You Owe Me
Ominis Gaunt, R, 2.20.24
Samatha Dale, R, 2.22, 24
Adelaide Oakes, R, 3.24.24
Being different isn't a bad thing. It means you're brave enough to be yourself.
15 | Born on FEBRUARY 14, 1875, Katy is an AQUARIUS which makes her a "force of nature, with a mind as sharp as her wit."
Unorthodox, Wacky, Eccentric
As an Aquarius, she is clever, analytical, technical, truthful. She's also assertive, confident, progressive and innovative. Her wit, intelligence, and love of learning are truly something to admire.
FORMER RESIDENCE Killarney, Ireland CURRENT RESIDENCE | Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy |
She was born in KILLARNEY, IRELAND and lived there until she was 11-YEARS-OLD.
When she was of age, she attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, and continues her education there to this day.
PERSONALITY Eccentric, Quirky, Witty, Intelligent, Sarcastic...| HABITS Love of learning; Wise beyond her years; Skilled duellist; Mastery of non-verbal spell-casting | Bibliophile, Cat Lover, Aquaphobe... |
STATUS SINGLE | STRAIGHT WHOM I'll know when I find them. DATES 00/00/0000. 00/00/0000.
You're somewhere out there...I just have to find you first.
...where those of wit & learning will always find their kind.
Katy Douglas' story is one of courage and perseverance in the face of adversity. Though orphaned at a young age, she has not let tragedy define her. This bright-eyed Ravenclaw approaches life with an open heart, befriending all who cross her path with her signature wit and kindness.
Within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, Katy has found a new home and family. She spends many happy hours tucked away in the library, losing herself in the pages of ancient tomes. Her sharp intellect and studious nature serve her well. Katy's clever humor and eccentric ways endear her to students of all houses. She is as quick with a joke as she is with a hex, her extraordinary dueling skills belying her sweet demeanor.
Katy faces each new day with quiet strength, her past losses creating in her not bitterness, but empathy. Though she is still grieving her mother and guardians, you would never know it from her smile. She has taken the pain life has dealt her and transformed it into compassion. Within this extraordinary young woman lies a well of courage that goes far deeper than any book could teach.
Katy Douglas is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Her light shines all the brighter against the darkness she has endured. Though she has lost much, at Hogwarts she has found a place to call home and a makeshift family among friends. For an orphan, there is no greater magic than that.
In the beginning...
there was a little girl who dreamed about magic and castles.
A single mother's love was all little Katy had known since the day she entered this world on February 14, 1875 in the emerald hills of Killarney, Ireland. Neither Katy nor her devoted mother could have guessed at the magical power that lay dormant within the young girl, born of a long-forgotten magical bloodline. However, life couldn't always remain so calm, and far too soon, her world was turned upside down.
When Katy was just 8 years old, a cruel twist of fate tore her world apart - a terrible carriage accident sent Katy and her mother plunging into the dark waters of the lake below. Though Katy's underlying magic saved her from a watery grave, her beloved mother was not so fortunate. Katy could only watch helplessly as her mother drowned before her very eyes. From that day on, Katy lived in fear of the water that had stolen her mother away. Now alone in the world, Katy went to live with her great-aunt and uncle, the only family she had left.
On her 11th birthday, when mysterious letters began to arrive, it was the venerable Hogwarts Headmaster himself who appeared on her doorstep. With a knowing glint in his eye, he whisked her away to a place where she would finally understand the power that had always lived inside her - though to her great-aunt and uncle, he claimed only that she had been accepted to a prestigious school in Greenland.
The little girl had no idea that the dreams she always had of magic and castles was about to come she entered the magical world of Hogwarts, which would turn out to be the home she had been yearning for all along.
Headcanons: Can see thestrals, Orphaned, Expert duelist with verbal and non-verbal spells
When you feel alone
you can count on your friends to help pull you through
NAME HERErelationship here ...You could be here. Are you brave enough?
Let's fine out.
NAME HERErelationship here ...You could be here. Are you brave enough?
Let's find out.
NAME HERErelationship here ...You could be here. Are you brave enough?
