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Iron Man

03/04/2012 07:45 PM 

12 Step Program (Rules)

1.  I try to be the best I can at as many things as I care to, but I am human.  And it is human nature to err.  If I err, I will seek to make amends. 2.  I will seek to be a fair and good RPer, to avoid God-Modding, autoing, ect...  Because I choose to be. 3.  I understand that this is a virtual, fictional world.  It is not real life.  And I engage in this virtual, fictional world purely for my enjoyment and benefit.  4.  I understand that, as this isn't real life, no one can hurt me unless I allow them too.  5.  I understand that drama needs at least two people, an instigator and a perpetuator (often mistaken as the victim), to survive.  I volunteer to be neither. 6.  I am the driving force behind myself.  No one can make or break me more then I can.  I am responsible for myself.  No one else is. 7.  I will not judge other genres or styles.  Just because I'm not into something doesn't mean another person doesn't have the right to enjoy that type of fiction. 8.  I have a right to and will RP with whomever I want, whenever I want, whichever way I want, on whichever site I want.  So long as it does not violate the rights of others. 9.  I will put serious effort into portraying my character(s) in accurate and creative ways.  As a writer and actor, I want to do justice to my character. 10.  My OOC or RL business is my own.  11.  There is a higher power. 12.  I challenge you to re-write your rules, too... As of Nov 24th, 2012, I also recommend you stop by my Hall Of Armor blog to review how I use the armors in RolePlay.  Special thanks to Loki for blog design help.

š¯“’š¯“®š¯“µš¯“²š¯“·š¯“® š¯““š¯“²š¯“øš¯“·

03/03/2012 09:24 PM 

Rules of Wade

These are my rules, more or less guidelines of what to expect when you roleplay with me. I don't nessarily heavily enforce them, but I do at least hope you will respect me in some way to follow them to the best of your abilities.1) In regards to the "You add, you start" or the "I'm up for any type of roleplay", to me, that just screams. "I'm lazy, I don't want to start, so you do it for me." This kills me to no end because I hate coming up with more or less, generic shit. I like to discuss stuff with the people I roleplay with, get a feel for something they'd like to do to me. It makes it really, really hard when someone just says "I'll do whatever, or I'm up for whatever," Because how do you expect me to pull something out of my ass to start with? So for the record, if you OR I add, you discuss. That's it.2) Drama is hard to not avoid, it seems to be a bigger issue on SM than here. My only thing with 'drama' is that I don't want to deal with mean, cruel, or ignorant roleplayers who quickly think that A) They're shit doesn't stink B) They're superior in terms of whatever to other roleplayers or C) People who just act like immature assholes.3) Relationships. They're tricky. I don't mind them, but I hate when I commit and someone farts off and goes and does a character change or something like that. Or they disappear, cheat on, or generally are odd. For any reason, I am usually protective over whom I let Wade be with. So if you show your worth, then perhaps its possible.4) The only roleplay scenarios I will not do are most Weapon X storylines, bar, club, or strip club settings. I've had enough of these to deal with me for a lifetime. Enough said.5) In regards to a starter that you throw to messages, please, please, please at least say "Starter" in the title. I hate opening up a "No Subject" only to find a random starter has been thrown my way. Not that I mind, but if I'm not in the mood for replies, I don't like leaving it "opened" and having you think I am ignoring it. Thanks, but send a title or rather, discuss starter/story with me.6) I am adding this one mostly because I don't know why people do this alot lately, but I feel it needs to be addressed. I am a very busy guy. Real life comes first, and on Roleplayer, I am normally backed up on replies any given day. Being this is (for now) the last rule, if you are an UNPATIENT PERSON, feel free to delete me, now. Sometimes my replies can take anywhere up to two weeks to reply, and I hate having to work on a reply for about 15 minutes, only to click the "send" button and I get my favorite words in the world "Must be this users friend to comment,". It is annoying and obnoxious. If you serious cannot wait on me, I have no business being your friend. I don't believe in this "numbers" shit. In the same amount of time it takes you to literally, go out of your way to delete me, do you realize you could be the one to initiate the conversation and say hello? Any who. I am totally against these type of people. So if you cannot talk, if you can not attempt to roleplay, and if you get impatient and just delete people, have a nice life, because I don't need you giving me miniature rage fits because I worked on something and found out a minute or two later you left me in the dust.That's it for now, unless I come up with anything else. Which I did! Sign this bad boy with your favorite movie so I know you didn't skim.

