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April 19th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 30
Sign: Capricorn
Signup Date:
April 29, 2021


02/02/2023 10:32 PM 

the displaced

Florence Welch Urban Fantasy Verse

Drabbles - Headcanons-

Age: 81
Age Appearance: 25
Pronouns: She/her
Orientation: Bi-Sexual with a male lean
Species: Witch
Occupation: Potion brewing, time traveling journalist.
Personality: Florence is outgoing and talkative. She goes out of her way to make everyone around her feel comfortable but it is only a facade. Deep down she is very lonely. Since the portal sometimes moves her unexpectedly, her whole life becomes unrooted. She covers up her loneliness through humor and lies.


What Florence could tell you about her early life would be dull at best. She always said her life really began when she found the portal. Unfortunately that is not where her life really began. She was born in 1901 two sorcerers in Staffordshire. Her parents both worked menial jobs as healers in the local coven. They brewed droughts and potions, and their clothing always smelled of burnt sage and vinegar. Since she was young she knew she did not want the life of a brewer. She ached for adventure and a chance to use her growing magical skills. She apprenticed under the coven's beast master. It was less eventful work than she had anticipated, but it kept her from her parent's dim dungeon. She helped find animals with the potential to become familiars, which consisted of her chasing cats around town. At least till she found the portal. She had just cornered a particularly ornery cat, who hissed and swiped each time she inched closer. The sun was dipping under the horizon, and casting everything surrounding her in its orange glow. It was in a clearing underneath a thorny hedge where she spotted it. A faint glow that hovered in midair. It was like it had noticed her as well, as it throbbed brightly. It looked as if the air was a cloth, with a deep tear. As she walked towards it whispered to her, unintelligible at first . It got louder as she reached for it. She could finally understand as it begged for her touch. When she reached the tear, it rippled through her entire being. It felt like every piece of her was being pulled apart and reassembled. The air was knocked out of her lungs, and she blacked out shortly afterwards. When she woke up, she was surrounded by people in a crowded park. They were dressed strangely and although they spoke English they used many words she couldn't understand. There was a set of hands that lifted her up and soothed her quietly. They welcomed her to the year 2019, and she nearly blacked out again. Since then Florence hops around in time. She can control it to a point using her magic, but the portal still has its own secretive whims. Traveling through the portal exhausts her and after traveling she often has to sleep for a full day straight. Wherever she goes, finding a way to sleep and eat in a new place is always difficult but she has managed a system to make it work. Wherever she ends up, she poses as a journalist. She found that no matter where and when she ends up there are always journalists. Eventually, she grew to even enjoy it.


6000 years into the past, lived three magical races in harmony. The Vaemora, and Elewin, two elven clans, and an assortment of human mages. The King of the Vaemora’s son, the crown prince Ilyr, had just married the mage elder’s daughter Lynd. The whole city was celebrating their union. There was a parade being held in their honor. The night was full of joy and glee, till a group of rogue elves attacked. They unleashed a deadly plague on the city, killing thousands. Ilyr and Lynd managed to escape with their lives. Despite being holed up within the Elven castle walls, Lynd falls ill to the virus. Ilyr and Lynd use the last of their magic to create the portal. They intend to go back in time to stop the attack, but as the portal is created Lynd dies. Her magic is sucked through the portal and she is reborn into a new body, with no memory, or recollection of any of these events.


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