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Telemacus *married*

03/08/2012 09:13 PM 


This is a role playing profile. I am not James Franco.I role play within Ancient Times/Hercules/Xenaverse only.My character is a custom character that was created in 2007 on myspace. So do not copy me!As my character is custom, do not try and link him to yours in anyway, as his family has already been established.        I'll write one line to multi-para. I can novella but I really don't like to.          Messages are for OOC, Comments are for IC.         I don't really need to discuss a storyline first but I'm not against it, in fact I prefer it. Do not involve me in another storyline without my permission, such as saying that my character will go somewhere or do something, or that you will do something to me. It's just wrong. I wouldn't do it to you, so don't do it to me.        In that same vein, no cheating. This means Godmoding: Killing, maiming, kidnapping, and/or harming without my permission. Automoving: moving my character, making him do something or go somewhere. It's my character; I can do it just fine on my own. Metagaming: using information you gleaned from my storyline with someone else. My storyline's aren't any of your business unless you are invited to join it.        My character is a demigod, which means that he was born with some powers, and he was gifted with others. He's not going to use them inappropriately, so please do not include something like that in a storyline, as that is considered godmoding or automoving, depending on how you use them.         No OOC drama of any kind. I won't put up with it. I'll just delete you.        Please do not add me if you do not want to play. I keep a very small friend's list, and if you add me and say nothing within two weeks, you will be deleted.         Mature Content: Oh yeah! Mac is a young man with a very attractive wife, so yes, he does indulge in mature content quite regularly. But the point is, is that he is MARRIED! He will not cheat on his wife, nor will he tolerate anyone trying to get him to do so.          I won't add lookalikes because that's just weird.         And I won't add other Gabrielle's. I have a mother, she's the only one I need.         I don't do W4W or PC4PC. Don't ask for it.   That's it for now but if I decide to add more, they will be updated whenever I see fit. If you break these rules, you will be deleted. Or I might send Callisto:Vengeful Goddess after you. She's quite fond of me. Oh, and I did steal these rules, get over it.


03/08/2012 08:37 PM 


1.������ This is a role playing profile. I am not Renee O'Connor, nor am I an ancient warrior bard. 2.������ I role play within Ancient Times/Hercules/Xenaverse only. �������� Gabrielle is now an immortal, thanks to Aphrodite, who gave her ambrosia to save her life. Therefore, this Gabrielle is a reluctant immortal with powers she rarely uses, I will play her as such. 3.������ I'll write one line to multi-para. I can novella but I really don't want to. 4.������ Messages are for OOC, Comments are for IC. 5.������ I don't really need to discuss a storyline first but I'm not against it, in fact I prefer it. Do not involve me in another storyline without my permission, such as saying that my character will go somewhere or do something, or that you will do something to me. It's just wrong. I wouldn't do it to you, so don't do it to me. 6.������ In that same vein, no cheating. This means Godmoding: Killing, maiming, kidnapping, and/or harming without my permission. Automoving: moving my character, making him do something or go somewhere. It's my character; I can do it just fine on my own. Metagaming: using information you gleaned from my storyline with someone else. My storyline's aren't any of your business unless you are invited to join it. 7.������ No OOC drama of any kind. I won't put up with it. I'll just delete you.��������� Please do not add me if you do not want to play. I keep a very small friend's list, and if you add me and say nothing within two weeks, you will be deleted. 8.������ Mature Content: Gabrielle is a young, healthy woman, so yeah, she's gonna want it occasionally.��������� I play Gabrielle as a straight woman. I know other Gabrielle's play as lesbians, but I never saw anything on the show that made me believe that they were lesbians. Especially not since Xena jumped every guy she saw. So if you don't like this, feel free to hit that delete button. 9.������ I won't add lookalikes because that's just weird, and I won't add other Gabrielle's. 10.��� I don't do W4W or PC4PC. Don't ask for it. � That's it for now but if I decide to add more, they will be updated whenever I see fit. If you break these rules, you will be deleted. Or I might send my big sister after you. You might know her as Callisto:Vengeful Goddess. Or you might just know her as the crazy lady who giggles and sets things on fire. Oh, and I did steal these rules from Hephestus. He didn't care, and quite honestly, I am just too lazy to write my own rules right now.