;αltгυιѕtε {gone}

03/02/2012 08:16 PM 


Elizabeth Cullen (Female Edward)Esme Cullen

Major Tierce -Black Guardsmen-

03/02/2012 04:09 PM 

A past that haunts (in progress)

Vera!- He screamed, his breathing quickened as he bolted upright in his bed. He ran his right hand through his hair, before resting his forehead against it. It was just a dream he reminded himself as his hand dropped to the edge of the bed giving him more leverage as turned his body slightly before getting out of bed. Glancing around his darkened room he realized he was completely alone; something that gave him at least some solace. It was 02:00, he had ten hours before he was expected to report for his next shift. He needed to calm down and shake off the effects of the dream he'd had if he ever hoped to be ready when the time came for him to return to his duty. Turning the light on as he entered the fresher he splashed cool water on his face, his hands resting against the sink as he stared into the mirror. Even after so many years it seemed he couldn't put her out of his mind. Was it her death that bothered him so much, or the look he'd seen in her eyes as they'd met his during her last moments? Death wasn't something that phased him, after all he'd seen more than his fair share during his long life. Between wars and his orders to silence more people than he cared to remember he'd become numbed to the sight of death. Yet hers had shaken him, sickened him enough he'd taken advantage of his mask to divert his eyes. It was the look of betrayal that Tierce had seen in her eyes as she begged him to help her that haunted him. It was the twisted enjoyment Sidious found in ordering her death as a way to spite him.Balling his hands into fists he allowed himself to be overtaken by a wave of anger. Vera had died because he trusted her enough to relax in her presence, to seem like himself when off duty... and above all because it had been discovered that she was his older sister. After all it was forbidden for him to have anything that might be seen as an attachment. All he was allowed was his duty, such was the life of an Imperial Guard.As his rage continued to grow his urge to lash out became uncontrollable. The sound of glass shattering forced him to snap out of his thoughts. Forcing himself to recall his focus to his current surroundings he noticed a slight trickle of blood running across his right hand. In his anger he'd lost his control enough to shatter the mirror with his fist, a cold smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he took note of the injury. A quiet sadistic chuckle erupted from him as he once again cursed Sidious' Shadow Guards and their annoying persistence. They seemed to pride their selves on being a pain in his ass every chance they got. Even though he'd abandoned his position as a Red Guard he couldn't deny the rivalry still existed. After all they were created to try to keep the Red Guards in line through intimidation which much to their displeasure hadn't phased Tierce in the least. Every time they'd been ordered to try to break him he laughed in their faces, proving not only his strong will was unshakable but his training had allowed him to become a man few could match.Shaking his head Tierce shoved the nightmare and the memories associated with it from his mind. Regaining his focus he decided he was in need of a distraction in order to prepare his mind for the long day ahead of him. He knew once his shift started he'd need complete focus if he wanted to be able to carry out his orders of guarding his Empress properly.Making his way to the gym he found he wasn't the only one not resting well. Smirking as he nodded his head slightly to acknowledge the presence of one of his fellow guardsmen. He could tell they had the same distraction in mind, training. -

