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Everyone is my toy

05/11/2024 02:40 PM 

The cattons
Current mood:  adored,2023%20psychological%20thriller%20about%20an%20Oxford%20student

𝗥𝗼𝘆𝗮𝗹 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗲.

05/11/2024 01:31 PM 

Gabriella's Safe Space.

Gabriella has a place right up the road from her. There's a park there, and at night, it has a beautiful view of the stars. Gabriella loves to go up there and read her book while taking time for herself. It's where she feels the safest because there are people around, but it's also quiet. She has time to do her reading, which she very much enjoys.This place was something she found the day she arrived at her home. She was walking in the neighborhood and came across a park near her house. She noticed it wasn't only an excellent spot to walk and spend most of her free time. She grabs herself a blanket and book and goes there most days when she gets off work. Anyone can find her there, even if it's nighttime.

Everyone is my toy

05/11/2024 01:14 PM 

News on saltburn


05/11/2024 01:17 PM 

Family Time Drabble.

&Family"Families are like branches on a tree, we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one." "Tío Benji! Tío Benji!" The high-pitched shrieks of his niece and nephew filled the air as Benji stepped through the door of his parents' home in San Diego. Before he could even get his bearings, two pint-sized tornadoes of energy came barreling toward him. "Hey amigos!" Benji scooped up six-year-old Liam and four-year-old Elena in his arms, grunts of exertion mixing with their peals of delighted laughter. "Getting too big for these famous Tío Benji bear hugs!" "We missed you!" Liam beamed up at his favorite uncle with an adoring gap-toothed grin. "Did you bring us souvenirs?" Ever the precocious one, Elena wasted no time in directing her big brown eyes at Benji with expectant hope. Chuckling, Benji exchanged an amused look with his older brother Mateo, who just shook his head with a resigned smile. "You're too much, ya little hustler," Benji teased Elena, ruffling her dark curls. "Benjamín! Querído, it's so good to have you home." His mother Isabela emerged from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron as she pulled him into one of her warm, enveloping hugs. Breathing in the comforting scent of her perfume, Benji felt the stresses of his high-pressure job in L.A. begin to dissipate. "Gracias mamá. You know I can never stay away too long." "Your tía is almost done with the tamales," his mother said, waving a hand toward the kitchen. "Why don't you go help set the table for abuelita?" "On it!" Benji called over his shoulder as he carried his niece and nephew into the dining room, their delighted shrieks echoing behind him. No matter how far he roamed, these familiar sights, sounds and smells of home would forever ground him in his family's roots. Their love and laughter was his deepest anchor, the thing that untethered him from worries and struggles. And that was priceless.   template credit.   


𝒲icked 𝒢oddess

05/10/2024 11:36 PM 


Demigods󠀠While many of the Gods had legitimate children, full-blooded Gods, and Goddesses, many more had bastard children, mostly with mortal women. These children were born powerful, not as powerful as if they were full-blooded but still with abilities far beyond that of any mortal or mortal magic wielder. These children were considered demigods. And not cast out like most bastards. Many Gods claimed their children early on in their life, one had raised his child since her birth, Hades.Yes, even Hades had a child. His only child given no respectable Goddess would ever consider procreating with the shunned and disgraced God of the Underworld. His daughter's name was Selena. She was the result of a brief love affair with a mortal woman, a witch. She was known among the mortals as the Wicked Witch. So it was easy to say that Selena hardly came from the best of parents. For this reason, she too was somewhat shunned by the other Gods and Goddesses.Aphrodite however took pity on Selena. She had met her on a few occasions as a child, Selena and one of Aphrodite's own children Eros had formed quite a close bond, which in turn brought both she and him to the Underworld more and more to visit with Selena who proved to be quite an exceptional girl as she grew.Visits to the Underworld did take their toll on Aphrodite though, it was a very dark place. So after some negotiations, Aphrodite had received permission to bring Selena from the Underworld to the land of the living. There she could be introduced to others like her, cousins. She could begin to form connections more than just with her father. While Hades did genuinely care for his daughter, and tried his best. He was hardly the best influence.Now Aphrodite had received permission from the other Gods to allow Hades' child to mingle with their own she hadn't exactly asked Hades permission to take his daughter from the Underworld to the land of the living. She thought she'd have Selena back before she was truly missed so why ask? Why risk being shot down and told no? This would prove to be a mistake. Hades kept a very close eye on his daughter, every moment of every day.On this day Selena was with some of her female cousins, demigoddesses like herself. Aphrodite had gathered them all to a lavish castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. There they were dressed properly and allowed to play with one another and explore the large castle, something most of them were not accustomed to. Happily, Selena ran through the halls of the castle with her newfound playmates.It was all so happy, so light-hearted. Something Selena rarely experienced given the dark place she resided with her father. Giggling, twirling, and rushing through the halls all the girls, Selena included, stopped when someone appeared before them in a cloud of blue smoke. There stood Hades, his head ablaze with fire, his normal when truly angry.All the girls screamed and ran away, Selena turned to watch them, calling out to them. "Wait! It's just.." she turned to look back to Hades. "My dad." She said sounding very unpleased to see him. Without words, Selena knew her time here was over. That Hades was here to bring her back to the Underworld. All the pleading and reasoning with Aphrodite would not save her from the fate of returning back with her father.󠀠 template credit.


