDITIONING: Please make sure to audition with the muse you started with, we don't want people changing all the time, we want others to get a chance at the roles, if you ask to change early, you won't be able to do it unless you've done your activities for the month. If you wish to change? Let us know, and we will discuss. Please do not change with out talking first. If you audition, please make sure you read the rules and sign them. If you audition and don't get accepted please respectfully accept that you been denied, but you're allowed to reaudition if you want to, if you audition as well, please make sure it's for here and not another rpg. ORIGINAL CHARACTERS: We accept original characters, but we advice you to use someone different. It depends on who is using cannon faces, but we want to make sure no one gets upset for you using them. We understand shows have the same faces, also please make sure your role fits with in the multi verses we have, we don't want to make people feel left out, also make sure to do your own bio etc...we don't want people copying off each other. Please also if you're doing an oc role, be sure to ask if it's okay to for siblings or family members of cannon or minor roles. MULTIPLE CHARACTERS:  You are allowed more than one character within the rpg, but you must be active for least a month before asking to bring in another character, if you are already roleplaying a major role we ask that you consider roleplaying a minor role or possibly creating your own character if you prefer.,ie: For you are roleplaying Bella maybe you might consider take on the role of Kate or Victoria? DISCORD: We will be using discord for most of the events and rp, but we are also going to do site stuff too, but if you want more participation, discord is the way to go, we will be doing a lot of fun things and you can chat and hang out with your friends and write there too as well. We will do a lot of fun things and it will keep the interest going. REQUIERMENTS: We are not asking for a lot, just try to be active and participating in rpg things, you don't have to rush or do anything right away, but on your own time. At least 1x1 are mandatory, that can be in the form of either a starter or a reply, Weekly & monthly prompts, Drabbles, group storylines are not mandatory. Once you have read the rules and are ready to audition please, leave a gif in the comments of the person you are auditioning for or if you are on your phone leave a comment of the name of the character you are auditioning for along with your favourite quote from the saga . 


06/09/2024 10:32 PM 


where the— neon lives Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris luctus pulvinar augue accumsan pretium. Cras imperdiet nulla sit amet leo sagittis, vel varius est vestibulum. Nam sodales ante at odio semper fermentum. Phasellus suscipit nec ex efficitur ullamcorper. Vestibulum at ultricies quam. Nulla in neque scelerisque, facilisis arcu vitae, vestibulum erat. Sed vitae dolor urna. Integer commodo nunc tempus ligula cursus ultricies. Sed fringilla sem et erat aliquet consectetur. Donec quis metus neque. Aliquam in porttitor libero, ut tristique nisi. Ut mauris risus, dapibus eu mauris sed, maximus vehicula erat. Ut finibus vel purus et venenatis. Nam metus mauris, facilisis in purus ac, elementum tincidunt ipsum. Phasellus et congue lorem. Curabitur tempor eget nibh sed luctus. Aenean sed egestas lorem. Fusce ornare faucibus elit eget blandit. Integer vel nibh vel augue egestas scelerisque. Nullam metus quam, elementum in ligula eu, tincidunt venenatis orci. Vivamus dignissim justo quis eros suscipit imperdiet. Phasellus id lobortis tortor. Fusce ullamcorper venenatis vehicula. Etiam ac euismod justo. Quisque condimentum nibh quis bibendum lacinia. Duis condimentum augue at vestibulum laoreet. Praesent risus mi, vulputate sit amet luctus vel, commodo id lacus. Phasellus turpis ante, elementum in lectus nec, tincidunt faucibus dolor. Vestibulum ac erat vel neque sagittis mollis ac et odio. put a quote here or something