Hephestus ⚒

03/08/2012 11:01 PM 


*Gabrielle sat gazing up at the statue of her little girl, tears in her eyes. She spoke to her gently, knowing that she could hear her.* My sweet girl, I miss you so much! I know you're happy now, and I'm thankful for that. I wish I could see you again. *Just as she spoke, a young woman approached her, inquiring about her identity. As soon as Gabrielle confirmed it, the young girl traded words with her, then slapped her hard. Gabrielle sat confused, until they finally figured out that the young girl was Gabrielle's daughter, and that she had been stolen from the artificial womb in which she had been placed. Gabrielle was overjoyed to have her daughter back, but her daughter was not as excited. Gabrielle had to find her best friend, to tell her that the girl they both loved was not lost, but found, and back where she belonged, at least for now.*

Fleet Admiral Janeway

03/07/2012 04:18 PM 

The Forge

Dr. Ben Thrace The shuttle was comfortable as Benjamin Thrace and Kathryn Janeway moved about the interior. Ben hummed slightly to himself as he adjusted their course and updated their ETA. Kathryn shuffled around in the rear of the cabin, checking their travel items. The two were on holiday, finally taking a break away from the hustle and bustle of their busy professional lives to spend time together. It was more than just a simple vacation for them: it was their anniversary. Three years together, a long time by any career officer's standards. Somehow they had weathered the long distance, being at odds with one another, and all around lack of inclusion in certain circles (she DID out-rank him after all) to hold onto a lasting relationship. The scheduling had been difficult, but both senior officers had finally gained the clearance to get away and spend nearly two weeks together. Two weeks on Vulcan. How Ben had convinced her even he wasn't sure. Ben loved deserts and was particularly partial to Vulcan's, a latent image from his days on the planet years ago romanticized to mystical proportions. Though he had spent nearly three years on the planet almost fourteen years ago, he had never ventured into the deep desert the way he and Janeway now planned to. To take the ancient path through the Forge and to Mt. Seleya was a path traditionally sought only by Vulcans attempting the Kolhinar. It wasn't expressly forbade to outsiders, but it was something none actively sought. Most took the terrestrial transport to the mountain, and in recent years a transporter platform had even been installed to allow dignitaries immediate access. But for Ben and Kathryn, they would be doing things the hard way, the way Vulcans had done for nearly two millenia before. "ETA in four minutes." Ben called out. The planet loomed before them, a massive orange ball dwarfed by it's twin suns in the background. Various ships and satellites could already be seen in orbit, and Ben couldn't wait to leave all that behind and strike out with just the ceremonial pack. Ben had read nearly every story he could get his hands on about Vulcan's deep desert. Though majorly anecdotal, all the stories had one thing in common: the intensely personal and intimate and awe-inspiring reverence the desert instilled in those that traversed it. While vague on their experiences, all those that chose to talk about it spoke of a deep revelation about themselves that only the heat and drought and space of the desert could show. Without ever really realizing it it had been what Ben craved, something that cleared the murkiness from his being and allowed him to move on with his life. He didn't believe that he was holding back anything, but lately his darker thoughts roused him late at night and kept him wondering. He hoped the Forge would prove to be a crucible for him as it had been for so many others, and burn away the darkness and let him be. Swiveling in his chair, he turned to Kathryn and watched her as she tucked the last of their rations into their respective packs. They would be traveling light in order to honor the path, but he had promised to at least bring an emergency kit just in case something went wrong. He watched her pack it carefully, smiling at her all the while. Kathryn was a scientist at heart, just like he was, but he knew she wasn't truly comfortable unless there was a tricorder nearby. At least that kit would carry everything conveniently. "We are all set. I have distributed or equipment and rations as equally as I could, and our desert fatigues are ready," Kathryn said as she rose from her hunched position and placed her hands on her hips. "Time to suit up."  Ben smiled at her again. She looked great, better and better each day. There had been a time for the both of them that neither thought she would ever be healthy again. She had been sick for so long, so close to death, and though their time together had it's moments of fun, there had always been the unspoken promise of better days....once she recovered. Unspoken because at the time neither could be sure she would ever recover. Now it seemed they were both intent of fulfilling that promise, and this trip would be the beginning.   Ben stood and crossed the small space to be nearer to her, and without ceremony began stripping off his uniform.  "Not bashful at all are you," She asked him as she moved to give him space. Now wearing just his green undergarments, it was his turn to place his hands on his hips.  "I see no reason to be. It's not like I am totally naked and it's not like you haven't seen it before," he continued to smile at her, hoping his voice would maintain its even delivery. He knew he probably looked ridiculous, but he didn't care. They were on vacation and it was supposed to be fun. Besides, he was absolutely excited.  Kathryn sighed. "You would think you have never been on shore leave before," she told him softly, but he could see the grin creeping into the corners of her mouth. She was excited too. It had been a long time since she had had a break, and longer still that they had had a break together and could actually enjoy it. This was truly something...for the both of them. "The shuttle is programmed to land just outside of Shi'kahr, where the journey begins. They have the paths out of the city gates marked for foot travel or for conventional transit. The foot paths out of the city are all the same, but after about a mile they stop. It will be up to us to choose our own path through the Forge and to the mountain after that," Ben explained as he put on his desert fatigues. He turned his back to her to allow her the privacy to change, and headed back to the pilot's chair to bring them in for a landing. As they entered the atmosphere, Ben readied himself for what was to come. This was a long time coming, and he knew that he and Kathryn deserved this time together, to learn about one another and to re-connect. He hoped the desert could restore all they had lost and then some....


