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♕ᴛʜᴇ ᴜɴꜱᴇᴇɴ ᴏɴᴇ♕

10/07/2014 08:20 PM 

Rules! Please Read and Sign!

If there's one God you don't want to get steamed up, its Hades, cause he had an evil plan. He ran the Underworld, but thought the dead were dull and uncouth. He was as mean as he was ruthless...and that's the Gospel truth. He had a plan to shake things up! And that's...the Gospel truth! Look, ladies...can ya not? I don't want anyone gettin' the wrong impression here. Sorry about that, the Muses...can't take them seriously. Anyways, baboom! Hades, Lord of The Dead...hi. How ya doin'? Now, I know rules are so stupid, but hey you're in my kingdom and I wanna make sure we are on the same page here. Now if you'd read and sign my rules...yada, yada, yada...that'd be great. Ba-da-bing ba-da-boom here are my rules. 1. About The Character: As you all know I'm roleplaying the character Hades from Disney's Hercules. Basically I play him just how he is in the movie, but I did put a little twist on his story to make him fit within the OUAT verse, so if you'd like to read more on his story you are more than welcome to take a look at my bio. 2. Mains and Connections: I would LOVE to have some mains and connections! Though before I ask someone to be my main, I would like to get to know them just a bit and get a good storyline going with them.  3. Relationships: Yeah, we all know Hades is a hot head...but when it comes to someone he actually likes he's actually a gentlemen, and he will always remain faithful to his lover no matter what, and he expects the same from his lover. His lover will also come first in everything that he does. 4. Ships: I ship Hades with a lot of people, mostly Meg and Persephone. Though I will also consider shipping him with OC's should their storyline work well together. I'm honestly open to any ship! :3 5. AU {Alternate Universe}:  I love doing AU storylines, I find them to be very creative and fun, it also makes the storyline a lot more exciting and interesting! So I am not against AU storylines, I welcome them happily! 6. Writing Style: My writing styles are multi para and novella. I do not accept one liners in storylines at all, the only time I accept one liners are in statuses and photo comments.  7. Crossovers: I don't mind doing crossovers, I'm willing to do crossovers with just about any verse that is if it makes sense  with my character and his story. 8. Real Life: I have a life outside of roleplay, that sometimes causes me become slightly busy. So, if my replies become slow please forgive me that means that something is going on that I have to take care of in RL. But I will get to things as soon as I can, all I ask for is patience. Remember, good things come to those who wait. ;) Now, if you've read, understood and are willing to follow my rules please sign below with either your favorite Hercules quote and gif or your favorite OUAT quote and gif....if not well...I'll just have to sic Cerberus on ya! And let me tell ya, that's NOT gonna be pleasant....not only is he vicious, but the little shit drools like there's no tomorrow!                                               Lord of The Dead. 

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

10/02/2014 10:43 PM 

The Razor's Edge of Darkness

Angel couldn't help replaying the tragedy in his head.  Doyle kissing Cordelia goodbye, then jumping onto the Scourge's beacon to switch it off, knowing that it would kill him, but also knowing that it would save the Listers, and every other demon and half demon within six blocks, including Angel.  Every one except for Allen Francis Doyle, that is.  Doyle had been Angel's connection to the Powers that Be, a trusted warrior against the dark underbelly of Los Angeles, but more than that, he'd become a good friend.  Doyle and Cordelia weren't just coworkers, they were family.  And they'd just lost a cherished family member. Angel sat alone in his basement office.  He'd been there since he and Cordelia had come back from the warehouse where Doyle bravely gave his life.  Cordelia said she was going home.  He didn't expect to see her today.  And maybe this was the end of Angel Investigations.  Maybe Cordelia would pursue that acting career again.  She was prettier than most actresses, although her acting skills weren't exactly up to par.  What would Angel do if this was the end?  He'd failed in Sunnydale, made a mess of things there.  He never should have allowed himself to fall for Buffy.  He could still be there now, helping her fight the good fight.  But instead he'd screwed it up.  He knew where a relationship with the slayer would lead. And Jenny Calendar had paid the ultimate price.  Now it looked like he was a failure again, here in Los Angeles.  Angel sought redemption, but he would never atone for all the evil he created before the gypsy curse, before he got his soul back.  And was he even doing anything now to begin to balance the ledger?  With the chaos he'd created in Sunnydale?  With the loss of Allen Francis Doyle, a good man, a champion for good?  Maybe Angel was doing more harm than good.  So he sat in the dark, brooding, contemplating his dark past and wondering whether there was a way forward for himself, whether the world would be better off without him.

☾ ѕᴀʙᴏᴛᴀɢᴇ.