06/09/2024 07:06 PM 

First Blood: Reply #6 for Street Trash

But cruelty for no other reason than to be cruel? I don’t like it. I’m forever collecting strays…Bruce and I have that in common, I guess. In a way, we collected each other.Once again, Selina Kyle had unknowingly channeled the ghosts of Alfred’s lived experiences. He would have preferred to disregard further proof of how he’d misjudged her capacity for self-reflection, but collecting strays was indeed an accurate summation of young Bruce Wayne’s innate compassion. The deep well of the boy’s natural empathy, from what his legal guardian had observed throughout the first decade of Bruce’s life, surpassed even the perceived altruism of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Witnessing their murders had only intensified Bruce’s burning desire to help others, a trait Alfred did admire about his charge.That same trait could also be a source of contention between the billionaire orphan and his butler. Despite the ugliness of humanity exposed to him at an early age, the resilient Bruce Wayne still had much to learn about the world, and about trust. Serving as Bruce’s conscience through it all, Alfred Pennyworth frequently found himself questioning the lad’s reckless, impulsive decisions and lack of proper judgment.But Alfred himself had been a stray once. Thomas Wayne collected him, too.Collecting strays.She described that perfectly.Admitting such truth to Selina Kyle was as much off the table for Alfred as envisioning a time when the streetwise pickpocket and butler would come to view one another as actual friends. Showing a little kindness in her young life was one thing; she also needed structure, discipline and a strong nudge toward redemption. Alfred certainly hadn’t signed up to raise two special youngsters, after decades of purposely avoiding parenthood like the plague. Selina was not his responsibility. He’d do well to ignore the pangs of paternal instinct she awakened within him.Constantly checking his trousers and waistcoat for any missing valuables after being in her company wasn’t something he particularly relished, either. Alfred had done that very thing as they’d stepped out of the precinct, a sympathetic nod given to Jim Gordon once Alfred’s hands swept over his own pockets.He didn’t care at all for the subtle revelation that Salina was spying on Bruce’s interactions at school. If Alfred asked her to, that would, of course, be entirely different. Without his or Bruce’s prior knowledge, however, Alfred considered the invasion of privacy to be gross overstepping and a violation of personal boundaries.“Your interest in Master Bruce’s friendships and other matters that do not actually concern you is duly noted, Miss Kyle,” Alfred snapped, not bothering to repeat the name of Mayor Galavan’s niece in his refined Cockney that was, unbeknownst to Selina, far from posh. He couldn’t quite shake the nagging suspicion that something wasn’t quite right about Silver McCloud, the pretty blonde rich girl who in recent days rendered Bruce starry-eyed and distracted. Reflecting upon it months later, Alfred would curse himself for somehow allowing Galavan’s nefarious plan for Bruce Wayne and all of Gotham to fly under his radar.“As is your penchant for dropping from walls or breaking and entering as a means of avoiding proper interactions with other people.”Not responding to the reprimand, Selina instead steered the conversation back to his offer of breakfast. Suddenly she was cozying up to him with the sweetest of smiles and an arm linked around the sleeve of his suit jacket. The girl must have been starving, shedding all the brass and swagger to accept the offer of a meal in Alfred Pennyworth’s kitchen. She’d insulted his culinary gifts in the past as being too posh for her simpler taste, but now?Your cooking ain’t so bad, Jeeves. You can teach me how to make one of those Key-she things.