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11/18/2016 03:48 PM 

Hunter Games: Part 2


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Into the Night


Jun 27th 2017 - 11:18 PM

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*****************THE END*****************

мσηѕтєяѕ ηιgнтмαяє


Jun 26th 2017 - 8:04 AM

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Buffy felt like she had been awake for weeks, her head throbbed and she felt nausous though she was starving. She ordered a drink and some food to go, which she nibbled on as she sat opposite her sister. She looked around them and felt a wave of thankfulness that she had once again walked away from a fight with everyone she cared about in tact. 

As the diner shook she realised they would need to get out of there and fast, it would seem this would be an epic battle between Crowley and Isabelle. She sighed as she took a sip of her coke and then looked up with a smile as Sam sat beside her. She nodded, "I would love to see a badass female superhero for a change! Plus I need to just relax after that madness!" she said with a smile giving him a playful nudge. 

Getting on the bus with everyone reminded her of driving away from a Hellmouth in a school bus. Back then everything had felt so precarious, everything she owned, every memory and so many people she cared about was gone. She glanced over at Spike and wondered if he had been in pain as she had driven away with her heart breaking. Shaking her head and blinking away tears she smiled at her sister thankful they were safe. 

Spike (M&L Kat)


Jun 25th 2017 - 2:33 PM

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The ice tea was cold and refreshing, even if it lacked hemoglobin.  Spike glanced sidelong at Dawn who was frowning into her glass.  She looked over at him and he shrugged.  �Better than a sharp stick in the eye, �Lil Bit. Or sun bathin in the Mojave Desert.�  At least they�d made it out of that place with their skins intact.  The explosion that rocked the diner a moment later etched a smile into Spike�s rough features because maybe that was the end of Crowley and or Isabelle.  But in reality he figured one or both of �em would get out alive, and if it was just one of �em, that one would be all the more powerful because he or she would have hijacked the powers of the other.  They should have taken Crowley�s head off while they�d had a chance. Belle was another matter entirely.  He and Kat had been doing their best to deflect that witch�s non-stop barrage of wickedness for years.  Spike had no real problem with wickedness, as long as none of his friends or family got hurt.  He still didn�t fully understand who had been responsible for what back in the arena, but it seemed that both Belle and Crowley had a played a role.  And that meant Isabelle had really gone too far this time.  There was gonna be a reckoning at some point.  Oh yeah. Just how or when, Spike couldn�t say, but that witch was gonna pay for what she did. 

Speaking of witches, Kat reminded him of what he�d been thinking back in the arena when he saw the Cabin Witch, who just happened to be Kat in disguise, lure Amelia into her lair.  And then the plans he�d made with Emma and Aly to dispatch said witch.  �Witches have to be taken very very seriously, luv.  Just look at Belle.  And I remember back to when I was just a young vampire in Romania.  There was a snaggle-toothed, wart-nosed, beady-eyed old witch with scraggly red hair and one of those pointed black hats that lived way out in the Carpathian Mountains.  Had a weasel and a toad as familiars, and she liked to catch little boys and girls and cook �em up in a big stew pot.  Now Dru and I didn�t mind what she was doin; didn�t bother us one bit.  Live and let live, I always used to say. No skin off our noses. At least until she decided to fly in on her bloody broomstick while Dru and I were feastin on �lil ones at the orphanage.�  His eyes glazed over for a moment with one of those far away looks.  �The little girls � their blood was so very sweet.�  Spike noticed Dawn licking her lips.  �Anyways, this forest witch, she threw us out, like way out.  One minute we were suckin little ones dry as the Saharan sands there in Romania, the next we were on the dusty streets of Tombstone, Arizona.  High noon, I might add.  Almost roasted the both of us to so much ash.�  He could see that Kat wasn�t relishing this story.  �My point being that witches are badass and as unpredictable as they are sneaky and ugly.  I uh, well, I thought you was one of �em, luv.  It was the glamour.  I didn�t really think you were�. I mean, you were a really cute and pretty witch, for a witch.�  He decided to stop while he was behind.  Besides, a big Greyhound Bus pulled up outside.  Spike slapped two twenty spots on the counter, and thanked Mable the waitress.  �This is our ride back home everybody.�

The gang filtered out of the diner and onto the bus.  It was one of those awesome, super comfortable rides with cushy chairs, full food and drink service, and even movies.  But the movie they were showing was Hunger Games: Catching Fire.  Spike passed on the flick and ordered a Bloody Mary instead. 

