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03/21/2024 12:05 AM 

Human Nature - Intro

Human Nature
Lionheart /1878498
There was something about watching sunrise on the back of a horse on your own ranch. The man wearing the cowboy hat the color of maple syrup was already a tall drink of water when he wasn't sitting on the back of a horse he lovingly called Baby. The Bull Moose Ranch was owned and operated by Sam Winchester. A lot of hard work went into this ranch that sat on 150 acres on the Riverdale city limits sign. As a matter of fact, when one drove into Riverdale, the most used route, they passed the Bull Moose Ranch.

Everyone loved Sam. Sam often hired folks who were down and out to come and work on his ranch. He gave them plenty of hard work and a fair wage. Mayor Grayson Gilbert to Sam for what he did on the Ranch. Sam didn't care about awards. He just did what he did because it was the right thing to do.

Even now, the sun began to peek up over the horizon. Sam was a sensitive man who always felt speechless when he watched the sunrise. The beauty of a new day was always overwhelming for a brief moment, but Sam always gathered his wits about him and continued onward with his daily chores. The sound of his Australian shepherd Riot yawning and scratching next to him usually brought him back into the present from his worship of nature in the wee hours of the morning. Sam chuckled as he looked down at Riot. He nudged Baby's ribs and started toward the dairy side of the ranch.

The Bull Moose Ranch had plenty of horses who were in several corrals being tended to by the people who worked for him. The more profitable side of the ranch was the dairy. Last count, Sam had 2370 cows on the farm, several bulls and a couple hundred calves. They were the largest supplier of milk and dairy products to Riverdale. Unfortunately, there had been a problem with the cows lately. Some time during the night cows were beginning to be slaughtered. Witnesses were reporting strange lights on the Ranch followed by the sounds of cows mooing in distress. Left behind was something straight out of a horror movie.

There was an ethereal glow coming from one of his fields where his cattle were grazing. In the same direction as the glow, Sam noticed a group of cows who were obviously upset. “Not again!” Sam grumbled as he rode harder. He climbed down off his horse and ran toward the scene. He stopped short when he saw another one. She was mutilated with almost surgical precision leaving no blood behind. Various internal organs were missing including her tongue. Sam took off his hat and ran his hand through his hair.

He put his hat back on his head. Pulling out his cell phone. He knew it was too early to get anyone out here to help him, but hopefully they'd be here soon enough. “It happened again. I don't know what the hell is happening. Get out here as soon as you can. I'll tell the house where I am and what's happening. They'll bring you here in the truck. God, this is a mess.” Sam sighed before disconnecting the call.

It was going to take a while to calm down the other cows. Sam had heard plenty of wild talk about aliens being behind the cows being slaughtered. He tended not to believe these crazy conspiracy theories. There had to be a more plausible theory as to what was happening. Sam was just ready for it all to stop.
"Not all those who wander are lost;" - JRR Tolkien
credit: james kriet

11/29/2023 01:12 AM 

Girl Interrupted

Girl Interrupted
Lionheart /1878498
Att: Meg and Cas

Lucifer was quite happy to see that Meg remembered part of who she was. This was definitely a step in the right direction. When she was able to make such drastic changes right in front of him he feigned surprise at first, but the mask soon fell away. Sure he looked like Sam Winchester on the outside but deep inside he was all fallen Archangel.

Instead of sitting in his chair next to her he slowly stood to his full height which in the case of Sam Winchester as a meat suit was pretty tall. Lucifer had always counted her as one of his favorite demons. She was always so coolly efficient and right on point. He listened to her as she ranted about jello which made him actually giggle. He sounded quite silly giggling like a little boy.

“So, what do ya say, doc, am I certifiably crazy?”

He paused dramatically just waiting to see if she could read him just yet. Something was keeping her from seeing who he really was and that bothered him. “ what do you say Meg, wanna go for a walk with me?” It was definitely something out of the ordinary but it was something that he needed to do. ostensibly with her specialist beside her, no one would try to stop them. Perhaps it was something about this place that was affecting her. The only way to see for sure would be to get her the hell away from here.