10/02/2014 12:16 PM 


Into the Night

10/01/2014 06:01 PM 

Food for thought

Blog role play is different than comment role play. Sometimes the stories move at a slow pace, while at other times they move fast. We all have lives outside of this place. Real life may call us away. It comes first. We may not be able to comment for a brief time. In a blog setting a role player may mention your character doing something; a passing remark to help remind people that you are still there. This is not a form of intentional god modding. We have all done it, and its ok. It is not, however, alright to continuously move another character or speak for them. That's god modding, and it is forbidden on these pages - unless the role player animating that other character agrees to it. Communicate: If someone posts something about your character or makes you uncomfortable, speak with them. Comments are removable. No reason to be upset. It may have been an unintentional mistake. If you have an issue with something or someone that cannot be resolved on your own, then bring it to Katarina and Spike. They will make every effort to mediate or handle the issue discreetly. If you have an idea involving plot, characters, or other aspects of a story, discuss it with the story's moderator so they can attempt to mold it into their plans. If it involves other people's characters discuss it with them. Again, never assume its ok. Get permission in writing from the affected role player saying they are ok with your plans. And do not let your plans completely over shadow the moderator's or leave other players out of the loop. It can create loose ends and hurt feels (=drama).Be flexible. We are all here to write and have fun. Keep each other's desires in mind. Sometimes we must bend a little, and alter our plans. We are a story writing team. Friends.People are here to write. Check personal issues at the door. Try not to confuse fantasy with reality. Do not push people to give you information about their personal lives. Most Important: We sit down at the keyboard with fictitious names, dealing with fictitious people, images, and realities. Remember there are real people behind these made up personas. We often don't see their faces, or hear their voices. We may not know them in reality at all. Maybe we do a bit, but sometimes we forget. There are real people creating the adventures we love. They have feelings. Be respectful, be patient, be kind. Do not pressure, demand, take things, or make them uncomfortable. Think before you speak. Don't say something you wouldn't say if you knew them to their face. These strangers behind the machine are someone's friend, mother, father, sister, brother, lover.

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

09/28/2014 02:10 PM 

Wishing for Vengeance Part 2

Wishing for Vengeance Blog Listing:Wishing for Vengeance Blog 1Wishing for Vengeance Blog 2Wishing for Vengeance Blog 3

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

09/27/2014 12:38 PM 

Wishing for Vengeance

Vengeance...the best way to describe vengeance is to say that you get even with someone for wronging you. For some people they do not try to get vengeance themselves, there are many different reasons why.  Which is where vengeance demons come into the picture. Vengeance demons are a special brand of demons, their sole purpose is to enact vengeance for others. They can do whatever it is that you want them to do and may even suggest some things. So long as you wish it they can dish it. The year is 860 a baby is born, she is named Aud. Many years later she is known throughout the village as being strange for speaking her mind. Aud raises rabbits for a living and is a practicing witch. She has become a powerful witch through years of practice.  One day a lover of hers cheated on her and scorned her, making her wrathful and vengeful.  She used her powers and turned him into a troll and vanquished him to another world. Which had attracted D'Hoffryn, the master of the vengeance demons.  He offered her the choice to become a vengeance demon. Aud took the chance and was then on known as Anyanka the vengeance demon. Giles being the kind of man that he is liked simpler things and simpler times. He enjoyed old musty books and face to face conversations, instead of this new tech world. In this new world you text, instant message or call people all the time, if you had to look something up it was just a click away (if you could find it). Which is why in the new technology crazy world he felt out of touch, out of place and sometimes just in the wrong time. Many times he had thought what it would be like if he was back in older times when things were far simpler. Maybe if he wished hard enough his wish would just come true.


09/24/2014 07:55 PM 

...a kick to the head.

I know you could get used to this. My voice in the morning, so rough, and deep. A lethal injection, puncturing your veins and shooting you up full of falsity. I was here this morning, but often times, I'm already gone. Remember those times? Cold mornings when the sun is having its own hard ass time cresting the horizon; a golden line of morning to snort. But it's hope. Injected secretly into your heart. Exploding like an atom bomb. Searing your senses and blinding you from truths you should be remembering. It'll remind you, like a kick to the head when it happens again. Princess, babygirl, darlin`...they say, don't hate the player-hate the game. Well baby, I don't play games because I don't follow any rules; you know the problem with me. I'm infectious in all the wrong and right sorts of ways. I leave that sweet-whiskey scent on your pillow and the correct sort of bruises on your skin and soul that you aren't afraid to hide from friends. I'm like a storm baby; the one you don't see coming-then it's there, at your front door. In your home. In your bedroom. In your mind. Sweeps you away. Pelting droplets; rain or sweat-who knows. With promises of better, clearer skies-but you know the troubles these patches of dark clouds will cause you.. Do you call it burning passion? Do you call it just a man's way of lovin`? What excuses do you give me once I'm gone? I don't hold your hand; I hold you by the throat and bite your shoulder and tell you to groan my name. I don't ask you out to dinner; I say, lets go grab a bite to eat. Then your stilettos are scuffing the wall, that I have you pinned against. My name isn't tattooed on your skin; it's tattooed into your very mind, by a tiny burning needle, it has etched every single letter, right along the side of your beating heart where no one really bothers to look, but its' there-even if you try to deny it, baby. Like a kick to the head; you'll remember. After a while, you'll forget, or pretend to'll snort me like another line; but baby how many have you already done? Drink in my poison and wipe your pretty lips and ask for a double. You know how I love it when you try to keep up. Even though all I want to do is keep you down. Pinned. Because we both know how good that looks when the sheets are a mess and I'm stealing your breath like a bastard thief in the night along with any proper decency left that you possess. Acting like a good girl, but baby you know you want to be that bad girl that tames my ways. I'm not an easy man. You know this, I know this. But we both keep returning to this, don't we?