Katarina (M&L Spike)


Jun 22nd 2017 - 11:54 AM

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Although she couldn�t prevent the tremors unseen Katarina used her abilities to guard the surrounding areas from the fallout. She was a bit out of out as the waitress sat a glass of ice tea down in front of her. It was cold and refreshing. It disappeared quickly. The glass in her hand as the diner shook. It had been a horrible blast. She could feel the hit to her barriers causing her to wince. It was followed by silence. Sam ventured outside to investigate. She didn�t need to move. Mentally she scoured the scene. She couldn�t discern any thought patterns coming from the ruble. There were no signs of life. This didn�t mean the end. The villains were like cock roaches. They could survive a nuclear blast. They had however left the fallen arena in some form or another.

The hunter returned. Kat shifted her focus back inside the restaurant. Everything was getting back to normal. Sam was asking Buffy out to a movie, Wonder Woman. It was popular. Kat was supposed to see that in a week herself with Willow. There were some really good reviews. One good thing had come out of this adventure. She glanced across the table. Father and daughter were united. It looked like they had worked out their issues. Emma was smiling at Dean while trying to drink some ice tea.  

�So what was that thing you were thinking about witches back in the arena?� she smirked as she taunted her husband. 

Hirsute Hunter


Jun 19th 2017 - 7:50 PM

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Sam Winchester would have preferred a Genuine Draft, but it appeared they didn�t serve alcohol in this diner.  He took the iced tea gladly, though, and chugged half of it before an explosion rocked the building.  The blinds on the windows rattled and something tipped over and crashed back in the kitchen, but the diner was otherwise unharmed.  Sam imagined it had survived a bunch of earthquakes.  California was the earthquake capitol of the US of A, although some places in Oklahoma probably now had more small temblors on account of all the fracking for natural gas. 

Mable the waitress refilled Sam�s glass and he decided to take it outside to see what he could see of the arena.  It felt like they�d run and walked for miles, but that explosion had to be as a result of the World War Crowley/Isabelle.  Sam walked around to the side of the building and looked across the vast dusty flats and plains of the desert.  He held up his hand to shade his eyes from the intense sun. A long ways away a plume of black smoke trailed up into the sky where it caught an east bound breeze and abruptly hooked a left towards where Sam imagined Las Vegas was.  Would they see Crowley again?  Had he finally met his match in Isabelle?  Truth be told, Sam wouldn�t miss him if that was the case.  Sure they�d worked together sometimes, but the King of Hell only collaborated with the Winchesters when it benefitted him.  Sam doubted that Crowley had only been at the arena to minimize the collateral damage, as he�d said.  No, he�d been working with Isabelle on this, but something had gone awry and the two of them had a serious falling out.  Whatever. 

Sam went back inside with his glass of iced tea, which was mostly empty again.  He sat down next to Buffy.  The others were ordering, so Sam asked Mable for a hamburger and fries.  Soon all sorts of great smells were drifting out of the kitchen.  He wondered how they�d get back home.  Maybe there was a bus that came by here every now and then.  Or maybe Kat would be able to teleport them.  He�d noticed a pay phone outside.  They could try that.  It had been a long time since Sam had seen a pay phone.  His cellphone was still in roaming mode. 

Turning to Buffy, he smiled and said, �So we close the book on another adventure.  Happy ending, pretty much, too.  I just sometimes wish my adventures could be more like going to the beach or up to Big Bear Lake to do some fishing.  I�d even settle for a vicarious adventure.  Hey Buffy, would maybe you and your sister be interested in seeing the Wonder Woman flick?  Once we figure out how to get back to L.A.?�



Jun 13th 2017 - 2:13 PM

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Crowley!! He had a lot of nerve. He pulled her from her perch and was going to attack. Her eyes fixed on him full of fire and fury. She paid no attention to the people fleeing.  Only the energy ball whirling in his hands. Pathetic attempt to harm her. �Ironic you speak of arrogance you little fool.  You are the very definition,� she threw her arms out before her releasing enough energy to block his sphere. It was followed by a burst of energy of her own.  She unleashed a continuous stream in his direction. He continued his assault. He was attempting to block her actions. �It appears to me you got exactly what you asked for. You wanted amusement I obliged, but you didn�t want to pay the toll.�

This was trying her patience. Frustrated she glanced at the ceiling above him. The building began to groan and creak. Pieces of debris tumbled to the ground. The people were chattering behind them. They appeared to have known the move to follow. The roof gave way. Beams, metal, and other materials came crashing down over the demon. 

Katarina (M&L Spike)


Jun 13th 2017 - 1:45 PM

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Say what he will Katarina had managed to dig the story out of Crowley�s mind. He had went to the witch bored. He got her started and did nothing to stop her. This was his learning lesson. Isabelle did not play well with others. She operated by her own set of rules. The Angel Investigation crew were more than well aware.