Logically she had no reason to trust him. She just proclaimed herself insane to him and he wanted to walk around the block with her? Who was more crazy here? Lucifer knew exactly what he was doing. He took a few steps toward the door and extended his hand. He had the most friendly smile on his face that he could imagine all in an effort to get Meg to trust him. If she listened to her heart of hearts, then maybe she knew who he really was.

Once he convinced Meg to follow him they took the path that led to the gardens outside. there was a lovely butterfly statue there that Lucifer knew would catch the attention of a certain someone. When he saw his little brother Castiel, Lucifer couldn’t help but smile wider. Castiel seemed to have a blank look on his face. This was concerning to Lucifer. He had to find out if the same spell that was affecting Meg was affecting Castiel as well.

If Castiel was in his right mind he might recognize the fact that Lucifer was wearing Sam Winchester’s body. That could prove to be a problem. He had to speak softly just as he did with Meg to try and get his little brother to look at him. “Well hello there friend. Would it be OK if my friend Meg and I sat beside you?”

He had another dual purpose in mind here as well. Would Meg recognize Castiel? He knew the two had an unusually close bond for an Angel and a demon. Was it enough to break both of them free?


The longer Lucifer was in control, the more Sam was lost. In his own little corner of his soul, Sam was reading everything he could about magical forces that could affect angels and demons. Perhaps in his own way he knew what Lucifer was doing and was trying to help. Sam was exceptionally close to Castiel and he had a fondness for Meg as odd as it may seem. Was he really not running the show after all or was he more sly than anyone could have imagined?
"Not all those who wander are lost;" - JRR Tolkien
credit: james kriet

10/26/2023 08:58 AM 

Girl Interrupted

Girl Interrupted
Lionheart /1878498
Meg looked right at him and still didn't see who it was behind the face of Sam Winchester. His sickly sweet smile was accompanied by those dimples that made so many girls fawn at the feet of Sam Winchester. "No, I'm not your regular doctor. I'm a specialist. I was called in just to see you Ms Masters." He touched his fingertips together for the moment. "You can just refer to me as Nick."

Nicholas Scratch was an old name Lucifer had gone by while inhabiting the vessels of other previous perfect hosts. This Nick fellow wasn't from this century. He was from the 18th Century. After getting out of the cage for a season, Lucifer found this poor sap tired of Puritans and all their religious restrictions. Lucifer was in a former nunnery like this one when poor ol' Nick was gone. It was 200 years until this little boy had been born to serve him like he was doing right now.

He was definitely not the actual Sam Winchester. Sam was just window dressing. Lucifer found it comforting to know that residing in his perfect vessel made for an excellent disguise. It's too bad Meg doesn't really recognize him. Lucifer brushed it off as interference from Castiel at first, but he started to realize something else was at play here.

Lucifer dressed all in white wearing Sam's face stepped out into the hall for just a moment. An eager young nurse came to his call with Meg's chart in hand. She was so eager to please without any sort of idea who he truly was. This was totally brilliant. He began to speed read the chart. Archangels had certain perks that an average demon or angel didn't. This was one of them.

He paced around while keeping his eyes on the chart. He wasn't sure what it was saying but given that Moose had a brilliant mind, Lucifer was able to pick it and understand the nonsense on the page. "So tell me dear. Who do you insist you are? I'd really like to hear your story." He folded the chart in half, closing it in the process.

Normally in a situation like this, he'd sit on his throne in hell and just bring out his pet dog Crowley for the amusement factor. Nothing beat making the loud mouthed Crossroads Demon grovel… This time needed to not let his mind wander. If something was keeping Meg from her true sardonic self, he wanted to know about it.

