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04/08/2012 10:21 PM 


Mom and DadSisterBrotherCousin fucking buddy party buddy 

OptBitch Sammie.™

04/07/2012 11:05 PM 


1. Not Kelly Monaco, Nor Samantha McCall-Morgan She strickly a Roleplayer don't know what that is then your in the wrong place. No Mirror's will be added Trust No one. I'm Original OptimisticBitch Febuary 11, 2012, And Yes Optimistic Sam Is me I d idn't steal, anything.. Do Not steal my Nickname.+ 2. I have one LI that's Jason Morgan She will Not cheet on him, I will rp with other jason but when It comes to LI My Main Jason it no other. Please Do Not ask.   3. Comments Are For IC: Messages Are For Ooc: I want it that way no other way only one that can do that is My Jason .   4.  I don't do Oneliners, You must at least be Semi Para or Para  nothing else It will get ignored and then send you message to send me something that's not oneliner, and I don't want this Hey What's up,   Or Hi I want something to work with.   5. I don't except all Morgan Kids, In my book jason and sam only have the one Jason Morgan Jr (Junior),  Don't assume I'm gonna take you right off hand as my kid It don't work like that,  I will run it by jason First Soo please Don't call me Mommy  you won't get the response you want from me please ask first.   6. Love scene's are how me and jason do them no one else that means pretty much none of your damn business.. what we do in rp is what we are comfortable with soo Yeah No buisnes of yours   7. Don't Jock my Comments or pics, That's not  happening, I know how comments are jocked and I will know if you read them by the way you act around me So think before doing anything that will get you blacklisted from here.   8. I have other pro's this isn't the only one,  I  have 2 other Sam's I work on soo please be patient with my replys. Pluse I do have a life outside of roleplaying it's not gonna revolve around Rping..   9. I have no Mother, Nor Do I have Father....   10. Don't control my character I think I can do that myself..   11. Use proper grammer, I do Not want abreviations at all.   12. I love to screw around on Bully if you care to join it the more the marrier, but DO NOT BRING DRAMA to It You will be band and not added back, The is drama Free Rping, I don't care if your my friend or not I will delete you if you bring it to me..   13. Don't repeat yourself, that means keep sending me the same comment if I don't answer you right off, Seriously that just gonna get you blocked here, If I don't answer you after a couple days then send again but DO NOT REPEAT COMMENTS PERIOD   14, Moving Pics and Screencaps: Are all done by me I don't have anyone making them for me, If you would like to have a URL to my screencaps all you have to do is ask, I will be more then happy to send you the link, Moving caps I just started making them, I will not make Moving pics for others its to time comsuming  . Making Moving pics Hers' the URL  easy anything,  Using UTUBE to make them.   15. DO NOT ASKE ME WHO'S WHO ON A CHARACTER PRO RL.. CONTINUE TO ASK I WILL BLOCK YOU AND NOT ADD YOU BACK, IT'S NONE OF YOUR F***ING BUISNESS, GOT IT.   16. Do Not tell me to add you as a main, First we gotta rp, Second I deside who's my main NOT YOU if your not on my main there's a reason or I haven't got to it Don't comp attitude with me cause I won't put you on my mains Friends or not You will be Blocked then I control my mains NOT YOU   17, Don't be fake to me, Hate it don't ask me to help you with your pro or fix it not happening,  I hate back stabbers that don't have the balls to come to me with a problem but will gladly post on buliten, THey say No F***ING  Drama Drama You just did it, BLock me if you don't like what I said I'm not gonna seriously miss you.   18 IF I F***ING SEE YOU F***ING SOMEONE ON Stream I WILL  REPORT YOU Don't wanna see that sh*t neither do other.  There kids on here that rp as well USE Common Sense.   19. WITH IT. OR DELETE ME ONCE AGAIN WON'T BE MISSED.DON'T F***ING MESSAGE ME YOUR BEING INGORED  I DON'T GOTTA ANSWER  AND BITCHING ON STREAM YOUR QUITING CAUSE OF YOU DEAL i WILL REPORT YA.   All My Moving Gifs are my Own I know how to create them, Don't fcking say I steal That's a Big NOT.. I will report you..   More to come when I think of any.   (Ones that don't have to fallow Is Des (My Jason) Stephanie and Kendra you guys are safe.)  

ɮio-ɮoosted ᗯaяяior -Retired-

03/31/2012 05:06 PM 

Speaking Truth.

I deleted my rules blog for a reason and I'm going to explain why. I know no one pays attention to what I do but if someone is lucky and finds this, thank you.Now, in some shape or form everyone breaks their own rules by this I am referring to the "NO DRAMA" rule. I now view that rule to be utter crap because most of the people who post it either starts the drama themselves or they always stumble upon it. Moving on to quote something I said on another page of mine."Those of you who do not know this about me, I started role-playing on myspace on June 23rd, 2006. Now that it's 2012, it's been near 6 years I've been doing this. Ironically, the first thing I did was Power Rangers as well. No, I am no stranger to the Power Rangers verse. I recently deleted another Power Ranger profile on this site, ending my time as another Ranger that I've played since 2007 on myspace.Anyway, there was a time where writing a rules blog actually meant something. Oh yes, it did. But over time, things became...bullshit. Having a rules blog up is one of them, sort of. Not completely, if you feel that it's needed, go ahead, post one. But one always include the following "NO DRAMA!" or anything in between those lines. Now, I know that not everyone does that. But think long and hard about it. Ever notice the people who keeps saying that stuff are ALWAYS in a shit load of drama themselves?I have found my ways around drama. We all know it's not always avoidable. But the people who mainly said NO DRAMA! gave that a bad meaning. Now, for rules blogs. I do not mind the "no god modding" thing. That's needed to be said. As well as other things. But the no drama thing has been shit on so many times, and guess what? YOU'RE HEARING THIS FROM A GUY WHO ROLE-PLAYS A POWER RANGER! But Power Rangers is not the only thing that I RP. Just started out in it and can't resist returning to it after I take a break from it. I have a lot of love for the show and this verse. But I can tell you, next time you see "NO DRAMA!" in a blog, it depends on how well you know that person. Other wise, ignore it. It has no meaning anymore."Alright, now that you read that, it's all the truth. That saved me some time so now I'm moving on to my next point and that is too have fun with everything you do. Don't be such a, no offense, hard-ass twenty-four/seven with comments like "I'm an RP'er, keep it that way. I don't care about your personal life. I don't care much for OOC." That means that every RP you do, no offense, will be boring as fuck. So if you're one of those types of people reading this, lighten up and have fun. Speak OOC, you don't have to get to know so much about everyone's personal life yet. But introduce yourself, be open as a friend. Because with more communication, the more fun your RP is going to be. "If an RP gets boring, I will just ignore it." If you do that, that means because of your non-OOC ways, you are not contributing anything to it. It has to be all on the person who wants or is RP'ing with you. One track minded I believe it's called, I could be wrong.Anyway, I met great people during the six years (and more, just six at the moment) I have been role-playing. Due to great communication and making great friends. My RP's have been...PHENOMINAL! <<< Yes, I just said that! lol. I'm a goof, as you can see. I could say more after this but I'm pretty sure you now get the point.