The worry etched upon his features was enough for Harry to let on that he didn't want anybody to know about Dumbledore's Army. Despite everything coming undone, he knew that something could get them in trouble, somebody could get them in trouble, if the wrong person got involved, and he didn't want that to happen. He looked at Katy as she formed her patronus, and a smile came across his features. He didn't want to congratulate her, but he somewhat felt happy that another person could do it so easily.
"I don't know how your patronus is decided, honestly. However, it is quite exciting isn't it? I think everybody has theirs for a reason." He said, his hues looking at the female as a smile came onto his lips. He didn't want to be in control of the whole situation, but he somewhat felt like he was. He was the leader of this whole entire group, and he knew that. He knew that he would always be the leader, and that was something that he had come to gather more than he could ever deal with.
"Do you have anything else you'd like to practice? I'm trying to work with every member of the group as much as possible. We have to be ready, we have to be guarded." Harry was somebody that wanted to be ready for everything that came his way. He didn't think that he would ever understand the horrors out in the open, but he knew that he had to be ready nonetheless, something that he knew others would be ready for besides him.
They had to work together, something that he hated for. They shouldn't be afraid, but they were. Then again, they were just teenagers, and he hated that they had to fight all these battles and be there for one another. It was horrible to him that they had to do this and put forth the effort. He hated that they had to slay evil, and make sure no harm came to anybody else within the castle.
It was nice, hearing the words that Addie had so desperately wanted to hear. She knew that not many people knew how sentiments mattered, but Adelaide wanted to be close to somebody - anybody, but she didn't quite know how, especially when she had been abandoned by her uncle and left on her own. She didn't know what that meant for her, and it made her feel rather small, even though she hated to admit to it.
"I know I can trust you. I just feel rather small sometimes, it's silly." The blonde said, her hues looking at the female as she brushed past her. Adelaide didn't handlev emotions very well, but she knew that she had to open up somehow, and her way of doing this was going to Hogsmeade and opening up a path to friendship, hoping that Katy would be her friend and give her somebody to depend on, even though Adelaide had never been somebody who needed something along those lines.
"I want to go to Hogsmeade, not because I feel obligated, but because I'd like to do something other than worry about my life." Adelaide Oakes said, and she couldn't help but look at the female, her hues looking at her as her nose wrinkled. She hated being open like this, open like a wound, but she knew that she had to be open somehow, and this was the only way that she knew would get her to seem trustworthy and quite even the best version of herself. She didn't want to be anything but that version, something she hoped to be.
Addie was lost in her thoughts, but she knew she was making the right choice; Katy didn't scare her. It didn't scare her that the Ravenclaw had heard one of her deepest secrets, and she knew that they could be friends, and that was something she needed. She looked to the ginger female, and she smiled half-heartedly. "Enough sentimental stuff, let's get going." She said, a smile curving across her lips as she began walking, hoping that Katy would end up following and they could get to going.
Harry knew some Ravenclaw's thrived off this, it was something that he found endearing; however, Harry had to admit that his nerves were all over the place when it came to who he was and this type of thing. He knew that he was going behind Umbridge's back, and he knew that he could get into a lot of trouble for it, but he was more interested in helping everybody learn how to defend themselves; something that he didn't know if many knew how to.
The male had to admit he was worried, and even though he was more worried about the people in this room than himself - he didn't know if they could go on and not get caught. However, he knew that he had to focus on the task at hand. He knew that he had to make sure everybody was safe and could take care of themselves, and that also meant, Harry himself. He wouldn't let anybody face dangers until they happened to be ready.
"Do you know how to do a patronus yet, Katy Douglas?" He asked, his hues looking at the ginger female as he pursed his lips. He knew that some people found doing a patronus to be hard, but he wasn't one to judge them or even defy them. Harry had learned how to do one from Remus Lupin, and deep down, he knew that he was more lucky than he could handle. He didn't know that it would come in handy the times that he had come to use it.
"If not, I can teach you. If you do, let's practice together. I want to make sure I can still bring mine to life." Harry said, his emerald hues looking at Katy as he pursed his lips. He didn't know if he was one to ask for help, but this was his way of teaming up with somebody without asking for help, something that he wasn't too good at doing. He knew that he had to make sure he could still do things in case they had to duel or face anybody, and he didn't want to come up short when it came time.
