serpent juliet


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Gender: Female
Age: 31
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
July 12, 2018


08/11/2022 11:22 PM 


serpent juliet ♔ betty cooper

Let's be normal, see bad movies Sneak a beer and watch TV We'll bake brownies or go bowling Don't you want a life with me?

Can't we be seventeen? That's all I want to do If you could let me in I could be good with you
"Can we be seventeen?"
In contrast to the pitch-black background, the beautiful, brilliant reds and oranges shine brightly. The rusted metal siding is consumed by flames as they spread. The windows shatter with a bright glittering, and a cloud of smoke billows out into the night like a breath in the chilly air.

Even though they were inside the station wagon, the heat waves could reach them. The sound of additional glass shattering inside is similar to the sound of popcorn popping, and Betty can smell the popcorn as it is cooking directly in front of her nose.

They take sips from Styrofoam cups that they had purchased at the convenience store, and when they do so, a nice coating of ice strawberry can be felt on their lips. Meanwhile, they watch with sour grins. Even though they had kept their distance from the soot, it was nevertheless able to adhere to their flesh and leave stains on their clothing. This was an unavoidable consequence of their hurry to flee. They are constantly being reminded that their call time is drawing closer by the neon clock displayed on the vehicle's dashboard.

Her mouth opens slightly as she takes a calm breath, which causes the warmth in the surrounding air to flood her lungs. The line of Jughead's profile is highlighted in the light, and the flames are reflected in the darkness of his eye. Jughead's appearance is shocking. As he watches the trailer he calls home go up in flames, there is a sense of joy in his stare.

"Geez, nothing like seeing your childhood home go up in flames." It's like he read her mind.

Before she draws away to wipe her bottom lip, she takes one more swig from the straw, causing the cup to make a squeaky sound. She can still smell the accelerant even when she shuts her eyes, and she can still see the flare from the match she struck on the box before giving it to Jughead. After seeing it burst into flames due to his flicking it on the sofa, they retreated in the other direction.

Jughead heaves a sigh and then places their cups in the holders that are located at their feet. After that, he rubs his hands vigorously over the knees of his pants and wipes them clean.

As she looks him over, she almost lets a scowl form on her face as she notices the stiffness in his jaw and shoulders. She then turns her back on him again, almost grudgingly. She feels something close to sorrow in the pains of her heart, and she wonders how she would think if she had been successful in her own quest of setting fire to whatever she had attempted.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm surviving." He sounds relieved, she thinks, as he turns towards her. "Because you're here with me."

After that, she cracks a grin as she watches his gaze going down her mouth. Something twists in her gut and heart, and she reaches out for him, fitting her palm to his cheek. She can't quite put her finger on what it is. She uses her thumb to scrape at the soot, only making it spread more evenly over the surface. It's enough that he leans in and relaxes just a little bit for it to work. Betty reaches out and gets hold of his hair, drawing him closer to her, before leaning in to meet him halfway. When he kisses her, his lips are a little chapped but warm. His mouth is gentle on hers.

The movement of their lips, which is similar to the motion of waves on an ocean, begins very slowly at first.

However, she wants to be drowned in him.
If I am what you choose,


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