03/28/2012 02:35 PM 



The Unknown Shahbanu

03/26/2012 08:27 PM 

How Maniya became the Emissary of Bast

Stories on Fanfiction.Net Freedom is Power - a Prince of Persia fanfiction How Maniya became the Emissary of Bastet Born a slave, a heritage passed on by her parents who had shared a similar fate, Maniya had been sold from one master to another after her parents died, or were killed, she never really knew since it happened when she was of a very young age. When she turned fifteen fortune smiled upon her and she was freed from slavery by a kind, elderly woman by the name of Delasa who took her to work as a servant in the royal palace of Babylon after the girl's former master, an acquaintance of the woman's, passed away. Delasa gave her a basic education, teaching her to read and write, and for three years she had done all sorts of chores that were meant to ease the already facile life of the so-called superior class of society. In her youth and teenage years Maniya had never been abused or mistreated by any of her masters and for a slave and afterwards a servant she had lived a decent life. But although she was of a kind and submissive nature, always hurrying to do whatever she was asked and swallowing without retorting the sometimes cruel and unfounded accusations and complaints of her masters, she had always felt like something was wrong, like she was not doing precisely what she was meant to do. At one point she had had a dream of becoming a priestess at the Fire Temple but it was shattered by Delasa who told her that only women of noble ancestry could occupy such a privileged position. At present those memories made her smile. Society did not allow her to fulfill her dream of becoming a priestess but fate offered her a life like few are destined to live. She could never forget the very first event that marked the beginning of her transition from her old life to her new one, namely the present one. Of course, at that time she paid no attention to it for she could not have possibly imagined what life had in store for her. Eighteen year old Maniya was in the bazaar one morning, sitting on a stone bench near a fountain when a woman approached her. She was a tall, thin woman, with pale skin, long, curly, light-brown hair and eyes like two dark jade stones; she was a beautiful woman, although she might have already passed the age of fifty. She was dressed in a dark green, silk dress that touched the ground, had a golden shawl over her shoulders and wore exquisite jewelry - earrings, bracelets and a necklace holding a pendant with an emerald stone that matched her eyes. The woman who introduced herself as Navaz seemed preoccupied by the girl's sorrow and as the two started talking the girl, who felt the need to take the burden from her heart, confessed her misfortune. She told the woman about how she would never be able to fulfill her dream of being a priestess but the woman simply smiled and told her something she would always remember, though at the time it only deepened her suffering for it sounded completely implausible. "Sometimes when the gods don't give us what we want is because they have prepared for us something greater than we could ever imagine." Then Navaz got up from the bench where she had been sitting next to Maniya and before leaving gave her a silver pendant, representing the profile of a sited cat. "Keep this close and it will fulfill your innermost desires." After her meeting with Navaz the girl remained puzzled for a while but that feeling lasted only until she resumed her daily chores at the palace and by the time the sun disappeared behind the hills into a pool of reddish light she had forgotten all about it. The day after ... Morning came soon and Maniya leaped out of bed as soon as the first rays of light made their way inside her small, deplorable and almost empty bedchamber. She rapidly put on the gray, stripped dress and cream-colored veil she always wore and was about to exit the room when the insistent mewing of a cat made her approach the only window of her room, with no curtains, no grating, no shutters - just a square shaped hole in the wall. On a higher ledge on the opposite building there was a cat, looking down directly at the girl and mewing as if asking for help. It was Nasmat, one of Bastet's sacred cats, but the girl did not know that back then and considered it just an ordinary cat. "Kitty, what's wrong?" she asked from the window. "Come down from there." But the cat wouldn't move and continued to mew at her. "Come on, it's easy. Just jump on that beam over there. It's right below you," the girl pointed towards a beam coming out of the wall. "What, are you stuck?" she asked when she saw that nothing would make the cat come down. "Don't make me come after you," she sighed deeply seeing how the cat kept mewing at her. Gathering the little courage she had in her, Maniya climbed out of the window onto a beam coming out of the wall, about two feet below. Praying to all the gods she knew, the girl stretched out her arms to maintain her balance and with small and very insecure steps she walked across the beam till she reached its end. Every inch of her body was shaking violently, knowing that there was a thirty feet distance to the ground, but she was looking straight forward, trying not to make any wrong moves. When she reached the end of the beam she realized that in order to get to the cat, she would have to jump forward and grab onto an upper beam, coming out of the wall in front of her. She cringed at the thought, and regretted her decision, wanting to go back but something inside her urged her to go on, not to mention the cat that seemed to be crying for help with her mewing. Putting her faith in the hands of the gods, Maniya jumped with her arms stretched forward, in order to grab the beam. Unfortunately she had forgot to take into consideration the ten feet distance between the two beams, plus the fact that her dress was too tight for her to make such a jump, and she fell about three feet down, when she somehow managed to grab onto another beam below. She hung from the beam for a while until her sweaty hands could not hold on anymore and she fell again, screaming. Luckily she landed on a canopy that served as a roof for the market place that stretched along the narrows alleys between the buildings but as soon as she made a move the linen tore apart and she fell flat on her face on the dusty, stone pathway. Groaning in pain and still shaking with fear, Maniya slowly raised her head from the ground when she heard the cat's mewing which, this time, sounded as if it was coming from somewhere very close. Pulling aside the strings of her messy hair that fell over her eyes she blinked a couple of times in total stupefaction when she saw the cat standing a few feet away from her. "Kitty? How did you ...... ?" Finding herself at a loss of words caused by the state she was in the girl instinctively looked upwards, towards the ledge where she had first seen the cat. Though it took her a fraction of a second to do this, when she looked back down the cat was nowhere to be seen. Several days later ... "You stole it. Admit it!" a tall, skinny woman, with a wrinkled face, dressed in elegant robes and wearing excessive jewelry and a turban on her head, also adorned with gold and precious jewels, barked at Maniya. "No! I swear, mistress. It is mine. A gift," the scared girl tried to defend herself, clutching in her hand the pendant, representing the profile of a sited cat, which a mysterious woman by the name of Navaz had given her and which she now wore around her neck, on a string made of thin rope. "You cannot possibly expect me to believe the lies of a pathetic servant. Guards! Guards!" she yelled with all her strength and two guards rushed into the room. "This servant has been caught stealing from my belongings. Take her to the dungeons and give her the proper punishment, then lock her up." Hearing such orders Maniya entered a state of utter shock that prevented her from reacting in any way or even thinking. She knew very well knew that anyone caught stealing had their right hand caught off, but if she was accused of stealing from a noble woman of the court then it was very likely she could be hanged afterwards. As she saw the guars approaching, their eyes glistening with fury, Maniya did the only thing that her instincts told her to do, she ran. Bursting through a smaller door at the other side of the room, hidden by red curtains, Maniya reached a corridor and desperately ran along it, as fast as she could, striving to outrun the two stronger men. Turning left and right, looking back at the guards rather than where she was going, fate made it so that she reached a balcony from which it was impossible to escape. Desperate as she was, seeing the guards approaching rapidly and shouting at her, Maniya made an attempt to straddle the banister, not knowing herself how she could escape if the ground was barely visible from the impressive height where she stood. The banister, however, proved to be very difficult to straddle for someone who wore a long dress, not vaporous like silk but rough and tight like a sack. But just as she sat there on the banister, one leg almost over it and the other hanging in the air, she heard a familiar sound, a mewing. Looking above the archway door of the balcony, she saw sitting above it, on a girder, the cat she had once tried to rescue and which afterwards disappeared without a trace. The cat was looking straight at her and mewing insistently, which distracted Maniya's attention and she did not hear one guard shouting 'Stop right there, thief' or see the other aiming his bow at her and releasing an arrow that did not hit her, but swished past her ear, which, ironically, proved to be fatal for her. She instinctively threw her head backwards to avoid being hit, but unconsciously she also removed her hand from the banister, thus losing her balance. Her heart was pounding furiously, her entire being was filled with a terrifying fear and her eyes swum in tears when she felt her body slipping backwards and her hands could no longer reach the banister and grab hold of it. Still gazing at the cat that was now starring back in silence, she whispered desperately with trembling lips "Help me!" and then she fell. The guards rushed towards the banister and looked down, watching the girl's body shrink from sight as she fell from the great height of the palace's upmost levels and plunged into the river that flowed along the foundation of the structure in that less accessible area of the city, near the defensive walls. Morning of the following day ... Warm, golden rays of the sun invaded the small chamber filling it with soft, morning light. Maniya frowned when the rays tickled her eyes, disturbing her from her slumber. Without opening them, she stretched her arms and afterwards proceeded to turn on her right side, only that when she did so she found herself slipping down from what she thought to be her bed, and collapsing to the ground from a height of six