Given that he was currently two in one was possibly the deciding factor in why he wasn't completely engulfed in whatever spell that was holding them all hostage. Lucifer wanted Meg back and he wanted to know what was causing this strife. If he wasn't causing strife, Lucifer usually was damn sure enjoying it.

Someone was messing with Meg and he was going to find out who. He hid his anger well as he listened to Meg. He had to have a clear head to try and reason this all out in the first place. He was cunning and he was a trickster. He'd taught his little brother Gabriel everything he knew after all.


Deep within the psyche of Sam Winchester, he was none the wiser for what was going on around him. He thought he was just reading up on some lore about demons and what sort of powers could affect them just for a case. He didn't focus on what the case was. He just knew he had to find all he could on the subject. It looked to him like he was merely reading at The Bunker.

Lucifer was clever. Sam was seeing just what Lucifer wanted him to see. He was absolutely none the wiser.

, .
"Not all those who wander are lost;" - JRR Tolkien
credit: james kriet

09/21/2023 09:01 AM 

The Reaping [intro]

The Reaping
Lionheart /1878498
It wasn't often that he did this. Sam Winchester took one of the extra cars from the bunker and took off to meet someone. Normally he'd leave word with Dean where he was going or Cas would be there to inquire in his own indomitable fashion as to what was happening and what Sam was doing. He was heading to New Orleans and he was going by himself.

It wasn't the first time he'd been to the Big Easy and he was sure it wouldn't be the last. After spending the better part of the day driving, he pulled into town at night. The lights of the French Quarter weed twinkling almost like the stars above. He tried his best to blend in with the crowds but given how tall he was, that was a near impossibility. Up ahead in an area that some called The Cauldron, he saw her. Rowena MacLeod was sitting there at a table by one of the cafés sipping tea. She made eye contact with him and waved him over.

The Scottish Witch and Sam had a unique relationship. As many times as she died and came back from the dead, they both knew that the one who would kill her permanently was going to be Sam himself. The problem was, unlike Crowley, Sam liked Rowena. "Samuel! Have a seat lad!" She pointed to the chair across from her.

"You were pretty explicit in your message. I was to come alone and Tell no one where I was going." Sam took a seat. He didn't actually trust that Rowena wasn't setting him up for a fall but with his puppy dog eyes, he could actually get Rowena to tell him the truth any time he asked.

"Aye! That I did. There is a bit of a problem that I need your help with, Samuel. Your brother would be too quick to shoot first and ask questions later. But there is a problem that I can't handle on my own." She sipped her tea once more. "I've been instructing a young lady here in New Orleans in the art of witchcraft. Three days ago, I went to her home to find her, and Ah couldnae. She was gone."

Sam furrowed her brow. "You don't need me, you need the police." He told her before starting to get up. She rested her hand on his and just quietly looked at him. "Go on."

"Thank you." She inhaled sharply gathering her wits about her. "There is a very special magic here in New Orleans. It's referred to as Ancestral Magic. Are you familiar with it Samuel?"

"The Principle of Ancestral Magic, yes." He thought for a moment before his eyes opened wider. "Do they have the Harvest here in New Orleans?" He asked. He was a voracious reader of any books he could get his hands in even as a child. When they gained access to the Bunker, he began to read everything. He knew about Ancestral Magic and he knew about The Harvest. It was barbaric and he would be glad to help put it out of business.

"Aye, they do. Now you understand why I called you here." She reached into her bag and pulled a picture of a brunette out of there. She slid it over to Sam. "Her name is Heather Callahan. I'm afraid she might have been *chosen* to be a harvest girl."

Sam took the picture and studied it. She was a pretty brunette with big blue eyes. She'd been smiling in this picture. It was obviously taken during better days. "I'll find her, Rowena. I promise." In the process of the search, he would do what he could to stop the Harvest.
"Not all those who wander are lost;" - JRR Tolkien
credit: james kriet

08/27/2023 05:48 PM 

Seal 666 [post 2]

Seal 666
Lionheart /1878498
Att: Dean, Buffy, Charlie and Castiel

Castiel was anything if not efficient. Sam knew that first hand. Having the Slayer finally back from the dead and now Charlie here meant that the show was finally about to get on the road. “HI yeah… Dean can take you to get some clothes.” He told Buffy a bit overanxious about everything starting to fall into their lap. He knew that Dean would give him lip about taking the blonde going for clothes, but he’d have to deal with it. After all, they’d just dug up her grave and Sam was absolutely filthy.

