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05/18/2024 06:41 PM 

The Meaning of Family
Category: Drabbles

The Meaning of Familywww.roleplayer.me/1959615

Benji took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell of his childhood home. He could already smell his mother's homemade tamales wafting from the kitchen. As the door swung open, Isabela enveloped him in a tight hug.

"¡Mijo! You're finally here," she exclaimed, kissing both his cheeks. "Your father is in the backyard."

Benji smiled, soaking in the familiar warmth and comfort of his mother's embrace. She ushered him inside, chattering away about her latest gardening projects.

As Benji stepped into the living room, he was instantly transported back in time. The worn sofa, the antique curio cabinet, the faded family photos covering the walls - it was all exactly as he remembered. A pang of nostalgia tugged at his heart.

"Papi, look who's here!" Isabela called out.

Javier appeared from the kitchen, a relieved grin spreading across his weathered face. "Benjamín, it's about time. We were beginning to think you forgot about your poor old parents."

Benji hugged his father tightly. "You know I could never forget about you two."

Javier patted his back firmly. "We just miss you, son. It's too quiet around here without you driving your mother and me loco."

They settled at the dining room table, exchanging the usual banter and catching up on each other's lives. Isabela constantly refilled Benji's plate, convinced he was wasting away as a soltero in the city.

After lunch, Benji wandered into the backyard, memories flooding back with every step. He could almost hear the echoes of his childhood laughter mingling with the splashes from the pool. Javier soon joined him, two cool cervezas in hand.

"You seemed a little distracted today, mijo," Javier said, handing Benji a bottle. "What's on your mind?"

Benji let out a heavy sigh, gazing up at the cloudless sky. "I...I broke up with Sofia a few months ago."

Javier's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Sofia? But she was such a nice girl. We really liked her."

"I know, Papi. And I really did care about her," Benji admitted. "But eventually, the same old issues just...resurfaced."

Javier shook his head knowingly. "This commitment problem of yours..."

"I'm 30 years old and still can't seem to make it work long-term," Benji lamented. "Maybe I'm just not cut out for that kind of life."

Placing a comforting hand on Benji's shoulder, Javier spoke slowly and deliberately. "You are a grown man who will need to decide what he wants out of life. But let me tell you, mijo - having a family, a true partner to go through life with - it's one of the most meaningful gifts this world has to offer."

Benji felt a lump form in his throat as his father's words sank in. He knew his parents only wanted happiness and fulfillment for him. As Javier pulled him into a paternal embrace, Benji hoped he wouldn't run from love forever.



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