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11/25/2019 05:19 PM 

mother - drabble.

They say that a mother is god in a child's eyes; and that was exactly what Narcissa Malfoy was to Draco. He could have not asked for anyone better to be his mother. She was loving, kind and warm. His biggest critic, yet, his strongest supporter. Her love was different than his father's was. Lucius was cold and stoic - Malfoy feared him, and that's what kept him in place. Narcissa was a completely opposite sort of vibe - he kept in place for her because he wanted to make her proud of him. He feared being a disappointment in his father's eyes, but he was terrified of ever letting his mother down. She wouldn't deserve it. No, his mother deserved the best, and although she didn't ask much of him, he wanted to give that to her. He wanted to show her that he could indeed be the best son - it was the least that he could do for a perfect mother like she. He would soon rather stop existing than to bring Narcissa grief.

Although, many would probably disagree with him if he were to describe his mother as such a caring woman. Her public persona was very different - haughty and cold, unafraid of being cruel to those she deemed below she and her family. An ice queen who spit venom from her tongue; where else did you think Malfoy learned how to be the way that he was? She was a Malfoy through and through, but, Draco knew his mother's softer side. A side that not many got to experience. She was judged and hated for how she outwardly presented herself as, and it was always assumed that poor little Draco had no parental love from either side. That he grew up lonely and cold, with bitter parents. Yet, they were all wrong. So very, very wrong.

Narcissa was a selfless woman for her family, especially for her son. She was his guiding hand, his shoulder to cry on. She spoiled him to no end, but not to fill any sort of void, but because she wanted to give him everything he ever asked for, because she could. He was her prince. Her little dragon. Her only son. Her pride and joy. She would do anything for him. Anything to keep him safe, anything to protect him. Even if it meant putting herself in the way of danger. Even if it meant giving away her life for his.

Narcissa Malfoy was an exceptional mother, and Draco wasn't ashamed to say that he indeed was a mummy's boy. Why would he be? He took pride in being her son. Honestly, the others only made fun of him for it because most likely they were just jealous that their mothers weren't at the same level as his own. Jealous that they couldn't have her as their mother instead. It was completely understandable behaviour. He'd be jealous too if he were someone else. Who wouldn't wish to have a mother like his own? Beautiful and powerful. Her love for her son was great and infinite. Every decision, every sacrifice his mother had ever made had been to benefit him - and Draco appreciated that so very much. He loved her so much, and the thought of ever losing her, scared him.

What would he do without his precious mother?
Who would be there for him then?
He would truly be lost without her.


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