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11/16/2014 10:56 PM 

Task 15

Thanksgiving was the season of gratitude, the one day a year that forced people everywhere to consider the true benefits in their lives.  Families gathered from far and near to enjoy heaping plate after plate of dozens of foods. But for one New York beauty, Thanksgiving only reminded her of what she didn't have.  Whitney pulled out of her thoughts in time to witness a near collision between two cabs and a bike rider.  She closed her curtains, retreating into her penthouse and sitting on the edge of her bed. "Cocoa," she called.  "Here, girl."  The little puppy barreled into the room within seconds, jumping onto the bed and into Whitney's lap."Hi, sweetie," the blonde murmured, scratching between the puppy's ears.  She willed herself not to look at the clock, but her gaze traveled in that direction anyway.  It was just after two.  The sun was high in the sky, the chill of the early afternoon only barely masking the humidity from the week-long rainstorm.  Whitney was filled with a pang of sadness as she realized that families would be gathering while their feasts cooked, making pointless small talk and enjoying their surplus.  Whitney's own family was gone, her parents lost to a terrible car accident and no siblings to speak of. With no time for a relationship, Whitney had chosen to remain single.  She was utterly alone.She picked up the room service menu, contemplating her dinner, but then decided this year wouldn't be her usual Netflix movie marathon and turkey from the hotel kitchen.  No. She was going to have a good time for once.  She finished petting Cocoa and set her gently on the floor, walking into the bathroom. After a twenty minute shower under near scalding water, Whitney towel dried her hair, allowing her long blonde curls to fall around her shoulders.  Applying her makeup lightly, she dressed in a simple maroon halter dress and tan stiletto boots that covered her knees.  She instructed her driver to pick her up immediately, and left the apartment with a surprising sense of anticipation.  She was beautiful and successful, and she was going to enjoy her night.An hour later, Whitney was sitting at her usual table in the back of her favorite club.  She looked up just in time to notice a handsome stranger eyeballing her from a few feet away. Whitney downed the rest of her drink and set the glass on the table, striding over to the newcomer, who she had never seen in the club before. They quickly struck up a conversation, immediately realizing that they shared many common interests.  After a few more drinks, Whitney smiled at the handsome stranger across the table from her. He was clearly divorced, according to the tan line on his ring finger.  Maybe she could have some fun after all.  And then, before she knew it, the beautiful blonde was spending her Thanksgiving in bed with a stranger.