05/10/2024 03:01 PM 


Tatum was the type to always love drowning herself into yoga. It was a lot better than the alternative that she had done for many years. After her brother's death it wasn't easy for her, and she resulted in finding the comfort in a few pills. This was causing such a downward spiral for her until she started to see a therapist. The suggestions usually had been a flop all but one. That had been channeling her sadness and anger into a workout of some form. She found this in YOGA. It was not even a hesitation for her when she was just starting her new career at Rosewood & Co. She was always the type to over work herself a trait she had gotten from her father. It was also something she loved and hated all the same. However, it was a big move to make but Tatum had purchased a small building a few blocks from her family's firm. This was her safe space. Her one place where she can go and not have to worry. She was able to be free so to speak and it made her feel at home. Things haven't always been easy for her and with her career she was often on edge. It didn't help that she was only filling her older brothers' shoes. She found solace in her little studio. She had it decked out in all of her favorite things that opened her mind to be clearer. She had a lot of nature paintings and some she had done herself, another little hobby of hers. Sometimes you would even find her staying the night there. She had a nice little office and room off to the side of the room she set up for yoga. Whenever she was here, she felt at her safest. A place to unwind and just really connect with herself through some intense yoga and meditation.

𝙼𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝙻𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚗

05/10/2024 01:55 PM 

Writing Sample for Ben

(Writing sample for Ben below. Some of his backstory is LOOSELY based on film.)Ben "Mute" Lanigan had always loved horses. Their might, their energy, even their smell always appealed to the man who learned at a very young age that he possessed a gift for whispering their language. Where other white men made it their mission to break an equine's spirit for the sake of submission and burden, the quiet but troubled orphan within Ben Lanigan reached adulthood with a stronger liking for sharing the breath of horses than breaking bread with other humans. Spoken words weren't usually necessary with his four-legged companions. They were closer to God than earthly men could ever aspire to be.Stealing horses for himself held a special thrill, however, regardless as to whether he committed the theft out of sport or necessity. After all, Ben Lanigan wasn't a damned saint. And his brief stint as a preacher down in Mexico had been short-lived.He was almost euphoric by the time he crossed into the Montana Territory with a newly acquired chestnut mare in tow. Justifying the midnight exchange on some remote rancher’s land as a blessing for his exhausted mount, the man mentally swore on a battered bible that his thievery was an act of charity. Maybe the Good Lord above would forgive his moment of weakness in scratching an old itch, overlooking how Ben indulged a bad habit from his former life with all the zeal of a reluctant teetotaler returning to the bottle. He was trying to be a better man, after all, but the road to goodness sure had been a rough one.The thrill was fleeting, disappearing with his realization that criminal tendencies shouldn’t be celebrated. Rejoicing in lawlessness was a sin, but maybe, just maybe, he could explain his actions from a different angle if Heaven ever tried denying him entry on that technicality. A refreshed beast could carry him further, his mind reasoned, so he wouldn’t have to risk another night out in the elements. Up to that moment, he'd survived fires, gunshot wounds, native warriors justifiably hostile toward white men and soldiers, and the hired guns of an old ally who was now Ben’s deadly nemesis. Surely God had his back for a reason, some special purpose yet to be realized. Figuring it out and cleaning up his act deserved full attention. He’d have to be alive for that, wouldn’t he?The sooner he reached a safer destination, someplace civilized far from the southern border, the quicker the outlaw could focus on living the life of a repentant, moral citizen in earnest. It was the means to an end, to pick up where he had left off in working off his sins in service to humanity, and service to God for saving his wretched life.Wolf Whelan had interrupted that service down in Mexico - violently. And Ben “Mute” Lanigan had been on the run again ever since.His funds were rapidly dwindling. A small amount of gold was left over from the months Ben spent wading through the Wyoming Territory’s frigid rivers, taking advantage of the more sparsely populated panning sites in the waning but still lucrative days of the area’s prospectors. It was enough to secure himself a room at some ramshackle boarding house in the first town he spotted once the sun rose over the Rockies. Pointedly avoiding the temptations of the saloon and all the trouble of whiskey and women it promised, Ben secured his horse and dropped his weary bones to the first real bed he’d known in, well, how long had it been, exactly? He slept like the dead, awakening the following dawn disoriented but strangely refreshed.It was his thirtieth birthday season, he recalled, or something close to it at least, seeing as how the exact date was uncertain. Against all odds, he’d lived to complete another turn around the