“Right, then.” Blinking down at the new-and-improved-got-manners-for-a-fleeting-moment Selina Kyle hanging on his arm, Alfred made a mental note to recheck his pockets as he escorted her to the Rolls-Royce parked outside the GCPD. “If I can manage to get some proper food down at least one of you today, I shall take that as a win.”When they reached the car, Alfred dutifully tended to the opening of her door and made certain she was properly ensconced in the passenger seat before slipping behind the wheel. The luxury coupe, with its gunmetal exterior, four bucket seats with massage options for the front and exceptional air suspension for a smoother ride, was the sort of travel to which Alfred Pennyworth had become accustomed during his employment at Wayne Manor. But his childhood had more closely resembled Selina’s than Bruce’s in terms of transportation and finances.At least I wasn’t an orphan. But he might as well have been, if not for his dear old mum making up for all that his old man lacked.Expertly navigating the rolls through the bustling maze of downtown Gotham, Alfred pointedly avoided switching on the stereo. While he enjoyed making use of the car’s eighteen speakers for streaming his BBC programs or the occasional classical and classic rock stations, he didn’t fancy an argument with Selina over musical tastes while driving. The purr of the engine served as the soundtrack for their travels, an awkward silence occasionally interrupted by a growled oh bloody hell whenever some inattentive driver failed to use turn signals or ran a red light.Keeping to the speed limit, taking care to keep them both safe on the road, the butler’s temper threatened to show itself more than once with the idiots in traffic, indicating he could switch into another gear just as easily as the rolls should the need present itself.All the while, Alfred’s mind kept returning to Selina’s appearance, the circles under her eyes, the dismissive comments about her living conditions. He remembered viewing Reggie’s broken body after Selina pushed the deadly old turncoat out of a window to his death. He thought of Martha Wayne and her commitment to improving the lives of young girls at the Wayward House. Selina never had the fortune of meeting Bruce’s late mother, hearing only of Martha’s kindnesses later from the other girls. The memory of Selina’s description of those stories brought a deep frown to Alfred’s brow.The girl was clearly quite clever, having survived the violent streets of Gotham City mostly on her own. Alfred knew from their personal interactions that she possessed a keen intelligence. And in the past two days, he discovered she observed more about human behavior on a deeper level than he ever gave her credit for. Why didn’t her path cross with a certain woman he knew could have made a difference? Why hadn’t she been at the Wayward House where it was safe, where her friends were, friends who later told her all about Martha Wayne’s positive impact on their young lives?Where had Selina Kyle been while Bruce’s mother lived, instead of cowering in that dark alley seconds before Martha’s life ended at the side of her husband?Oh, bloody hell.“Is there no shelter you might get to, someplace safer than a box in the Narrows?” Keeping his attention on the road, Alfred allowed a quick glance at Selina’s profile beside him. That topic of conversation could be problematic with a flight risk like Selina Kyle. The coupe was accelerating toward the Kane Bridge, but how was he to know the unpredictable little feline aficionado wouldn’t jump out at forty just to avoid answering a question? The threat of her flight still wasn’t enough to keep Alfred from avoid that particular discussion. It was, in his mind at least, a valid subject under the circumstances.“Surely there are other options preferable to your current living situation, Miss Kyle. I believe we may still have Mrs. Wayne’s old rolodex. I could make some calls after lunch, see about getting you someplace safer tonight, ey?”Alfred knew a fine line existed between accepting a rare, unsolicited offer of help and guarding one’s pride. She could accept or refuse, that much was beyond Alfred’s control. Neither was under any obligation to the other. Yet still he defied logic and his own sanity and sense by addressing the matter aloud.I must be mad. Mad as a bloody hatter. She’s trouble this one. But she’s also just a child.He could almost feel Martha’s smile.Almost.  created by creativian