Chrysariel {SKE}

11/14/2014 02:08 PM 

Pools of Chaos Pt4

Date: 11-13-2014 2:00:24 (Marius) The four simply stood there with little to no reaction at her creations. In fact, the only slightest reaction came from Serius as he stood just a bit straight and crossed his arms. The molten lava that coursed through his veins began to glow just a bit more wild than before giving his body almost the aura of fire itself. Still, no speech was spoken, and eyes did not leave her. It wasn't until someone walked up from the steps that the sons' heads turned, yet Lela's eyes remained on Chrys. Those eyes of hers, thought to see into the souls of many, their deep violet color rooted in its own evil, but filled with an honor that matched even their father's. Serius spoke first at the new comer "It seems, Reckoning, that you wouldn't be far if father had found a new lover. He always has you watching from a distance ensuring her safety, and in this place it is guaranteed that you are not far." His voice, raspy, almost like his throat could have once spat fire from it. You could hear a subtlety in it that could be found to be intoxicating to a few. Returning his eyes to Chrys "I hope my assumption was correct, mi'lady, that you are indeed the new lover of our father?" Before an answer could even come into the air Sebastian spoke up his one red eye flaring "Of course it is his new lover you idiot, his scent is all over her." The Reckoning, the highest soldier in Marius's arsenal, was deadly and extremely smart. Grown from the DNA of several beings, one would call her a chimera; others would call her the personification of Death itself when she battled. She stood there wanting to react to their comments, but only averted her eyes and looked to the ground. Her hair, mask, and clothes began to shift from different dark colors that was synonymous with her indecision. Her tale-tell sign being revealed to all, and Sebastian mocked her by laughing and pointing at her. "Dear old Reckoning, wanting so badly to strike us down, yet cannot for you know the consequences of such an action. You know better than most you do not match us, but go ahead and keep dreaming." His laughter barked into the air as he wiped his own tears of joy from his eyes. Walking forward Sebastian lounged into one of the benches that was provided by Chrys. He sat there with one leg thrown over the arm of it and began playing with his nails as if bored with the current situation. Serius followed suit, and so did Draven as they all sat returning their eyes to her leaving the soldier to remain standing embarrassed.  At that moment Draven spoke, whose voice was deep, and had a rumble that could command armies "I see you were gifted with the bloodstone, which means Father sees a future with you. He is entitled to finding shade for his heart as any other, but to finally choose an immortal is a change. I don't know if I should be proud or concerned. The old man could finally be sick." He sat back looking deeply at her, judging her, weighing her. He knew without a shadow of a doubt she could be and would be a strong pairing, but he wondered how far she would go for him. Lela growled deeply "What are you? Why you? Doesn't it disturb any of you that she is chosen now?" The brothers looked at their sister with slight reservation. The clarity of their feelings towards her became apparent upon their faces as she eyed them all, and she knew. They never liked her, they wished she didn't exist, but they stomached her presence because she commanded the most power. Perhaps it was the power they wished gone, and the only one to remove it currently existed somewhere else. Still Lela didn't care, and she spoke firmly "You shouldn't be here; this is not your realm. So what if he gave you the gift of power here, you should not be here." Again she growled, but none reacted except for Sebastian sighing deeply "Over reacting as usual. One of these days she will pull that permanent stick in her ass out.  Pay her no mind whoever you are; she is harmless till she pulls that whole gravity power thing." Just then Lela stood next Sebastian jamming a knife into his hand. Sebastian let out a yelp, but the look she gave him showed that if he screamed anymore the pain would not end. "Lean your place Sebastian. You are the bastard of the family, and we accepted you even though," eyeing the other three, "You all allied to hate me equally. I am his first born, his heir to the mountain kingdom, and I shall not allow disrespect in my presence. Do I make myself abundantly clear?" Removing the blade from Sebastian's hand they all nodded their heads equally before she sat down. Turning her gaze back to Chrys "Tell us, why you?"Date: 11-10-2014 12:43:27 (Chrys) Chrysariel gazed back at Marius' eldest children with equanimity. Though she was not a deity herself, she had met a number of them in her life, and knew several quite well. She was even good friends with more than a few. Threagor dined at her table on a regular basis. Some of them, however, were not exactly well mannered to say the least. Ares was famous for a few of his offspring that were known for trouble, for example. But what would you expect from the God of War? Someone had said that the difference between men and boys (or adults and children so as not to be sexist) was the price of their toys. So true in some cases. In this instance it was the degree of power.   Nevertheless, one could never show weakness or doubt before any, and especially not those of Marius' bloodline for they were all predators. That was fine, for she was a predator too - though a different kind altogether and she had justified pride in herself, her abilities, her knowledge, and her accomplishments. She was no pushover, certainly, though she did know she was outmatched here, and she was glad for her impenetrable mind shield nonetheless. It was hard enough to hold onto her stoicism while Marius was in the black pool without his children here and with them brought a new level of anxiety. The depth of evil she saw in Lela's beautiful violet eyes gave her pause, though she did not show it. The malevolence she expected; but the honor was a surprise. I wonder if the young Goddess might be incredibly lonely behind all that. Something told Chrys she was right. She would kill me if she knew I thought so. But it isn't pity at all - just logic. I was very similar once upon a time, and I wish that she find the same love that Marius and I share someday, and be happy. When The Reckoning walked up Chrys was nearly shocked out of her composure by Sebastian's rudeness. Serius had made a statement before, but he wasn't truly discourteous. Seeing her so obviously embarrassed and realizing that this wasn't the first time, Chrys sent Sebastian a glacier cold look frosted with the depth of the Abyss and walked over to The Reckoning. She nodded respect without averting her eyes, and smiled. "Hello! Please come join me over here. It's nice to see you again Reckoning." When they were seated, she answered Draven. "It is time I too love an Immortal. To watch someone you love die is always horrible, but when it is of old age the price is too high and the grief too great." She sighed. "I would not trade the experience for anything, even knowing the outcome, but it is a relief that that particular misery will not happen with Marius. If it is my choice, you should be proud not concerned."  She grinned. When Lela growled at her, Chrys raised one eyebrow, a habitual response of surprise and/or disapproval, at her outburst. Then with studied grace and poise, Chrys answered. "What am I? I am many things. Why me? Why not me? We are supremely suited to and for one another; we are very much alike, and we love each other intensely. What else matters? Why does the timing bother you? It was actually perfect for each of us. I believe we met through a nexus of Fate and though She and I have been at great odds before, I am grateful for that particular crossing in Her web!" Chrys' smile turned to annoyance. "Of course I should be here. I live here in his castle just like he lives with me in mine." Then with the strength of her will, she held Lela's gaze for a moment then two. Softly she continued. "You don't know enough about me to assume anything. However, in this case you are right. This is not my natural Realm. I have visited in the past - centuries before I met your father - and I alone of our group survived. But today in the present it is my home, at least part time." Her ire rose from the next comment. She sat and fumed behind her calm mask and actually agreed with Sebastian, who did relieve some of the tension with his remark about the stick up Lela's ass. It was the sort of thing one of her own sons would say to one of her own daughters, or vice versa. The difference was her children would have sparred with words, lobbing insults back and forth, and then laughed it off. But when Lela stabbed him, it was just too much. In spite of herself, Chrys lost some of her composure. She nearly spit the words. "So what if he gave me the gift of power here? SO WHAT? Really, that's your argument? As if it means nothing? Marius gave me the ability to travel back and forth and protection here because he wanted to. Obviously!" Chrys stood up and went to the end of her bench, staring out over that primordial pool.  That hateful black water that swallowed up her beloved Marius with no sign of returning him to her. Crossing her arms in front of herself she fought for calm and attained it. Softly she spoke again. "He wanted to share his home with his mate, his love. Just as I did." She looked back over her shoulder but at no one in particular. "Can you not accept that?" As she turned away she continued, but even softer. "It was so amazing seeing his clothes in the closets at my castle. And even more so when he copied mine here. He had the most incredible smile and his gorgeous eyes sparkled when he added a few things and I found them...that's when I knew this was truly real. Stupid I guess. But I'll never forget it." Chrys was silent for a moment, then two... her eyes searching the oily darkness for a ripple, any sign no matter how small that he was coming back. Finally she spoke once more. "My beloved, the sexiest man I have ever known, my incredible Marius...when are you going to come out of that damned forsaken black water?" She spun around, looking at the others. "Do any of you know? Please tell me."