sun.Today. I’ll start again today, I swear it. There was no way a man like Whelan, who much preferred the warmer country closer to Mexico, would bother tracking him this far north. I can be anyone here, I’ll repent. I’ll start again and put back what I took from this world, even if it’s not the same way I tried down in Hermosillo. It starts today.But as Ben stared at his distorted reflection in the filthy mirror above the equally filthy wash basin, he couldn’t fully stifle the nagging voice from within, a jeering declaration that he would never be rid of the blood on his hands. No matter how many verses of scripture he memorized for application to his new life, he would still be that same kid who’d grown up under the wing of a notoriously sadistic outlaw. Wolf Whelan made Jesse James look like a choir boy, and Ben had been in training to follow in those same footsteps.The straight razor in Ben’s hand paused in its glide over his cheek, a menacing shadow settling over his prominent brows. He had been called handsome by some, boyish by others, but the ugliness within was hardly a distant memory. He could see straight into it.You forget, I know you, Whelan’s voice piped up in Ben’s imagination. You’re a natural killer, always have been. Denying what a man is just makes him a fraud. And frauds got no more business living than that ole Padre who thought he could talk us into turning ourselves in by filling us with all that sh*t about ‘arrepentimiento’. You’ll never be anything else.“Just watch me, you son of a bitch,” Ben hissed under his breath with a renewed sense of conviction. He left his room half shaven, a scattering of black whiskers still dusting his jaws.***“Ma’am.” Ben tipped his hat politely with the ghost of a smile. He held the door open for the young woman who was just then leaving the post office as he arrived. They passed one another without further word as strangers, oblivious to what the Fates, or perhaps even Chaos, intended for when their paths would cross once more that very day.Most towns he’d seen posted various community announcements in post offices or train depots. Ben made a beeline for the notice board seconds after stepping over the threshold while the clerk’s attention was focused on another customer. One could obtain a quick feel for a town just by scanning the advertisements, job postings and public ordinances, a habit he had long ago developed with every new location. Relieved to not find a crudely sketched likeness of himself or Whelan on a Reward poster, he relaxed and took his time perusing the notices. He would need to find some new way of earning a living without divulging his skills in cattle rustling, horse stealing, bank robbing, stagecoach holdups or random murders of innocent civilians. And he would have to find it quickly.One particular posting caught his attention. Tugging it from the board, he approached the counter and patiently waited for his turn. A balding older gentleman with crooked spectacles eventually greeted him, and Ben motioned to the job vacancy in his hand.“Howdy! I was wonderin’ what you might be able to tell me about this ranch that’s advertising for a new hand?”The clerk lifted his brows in an expression akin to delight. “Oh! Well, that would be something to ask Miss Sarah Clayton about. She runs the place with her father, although she’s the authority for hiring inquiries. In fact, she just left as you were coming in - you might still be able to catch her in town.”Quickly describing the lady for the newcomer, Downes didn’t even have time to get the fellow’s name before Ben was racing out the door. Glancing down one side of the street then the other, Ben was half afraid he’d missed her. Then, catching a distant glimpse of a woman heading into the general store who bore a resemblance to the clerk’s description, Ben scuttled along the boardwalk and followed her inside. Halting his steps as she spoke to the clerk with her list of needed items, Ben waited until the aproned man left them to fetch something from the storeroom.“I beg your pardon, but do I have the pleasure of addressing Miss Duncan?” Politely removing his hat, he nodded when she turned toward him in response.“I understand you’re the author of the job posting over at the post office, for the ranch hand vacancy. Name’s Brody. Thomas Brody.”His deception was based on something far worse than some harmless little white lie, a necessary evil he employed in order to make peace between himself and the Almighty. He wanted another chance, needed it, motivated by an all-consuming thirst for redemption without sacrificing a newfound desire for anonymity. God knew who he really was - the unsuspecting residents of his current location surely wouldn’t suffer from not being in on the secret. He intended to live amongst them without incident.What was not forced, however, was the warmth in his dark eyes as he greeted the lady with a polite, gentlemanly demeanor. Softly spoken, his manner was pleasant enough, because despite the bloody ways of the past, Ben Lanigan had always been respectful toward the fairer sex. Being raised by wolves hadn’t robbed him of that innate quality, at least.“I don’t have references handy, seein’ as how my horse and cattle ranch experiences have been mostly seasonal transitory, but I’ve just arrived fresh from gold panning in all parts northwest of Cheyenne, and am truly itching to get back to working with the animals. And I'm more than capable for any other jobs you might need done. I’m a hard worker, reliable and unencumbered, so I could start right away.”