03/06/2012 07:59 PM 


1.) I do not claim to be Brenda Barrett nor  am I Vanessa Marciel  i am just a simple Roleplayer I'm not the real person.2.) I don't like oneliners they give you no where to go in a storyline and it is hard to keep up with them, i am a para, mutli-para - Novella roleplayer. Yea I do like to take my time with my replies when it comes to roleplay.3.) I will accept OOC; Talk in messages I'll also accept OOC; talk in comments but I will only do IC; (In Character) talk in Comments not in Message. I do not like to roleplay in messages because it takes up to much time to actually reply to them. OOC; Talk in Message no Roleplay in Message.4.)  Proper Grammar and Spelling please, I know a lot of us can't spell at all neither can I but i do use spell check when I am working on my replies and etc.5.) I will most likely accept the same face as who i am roleplaying but don't expect me to do it all the time.6.) If you are going to view my profile leave something don't view it then leave i mean come on, really if you are just going to treat me as a number then please remove me off of your list.7.) I make and tag my own pictures and screencaps, If you want a picture made of screencap ask me and i will make you one. I tag my pictures with my name and profile ID/Url so don't try to steal anything off of my profile or pictures. I found them on the net like google, etc. You can do the same.8.) No text talk please! I don't like that stuff I do not like when people when people talk like this hEy HoW r U dOiNg. None of that, No text talk this is roleplay. So please no text talk.9.) I will reply to my mains first before i do anyone else, Don't like it well i am sorry.(If you have read this far please post your favorite quote from a movie or a book that you like.)10.) I have a life outside of roleplay so please don't expect me to be on 24/7 i can not do that at all I have other going on outside of it at the moment so i will not be on as much as people would like to me.11.) My replies will come late like i stated in rule number 10 i have a life outside of roleplay. I like to take my time with my replies and make sure they are up to my liking before i send it to who i am roleplaying with.12.) I do roleplay sex but and i tend to be graphic when i do so. If you don't like that then we don't have to do that. 13.) I will do different storylines with people i14.) Once i am in a relationship with whoever i get with i will be 100% faithful to that person i will not Cheat on them so do not ask me to. I expect the same thing from the person i am with. I don't like cheaters or lairs i hate that.15.) Read|Reply|Delete is what i do with my comments so if you stalk you will either see Comments that i have kept from my friends/mains/love interest that i like and i want to keep. Other then that you will see what i posted. I hate stalkers it is like you need to see who i am roleplaying with to see if i am cheating or not or spread a rumor. Read|Reply|Delete is how i role don't like well i don't give a fuck.16.) I swear,cuss don't like then delete me simple and easy, will do violence roleplay which invovles, swearing,guns,blood etc. Don't like it like i said Delete me then.17.)  I do have more then just this account i will be bouncing back and forth between them too, you want one of my other pages then just ask.  I can't be on here 24/7 i am sorry if that does not please you to have my on a lot.18.) NO RL life Drama I hate that shit keep your real life drama to yourself please, it makes rp boring if you bring it here. RP Drama is okay with me just not all the time or every comment you send me please.Read up to this far post the name of your character and display name so i know you have read the rules and didn't just skim through them.19.) I am over the age of 25 so i will roleplay with people who are 18+Up if you are not please state so we can discuss a storyline to make it simple.20.) If i have the same added i would prefer you just don't look at my profile, if you view my page leave something don't just view it then go back to your home page.I will add more rules when I feel the need to or when i think of more that i should add.Now if you have finished reading these rules i know i will hate to ask but please post either a funny image or a gif or if you like something funny that comes off the top of your head. Also post a nickname you would like to call my character that only you can. This way i will also know that you have you read all of my rules and didn't just skim/browse right through them.That is all for now :]                             Brenda Barrett Cummings Cassadine Morgan Corinthos