Iron Man

11/12/2014 12:29 PM 

RP History and Canonology

-Post-Bleeding Edge A suit that represented a paradigm shift in armor construction was the Bleeding Edge armor, which was a morphing liquid smart metal that was integrated directly into Tony Stark's biology.  The major drawback of this suit, however, was that it traded performance for flexibility with it's liquid design.  Next Tony went in the opposite direction, building a black and gold suit built entirely from solid parts again, which focused on performance.  It was highly modular, and could hot-swap new components to change mission specs, but was committed to a design once in the field.   A mix of this was the Bleeding Edge Hyrbid armor - a solid skeletal base (containing structure and essential systems) skinned with a reservoir of morphing liquid.  This allowed for several component pieces with a high degree of flexibility and independence, but performance on the crucial base systems.  (Implementation and suit-up was very similar to the MCU Mark 42 & Mark 43.) -Space Explorers! After developing a new Space Armor Mk III with a built in warp drive, as well as an accompanying armory shuttle, Stark set out into the alien cosmos on a series of adventures.  One such adventure began with Tony and his head of security, James Bond, winning a vast swath of formerly-Skrull territory in a card game on Zeltros.  Elated, the two split up to begin exploring their new territory.   THIS STORY IS STILL ONGOING!  Come join the fun! Do not let the length intimidate you.  Space Explorers works like a long never ending story, where we occasionally pause and skip forward in time and just keep going.  Only the recent stuff matters, if at all.   -Troy In the comics, Tony Stark returned from space with new ideas, and promptly began putting them to the test.  He purchased the remains of Mandarin City, the island city-state of his deceased nemesis, located off the coast of China, and began to rebuild the city with futuristic technology and social ideas.  It was renamed "Troy"  In a nutshell, Troy infrastructure was focused on decentralization and modularity: for each property to be self-sufficient but also interconnected with its neighbor, sharing excess resources with each other via self-growing/self-configuring cables.  Like a slime-mold.   -Darksaber At one point, Kalu the Hutt sought out and captured Tony Stark, wanting him to help create a large Hutt-funded super weapon, the Darksaber.  Essentially, it was only the cannon of a Death Star and the bare minimum crew housing, bare bones gun in space.  This effort was foiled when several heroes intervened and Tony Stark escaped, using components in his lab to build a new Mark 0 suit out of X-Wing components.  He and friends found the Naboo Royal Yacht in the hanger, a collector's item, and fled with it.  Tony kept this as his personal luxury ship for a while. -Olive! Somewhere around now, Tony adopted a saw whet owl named Olive, who continues to be f'ing adorable.  She hunts the mice at Stark Tower to near extinction, although her favorite treat by far are the olives from Tony's martini glass, which lead to her name.  -Superior Iron Man During the events of Marvel's AXIS, several heroes and villains had their moral compasses inverted, with villains becoming heroes and heroes becoming villains.  Tony Stark was now free of guilt, rather than driven by it.  Liking the way he was, he was smart enough to avoid being returned to normal and remained a glorified sociopath!  This - "Thomas Hobbes's Tony Stark" - was the Superior Iron Man.  Complimenting his new mindset was a brand new armor - an attention-grabbing chrome suit made from a liquid smart metal composed of a synthetic symbiote, linked to and under the complete control of Tony's mind. As the Superior Iron Man, Tony went on several champagnes and engaged in several projects to make the world a better place - according to him. He promptly set up a new location in San Francisco, where he sold the citizens an app-enabled version of Extremis at a gouged high price, and controlled crime through an unprecedented surveillance system.  There he met and befriended criminal Diane Alim, the "Catwoman Of San Francisco", and allowed her to continue her criminal activities because she was "mostly harmless and interesting, also she has a nice rear." Other projects of his included... -A failed attempt to take over Themyscira, which resulted in his highjacking the Justice League Watchtower.  (Modernizing Paradise) -Successfully maneuvering himself as vassal of Asgard, and head of their weapon forges. (Party In Asgard!) -Taking over the planet Ryloth (to be discussed in detail next) (Iron Planet Started Jan 5th, 2015.) -Attacking Superman when his power was severely weakened, defeating him, and implanting a Kryptonite bomb in his stomach.  Why?  Because Kryptonians and their unchecked power scare Tony, Superior or not.  (UNCHAINED vs SUPERIOR) -Iron Planet - or on whichever page Jan 5th, 2015 occurs. In his travels through space, Tony Stark had encountered and developed an infatuation for the Twi'lek species, particularly their women.  With new ambition and a disregard for civil liberties, the Superior Iron Man gathered old Trade Federation droids, threw in some of his Iron Legion, and a pinch of James Bond for help, and conquered the planet Ryloth!  Stark's goal was to improve the planet, by force, and leave.  Yes, he did not intend to stay ruler, his desire was to make the planet as lovely as its women, and then leave and collect tax-funded commissions for the rest of his life.  He even promised to make it "rain on Ryloth", a barren tidally locked world.   His efforts were challenged by the Inquisitor, sent by the Empire itself, who came armed with a Super Star Destroyer!  Iron Man, James Bond, and company resisted.  Iron Man and James Bond successfully killed the Inquisitor and seized his Super Star Destroyer, and Bond gifted the Inquisitor's lightsaber to Tony as a trophy.  Next, they were attacked by General Grevious and a wizard, who were fought off also. Later, Stark's plans had neared completion.  He had used droid and forced Twi'lek labor to build new cities, new green house domes, other infrastructure projects, and a series of warp gate rings.  These rings were launched into space, where they sucked up icy comets in the system and flung them at Ryloth's scorched day side (it's a tidally locked world - Google it). This time, Tony Stark was unopposed and successfully added many tons of water to Ryloth's ecosystem, enough to make it rain, as promised.  Terraforming by Tony Stark. With Ryloth a little bit terraformed, with new beautiful cities and infrastructure, and with free Extremis, Ryloth was a much more pleasant planet to live on.  As promised, Tony Stark packed up his stuff, left the Trade Federation droids and Super Star Destroyer in the Twi'leks' hands to form the base of their new navy, and left.  The Twi'leks, initially rebellious and distrusting, were happy for their freedom but also thankful and admiring of the alien overlord, Tony Stark. -Science vs Magic!  (SvM) This was the big one... The entire time Tony had been inverted, he had been preparing for this, scheming, building up to this. He had created a robotic clone of King Loki - whom he was aware of after finding him in Asgardian prisons he snooped through while a Vassal.  He had invented new weapons for Asgard to gain their trust, and skimmed a small percentage of the armory for himself in the form of Uru armor plating for his own Iron Legion drones - now specialized in combating magical creatures.  He had researched ancient texts and history, enough to recreate a grimoire spell book which claimed that Shuma-Gorath was the inventor of magic, and that all it's sorcery and use in all pantheons slowly empowered him.  He had hijacked Reed Richard's time machine, and hurled the fake grimoire into the distant past to age it to authenticity.   He sent the clone Loki, Cloki, on a series of strikes at modern technology an infrastructure, culminating with an attack on Tony Stark himself.  One youth, an alchemist named Chris Steele, had even given his arm to save Tony's life.  Stark had a backup plan to survive his injuries, but let Chris cripple himself just to complete the illusion of his innocence.  In the chaos, Cloki left behind the Grimoire, leading everyone to believe that magic was empowering a force which sought to destroy the universe, leading to magic's very swift prohibition and legislation against it.  In the wake of this anti-magic moral panic, Tony Stark offered Troy's decentralized and renewable infrastructure technology to the nations of Earth, marking it as a "terrorism proof, magic proof" to the U.N.  However, there was not enough money in the world to pay for a spontaneous overnight overhaul of that magnitude, so Tony had offered to do it in exchange for every nation's debt.   And just like that, Tony Stark owned the national debt of just about every country in the world, and the monopoly on almost all resources (power, water, food, ect...), while giving himself new avenues to spread Extremis.   Tony Stark had created a moral panic, and then exploited it to TAKE OVER THE WORLD! But soon everything fell apart.  The younger Loki, Agent Of Asgard, gathered allies on a quest to summon and discover the TRUE nature of magic itself, while other magic users rebelled against this new anti-magic prejudice.  Stark made the mistake of allying with Doctor Doom, who had rejected magic in favor of science.   Many people died.  And, also Olive the owl died. During a siege on the Sanctum Sanctorum, the trademarked home of Dr. Strange was destroyed while Stark Sentinels decimated magic users and opposing heroes.  Loki returned to Earth now with the ingredients he needed for one final spell, fighting off and killing Gorilla Grodd.  Iron Man killed Captain America.  Soon after he was betrayed by Doctor Doom, who had stolen the power of the real Shuma-Gorath, christening himself "Shuma-Doom" (go on, say it out loud), and using his newfound power over reality to command Stark's living armor to eat him alive. Loki had cast his spell, and met Shuma-Gorath's foil.  If Shuma was the embodiment of all dark magics, then the Heart Of Magic was the embodiment of the light and benevolent mystics.  There, he became empowered to be the God of Stories, rather than merely a god of little lies.  In this mystic scape with the Heart Of Magic - which was a unicorn, by the way - Loki selected a new story, and erased the physical existence of all of Superior Iron Man's sins.   He resurrected the dead and restored Tony's original morality. With the world put back to normal, but remembering it's mistakes and traumas, Loki disappeared into the ethos of rumors and whispers and movie trailers... -After SvM Remembering every detail of his life while inverted, Stark promptly fell into a deep depression.  He lost many billions of dollars in settlements and lawsuits, avoiding jail at the cost of most of his fortune.  As he realized just how much people now hated him, how little they wanted his future, he became suicidal.  What's a futurist without a future? A hallucination of Yinsen, brought on by ingesting chemicals under his kitchen sink, eventually gave Stark some life-saving encouragement.  Coffee from Olive, the owl, sure helped too.  Snapping out of it, he began to slowly tinker, bit by bit, until six months later he had tinkered his way to a brand new armor, a sassy new A.I. named F.R.I.D.A.Y., and a new outlook on life. Depression eventually progressing into rage, and with a brand shiny new armor, Tony Stark targeted a terrorist group called Boko Haram, because they more than any other group he was aware of really, REALLY deserved an ass-kicking - and that's exactly what he gave them.  Iron Man raided a large Boko Haram camp, rescuing dozens of captured hostages, slaves, and wives (mostly women and children), and killed dozens of the terrorists.  At one point, after seeing the death of an eight year old boy strapped to a suicide vest, Stark's rage boiled over and - donning a Hulkbuster - chased the remaining terrorists swinging a tank like a club, utterly destroying the encampment.   Returning to the States with a new perspective on global conflict and suffering, Tony went to work developing a super-cheap smartphone, the StarkPhone E, which was designed for developing economies and use in hostile regions.  To connect the poorest and most oppressed on Earth with the rest of the world, so that the wealth of the information age could reach the voiceless.   Returning home and having a nightcap - as he still had not ceased drinking from his time as Superior Iron Man - Stark was confronted by LOKI, God of Stories!  But the Norse God was not there to fight, and instead the two of them began to share a few drinks.  Loki told Stark that he forgave Stark already, understanding more than almost anyone what it's like to be in those megalomaniacal shoes, and how hard it is to recover and find redemption afterwards.  However, Loki warned, the rest of the magic community was still embittered to him, he had made many enemies.   So, Stark used most of what little personal money he had left and bought a large piece of real estate on Mt. Wundagore, then gifted it to Loki and the rest of the magic community as an apology present.  