Sammie (multi-characters rp)

09/24/2014 10:04 PM 


why is it so hard to take a step back when two of the most important family members in your life are having marital problems? I love them both so much and I can't take sides. Logan cautioned me about getting too upset or stressed out about this but it's a bit too late. I don't want to loose either one of them. I hope that they will patch things up, but from what I see it's not likely.

Col. John Sheppard

09/20/2014 02:26 PM 


s�lvєr sσuls

09/19/2014 08:23 PM 


::Verses::Main Verse:Follows Allison's story with her leaving Beacon Hills and becoming a monster hunter. She visits her family and friends every now and then, but she's mostly on road hunting supernatural creatures. eVeryoen will be listed here when interacting for first time, unless it was discussed beforehand. ii.  Demons here, Demons there and Demons everywhere    Storyline with CrowleyAllison wakes up to be a demon after her hunting when her plans to catch Crowley went viral and sees herself becoming a demon, that happens to be demon knight.  Apparently, she will be different then the regular Alilson and more scarastic. Warning: she can't be killed unless a hunter with mark of cain or something stronger weapon can kill her. Crowley can be her master here until the spell's broken and still her enemy. There's other storyline ideas for the Crowley storyline. iii. Never trust an Angel who thinks he's god.        A Metatron StorylineAllison with the Winchesters are on a mission to stop Metatron from getting closer to humanity and seals Hell up with leaving Crowley and his demons trapped forever, but Allison goes up against him in a war. Starting a war to save the people of Beacon Hills and both heaven and hell from being ruled over by this Angel. Or a storyline that when she's a demon knight part of Crowley's succeed plan and the Winchesters goes length to unleash the powerful Angel from Heaven's prison to aid help to stop Crowley from turning Allison into a fully demon knight and their plans go viral when Metatron plots to catch Allison, only to have his own ruthless agenda. IV. Angel of Lord saves Allison's life from Dying(Castiel). An Angel who called Castiel has been ordered to save Allison when she dies heroically. V. More Verses will come. She's a crossover.

