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Louis -

05/25/2013 09:46 PM 

Sock puppet

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La Belle Époque RPG

05/23/2013 11:01 PM 

Aminta Gala Party

Dysfunctional Slayer 💋

05/22/2013 12:55 PM 

Long Road 2


05/20/2013 12:28 PM 


"Our beautiful lands have been ravaged by a ruthless king and our people live under the shadow of tyranny. It wasn't always like this, there was a time when the world lived in peace protected by warriors astride mighty dragons...they are nothing but stories now. All we have now is hope that a dragon will be born again and one will rise to lead us to freedom." Skulblakas tale begins as anyone's should, at his birth. His mothers name was Serenity, a blue dragon from the ancient lands of Alagesia. She had met his father, a swordsman from another land when she had fled her home near the time of the fall of the riders. Taking on a human form she met with the once warrior monk and fell in love with him as he did with her. Together they wove a story of their own but that is a tale for another time. It soon came around that Serenity was pregnant and she soon began to have fears that while she could appear human her offspring would be born in its true form devoid of any spells to conceal its true species. Confronting her love she revealed to him what she truly was with heartbreaking reactions. He fled from her despite her desperate cries of sorrow and her begging him to return. Crushed and alone she had no where to go without him save her homelands and so returned to Alagesia. It had never occurred to Serenity the consequences of what would happen for mating with a human and with the live birth of her son she knew from the start of his life that he would be different. As an infant Skulblaka was human in terms of appearance though still had features that set him apart. Hair that was as blue as the sky and two golden eyes like coins made him seem unnatural and so made it impossible to live among a foster family without attracting attention. As far as Serenity knew her son was the first case of this ever happening having never seen or heard of another half breed existing. Regardless of anything Skulblaka was still Serenity's son and she loved him unconditionally. With age came change and Skul had many in his early years. While young like a human youth with a body to match his mind developed faster and gained the knowledge of his kin of past generations. Age was always a question and one that whenever answered was questioned again. At times Skul would take on a persona of an elder at times giving advice and knowledge while at other times he would act childish playing games and giggling like a hatchling  His mother did all she could to raise him never once regretful of his heritage knowing it was not his fault the way he was. Events would take a turn for the worst however as a secret from the past would soon rear its head in an event that would change Skulblaka forever. It happened late one night after he and his mother had stopped to sleep. While he played in an open field she hunted for their meal quite a distance away unaware of the danger that approached from the sky. Overhead casting its shadow from the moonlight over the tall grass a red dragon flew surveying the area. His name was Ravage and he had been following a scent he had picked up days before. The scent seemed familiar to him, one he had not known since his hatching but one that he held nothing but hatred for. Long before Serenity had ever known Skulblaka's father she had mated with another dragon. This unknown male had used her and moved on never caring for her and never being heard from after that. Left with an egg and no mate as well as a broken heart Serenity had abandoned this egg, its presence a reminder of her heartache. This egg however despite all odds hatched on its own coming into a large world having nothing. No home or family, not a shred of food or help. This small hatchlings heart soon grew cold and hard after having to survive day by day never straying far from the broken remains of his egg that soon grew too small to conceal him. It was around this egg though that he could soon smell a scent that lingered and it was this scent that he once again smelled and followed. Among the tall grass Skulblaka happily ran and pounced on whatever insects he could find knowing his mother would soon return with food. Never knowing a life other than the one he had he was a child that always seemed to be content with how things were. No danger came to him, he had the love of his mother and the world was his home for they went where they pleased, at least that was how he saw it. Ah but the innocence of a child is something that when lost can never be found again. As he rose triumphantly from his crouch, a cricket in his maw, Skulblaka smelled smoke in the air and eagerly turned to run thinking it was the smell of his mothers catch being burned by her flame. Instead however the sight that met his gaze was that of almost the entire field ablaze with crimson flames. It was as if hell were on earth with fire and smoke everywhere. Ash fell from the sky and the fire roared. Listening closely however Skulblaka was sure that was not the roar of fire but of his mother and something else. "Mother!" He called out hoping she would hear him but it was as if the fire swallowed his voice and smoke filled his lungs sending him into a fit of coughing. Fear gripped his heart as he tried again, eyes tearing as he could not see anything but the red blaze and the distant roar of his mother fighting. Inch by inch Skulblaka was pushed back as the fire consumed the area towering above his small form. Not knowing what to do he took a hesitant step toward the flames thinking if he ran quickly he could get through without getting hurt when a large shadow appeared and flew over him. Whatever the object was fell in a heap as if thrown and laid motionless save for a slight rising motion as if breathing. Running over to see what it was Skulblaka was horrified to see his mother clawed and bloody laying there half dead. "Mom!" He cried again pawing at her face. This seemed to rouse her but only a moan escaping her maw as she slowly opened her eyes. The look she had as her eyes met her son was one of fear, not of death but of his well being. She could not stand, her legs bitten or broken, she could not move nor lift her head. All she could do is watch her son with tears in his eyes trying to lift her head. "Run." She whispered to him though he did not move shaking his head. "RUN!" She begged him not wanting him to be harmed. Once again he was going to refuse when a second form emerged from the fire, its horned head held high and eyes glaring down at the fallen dragon. Her body hid her son from his sight but she knew that if Skulblaka did not run he would be killed without a second thought. There he sat rooted to the spot terrified as he could see the horns of another dragon just over his mothers body but before he could take another step Serenity rolled despite great pain onto her legs and flared her wings roaring as if to drive off the red dragon. "GO!" She cried as if to tell the red though in reality she had screamed to her son to flee. With all his effort Skulblaka tore his gaze from the back of his mother facing down the red and ran into the tall grass. He ran and ran never looking back despite hearing the roars of pain and anger. Only when reaching the forest did he finally turn back to look upon the inferno that had engulfed the field but could see no sign of his mother. It would be days before Skulblaka returned to this desolate wasteland where only charred earth remained. As he walked through the ashes he soon came upon a large object, a black mound. Slowly he made his way around it not realizing what it was till he came upon the head of his mother. He did not cry out, he did not run, he only looked upon the remains of his past life.