The Unknown Shahbanu

03/06/2012 02:31 PM 


          CONNECTIONS           Prince Dastan || Best Friend | Childhood Friend Profile: Click to View! Read the Story: HERE!             Bis || Best Friend | Childhood Friend Profile: Click to View! Read the Story: HERE!             King Tus || Lover | First Love Profile: Click to View! Read the Story: HERE!             Prince Garsiv || Husband | Teenage Crush Profile: Click to View! Read the Story: HERE!             Navaz || Mentor | Adoptive Mother Profile: Click to View! Read the Story: HERE!             Zoraideh || Housekeeper | Confidant Profile: Click to View! Read the Story: HERE!             Afari || Protegee | Adoptive Step-Sister   Profile: Click to View! Read the Story: HERE!                           

Iron Man

03/04/2012 07:45 PM 

12 Step Program (Rules)

1.  I try to be the best I can at as many things as I care to, but I am human.  And it is human nature to err.  If I err, I will seek to make amends. 2.  I will seek to be a fair and good RPer, to avoid God-Modding, autoing, ect...  Because I choose to be. 3.  I understand that this is a virtual, fictional world.  It is not real life.  And I engage in this virtual, fictional world purely for my enjoyment and benefit.  4.  I understand that, as this isn't real life, no one can hurt me unless I allow them too.  5.  I understand that drama needs at least two people, an instigator and a perpetuator (often mistaken as the victim), to survive.  I volunteer to be neither. 6.  I am the driving force behind myself.  No one can make or break me more then I can.  I am responsible for myself.  No one else is. 7.  I will not judge other genres or styles.  Just because I'm not into something doesn't mean another person doesn't have the right to enjoy that type of fiction. 8.  I have a right to and will RP with whomever I want, whenever I want, whichever way I want, on whichever site I want.  So long as it does not violate the rights of others. 9.  I will put serious effort into portraying my character(s) in accurate and creative ways.  As a writer and actor, I want to do justice to my character. 10.  My OOC or RL business is my own.  11.  There is a higher power. 12.  I challenge you to re-write your rules, too... As of Nov 24th, 2012, I also recommend you stop by my Hall Of Armor blog to review how I use the armors in RolePlay.  Special thanks to Loki for blog design help.

