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09/22/2012 11:19 PM 


Death lies in wait amidst the fog's filmy, gray skirts.  Concealed in those luminous veils, it stands patiently, scythe in hand, ready for any passersby.  

Low-lying tule fog that forms during California's late fall and winter is the leading cause of weather-related traffic deaths in the Golden State.  On a foggy morning in November  1996, in the southbound lane of Highway 99 south of Fresno, a semi-truck and trailer braked hard to avoid something the driver thought he saw at the limits of his headlights in the fog.  The truck fishtailed and rolled.  Immediately a Dodge SUV, three passenger vehicles, and a flat-bed truck hauling bales of hay crashed headlong into the overturned semi.  Other drivers, plying through the fog at speeds much too fast for the limited visibility, followed suite, slamming at frightful velocity into the growing rubble of cars and trucks.  Before it was done, 132 vehicles lay in a smoky, twisted ruin, 29 were dead and another 67 were seriously injured.

So when the fog descends, the mood of an average Californian descends with it, graying into caution with just a pinch of frightfulness.  Sunnydale, California lies north of Los Angeles, just outside of the San Fernando Valley, far enough east from the Pacific to avoid most of the coastal fog that plagues seaside communities such as Ventura and Santa Barbara, but well south of the Central Valley where tule fog consorts with the Reaper to occasionally maim and kill drivers en mass on Interstate 5 and old Highway 99.  So when a cloying, dense fog descended upon Sunnydale in late September 1998, the populace thought it was odd, but they'd seen many an odd thing in that California town, and events and entities much scarier than bad weather.

What they didn't expect though, were the creatures that drifted into town with the fog, that were cohorts or products of the lowering gray mists just as surely as Death lurks in the wispy veils of tule fog that collect and converge into catastrophes on the highways of the Central Valley.   In the alley behind the Bronze, the fog crept and slithered among the shadows, sending tendrils out to seemingly explore dank corners and doorways, boiling up in places while stretching out amoeba-like in others.  Monsters emerging from the fog on a moonlit night is an over-used clich�.  Worse yet is to have some worn-out stereotype take shape and materialize out of the gray nothingness.  But that's exactly what happened on that late September eve.  Count Dracula, his black silken cape swirling about his feet, steps from the fog, his eyes hauntingly mesmerizing and glowing in the dark.   This is Bela Lugosi's Count Dracula in every detail, from his thick, greased back hair to Lugosi's famous malevolent smirk.  But the Count isn't the only instantly-recognizable monster on the prowl tonight.  Across town near the high school, Frankenstein's monster lumbers out of the fog, holding his huge, stitched-together hands out straight.  And in the cemetery, the Mummy is searching for the Book of Amun-Ra, dragging one damaged foot behind it as it maneuvers among the headstones. 

Our story begins on 22 September 1998.  It's Buffy and the gang's senior year in high school.  They are still months away from Mayor Richard Wilkin's ascension and the fateful graduation ceremony that brings high school to an explosive finale.   Rupert Giles is in the library.  Its mid-morning and he's fretting over some disturbing news in the Sunnydale paper.  Of course, the library is devoid of students.  It's just Giles and his musty books.  Outside, it's another sunny and bright California day.  The fog and the things that dwell within it have retreated into the shadows until nightfall.

Story Lead:  Giles



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Wesley Wyndam-Pryce


Jun 13th 2013 - 4:38 PM

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     Wesley looked to Willow, but she only shrugged her shoulders.  The boy, Taylor, looked mystified, too.  �Well, it wasn�t anything any of us in this room did.�  He glanced at the open window, which just a moment ago had been a welcome mat for innumerable creatures that no doubt would have made fast work of them all.  �Whoever nullified the magic that animated the totems and the model Sunnydale certainly had impeccable timing.�

     Wesley�s cell phone began to vibrate in his jacket pocket.  Inspection of the readout proved the caller was none other than Mr. Giles.  Wes took the call and spoke into the receiver, �Giles!  You and the others must have escaped the model, because it is no longer magical.  It is just a three-dimensional representation of the town, made of cardboard, paper mache, and plastic, and I have to say its not a very good representation at that.�  From the other end of the line, which Giles identified as the school library � the real school library � Rupert explained how, with the unexpected help of Spike and Drusilla, they had tracked down the source of the magic � a jewel - which was underneath the model Sunnydale�s church, and then Buffy had smashed said jewel and the formerly miniaturized gang of five had found themselves back at the library, full-sized and apparently safe and sound.