;αltгυιѕtε {gone}

03/02/2012 04:02 PM 

For My Baby~

~Will Write Soon

Major Tierce -Black Guardsmen-

03/02/2012 03:56 PM 

Character background and weapons

(Just to avoid the potential confusion I've decided to take the time to write out an informative blog about the rather closed, mysterious man behind the mask. If after reading your still finding yourself with questions about him then feel free to message me and ask. But know that if you ask without having first read this then I'll redirect you here before being so kind as to give you the answers to your questions. If I take the time to write up an informative blog I expect someone who knows little or nothing about my character to take the time to read it.)Military experience: Null Squadron (pre-Clone Wars)Red Guard (Clone Wars-beginning of the New Republic)Black Guard (Post New Republic starting with the creation of the Serinan Empire)Rank: Major (Commanding officer of the Imperial Black Guard and formerly the Red Guard)Sith Master/Sith'ari/Sith AlchemistRace: Near Human- Full blooded EchaniHair color: WhiteEye color: Silver, Yellow-red when embracing his Sith'ari sideHeight: 6'8"Weapons: Force Pike, Saber Pike, Modified Imperial issue blaster, Modified long range Imperial issued sniper rifle, Two Verpine Shatter pistols, Two Verpine Shatter rifles, Thermal detonators, Shatter charges (think explosive hand held charge that sends out shrapnel capable of piercing the armor worn by the guards), Smoke grenades, Echani twin bladed staff, Two vibroblades, Lightsaber (red), Echani Quarter staff, Twin vibrobladed staff.Parents: Takeia Tierce (Father, Echani General), Anara Tierce (Mother, Echani General, Shadow Guard)Relatives: Vera Rivers- older sisterChildren: Kaylen Tierce (Daughter, Black Guardsman)

;αltгυιѕtε {gone}

03/02/2012 12:57 PM 


~Coming Soon~Coming Soon

;αltгυιѕtε {gone}

03/01/2012 11:07 PM 

Rules & Tips

оо1. I don't like people controlling my character so don't do it.оо2. I don't edit for people so don't ask. (I do friend edits but only when I know you)оо3. I have other accounts other than this one all of which take up my time, so be patient. оо4. If your not going to talk delete me now.оо5. I want you to listen clearly to this fact I do NOT rp anymore. I'm sorry I have a busy life. College takes up most of my time and I'm not going to lie to you and start an rp and then take months to reply it makes me feel like a bitch.oo6. If you added me it's only natural to assume that you should send the first comment, otherwise what would have been your reason for adding me? If I add I always send the first commentoo7. Messages are for Privacy & Comments are for Chit Chat simple as thatоо8. Don't start drama, I am simply telling you things the way they are.оо9. I am an AU roleplayer. I am with an Edward. He was never with or almost with a Bella. Nessie doesn't Exist. and We were both born around the same era and changed around-ish the same time so we can't have children. Dun ask to be our child kk? kk thanks. (no nessie mains)оo10. Proper grammar is a must, it makes it easier to read and you'll get a much quicker reply from me.oo11. I am taken in real life by the person I'm taken by here and on every other page I have. (because we're awesome like that.) SCREW AROUND WITH OUR RELATIONSHIP AND JUST WATCH WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU. >:P oo12. Go ahead and talk shit about me if you want. You don't know me, but whatevers you wouldn't be worth my breath. Talk shit about my Elizabeth or make her feel uncomfortable or hurt her in any way your asking for a fucking war. I don't care if you disrespect me, that is bs to brush off, disrespect Lizzy though and you'll bring out the bitch in me. I'm really protective of my baby in almost an obsessed way and vice-versa for her. I'm not trying to troll or anything it's just my over protective side cause bitches always try to take her from me. I'm Just giving you all a fair Warning.I'll add more as I can remember them...Thank you for reading...