Crowley had yanked Isabelle before them. He was on the attack. The witch didn�t look pleased with his endeavors. This was going to get messy. Katarina grabbed Emma by the arm tugging her away from Crowley. She protectively shoved the girl towards her father. �Run!� she reached for Spike.  Then ushered the group across the room away from the impending battle.

There were a few choice hiding places behind the debris of the former battle ground. �Stay down,� she encouraged them. There was no reason to engage in the fight. The two of them could destroy each other. They would deal with them once the brunt of the battle had subsided when they were injured or worn.

Katarina (M&L Spike)


Jun 10th 2017 - 1:45 PM

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 It didn�t look good for the girl. Her protest raised many questions. Emma�s heart was sincere. She didn�t deserve to be thrown to the wolves. She had the best of intentions. Katarina stepped in throwing her a life preserver.  She had been analyzing Crowley. �There�s a spell on him,� she cocked her head. �It�s controlling him like a wee little puppet. He can�t say word that isn�t filtered. What he is really thinking isn�t all that nice though,� she wrinkled her nose. Unfortunately telepathy had allowed her a tour of the demon�s mind. Dark twisted intentions lingered. �Isabelle,� she gleamed from the depths of his mind.

�Framed? Hardly,� she scoffed engaging in a one sided conversation. He really had a lot of nerve. �You asked her to do it,� this was the worst part. He had blood on his hands. Many hunters had died playing the game. �You thought you could control her,� she searched his eyes.

While the others were distracted by the angel assessing the demons intentions and role in this evening events Emma found the totem controlling him. It was a charmed attached to the lapel of his suit. She grabbed it, tossed it to the ground, and smashed under her foot. The gesture released Isabelle�s hold. �I�m sorry, �she looked up at her father. She had to do it. There wasn�t a choice. Although she wanted one this was the only way.

Crowley would take on Isabelle. The others would escape.



Jun 10th 2017 - 1:19 PM

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Emma hated Crowley. In the moments since her death he had tormented her. He unleashed every imaginable form of torture. In the end he broke her down. She became his servant. He ordered her to perform unspeakable acts. Her amazon training hadn�t prepared her for the collateral damage she inflicted on others. She ached for her freedom.

In his dealings with the witch she had been player. He wanted her to kill her family. This was not a horrible notion. Her uncle had killed her thus bestowing this sentence. During the games the plan changed. There were talks of family and love.  It was an opportunity for something better. Although it seemed far out of reach.

Despite his guilt and her insatiable desire to watch the demon fall this wasn�t right. There was something else afoot. �Dad wait please,� she grabbed his arm hoping to halt his endeavors. �You�re angry I get that, but he didn�t do it. That means that someone else did. Don�t ask me how I know. I just know.�

Albeit the little troll was guilty. He had asked the witch to start this game. He had been involved in it. 



Jun 10th 2017 - 10:01 AM

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Crowley.�  The sound that emerged from Dean�s mouth was more like a growl than a spoken name.  Anger was rising to a high boil inside the elder Winchester, his fists were balled at his side, and the incendiary glare he turned on the King of Hell was flammable enough to melt a polar bear�s testicles.  The Winchester�s relationship with Crowley had always been tenuous at best.  Crowley was among the worst of the monsters Sam and Dean had ever encountered.  Ruthless, arrogant, selfish, and massively evil, so its odd that they had on numerous occasions found themselves all working together.  It had started with Lucifer and the Colt.  Crowley had handed over the mystical gun so they could kill Lucy.  �Course it didn�t work, and it seemed that Crowley had tricked them, set them up.  But there had been times when Crowley really had been useful, when he and the Winchesters found common ground and worked against a common foe.  Lucifer was one example, as was Abaddon and the Leviathans.  But at the same time, Crowley wasn�t averse to sticking it to the Winchesters when the opportunity arose.

But this time he�d had gone too far.  There hadn�t been any higher purpose here at all.  No reason to torment Sam and Dean, except for the joy of it.  Crowley had concocted this complex venue for eliminating Sam, Dean, and their compadres, and then had just sat back and watched the show.  Dean�s anger grew to the breaking point when he spotted the nearly empty bottle of Scotch.  He imagined Crowley tilting the bottle back between bouts of laughing at what he was watching on those now dark monitors. 

Spike had been able to get in a few good punches, and Crowley hadn�t done anything to stop him.  That was odd.  Crowley seemed to have lost his mojo.  But that was a good thing for Dean.  A good thing for all the people here who had almost lost their lives in the hunter games. 

�You�ve gone too far this time, Crowley.  It�s the end of the road for you, dude.�  Dean looked to his friends, �Let�s majorly gank him, once and for all.�


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