Charlie was rightfully pissed and Sam didn’t blame her. “I’m sorry Charlie, I wouldn’t have asked Cas to get you if it wasn’t. Turns out that Hell is about to open wide up and vomit on the face of the earth basically. The lore says something about Hellmouths? That sort of thing is your area of expertise I’m assuming.” Sam looked to Buffy. “I’ve never met a Slayer before, so I don’t exactly know what you do.”

Sam knew that Cas would likely drop him in a deep ditch if he asked him for a little more help than he already had. “Charlie, according to what I found out back at the bunker, we’re going to need to go to Denver. I hate splitting up from Dean, but given the severity of the situation, we’re going to have to. We’ll have a better chance and stopping whateever it is that is unlocking the Hellmouths. It’s pretty obvious that our side has allies because this whole thing is huge. It’s bigger than anything we’ve ever encountered. Sam inhaled sharply. “After this is all over, we’ll find that Hermoine cosplayer for you, even if I have to drive you around myself.”

It wasn’t even a debatable point. Sam knew that Dean would take Baby. He’d have to have another method of transportation to get to Denver. The airport was the next logical step. They knew enough scams to pay for any sort of plane ticket or even a taxi ride to the airport. “Honestly I need a shower and a change of clothes before we go anywhere.” Sam pulled at his shirt and wrinkled his nose. He knew he smelled to high heaven.

He was still standing inside the freshly dug grave when all this was happening. A bashful family covered his features. The man who stood over six feet tall was blushing quite visibly. “Well, we can’t exactly leave this grave open like this.” Looking toward his brother, he knew what Dean’s response would be, so Sam didn’t even say what was on his mind. He grabbed the shovel he’d been using and started to fill the dirt back in the hole making sure that nobody was in the way naturally. An open grave was going to leave too many questions. It was already going to arouse suspicion seeing a freshly dug grave from someone who’d been dead for as long as Buffy had been.

He was a big man and a strong one at that. He had dug and filled in many graves during his career as a hunter. It came with the territory. His muscles still were sore the next day. This was going to be an even longer night, Sam felt it in his bones.


Once the ordeal was over, Sam was back in the hotel room once more. He had just stepped out of the shower with a towel around his waist and his soft brown hair hanging loosely over his shoulders. “Ready to head for the Airport Charlie?” He asked. Dean didn’t do flying but that was okay. Sam didn’t have a problem getting on a plane, so he would. If he couldn’t have Dean as his partner for a hunt, having Charlie was a fantastic replacement.
"Not all those who wander are lost;" - JRR Tolkien
credit: james kriet

08/27/2023 05:48 PM 

Seal 666 [post 2]

Seal 666
Lionheart /1878498
Att: Dean, Buffy, Charlie and Castiel

Castiel was anything if not efficient. Sam knew that first hand. Having the Slayer finally back from the dead and now Charlie here meant that the show was finally about to get on the road. “HI yeah… Dean can take you to get some clothes.” He told Buffy a bit overanxious about everything starting to fall into their lap. He knew that Dean would give him lip about taking the blonde going for clothes, but he’d have to deal with it. After all, they’d just dug up her grave and Sam was absolutely filthy.

Charlie was rightfully pissed and Sam didn’t blame her. “I’m sorry Charlie, I wouldn’t have asked Cas to get you if it wasn’t. Turns out that Hell is about to open wide up and vomit on the face of the earth basically. The lore says something about Hellmouths? That sort of thing is your area of expertise I’m assuming.” Sam looked to Buffy. “I’ve never met a Slayer before, so I don’t exactly know what you do.”