     Wes explained the situation to everyone and made the suggestion that they all retire to the library for a wrap up.  Enroute they would look for any lingering evidence that the warlock�s magic was still in play.

     Taylor was examining his model, picking up pieces and then replacing them.  Whatever magic he had shared with the warlock seemed to have dissipated completely.  He was now, apparently, just a boy.  Regardless of whether things outside and throughout the town had returned to the way they had been before Murdonesil arrived on scene, the world had changed profoundly for Taylor.  He had lost his parents and was now orphaned.  They never seemed to be able to escape collateral damage on these cases, no matter how thoroughly they vanquished their opponents.

     �Taylor, I think it best that you come with us for now.  We�re your friends, and we�ll help you in every way we can.�

(Everyone move to Shrouded Legends Part 2)

Xander Harris


Jun 11th 2013 - 11:31 PM

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Just as the no doubt ravenous, horrific hordes were beginning to slither, clamber, ooze, and slime their way through the now open window, something totally unexpected happened.  They all stopped dead in their tracks, looked mystified for a moment, and then vanished.  Poof, just like that.  Which was a good thing because unless Will could have managed to execute some hocus pocus, the operative word being execute, and without making matters worse, what was left of the Scoobies was going to be toast.  Buttered and consumed with much lip smacking and great pleasure.

�Ok, so what just happened?�  Xander gestured with his index fingers for emphasis, pointing at nothing but the obvious, which was that something had changed fundamentally.  He glanced at the turtle terrarium, where the little turtle had been chasing little itty bitty Buffy and Angel around its cage.  It had stopped, and if a turtle can look confused, well, that�s what it looked like.  Because Buffy and Angel were gone. 

And then there was the model.

�Hey guys, look at this!�  Xander approached the model, which no longer looked very authentic.  The houses were kind of crudely put together and painted.  The high school wasn�t laid out right � the gymnasium was missing and the library was in the wrong place.  �Its just a model!�  Xander picked up the library, which was just a little cardboard box with nothing inside.  The windows were painted on.  �Somehow, we did it.  Or someone did it.  The magic has gone out of the model like letting the air out of a balloon.� 

Dysfunctional Slayer 💋


May 22nd 2013 - 12:29 PM

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This wasn�t exactly the type of action that Faith wanted. They were getting in over their heads on this one, although she wouldn�t admit that. �Red that kinda help we can do without,� she growled as she attempted to hold the teddy bear back with a hockey stick she had found in the corner of the room. He had managed to push her back across the room then snapped the stick in half. She took the pieces and jabbed them into him causing him to stumble backwards. While he was injured she grabbed him by the arm and shoving him towards the window. He fell backwards with one kick smashing the glass. It took the octopus monster with it as it tumbled out of the house towards the ground, the pair landing with a splat.  The bear had squashed the beast like a cockroach under the heel of a shoe. It was messy, but efficient. The problem now was there was gapping opening for things to come into the house.  The others were staring at her, �what? I took care of the bear. You think you could have done better?� She folded her arms.  

Xander Harris


May 21st 2013 - 12:16 PM

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Xander�s eyes went wide and he pointed, �BEAR!!!  BEAR!!!�  The creature was about the size of Mrs.  Hofacker, the girl�s wrestling coach, but it looked like a Panda bear, complete with the little round black ears and the black around the eyes.  After growling once at everyone � establishing its territory maybe - it climbed on the bed, sat cross-legged on Taylor�s pillow, and hugged a little stuffed kitty cat contentedly.  Maybe it was just a big Teddy Bear. 

Xander went to the window, next to Willow, and looked out on the lawn.  It really was monsterpalooza out there.  �Hey guys, I give it about two minutes before this place starts to look like a scene from Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein, like where they�re chased through the night and the creeping ground fog by just about every movie monster you can think of.�  A flying, horned demon of some sort flew in and attached itself to the window�s glass pane with octopusesque suction cups.  It gazed inside, sneered through double rows of yellow, pointy teeth, then screamed banshee-like.

