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Age: 29
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March 16, 2020


07/08/2020 05:54 PM 

reply to fvckinandroids.


Markus felt insanely guilty for what transpired back at the docks. He understood their inner turmoil. If he had lost the one he loved, then he wasn't sure how he would have reacted. Did some androids truly feel this way? Both North and Josh were giving him the silent treatment, though it wasn't his fault. He was trying to get more parts from Cyberlife and thought they could trust this android. If anything, it was one of his mistakes.

He didn't know whether that deviant hunter would be out there or not, but he supposed he could check out the crime scene without anyone knowing. He should have remained there without leaving, but North and Josh panicked before he could even see into those android's minds. They had ambushed the leaders of Jericho with an intent to kill. What did they hope to accomplish?

Revenge? It wouldn't have made any of them feel better, but he knew that feeling very well. Markus recalled the hatred and the anger he felt when it came to Carl's son Leo who always treated him like dirt. Sometimes they would have more than one altercation, but there wasn't much him nor Carl do about it. Markus had been stuck behind the walls of his code while Carl was bound to a wheelchair. What could he actually do?

Markus waited a moment before he left the safety of Jericho. They would have to go back to Cyberlife warehouse again to get the spare parts they needed at another time, but he needed to check out the crime scene for now. 

It didn't take him long to get there. The androids who had been killed were still laying where they were shot; the blue blood coating the ground in its entirety. He knelt down next to the leader of these androids and looked at him again, still curious to their motivations other than them believing they were doing fine before Markus. "You weren't free. You were stuck in an endless cycle of being slaves. Why would you want that to stay?"

Most of these questions were rhetorical. He would need to ask North and Josh their own opinions as well, but he figured he would do that a later date. Markus released a soft sigh and closed the android's eyes as he rubbed his face. When did things get so messy? He wondered how he would be if he remained at Carl's side without going deviant. Would any of the deviants rise up and take his place? It was a hard question and he assumed no one would take the bait.

"... you said you lost the girl you loved because of me, but that wasn't my fault. We just wanted to be free. I wish you could have talked things out with me instead of trying to kill us." Markus tensed when he heard a car nearby. Deciding he needed to hide, he chose the safest spot he could find without giving himself away.


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