Iron Man

11/11/2014 12:14 PM 

What is Extremis?

WHAT IS EXTREMIS? Basically Extremis works by altering the repair center of the brain (and likely DNA as well?) to change the map of what your body should be, forcing your body to "heal" itself in a completely different way.  It's a hack for human anatomy, a way to reprogram your body into whatever you want. Do you want blonde hair or to lose weight?  Done.   Remove an allergy or cure a disease?  Done. Do you want to astronauts that resist radiation and retain bone mass in zero-g?  Done. Breathe fire and explode on impact?  Even that! Now Iron Man has figured out how to safely release Extremis 3.0 to the public at large, first in San Francisco, as an app you can download on your smartphone.  The effect of Extremis 3.0 is perfect beauty and health.  Download it, and it will (somehow!) make you into a supermodel!  Presumably you can customize your experience (hair, body measurements, ect...) through the app on your phone.  All this for a scant $99.99 per day!  Yay!  Tony often offers discounts or free day subscriptions if you get within 50 feet of him, thus guaranteeing packed attendance at his parties and public gatherings.  History. Extremis was first developed by Dr. Maya Hansen and Dr. Aldrich Killian as yet-another super-solider program, although this one was fairly open ended.   They original had noble intentions, wanting to use it to cure disease, but when military funding ran dry they allowed the prototype to be stolen by home-grown domestic terrorists in order to do their human testing.  Out-classed and derated initially, Tony Stark also equipped himself with Extremis; his specific enhancement allowing him to operate his armor and other technology mentally.  Dr. Killian and Dr. Hansen are now deceased, suicide and later murdered by A.I.M. respectively, leaving Tony Stark is the sole guardian and proprietor of Extremis according to Maya's last will.   Tony Stark jealously guarded the Extremis formula, fearing it could too-easily create living weapons in the hands of madmen: much like many of Stark's own inventions.  After much tinkering, Stark discovered ways to govern not only make it safe to release to the public, but also user friendly.   ...But at what cost?


11/10/2014 09:29 PM 

Task Fourteen (Genderswap)