Lady Nikita Vader

03/01/2012 05:26 PM 


First off I am not anyone you see in any picture used on this profile. I am a roleplayer using them to give a face to my character, nothing more nothing less.Also you will notice a lot of similarities between Nikita Vader and Kida Skywalker.... they are two halves of the same character. Nikita being the Sith'ari half, Kida being the Jedi Master who at times does walk the path of a Dark sider as she is a Grey. As the story line has evolved it has become necessary to split the two halves into two character's independent of one another. In other words yes they look a lot alike but those that know each of them can tell them apart, yes they share a very strong mental link as they are alter ego's of one another, no they won't react to something in the same way all the time.1) Show respect to me both IC and OOC and I shall do the same for you.2) Don't auto against me or you will get one nasty response from me depending on my mood.3) Don't God-mode when RPing with me or the same will happen as with auto-hitting.4) I try to para and multi-para, not big on one-liners. I will allow it to a point if your new or if you've already warned me that your not really 100% awake enough to think of much to say, or if I RP with you a lot and can tell when your not totally in the mood to RP. I love detail and try my best to include as much as I can in starters, replies, blogs and the rare message. I tend to like quality over quantity, to be honest so I will give on length.5) I prefer to RP in blogs and comments. I will make a few exceptions to this though: if comments/blogs aren't working right, if you and I've talked about it and agree to use messages, or depending on the SL.6) Don't give me a hard way to go as I've been RPing for far too long to enjoy dealing with disrespectful people. You give me a hard way to go and I promise I will become your worst nightmare. Please don't make me do that as I hate to be mean when on the computer.7) Its very rare you'll see me use that blasted 18-hour rule as I hate it with a passion. Same goes for the 24 and 48 hour rules.8) Do not approach me and pick a fight without asking my permission. Never will I give permission for someone to kill off my character.9) My character is a Serinan (OC concept) thus she will have abilities outside the Force. If you don't understand something she does just ask me OOC and I will gladly explain it for you. I can be nice if you are.10)  Do not puppeteer my character. Meaning don't speak, move, or control Nikita in any way. She is my creation and as such I hold all of the control over what she does or says.11) Relationships.... Nikita is already spoken for. She is the wife of Darth Vader, something that will never change. So boys flirt with her at your own risk as you never know where Vader might be hiding, or when he's watching over his beloved wife. You'll notice their relationship is rather unique due to her past. Palpatine enslaved her to Vader, as such you will notice aggression between the two of them that you wouldn't see in a "normal" marriage. If you don't understand it ask one of us in private and we will gladly explain it for you.12) Do not steal any pictures from my albums or my profile itself. Some of my pictures I edit myself or others edit it for me so don't steal any of them. If you want to use something you see in my albums, on my profile, or in any of my blogs then ask me first and I might hunt down the original for you or if it is something that is dealing with photos relating to any faction I'm in or created myself ask me before you take as they are only meant for members of the SIO faction and/or any other faction I create or participate in.


03/01/2012 03:22 PM 

The Tragic Tale of Melia

Melia, originally given the name Amelia, was born to the mortal, Gabrielle and Cupid, god of love.   When Gabrielle had found out she was pregnant, Cupid denied the child, not wanting to risk his marriage to Psyche, therefore leaving Gabrielle alone to fend for herself.   Gabrielle had previously given birth to another child, Telemacus, but quickly found herself pregnant again. Since Gabrielle was only mortal, pregnancy with another god or goddess put her life at risk. Because of this, Hephaestus, god of the forge, had created an artificial womb, where he was able to transfer Gabrielle's child from her womb to the artificial one.   Shortly after the transfer, Creed, son of Hephaestus, came across the child. Wanting to make his father suffer, and anyone he cared about, Creed took the child, replacing it with the body of a stillborn child, causing Gabrielle to believe her daughter had died.   Creed took the unborn child to his home where he used his powers to age her. Raising her as his own, he gave her the name Melia, either in confusion when he overheard Gabrielle speaking of the child, or in spite. He raised Melia to believe she had been abandoned, and left for dead. He gave her the govern, Goddess of Tainted love, to teach her to ruin love for anyone around her.   She grew up bitter, and angry, only trusting Creed, and no one else. Now she seeks to find her parents, ready to make them pay for the pain she had suffered.   But what will happen when she finds out the truth? Will she believe Gabrielle, or Creed, the man who raised her?    