feet. She woke up on the spot and jumped to her feet, looking perplexed. The place from which she had fallen was a supporting wooden grind, where apparently she had been sleeping. Casting a glance at the floor just below the window she noticed her usual outfit lying there, soaking wet and full of mud. She on the other hand was shinning clean, her skin and hair carrying a scent of sweet perfumes. But what astonished her the most were her clothes, all colourful and silky and rather revealing. The silver pendant now hang at her neck on a exquisitely designed silver chain and she also wore earrings, bracelets and rings made of gold or silver, some even adorned with precious gems. The sound of footsteps outside her door made her turn and as she was starring at the door concentrated, wondering who was approaching and would probably enter her room, for a split second something odd happened. She thought she had seen, through the door, the shinning white form, like an aura, of the person approaching. Before she could ponder on it further, the door burst open and Delasa entered, looking very concerned. "Maniya, what has ......?" she began but was struck dumb upon seeing the girl's new appearance. "Dear me, what is this? Where did you get all of these? Gods be merciful, you didn't ...... steal them, did you?" "Aaaa ......," Maniya was also speechless, realizing she had absolutely no memory of how she came to possess such expensive belongings. "I ...... don't know." "Where were you yesterday? I was so worried. I had to make preparations for the celebration and ......," Delasa began but was interrupted by Maniya, who all of a sudden remembered she also had important chores to do for the summer solstice celebration that took place at the palace. "The celebration! I almost forgot," Maniya shouted and ran to the door, but was stopped by Delasa. "Where are you going?" "There is still much to be done and so little time before the celebration begins." "My dear, the celebration was yesterday," Delasa explained to her, puzzled by her attitude. Maniya starred at her, looking very confused, when suddenly she once again heard the familiar mew. Running to the window and looking down in the street below she saw the same cat she had once attempted to rescue, looking back at her. Possibly out of the desperate need to find some answers Maniya left the room in a hurry, pushing past Delasa without saying a word and ran into the street, searching for the cat, which had once again vanished from sight. She did however have the inspiration to grab a cloak and a veil and cover herself fully if she did not take the time to remove all the jewelry that would most certainly make her a target of suspicion since she came out of the servants' dwelling. In any case it would not have been wise to leave those expensive things with Delasa, lest she could be accused of theft. The mewing rang again in Maniya's ears and she immediately knew where to look to find the cat. She saw it at the end of the alley, sitting on top of a basket. The dizziness and anxiety that possessed her body prevented her from wondering how she had been able to hear so clearly the mewing of the cat, when there was a great distance between the two of them, and the alley packed with stalls and counters was crowded with people buying and selling, walking about and making great tumult. Following the cat further on Maniya did not realize when she had reached the more sumptuous neighborhoods of the city, situated in the vicinity of the Great Tower. She ran after it through narrow, winding streets, then came to a stop after making a left turn and finding herself before the beautifully decorated entrance doors of one of the mansions in the area, the cat once again being out of sight. She pondered for a while, hopping to hear the cat again, but nothing happened this time, except for the doors opening just as she was about to head back. Curiosity made her approach and she saw that there was no one there who could have opened them. Stepping over the threshold she entered a small interior court designed and decorated in a mixture of Persian, Arabian and Egyptian styles, with arabesques, coloured tiles and mosaics. In the middle there was a fountain, and on the sides many flowerpots adorned the court, some of them accommodating trailing plants, which stretched on the pillars that were supporting the balcony above. "I've been expecting you," Maniya heard a woman's voice speaking to her left, as she was gazing upwards at the exceptionally carved screen windows, and the coloured, transparent curtains. "Navaz?" said Maniya, recognizing the woman who nodded in response. "I knew you would come, when you were ready." "What do you mean?" the girl frowned in confusion. "Follow me." The girl did as told and they both entered an even more beautifully adorned room, with chairs, sofas, a low table and bookcases, on the ground as well as on a high wooden platform, for the room was as tall as two. The stone walls were of a simple cream colour, but the multicoloured drapes, curtains and flowers, as well as some simple green plants, compensated for the lack of tiles. However, what really surprised Maniya was the great number of cats, about fifteen, that moved across the room or simply laid somewhere on a comfortable cushion. Even more bizarre, when she entered the room, all the cats rushed to her, mewing and fawning on her. Only one cat stood still, looking straight at her, the one she had been following. "Her name is Nasmat. She is a Mau, a rare Egyptian breed," Navaz explained as she walked towards the staircase that led to the platform. Maniya walked behind her and stopped when she stopped, in front of a shelf upon which there was a statuette of a woman with the head of a cat. "The Egyptian goddess Bastet," Navaz began to tell her. "The Maus are sacred to Bastet, they are her messengers. Bastet is a rarity, goddess of the moon, and of the sun. She represents the duality in all women: docile, yet aggressive, nurturing, yet ferocious." "But, why are you telling me all this? What has it got to do with me, I mean ......?" Maniya was both impressed and confused. "What happened the other night?" Navaz interrupted her, surprising her at the same time with her question. "I ...... don't remember." "Do you want me to tell you?" "Yes," Maniya said promptly, very eager to see what the response would be, to find out answers, both concerning her situation, and concerning the woman who seemed to know more about her than she herself knew. "You died," Navaz gave her a simple answer, but one that shook her entire being. "What? ...... I didn't die, I mean look at me, I'm right here," Maniya could not prevent herself from laughing at the absurdity of the words the woman had uttered. "You died ......, but you were reborn." "Oh, you're crazy! You are crazy cat lady," Maniya spoke frightened this time, seeing how Navaz stuck firmly to her explanation and starred at her very oddly, with wide opened eyes. "Bastet knew your fate. That's why she tested you, to see if you were worthy of a gift she could give you, a gift that could change your life ......," as she spoke, Navaz approached Maniya with slow paces, while the girl backed away in fear, until she reached the edge of the platform, for there was no banister, only six cylindrical pillars that connected the ceiling with the floor bellow. " ...... and give you a new one," the woman concluded just as Maniya turned to face her again, and stretched her right arm towards Maniya's chest, pushing her gently, but enough to make the girl loose her balance and fall. What followed was something that amazed Maniya beyond words. While she was falling, without even realizing it, she turned in mid air and landed safely on all fours imitating perfectly the graceful moves of a feline. Forgetting even to stand up, she looked back at Navaz and even though she found herself incapable of composing a single phrase her pleading eyes desperately demanded an explanation. "You're not alone child. There have been others before you," Navaz told her, hoping to calm her down and make her accept things as they were. "What has happened to me?" "The goddess Bastet has chosen you to be her emissary on earth, to do what she commands and in so doing assuring the triumph of light over darkness, of justice over lawfulness, bringing order where there is chaos and maintaining the natural balance of things, without which our world would fall apart," Navaz spoke while descending the staircase and coming to stand in front of Maniya, who had also stood up from the floor. "You speak of the impossible. This is not a task to be appointed to a common mortal." "But you are no longer a common mortal. You died as a common mortal, but you were reborn as a child of the Goddess of Light, who has passed on to you some of her most precious gifts. You are no more tied to this world." "What does that mean?" "It means that you are no longer contained by the rules of society. You follow your own desires. This is both a blessing and a curse. You will often be alone and misunderstood, but you will experience a freedom other women will never know. You are a daughter of Bastet and therefore possess some of her most powerful attributes: every sight, every smell, every sound, incredibly heightened, fierce and independent, total confidence, inhuman reflexes." "So, I'm not Maniya anymore?" she asked on a trembling voice. "You are Maniya ...... ," she began and then she walked to a nearby table from which she took something covered in a black cloth, which she held with both hands in front of Maniya as she continued " ...... and you are a daughter of Bastet." Removing the cloth with one hand she revealed a beautiful and rather delicate looking dagger, with a thin, curved blade and a silver hilt, shaped in form of the goddess Bastet, a woman in a tight, long dress, with the head of a cat and her arms crossed over her chest. "This is the sacred dagger that only the emissary of Bastet may carry. Now it is yours. It is your destiny." Navaz looked into Maniya's eyes for a brief moment and saw that she was still frightened. "Accept it child. You spent a lifetime caged. By accepting who you are, all of who you are, you can be free...... and freedom is power." "I have never wielded a weapon before," Maniya reached forth reluctantly to touch the weapon. "Bastet is your mother and your protector. A part of her is within you, guiding your every move and you will often find yourself doing things you had so far not even thought possible." Maniya took the dagger in her hands and as she examined it she also tried to put everything together, to better understand what had happened to her and most importantly, what was to become of her. Then she realized something and looked up to Navaz full of sorrow. "Where am I to go? I cannot go back, resume my old life." "I too am a servant of Bastet and therefore a servant of her daughter. Whatever is mine, from now on is also yours. The daughter of Bastet is welcomed to call my house her own for as long as she wishes."