It was another early day at the office.  The fashion show of the year was in a mere week, and there were a thousand details to finalize. Everyone felt the pressure, from the lowliest intern to the boss herself.  Whitney was exhausted. She had been forcing herself to stay awake for days.  The crash was coming, but the blonde bombshell continued to delay it.  Entering the office at precisely nine AM, Whitney passed the newest intern, who paused in her rounds to offer the boss a strange once over.  Brushing it off, Whitney shrugged and sat at her desk, requesting her usual coffee and a croissant."Here you go, Mr. Collins," the intern announced, placing the breakfast on the desk.  "What did you just call me?" Whitney demanded.  It was then that she realized how deep her voice was. Had she caught a cold or something?  She reached for her coffee, gasping when she noticed the lack of dainty fingers.  In their place was a series of weird knuckles. Whitney dismissed her intern and rushed into the restroom.  She received a series of weird looks from the two girls already in there.  Whitney rolled her eyes, walking over to the mirror.  It was then that her heart truly leapt into her throat. Her long, luscious locks had been replaced with a sensible haircut, cropped short.  Her beautiful pink lips were darker, surrounded by a strange moustache.  Whitney bolted for the stall, slamming it shut and pulling her pants down, another oddity for the girl who lived in skirts and heels. When she saw the new attachment to her body, the blonde nearly crumpled to the floor in surprise.  Hoping this was someone's sick idea of a joke, she redressed, washed her hands, and continued about her day.  Everyone referred to her as Mr. Collins, giving her nail polish collection in her office and her entrance into the ladies bathroom a strange look.By the end of the day, she was exhausted. She dialed her latest hook up, craving a distraction.  But instead of being receptive to her offer, he demanded to know what she was doing, and told her he wasn't into men. Whitney was officially alone and confused, as if she had been thrown into a world she wasn't ready for.  Leaving the office, she was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice the car barreling towards her.  She closed her eyes, knowing there was no way to escape, and braced herself for the impact. It never came. She was falling and falling...and then, suddenly, she sat up in bed, startled by a loud yip.  Her puppy, Cocoa, was asleep beside her, barking through a puppy dream.  Whitney scratched her comfortingly. "It's okay, sweetie," she murmured. Wait. Her voice was back to normal. She jumped out of bed, tangled in the blankets, and darted for the bathroom. She peered at her reflection, the perfect pink smirk and icy blue glare staring back at her. It was just a dream. It was all a dream. Whitney stumbled back to her bed, passing out almost instantly.  She was glad to be back.

Emiko San

11/07/2014 08:08 PM 

About Starlight Fuji Aka Star

Ok hey I'm Starlight Fuji but you can call me Star and here something you should know about meName:Starlight Fuji Aka StarAge:14Race:Vampire Werewolf  DOB:4/31/14Sex:FemaleHeight:4'11Weight:100lbsCup Size:C Hair Color:Light Brownish BlackHair Leanth:Long Eye Color:Bright Blue Wolf Ears: Brownish BlackWolf Tail:Brownish BlackSO:BiRS:No OneLikes:Napping,meat,reading,singing,playing with her family and friend and hugsDislikes:Rain,getting my tail pulled,loud noises (Besides muisc) and bad peopleJob:Work at her mom's cafe Cloak and Dagger  Fav.Drink:PopLeast Fav Drink:Water Fav Colors:Pinks,greens,blues,Reds and Black Least Fav Colors:BrownsPets:LotsFamily:Lunar/Luna Fuji (Mom),Wolff and Vampire *same person* (Dads),Runt (Sister) (Bothers and Sisters) Shusuke Tezuka (Uncle), Kunimitsu Tezuka (Uncle),Mitsuo and Syuuo Tezuka (cousins),Yuta Fuji (Uncle)Yumiko Fuji (Aunt) Yoshiko Fuji (Grandma),Father (Grandpa)Drinker:NoSmoker:NoDrugs:No Tattoos:NonePiercings:None yet mite get one thouDrives:NonePersonality:Fun loving but I same time have short tamper so please try not to make me mad.Looks:"I have long brownish black all of the time it's in a pony tail.Bright blue eyes.