𝓒𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓲𝓸𝓷

03/03/2012 09:24 PM 

Rules of Wade

These are my rules, more or less guidelines of what to expect when you roleplay with me. I don't nessarily heavily enforce them, but I do at least hope you will respect me in some way to follow them to the best of your abilities.1) In regards to the "You add, you start" or the "I'm up for any type of roleplay", to me, that just screams. "I'm lazy, I don't want to start, so you do it for me." This kills me to no end because I hate coming up with more or less, generic shit. I like to discuss stuff with the people I roleplay with, get a feel for something they'd like to do to me. It makes it really, really hard when someone just says "I'll do whatever, or I'm up for whatever," Because how do you expect me to pull something out of my ass to start with? So for the record, if you OR I add, you discuss. That's it.2) Drama is hard to not avoid, it seems to be a bigger issue on SM than here. My only thing with 'drama' is that I don't want to deal with mean, cruel, or ignorant roleplayers who quickly think that A) They're shit doesn't stink B) They're superior in terms of whatever to other roleplayers or C) People who just act like immature assholes.3) Relationships. They're tricky. I don't mind them, but I hate when I commit and someone farts off and goes and does a character change or something like that. Or they disappear, cheat on, or generally are odd. For any reason, I am usually protective over whom I let Wade be with. So if you show your worth, then perhaps its possible.4) The only roleplay scenarios I will not do are most Weapon X storylines, bar, club, or strip club settings. I've had enough of these to deal with me for a lifetime. Enough said.5) In regards to a starter that you throw to messages, please, please, please at least say "Starter" in the title. I hate opening up a "No Subject" only to find a random starter has been thrown my way. Not that I mind, but if I'm not in the mood for replies, I don't like leaving it "opened" and having you think I am ignoring it. Thanks, but send a title or rather, discuss starter/story with me.6) I am adding this one mostly because I don't know why people do this alot lately, but I feel it needs to be addressed. I am a very busy guy. Real life comes first, and on Roleplayer, I am normally backed up on replies any given day. Being this is (for now) the last rule, if you are an UNPATIENT PERSON, feel free to delete me, now. Sometimes my replies can take anywhere up to two weeks to reply, and I hate having to work on a reply for about 15 minutes, only to click the "send" button and I get my favorite words in the world "Must be this users friend to comment,". It is annoying and obnoxious. If you serious cannot wait on me, I have no business being your friend. I don't believe in this "numbers" shit. In the same amount of time it takes you to literally, go out of your way to delete me, do you realize you could be the one to initiate the conversation and say hello? Any who. I am totally against these type of people. So if you cannot talk, if you can not attempt to roleplay, and if you get impatient and just delete people, have a nice life, because I don't need you giving me miniature rage fits because I worked on something and found out a minute or two later you left me in the dust.That's it for now, unless I come up with anything else. Which I did! Sign this bad boy with your favorite movie so I know you didn't skim.

;αltгυιѕtε {gone}

03/02/2012 08:16 PM 


Elizabeth Cullen (Female Edward)Esme Cullen

Major Tierce -Black Guardsmen-

03/02/2012 04:09 PM 

A past that haunts (in progress)

Vera!- He screamed, his breathing quickened as he bolted upright in his bed. He ran his right hand through his hair, before resting his forehead against it. It was just a dream he reminded himself as his hand dropped to the edge of the bed giving him more leverage as turned his body slightly before getting out of bed. Glancing around his darkened room he realized he was completely alone; something that gave him at least some solace. It was 02:00, he had ten hours before he was expected to report for his next shift. He needed to calm down and shake off the effects of the dream he'd had if he ever hoped to be ready when the time came for him to return to his duty. Turning the light on as he entered the fresher he splashed cool water on his face, his hands resting against the sink as he stared into the mirror. Even after so many years it seemed he couldn't put her out of his mind. Was it her death that bothered him so much, or the look he'd seen in her eyes as they'd met his during her last moments? Death wasn't something that phased him, after all he'd seen more than his fair share during his long life. Between wars and his orders to silence more people than he cared to remember he'd become numbed to the sight of death. Yet hers had shaken him, sickened him enough he'd taken advantage of his mask to divert his eyes. It was the look of betrayal that Tierce had seen in her eyes as she begged him to help her that haunted him. It was the twisted enjoyment Sidious found in ordering her death as a way to spite him.Balling his hands into fists he allowed himself to be overtaken by a wave of anger. Vera had died because he trusted her enough to relax in her presence, to seem like himself when off duty... and above all because it had been discovered that she was his older sister. After all it was forbidden for him to have anything that might be seen as an attachment. All he was allowed was his duty, such was the life of an Imperial Guard.As his rage continued to grow his urge to lash out became uncontrollable. The sound of glass shattering forced him to snap out of his thoughts. Forcing himself to recall his focus to his current surroundings he noticed a slight trickle of blood running across his right hand. In his anger he'd lost his control enough to shatter the mirror with his fist, a cold smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he took note of the injury. A quiet sadistic chuckle erupted from him as he once again cursed Sidious' Shadow Guards and their annoying persistence. They seemed to pride their selves on being a pain in his ass every chance they got. Even though he'd abandoned his position as a Red Guard he couldn't deny the rivalry still existed. After all they were created to try to keep the Red Guards in line through intimidation which much to their displeasure hadn't phased Tierce in the least. Every time they'd been ordered to try to break him he laughed in their faces, proving not only his strong will was unshakable but his training had allowed him to become a man few could match.Shaking his head Tierce shoved the nightmare and the memories associated with it from his mind. Regaining his focus he decided he was in need of a distraction in order to prepare his mind for the long day ahead of him. He knew once his shift started he'd need complete focus if he wanted to be able to carry out his orders of guarding his Empress properly.Making his way to the gym he found he wasn't the only one not resting well. Smirking as he nodded his head slightly to acknowledge the presence of one of his fellow guardsmen. He could tell they had the same distraction in mind, training. -