↭Batman/Bruce Wayne↭ JLU

09/14/2014 10:19 PM 


Coming soon

09/07/2014 08:33 PM 


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He could use his water technique at any time, even if lacking a pre-existing water source by instead creating considerable quantities of water or else use the moisture in the surrounding area to follow up with other techniques.[74][75] He could further manipulate water by isolating areas within it and evaporating it at will.[54] His control was so refined, he could produce and maintain a protect shield on others while directly engaging his enemies.[54] All these feats were accomplished when he had a mere fraction of his full power due to Orochimaru's lack of mastery of the Impure World Reincarnation when reincarnated the first time. These, among other reasons, are why he is revered as the greatest known Water Release manipulator in history.[76]In areas with water, he could move and stay underwater for a considerable amount of time without detrimental effects. In addition, he could use tendrils of water to grab hold of his target or pull it underwater in order to drown it. With the Water Release: Water Formation Wall, he could produce a powerful barrier of water able to easily disperse very intense fire blasts. He could launch large pressurised missiles of water which were capable of destroying a chakra-infused earthen wall.[54] He can also use the Water Release: Water Severing Wave technique which creates a high-pressure stream, capable of cutting through the branches of the Shinju with ease. In the anime, it is also shown that he could use the Water Release: Water Colliding Wave to attack and cover a large area with water. He was also shown that he could single-handedly counter the Uchiha clan's signature technique from one of its most gifted members, a feat that usually requires several Water Release users working together.  </td></tr></table></td></tr></table><BR><table bordercolor="ffcc99" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="950" bgcolor="ffcc99" border="0"><tr><td><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="950" align="center" bgcolor="ffffff" border="0"><td valign="top" align="center" width="950" bgcolor="ffffff" style="word-wrap:break-word">   </td><td valign="top"><table><tr><td valign="top"> <small>Space-Time Ninjutsu</small><img class="img2" src=""><div class="about"><p><font class="b2"></font><p><b></b> <i></i> <em>Em</em>  Tobirama was also very skilled in the use of Space-Time Ninjutsu, so much so that Minato Namikaze was shocked when he realised that Tobi was more adept in this skill than Tobirama and himself.[77][78] As its creator, he was able to use the Flying Thunder God Technique, a technique that creates a unique seal to mark places or targets he wished to teleport to. Tobirama is also able to link himself to the seals created by another user of this technique.[79] Likewise he is capable of teleporting multiple people with or without accompanying them or even being in direct contact with them.[64][80]Tobirama also stated he could simultaneously teleport two Tailed Beast Ball created by Obito Uchiha, as the Ten-Tails' jinchūriki.[81] Tactically, Tobirama is able to perform well-timed assaults and can teleport himself to his own launched kunai to attack his opponent from all angles at once, leaving almost no time to counter. Stemming from this technique Tobirama could also use the Flying Thunder God Slash to inflict a devastating wound to the enemy in a single blow.[5] Another of his derived techniques is the Mutually Instantaneous Revolving Technique which allows him to switch places at any point in time with another Flying Thunder God Technique user that he has marked.[82] <p><font class="b2">Bukijutsu </font><p>Tobirama was a skilled weapons user since childhood, able to wield a sword skilfully against Madara's younger brother, Izuna Uchiha, on multiple occasions. Tobirama also showed considerable shurikenjutsu prowess, able to launch a barrage of kunai with a single sweep accurately, noted by Izuna as very lethal against anyone without a Sharingan.[90] Tobirama was also able to combine these two weapon skills with his ninjutsu to perform the Flying Thunder God Slash technique, taking the Mangekyō Sharingan-wielding Izuna by surprise and mortally wound him.[5] In the anime, it was said that he wielded the Sword of the Thunder God, a blade with electrical abilities, and he was said to have mastered its use despite the blade's lethal nature.[91]</div>  <small> Chakra, An enraged Tobirama </small><img class="img2" src=""><div class="about"><p>Due to his Senju lineage, Tobirama inherited an extraordinary life force, as well as powerful physical energy and stamina. He has shown being capable of fighting for nearly an entire day against their rival clan, the Uchiha.[58] Likewise, his chakra was also shown to be remarkably strong as simply releasing it can cause a dense surge around him.[55] He was also able to resist the control of Orochimaru's Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation with ease, until the latter used Hashirama's DNA to strengthen the control.[59] Due to his large amounts of chakra, Tobirama was able to teleport both Naruto and Minato while in their respective Tailed Beast Modes.[60] Tobirama also displayed considerable chakra control, and was able to various Water Release techniques like the Water Dragon Bullet Technique with a single hand seal, which usually require a multitude of them.[61]</div> <small>Tobirama  clashing with Izuna Uchiha</small><img src="" align="left"><div class="about"><p><font class="b2"></font><p><b></b> <i></i> <em>Em</em> He would later accompany his father to where Hashirama met up with Madara; here they were confronted by Tajima and Izuna Uchiha, the latter of whom Tobirama acknowledged by name.[4]Senju and Uchiha fightsTobirama and his father clashing with Izuna and Tajima Uchiha.As Tobirama and Izuna clashed, unbeknownst to Tobirama, Tajima prepared to land a would-be fatal attack on him, which was deflected by Hashirama who returned to the battlefield. Shocked by this, the two sides reached an impasse, and Tobirama listened on as Madara turned down Hashirama's offer to broker peace between the two sides. He later watched on shocked when Madara manifested his Sharingan. The two sides would part ways from this altercation without any bloodshed. </td><td></td><td valign="top"> </td><td valign="top"><table><tr><td valign="top"> <small>Ways to Talk to me</small> <div class="links"> <a href="/logincomplete.php"class="first">HOME</a><a href=""class="first">ADD</a><a href="/add_comment.php?member_id=303683"class="first">COMMENT</a><a href="/send_message.php?member_id=303683"class="first">MESSAGE</a><a href="/view_album.php?album_id=31816&member_id=1471"class="first">PICS</a><a href="/view_my_blog.php"class="first">BLOGS</a> </div>  <small> Tobirama as a child.</small><img class="img2" src=""><div class="about"><p> In his youth, he wore a pair of pin-striped pants and shirt which left his arms exposed. He also did not have the markings on his face.</div> </div>   <img class="img" src="">  <small>Personality </small> <div class="conlinks"> Even as a child, Tobirama was a stoic and composed individual with a logical and pragmatic approach to life. He took a rational and practical approach to situations such as when he noted that if adults wanted to end the senseless bloodshed, all they needed to do was enter into a treaty and adhere to it.[2] While very obedient to his father, as well as loyal towards his clan, it was not to the extent where it clouded his judgement, as he was able to envision a rational way for the shinobi clans to achieve peace.[2] As a Hokage like his older brother, he felt a great deal of loyalty and devotion to the village, and placed its well-being above all else.[15] He was willing to fight for the sake of his village against both Orochimaru and Sasuke when the latter claimed he is going to destroy the village.[16] In battle, his commonly used tactic was to capitalise on the moment his opponent thinks they have won the battle to strike with a counter-attack. Tobirama was also described as being strong-spirited, and passionate.[1] During the First Shinobi World War, Tobirama was also willing to sacrifice himself by acting as a decoy to protect his own comrades.[17] He taught Hiruzen to love the village and protect all those who have faith in him as the next Hokage.[18]More straight-laced than his exuberant and idealist elder brother, Tobirama was a realist by nature, traits displayed during the First Shinobi World War when he, and his small battalion were surrounded by the Kinkaku Squad, Tobirama realised the only way out for his subordinates, and acted accordingly.[14] This was also displayed in his attitude towards the Uchiha whom he believed were almost all intrinsically cursed, based on his knowledge of them, as well as his own personal interactions with them.[19] Such a logic-based personality led him to believe firmly in laws above anything else in terms of keeping peace and order, displayed in his youth where he came to the logical conclusion that if the adults wanted to stop the constant wars, all they had to do was create laws and abide by them no matter what.