❝ ⒱ ❞

03/14/2016 11:36 PM 

Story of v - Chapter 1

Story of v - chapter 1 'Twas a late evening, mid-July, echos of pain fill the brisk summers air, bringing forth stagnant humidity as a bastard child is born. An amputation you would think, excruciating cries ringing out into the fog-filled streets of Brooklyn, New York.The birth of Veronica Raven Blackwood, in the back of a cab, was, unfortunately, a mistake from the very beginning. Doomed, the girl was not meant for a life of luxury. Conceived by a drug-addicted prostitute mother, Luna, -her mother being forced into sex trafficking by her abusive, alcoholic, pedophile father Felix Blackwood. Once at the hospital, the nurses felt pity for the poor baby girl, even though they were unaware of the true horrors she would eventually come to tolerate. She was so innocent to a ruthless world, ignorant to the evils that lurked ahead of her.Childhood? What was that to Veronica? Not your typical little girl with pigtails in her hair and a cheeky grin. She grew up in a household of physical and emotional abuse, neglect, and rape. Her father never wished-for her, never wanted her older brother Jared, never really desired their mother. She was just an object to him, both of them, just money makers for him. Forcing her mother to do what he said and if refused, she would surely be beaten and locked away as punishment. In time, it turned into their mother never being around. She was commonly found on a corner somewhere with the whores of the town, letting the darkness consume her; with a needle stuck in her arm.The only person that understood was her older brother Jared. He enduring the same type of abuse as Veronica throughout their childhoods. Their father would enter their rooms late in the night, in the early morning hours. When the house was expected to be silent and still when all that should be heard were the rats running track in the attic. He would sneak in, covering their mouths with his dirty mitt and have his forceful way. Their mother nowhere to be found, they too young and innocent to do anything about it on their own, nobody would believe them if it was ever mentioned anyway.Over time, Veronica stayed as strong as she possibly could. The girl was hard as stone on the outside, yet on the inside, was crumbling away, all the while screaming at the top of her lungs for help. Those observing from the outside would just throw metaphorical stones, turn her away; -rejection was a common thing for her, she felt so out of place; like an alien. “She is that whores daughter.” they would say. “How much does her father charge if I want some play?” men would ask. Veronica was turning into a block of lighter-fluid coated coal. Able to fuel a fire by a flick of a flame, but unable to last very long.“Ew, don't pick her.” the kids at school would say. Veronica would cower like a scolded puppy when caught doing its business upon the floor. Keeping to herself, always; and people wondered why. It was better that way, it was healthier that way. She was toxic, anyone that tried to get close to her would eventually just fade away. Would be pushed away, or would just run away. She could not really blame them.School was a complete horror show for Veronica. As she got older and had plenty of bad experiences-a grocery list long; she hated it, despised it. The teachers and counselors didn't know which way to wipe their own a s s e s; sure could not teach anyone a lick of useful knowledge.The girls in school were all preps, goodie goodies and Veronica did not fall into that category. She spent most of her time alone at school, or with her brother Jared when they would see each other between classes. Veronica was nothing but a trouble maker in school. The girls hated her, but, the boys seemed to flock to her. Perhaps she had some sort of sex appeal in a way, after-all her sense of style was far more out there and risky than the other girls. Of course, Veronica receiving attention from boys would just make the basic girls jealous, they would then out of spite, pick on her and try to embarrass her. Would try to trip her to make her fall, stick gum in her hair as she walked by in the hallways. Spread rumors about her number of sex partners, yet, they never spoke the truth. They never used what was easily accessible to them. That was because they were not smart, and Veronica was. She is above average intelligence, she is many things that nobody takes the time to recognize.Regardless.The list could go on and on.However, it would always backfire on the little bitches. The girl with a heart of stone would never get embarrassed, she knew it was what they wanted out of her, a reaction. Also, the boys would even help her and ask if she was okay. Only feeding the mouth of hatred they so deeply possessed. Little did they know what Veronica had to deal with at home, her brother as well; their mother. They never wanted to go home, but where else would two kids go; the streets? How long would they last on the streets of slumville with no education, no money, and no experience?Little did they know-little did they care.Times were tough for Veronica and her family, and things were only getting worse. Their mother had become ill with Hepatitis C and it wasn't looking to be a very good outcome. She had multiple other health issues from years of drug use and abuse, neglect to her own self. Their father did not give as to even a fart in the wind about their mother Luna. He would just go do his dirty deeds elsewhere, returning home angry, all because he could not keep it up while cheating on their mother. He would always take out his frustrations on the kids, they had to suffer anytime something went wrong in his world.Over the years Veronica became more like a rag-doll in some ways when it came to her father, she wouldn't respond, wouldn't move, wouldn't cry. This would punch him in his gut with frustration and make him angry. She used to fight back when she was very little, but then she would be beaten far worse than when she didn't fight back. The young girl realized she had to pick and choose her own battles, at a very young age.Sweet sixteen, come blow out the candles, its time for a party Veronica! -Nope, things were getting just too bad at home. The young punks mother could not get off of the sofa, nor put down that good ole bottle of Jack Daniels. Here Veronica was trying so hard, putting her own a s s on the line to help her mother recover from her illnesses; and her mother takes advantage. Yet, she understood, Veronica felt for her mother. She had it pretty bad; being forced to do things she did not want to do, no say so in her own life. The pitiful woman was stuck and nobody wanted to help her and if they did, became frightened by their father Felix. He would threaten them if anyone would try to help and he had plenty of buddies to assist him in removing anyone out of his way. Luckily, Veronica, Jared, and their mother Luna would have a break soon enough.Father was taking off, again.Veronica's father left frequently, he would be gone for some time, it varying; -giving them all a break, just a breath of fresh air for a little while. This time he had been gone for months, with any luck, he looked at someone the wrong way and was killed. She hoped that is, though Veronica never got what she wanted. Everyone else always came before her, that wasn't just granted treatment by her parents and peers. It was also given by herself as well. Eventually, Veronica would do anything necessary to get by and help her mother and her brother. He was older than her by a year or so give or take a few days to weeks. They both had to step up their game.The girl everyone always called rag-doll ended up dropping out of high-school to help take care of her mother and, just the household in itself. Someone had to do it, and Jared was taking on enough as it was. Her brother was doing everything he could to help out with money, food, and supplies. He even went out and got a part-time job at a local sex shop to bring in some form of income. -At least he said that was what he was doing for the money.- She never meddled in her brothers business, unless he came to her with something, anything. Sometimes he did, they actually became rather close while growing up together, bonding. Having to deal with their everyday lives but at least they had each other. They weren't completely alone, never would be.The lamb was starting to get frustrated and fed up with how things were going. Her Mother was surely dying and Veronica felt helpless. What else could she do for her? They couldn't afford fancy treatment, could barely afford to keep the lights on in their tiny apartment. Days seemed to be becoming grim and she was unsure of how to fix it. She did the only thing she felt she could do well enough to make some good money.Eventually, Veronica ended up doing what she had to do and started selling drugs. Along with the selling of the various uppers, downers, and all arounders, also came the consumption of the drugs as well. The girl had gotten herself in elbow deep, she was becoming addicted, she could feel it. However, it was at least working, she was able to afford things they could not before, for example, even the simplest of items anyone else would consider normal to have, bananas. Veronica was able to keep the lights on, food in the fridge, and the appropriate medicine needed for her mother to recover and possibly live a new, healthy life. Veronica hoped for these things, she wanted everything to be alright, to be okay. But, she knew nothing would ever be.