05/20/2013 12:25 PM 


Rules1. If you send me a friend request you send the starter.2. No one word messages/comments. Example: "Hi, Whats up?" etc.3. No godmodding, power playing, auto hitting. 4. Comments are for storylines only, messages may be used for storylines or ooc conversations. FYIThe following are tid bits of information that I feel people should know or just more information on the rules above that I did not want to add to keep their simple appearance. You are only required to know the above information and the rest is just for your reading pleasure. If you've actually read this far that is.Starters- While I really hate to make and send them I will occasionally be struck with inspiration and offer publicly if anyone would like one. More often then not I will require you the reader to send the starter. I mean YOU wanted to add me then YOU must have an interest so YOU should send the starter. If however you come to me and give me a good reason why you can't send it then I will be more than happy to send one. But I want a real good reason, none of this "I don'e wanna, aww come on, please?" etc.Messages and comments- While I do say comments are for storylines only I have come to notice that using comments is a bit restrictive on paragraph length and force role players to send multiple posts (part I, part II, etc.). I will often just have one current storyline on my comments going while all others will take place in messages. This is not a privacy issue of some sort, it simply makes it easier on me to remember who I owe a reply to. As well as being able to write more for both parties.Godmodding- I think most role players can agree that this is a common annoyance, unless a person in question is doing it themselves. I do not approve of godmodding and my answer to it is simple, NO. Now there are times I think I may guilty of godmodding and if I am then please inform me. My characters main ability is to teleport and he will use it exceedingly most often during a battle. Now I have tried to limit this ability to make it fair to opponents. There are limitations and restrictions I have placed on my character to make a fight fair. That's FAIR not easy. Now I am not about to tell you the reader what those limitations are or any way of countering it, those are for you to figure out and I will leave small clues throughout the storyline if we have one.

-Desert Flower;