;αltгυιѕtε {gone}

03/02/2012 04:02 PM 

For My Baby~

~Will Write Soon

Major Tierce -Black Guardsmen-

03/02/2012 03:56 PM 

Character background and weapons

(Just to avoid the potential confusion I've decided to take the time to write out an informative blog about the rather closed, mysterious man behind the mask. If after reading your still finding yourself with questions about him then feel free to message me and ask. But know that if you ask without having first read this then I'll redirect you here before being so kind as to give you the answers to your questions. If I take the time to write up an informative blog I expect someone who knows little or nothing about my character to take the time to read it.)Military experience: Null Squadron (pre-Clone Wars)Red Guard (Clone Wars-beginning of the New Republic)Black Guard (Post New Republic starting with the creation of the Serinan Empire)Rank: Major (Commanding officer of the Imperial Black Guard and formerly the Red Guard)Sith Master/Sith'ari/Sith AlchemistRace: Near Human- Full blooded EchaniHair color: WhiteEye color: Silver, Yellow-red when embracing his Sith'ari sideHeight: 6'8"Weapons: Force Pike, Saber Pike, Modified Imperial issue blaster, Modified long range Imperial issued sniper rifle, Two Verpine Shatter pistols, Two Verpine Shatter rifles, Thermal detonators, Shatter charges (think explosive hand held charge that sends out shrapnel capable of piercing the armor worn by the guards), Smoke grenades, Echani twin bladed staff, Two vibroblades, Lightsaber (red), Echani Quarter staff, Twin vibrobladed staff.Parents: Takeia Tierce (Father, Echani General), Anara Tierce (Mother, Echani General, Shadow Guard)Relatives: Vera Rivers- older sisterChildren: Kaylen Tierce (Daughter, Black Guardsman)

