Beast Boy

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April 14th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Status: Single
Age: 34
Sign: Aries
Country: Afghanistan

Signup Date:
July 04, 2020


03/27/2022 02:08 PM 

You're not leaving, are you?

Prompt: “You’re not leaving, are you?”
Featuring: Boy Wonder
The Teen Titans were breaking. They were so close and one thing happened and it just spiraled from there. Like a small scratch on a car window that with time spiraled out into a huge crack, taking up the whole windshield. Ready to shatter at the simplest of touches.  It started with Raven. Not that anyone ever would blame her. She was just the first to leave: to disappear in the night. It hurt that not even a goodbye was given to BB. Or anyone in the team. He shouldn’t be surprised. Even if they had become a family, Raven wasn’t always a people person. It wasn’t a surprise that she took to the night instead of the weepy goodbyes or Please stays that could be given to her. She thought she was protecting them from her father. Still sad and the tower had been lonely without her. Then it was Star. Returning back to her home planet. Not permanently. She would be back but she needed to leave. At least she said a goodbye and gave them all a hug. Losing the two girls was a huge hit especially how sudden it was between the both of them. BB didn’t think anything would happen next but then the one and only Batman had to piss off his best friend. D*ck hadn’t gone into details on what exactly happened just that he was done. One day he was Robin. The next he was under the guise of Nightwing. Well it had to have happened eventually. He couldn’t have stayed Robin forever. Besides there was always a new boy to take the moniker. It would be filled by the end of the week. Batman’s specialty seemed to be taking orphans and troubled kids off the streets and molding them to what he wanted them to be. BB didn’t like it but who was he to say anything. He had thought that would be the end: that D*ck would stay under as Nightwing and he, Cy and BB would just do with what they had until the return of their friends or new members. Raven had been the small crack and D*ck was the rock that shattered the windshield. It would never be the same again.

“D*ckie boy!!” BB’s voice tended to carry over the empty tower easier than it used to. Which always caused BB ever present smile to slip for a few seconds before coming back: a bit faker then usual but it would quickly turn real again when his best friend came into view. Except he didn’t. Not even an answer back. Maybe he wasn’t here? No that couldn’t be. Garfield hadn’t heard a single door open or close that least outside of the tower. Maybe he was on the roof? It was their go to for anything: when they were upset, happy or anywhere in between.  First though: his room. Had to check that. Maybe he was taking a nap or trying to focus his mind on something else other than the original Titans splinting up. Sure enough he noticed the ajar door. He could hear shuffling behind it which meant his friend was here. That was odd. He should have been able to hear BB’s shout and should have answered. Pushing the door open he grinned, “Hey D*ckie boy. Ignoring your bestie? That’s just plain rude.” What he saw when he barged in had him stopping dead in his tracks. Things were strewn all over: clothes mainly. Was D*ck having trouble picking his outfit for the day or something? That’s when he noticed the bag. The grin that had been strained had slipped at the same time D*ck spun around: eyes wide at the intrusion. Then the guilt flashed across his friend’s eyes. Guilt? For what? “Gar!” That voice. He recognized it. That was D*ck’s ‘Everything is fine’ voice. He only used it when something was going to happen or was already happening. He took a quick look of the room, from the opened closet to the clothes strewn on his bed. Then to the folded clothes he could see peeking out of the bag and the half folded pair of pants in D*ck’s hand.

Finally his gaze raised up and landed on his best friend’s face. In the short time it took to do all that BB’s ever-present smile disappeared and the beginning of a frown was starting. That guilt look grew and BB knew without even thinking about it what was happening here. “You’re not leaving, are you?” Despite knowing what he was seeing he couldn’t….no didn’t want to believe it. “Gar.” Hands clenching into fists, the other male took a step forward. “You are leaving aren’t you” The other flinched backwards at the harsh tone in BB’s voice. “Gar….I” No. He was not going to hear any excuses. He could feel tears prickling at the corner of his vision, blurring it for a split second before he was angrily wiping them away. “Am I not good enough for my own best friend to tell me he’s leaving? We’re all supposed to be a team. You aren’t supposed to just abandon us because you have a damn fight with Batman.” A step forward from D*ck had Garfield taking one back. “When were you going to say anything? When you were walking out the door with your stuff in your hands? Or were you going to leave in the middle of the night like Raven? Or was I going to get a text message telling me that you left? And here I thought we were at least friends.” He turned, ready to flee the room but before he could get a step out the door, D*ck had crossed the room and grabbed BB’s wrist. He tried jerking away but D*ck held fast, “Gar. I was going to tell you. I just didn’t know how.” Despite the gentle tugging from D*ck, he refused to look at him. It was a silent signal for Garfield to at least look at him. “A simple. Hey Gar. I’m leaving. Nothing against you I just have to get out from under the watchful eyes of the Bat.” He knew why D*ck was leaving. He was not pissed about the whole leaving thing. He was mad that his so-called best friend couldn’t just come right out and say something. He had seen how angry D*ck had been when he’d gotten into it with Batman. He had listened to him rant and rave about him. He knew enough about what was going on that he could understand the leaving. But not saying anything? That hurt a lot.

“Please look at me, Gar.” He rubbed at his eyes with the sleeve of his free arm before he was slightly turning his body towards the other male. “So….Why couldn’t you just tell me?” “I didn’t know what to say. I was thinking of how to bring it up. I heard you calling my name.” Did D*ck deliberately let BB find him? To see what he was doing? Was an angry BB easier for D*ck to talk to? “I see.” He did not but it was no use getting even more upset over it. D*ck was leaving: he knew it would happen. “Well I still stand by that it’s easier just to come out and say something about leaving. Would have gone a lot smoother then whatever this was you decide to go with.” The hold on his arm was loosened until it was just a hand laid there: BB having relaxed so D*ck relaxed. “Besides….I’ve been meaning to tell you. Mento and Elasti-Girl got in contact with me: they want me back with the Doom Patrol. Guess there’s a couple of new members they think I will do great with.” “Wait a damn minute! You were mad at me for not saying anything but you weren’t going to tell me about that?” Garfield stared at him blankly before laughing, “I told them no. That you guys needed me. After Rae and Star….well I couldn’t just up and leave you guys. You frown enough as it is: I don’t want to add onto it. But it seems like I didn’t have to worry about that.” There was the guilt again and while D*ck definitely deserved to feel at least somewhat bad about how he went about things, BB wasn’t heartless. “Oh don’t look like that…..So! How about we go get something to eat and you can have that ‘BB. I’m leaving’ talk with me?” "Just like that?" "Yep! Just like that!"


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