Chemical Hearts

Last Login:
April 26th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 26
Sign: Gemini
Signup Date:
March 03, 2023


07/13/2023 07:38 PM 

Optional Task 445

1.) How does your character show annoyance? She rolls her eyes
~(For example: Zachary will huff his breath.)
2.) How does your character show hurt? She has almost a pout face
3.) How does your character show anger? She screams
4.) How does your character show excitement? Her face shows it all
5.) How does your character show boredom? She got the daydream look
6.) How does your character show happiness? Her big smile
7.) How does your character show sadness? She has this look to her that shows
8.) How does your character show disgust? she makes a sour face
9.) How does your character show fear? Her eyes get big
10.) How does your character show surprise? Her hands go over her mouth
11.)How does your character show frustration? SHe puts her hands in her head
12.) How does your character show disappointment? She hangs her headd low
13.) How does your character show relief? She takes a deep breath
14.) How does your character show desire? She gets giggly
15.) How does your character show tiredness? She will close her eyes and nods off
16.) How does your character show confidence? She stands  up tall


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