05/15/2013 11:46 PM 


1. I am Novella writer- To me that means I write, at the very, least ten paragraphs per comment. I prefer quality however, so if you know that yours dwindles after a certain point, don't go on boring me with fillers just to make the cut. Send me what feels right and all should be fine. On that note I will not write with anyone who has a policy of READ WRITE DELETE. I did not just send you twenty paragraphs for it to be deleted in a few days. 2. I have an 18+ rating- This character deals with very adult themes. I believe that is self explanatory, but if you need it spelled out for you, it means I write: Death, gore, sex, drugs and rock and roll. This also means that I am not shy about these things. I will not switch to messages when a sex scene comes up. I will fuck in journals and in comments. If that is something you do not want to see then don't read them. I believe that sex is necessary for character development in a story and I have no problems with people reading my story lines which includes any possible sex. Switching to messages when a sex scene comes up and going back to comments when it's over just seems like cybering to me. 3. Don't steal- I obviously do not own Princess Jasmine; Disney does. But I would prefer it if the things I have written here which I have done myself were not taken. I see no issues in drawing inspiration from something especially in RP but please refrain from copying my story or taking any photos/gifs I may edit from my page/ defaults, as I have worked on them for a long time and its just rude otherwise. 4. I don't do RL drama- Unless we become close and you're informing me in messages (or aim) I don't care what your boyfriend, or best friend, or mom has done to you. I also don't care about your issues with other roleplayers which are not my concern. I'm not here to protect anyone who starts fights who I just met over the internet, and if you start that kind of shit, I will kindly see my way out of it. RP drama is a must, but I draw the line there. 5. I am a Multi-Storyline account- I am no one's wife, unless I state otherwise. I am not cheating on anyone. Every storyline is unique. 6. Be creative- Don't let these rules intimidate you. I like to think I can be a pretty nice person when you get to know me. So don't be afraid to speak to me. I prefer to discuss storylines so please message me and talk to me about any ideas you may have, and I will do my best to work with you to create a good connection. I would prefer it if I wasn't sent premade starters, because it just reveals that you may be unable to reply with a comment of the same quality after I've taken the time to give you a unique reply. Every storyline is different so nobody meets the same way every time. 7. If you showed interest send the starter- For the most part, I believe that if you've added me you should send the starter. Sometimes I may break this rule if I'm feeling creative and truly long to write with someone and I may write the starter. I have a tendency to write a lot (which ranges at about 8-20 paragraphs, but I have done much more.) So I don't want my time to be wasted on someone who won't reply accordingly. If you cannot handle that, don't bother. I'm definitely not here to one-line, or talk in text speech. 8. Use proper spelling and grammar- Do try to speak English. I am not perfect and I will make mistakes, but I at least attempt to be coherent. Use spell check, it is readily available on just about every writing program. Re-read before sending comments to me and edit them. It is greatly appreciated. -Now I understand that for some people, English may be their second language, and for cases like this I will not complain so long as I know that what they've sent is the absolute best they could do. In short, don't half ass what you send to me and all will be fine. 9. No Godmoding- I believe we should all try to be as fair as we can. I know that this is hard to do with a world full of bloodthirsty vampires, animalistic werewolves, terrifying demons and powerful gods, but its is possible to write with each other without always trying to one up one another. Fighting just goes on forever otherwise and I'm very picky about choosing fights. I won't rip out your spine or blow you into space and I expect the same courtesy. On that note, don't write for my character, it's fine and dandy to write out responses to actions my character has done, or even to say you watched me do it, but not until after I've done it. In other words don't say you watched me dance when in my last comment I haven't even stood up from my chair yet. Small things like pulling me in a certain direction by the hand are fine though. I mean how else would we get anywhere? 10. No butting in where you don't belong- I post a lot of bulletins, but they're not necessarily for everyone. I understand that bulletins are much more public than messages or comments, and I really don't mind people reading them, so as long as I don't address anyone specifically they are free game. However if I express that a bulletin is for someone else, please keep from throwing in your two cents. If it is written that I am speaking in the privacy of my own room with another character, there's no way you could ever see the conversation even if it is in bulletins. So move on, and don't respond unless you're called upon, no matter how the bulletin may make you feel. Feel free to laugh or respond to any random banter you find amusing however. 11. Be patient- Did I mention I hate people who complain? That includes people who rush me for replies. I answer people as quickly as possible, but I do have a life outside of RP and several other characters that demand my attention. I also like to take my time, because I refuse to send people crap. If I am taking longer than usual, I will message you and tell you why. Don't rush me, don't posts statuses saying things like, "Comments people!" "I'm bored!" "Pay attention to me!" "No one's talking!" It is annoying, and I will delete you. I can't stand attention whores. 12. I am here to roleplay- I am on this site because I long to role play, so don't ask me If I want to. I will delete you. This is a roleplaying site, what the bloody hell do you think I want to do? Catch my interest, send me a storyline idea and I will add to it. Send me an interesting starter and I will reply. That is what I'm here for. "If I do marry, I want it to be for love." -Princess Jasmine