𝙱𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 Bright

05/10/2024 11:19 PM 

PAWers and Abilities

Had to use the corny pun, sorry not sorry.Cassandra is a mutated human with animal genes spliced into her DNA; chiefly among them is the tiger and cephalopod.  This DNA grants her characteristic traits of the animals, while also having some of their drawbacks and behavioral traits.Cassandra has the strength and agility of a tiger, along with keen hearing, retractable claws, and enhanced eyesight. Unfortunately, she also inherited the fur and patterns of the tiger, making her stand out from other humans.The cephalopod attribute grants Cass limited shapeshifting ability, mainly the change in her skin pigmentation and body shape.  This does not allow her to change bulk or size, merely altering her appearance to better blend in with society.  With enough focus, she can "look normal", but it takes considerable concentration and effort on her part.  Breaking her focus, and she will resume her new 'natural' state.TBC...


05/10/2024 11:26 PM 



05/10/2024 02:39 AM 


// for those interested in writing outside of this site, my Discord,, and a few others will be listed below.  ✦ 𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖉 - .starry.mars.✦ 𝖗𝖕.𝖒𝖊 - BlohshGod  // i'll definitely add more later on. just tossing this out there.  

World's First Immortal Cynanthrope

05/10/2024 04:39 PM 


0. Disclaimer: This is a role-play account. I am not affiliated with Brittany  Robertson and I am not this adorable dog either. This is just for fun!1. Don't come at me with just straight up smut. We need to have a story-line going with it.2. Put some effort into your stories. Give me at least 100 words or more. The more details the better!!3. Spell Check your writing. I don't expect perfect writing all the time, just do your best.4. Messages are for OOC/Plotting Only 5. Group Fourm are for Storylines, Drabbles and such. 6. Please write in the Deep Third-person point of view. It takes the reader even deeper into a character’s inner world, allowing them to experience the story as if they are inside the character’s head and seeing the scene play out as the character does. The story is being told from so deeply within the experience of the POV character that the narrator doesn’t even seem to be present. The deep third-person POV is intimate, almost as much so as the first-person point of view, but remains in third-person, using pronouns such as “he”, “she”, or “they”. The narrator holds nothing back from the reader when exposing the character’s inner life. The reader sees and feels events just as the character does.  