[2] Not afraid to deal with all aspects of village life, both the good and bad, Tobirama himself noted that his role as the Second revolved around mediating their new-found lifestyle, getting shinobi who had once before lived and fought only for themselves or their own clans to not only care for, but work with each other.[20]  </div> <style>Code made by Black Masquerade Resources - </style><object width="425" height="349"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="349" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>Interests:</td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br /><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="300" bgcolor="000000" border="0"><tr><td><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="300" bgcolor="000000" border="0"><td valign="top" bgcolor="000000" style="word-wrap:break-word"> <small>Tobirama irritated at Naruto's ignorance.</small><img src="" align="left"> <div class="about"><p><font class="b2"></font><p><b></b> <i></i> <em>Em</em>Between him and his brother, Tobirama had the more assertive, directive and authoritative personality, and would often take time to talk to his eldest brother in this manner who would proceed to sulk and obey his commands.[21] Despite viewing him as an idiot and generally soft,[22][23][24] Tobirama nonetheless loved his brother dearly and followed his commands when he saw how serious he was about an equally dire situation.[25][26][27] He also openly admitted his inferiority to his brother during the battle with Obito when he stated Naruto might one day become an even greater Hokage than Hashirama. Tobirama also cares greatly for the village and, being pragmatic by nature, Tobirama valued peace and balance. Owing to his belief in the ability of laws and establishments to keep things in order, tried in his own way to help the Uchiha from falling prey to their curse by placing them in charge of the Konoha Military Police Force, giving them a duty to focus their emotions into, so that history would not repeat itself and create another person like Madara Uchiha.[28] Ultimately Tobirama noted that while he was wary of the Uchiha, he held neither hatred nor grudge towards them and noted that there were several Uchiha who transcended the mentality of their clan and also placed the well-being of the entire village and peace above all else.[29] Citing one of his own subordinates Kagami who had inherited the Will of Fire.[30] He would also later plead for Sasuke's life after a failed surprise attack.[31] Tobirama was willing to use kinjutsu in order to help Sasuke. He went on to note that he actually kept a wary eye on all clans with potential that threatened to upturn the establishment of the village - noting that this mediation was what predominantly filled his role as Hokage, and that he was especially wary of the Uchiha only because they were exceptionally powerful.[32] He was often misunderstood in this respect due to his serious nature, chiefly by Madara, who thought that Tobirama would eliminate the Uchiha to settle scores as soon as he was made Hokage.[33] Tobirama in a battle is also a quite fearsome and brutal opponent as he, witnessed by his battle tactics: taking advantage of any lapse in defence of his enemies, crudely and calculatingly attacking them at moments they were vulnerable. This was displayed in his intentions to deal the killing blow to Madara after he had been defeated.[34]Tobirama irritatedTobirama irritated at Naruto's ignorance.Though not knowing each other for long, the dynamics between Tobirama and the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze are very unique. Both men seem to have a great level of respect for one another especially since they seem to operate the same in battle in terms of thinking. The fact that they are both users of the Flying Thunder God Technique also seems to factor into this as each has lauded the other's speed and quick-thinking.[35][36] Tobirama also finds Minato's quirk of giving techniques odd names amusing and noted that if they were under different circumstances he might have laughed at a name like Spiralling Flash Super Round Dance Howl Participate Formula,[37] and later chided Minato when during battle he decided to reiterate the name of Naruto and Sasuke's technique.[38] Though initially noting he was not one to laugh during battle, Tobirama later became comically irritated at Naruto when the young man casually noted that Tobirama knew a lot about what he dubbed "his" Shadow Clone Technique, leading the Hokage to tell him that he was also the inventor of this technique.[39] </td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br /><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="300" bgcolor="000000" border="0"><tr><td><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="300" bgcolor="000000" border="0"><td valign="top" bgcolor="000000" style="word-wrap:break-word"><center><div style="float: left; width: 50%;"></div><div style="float: right; width: 50%;"><a href="" class="kath">LINK</a><a href="" class="kath">LINK</a></div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br /><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="300" bgcolor="000000" border="0"><tr><td><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="300" bgcolor="000000" border="0"><td valign="top" bgcolor="000000" style="word-wrap:break-word"><center></object></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br /><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="300" bgcolor="000000" border="0"><tr><td><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="300" bgcolor="000000" border="0"><td valign="top" bgcolor="000000" style="word-wrap:break-word"><small>Tobirama questioned whether or not his brother intended to kill him.  </small><img src="" align="left"> <div class="about"><p><font class="b2"></font><p><b></b> <i></i> <em>Em</em>Decrying Madara as a crazed person, Tobirama questioned whether or not his brother intended to kill him. However, Tobirama was shocked when Hashirama - fully intent on going through with this - prepared to kill himself, but not before telling everyone present to swear that the feud between Senju and Uchiha would end. Though the act was stopped by Madara, and Tobirama later watched on as, Hashirama struck a peace treaty with the Uchiha and its then-leader Madara Uchiha and with Konohagakure's creation following soon after.,[6] Tobirama never became any less wary of Madara for his actions, and the other Uchiha by extension. After retrieving his brother from what would become the Hokage Monument - notably sparing no word of greeting for, nor even acknowledging Madara - and hearing of the position of Hokage and his brother's intent to give it to the Uchiha, Tobirama noted that Hashirama could not arbitrarily make unilateral decisions like their father had, and that things had to be discussed and agreements reached through democracy. However, during their conversation where the topic of the impending threat of the Uchiha was broached by Tobirama, Hashirama noted that he felt as though they were being watched, but Tobirama noted that as he was not moulding chakra at the moment, he had not sensed anything.[7]<div style="width: 197px; height: 90px; overflow: auto;"></div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br /><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="300" bgcolor="000000" border="0"><tr><td><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="300" bgcolor="000000" border="0"><td valign="top" bgcolor="000000" style="word-wrap:break-word"><img src="" align="left"><div class="about"><p><font class="b2"></font><p><b></b> <i></i> <em>Em</em>When Hashirama later convened the first ever meeting of the five Kage, Tobirama apprehended his brother for bowing to the other Kage so easily despite being overwhelmed by the gathering. Addressing the Kage on Konoha's plans to distribute the tailed beasts to balance the power of the nations, he reprimanded his brother once again when he questioned if they could not give the beasts away for free after Tobirama noted that they would essentially have to buy the beasts from them. When threats of war were thrown around, Tobirama looked on stern-faced as his brother tried to quell the arguing Kage, sharing his hopes for the future.[9]Team TobiramaTeam Tobirama and Hashirama.When Hashirama, who was appointed the First Hokage, died, Tobirama was appointed as the Second Hokage.[10] During his reign he was primarily responsible for establishing Konoha's organisational system. He established various organisations such as the Academy, the Anbu, the Chūnin Exams and the Konoha Military Police Force,[1] the latter of which he created as a sign of trust towards the Uchiha who made up the majority of that organisation. However, a few members of the Uchiha clan would come to believe that this was just an elaborate way to ostracise them from the village, and its government. This led them to secretly follow the will of Madara Uchiha and decades later, be massacred after plotting to stage a coup d'etat.[11] </div> 