☣Rachael Foley�

05/14/2013 09:36 PM 

Play By The Rules

1. Just a heads up, I am a male roelplaying as a female. If that in any way, shape, or form bothers you then just delete me now. I'd rather you didn't start any problems over my gender.2. Do not add me unless you intend to Roleplay. That is, after all, the purpose of this profile.3. I am open to just about anything as far as starters go. I am a very flexible as well as creative rper. I am always open to discussing a storyline before we jump into any sort of rp.4. No God-moding. In other words, you control your character and I'll control mine.5. Please try to use coherent English when RPing with me. Which means no I.M language (LOL, LMAO, G2G, etc.). Unless of course you are speaking out of character.6. NO PICTURE STEALING! I've tagged my photos but that usually doesn't stop a person from stealing them. DON'T STEAL MY SH*T! I will send you the original of a photo if you ask. However if it is one I have made myself I will not be sending it out to anyone. Meaning ones with Rachael's in game model. 7. Drama in any way, shape or form, will not be tolerated. I do not get involved in 'group wars' or blacklisting. Save your drama for someone who cares. Honestly. We're here to roleplay. So let's do that. Kindly leave your baggage at the door.I'll post more rules as they come to me.Thanks for reading and I hope to RP with you all soon.

ᴵᶰ ᵗʰᵉ𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓼◅

05/09/2013 11:51 PM 

Rules & Guidelines

Rule #1Try your absolute best to be literate. I don't mind a few spelling errors here and there, but I will delete you if you start using 'TXT' talk.Rule #2This may seem stupid to someone, but please don't use 'You' in a roleplay when referring to an action. For example: Orion stared up at the sky before turning to you, giving a goofy grin as he stared into your eyes.Don't do that.Rule #3 I normally send about 3 paragraphs per reply, though if I am feeling lazy, or simply am losing interest in the roleplay, you can expect less.Rule #4Don't pester me about not sending a reply.I'll get to it when I get to it.I'm pretty busy in r/l.Rule #5No, I am not a part of any Disney themed RPG.But that doesn't mean I am a bad roleplayer.I simply have yet to find a group that I am willing to be in.Rule #6Orion's sexuality.He's bisexual, and tend to lean towards men.But, ladies that doesn't mean he wont fall for one of you.Rule #7The edits.I love editing. For me.Awhile back I tried doing a Disney crossover edit and it turned out horrible.So never again.But if you wanna give it a shot than go for it!Rule #8Multiple accounts.If you have two accounts you wanna try roleplay on with me, then go for it.As long as the two don't eventually start heading down the same path.Rule #9I love drama in my roleplays!It makes them fun!However, when I say drama I don't mean acting all emo.Which has happened before, because someone thought they could guilt Orion into a relationship by 'cutting' them self in the r/p.Rule #10I am only saying this because I've had it asked int he past.If you wanna roleplay as two characters in one roleplay, than go for it!Be Hercules and Hades!Or Mulan and Mushu!Or...Whoever.Now, would you be so kind as to sign? 

Ultimate Spider-Woman

05/06/2013 05:26 PM 

Rules to Dating

Seriously??! No.If you don't know how to rp then I feel bad for you son cause this bitch had 99 more problems and dropping ya off my list would mean less problems. So don't spoil my fun!!!  O.o or I will find out where you live and slit your throat? Ever seen a woman eat an eraser for fun?   Of course not you twit. Now back to more important things like setting up rules.(What you mean there are rules to rping with another person?)  Fuck yeah!   I got plenty. But I'm bored and when I'm bored I become erratic and cranky.  So....I guess I will do these rules thingys later.But be warned. I have the power to totally kick you off my list if I want to. I might do it just to be evil...>o> or not , Don't judge me. Only I can judge you.This is me WINNING.  Get use to this image. Burn it in your tiny male brain. Women are smarter and we will always triumph. =)So any ways. I saw this on someone's page.  "I'm a literate rper. Highly selective adds." I was like:Because I see this quite often on that porn site all you guys use. L*R*P*E.Shame on you for false advertising. We all know you can't spell correctly using one hand. Props to you if you actually can. But even if you find someone to rp with. They probably are incapable of using big words and have many diseasesSo quit being an idiot and wasting your time on that site when there are awesome people on this website.LIKE ME!!!So good luck on finding that imaginary poo tang if thats what floats your boat. Why am I here? I'm here collect as many friends as I possibly can and never reply back to them!  Crap! That was not the effect I was hoping for.