World's First Immortal Cynanthrope

05/10/2024 02:42 PM 

Character Blog Information

✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤   * [ Mature Content; Blood, gore, sex; etc. Not for the faint-hearted.] *  About Tralloni Antonsdóttir!       ✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤   Legal & Physical:   NAME: Tralloni Antonsdóttir  NICKNAMES: Trall, Loni, Puppy, Ausssie Dog.  ALIASES: Input info  NAME MEANINGS: Tralloni Means: The servant or the serf in Scandinavia. Antonsdóttir Means: Daughter of Anton in Norse.Name pronunciation; truh-loh-nee,   Date Of Birth: 1st Century B.C.EDate of immortality: 1st Century B.C. (Through the Immortality Spell).  Current Age: 20000+ Years Old  PLACE OF BIRTH: Norwegian  PREVIOUS RESIDENCE:   CURRENT RESIDENCE:   ETHNICITY: Australian/Nordic/American   HAIR COLOR: Natural dark brown hair but dyes it or adds extensions.  EYE COLOR: Brown (As a human), Brown (As a were-dog.)  DOG FUR COLOR: White, brown, black, tan marbled  WOLF EYE COLOR: Blue (As a full dog), Black (When hungry or angry).  HEIGHT: 5'3".  WEIGHT: Around 100+ pounds.  BIRTHMARKS/SCARS: Whip marks and stab wounds from being captured by TBD.  SPECIES: Cynanthrope (si-NAN-thruh-pee) = Were-dog (Shapeshifter who can turn into a Dog and back to human.) Tralloni has the ability to become an Australian Shepherd Dog. ✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤  Family & Relationships:Mother: Mrs. Alexa Mikaeldottir-Anderson (⸸) FATHER: Mr. Ander Anderson (⸸) SISTER(S): None BROTHER(S): None OTHER Family: Unknown Pack Members: She is the Mother (Projenitor) of the Were-dogs. All Were-dogs are descended from her, and she is seen as the Mother or Goddess of the Were-dogs. STATUS: Single ORIENTATION: Straight & Submissive CURRENT: None FORMER: None   ✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤  Education & Employment:  High School: None (There where no schools in the time she was born in)   College: None (There where no schools in the time she was born in)   Occupation: Handmaiden to a witch, named Katia (Previously), None Yet TBD.   ✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤ Biography Tralloni Antonsdóttir was born in the 1st Century B.C.E. She was a Lady-In-Waiting to a noble woman named Katia. Katia was engaged to a Prince who didn't love her. Instead he was in love with Tralloni. Tralloni tried to stop the advances, but in the end she submitted to him. Eventually, Katia found out about the affair and cursed Tralloni to be a were-dog and to be at her beck and call. Over the next ten years, Tralloni would serve her friend and her Prince, until the Prince and her friend died of a wound to the heart by a guard as they slept. Tralloni was blamed for it and was on the run now. She has been running over 1,0000 centuries, from hunters traveling the world to be one step ahead of them. In the 21st century now, she has come to Beacon Hills seeking a new life for herself. Along the way she will meet all sorts of people, even turn some in the process.S​​he is known as the Mother of Weredogs and the First Immortal Cynanatrope.  Queen of the Cynan Shifters. ​​   ✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤  Personality:Tralloni is a meek and silent girl, who once people hear her, they listen. She had a soft voice though when she has to be in authority, she struggles to get her voice heard. She however may be small voiced but when it come defending what is hers, she will be a force to recon with. She will stand her ground when it comes to protecting those she cares about.     ✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤ Powers & Abilities: Weredogs, also known as cynanthropes, are a lesser-known type of therianthrope. They are often confused with werewolves by the common folk. As their name suggests, weredogs take on the form of dogs or dog-like creatures, ranging from small and scrappy to massive and imposing, depending on the type of weredog by which they were infected.   In cynanthropes of the second generation onwards, this is manifested by transforming into the same type as their ancestor. The only exception is when both parents are weredogs of different types. In this case, the traits of both parents mix, creating a new type of cynanthrope.​​​​ Abilities   Weredogs, like other theriantropes possess enhanced senses, speed, agility, and strength in their half - animal or full animal form, They also have the ability to communicate telepathically with other canines and possess a natural affinity for them.   Like other with similar conditions, their transformation is usually triggered by the full moon, but if they are second-generation weredogs or beyond, they can also change at will.   Vulnerabilities   Weredogs are vulnerable to silver, just like werewolves and other theriantropes. But unlike, werepigs for example, they are vulnerable to standard anti-lycanthrope measures, such as wolfsbane. In addition, their animal instincts and heightened senses can sometimes cause them to be overwhelmed by stimuli, leading to sensory overload or distraction. They may also struggle with controlling their animal impulses and may act aggressively towards perceived threats or targets.   Behavior   Weredogs, unlike werewolves who are more solitary, are known for their loyalty and pack mentality. They tend to form close bonds with other weredogs and can be fiercely protective of their pack members, often showing great courage and selflessness in defense of their kin.   However, weredogs may also have a tendency towards dominance struggles within their pack, which can sometimes lead to conflicts. This is especially true when two or more weredogs of the same sex and similar age are part of the same pack. Such struggles can be intense and even violent, as each member vies for dominance and the right to lead the pack.   Transmission of the Disease: The exact method of transmission of the weredog condition is similar to other forms of therianthropy. In most cases, a person becomes infected after being bitten or scratched by a weredog in its half-animal or full-animal form. The saliva and blood of a weredog can carry the disease and can cause the victim to develop the condition over time. The condition can also be passed down from parent to child. What is not known with certainty is how the condition is transmitted as a "curse". It is speculated that it is not a "curse" as such, but rather if a dog dies in a Place of Power and its owner comes to mourn it and learn about it nearby, the magic in the environment can cause them to acquire the condition of a weredog, adopting the canine aspect of their deceased dog when transformed into a full animal. However, this is only a legend, and nothing has been proven.   The First Weredog: Tralloni Antonsdóttir, is the First Weredog in the world. Tralloni was born in the 1st Century B.C.E (Nordic; Age Unknown/2000+), Turned, 1st Century B.C. (Through the Cynanatrope Curse).✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤  

