Tυттι Fυ¢кιη' Fяυттι

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Gender: Female
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Age: 34
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September 03, 2022


09/18/2022 03:34 PM 

Baby Hunts in Woodsboro(AU Starter Scream)
Category: Stories

Baby loved other serial killers in fact she followed all the major killings including but not limited to Ghost Face and their pursuit of Sidney Prescott which she did not understand. She had been contemplating going to Woodsboro and stirring up her own little stab fest. It is true she found stabbing a boring way to kill someone and liked to be more creative. She did not know much about anyone in Woodsboro that warranted a killing but then again, she never really needed a reason to do so. So, she packed up a bag and hitch hiked to Woodsboro.

The sun was just rising, over the town trying to recover from the horrors of its past unaware that a new monster was coming to drop more bodies than the police had hands for. Soon she would make this her playground and feed off the fear that would be running rampant through the people of Woodsboro. She was a bit off her nut and sadistic as hell and thought with her instability she needed to be careful. But then again, she would not be just killing people to clean up the neighborhood. One downside was the annoying Gale Weathers making her reports writing stories, bascially using the towns darkest time to make a quick buck. Baby wanted to just cut her tongue out, and maybe she would.

She prowled the streets as soon as she got into town and she looked at all the potential prey unknowingly being marked by her as someone she would need to follow later. She even went as far as to dress as decent as she could manage having a very revealing wardrobe but some clothes, she kept from some girl victims and applied for a job in the office. She had lacked experience and no resume but explained she was from out of town and trying to start a new life, she even gave them a fake name Norma Jean.

The decision was struggled with but after some flirting and flaunting as she did perfectly that no man could resist, the man in charge decided to give the position to her. Now she would be just that much closer to the one those who would fall victim to her. Did anyone really need a reason to kill? Either way it would be done yet you still go to jail for murdering someone who deserves it or not. The justice system was a joke.

They warned her in the office not to go out alone at night as some feared the haunting of Ghostface still lingering. That almost made her grin, but she nodded. “I will be extra careful thanks.” She then burst into a giggle fit as soon as she was alone. They had no idea what she was about to become. She would accel where all the imitators of Ghostface failed and her spree wouldn’t stop at just one house a night oh no she had several in mind to target all random and all different except for her signature carving Baby into their foreheads.

She did not have anywhere to stay so she broke into a house under construction and waited until nightfall then crept from the shadows, pulled out her hunting knife from the bag she brought with her clothes and such that she hid there while she was away during the day and began to lurk around looking for any signs of lights and people being home by peeking in windows. She knew that she and the real Ghostface had one thing in common, they were almost too smart to get caught so she had to be extra vigilant in her search for victims.

Once she found them, she found ways into their houses and in each the scene was so horrific that in the morning the police couldn’t stomach it. Limbs cut off, guts spilled out on the floor, bodies sitting on couches with eyes guaged out and the walls painted red with blood as well as the floor. Some bodies had been carved into pentagrams to make it seem like a cult, but when they thought one house was all they received more reports that seven other families where also massacred the killings getting more brutal as they went on, skinned corpses and heads mounted on platters around the famiy dining table.

Because she used a false name no one could suspect her and when she had gone into work the next day as the police have to scoop up remains and what used to be people she acted shocked and even scared. “Seven homes? How could someone do such terrible things? Do they know who it is?” She was told no but the Sheriff put out a curfew and encouraged locking windows and doors anything the killer could use to get in. This made her cackle inside, she had so many ways of getting into places she shouldn’t soon the at large murderer would be on the hunt when night fell again.

The police where being extra vigilant so the people of Woodsboro would feel safe. Locks are meant to make you feel safe, but locks can be picked, alarm systems meant to make you feel safe, can be disarmed. So, the police driving around well, that did not really help anyone did it? And soon they would realize this killer was not scared of the police or anyone else for that matter. It just made the rush that much more intense and drive Baby to want to do it more.


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