-”okay.”Things were looking up for the most part, or at least she thought. The days passing seemed to be going reasonably good for Veronica and her family. That is until her a s s h o l e of a father returned back to their home. Of course it would not be long until he would be attempting to be back to his old ways, however, Veronica was older and wiser now, on the verge of cracking at any moment, no longer afraid. The abused young woman had enough and wasn't going to stand for it any longer.The silence would soon be over.Within just a few nights after her father returned home, on this night, it was dead silent in the house, around four in the morning. Only the sounds of rats in the attic could be heard as per usual. Her father was passed out drunk on the couch again. Her mother and brother were both sleeping like angels in their beds, tucked in securely. There, Veronica laid in her bed, eyes closed gently as a dream had just begun. Maybe it would have been a pleasant dream, perhaps not.-Usually not.The door of her room began to creak as it slowly started to open. Veronica's foggy hues immediately shot open in reaction to the familiar sound, subtle, but able to alert her well enough. She stayed still, quiet, like an animal playing dead, closing her orbs again. It was him, and f u c k the world if she was going to let him have a go at her again. She could smell him from the doorway, that stench, the bourbon on his breath, the cologne trying to cover his body odor of pure filth, the trash that he indeed is.The girl stayed motionless, calm as a clam even though her heart felt like it was going to burst from her chest and run away, take shelter for safety. She would not blame it if it had, she would not blame anyone for abandoning her, she was worthless.Her father drunkenly shuffled his heavy boots along the noisy planks of the floor and over to her bed. She could hear him wheezing as he stood there, towering over her for a moment, then suddenly snatching her blanket off of her body. She wore just night shorts and a tank top and the cool air hit her exposed skin just as the blanket hit the floor.Veronica's eyes opened, the darkness within them, a coldness, a loss of just giving a f u c k anymore. The girl that had enough sat up in her bed, without any hesitation, a secret pistol was pulled from beneath her pillow. Veronica got up on her feet upon the mattress of her bed, complete insanity within her picture frames as she pressed cold steel to his forehead and pulled the trigger; shot her father right between the eyes. She held her chin up high and snarled as his brain exploded from the back of his skull, blood splat in every which direction. All over Veronica, droplets upon her pale face. Her father's limp body fell to the floor, making a loud thump. More plasma began to escape his body, small amounts of his brain seemed to be protruding from both the entrance and exit wounds. What a sight it was to Veronica who stood over him, saying nothing, just spitting upon his corpse.Proud of herself.Moments later, Veronica's brother and mother came rushing into her bedroom. They both heard the gunshot that rang out and was stunned to see what she had just done. Both were completely speechless, the color drained from their faces; white as ghosts. They just stood there, frozen in place, holding each other tightly, beginning to cry and not sure of what to do.Veronica soon got down from standing on her bed, she still had the pistol grasped within her right grip. Not ready to let go of it just yet, she herself was not exactly sure what she was going to do next. Veronica dreamed of killing her father for many moons but had not thought about what to do after the fact. At that moment, she stood over his body and watched as his fresh claret spread across the wooden floor, seeping into the grain. There were tiny splatters of crimson all over the room, it was going to take a lot of time to clean up the mess.The blood... the sight of it; must have made something switch, turn, and twist in her mind and she began to completely lose control. Veronica started screaming at the top of her lungs, incoherent ramblings; shaking her head back and forth, and jumping up and down on her bed. She began hysterically laughing and crying all at the same time. Luna and Jared just stood there and watched in utter shock and disbelief. Jared then whispered to their mother. "Go call the police, right now!" he said, being very careful with his movements as he knew how Veronica was, and how she could react. Veronica immediately turned the gun on them both as soon as she heard the word police. “No cops!” she yelled, aiming the gun back and forth, to and fro from her mother to her brother. With a look of fright in her hues, madness within her tears that streamed down her cheeks; what had she just done? Her life was now over, perhaps she should turn the gun on herself and end it all? It would be easier for everyone that way. But, she did it, she actually killed him, she took out the trash, he could never hurt them nor anyone else ever again.However, Veronica wasn't going to allow them to turn her in. Their father, Luna's husband deserved what he got, he should have been killed long ago. “F u c k him and his high horse!” she cursed at them, extreme agitation, adrenaline pumping, restlessness, flight or fight, she was about to do both. The abused girl had no remorse, she knew only pain when it came to Felix. She would kill him again if she could.A panic suddenly rushed over Veronica, with as much as she loved her mother and Jared, she just couldn't let them tell on her. She would clean up the mess herself, no need to have her punished. They could go on with their lives happily now, she had done a good job. “Veronica, just calm down, please, put the gun down.” her brother pleaded calmly but with a shakiness to his voice, she could tell he was afraid of her, of her mental state. Veronica had already done so many wild destructive things, ever since they were little he had been picking up her broken pieces. He certainly was aware of what she was capable of, she was not one to trust, even by her own brother. “Calm down? You know what will happen to me Jared if I am taken in. You know damn well!” she screamed with roaring tears cascading from her sockets. “Don't you love me?” she asked, crying, scared, confused, and lost. But, she would make a decision, nobody could talk her down from what she was to do.Hours past it seemed; Veronica now was sitting all alone in her room on her bed, knees balled up tightly against her chest, just blankly staring at her fathers' body rotting upon the floor. Her thoughts were scrambled. She had just tied up and sedated her brother and mother with Ketamine, a powerful sedative used during surgeries, sometimes mixed with other drugs. -Veronica had access to drugs you wouldn't dare think she would have.The crazed girl then locked them away in a self-made shelter type of room they made in their home. Veronica and Jared made the room, behind a wall inside of her closet. Just in case, just if they needed to hide from their father, only they and their mother knew of it.How could she? Maybe she was just out of her mind, after all, the poor girl had spent many days... nights in and out of mental wards and detention centers, or, maybe she just had enough. Everyone has their breaking point and Veronica had reached hers when it came to her father.She sat there throughout the entire night, not moving a muscle. She could not move, all she could do was barely breathe and hug herself so tight. Soon the night would be erased by the day and she had to think of something, but what? It didn't really matter, she ran out of time.The front door of her home suddenly was blasted open; “Come out with your hand up, its the Police!” was shouted as the troops came marching in. The address was no stranger to the police. Veronica was constantly in trouble with the law and the neighbors enjoyed calling on the family any chance they could.Veronica didn't even flinch to the sounds of a bomb in her living room, she had no fear any longer, the one fear she did have was now dead and gone.Moments later, the bedroom door to her room was kicked open, many men with guns and black masks on filled the room. Barrels all directed right at Veronica, but, she was just a girl, just an innocent victim. With her head down, dried blood coated her nightclothes, her skin, brain matter stuck in her hair. The lunatic looked up through her long lashes with an angry upper lip, an expression of attack mode activated if touched.One of the men grabbed her by the arm. "Let's go V." he grumbled out with authority. -Big mistake, Veronica upper palmed him straight in his nose, breaking it; she wouldn't be taken without a fight. Sure enough, five... six... maybe seven men were atop of her. Fighting to get her cuffed up, hog-tied, face guarded, and thrown into the back of a police van. "No!!! Mama... Jared!!! I love you, I'm sorry!" she screamed as she was taken into custody.____ “Thank god they arrested her, I bet she killed someone over there when we heard that gunshot Carl.” said the neighbor Carol as she spied out of her living-room window from across the street. “It's not good to be a snitch.” her husband Carl replied. "Thoughts and prayers." the lady chirped, closing her curtains.  ❝ I'm just a psychotic girl and I won't get lost in your world.❞