09/07/2014 02:33 PM 


LegolasSpecies: Elf Face Claim: Orlando BloomBio:Legolas was the son of Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm of Northern Mirkwood, who appears as "the Elvenking" in The Hobbit. Thranduil ruled over the Silvan Elves or "Wood-elves" of Mirkwood.Although he lived among the Silvan Elves, Legolas was not one himself. His father Thranduil had originally come from Lindon; he and his son were actually Sindar, or "Grey Elves", called in the singular Sinda; "Sindarin" was their language. A small minority of Sindar (headed by Thranduil by the time of The Hobbit) ruled the predominantly Silvan Woodland Realm. Thranduil himself was the son of Oropher. Legolas' mother is never mentioned; the Elves of Mirkwood have no Queen at the time of The Hobbit.The realm's Sindar minority, who should have been more noble and wise than the Silvan Elves, went "native" at the end of the First Age. After Melkor was defeated and all of the grand Elf-kingdoms of Beleriand were destroyed, the Sindar returned to "a simpler time" in their culture. The realm of Lothl�rien was similar to the Woodland Realm in that a community of Silvan Elves was ruled by a non-Silvan minority, namely Galadriel and Celeborn. roleplay accountLegolasSpecies: Elf Face Claim: Orlando BloomBio:Legolas was the son of Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm of Northern Mirkwood, who appears as "the Elvenking" in The Hobbit. Thranduil ruled over the Silvan Elves or "Wood-elves" of Mirkwood.Although he lived among the Silvan Elves, Legolas was not one himself. His father Thranduil had originally come from Lindon; he and his son were actually Sindar, or "Grey Elves", called in the singular Sinda; "Sindarin" was their language. A small minority of Sindar (headed by Thranduil by the time of The Hobbit) ruled the predominantly Silvan Woodland Realm. Thranduil himself was the son of Oropher. Legolas' mother is never mentioned; the Elves of Mirkwood have no Queen at the time of The Hobbit.The realm's Sindar minority, who should have been more noble and wise than the Silvan Elves, went "native" at the end of the First Age. After Melkor was defeated and all of the grand Elf-kingdoms of Beleriand were destroyed, the Sindar returned to "a simpler time" in their culture. The realm of Lothl�rien was similar to the Woodland Realm in that a community of Silvan Elves was ruled by a non-Silvan minority, namely Galadriel and Celeborn. roleplay account

Shoot First

09/02/2014 10:29 PM 

Birth of a Smuggler (bio under co.)