༒ ᴠᴇʀꜱɪꜰɪᴇʀ ༒

05/09/2024 07:36 PM 


drabble ft. ❝beauti𝖋ul delirium. & 🍭inscrutable.   “YOU CAN'T LET GO OF ME EVEN NOW, CAN YOU?” His mother’s drawl crooned over the cacophony of voices ringing in his head. She towered over him, a fanged demon, as last he saw her—before the very end. He felt so small again. Just as he had when he was William. Meek, forgettable… unlovable…              beneath her.“I was trying to save you…” Spike whispered. “You’re thankless, always thankless.”“If you had any gumption, you would have been waiting with bated breath to see me whither and die, boy!”“I’m not a boy!” A sharp burst of anger, his fist beat a crack into the basement wall.“And… not… yet a man…”  Drusilla’s dreamy tone echoed through the room. “Always searching for a Mummy… a skirt to cower under…” she tilted her head. “A bosom to suckle.”“I couldn’t leave her…”“If you were half a man, you would have left!” His mother screamed. “What man wastes his life away scribbling poems and caring after a withering old lady? They all laughed at you. They still laugh.”“I killed them all, tore them limb from limb.” Spike uttered, rocking forward on his tailbone.“Painted the roses red… planted a garden for your mother in bloodied soil.” Drusilla sang. “Watered the thirsty little flowers with their blood.”“Never done anything for yourself, have you?” said his mother. “You let everyone walk all over you. Wasted all your time on reasoning and reckoning, but it couldn’t fix what was wrong, could it? The sick little weakness…”“I changed. Gone around the bend, yes, gone around the bend, but I got stronger.”“And now you’re weak again,” said Buffy.  “Got a soul like it makes any difference to me. You’ll never be the man I need.”“You should have killed her when you had the chance,” said Drusilla. “Wrung her pretty little neck. But you never could make Mummy happy, could you?”“No, could never make anyone happy. No one's happy, only hurt.”

