
Last Login:
March 31st, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 33
Sign: Capricorn
Country: United States

Signup Date:
July 11, 2018


11/19/2022 10:29 PM 

Optional Task 389-

Daphne had not had the best childhood on the outside she was a happy child and teenager. But on the outside, she was anything but that. She thought that she could run away with her feelings. But she learned that love could fix most things she didn't always feel it from her parents but she also knew that it was only a matter of time before that person came along. She smiled as she sat on the beach with Jeremyah. They were happy together and she knew that he would forever be her person. But the question was why did he bring her to the beach.

 It had always been their spot and the spot where they learned to love each other. He had this whole thing so pretty it was during the sunset. She knew something was up but she didn't wanna dwell on it. She leaned back in his arms as they watched the sunset together. That is when her world shattered he had told her that he had been deployed and would be leaving in 2 days. She didn't like that it was so soon she was losing her person. The one person who understood her and didn't get scared cause of her Mental illness.

She laid in his arms as tears were escaping her eyes. She couldn't believe that it was coming to an end she knew that it was always possible. She just hoped that it would never be a thing she hoped that he would never be taken from her. She looked back at him "If I asked you to stay would you Jermyah?" She knew what she was asking of him but she didn't want to let him go. They were never meant to be serious. But it had turned out to be something that they both just fell into. They ended the night and they promised each other that for the next two days they would spend as much time together as they could.

They spent the next two days doing so much that by the time it was late they were ready for bed. Although it was not a lot to other couples they loved the time together. The night before he was due to leave they spent together in her tiny apartment watching movies and eating a bunch of junk food. When they went the next day it was the day she hated and didn't want to ever happen. It was the day that she would say goodbye to him. She had promised him that she would write him every day. She was going to keep up with things cause h meant the world to her and even if she had not really told him she loved him.

She would forever tell him that she loved him. She knew that it was coming up in a few hours. They sat at the station he sat there holding her as tears fell down her eyes. She didn't want him to leave. She looked at him as it was time to get onto the bus she shook her head and looked at him "If I asked you to stay would you?" As he told her that he couldn't and that he would call and write her when he could she sighed as he kissed her and got on to the bus. She waved to him as he left. A few weeks later her whole world changed.

She had packed up and ran from Hartsville things had gotten so bad for her that she had no choice in the matter. She was scared but in talking to Jermyah she would learn that it was one of the best things. A few months after moving to California she soon found out that she would always have a piece of him. She learned that she was pregnant with a little girl. She wrote him a letter and at the end of the letter, it simply read:: If I asked you to say would you?:: That was the last letter that she wrote him. It broke her heart but she could never ask him to stay or give up his dream of the military. He had told her that it would be only a simple thing but it was so much more than that.



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