Tenel Ka Djo

03/24/2012 10:54 PM 

Price to play the game (Rules)

Since these have sadly had to become a common sight in the wonderful world of collaborative writing known as role play, here are mine.~Disclaimer- I am not the person you see in the pictures used on this page. Though sometimes I might wish I was... alas I am not. I never have claimed to be them, nor will I ever. Their sole reason for existing on this profile is to give a face to the character, nothing more than that.~As of Feb. 2009 this character was brought back from hiatus by me at the request of a very dear friend. He's put up with me through most of my time in RP, so I couldn't turn down the chance to help him out. Keeping that in mind Tenel Ka hasn't been in much RP as the original profile I used for her died out within a few weeks after I accepted the story line she was supposed to take part in. I will be a bit rusty in my writing for awhile until I get used to playing the part of Tenel, I ask that you try to bare with me. I'm not new to this as I've already stated, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to hearing friendly advice from those I interact with for the means of improving my writing.Tenel Ka Djo is first and foremost a Jedi as well as Queen Mother of Hapes. She won't become a Sith or a Dark Jedi, you can feel free to tempt her in that direction though as long as we talk about the story line you have in mind before hand. I'm always willing to entertain an interesting story for my character.Relationships... I love them I'll enter into them but only on a friendship level. Tenel Ka won't be having any love interests more than likely. Trust me boys it'll take a lot to manage to woo her into falling in love with you. Feel free to try but don't take it personal if she laughs at you and tells you to get lost. She was burned once by the love of her life... she more than likely won't be testing those waters again. Her life is dedicated to her daughter, Hapes, and the Jedi.Drama... I love drama that takes place that helps a story line along, making it interesting for all of those involved. After all what good is a story if it doesn't have at least some kind of drama or angst in it? Drama that takes place outside of that, such as attempts to pit people against one another OOC.... take it somewhere else. If I see it or hear of it I won't hesitate to check your name and hit the delete button. It gets bloody annoying very quickly, so I'm cutting it off at the pass with this warning.New to Rp? Don't be afraid to talk to me I don't bite. I'll gladly try to help you learn your character if that is what you need, help you improve your writing style in anyway I can, and help you expand from short comments that only have a sentence or two, to multi-parter comments. All you have to do is get up the courage to ask me. Too many of the vet's turn the new generation of RPers away by ignoring their pleas for help or by being a stuck up snot and not talking to them at all because they can't keep up with those of us used to multi-para/novella writing styles. I was new to Rping once... I admit I was horrid when it came to putting the concept into practice. But with the help of a few friends that weren't afraid to bare with me and give me a chance to prove myself I got better. Let's bring back the old ways of RP, so that the new generation may enjoy it as much as we did.Tenel is my character, allow me to decide her actions, her retorts to your character, and how she'll use her abilities in whatever situation she happens to be in at that moment. Don't auto her, treat her as your puppet, or godmode with her. She isn't invincible and neither are you. With that in mind depending on the situation she'll take damage where appropriate I expect the same out of you. Otherwise you'll find that I get rather annoyed and remove myself from the situation by use of the delete key should you be unwilling to resolve the issue. Also I warn you my Tenel Ka will not follow established Cannon very closely... Got a problem with that, get over it now so we can possibly enjoy a rp together, if you can't handle that then I hope you remember where the door is because I won't uphold Cannon just for you as it bores me to no end to stick to it to the letter.Roleplay with my character will take place in blogs and comments only. Send me a starter or a reply in messages I'll send it back to you advising you to put it in one of the two places I've reserved for that. If your comments/blogs aren't working and you inform me of that.... I might make an exception to the rule for you but only until they are working again.I can be long winded when inspiration strikes that being said you might find a multi-part comment on your page. While I'd like you to try to keep up in length I don't require it. The detail put into it is far more important to me. Detail after all is what keeps a story moving, not the length of your writing.When it comes to replies... don't badger me. I have something of a life outside of roleplayer, that takes presidance over my writing. If you don't like that I apologize, but that's just the way it is. I will try my best to get back to everyone I'm involved in a storyline or Rp with as quickly as I can. Also keep in mind I work 80+ hours a week for six months out of the year so sometimes you may have to wait awhile before I'm able to reply. Don't like it? Tough deal with it or get lost. I've been around in rp long enough to know if a person can't understand that RL takes priority over RP then I don't need or want the stress of having them around. Though if it has been a few days to a week shoot me a message to remind me, I won't bite your head off. Should you start hounding me you'll find out how mean I can get followed by your deletion. I don't need the grief nor the stress, so bugger off with it.

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

03/20/2012 04:10 PM 

Red hat incident

Story Lead: Darla Hyperion Blog

Thomas Riker (Ass Kicker)

03/17/2012 04:43 PM 


Mission of Starfleet's SID:First and foremost the SID will be that of protecting the ranking officers of Starfleet.  This includes personal safety of their families as well as ensuring their professional saftey. Second, will be intelligence gathering.  This falls in with the primary mission of protection.  After all a forewarned Admiral is a forearmed one.Third is infiltration. Members of this team will, at the CO's request, perform additional duties, such as engineering, operations, medical, etc.  This will allow the SID officer to infiltrate possible subversive organizations.Fourth, through the utilization of the above four, the SID can  and will be used for probing of Starbase, Starship and Security defenses.  This probing can be either covert, or overt, with or without the Commanding Officer's  approval.  (Although approval must come from the Flag officers in this case).Fifth, for the SID is to conduct criminal investigation where prosecution is not the primary motive.The Jurisdiction of the SID extends into areas covered by other Starfleet operatives, and units.  Which unit (ie. Security, Special Forces, SSD etc.) has precedence over these other departments. The SID may, for example, be called in to investigate a Base's Security force, or to interdict possible contraband smuggling.  If it is found that Starfleet Security has a part in illegal activities, SID could be called in to infiltrate the Security Section in question to gather evidence.

Thomas Riker (Ass Kicker)