It was awkward, and it was only becoming more awkward. Adelaide looked at Katy, the glum look on her own features as she sighed. She didn't want anybody to know what she had been speaking about, but she knew Katy had heard every word by the look on her features; something that could see etched on her features. She looked at her for a moment, and she pursed her lips, her eyes trailing down to the forest floor under her feet. Addie wasn't one to make new friends - she had come to Hogwarts, just because she had gotten the letter, and she didn't know if she would ever make any new friends; she was distrusting, and she knew that she always would be.
"Hogsmeade?" Addie echoed out of her lips, her eyes looking at Katy. She knew the Ravenclaw meant well, but Addie didn't know if she wanted to go to Hogsmeade with somebody who knew the happenings with her family now. How would that fair with what was going on in her head? How would Adelaide explain everything that she wanted to say when it came to uncle and his disappearance? She knew that she couldn't, and that was what drove her mad. She looked at the female, knowing she meant well, and she nodded, her lips pursing for a moment in time. She knew that she couldn't say no, even though she didn't want to say yes either; she knew that she would go to Hogsmeade with her.
"I know you heard the encounter I just had. I don't want you to feel awkward, and even though I don't want you to feel awkward, I will go to Hogsmeade with you." She said, her eyes looking at the female before darting down at the ground. She didn't know if she was making the right decision, but she trusted Katy not to say anything about her uncle or what she had heard about the encounter. She knew that she was putting her trust in a Ravenclaw that she didn't even really know, but she was hoping the trust wasn't misplaced; she was hoping that she could trust her, something that wasn't wrong. "Do you still want me to come?" She said, her hues narrowing as she looked at the female. She knew that she was asking too many questions and talking too much right now.
Umbridge was on their tails, and Harry didn't know how to get her off them. He had already been to her office once, and he didn't want to go back; that was something that was etched inside his mind.
They were gathered in a room now, and Harry didn't know if he wanted everybody to gat in trouble for him; he didn't like the idea of anybody risking anything for him. Something told him they were going to get in trouble, but he refused to fall into that trap in his mind, because he knew that this was what the others wanted.
"I know you're risking a lot by being here. Umbridge has people watching our every moves, and I know all of you are nervous you're going to get in trouble. Your efforts don't go unnoticed." He said, his hues looking at each person from each house; noticing there was no Slytherin's. He had to admit, he wasn't the least bit bothered by this, because he had always been weary of the green and silver house.
He looked at the others, and he pursed his lips. "For now, let's focus on the fact that we're all here together for a common goal, and that common goal is something about protecting one another. I know it's a lot to take in, but we can do it together." He said, his green hues looking at each person. He knew that they were all risking a lot, but he knew that they all believed in him, and that was something that he was keeping in mind.
They believed in him.
Harry didn't even know if he believed in himself, and that was something he kept in mind. He found it hard to believe that people believed in him, when he had a hard time believing in himself and knowing he could win each thing thrown at him. He looked at them and sighed, his eyes taking in each person who swarmed the room. "Do you guys trust me?" He asked softly.
"Do you understand the meaning of you need to stop looking?"
Adelaide looked at the figure outside the Forbidden Forest, and they took her breath away. She knew that this was a threat, but deep down, she didn't care. Her uncle had been the only person who had taken care of her when nobody else had; the only person who had even paid attention to her. Now, he had disappeared.
Addie didn't know what to think or even how to manage her thoughts. She knew that her uncle disappeared, but she didn't know how he had managed to disappear right under her nose. She looked at the figure, and her eyes stared at him, really stared at him. She didn't know what to think, but she knew that she was being threatened and she knew that this wasn't a game.
"I'm not going to stop looking for the man who took care of me when nobody else did. He's the only family I have left." Adelaide said, her hues looking at the figure, before they stalked off. She didn't know if they would leave her alone, but once they were gone; Adelaide turned around and saw a Ravenclaw looking at her.
She wondered how long this girl had been listening, but she knew that the red-head had heard enough, something that she didn't want anybody to know. Her hues wandered to the red-head and she pursed her lips, her eyes narrowing as she sighed. "You're not going to tell anybody anything, are you?" She said, her eyes looking at the girl she knew to be Katy Douglas. She didn't want anybody to know about her uncle, much less know that she was looking for him.