Sam knew that Cas would likely drop him in a deep ditch if he asked him for a little more help than he already had. “Charlie, according to what I found out back at the bunker, we’re going to need to go to Denver. I hate splitting up from Dean, but given the severity of the situation, we’re going to have to. We’ll have a better chance and stopping whateever it is that is unlocking the Hellmouths. It’s pretty obvious that our side has allies because this whole thing is huge. It’s bigger than anything we’ve ever encountered. Sam inhaled sharply. “After this is all over, we’ll find that Hermoine cosplayer for you, even if I have to drive you around myself.”

It wasn’t even a debatable point. Sam knew that Dean would take Baby. He’d have to have another method of transportation to get to Denver. The airport was the next logical step. They knew enough scams to pay for any sort of plane ticket or even a taxi ride to the airport. “Honestly I need a shower and a change of clothes before we go anywhere.” Sam pulled at his shirt and wrinkled his nose. He knew he smelled to high heaven.

He was still standing inside the freshly dug grave when all this was happening. A bashful family covered his features. The man who stood over six feet tall was blushing quite visibly. “Well, we can’t exactly leave this grave open like this.” Looking toward his brother, he knew what Dean’s response would be, so Sam didn’t even say what was on his mind. He grabbed the shovel he’d been using and started to fill the dirt back in the hole making sure that nobody was in the way naturally. An open grave was going to leave too many questions. It was already going to arouse suspicion seeing a freshly dug grave from someone who’d been dead for as long as Buffy had been.

He was a big man and a strong one at that. He had dug and filled in many graves during his career as a hunter. It came with the territory. His muscles still were sore the next day. This was going to be an even longer night, Sam felt it in his bones.


Once the ordeal was over, Sam was back in the hotel room once more. He had just stepped out of the shower with a towel around his waist and his soft brown hair hanging loosely over his shoulders. “Ready to head for the Airport Charlie?” He asked. Dean didn’t do flying but that was okay. Sam didn’t have a problem getting on a plane, so he would. If he couldn’t have Dean as his partner for a hunt, having Charlie was a fantastic replacement.
"Not all those who wander are lost;" - JRR Tolkien
credit: james kriet

07/13/2023 11:21 PM 

Seal 666 [intro]

Seal 666
Lionheart /1878498
att: Dean, Cas, Buffy, Charlie and Jo

Somewhere in Georgia

This was always the part he hated. Every hunt had a culmination point where Sam and Dean stood triumphant over the remains of whatever enemy they fought last. One of these days one of them would take out one of the Winchester brothers. Sam often tried to put it out of his mind. He didn't want to even entertain the thought. That was something neither of them needed to overly consider. As he told Dean all those years ago, "They had a job to do." That's all they needed to consider. Too much thinking on things other than what was right in front of them, was going to get them killed.

Sam shook his head and chuckled because his brother wanted the shower first. It wasn't a huge surprise. He often pulled rank especially since he was the oldest. Sam had to admit he hated it when monster entrails were embedded in his hair. He was about to speak when Castiel appeared. Sam inhaled sharply and exhaled. This was never good.

Sunnydale, CA

Digging up graves was never one of his favorite pastimes. Sam was always expected to do more ever since puberty had been gracious to him and caused him to be nearly a foot taller than his brother. Sam never liked the small talk when they were digging. He just wanted it done and over. If they were supposed to retrieve the Slayer, there had to be an easier way to do this.

When Dean's shovel hit paydirt in a manner of speaking, Sam started to brush away the dirt with his hands. It was a nice looking coffin. Someone had obviously gone to great lengths to give the Slayer a grand send off. It was a shame they had to yank her out of heaven again. "We're going to have to open it, especially when Cas brings her back." Sam offered up the obvious point to Dean about this girl that neither of them knew personally. He started to reach for the coffin.