03/17/2012 04:39 PM 


Just as Starfleet is charged with the duty of protecting the UnitedFederation of Planets, and all of the citizens contained within thataugust entity, Starfleet Security is, in turn, charged with the duty ofensuring the protection and security of Starfleet itself, and to contributeto that of the UFP.  While Starfleet Security is but a small division, whencompared to Starfleet as a whole, it fills a necessary role in the smoothfunctioning of Starfleet, as is intrinsic part of it's quasi-military body.  Starfleet Security, as a division, was created shortly after theUnited Federation of Planets and Starfleet were founded in 2161.  Starfleet Security and Starfleet Intelligence, as divisions, have auniquely paradoxical love/hate relationship.  While each divisionfulfills a dramtically different role, their paths, out of necessity,cross frequently; SFSec requires the information that SFI gathers inorder to ensure the security of Starfleet, and SFI needs the protectionwhich SFSec grants them.  Further, they share large portions of theirSurveillance divisions; for almost every SFI Office on a given planet,a SFSec Office will be nearby.  These agents are the ones who interactthe most frequently, and tend to develop the strongest sense ofcompetetion, as they are performing very similar tasks. However,the purpose of SFSec Surveillance is not to gather intelligence,but this will be discussed in more detail later.  Not surprisingly, in order to function smoothly and efficiently,Starfleet Security is broken down into sub-divisions; Operations,Surveillance, Enforcement, Internal Security, Information, Interrogation(more commonly known as Q&A), Logistics, and Special Forces.  Eachsub-division is commanded by a Senior Officer of Starfleet Security, whoin turn, reports to the Branch Admiral of Starfleet Security or the UFPCouncil.  Starfleet Security - Command and Divisional Breakdown  Operations  While not the largest of the sub-divisions within SFSec, theOperations division fulfills a key role in the efficient functioningof SFSec as a whole.  Traditionally headed up by the SFSec XO, thisdivision is responsible for coordinating the activities of all otherdivisions within SFSec. Virtually all information which is passed fromone department to another passes through Operations, and it is Operationswhich decides the dissemenation of this information.  Further, Operationsis responsible for the staffing in SFSec, and organizes which StarfleetCadets will be admitted to the department, and into which sub-divisionthey will be assigned.  Surveillance  By far, Surveillance is the largest of the sub-divisions.  They areresponsible for keeping a close eye on all member planets andprotectorates within Federation space, and even keep watch on manynon-member planets and civilizations, a duty that is smoothly transferringto SFI Surveillance the less those civilisations are accessible to SFSec.Often, agents of this division have close ties to the local law enforcementorganizations on the planets to which they're assigned.  It is thisdepartment which has offices on most of the civilized worlds within theFederation, which they call 'Security Cells', and they frequently act asthe representatives of Starfleet Security.  Surveillance operatives sometimesalso possess discretionary powers, depending on their circumstances, and mayinvestigate, interrogate and incarcerate a known or suspected felon ifnecessary.  However, in these cases, it is preferred that Surveillanceoperatives report any anomalous activity prior to taking any action;individual action is only to be a last resort.  Not surprisingly, reports flood in from these operatives on a dailybasis, keeping Starfleet Security and SFI abreast of the current state ofaffairs in and outside of the Federation.  Enforcement  The second largest division within SFSec, it is this departmentwhich is often thought of whenever Starfleet Security is named.Enforcement is responsible for the assignment of operatives to apprehendknown or suspected offenders, and those who violate Federation law.Further, it is Enforcement which decides what method of apprehension isviable in a given situation, and is responsible to the placement ofbounties on known felons.  Enforcement also, from time to time, hiresindependant mercenaries and Bounty Hunters to assist in the capture oftheir quarry, again depending on the circumstances.  While, at first, this seems by far the most exciting department fora brand new cadet to go into, they quickly learn that this is not thecase.  Frequently, Enforcement Operations involve long, backbreakingsting operations and, sometimes, undercover work.  Starfleet vessels,more often than not, handle the large scale cases, leaving Enforcementto clean up after them, and handle the multitude of petty crimes whichoccur in the Quadrant each day.  Also, Enforcement co-ordinates withSurveillance and Logistics to decide how many Enforcement operativesneed to be assigned to a given system, and also often act as guards andsentrys at important planetary installations.  Internal Security  Just as Starfleet Security watches over the Federation, InternalSecurity watches over Starfleet.  Closely.  They are responsible forensuring that Starfleet personnel adhere to the laws of Starfleet andthe Federation, and do not abuse their authority.  Internal Securityalso investiagtes any incident which directly involves or affectsStarfleet personnel, and handles the apprehension and detention of theseprisoners.  Basically, Internal Security is SFSec within SFSec, so tospeak, and has their own internal divisions just as SFSec does.  Internal Security is an entirely separate department, related toSFSec and drawing from it's resources, but only answerable to theFederation Council and the President to preserve it's independence.  Internal Security, for the sharp edge it is taking in making sureno Starfleet officer gets off track, is not a very popular division amongStarfleet officers.     In addition to conducting it's own investigations, InternalSecurity also frequently co-ordinates with the Judge Advocate General'sOffice, acting as their enforcement arm when necessary.  Also, as theyare responsible for conduct of all Starfleet personnel, it is the JudgeAdvocate General's Office which tries the officers Internal Securityapprehends.  Not surprisingly, the two departments possess close ties.  Information  Within the United Federation of Planets, the free dissemination ofinformation, the right to free speech, and the rights of the media areall priviledges which are guarded and protected with great care.However, even in the free society of the Federation, there must be someregulation of this information, as Starfleet is often in possession ofconfidential, classified and senstive data that must be safeguarded.This is where Information comes in.  The Information division has the tedious task of reviewing allbroadcasts which go out over the galactic newsnet, ensuring that noconfidential information is released.  Further, they monitor allcommunications, both EM and subspace, for anomalous transmissions, orthose that use unidetified or unrecognized coding.  In privatetransmissions, they do not look at the transmission itself, as thatwould constitute a violation of Federation privacy laws.  Rather, theyinvestigate the behaviuor of these transmissions, and analyze theirstructures and makeup.  They also frequently run traces on thesetransmissions, to identify their sources and destinations.  They answer directly to the Director of SFSec and the UFP Council'sinformation committee and the Council at large. Information also is responsible for the developement andimplication of the coding that is utilized in Starfleet transmissions.They co-ordinate closely with Starfleet Engineering for this, to keepabreast in the latest communication technologoes available.  Interrogation (Q&A)  After Enforcement has apprehended a criminal, they are brought toInterrogation for questioning.  This is not as horrendous as it maysound; the Interrogation division, which is much more commonly known asQ&A due to the negative connotations associated with their division'stitle, are not bloodthirsty maniacs who strive to get a confession outof anyone who crosses their door.  Rather, they are dedicated teams ofCounselors, Engineers, Doctors and talented telepaths who utilize complexand sophisticated sensory equipment to determine the answers to theirquestions, and whether or not a given criminal is telling the truth.However, Q&A operatives are not all candy and sweetness either, and theyalways manages to get the information that they need.  Always.  Logistics  Out of all of the sub-divisions within SFSec, Logistics has to bethe most mindbonglingly boring of them all.  They are responsible forthe daunting task of analyzing the collasal amount of information thatSurveillance reports each day, and stripping them down to purely usefuland efficient information.  Logistics maintains the staggering number ofSecurity dossiers that SFSec keeps on all known criminals in theFederation, and updates these files on a daily basis, if not morefrequently.  Also, it is Logistics that compiles the Surveilanceinformation into statistical reports, which are in turn passed on toOperations, and then, if neceessary, Enforcement.  Further, all otherdepartments also forward them statistical information to be calculatedand computed.  These charts, graphs and reports indicate the crime levelsin a given system or sector, and calculates the average number of officersthat should be assigned there, the weapons that should be allotted tothem, etc.  From these recommendations, based on theoretical models andsimulations, that Operations and Enforcement make their decisions aboutpersonnel allotment.  A joke within SFSec says that Starfleet Engineer is a snap incomparison to being a SFSec Logistics Officer.  They're not so far offthe mark.  Special Forces  Special Forces, of all the sub-divisions, is by far the smallest.It is comprised of elite Starfleet Security Officers, all of whomspecialize in one, or multiple fields, and are experts in several formsof combat.  Basically, this division is the Green Berets of Starfleet,rarely called upon and only during the most extreme of circumstances.They handle operations which regular SFSec Officers and Starships areeither not equipped or trained for, or are too highly sensitive toinvolve crews with lesser security clearance. SpecForces, as theircalled, deals extraction situations, sensitive and localized offenses,and unusual situations that require the presence of specialists, as wellas a myriad of other tasks.  To say that the training these operatives undergo is rigourouswould be an understatement.  Their ranks are filled with only the bestand the brightest, those who's loyalty to Starfleet and the Federationis absolutly unwavering, and whose medical and psychological profilesare completely clean of any kind of abnormality.  In fact, at leastfifty percent of those officers who are assigned to this division aretransferred, simply because they can't keep up, or they aren't up toit.  More than one officer has left Starfleet because of the ordealsthat SpecForces put them through duing training.  Not surprisingly, they have always co-ordinated a great deal with theStarfleet Marine Corps, to have a contingent of Marines assignedalongside a team of SpecForce Operatives was commonplace.  HoloWorld Fleet Security - Cocoon Patrol  The security of the Cocoon is a crucial requirement for peace andcooperative prosperity in these new territories. Starfleet and theFederation will be judged by the amount of improvement and higherstandards they bring to each new citizen's life. The quality of lawenforcement will make a big difference to this end.  Starfleet Command agreed that in this light only selected personnelwill be admitted to the new subdivision named Cocoon Patrol. Due to thenature of the rather remote territory of the Cocoon the Cocoon Patrol willoperate largely independant and has adequatly staffed divisions just asStarfleet Security as a whole.  The current efforts focus on smoothing the strong influx of Starfleet personnel into the Juun Union and the problems that come with it. Also the opening of the Cocoon to commercial traffic on Stardate 80415 will keep the hands of SFSec full at all times. Therefore the enforcement division has staffing priority, with a preference for Bajoran officers which blend easier into the Juun majority of sector population.