;αltгυιѕtε {gone}

03/02/2012 12:57 PM 


~Coming Soon~Coming Soon

;αltгυιѕtε {gone}

03/01/2012 11:07 PM 

Rules & Tips

оо1. I don't like people controlling my character so don't do it.оо2. I don't edit for people so don't ask. (I do friend edits but only when I know you)оо3. I have other accounts other than this one all of which take up my time, so be patient. оо4. If your not going to talk delete me now.оо5. I want you to listen clearly to this fact I do NOT rp anymore. I'm sorry I have a busy life. College takes up most of my time and I'm not going to lie to you and start an rp and then take months to reply it makes me feel like a bitch.oo6. If you added me it's only natural to assume that you should send the first comment, otherwise what would have been your reason for adding me? If I add I always send the first commentoo7. Messages are for Privacy & Comments are for Chit Chat simple as thatоо8. Don't start drama, I am simply telling you things the way they are.оо9. I am an AU roleplayer. I am with an Edward. He was never with or almost with a Bella. Nessie doesn't Exist. and We were both born around the same era and changed around-ish the same time so we can't have children. Dun ask to be our child kk? kk thanks. (no nessie mains)оo10. Proper grammar is a must, it makes it easier to read and you'll get a much quicker reply from me.oo11. I am taken in real life by the person I'm taken by here and on every other page I have. (because we're awesome like that.) SCREW AROUND WITH OUR RELATIONSHIP AND JUST WATCH WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU. >:P oo12. Go ahead and talk shit about me if you want. You don't know me, but whatevers you wouldn't be worth my breath. Talk shit about my Elizabeth or make her feel uncomfortable or hurt her in any way your asking for a fucking war. I don't care if you disrespect me, that is bs to brush off, disrespect Lizzy though and you'll bring out the bitch in me. I'm really protective of my baby in almost an obsessed way and vice-versa for her. I'm not trying to troll or anything it's just my over protective side cause bitches always try to take her from me. I'm Just giving you all a fair Warning.I'll add more as I can remember them...Thank you for reading...

Lady Nikita Vader

03/01/2012 05:26 PM 


First off I am not anyone you see in any picture used on this profile. I am a roleplayer using them to give a face to my character, nothing more nothing less.Also you will notice a lot of similarities between Nikita Vader and Kida Skywalker.... they are two halves of the same character. Nikita being the Sith'ari half, Kida being the Jedi Master who at times does walk the path of a Dark sider as she is a Grey. As the story line has evolved it has become necessary to split the two halves into two character's independent of one another. In other words yes they look a lot alike but those that know each of them can tell them apart, yes they share a very strong mental link as they are alter ego's of one another, no they won't react to something in the same way all the time.1) Show respect to me both IC and OOC and I shall do the same for you.2) Don't auto against me or you will get one nasty response from me depending on my mood.3) Don't God-mode when RPing with me or the same will happen as with auto-hitting.4) I try to para and multi-para, not big on one-liners. I will allow it to a point if your new or if you've already warned me that your not really 100% awake enough to think of much to say, or if I RP with you a lot and can tell when your not totally in the mood to RP. I love detail and try my best to include as much as I can in starters, replies, blogs and the rare message. I tend to like quality over quantity, to be honest so I will give on length.5) I prefer to RP in blogs and comments. I will make a few exceptions to this though: if comments/blogs aren't working right, if you and I've talked about it and agree to use messages, or depending on the SL.6) Don't give me a hard way to go as I've been RPing for far too long to enjoy dealing with disrespectful people. You give me a hard way to go and I promise I will become your worst nightmare. Please don't make me do that as I hate to be mean when on the computer.7) Its very rare you'll see me use that blasted 18-hour rule as I hate it with a passion. Same goes for the 24 and 48 hour rules.8) Do not approach me and pick a fight without asking my permission. Never will I give permission for someone to kill off my character.9) My character is a Serinan (OC concept) thus she will have abilities outside the Force. If you don't understand something she does just ask me OOC and I will gladly explain it for you. I can be nice if you are.10)  Do not puppeteer my character. Meaning don't speak, move, or control Nikita in any way. She is my creation and as such I hold all of the control over what she does or says.11) Relationships.... Nikita is already spoken for. She is the wife of Darth Vader, something that will never change. So boys flirt with her at your own risk as you never know where Vader might be hiding, or when he's watching over his beloved wife. You'll notice their relationship is rather unique due to her past. Palpatine enslaved her to Vader, as such you will notice aggression between the two of them that you wouldn't see in a "normal" marriage. If you don't understand it ask one of us in private and we will gladly explain it for you.12) Do not steal any pictures from my albums or my profile itself. Some of my pictures I edit myself or others edit it for me so don't steal any of them. If you want to use something you see in my albums, on my profile, or in any of my blogs then ask me first and I might hunt down the original for you or if it is something that is dealing with photos relating to any faction I'm in or created myself ask me before you take as they are only meant for members of the SIO faction and/or any other faction I create or participate in.

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