ℬʀoᴋeɴ ᴡiɴgs

04/27/2013 05:49 PM 


  I am a Multi-para AU rper and up.   I do not reply to anything below 3 paragraphs with real story content, if it's 5 paragraphs with quite literally 3 short or smallish sentences my muse will die real quickly. I'm only here for serious roleplay.     I also must clarify this before we start even conversing... Brielle is obviously an original character I made up, I originally had a Bella under this display name but I felt it stupid to have a "twin" with the same name so I changed for my best friend at the time. Brielle is fairly similar to her sister, yet still her polar opposite. Just like every other Swan twin out there, only I've actually put quite a lot of thought into my storyline than you may be used to.     I am QUITE SELECTIVE of the crossovers I'll allow. Mostly because I have limited knowledge on many of the new shows or verses that have cropped up since my original run in this verse.   Why am I AU? because if I wasn't then there would be no Brielle it's just non-sense. Also because Brielle happens to be the imprint of Jacob and even her existance alters some slight factors of the original storyline. Had I not gotten a Jacob as a love interest then I might have actually been canon since my character so easily slipped in without altering much.     On the note of love interests I am taken by the one person I've been with foreverboth outside and in rp Twelve years now & still going strong in rp,and we are now married in real life. Anyways Please respect this and keep the sexual content/references and flirting to a zero. It's even a rule and if you read my rules and actually did what you were supposed to you've already agreed to respect it.  I only rp in Messages, Forums, Google Docs, or DiscordPlease take your pick and let me know your personal preference. I will however like to state now that I refuse to write via comments.#1 Thing you should know about meI'm not here to play games with youI will send you ONE comment.In that comment I will offer up creating a storyline.If I see statuses from you whining about how no one is rping or wants to make a storylineI will auto Delete you and save your page for future reference.The fact that you are complaining when I sent you something proves that you have no intention of actually trying to write with me.I'm sick of playing games and I'm beyond tired of people making assumptions about my character because 1) she's an OC&2) she's an oc that is twin to Bella.I mean I get many of the "Twins" poorly designed, but to judge me because of them is a poor mistake.I also Deny helpsites PERIOD. Not even gonna deal with them. I make all my own stuff, resource sites will just collect dust on my friendslist. So no. Don't add me from your site, don't tell me to add your site, Don't ask me to join your site. Just don't I'm done with sites.Why is this?I hate when my pages inspire sites and no one ever asks my permission.Also, I've created my codes 100% from top to bottom.I don't appreciate when site steal my codes to use as bases or something...(Not to say all sites steal it's just not something I'm interested in and believe it or not it has happened before)I'm also not one for any drama and sites seem to be nothing but drama these days.If a site or rpg attempts to add me more than 4 times,they will be blocked.I don't need assistance with anything, I don't intend on joining any rpgs.I don't look through the content of sites in any way.There is no need for me to have them.Point Blank.Simple as that. 

𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎.