Thomas Riker (Ass Kicker)

03/17/2012 04:39 PM 

Brin Macen

Brin MacenMacen came to the Alpha Quadrant in the aftermath of the Borg assimilation of his homeworld. A trained sociologist and accomplished explorer, Macen became the first, and only, El-Aurian to formally join Starfleet. Assigned to Starfleet Intelligence, he swiftly rose to notoriety for his unconventional methods and accompanying successes.Macen's career came to an apparent end in the late 2360's-early 2370's when he was assigned to infiltrate the Maquis. Macen found himself sympathetic to their settler's cause and joined in their activities while writing benign reports illustrating the nobility of most of the Maquis' goals and intentions. Serving under Ro Laren, another former Starfleet officer, Macen and the cell Ronara Prime enjoyed many victories over the Cardassians.This ended with the Cardassian alliance with the Dominion and the arrival of the Jem'Hadar. Ro and Macen managed to transport the bulk of their forces to Bajor and negotiate a deal whereby they could participate in a joint operation between Starfleet Special Operations and the Militia Special Forces. The displaced Maquis would serve as native guides to the former DMZ and Badlands regions. In exchange they would receive full pardons and either commissions in the Bajoran Militia or private citizenship and a small homestead. Macen was reinstated in Starfleet Intelligence and sent with Ro as her commando unit's Intelligence Officer.Following the war, Macen was recruited by Vice Admiral Nechayev to join a new Special Investigations Division of Intelligence. Macen assumed command of the premier unit of the newly incorporated SID. His subsequent missions have all proven successful thus far despite differences of methodology with Starfleet Command.On a personal level, Macen's curiosity and conviction remain both his greatest strengths and weaknesses. The man himself has no lack of imagination, which allows him to visualise several theories and scenarios at once. His experience in the Nexus has left him with the ability to sense time-space distortions in addition to his race's normal empathic and "listening" abilities.On a professional note, Macen's case has been by Starfleet Medical. As a survivor of El-Auria's assimilation, a veteran of the Border Wars, the Maquis Rebellion and the Dominion War, it is felt by many Starfleet psychologists that Macen may be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This condition lends itself to Macen's unpredictability as well as his extremist methods in command. Although adopting a laid back command style, once Macen makes a decision, it is final unless proven wrong. This tendency towards extremes often leads to conflicts with Starfleet regulations.

Thomas Riker (Ass Kicker)

03/17/2012 04:36 PM 

U.S.S. Defiant Mission Objectives & Types

USS DEFIANT MISSION OBJECTIVES & TYPES1.1 MISSION OBJECTIVESPursuant to Starfleet Exploration Directives 911.3, Starfleet Defense Directives 114.9 & 154.7, Starfleet Borg Defense Initiative Directive 371.6 and Federation Security Council General Policy, the following objectives have been established for a Defiant-Class Starship:Ensure Federation security through rapid response to threat forces.Serve as the first-line of defense in military combat operations and lend support to larger Federation starships.Provide autonomous capability for full execution of Federation defense & search and rescue policy options in outlying territories and border areas.Take on the burden of border patrol and threat-response operations from other starship classes currently, and projected to be, in use.Provide a mobile platform for testing and implementation of mission-specific or new technology, specifically in the areas of covert and tactical operations.Serve as a platform capable of rapid deployment for special and covert operations deemed necessary by the Federation.2.1 MISSION TYPESIt should be of little surprise that the Defiant-class is a spaceframe designed primarily for tactical and defensive operations, and thus, its primary mission types are rather one-sided when compared to most other ships that serve in the Federation fleet.  While this may appear to be short-sided of the Defiant, recent evidence suggests that continued hostilities between the Federation and threat forces means that tactical mission types will never be in short supply.The following are the primary mission types for the Defiant-class vessel:Tactical and Defensive Operations:  Typical missions include protection of Federation assets in the form of colonies and space stations from anticipated threat forces.Patrol and Interdiction:  Typical missions include the patrol of established neutral zones, shipping lanes and recognized regions of dispute and/or conflict.Reconnaissance:  Typical missions include scouting of areas deemed worthy of note by Starfleet Intelligence.Emergency/Search and Rescue:  Typical missions include answering standard Federation emergency beacons, extraction of Federation or Non-Federation citizens in distress, retrieval of Federation or Non-Federation spacecraft in distress, small-scale planetary evacuation - medium or large scale planetary evacuation is not feasible.Secondary Scientific Investigations:  In some cases, a Defiant is found to be the most suitable platform from which to perform certain scientific applications.  They include experiments and research that requires increased shielding to observe certain phenomena, or a weapons platform from which to test new technologies.The listed mission types are by no means the only operations that the Defiant is capable of performing.  Starfleet continues to run projections on possible mission types.

Thomas Riker (Ass Kicker)

03/17/2012 03:50 PM 


Passion; the enraptured fusion of emotion and physical intimacy,floating in a slow writhing aura of love and warmth sosubstantial one can almost reach out and touch it.Passion; feeling beyond feeling, sacrifice and trust, love and yearning,wonder and discovery, joy and craving, tears and explosions,desire and fulfillment.Passion; a shared experience of lovers lost in total abandonment toeach other, merged at a level that transcends physical bounds or definition.A gift of togetherness and eroticism that leaves each lover breathless, drained,fulfilled and content.Flesh, emotion and soul one and inseparable for brief tender momentsnever to be forgotten. Immersed in physical sensation, punctuated withemotional ecstasy, passion does not lend itself easily to expression inWords, but we humans never stop trying.

Thomas Riker (Ass Kicker)

03/17/2012 03:40 PM 

Thomas Riker Personal Logs (Books of My Words)

I've been prone to writing words in a book for years. Honestly since I first wrote that first silly little poem. I have lost a book or two over time but I have been able to maintain the one I started on Nervala and also another one I kept hidden and used on Lazon II. But now, just in case I happen to lose them too I will transcribe them into my personal logs. Here are some exerpts from the book I have kept with me from Lazon II.Once again I am forced to write hoping to bleed off my infinite heartache so then i survive another night and live to write again so I dip this well used quill deep into the blood of my own heart wishing to stop this harrowing pain before my soul is ripped apart but ink and quill alone are nothing. I need parchment to reach my goal and all I have to write upon are the remnants of my tattered soul and so with crimson ink upon faded parchment, using battered quill, my hurt slowly bleeds from me forming into words without my will. now I sit here and decide to read. I realize that through my writing, I have condemned myself to live another night.Fallen, forever to remain, never again to be without you. I've crossed the void of a thousand milky ways, Shadow danced across stars, in the arms of a crescent moon; turned my back on eternity for a heartbeat and saline tears; just to feel the want in your lips pressed to mine; and oh how the precious scent of your ardor awakens my sanity; only to watch it drown midst a seraphs requiem, and be reborn again in the soft of your eyes. These faithful arms reach out to you as the veil of innocence fades; the stars were shining, silken petals unfurled, as you slipped into me wholly

Thomas Riker (Ass Kicker)