Schrƶdınger's CĪ±t

02/29/2012 12:01 PM 


Full Name: Charles Irving BartowskiAliases/Nicknames (if any): Chuck, Bud, Aces, Charles Carmichael, 'The Intersect'Title(s): AgentPreferred name: ChuckAge/Date of Birth: 26/September 29th, 1985 Sex: Male Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity: Heterosexual Race/Ethnicity: HumanSkin Tone: Light brownHeight: 6'2" Weight: 140 Build: Nerdy Athletic Eyes: Caramel brown Hair: Brown, usually ear length. In the beginning of the series it was curly, but later became more of a buzz cut type.Clothes Style: Particularly he is seen in his uniform; a white shirt, gray tie, pocket protector, and dark black slacks, with black Chuck Taylors. Later in the series he wore more business suits, often preferring blue or dark gray. Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc.: n/a Religion: Seemlingly pacifist. Political Affiliation: n/a Education: He had gone to Stanford, but was expelled for cheating twelve credits shy of graduation. Languages spoken: With the intersect; any language. Without; English. Weapons (if any): He usually prefers to use 5mm or 10mm tranquilizer guns as opposed to a real gun, since he doesn't like killing. Occasionally, he'll use whatever is available - as demonstrated in one episode when he used shattered CD's as shurikans. He is often seen wearing a ballistics vest, and will occasionally carry a gun but not use it.Occupation(s): Chuck is the head Nerd Herder at the Burbank Buy More, his chief duty to repair and fix any technical problems that arise, and be on call to go to other buildings if needed. He has experience with Apple, Mac, Windows, and nearly any other device that comes into his path. He's mostly known for IT and software repair. His secondary job as a spy is to use the Intersect to detect assets.Past Occupation(s): N/A Special Abilities/Skills: He can fix nearly any technical issue without the help of the intersect. He is fluent in the Star Wars universe as well as languages. With the intersect, he can do anything within his physical limitations, including stopping knives with his bare hands. Activities/Organizations: He used to be part of the Debate club in college. He also took Kendo in eighth grade, presumably from being picked on. He also is part of the CIA and NSA. Hobbies: Gaming, listening to music, fixing things, beating up Morgan. Interests: n/aSerious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: In season 3 it is revealed that the Intersect is slowly deteriorating his mind and slowly taking over. It started off with nightmares that were incredibly vivid, leading into paranoia, followed by random uncontrollable flashes that didn't stop. He controls this now with what is known as a "governor", a neural device created by his father to stop the flashes.Citizenship: America Place of Birth: Burbank, California, USA. Now lives: Echo Park, Los Angeles, California, USA Lives with: Originally Ellie and Awesome, but later moved in with Morgan. At the end of the series, he lives with Sarah, his handler. Current Relationship Status: His first relationship was with Jill, however she left him when she joined Fulcrum. He also briefly dated another girl in between, but nothing serious. His last relationship was with his handler, Sarah Walker, whom he married later. At the end of the series, however, she lost her memory and left.Family: -Stephen J. Bartowski; Father, Deceased-Mary E. Bartowski; Mother, Missing-Elanore F. Bartowski-Woodcomb; Sister-Devon Woodcomb; Brother in Law-Clara Woodcomb; Niece.