Strawberry Wiccan


May 18th 2013 - 9:23 AM

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Willow wasn�t sure what to do next.  Even if Taylor wasn�t defending the model.  They couldn�t destroy the model because their friends were still inside of it.  Besides, its surrounded by that force field thingy that Angel busted the chair over.  But they needed to do something.  The totem monsters were still wandering around Sunnydale no doubt doing their monstery things.  She glanced at Wesley, wondering if he knew what to do.  But he was looking out the window, frowning at something.  Willow went to his side and looked at what he was looking at.  �Guys?  Monsterpalooza outside!�  Vampires, werewolves, zombies, and a bunch of demons and other stuff that Will couldn�t categorize were swarming over the lawn outside, headed for the house.  Some of them were moaning or screeching.  Soon they�d be scrambling up the walls and breaking down the doors.

Willow had to do something.  She no longer had the benefit of Wesley�s spells or tapping into the boy�s power, but she knew she could do this � had to do it.  If she could just get Buffy, Giles, and the others off the model and make them big again.  She�d made Xander and Dylan big, she could do it with the others.  So she combined the spell she�d used on Xander and Dylan with another that she thought would get her friends off the model: �Coulatra contra jantrauta. Mare! Acum!

Taylor�s Teddy Bear came to life and was the size of a real bear.  And it growled menacingly.  �Sorry!  Sorry!  I was just trying to help!�  

Dysfunctional Slayer 💋


May 14th 2013 - 11:27 AM

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Evil Buffy wasn�t any better with the snappy come backs than the real thing. Faith was about to remark about it, when the blonde had struck her across the jaw. She stood up rubbing her jaw with a Cheshire grin on her face, �good thing you still hit like a girl.� Totem Buffy began to shrink before her very eyes. The mini slayer then began to take off looking for cover.  �Damn Red you take all the fun,� Faith relaxed realizing the fight was already over before it began. She folded her arms watching the watcher scoop up the totems and dumped them in the terrarium. Everything sounded like it was coming together until the kid entered the room throwing a colossal temper tantrum. �Someone needs a time out,� she cocked her head looking at the boy.  

She glanced at Wesley expecting a plan, but nothing. She looked towards the scoobies expecting Willow and Xander to sweet talk the child into helping them out. �Look kid nobody wants to wreck your toy,� well at least nobody standing full sized in the room. �We just want to get our friends out capcie?� she attempted to rational with the boy.



May 10th 2013 - 9:10 AM

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Damn that Willow Rosenberg!  She was supposed to be an incompetent witch, and here she was spinning spells into big trouble for Angel and Buffy as easily as Angelus used to snake-charm his victims.  In a moment of intellectual inspiration, Angel had decided that he and Buffy�s best chance for survival in totem form was to destroy the model rather than preserve it.  It was the power behind the model that counted, and right now that power was in residence within the boy.  As long as the boy was on their side, he and Buffy would be fine in the real Sunnydale.  To leave the model running risked everything, because Giles, their mini-real selves, and the other annoying Scoobies in the model would eventually find a way to screw things up for them.

So Angel had tried to destroy the model.  When that didn�t work, he tried to get Willow to remove the spells protecting the model.  Obviously that didn�t work, either.  So he and Buffy had tried to escape down the air conditioning duct, but they failed at even that.  Three strikes and you�re out, boys and girls.  Well, now they were stuck in a plastic cage with a little turtle.  Little maybe, but bigger than Angel and Buffy together.

�What do we do now, Buffy?�  Angel put his little hands against the plastic wall of the cage and peered out at the real world, the one he should be a master of.  �This is just great.�  He pounded a fist on the plastic, but it didn�t crack or break.  But it did get the turtle�s attention, which swiveled their way and then began to close the distance between them.  And it wasn�t ponderous or slow like you�d expect of a turtle.  It almost skittered towards them, and it had a predatory gleam in its beady little turtle eyes.  �Oh this is just great.�

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce


May 9th 2013 - 9:45 AM

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     It worked!  Wesley was able to successfully transmit the miniaturization spell to Willow and she had expertly implemented it!  The totems were now so small that they posed no real threat.  But Willow pointed at the tiny versions of Buffy and Angel, and beseeched someone to capture them.  They were headed for a grate in the floor, and would no doubt slip inside forthright if not stopped immediately.  Even though they were very, very small, Willow was right.  They might yet find a way to cause mischief, so Wesley sprung into action.

