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10/15/2019 07:48 PM 

the many faces of andromeda tonks


ages 5-10, raffee cassidy

At this age, Andromeda used the anonymity of being the middle child to her advantage. Sure she was subject to the same standards as her sisters, however her fiery spirit could not be contained. Andromeda was a child that acted on her gut versus her brain. AND SHE WAS INSANELY STUBBORN. In fact, she displayed a unique sense of honor that almost could’ve landed her in Gryffindor instead of Slytherin (a travesty deftly avoided). She’d stick up for the misfits and odd children, many times to her own sister. It caused her father great stress, but he’d more often have a governess deal with her rather than step in himself. She was still just a daughter after all.

ages 10-15, millie bobby brown

Just as she begins her time at Hogwarts, Andromeda takes to this newfound independence with excitement. Yet during her stretches at home, Cygnus and Druscila have already started putting her on display in the hopes of securing just as good of a match for the second daughter as they did for their first. Highlighting her developing beauty and haunting singing voice, her parents made sure she’d have the opportunity to sing at every social event possible. At first she thought it was because they were proud of her, but as she got older, she realized their true intentions and began to find ways to subtly rebel. 

ages 15-35, lana del rey

This is where Ted Tonks comes into the picture. Having shared several classes together throughout the years, her close relationship with Ted taught Andromeda that her family’s outdated beliefs about Muggleborns were exactly that. With them being unaccepting of her philosophies and relationship, Andromeda makes the hard choice not all would be able to make. She leaves everything she’s ever known behind for a better future, a united future based on the promises of love and happiness. In canon, she and Ted provide support efforts for The Order of the Phoenix and are close friends with all the members. But they stay out of any direct involvement. In Ninth Circle, the newly weds find camaraderie with the so-called Terrorists only for their world to be ripped out by the roots when the Regime drags her back within their folds. She is then forced back into the life she’d tried so hard to leave.

age 35 on, famke jensen

For the most part, in canon, Andromeda has outlived nearly all of her relatives. Save for Narcissa and her family, all her loved ones have died to Voldemort ’s cause one way or another. But again she steps up for what’s right and raises her grandson, Teddy, as if he were her own. In Ninth Circle, Andy has finally escaped the clutches of the Regime for good. She, Ted, and her children live safely in the Haven.

03/23/2019 08:22 PM 

Storm Clouds - Drabble

This was the kind of day Bellatrix adored. Gray like the ocean in winter — cold and unforgiving. She stood out on such days. Winds played at her skirts, ivory skin contrasting against black cloth which sucked all the light out of the world, her posture straightened as if she commanded them herself. Mistress of the brutish and wild. She could crush anything those days — today. Would Andy be one of them?

Behind the manor, clouds swirled, threatening to tear themselves open and unleash hell.All who enter here perish. Go no further… And for a few moments Andy stood rooted to her spot. Just outside the black iron gate whose spires stretched up towards the stormy sky. Everything around this place sent chills through her body. Intricate stone architecture, the prickly, nearly-naked branches of azalea bushes preparing to hibernate, family crest arranged with perfectly shaped stones on the pathway ahead. She’d once called this place home. This place…this house…it now brought her nothing but dread.

But she had to enter. There was something she had to do. It was an acidic weight burning a hole in the pit of her stomach. Saliva built up by the root of her tongue, instantly swallowed to soothe a dry throat. A nervous thumb played with the shiny new accessory on her left ring finger, perhaps a will of her subconscious as it sought some sort of refuge in the dangerous task ahead.

She could smell the moisture in the air as she took a long, drawn out breath. Yes. Today was a Bellatrix day indeed. A combustible combination of her father’s resilience and her Aunt Walburga’s fanaticism to all things traditional. But it wasn’t her wrath that Andy feared as she made her first steps down that familiar cobblestone path. It wasn’t her father’s scorn either. It was the look in the little one’s eyes. It was the disappointment and the finality in Cissy’s kind, transparent gaze that Andy knew would cut her worst of all. The mere thought of it made her stop. Over her shoulder she glanced. There was still time to run, time to just walk away and not have to see that, but then a snap of chilling wind came at her like a slap to the face. Carry on. She must carry on.

You could write a letter, Dromeda. Save yourself the trouble. They don’t deserve your decency. Not anymore… Ted was sweet. Ted was right. But Ted didn’t know her family. Ted didn’t know that if she didn’t face them with her head held high, they’d simply forget about her. Maybe she’d appear in their dreams here and there, but if she simply disappeared, her line in the sand would never be seen. Cygnus Black may have not had any sons, but damn it all if Andy wasn’t set on showing him some strength despite how her bones rattled inside. And as her hand reached out, digits curled around the weathered knocker, she announced her presence with there large bangs.

Mistress Andromeda! Oh the master has been worried sick about you. Yes he has. He has…oh…” Reflecting the candelabra’s light, Andy’s ring caught the elf’s eye. The poor thing was beside himself, hands wobbling all about. He truly didn’t know what to do. Andromeda knelt down and calmed him with a soothing touch all while looking over her shoulder to catch a final glimpse of the outside. Another swallow. Another reminder that her sister’s elements controlled the day. Yet as the heavy door began to swing closed, off on the horizon a beam of light was beginning to pierce through the clouds. It was fragile at first, but rapidly flourished, shining brilliantly like Narcissa’s hair.

Suddenly Andy was calm, certain that she must continue in what she set out to do. Her focus returned to the elf and she asked if he could gather her father and sisters in the drawing room. “There’s something I have to discuss with them…

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