Everyone is my toy

05/09/2024 03:41 PM 

Current mood:  accomplished


05/09/2024 02:47 PM 


----Trigger Warnings----Tauriel remembers every detail of that fatal night. A reverent that curled around her mind in her waking hours or sleep, much like the spirited mist that coiled around the surrounding mountains. A pale noose that sometimes suffocated her, taking her every breath and haunted her mind.When the howling of Rhîw splintered between thin blackened trendies hanging from the tree's hypnotized in its cold embrace. It awakened her from her slumber right before the Orcs entered her village, as if the Valar themselves were trying to warn them all before the pillaging began. The swaying of the pendulum in the next room clicked from left to right as swiftly and clear as Quell. The breeze right before the very first scream pierced the air like the tip of a dagger and a deep, resounding thud as the springs bounced off the wooden floor, awakening her parents in the next room.A heavy silence filled the air before her, nadar's voice screamed out for Tauriel to hide, as he had taught her. She slipped swiftly out of the warmth of her covers for the very last time and under the wooden planks under the privacy of her bed. It was a hidden cubby he made for her, and her naneth if trouble every brewed while he was away. He kept it stocked with a week of supplies and weapons in case they needed to stay for more than a day. She couldn't stop shivering as she backed her small frame into the stone-cornered wall and slipped down, holding her trembling knees against her chest as she watched the shadows between the floor boards. And suddenly, Tauriel covered her ears at once when she heard her naneth's gurgling cries and nadar's final roar before a swift steel blade plummeted into his chest. She cannot recall how long she stayed under the floorboards. Tauriel felt as frozen as a gentle leaf in the middle of a catastrophic Rhiw storm. But the scent of rotten eggs, charred flesh, and iron filtered heavily into the air and reminded her she was still alive as cold, sticky droplets of life spilled between the wooden floor.It must have been a few days that passed, and the last dying cries, moans faded away like the torn pages of an old book her nadar would sometimes use when he couldn't find a dried twig to light their fireplace in the colder months. Her naneth would always scoff at him for doing so, lecturing him on the time it took to make that book, and what if that was the last in existence? The words he just burned would be forever lost, she would scoff. Her Nadar would settle back into his old creaky rocking chair with a wooden pipe between his smirking lips and motion for Tauriel to join him on his lap as he snuggled her in his arms listening to his wife lecture him further. “Aye, its the past woman! And the best stories are always held in our minds and hearts.'"They are passed down from one generation to the next. Not some flattened words scribbled a bout with no feeling at all! I'm sure whatever story that was written in that book is still with the loved ones he had left," he said and began to rock softly with her in his arms in his chair. "Plus you fancy freezing to death? Miss I am cold! I am cold!" He chuckled heartly and kissed the top of Tauriel's fiery locks." I'll never know where you got this colour from lass! But I believe its a reflection of your soul." Her emerald eyes welled in tears again as she sniffled and rubbed her tiny nose knowing she would never have another memory of them again.Lost in her thoughts, she barely registered the creaking of the floor, shifting of light as King Thranduil's men found her there. She was catatonic, and they must have called her a million times before one decided to jump down and a loom of dust from the dirt beneath his feet splattered around, awakening her from her dreams as she looked up towards him. "Are you a Maia?" her raspy, brittle voice from lack of fluids asked in a whispered breath. "No, I am not Henig. Odulen an edraith anlen. We come to take you to the palace where you can recover, and we will find you a new home in the inner sanctuary of the Village." He spoke gently and quickly scooped her up, and she didn't realize how weak she actually felt as she slumped into his chest as he crawled out of her family's secret dwelling, she would see her parents again.Their lifeless bodies lay unnaturally on the floor. The skin was as pale as the moon and hung barely on their bones. Their eyes were still open wide but soulless, and their mouths were agape from their silent screams. In that split second Tauriel went from having no strength at all to kicking and fighting away from the gentle soldier that held her and sunk