03/17/2012 03:27 PM 

Personal Log

Personal Logs  Thomas Riker   Stardate 2389.52I find myself needing to somehow express some of my thoughts on my stay on Cardassia's Lazon II. I've resisted the urge to do so for some time but I find myself pondering the idea that if I put it into words that perhaps it won't haunt me so much. And since I have no one to talk to this seems like the only outlet I have. There's one day in particular that screams through every crevice of my mind at this very moment.Although Lazon II was warmer than my native Earth's climate, it was often very cold in my solitary cell. This day, however, it was a different story altogether. The temperature must have been at least ten or fifteen degrees, the door was frozen solid and icicles hung from the ceiling of the cell. Water dripped from then at two second intervals. I counted them about a thousand times, tap, tap and tap. It used to drive me crazy but I grew immune to it the longer I stayed in the solitary hell. It was a torture tactic the Cardassians liked to use on certain prisoners. Especially, apparently, those that were difficult and I was obviously a difficult prisoner.I often retreated to my dreams and fantasies to try and avoid the conditions. I'm sure Deanna wouldn't be any too happy that she was oft times the subject of my dreams or at least a part of them. I am a Starfleet Officer with a family. On my off time I would spend my time with that family. We'd spend our evenings together curled up on the sofa in our quarters on our ship or at home in San Francisco or Alaska in front of a nice raging hot fire. Her head resting on my shoulder and we'd spend hours talking about our day and our children would be playing at our feet.Which made me wonder if Deanna could feel me or sense me across the millions of miles that separated us,  I hardly thought that she could but I liked to wish she could. I knew that not one damned person in Starfleet cared that I was being brutalized in a hell hole. After all I was just a sloppy second anyway right.That day I was stopped in my thoughts by the sound of boots at the door, which wasn't really any more unusual than any other day. A key turned and clank...I knew the next would come shortly...what did they want from me now...I'd had my fair share of work for that day before they tossed me back into the cage again...clank...I cringed, knowing that once the last one came that they would be in my cell. I prayed that they would change their minds. I would scream out her name in my mind...clank.That sound still echoes in my head to this day. I don't know if it'll ever go away.After a bit of shoving and kicking, the door was creaked open. I actually prayed it wouldn't be a certain ruthless guard named Talon Nor and my heart began beating rapidly. Unfortunately nine out of ten times it would be him. He took a particular liking in antagonizing me, especially after I told him I'd kill him one day. He seemed to enjoy toying with me at odd times. I apparently was his favorite plaything. He was trying to break me and the harder I resisted the more he showed his face, the bastard that he was.Talon marched in; behind him followed another guard I hadn't seen before and I thought I'd seen them all. "What did you say to Kalner yesterday Riker?" Talon moved toward me. Inwardly I winced and became sick to my stomach and I concentrated hard not to show it. I would think of her which always seemed to make it better. It would only be after he left that I would tend to lose what little contents I had in my stomach.I didn't care and really didn't quite remember what I said to this Kalner so I remember murmuring to him, "My food?" I hadn't eaten in at least twenty four hours. I'd be lucky if I got fed once a day and there were times it'd be days before I would eat. It was slop; pigs probably wouldn't have eaten it but sustenance none the less. One learned very quickly that food was food no matter how terrible it tasted, smelled and looked. You were considered lucky if you were one of the ones who'd capture a mouse like creature, which was considered real food.The new guard, obviously Kalner, was younger, much younger than Talon. He was tall with a more sadistic face if that were even possible. He bared his teeth at me and spoke, "I don't care about your food human." I wanted to kill him too.Talon was shorter, more middle aged in my estimation. He had a fat nose and brown eyes which seemed to dominate his scaly face. I remember him saying, "I can't even take a break now. I don't come for one day, one damn day and you're already throwing insults at me. I'll give you some food." he punched me in the stomach and I fell against the wall angry. I was extremely angry.I wondered what insult but then again anything I said; anytime I opened my mouth it was an insult to him. I couldn't resist the urge to provoke him and I said, "What insults? I didn't." I said it with a sneer on my face."Don't give that what insults Riker!" He snapped at me. "All you damned humans are the same but you, you Riker, are the worst I've ever seen. You just can't resist the urge to aggravate can you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you liked to be smacked around Riker." I wanted to shove my fist down his throat for saying that to me honestly I would kill him in his sleep given an opportunity."I didn't say anything!" I replied and choked back a heavy breath. I realized then what was coming and wasn't really able to take it on this specific day. Some days the beatings seemed endless and although I didn't want to I had to play their games. It was the only way to survive in that hell hole of a place. So I gave Talon part of what he wanted. "It wasn't about you Talon." I'd never beg him not to hit me because that was an invitation for him to hit me. But then again I would never beg. I would never beg anyone period end of story there. Talon grabbed my long dark hair and flung me like a rag doll across the cold dank cell. Again I thought of ways I was going to kill him. Had I become such an animal? The answer was yes, I had.I knew the minute it came out of my mouth I'd pay for what I said. He had meant it. Kalner was the guard who had apparently brought me food the day before - it was Talon's day off - and I had been thinking all morning about my friends and what little family I did have. Not that Will gave two shits about me anyway and Deanna, well I'm sure she forgot me the moment I beamed off the Enterprise that day. But how I loved her and prayed and screamed in my head for her to find me. Anyway I didn't realize there was a guard just outside my cell door. I was angry that day, which wasn't uncommon since anger fueled my existence. Holding onto my anger was one of the ways I remained strong in my own mind. I screamed out loud, "You bastards, you're all bastards!" I banged on the door. Apparently Kalner had informed Talon of my outburst and Talon was there to exact his form of justice upon me. I was nearly immune to it as well.Talon pulled out a knife from his belt and slashed it at my face; he caught me across the eye, slicing in a downward motion giving me a sardonic grin which I wanted to wipe off his face. I managed to save myself - just - by stumbling back onto the wet, slimy wall. I wiped the blood off my face the best I could. But I was concerned. I concentrated on the knife as it closed in on me again. It seemed to eye me evilly as it moved closer and closer to me. I heard the younger guard speak, "Sir don't." Kalner almost seemed to plead and I inwardly shivered. Talon thrust the knife into me and I dropped to the floor and the thick redness of my blood oozed from my shoulder. I kept the scream quiet and held back the moisture that was growing in my eyes. I whispered Deanna's name and Talon kicked me. "You'll never see her again you pathetic excuse for a human." I tried to keep Deanna's name quiet but there were times it escaped me.Everything seemed to have happened so quickly, my head was spinning and I looked up at him with a sneer on my face. I wanted to kill him and one day I knew I would, it was simply a matter of time for me. Killing in that prison was a matter of survival and I had done my fair share. I was stuck in that solitary hell for doing just that, I had killed over food and to be honest I felt nothing for doing so. May God help me, I felt nothing. I'd actually reached the point where killing didn't matter to me. It was a me or them mentality, survival of the fittest.I remember as I looked up at Talon, holding my shoulder, I could see the blood lust in his eyes. He wanted me dead, there was no denying that. But I honestly believe he wanted me alive more so he could torture me routinely. Then there was a white haziness coming down upon me as I watched the knife coming toward me yet again and all I thought was at least this time it isn't s whip slashing through my flesh.Talon muttered, "What the hell, you're not worth it." I saw him turn to Kalner and order him to clean out the small waste receptacle, which was a tin box in the corner. The guard walked over and picked up the container. That, according to the rules, was supposed to be slopped out every other day, but Talon, who never obeyed any rules, only used to do it once a week. But with me he didn't do it for a week or more at a time and when I'd complain all I'd get as a reply were several kicks in the stomach or a few punches in the face or a slash or two of the whip.I remember Kalner walking out with the box but then Talon summoned him back and he said, "On second thought, give it to me. I'll clear it." I watched him as I stumbled to stand and he threw it at me narrowly missing me. Talon's laughter echoed around the cell. That was just another reason I was going to take great pleasure in killing that sadistic bastard. He finally stopped laughing and signaled to the other guard that they were finished. I cleared my eyes of the blood and leered at the two of them as they walked out. I slid down the wall. No food, another beating, utter humiliation and tears now began to sting at my eyes but I refused to let those bastards see me as weak. Just then, the young guard glanced back and our eyes met for maybe a hundredth of a second it was as if he were saying, 'I'm just a conscript. I have nothing against you.' His morose eyes seemed to be indicating, 'I want to get out of this hell as bad as you.' He turned and walked out and the door clanged shut as the three bolts were snapped back. Nobody wanted out of that hell hole more that I did.Personal Logs Thomas Riker   Stardate 2390.2Again I find myself unable to sleep with the overwhelming flood of thoughts, my nightmares once again waking me up. With no one to talk to, no one to share this burden I must bare alone. I find myself wishing to share it with someone but I fear how it would be taken by her. What would she think of me if she ever found out what kind of animal I have truly turned into.Although my relationship with my father was fractured in my younger years, the anger I felt for him was a help not a hindrance to me during my imprisonment on Cardassia's Lazon II. When I was a young boy, after my mother had died, he was hard on me and if I dared cry he would yell at me, "Riker men don't cry!" I held tightly to that in the labor camp. Riker men don't cry and my anger only fueled my will to survive.After I'd been beat down and my face cut and stabbed in the shoulder that night, my eyes remained transfixed on that door long after it had shut and I wiped moisture and blood from my eyes. Talon had hesitated. Why? Why hadn't he stabbed me that second time? I wouldn't have minded, yet I couldn't understand, why were they keeping me alive. Other than for amusement and to keep me suffering because I had invaded Cardassian Space. Few knew that I was just doing my job when I did that. But that's another story in and of itself isn't it? The things Starfleet keeps hidden.  