     He needed two things:  Something to scoop the little people up, and then something to contain them.  Wesley looked around the room and immediately found what he needed.  He took a discarded Circle K Thirsbuster cup and a whisk broom, corralled the little Buffy and Angel, and then swept them up into the cup.  They were hopping around inside, so he had to cup his hand over the top to prevent them from escaping.  Then he marched across the room and promptly dumped them into the boy�s pet turtle cage � a plastic one gallon container, half of which was water and the other half was sand and plastic plants.  The little turtle, which was snoozing on the edge, pool, opened one eye as the intruders plopped into his environment.  Wesley didn�t know if the turtle was carnivorous or not, but if it was, well it was a turtle � slow, so Buffy and Angel could escape it, not that Wesley was overly concerned with their tiny totem selves.  �Got them!�  Pleased with himself, Wesley looked around at his friends, �Now we just need to deactivate the model and everything should revert to normalcy.�  Unbeknownst to him, all the totems in Sunnydale were beginning to gravitate towards the boy�s house, sensing a threat to their continued existence.    

Strawberry Wiccan


May 8th 2013 - 7:40 PM

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The world had dissolved onto chaos.  Spike, Drusilla, Buffy, and Angel were here, but their good/bad roles seemed to be reversed.  These were totems!  The real versions of them were in the model, of course.  Angel was trying to smash the model for some reason, but it was protected magically.  Buffy and Faith were fighting like slayers, which they were of course.  The furniture was in ruins.  Willow heard something squeaky and small, looked down and saw a very, very small Xander and the new slayer, Dylan, equally miniaturized.  Then they both were about to be flattened by a falling Faith.  Without really knowing what she was doing, Willow blurted out, �Mare! Acum!  Xander and Dylan suddenly became life-sized and Faith plowed into them and knocked them over like bowling pins.

That was when Angel put Willow in a choke hold.  He wanted her to remove the protection spells on the model of Sunnydale.  Will could only choke out a whispery reply, �I�don�t�know�how!�  She kicked at Angel�s shin, but the vampire didn�t loosen his hold at all.  She needed to focus, use her head to get out of this situation.  She knew she could if only her fear would stop screaming at her like a flock of banshees.  She felt the boy�s presence again, and knew he could help her.  So amidst the chaos in her mind, she zeroed in like a laser beam on Taylor.  He�d been the one who had banished the warlock, and maybe he could help here, too.  Not as loud, she also felt Wesley�s presence, and he had a spell, just like he�d had downstairs.

While drawing magical energy from the boy and constructing the spell that Wesley was transmitting to her, Willow was getting short on breath.  Angel was constricting her airway, and it really hurt!  But she knew if she could just get this spell out�and she did, as an almost inaudible, hoarse whisper: Elibera rosu vr�jitoare, reducerea totemuri pentru oameni mici, și f�-o acum!

Angel disappeared, which released Willow, who staggered and then breathed a sigh of relief and massaged her neck for a moment. But then she began frantically searching the floor.  Totem Buffy, Angel, Spike, and Drusilla were now just a little bit bigger than Xander and Dylan had been.  Spike and Dru were standing pretty much where their larger versions had been, but little Angel and Buffy were running for the floor-mounted, grated heating and cooling duct.  �Hurry!  Catch them before they get away!� 

Xander Harris


May 2nd 2013 - 10:43 AM

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So good ole Giles had brilliantly managed to get Xander and Dylan off the model of Sunnydale, but what good had it done them?  They were still Tom and Tomasina Thumb, knee high to a Barbie doll.  Giles had told them to go for help, but just making it to the door was a major trek.  And before they�d had a chance to get very far, the gigantamous world around them turned to absolute chaos.  But Buffy and Willow were here!  Although how Buffy got out of the model and back to normal size again was a mystery.  In fact, Angel was here, too.  So how did he get out of the model?

The Buffster and Faith were going at it like rabid dogs, which Xander didn�t understand.  Sure, Buffy and Faith had their differences, but they were essentially on the same side, essentially both good guys, or in this case, good gals.  This wasn�t the time or place to settle whatever differences they had.  Xander, who was only about an inch tall, started hopping up and down and waving his arms, trying to get Buffy�s attention, �Hey Buffy!  I�m over here!  Me and Dylan!�  His voice was like that of a mouse, squeaky and very high.  No one had noticed them.  And then Buffy delivered a solid right hook to Faith�s jaw.  The brunette slayer�s head jerked to the side and then she began to fall.  Towards Xander and Dylan.  It was like having the Empire State Building falling towards you.  Or like a giant redwood that some evil lumberjack had sawed through.  Xander stopped jumping up and down and yelled to Dylan, �RUN!!!!!�   


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