02/29/2012 12:02 PM 

Facebook Adventures part3

Just for Santana, I am updating chapter 3 now xD This chapter features Samcedes, cock-block Brittana and a Katy-sexual Blaine.Sam Evans -- Mercedes Jones Lor menari Mercedes Jones What you saying, white boy? Sam Evans It means you have beautiful eyes. Avatar language. Mercedes Jones Oh, well, thank-you. Your eyes aren't too bad themselves. Mercedes Jones is now in a relationship with Sam Evans. Kurt Hummel You be careful with her, Sam. Just remember, I'm her best friend and I will cut you if you mistreat her! Mercedes Jones <3 Sam Evans *hands up in surrender* I'll remember. Santana Lopez I wants me some Dolphicorn babies. Kurt Hummel, Noah Puckerman, hurry up! Noah Puckerman, Kurt Hummel and 69 others like this. Brittany Pierce What's a Dolphicorn? Kurt Hummel It's a Dolphin crossed with a Unicorn. Brittany Pierce Oh, can I watch you and Puck make one? Santana Lopez Ooh, me too. Kurt Hummel No! Noah Puckerman Sure thing ;) Kurt Hummel Noah! Brittany Pierce Yay! Santana Lopez Yay! We'll be right over to puck's. Kurt Hummel Look what you allowed them to do. There will be no Dolphicorn making for a week now. Noah Puckerman Kurt? Why? Kurt Hummel You said Santana and Brittany could watch us! Noah Puckerman I wasn't serious. I thought they'd know that. Kurt Hummel Noah, its Santana and Brittany we're talking about. Noah Puckerman *hangs head in shame* Your right. But what am I supposed to tell them? They are at my front door, right now. Santana Lopez Open up or I'll huff and puff and blow your house in. Brittany Pierce Not by the hairs on my chiney, chin, chin. I will not let you in! Kurt Hummel *shakes head* Noah Puckerman *shakes head* Santana Lopez *shakes head* Blaine Anderson *shakes head* Tina Cohen-Chang *shakes head* Finn Hudson Why is it so hard to find a girl friend that won't cheat on me? Sam Evans Well, maybe you shouldn't make them cheat on other boys. Finn Hudson You still going on about that? Sam Evans That happened after the two times you were cheated on. Noah Puckerman It's your WEDDING DAY!!! Look to the left of your profile and use the first 10 friends. No cheating! You Marry: Sam Evans Maid of Honor: Santana Lopez Strips down to underwear on the dancefloor: Kurt Hummel Makes out with the grooms brother: Finn Hudson Tries to stop you: Brittany Pierce Wedding Crasher: Mercedes Jones The Priest: Quinn Fabray Eats all the wedding cake: Mike Chang Gets way too drunk: Rachel Berry Noah Puckerman Oh, no way. I would not marry Sam! Kurt all the way. Santana Lopez Even if he isn't giving it up to you for the next week? Noah Puckerman Yes! But I would like to see him striped down on the dancefloor. Kurt Hummel Maybe we can make our own dancefloor ;) Mercedes Jones Oh hell to the no! You are not marrying my boy. Kurt Hummel And your boy is not marrying my boy. Brittany Pierce Why do I try to stop them marrying? Mercedes Jones Cos you love Kurt and I too much to let this go on. Brittany Pierce Okay. Puck and Sam cannot get married! Rachel Berry I do not get drunk! Santana Lopez What about during Alcohol Awareness week? Rachel Berry That was a one-off. Mike Chang I love cake. Sam Evans *narrows eyes* Finn better stay away from my little brother! Blaine Anderson You think I'm pretty without any make-up on. Wes Montgomery I hope you don't wear make-up, Blaine. Blaine Anderson You think I'm funny, when I tell the punchline wrong. David Thompson It is funny when he curses himself for doing it wrong. Blaine Anderson I know you get me, so I let my walls come down. Down. Kurt Hummel You guys do realize what he's singing, right? Blaine Anderson Let's go all the way tonight. No regrets. Just love. Jeff Sterling Why guys? Why were you encouraging him? You're not the one who has to share a dorm with him.  Blaine Anderson We can dance, until we die. You and I. Nick Duval I can hear it from my dorm. Thad is dancing away. Blaine Anderson Could be young forever. Jeff Sterling Please, someone come save me! I'm being murdered by listening to too many Katy Perry songs! Blaine Anderson You make me, feel like I'm living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on. Nick Duval Oh, god. I walk in the room to save Jeff and Blaine is dancing on his desk chair! Thad Harwood He's got his life-sized cardboard cut-out of her too. Blaine Anderson I can't sleep, let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back. Kurt Hummel I'm thinking of you all. Jeff Sterling Please come help, Kurt! Kurt Hummel It'll all be finished hopefully by the time I would get there. Just wait it out. Noah Puckerman Sounds fun. Can I come over with my video camera? Kurt Hummel Noah! Blaine has a serious obsession with Katy Perry. It's pretty bad. Noah Puckerman But this video might help him meet her. She might see it and want to meet him. Kurt Hummel Or she might get freaked out and never want to meet him. Wes Montgomery Please, don't. If he meets her, we'll never hear the end of it! Kurt Hummel Don't worry, like I said, even if we left now, he'd probably be finished by the time we got there. Jeff Sterling Doubt it.