❝ don’t open it— ❞

Sam pulled his hand back at the last minute. "So we're going to just sit here staring at each other so when Cas brings her back, she smothers in the coffin?" Sam rolled his eyes at his brother. He wasn't impetuous or anything, but he wasn't in the mood to let one of the most important elements in their newest adventure to save the world slip through their fingers.

The younger Winchester pulled out his shovel and decided to climb out of the hole for the moment. He stuck his shovel in the ground in front of him as he sat on the ground with his legs dangling in the hole. It was hard to do since he was so damned tall. It was better to sit here than just stand there looking at each other. He had a wild idea, so he decided to do it anyway right in front of Dean.

Sam put his hands together in prayer and closed his eyes "Hey Cas while you're up there, think you can grab Charlie and Jo too? Seems like we're gonna need all hands on deck for this one. Amen!" Sam unfolded his hands and opened his eyes. He looked back at his brother. "Don't look at me like that? This is important right? Let's get all the troops together. Might as well have some with us we do know as well as The Slayer right?" Sam thought his logic was impeccable. Whether Cas was able to pull it off or even heard him in the first place remained to be seen.
"Not all those who wander are lost;" - JRR Tolkien
credit: james kriet

06/25/2023 10:21 PM 

Girl Interrupted [intro]

Girl, Interrupted
Lionheart /1878498
Six weeks ago

Sam Winchester was off on a case by himself. There was demon activity in an out of the way town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. A cult was up there operating in the open and in plain sight. The word was that they were trying to bring Lucifer back from being displaced. He had no vessel at the moment and they believed he was trapped between dimensions. Sam had been to Purgatory. It was no picnic but apparently there was a place where demons and angels went when they died. If Lucifer was there, he needed to stay there.

He didn't tell Dean where he was going, he simply went by himself. This was just a small little group that he figured he could handle himself. He'd done plenty of jobs on his own. This one would be a piece of cake. He took off in one of the extra cars from the Bunker and headed north. As much as he wanted to take Baby, he knew Dean would have a fit if he did.

It took the better part of two days for Sam to drive all the way out to this place called Bete Gris. There was a wilderness preserve where the cult members conducted their rituals. Sam had heard from the locals that strange noises took place in the Wilderness Preserve there. He decided to wait until nightfall to go out there to see what was happening.

He parked his car on the edge of the woods and exited as quietly as he could. He was armed with a weapon in hand as he started deeper into the woods. He could hear murmuring. He couldn’t make out who they were or what they were saying. Sam furrowed his brow as he went deeper into the woods.

He was trying to make out what they were saying as he was getting closer. He couldn’t even tell if it was English. He took one more step and it all went black.


Current day
Sisters of Quiet Mercy

He took several steps down the hallway. He was dressed in all white from his head to his toes. It was a white formal suit without a tie and soft leather Oxfords. You could barely hear his footsteps if you weren't paying attention.

He had a smile that was absolutely magnetic. He was so handsome that all who saw him were swooning when he walked by. They all were clamoring for a view of him when he walked by. He was the most beloved of all the staff members or at least he assumed he was.

He stopped outside of the room for Meg Masters. He straightened his coat and ran his fingers through his soft brown hair. She was expecting him after all. He couldn’t disappoint her after all. He slowly opened the door.

Stepping inside the door, he knew that his appearance would evoke some sort of reaction from Meg. He looked at her all confined there. "Hello Meg. It seems you've gotten yourself into quite a mess." The tag on his suit coat marked him as a member of the Clergy. The name read Sam Winchester but it wasn't exactly fully true.


Deep inside the soul of Sam Winchester, there was a mirror image of himself reading books in the library of the Bunker. He had no clue what was actually going on and how he was a prisoner in his own body. He was perfectly content in what he thought was the real world.


The man in white continued to smile in a condescending manner at the infamous demon. "What have you gone and done now?"
"Not all those who wander are lost;" - JRR Tolkien
credit: james kriet

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