04/26/2013 03:35 PM 

Olivia Munn vs Olivia Munn.
Current mood:  inspired

I thought I'd take this time to show everyone the differences, and the slight similarities between the Olivia Munn everyone knows through her time in G4, and my Olivia. That way some of you illiterate bitchnigga cocksucking pussbags can stop whining about me being unoriginal.REAL LIFE OLIVIA MUNN� �������������������������������-Born Lisa Olivia Munn on 03JUL1980�������������������in Oklahoma City, OK. -Stands 5'4, weighing 114.5lbs(52kg)-Raised predominantly in Tokyo, Japan -Graduated Putnam City North High School, and attended the University of Oklahoma, majoring in Journalism and minoring in Japanese and dramatic arts. -Interned at Fox Sports Net in 2004, where she became a sideline reporter for college football and women's basketball. -Got her memorable role as Milly Acuna on Beyond the Break in 2005, joined G4's Attack of the Show in 2006. -Joined The Daily Show on 03JUN10, currently starring as Sloan Sabbith on The Newsroom since 24JUN12. -Bilingual, with Japanese as a second language. -VEGAN. -Black Belt in Karate. -Gun control advocate..� RP OLIVIA MUNN -Born Olivia Elizabeth Munn on 03JUL1980in Okinawa Naval Base, Japan. -Stands 5'7, walking around at 120lbs(61kg), cuts to 115lbs(52kg) for competition -Raised in Compton, CA, through foster care. Never met her biological parents, who are presumed dead. -Graduated Panorama High School in Los Angeles, Enlisted in the Army on 15DEC97 as an 97L(Interpreter)- redesignated 09L(Interpreter/Translator) in 2003. -First female Special Forces Qualification Course graduate of class 426 on 16MAR04, became the Weapons Sergeant(18B) of Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha-015(SFODA-015) of the 19th Special Forces Group. -Graduated Ranger School on 13OCT05 prior to her first deployment with SFODA-015 seven months later. -Became the first female Operations Sergeant(18Z) for D-Squadron, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta(1st-SFOD-D) on 24AUG12. -Retired from the Army on 30SEPT13. Became an instructor for Wand Fight Team in Las Vegas, NV. -First female 7th degree Coral Belt recipient in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu w/ title of "Master", Black Belt in Modern Army Combatives, Instructor, Special Operations Forces Combatives Program. -Mother of Katarina Maria Munn, born 03JUL11, Major Ethan Douglas(1st SFOD-D/ CIA SAD), born 27MAR07. -Speaks Arabic, Pashtu, Farsi, Portuguese, French, Japanese, Russian, German, Hebrew, Serbian, Romanian, Spanish, and several dialects. -Resurrected Militaires Sans Frontieres on 13OCT14 in response to repeated harassment by the CIA. -Comatose on 24JUL16 during a surprise raid on Mother Base by an attack force deployed by Langley after convincing the Tier 1 SOF task forces to fight alongside her. -Awoke in 09AUG25, where she waged war against Langley after learning that her daughter was abducted during her comatose state. The war waged for three days, resulting in the destruction of half of the CIA Headquarters.-- Awarded the Medal of Honor for rescuing President Donald Trump from a surprise attack from the CIA's Special Activities Center: �-Reformed MSF for a third time, with her numbers increasing throughout the years. �-Through Olivia, MSF gains nuclear capabilities in 2029, with the Research and Development Team in the process of creating their own Metal Gear.� -Deployed Echo Team in response to an attack on Bagram Air Base by a PMC claiming to be MSF. Leader was revealed to be an old stalker of hers, along with the same force that rendered her in a coma in 2016.� -Infiltrated Bagram solo to rescue Echo Team and her 18-year-old daughter, who had posed as one of her contractors during the recon operation. Became the first non-male codenamed 'SNAKE' to defeat Metal Gear variant codenamed 'SIGMA'.   -NOT A VEGAN. - Obviously NOT a gun control advocate.


04/24/2013 05:57 PM 

Online People vs. Browse People

A few members have told us that they don't like the new "Browse" feature because they feel that the way "Browse" used to work was better. We want to let everyone know that the old "Browse" was actually the same thing as "Online". Some may not have realized this but until we setup the new "Browse" feature, the Browse menu forwarded you to "Online". Now when you click "Browse", you see a search page, not a list of online members. If you prefer to see only people who are online, click "Online". Hopefully this video helps everyone understand the differences and similarities of "Online" and "Browse". Contact Support if you have any questions. Click here to contact RolePlayer Support Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Multi characters

04/24/2013 03:24 PM 

Current mood:  headphones

Name: ZaneAge: Looks 21 but is really about 500Gender: MaleSpecies:ElfHair Color: BlueEye Color: light shade of bluesSexual Orientation: Gay/SekeStatus: SingleOccupation: Owner of a Techno hot spot and Dj for the place.Home Town: unknownTattoos: A large red and gold Phoenix on his back.

Wraith Exile Raven, Jedi Knight

04/19/2013 06:48 PM 

The Exiles((Under Construction))
Current mood:  accomplished

Ghost Exile Raven. (Sniper)Ghost is Wraiths sister, looks to be about 16 years of age has long white hair tied back, wears pale green and white armour usually with a green camo cloak on followed by a targetting droid(floating above) carries a anti-material hellshot sniper rifle and vibrosword.Slasher Exile. (Medical)Slasher is the Exile medic and lives onboard "The Unforgiven" the medical frigate, he seems to be about 35 years of age and has survived many of the wars with only a few scars. He wears white and red armour and his weapons are twin vibrodaggers with a old clone wars DC-15 rifle.Hacker Exile. (Computers)

𝒟iverse ♛ 𝒜llegory

04/18/2013 08:20 PM 


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