Born into slavery, Youngee Ven learned the tools of the smuggling trade from the various scoundrels and gunslingers employed by her former master, Kalu the Hutt.  Over time, her master treated her as more of a progeny than a slave, teaching her the intricacies of the Intergalactic Spice Trade business.  Since earning her freedom, Youngee has applied the knowledge she acquired all those years into developing her own smuggling trade. Coupled with her passion for adventure and an XS-Class Freighter she won in a game of Pazaak against a not-to-happy Toydarian on Nar Shaddaa, Youngee has gradually made a name for herself. The aspiring young Twi'lek won't rest until she has explored all quadrants of the galaxy! Sleeping is for the dead after all, which is evidently somewhat of a common 'occupational hazard' in her line of work. Preferring to keep herself out of direct involvement in the ongoing conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Youngee Ven holds allegiance to neither faction. However, she has worked with several clients associated with the Republic, on various missions such as delivering medicinal and weapon supplies to Republic troops on the front lines. Of course, no smuggler is a smuggler without a trusty blaster at her side, and a trained hand to wield it. Youngee always keeps her N-110 blaster pistol at the ready, accompanied by her A-20 tech precision scattergun. (more to be added.)


09/01/2014 10:56 PM 


The Battle of Bosworth 1485 Background The Battle of Bosworth was fought on 22nd August, 1485. One of the most significant battles ever to be fought on English soil, it sounded the death knell of the House of Plantagenet. The battle was fought between the armies of the last Yorkist king, Richard III and his Tudor challenger for the throne, Henry, Earl of Richmond, later to become King Henry VII, who represented the claims of the rival House of Lancaster. Henry Tudor landed at Milford Haven, in South Wales on the 7th August, accompanied by a few die hard Lancastrian lords and with about 2,000 French mercenaries. He marched through Wales, gathering reinforcements en route. The town of Shrewsbury opened its gates to him on 15 August and from there he advanced through Lichfield. He was expecting to be joined by the forces of his step-father, Lord Stanley, but received the disquieting news that Lord Stanley could not openly declare his support for the invaders, since Richard held his son, Lord Strange, hostage for his loyalty. King Richard was stationed at Nottingham, and moved from there to to Leicester on 19 August. The two armies finally faced each other about two and a half miles south of Market Bosworth in Leicestershire were Richard probably camped on Ambion Hill. Said to have spent an uneasy night prior to the battle, the king was disturbed by ghoulish nightmares and looked gaunt and pale on rising. Shakespeare depicts him as being haunted by the souls of his victims. No priest could be found in his camp that morning to celebrate mass. A fact that was whispered to be an ill omen at the time. As if to underline the fact that treachery had infiltrated his ranks, during the night, someone had pinned a rhyme to the Duke of Norfolk's tent:- 'Jack of Norfolk, be not so bold, For Dickon thy master, is bought and sold.' The battle The Stanleys cautiously situated their troops to the sides of Richard and Henry Tudor's camps, openly declaring for, nor joining either. The King demanded Lord Stanley and his brother join him and was ignored. He reacted by angrily ordering Lord Strange to be beheaded, an action which was not carried out by a subordinate, no doubt fearing for his own position, should the battle not go well for the King. No priest could be found in the royal camp to say mass on the fateful morning of battle. The Tudor army numbered around 5,000 men, whilst Richard commanded a slightly larger army of around 6,000. The Duke of Norfolk lead the vanguard of Richard's army, the King himself the centre, Northumberland had personally requested to be in the rear to watch the threatening Stanley's forces to the side. Though Richard was a seasoned campaigner, Henry had no experience in battle, Bosworth was his first field. Henry sent an appeal to the Stanleys to join him, but received the unerving response that the time was not yet ripe, leaving Henry, in the words of the chronicler Vergil "No little vexed". Battle was opened when Norfolk led the royal vanguard, according to the standard interpretation of the battle, down the slopes of Ambion Hill. The Earl of Oxford, commanding the Lancastrian troops, advanced his men to meet them. Henry remained at the rear, guarded by a troop of horse. The Lancastrians were met by a shower of arrows after which Norfolk ordered his men to charge. Oxford, an experienced general, skirted the hill with his men, unsure as yet of the intentions of the Stanleys. The Stanleys themselves, directed by the precarious position of Lord Strange, still made no move, but remained stationary, hovering in their menacing positions at both flanks of the battle, adding to the atmosphere of suspicion. Oxford was heavily outnumbered and issued orders that his men were not to advance over ten feet from their standards. He had learned much from his disastrous experience at Barnet and feared he might lose command of his soldiers. He closed in, forming a wedge formation. Norfolk was killed in the fighting and his son the Earl of Surrey captured. The eyes of the commanders remained on the looming and foreboding presence of the Stanleys, who still made no move. The air must have been thick with thoughts of treachery and self preservation. Northumberland, not having gained the power in the north he had expected from Richard, also made no move, but continued to watch the Stanleys, desiring that whatever the outcome of the battle, he, Northumberland, would be on the winning side. The Croyland Chronicler reported that- In the place where the Earl of Northumberland stood with a fairly large and well equipped force, there was no contest against the enemy and no blows were given or received in battle" Had Northumberland's northern levies actually participated in the fighting, the outcome of the battle is likely to have been very different. Richard was brought the ominous news of Norfolk's death and must have been in total despair and rage at the treachery surrounding him. Sighting the Tudor's dragon standard, the King 'all inflamed with ire', after taking