by her naneth's body. And even though there was pools of blood she crawled into her frame like a baby and laced her small arms over her naneth's lifeless heart. "Wake up Nana! Oh wake up! Please! I do not want to leave here I want to stay with you or come back and take me too! Take me too!!!" She sobbed and squinted her eyes tight and perched her lips as her breathing hitched. "You promised you would never leave me! You promised! Come back! Come back!!!” Her voice hoarse, her body feeling the weight of every tears ahs she pounded her tiny fist into her nana's chest before sinking completely into her motionless arms and tried to lace them around her slender shoulders. At first Thranduil's men just stood frozen. Their eyes peeled at the little girl, and they occasionally glanced at the other unsure what to do. But they knew it was only a matter of time before trouble would befall again and they needed to gather the survivors and the dead too. The same soldier who first held her in his arms tired to at first encourage her gently into his arms. But Tauriel resisted and screamed, spatting in his face and clung to her naneth as another soldier had to assist, even though she was just a little lass. "No! Noooooo!!!," Tauriel screamed before finally sinking into his chest again and she felt even more tired than she did before as the world around her muted into nothingness. "We will give them proper burial and you could visit them whenever you wish," he tried to reassure her. But his words felt as lifeless at that moment as her once vibrant village as he carried her away, and that was all she could remember, as she must have fainted in his arms, wanting to dream it all away.When Tauriel awakened again, her old painted walls were replaced by fine, smooth marble, tapestries, and a heady scent of lavender's and myrrh, and the sound of fresh springs spilling over perfectly shaped rocks could be heard in the distance. Skyward lights from the morning star splintered purposefully through an arrangement of mirrors perfectly orchestrated, filling the area beneath, and even the tiny dusting sparkled heavenly in the room, making Tauriel feel as if she were in a dream. But as a shadow blocked out the light that temporarily warmed her skin, meaning to bring her comfort, but instead reminded her of why she was there. It was the voice of the soldier who must have brought her there.The sacred healing springs in Thranduil's palace, and as he spoke with words meant to bring her solace, all she could see and think of was her parents spread across the floor in her childhood home. Tauriel would not even look at him or cast a single gaze his way. It was too painful and too much for her to bear, and she no longer shook in fear but with the thought of never allowing another village to suffer as she just did. Her emerald eyes fixed on the glint of two swords that hung on the wall in the distance, and she drew in a breath, feeling as if it was the first one she ever took in her entire young life, and she swallowed back the last bit of sorrow and spoke in a pristine, clear voice to the soldier. "Teach me. Teach me all you know, so I can fight alongside you one day. I may be young, barely a knee, but my nadar has been training me since the time I began to walk. I will not let your efforts go to waste.”The little girl she once was no longer what laid on that bed now. She stayed with her parents in her childhood home and was replaced by a spirit that would revenge her parents deaths and not allow another family, nor village to be torn apart again. With a look of certainly unwavering resolve upon her face, Tauriel let the last tear she would cry for that day slip past the curve of her cherub face. Her emerald eyes now fixated upon his dark azure's in the healing room, and she spoke once again. But her voice was strong, almost fierce, and he could tell she would not take no for an answer. "Teach me everything you know, and I will bring you every head of an Orc I come across. I assure you of this." He smoothed his large hand over her own and threaded his fingers with hers as he nodded slowly and squeezed it tight, seeing the determination in her eyes and a soul of a fearless warrior in her eyes. "I will teach you all I know and guide you in the best way I can. You have my word. My promise young henig as long as you promise to not waste the life you still have and seek beauty and be fearless in love again."Tauriel could not speak as he spoke kindly to her and with such care, reminding her of her nadar as tears welled in her eyes, so she simply nodded in agreement and squeezed his hand. 

Tauriel, Middle Earth, Tolkien, AU, Trigger Warnings


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