06/09/2024 12:44 PM 

House Tour | Monthly Task 01

Home is where Nova feels the most safe. She has spent a long time perfecting every room to her favor. The home is a two-story apartment in Logan Circle. She was lucky enough to snag such a spacious abode. It's full of natural light, perfect for someone hiding from the dark. Her favorite room, though, would be the spare room. She converted it into her office and library. The plants bring joy and color into her day as she sits at her computer to go through emails and utilizes her drawing pad to work on rough drafts for her clients. Directly across, she has floor-to-ceiling bookshelves with more books than she will ever possibly read, but it brings her comfort to be surrounded by them. The large windows provide her with all the natural light her heart desires, and the armchair is the comfy throne she needs to get lost in another world.


06/09/2024 06:40 PM 

[Introduction to the real Amy]

Born Amy Jade Winehouse on September 14th, 1983, in the London neighbourhood of Southgate, Amy impacted the music industry unlike any other during the dawn of the 21st century. She disliked the music she heard on the radio; it angered her. Her debut album, Frank, took off when she was just shy of twenty years old, with the help of hip-hop producer Salaam Remi. It sold millions of copies but limited Amy's popularity in the United Kingdom and parts of Europe. It was a level of fame she was more than okay with handling. It wouldn't be until the album that followed Frank that her life would change forever.So, she began writing her own. Lady Gaga, Adele, Sia, and many other female vocalists credit Amy for their success. When Back To Black was issued to the United States in 2007, a year ahead of its UK release, it reached #1 in dozens of countries worldwide. Its top single, "Rehab", was played everywhere. It was like nothing else at the time; it was a fusion of R&B, soul, and jazz that had never been heard. It is a homage to Motown and 1960s girl groups with a modern touch. Then, the music industry began seeking young female talents like Amy.This reiteration I am writing is set around 2007. Hardcore drugs had not entered her lifestyle yet, and neither did her infamous old flame, Blake Fielder-Civil, who married her and took part in her downfall but used his wife's riches to feed his drug addictions and bringing her down with him by acquainting her with heroin and crack cocaine. The superstar's life put immense pressure on Amy, and her control freak of a husband added more. He cut her off from her friends and family, and none attended the wedding; they were just Blake's friends.In real life, she did pass away on July 23rd, 2011, at the young age of twenty-seven. Contrary to popular belief, she had been sober of crack and heroin for three years. However, it was her alcoholism and malnutrition caused by her eating disorders that led to her accidental death from alcohol poisoning. Unfortunately, a reckless soul like Amy could not go without being looked after for two days. She was recording her third album, which was never finished, and a few tracks appeared on the posthumous record Lioness: Hidden Treasures. Amy was not just a music icon but a fashion icon. Her immaculate tattoos, exaggerated winged eyeliner, cat-eye, wild beehive wigs, occasionally androgynous fashion sense, and outspoken attitude would leave their mark. Her music was purely about her personal experiences with life and relationships, told in whole truths, which didn't sit well with some for a singer to hang out their dirty laundry. Talents like Adele did better commercially because they were less honest and accurate than Amy.So far, writing stories about what her life could been had it made a more positive turn is an exciting experience. Sometimes, I forget she left the world over a decade ago and would have been forty years old in 2023.Unfortunately, the biopic released in 2024 did not show a precise perspective of Amy Winehouse. I was very disappointed that the film focused too much on her demons (primarily her abusive relationship with the infamous Blake Fielder-Civil), made the men who failed her look good (such as her father and her husband, Blake), and had little focus on her music. There are also too many fictitious bits and inaccurate events. Crucial people in Amy's life were left out or barely touched upon. Her best friend Tyler James only had one short scene; Mark Ronson, who produced Back To Black, was left out. Nick Shymansky, her first manager, is just kind of an a**hole instead of her good friend like he was in real life. The whole thing infuriated me. It was a cash grab, plain and simple. The idea of an Amy Winehouse biopic, in general, is tasteless. She was exploited enough throughout her life. To top it off, she is a difficult person to portray well.

celebrities, alternate universes, singers, musicians, females


06/09/2024 03:56 PM 

Intro <3

➽ Well then I guess you never cared﹒⠀🕊「 ✦ Rina — she / her / hers -- 23 ✦ 」「 ✦ hello!! My name is Rina and I am seeking out 1x1 rp writing partners! I normally enjoy m x (me) f, and that is my preference. I am a novella style writer, with the occasional literate - semi literate. I have roleplayed for over 11 years, and always had a knack for long-term sessions. Now I mainly play dnd and other style games, but have been wanting to get back into writing a story and creating a fun time with my partners.  ✦ 」- Romance - fantasy - medieval - angst- college life- slice of life- Original characters- historical (dukes, lords, lady's etc.) These are my main genres, but I am open to most any concept and would love to hear you're idea's.Please ask me for my ABSOLUTE NO's list. Other than that, if you want to roleplay a trigger heavy plot, just let me know what the triggers pertain. Im okay with smut roleplays as long as that isnt the main theme. I want to be able to do the whole, sharing playlist, creating Pinterest boards, and really getting into our characters and story. I want to go the 9 yards, so if you are seeking a partner like that, please feel free to message me. Yes, I do have a discord! I roleplay there as well, but if you prefer here I don't mind at all. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ᴺᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸᶦⁿᵍ; [ Shinunoga E-wa by fujii Kaze ]1:07 ——◦———— -4:05 ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯


𝓡𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚠 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝓮

06/08/2024 11:35 PM 

Written In The Stars - Drabble

Aurora Waverly Stackhouse, affectionately called “Rory” or ‘Rora” by her friends, was the daughter of Bon Temp’s very own Sookie Stackhouse. Don't ask who her father is, Waverly has no idea and every time the subject is brought up Sookie will avoid it like the plague. From the moment Aurora was born, Sookie had made the conscious decision to keep the truth from her, to hide the Faerie within her. If anything, Sookie was hoping that it would keep Aurora safe but really it just made life complicated for herself. You see, Faerie children, even those that are half, begin to manifest their abilities throughout their childhood usually starting around age five. That was roughly when Aurora slowly began to listen in on other people's thoughts. Aurora just thought it was something everyone could do, it came as naturally as breathing to her. As she got older, she slowly came to the realization that she was anything but normal. Sookie spent her time hiding each new ability that Aurora presented, coming up with ways to logically explain different things that happened… but on the night it was Aurora’s twenty-second birthday, there was no denying the powers that manifested.  December 25th 2021 The night had started out like any other, Aurora sighed softly as chocolate hues watched out the window of Merlotte’s Bar & Grill patiently waiting for the night to come to an end. As much as she loved the fact that she had a job, working on your birthday wasn't exactly what she had in mind. “If you’ve got time to lean young lady you’ve got time to clean... Com’ on, the sooner we get this done, the sooner you can go home” Aurora’s Aunt Arlene said, giving her a gentle pat on the back. Despite the name on the Bar and Grill, Arlene Bellfuer and her husband Terry were now the owners of the bar. They had kept the place floating when Sam and most of the original staff had to leave during the pandemic. They had been hurting so badly for help, that Sookie offered up Aurora in her place. Rory didn't mind, she loved her Aunt Arlene and this gave her an excuse to leave the house. Aurora loved her mother, but the leash she had been holding onto so tightly was beginning to choke her. “I know Aunty, I'll get started on the pool table area,” Aurora said with a small smile as she grabbed a rag and headed over to clean.Four very annoying hours later and Aurora was finally getting off the clock. Arlene and Terry wished her goodnight as she walked the bag of trash over to the dumpsters. With a small frustrated grunt, she lifted the bag and tossed it in listening for it to hit the bottom with a smash. A small cringe came from her at the sound, broken glass had always been one of those sounds Aurora couldn't stand. Shutting the lid she grabbed the purél hand sanitizer from her purse and started over toward her mother's yellow Honda Civic circa 1981. Aurora was honestly surprised the damn thing even still ran, it was well past its prime and she would be lucky if she could get it started on the first try. ‘snap’ the sound of a branch crunching behind her made the blonde stop in her tracks. She brushed the loose bits of her golden hair back behind her ear as chocolate hues searched around her. “Hello? Is someone there?” She asked, turning so her back was facing the car. Subtly her free hand began reaching for the pepper spray her mother had given her when she first started working at the bar. ‘Can never be too careful, even the nicest man can be turned into a fool once that liquor is in his system' her mother would always say.“get in the car” a soft whispered voice carried by her ear. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end as she took slow deep breaths. The only sound in the air was the sound of her heart beating rapidly in her chest. The pounding in her ears made it incredibly hard to focus as her body entered that 'fight or flight’ mode. ‘Flight’ won her over and without much hesitation she quickly turned and grabbed the door handle only to be yanked back and tossed across the parking lot. Aurora let out a pained scream as she flew across the gravel landing on her back. The wind knocked out of her as she tried to catch her breath, no human man should have been able to toss her like that.“F u c k i n g  vampires..” She grumbled under her breath before quickly pushing to her feet. Chocolate hues watched the half-crazed vampire as it seemed to be fighting with itself on whether or not it wanted to attack Aurora. Its eyes landed on the blood that trickled down the side of Aurora’s head from where she had kissed the gravel a few moments ago. Another round of panic set in as Aurora quickly wiped it away. “Do NOT come any closer or I swear to god” Aurora said as she held up the pepper spray. It was at that moment that Aurora noticed her hands began to brighten, light danced across her fingertips, and slowly began to creep up her arms. The only way to describe it was as if the galaxy itself had begun to wash over her tiny frame. As if the stars knew she was special and needed to be protected. The light in her palms began to brighten, and Aurora couldn't help but drop the pepper spray. “What are you?” The vampire asked as it watched in disbelief. “I'm a waitress..” Aurora said with a small smirk. She moved on instinct and allowed every ounce of energy she had to flow from her body to her hands. everything moved in slow motion as the light brightened so much it looked like Aurora had gone Supernova. The impact of her light not only tossed the vampire back, but it actually set him on fire. The force of her power slightly knocked her back on her a s s once more as she watched in utter disbelief. The light that had once brightened her entire frame slowly faded until it was completely out. “What the actual f u c k was that?!” Aurora squealed, kicking her legs as she scrambled to get back to her feet, looking at her hands. The golden-haired beauty for the first time remembered she was still outside the bar, and almost instantly looked around to see if anyone else had seen her. With a small sigh of relief she grabbed her purse and booked it back over to the car, starting it (thankfully on the first try) she slammed on the gas pedal and started toward her house. Her mother had so much explaining to do.

𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓦𝓪𝓲𝓯

06/08/2024 09:03 PM 


LoveLouise and Lestat, they were quite the couple. A match made in heaven or maybe hell, depending on the day of course. Sometimes the lovers had good days and other terrible ones filled with arguments, screaming, and throwing things. But through it all, they had each other. And the beginning of each morning they kissed, made their peace and sometimes even shared a coffin. They were in love.󠀠 How does it work? Love between two men? Claudia once asked Louis simply out of her innocent curiosity and the oddity of their current family situation. Happily, almost bashfully, Louis answered back just as simply. It works like love. That answer never really settled well with Claudia. Love? She had never truly known love before being turned. Her mother and aunt hadn't been married. While her mother had been kind to her she was never sure it was out of love. Her aunt had never been kind to her, there was no mistake of love there. The first time she had seen love, considered, was with her parents.When she had first been turned, when she was still just a child she'd giggle when she saw them grab for each other, or when she walked in on an awkward moment of them kissing. Seeing her parents happy was what made her happy. However, as she grew and began to understand the gravity of their relationship. That beneath the surface it wasn't as warm as she thought it was her perception of love began to change.When she was young she wanted to have love like Louis and Lestat. To find a mate and to be happy. But when she began to understand the dynamic more she wanted it less and less. It wasn't that she wanted love less, she wanted a love of her own, one less toxic than that of her parents. When she had met Charlie she had found that. Oh he was the sweetest man she had ever met. And he was handsome! He drove her mind, body, and heart wild with desire and love! She assumed it was that passion that led to his demise. That night there in his carriage. If she had just taken more care, had more control of herself! .. It was the past now though.With Charlie gone, Claudia had never felt so disconnected from life itself. And it didn't help to be surrounded by her parents. The turmoil of their relationship only pushed her further away. One moment they'd be like lovesick fools, the next at each other's throats. Sometimes nowadays she preferred them that way, arguing. Because to see them happy stirred a jealousy in her, a dark streak of herself she didn't care for.One night she casually strolled up the stairs of the home she shared with her parents. No longer did she skip or run around the house. She did give a little knock, however, as she always had, to alert them she was coming.Before going to her own room she stepped into theirs to say goodnight, kiss her Daddy Lou goodnight, and give some sort of nod to Lestate. She stopped in the doorway though when she noticed her parents kissing, sharing an intimate moment. She should have felt happy, to see them this way. But instead, all that bubbled inside her little chest was rage.Hadn't they heard her knock? Well.. Louis hadn't. Lestat on the other hand broke the kiss and turned to meet Claudia's gaze giving a small smirk. He had wanted her to catch them stealing this moment. Louis cleared his throat and tried to pretend like what had just happened hadn't. "Claudia.. ready for coffin babe?" He asked. Louis expected Claudia to kiss him goodnight as she usually did but tonight she only nodded. "... Night Daddy Lou.. Lestat." She said, his name a bit colder as she left the room.Alone in her own room she slammed her door, drew the curtains, shut the lights out, and then crawled into her coffin, closing the lid. She hated Lestat. Part of her hated Louis too. Why? Why did they have each other and she had no one? Just the memory of a lost love and his bloodied shirt she had kept. Sniffling and stifling back her tears Claudia cried herself to sleep, clutching the bloodie shirt of Charlie, still able to smell his lingering scent. It was all she had of him.󠀠Claudia. Unlike Louis and Lestat she was alone in this long life sentence she had been given. Sometimes Claudia resented her parents. Lestat for not being a better mentor, she blamed him for Charlie's death. And Louis, he was a sucker when it came to Lestat. He said jump, Louis would ask how high. Something needed to change between this trio. Something needed to break this family apart. And soon, very soon, something would. Claudia would finally get revenge, and a life worth living. template credit.

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06/08/2024 12:17 PM 

banned playbys

No admittance to playbys of any Nathaniel Buzolic characters, both Kol and otherwise OC's (especially if they can't even manage to spell the name correctly and clearly can't write with the slightest attestation to punctuation) nor any using Ben Barnes, the combined despicable behavior of a multitude using those two pbs will no longer be tolerated on my page. No mirrors admitted, do not inquire further with me pertaining to any of the pb's listed here. This will be updated as perceived necessary by me and, no, I don't need to explain why for any of the pbs listed. It's been made amply clear over the course of several years that none are worth allowing onto my page from their own behavior, not mine.

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