a drink from a spring later known as 'Dickon's Well', charged suicidally with his household straight for the person of Henry Tudor. It was both an impulsive and magnificently courageous gesture, if he could have just reached the Tudor, the issue would have been settled outright. Many of the Henry's supporters were killed in the headlong charge, including his massive standard bearer, Sir William Brandon. Watching and waiting for his moment, Stanley saw that now was the time to bring in his troops. Richard, although urged to flee, valiantly refused, insisting he would remain King of England or die in battle. The shifting Stanleys moved in for the kill and Richard 'fighting manfully in the midst of his enemies' was surrounded and fell, pierced by many wounds. The contemporary chronicles state that he was urged to flee following the desertion of some of his followers and the collapse of his vanguard. Polydore Vergil, one of the early chroniclers of the battle, states that Richard replied that 'on that day he would make an end either of wars or of his life, such was the great boldness and great force of spirit in him'. Richard instead chose to lead a charge straight at Henry Tudor, killing several men and toppled Henry's standard, killing his standard-bearer William Brandon, and unhorsed the jousting champion Sir John Cheney, who stood in his way, thrusting him to the ground and forcing a path for himself through the press of steel. Polydore Vergil recorded that 'King Richard, alone, was killed fighting manfully in the thickest press of his enemies.' According to the Burgundian chronicler Jean Molinet, Richard's horse became stuck in a marsh and then 'unhorsed and overpowered, the king was hacked to death by Welsh soldiers'. Molinet adds that a Welshman struck the death-blow with a halberd. The contemporary Welsh poet Guto'r Glyn also states that a Welshman, Rhys ap Thomas, or one of his men, delivered the fatal blow. Even afer Richard was dead, the of blows continued on his battered body continued, one source describes how Richard's head was battered to the point that his basinet was driven into his head, 'until his brains came out with blood'. The chronicler Rous, not normally effusive in his remarks about Richard recorded of his last moments- "If I may speak the truth to his honour, although small of body and weak in strength, he most valiantly defended himself as a noble knight to his last breath, often exclaiming as he was betrayed, and saying Treason! Treason! Treason!" Many fled on the king's death, others surrendered. Legend states that Lord Stanley retrieved England's crown, which Richard had inadvisedly worn throughout the battle, from under a hawthorn bush and placed it on the head of Henry Tudor, which was met by the exhilarated shouts of his army "King Henry, God save King Henry!" The Tudor age had begun. Aftermath Following the battle, the Earl of Northumberland surrendered and was taken captive by Henry Tudor, he was however, soon released and confirmed in his titles and lands. He was murdered four years later during a riot. In an unpopular move, Henry later backdated the start of his reign to the day prior to the battle of Bosworth in order to attaint for treason all those who had fought for Richard III. The new King of England, Henry VII then proceeded to Leicester. The body of King Richard III, which was recovered from the pile of corpses around Henry's banner, was treated with much indignity. Trussed naked over a horse and besmirched with mud, it was borne in parade to Leicester, a sad spectacle. It was exposed for two days at the Church of the Greyfriars at Leicester, where Richard III was later unceremoniously buried. Henry contributed �10 1 shilling toward the cost of a tombstone for his rival. The father of the architect, Christopher Wren, is reported as having seen Richard's grave in the seventeenth century. The remains of Richard III were uncovered by an archaeological headed by the University of Leicester in collaboration with the Richard III Society and Leicester City Council, which began in August 2012. A formal announcement by Leicester University was made on the results of the tests on Monday, 4th February 2013, which confirmed the remains to be those of Richard. For further details see update- the remains of Richard III Recent reconsideration of the site of the battle has lead to the theory that it did not take place on the traditional site of the slopes of Ambion Hill but on but on a reedy moor, around half a mile to the south, near the village of Dadlington. For several years after the event the battle was actually referred to as the Battle of Redemore. From August 2005 to July 2008 the Battlefields Trust undertook a new study of Bosworth battlefield, financed by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The project attempted to resolve many of the long standing questions surrounding the Battle of Bosworth and its actual location. The true site of the battle has now pinpointed to fields that straddle the Roman road known as the Fenn Lane, near Fenn lane farm, close to a proven medieval marsh, lying more than a mile to the south west of the traditional site near the Bosworth Visitor Centre. Evidence such as cannon balls, the largest collection of that date in Europe was unearthed and pieces of armour including fragments of swords, bridle fittings and spurs have been used to confirm the location. A gilded silver badge in the shape of a boar, Richard's personal emblem, probably worn by one of his closest companions who rode with him on his final charge, was a significant find . There were also silver coins bearing the head Charles the Bold of Burgundy, a silver-gilt badge was found close to where it is believed the Duke of Norfolk was killed. There is now a new trail from the visitor centre, which comprises of a 1.25 mile (2.2km) walk with audio and visual interpretation about the battle and surrounding area. Climbing Ambion Hill near the Battlefield Heritage Centre the trail also includes a walk-through sundial which features the thrones of Richard III, Henry Tudor and Lord Stanley. The panoramic view from the sundial provides the opportunity to see the actual battlefield site in the distance, the church of nearby Market Bosworth and other local landscape features. Update- the Remains of Richard III A tour of the Bosworth Visitor Centre The Wars of the Roses Richard III Henry VII

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