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01/06/2020 10:41 PM 

Lara's Drabble by Mr. Patrick Peirce IV

Patrick James Pierce IV

[ View Bulletins by Patrick James Pierce IV ]
Date: 9 minutes ago
Subject: Once Upon A Time (Lara's Drabble)

The Picture She Sent

Once upon a time.... It was a simple start to so many classic tales that Disney had taken in turn from Grim Fairy Tales turning the violent, and dark tales meant to education and teach life lessons into fluffy tripe that added to the endless ideas of Unicorns and Rainbows of the world... That told people good always triumphs over evil, and that though times may get dark better days are always on the horizon.

While it was and is a positive ideal compared to the often depressing, and melodramatic endings of the original stories like Cinderella who's stepsister maim themselves to try and fit the slipper, or Snow White who had the Evil Queen dance in red hot iron shoes til she died, or the Little Mermaid's death after having endured pain of dancing for her Prince as each step was agony but to please him she did it only to be abandoned as her Prince married another.... Such tales teach lessons hard learned and pragmatic... But not for this generation of children raised with Once Upon A Time... And They Lived Happily Ever After...

Is it shocking then that when Lara Shaw met Patrick James Pierce IV she fell for him as her own personal Prince Charming? How could she see the vicious beast behind the smile, the wit, and the charm of the man? He was so handsome, so elegant, his touch so pleasing to her like The Little Mermaid herself in the Grimm Tale she could not help but serve him in ways that harmed herself, but did so with gusto to please him.

In the years that followed all was not dark, indeed she had been shown the world traveling at Patrick's side... She had earned her position with him, earned a collar and revealed in his attention no matter how tender or brutal. Her bank account had swollen and she was enriched beyond her wildest dreams... 

So one might say to live a life as she had was not perfect, but not without it's perks.

In return for the travel, for the attention, for the wealth, and the affection she was in essence owned by Patrick... His brand on her flesh as well as his collar on her neck. She was property no different than a prized stallion, a luxury vehicle, or a private jet... To be ridden by him or by someone he gave permission to ride.

Patrick's touch was not the only to race her tender flesh. Under his orders she had been whored out, and used by men of all ilk be they mere street thugs, to Kings, and Generals. She had been sent as entertainment, as a gift, or as a peace offering to men and women who likes, loathed, or were ignorant to who Patrick was his virtual messenger, herald, and whipping boy whatever the idea needed. And she obeyed because in the end Patrick always ensured her Prince Charming showed her his affection... Her doe eyes weeping in love for the man as he caressed her face and kissed her like she was the only one in his life....

Tonight was a night where Patrick had given her a task... Simple ones seeing she bore neither the subterfuge nor the seductive wiles of a proper femme fatale in spite of her experience Lara just could not grasp the subtleties of the art. Yet that in and of itself often worked in her favor. Many of her targets rarely suspected she had motives her clumsy offering and flirting almost comical. In a way it was brilliant, she was too unskilled to be suspect while all the while a suspect.

The man she had been told to go home with neither rich nor powerful a mere clerk almost menial in ability, position, and name.... Yet through him Patrick had an agenda.... So he sent his pretty little poison into his midst her obvious glances, and flustered smiles and swift look away drawing even this man to her side... His clumsy seduction almost painful for Patrick to listen to through the bug in Lara's purse. But in reality he could tell for a girl like Lara Shaw it was working. Her giggle, her subtle snorts of laughter at his jokes genuine and in reality were this not a duty she might even have enjoyed herself.

So when the man invited her to his hotel room for a drink she nodded slowly and followed him in tow. The drink from the mini bar she poured for him slipping a liquid version of Roofie into it so when he drank it down he was properly dosed.... It took almost an hour before the narcotic took hold an in that time Lara and he were well in the midst of kissing on the bed...... Only after his muttering snoring and glazed gaze ensured he was helpless she let Patrick in. 

The next hour was mere prep for what was to come. Lighting adjusted, the man splayed properly on the bed and Lara moving to the bag Patrick had brought with him putting on her outfit of skimpy undergarments a bdsm collar and cuff combo connected with a chain. The making clearly cheap and Sex Shop purchased not the artisan crafted masterpieces Patrick used.

Once all was ready the photoshoot began. Patrick catching various angles of Lara on the room's sofa before moving her to the bed with the prone man his face obscured she posed in atop him semi-nude, then fully so, the angles and positioning confirming his obvious participation in it all. Making sure to catch him semi-lucid in order to finalize the various deeds. Only once everything was done would they depart the man to sleep off his drug cocktail in peace.

Several weeks later an anonymous e-mail would come to his phone with several of the pictures including those with his face clear in them and the message:

" To prevent these images from going to your wife, in-laws, and church congregation call the following number and follow the instructions given."

Such a simple man... A low level clerk... A man with a lovely wife, two children in a suburban subdivision who had everything to lose... A man with passwords, and keys to rooms and buildings that few would suspect given his ignominious position.... Now he would obey lest he lose it all..

Lara had been the hand that grabbed this key Patrick needed... His perfect little tool... 

His Disney Princess. 

And they all lived happily ever after... It's the Pierce Way After All. 

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