Schrƶdınger's CĪ±t

02/29/2012 12:01 PM 


-I-I am a literate roleplayer, I will not accept chat speak. If it's out of character, it's fine, but not in my roleplay, please.-II-My character comes from the Chuck universe. He's mostly cannon, but I can swing it either pre-series, or post-series. Honestly, if you saw the series finale, you'd understand how easy it is to go either way. The profile lacks storyline and meat because some people on my list didn't want spoilers.-III-I am over the age of twenty, but don't expect much in the way of sexual content.-IV-I am not Zachary Levi and I do not own any rights to Chuck.-VI-My replies are generally instantaneous, within the hour of receiving them. If I do not reply, I am either busy, or at work. If I talk to you often, I'll probably tell you my schedule so you don't wait.-VII-I work. lol. That's pretty obvious what this rule will be. Don't rush me with replies. I get them when I get them; but I reply to the people I want to talk to first.-VIII-Reserved?-IX-Please have fun. =)-X-I am a one-woman type. If I get a girlfriend, that's it. I'm closing shop. I do not cheat. =)

Fatal Attraction.

02/27/2012 02:59 PM 

Code of Conduct.

I'll keep this really simple and easy to understand. I'm here to write. Plain and simple. If I make friends while doing so cool if not that's cool too. Love me or hate me your choice.Respect me and I will respect you. I try to be fair and patient all I ask is that you do the same and try to keep me informed if replies are going to be be delayed and take longer than two weeks. I have a mouth on me. I say smart ass comments and I speak my mind frequently. If you can't handle that let me know. I have a lot of mature themes on this pro I trust most of you are adults if I have you added and can handle it.If you have no bio on your page, are constantly changing your playby, define your character by who they're sleeping with or are constantly causing out of character drama that starts effecting the writing between us expect me not to take you seriously. That's about all I have to say everything else should be common sense.Deuces.

Let Live MCRP

02/26/2012 01:48 PM 


1. I am a LITERATE role player. Please don't send me a role play with text spelling or gibberish. I will delete you.2. I don't appreciate people stealing things off my account, if you want something, just ask.3. I do one liners, but only for certain people on my account. I am no longer doing ANY oneliners for anyone else. So. If you want to roleplay, then send me at LEAST 4-7 lines, or you will be deleted.4. If you want to rp with one of my guys, you also have to roleplay with one of my girls. Its called doubling, people. Get used to it, because this is the NEW main rule.5. If you've read this far, comment my profile saying that you've read and understood, along with a quote from a book, movie,  or song.6. Once my characters are taken, they are loyal to that person, unless said otherwise. 7. Yes, the vast majority of my characters are bi. It makes it so that NO ONE feels left out. If you have a problem with that, then GTFO my profile! and if you've kept reading, add your favorite color and cartoon character to the signing comment.So! This are some simple rules to live by, not hard, now are they?Reasons for not replying:- Sometimes I just get WAY too tired, so I might just check in and see who replied and what not, but  not actually do so back. -If I think you need to send me something longer, I'll ignore you.-I DO have a life outside of Role Play. So if you  have a problem with that, well, I'm sorry. But I also am in highschool still and have shit to  do.- Number one MAIN reason I won't reply, I just get bored with the role play. So, let's keep it interesting.Please comment the profile. This will insure that no one can cheat. ALL people I am roleplaying with must do this. 

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