Hadley Foster

11/02/2014 08:02 PM 

Current mood:  excited

I know it's not the greatest but it is what it is right? Please fill this out if you would like to adopt me<br><br>Adoption Form<br><br>1. What is your name and age:<br><br>2. Why would you want to adopt me?<br><br>3. Would you love me the way I should be loved?<br><br>4. Would you take me places and events?<br><br>5. Would you treat me to icecream?<br><br>6. Would you make me healthy foods?<br><br>7. What would you do if anything happened to me?<br><br>8. If I was upset would you hold me and cuddle with me?<br><br>9. What would be your most favorite vacation you would take me on?<br><br>10. Have you ever been arrested or been violent?<br><br>

⚓Captain Jack Sparrow� {POTC}

10/23/2014 10:56 PM 

Pirates Code
Current mood:  pirate

Rafe |Santoro Soldier|

10/20/2014 11:36 PM 

Gabriella Maria Santoro

The Wife

Into the Night

10/09/2014 02:02 PM 

Halloween 2014 (Spike and Katarina Anniversary)

This is a 4th anniversary party for Kat and Spike as well as a Halloween bash that turns into a who-dunnit murder mystery.  Characters will slowly vanish or be found gruesomely murdered (note that if your character dies here, he or she doesn't die elsewhere.  This is a whole universe onto itself).  It will be up to those who remain to solve the mystery.  The venue is a haunted castle in Romania.  It's a bit like the Hotel California - once you check in, you can never leave (at least until the murders/disappearances are solved).   If you go out the front door (or any door or window) you find yourself back in the drawing room of the castle.  This is important - everyone's magical abilities are muted here.  You will not be solving this case with magic.  It must be solved by deduction.  Participants can collaborate or form teams, and it is possible that the killer has accomplices.  Everyone's actions (including the killer) must have a reason/motive.  Anyone could be the killer, even people we think of as "good" like Buffy (the good people might be possessed or otherwise controlled by an outside influence).  We will post from the promo page now and then, leaving clues for folks to piece together.  But all the participants are welcome to find their own clues, as well.  Just be aware that the killer(s) is/are pre-determined, so if you try to frame someone with your clues, it won't work, unless of course, the person(s) you are framing did it! Early in November the survivors will assemble in the drawing room for a Sherlockian session in which everyone presents their case as to who they think perpetrated the murders/disappearances. The killer(s) will reveal him/her/themselves on 3 November. 

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

10/09/2014 01:30 PM 

The Razor's Edge of Darkness blog listing

Blog Listing:The Razor's Edge of Darkness: Blog 1The Razor's Edge of Darkness: Blog 2

♕ᴛʜᴇ ᴜɴꜱᴇᴇɴ ᴏɴᴇ♕

10/07/2014 08:20 PM 

Rules! Please Read and Sign!

If there's one God you don't want to get steamed up, its Hades, cause he had an evil plan. He ran the Underworld, but thought the dead were dull and uncouth. He was as mean as he was ruthless...and that's the Gospel truth. He had a plan to shake things up! And that's...the Gospel truth! Look, ladies...can ya not? I don't want anyone gettin' the wrong impression here. Sorry about that, the Muses...can't take them seriously. Anyways, baboom! Hades, Lord of The Dead...hi. How ya doin'? Now, I know rules are so stupid, but hey you're in my kingdom and I wanna make sure we are on the same page here. Now if you'd read and sign my rules...yada, yada, yada...that'd be great. Ba-da-bing ba-da-boom here are my rules. 1. About The Character: As you all know I'm roleplaying the character Hades from Disney's Hercules. Basically I play him just how he is in the movie, but I did put a little twist on his story to make him fit within the OUAT verse, so if you'd like to read more on his story you are more than welcome to take a look at my bio. 2. Mains and Connections: I would LOVE to have some mains and connections! Though before I ask someone to be my main, I would like to get to know them just a bit and get a good storyline going with them.  3. Relationships: Yeah, we all know Hades is a hot head...but when it comes to someone he actually likes he's actually a gentlemen, and he will always remain faithful to his lover no matter what, and he expects the same from his lover. His lover will also come first in everything that he does. 4. Ships: I ship Hades with a lot of people, mostly Meg and Persephone. Though I will also consider shipping him with OC's should their storyline work well together. I'm honestly open to any ship! :3 5. AU {Alternate Universe}:  I love doing AU storylines, I find them to be very creative and fun, it also makes the storyline a lot more exciting and interesting! So I am not against AU storylines, I welcome them happily! 6. Writing Style: My writing styles are multi para and novella. I do not accept one liners in storylines at all, the only time I accept one liners are in statuses and photo comments.  7. Crossovers: I don't mind doing crossovers, I'm willing to do crossovers with just about any verse that is if it makes sense  with my character and his story. 8. Real Life: I have a life outside of roleplay, that sometimes causes me become slightly busy. So, if my replies become slow please forgive me that means that something is going on that I have to take care of in RL. But I will get to things as soon as I can, all I ask for is patience. Remember, good things come to those who wait. ;) Now, if you've read, understood and are willing to follow my rules please sign below with either your favorite Hercules quote and gif or your favorite OUAT quote and gif....if not well...I'll just have to sic Cerberus on ya! And let me tell ya, that's NOT gonna be pleasant....not only is he vicious, but the little shit drools like there's no tomorrow!                                               Lord of The Dead. 

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

10/02/2014 10:43 PM 

The Razor's Edge of Darkness

Angel couldn't help replaying the tragedy in his head.  Doyle kissing Cordelia goodbye, then jumping onto the Scourge's beacon to switch it off, knowing that it would kill him, but also knowing that it would save the Listers, and every other demon and half demon within six blocks, including Angel.  Every one except for Allen Francis Doyle, that is.  Doyle had been Angel's connection to the Powers that Be, a trusted warrior against the dark underbelly of Los Angeles, but more than that, he'd become a good friend.  Doyle and Cordelia weren't just coworkers, they were family.  And they'd just lost a cherished family member. Angel sat alone in his basement office.  He'd been there since he and Cordelia had come back from the warehouse where Doyle bravely gave his life.  Cordelia said she was going home.  He didn't expect to see her today.  And maybe this was the end of Angel Investigations.  Maybe Cordelia would pursue that acting career again.  She was prettier than most actresses, although her acting skills weren't exactly up to par.  What would Angel do if this was the end?  He'd failed in Sunnydale, made a mess of things there.  He never should have allowed himself to fall for Buffy.  He could still be there now, helping her fight the good fight.  But instead he'd screwed it up.  He knew where a relationship with the slayer would lead. And Jenny Calendar had paid the ultimate price.  Now it looked like he was a failure again, here in Los Angeles.  Angel sought redemption, but he would never atone for all the evil he created before the gypsy curse, before he got his soul back.  And was he even doing anything now to begin to balance the ledger?  With the chaos he'd created in Sunnydale?  With the loss of Allen Francis Doyle, a good man, a champion for good?  Maybe Angel was doing more harm than good.  So he sat in the dark, brooding, contemplating his dark past and wondering whether there was a way forward for himself, whether the world would be better off without him.

☾ ѕᴀʙᴏᴛᴀɢᴇ.

10/02/2014 12:16 PM 


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