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Gender: Male
Age: 32
Country: United Kingdom

Signup Date:
December 10, 2013


11/16/2020 09:47 PM 

flowers q/a.

flowers grow back
even after they are
stepped on...
... so will i.

confection queen chose...
snapdragon -- favorite mythical creature?
My favorite mythical creature? Clearly, I adore unicorns. Isn't that just so obvious? -Perks a brow, smirks.- No. Being serious now, my favorite mythical creature is actually something even more obvious. I like dragons. I'd never want to meet one face to face in any given situation, but they're beautiful fearsome creatures. Also, it's what my name means.

vitriol chose...
carnation -- does true love exist?
Does it? I mean, I might not seem like the romantic type... but I've witnessed my mother and my father's relationship. He might also not seem like the romantic type, but my father truly loves my mother deeply. He'd do anything for her, for his family. Their love is true to me, therefore, yes... I believe it does exist with the right person. Someday, perhaps I'll find the right person to share a love as deep as my parents with.

(What do you think, Parkinson? Think it could be you? -Smirk.-)

undesirable chose...
narcissus -- your best physical feature?
Can I pick two? I'm picking two. I believe my best physical features are my eyes and my mouth/lips. Honestly, I'd say all of me, because, well... just look at me -Is full of himself.- But... I suppose I'll play fair this time around. Or whatever. -Dismissive hand wave.-

madame bones chose...
peony -- do you put more value in honour or truth?
Well... isn't this a tough question? To be a truthful person, you must be honourable, and to be honourable you must be truthful. I'd lie if I needed to, and sometimes depending on the situation my loyalties might change. I think you have to value both or none at all... but if I must pick, I suppose I would go with honour, at least in the sense of credit or distinction. I'd want to be an honour to my father and family name someday.

fxck off and die chose...
tulip -- lucky number?
Number six and twenty-two.

gingersnap chose...
sunflower -- sun or moon?
Well, I do like to take long walks at night, in the quiet, just myself and my thoughts, so I'd have to go with the moon. Something about it seems mysterious, cold. The way it can affect the earth when it's too close, and how it can affect people and emotions. I guess you can say it fascinates me a bit. None of that astrology rubbish though. I'm also not too fond of sweating and I get easily sunburned if I stand too long in the summer sun, so there's that too.

hermione chose...
gladiolus -- who do you look up to most?
I hold my father in very high regards for many reasons, and I look up to him for many reasons as well. The way he loves his family, the way he loves his wife. However, I would say that I truly look up to my mother the most. She is strong, she is brave, and I've learned so much from her as I grew up. She makes me feel protected, and would give the entire world to me if I asked for it. Her love for her family is fierce and her heart is warm, despite her public personality and outer appearances. I see her, I know her, and the day I have a family of my own, I can only hope to be as strong and caring and protecting of them as she was of me.

daffodil chose...
daffodil -- which colour suits you best?
Dark colours, but I specifically think forest green, black, deep grays; surprisingly, all white doesn't look too bad on me either. My go-to colour is usually black, however. It's the colour my wardrobe mostly consists of. It's sleek, it's simple, but elegant and everything matches with it.

(Sure I'm telling you nothing you don't know already, mother.)


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