I smiled as I poured what little water I had over my wounds, cleaning myself the best I could. I wanted to die, but they wouldn't let me. Apparently I was some great prize for them and perhaps I hadn't been broken just yet and that's what they were waiting for. How much could Thomas Riker take before we break his spirit? Little did they know I had become broken inside but refused to show it to those bastards. They would never see just how wounded I had become. I had become a monster with the instincts of an animal and no one was coming to rescue me. Why would they, they already had their Riker.While sitting in my bitter, dank cell, I thought of better days. It didn't take long for the beatings to begin once I was dropped off on Lazon II after being tested like some lab rat on Cardassia Prime. Expendable was the word. So I went back, back to better days. Back to when I was a small boy running in the woods in Alaska, fishing, ice skating, sledding with my friends. I had dreams, when I was a small boy, of a little girl who would play with me in my dreams. She had long black hair and piercing blue eyes that reminded me so much of my own and she would show up now and again in my dreams at night in my cell. She urged me to remain strong. Other times, most times, Deanna would fill my thoughts and dreams. I would go back and relive the day we first met and the day I fell utterly and hopelessly in love with her. These are the things I would think of and dream of. I would go anywhere I could in my mind to avoid feeling the pain of humiliation and the physical and psychological pain the best that I could.I would also pray or ponder and ask whatever God there was out there why, but I never got a reply or if I did I wasn't in the position to really hear an answer. I was angry, very angry. I'm still angry. The anger toward the Cardassians kept me strong and tough on the outside. They could beat me until I was so close to death and I still would not beg them to stop. I'd rather have died then give them the pleasure of knowing they had broken me; mind, body or spirit.That night, when I received the stab wound from Talon I remember examining my shoulder, the blood trickling out of it, streaming down over my arm and fingers, dripping onto the floor. Suddenly, I began to experience spasms of pain in my shoulder and arm and my chest shook violently. I fell over onto the floor and a gush vomit flowed out as my ribs pulled in seeming to suffocate me. I rolled on the floor in the fetal position; coughing and spluttering, gasping for air, I wished to expire. After moments my body stilled and the cell turned silent as my eyes went black.I remember coming back to consciousness probably hours later. One by one I began to move my body parts; my legs, arms, fingers, toes, head. The pains had lessened and I lifted my head and from my lying position I could see the small slit in the wall. It was dark outside; I could see the sliver of a wonderless, unexceptional moon. Around it the sky had cleared leaving behind a black mass and all those millions of miles away, hundreds of sleeping stars. I gazed at the sliver of vastness and begged her to find me but knew she wouldn't even hear my call. She probably thought I gave up on her and had forgotten all about her again which was so far from the truth it stung me to the bone.  I'm not sure how long I stared out that slit in that wall that night but I do know I'd succumbed to exhaustion and finally slept. I was deep within a vivid, pleasant dream when my foot was kicked."Get up human waste."I opened my eyes and groggily looked at the men, if you could call a Cardassian that. To me they were and are walking, talking reptiles, nothing more. I recognized the camp leader Gasal and behind him stood two other Cardassians, Kalner and Dumat. There wasn't any sign of Talon. Gasal looked down at me huddled in the corner and he said, "So you're the great Thomas Riker, genetic riddle, are you? You don't look very great to me." Snickers passed around the cell. That was only the second time I'd seen Gasal. I couldn't really make out his face in the darkness; he was a featureless silhouette with two very impassive eyes staring back at me.I had wanted to ask him a question for months, a question to which other guards only replied, 'ask Gasal.' I stared right back at the bastard and lifted my chin in defiance, "Why are you keeping me alive?"Of course Gasal didn't answer. "Take him." He commanded in a gruff voice as he grabbed me and flung me over to the two guards in doorway. The guards began to drag me out of my cell and along the series of corridors. The air was thick in the narrow passages and there was the same nauseating stench as weeks ago when I was dragged into the cell.Behind us followed a brigade of officers, now having grown as others were called from adjoining rooms. I wondered what the hell. They finally turned into the vast yard that was blanketed in sand and I was thrown to the ground. I half staggered half crawled to the center. I lifted my head out of the dust and spat sand from my mouth. It was dawn, it was hot out and I was thankful for that as my mind went to her. It always did during times of impending peril, but knowing she wouldn't have a clue what I was going to experience. But the thoughts of her made me feel somehow safer in a strange way. I examined the crowd, there were many different species held prisoner there. They were near naked like me but for the few rags we called clothes. My eyes locked with a Romulan and he looked as though he wanted to save me. Be he wouldn't even be able to save himself with this many guards around.Blood began to trickle from my shoulder wound again and I was perspiring heavily. The wound was painful; it was as though it were being ripped apart. I clenched my teeth as I lay there prone on the ground. The pain! My head was aching and I felt like it was about to explode. I felt like I was about to pass out but closed my eyes and thought only of Deanna. Always to her as I was kicked hard by various guards. When I opened my eyes Gasal glared at me and sneered, "Enjoy being back in the general population great Thomas Riker. We'll see how long you survive." One more swift kick to the back and I was left to fend for myself. Which wouldn't have normally been a problem but I was badly wounded. I was going to die.Personal Logs  Thomas Riker  Stardate 2394.82One had to make alliances on Lazon II and I had done just that before I killed someone and was thrown into that solitary cell. I wasn't sure how long I'd spent in that bitterly cold cell but in a way was relieved to be back outside with the warmth of the sun beating down on me the morning after I was stabbed in the shoulder by Talon. I was still thinking of ways to kill the bastard.Once I'd gotten back outside of solitary those alliances had to be reformed, I lay there glowering at the other prisoners wanting to be left alone. Several came toward me, I knew what they wanted. If they could kill me they could take everything, which was nothing that I had, just the remainder of the shreds of clothes on my back and my boots. My boots were the prize. I tried to stand but failed miserably as they approached. My life flashed before my eyes just as the Romulan came to me and yelled, "Leave him be, he's mine." Imagine that a Romulan assisting a Human. He pulled me up, helped me to stand and nearly carried me to his little slice of hell in the general population.His name was S'tarn and he nursed me back to health and in doing so we'd become friends and allies. With his help I became stronger and able to fend for myself reforming certain alliances and over time we plotted our escape and I planned my revenge on Talon. S'tarn's people on the outside were coming for him; we'd just have to be vigilant for that day he'd told me. It wasn't long after I'd recovered from the latest beating that we were able to liberate ourselves from the camp and I had done what I promised myself I'd do before I left. I killed that son of a bitch.Liberated from one prison to what seemed another in my mind.  I became a slave, albeit more willing, of sorts but this time to a Romulan female who believed me to be William Riker and if that was my way to survive I would continue to let her believe that was who I was until I could take my leave of the Romulans without the aid of anyone from Starfleet. Starfleet never came they never would, nor would my own kin.Once I had escaped the Romulans I fled and made my way back to Federation space. But the scars the cover my body they will never heal they will forever be a reminder of who I am and am not.  And I'm beginning to wonder about the scars in my mind, will they ever heal. I think not. I shall keep them locked away and use them for food to fuel my anger when the need arises yet again. But I am still Thomas Riker a man not just a genetic mutation.Personal Logs Thomas Riker Stardate 2395.67While there on Cardassia I'd lost all track of my time spent there, not that a guard or a scientist wouldn't have taken a certain cruel pleasure in telling me, I just didn't care much. Veress was the chief scientist there and he had a deep hatred for humans. He liked to tell me that slowly in Cardassian and as a Maquis I had learned that language all too well and as a prisoner I knew it even better. He also would routinely tell me that they would eventually find out the truth about me, one way or another he would make certain of that and that the Federation would not be able to keep its secrets from the Cardassians.I remember the day Veress told me about the new scientist coming in. A very special scientist by the name of Duran Nol, one of Cardassia's leading authorities on genetics and how she would find out my secret even if she had to pull it out of me one molecule at a time. There weren't any comforts there in my cell and I'd sit curled up in a corner wondering, "What have I done? What have I done?" I asked myself that question as many times as there were stars in the sky, a sky I thought surely I may never have seen again. I had gone from one life of solitude to another and as clich� as it sounded I was split. The solider in me knew the risks were worth my beliefs but another part of me damned myself.Every day they would come for me and it would be one test or another. The guards were incessantly cruel and I had a feeling they enjoyed it. I was tired. The electromagnetic lock was released and I knew they were coming for me again. "Hello freak of science, you have a visitor." That's when I knew the new scientist had arrived but I refused to stand. The guard walked over to me and grabbed me, "Get up Human, it's time to test you some more." I met this Duran Nor she wasn't as cruel as the other scientists. For a time I actually thought she had a soul. That was the day I found out that I was only nine years old. I actually laughed, there I was a grown man in his 30's, but she was right, genetically I was only nine. She told me she'd only known me for a day but could look into my eyes and see a man, a person and that I was suffering because of a war. She was and will be the only Cardassian that I believe has a soul. But her say so alone wouldn't be enough to save me. Once they finished testing me they put me on a ship and took me away to Lazon II. 

~Hermione Jean~

03/16/2012 06:48 PM 

Hermione's Guidelines

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to be Emma Watson or Hermione Granger. If you happen to believe I am really her....then I advise you to go and get your head checked. I am just a roleplayer. STORYLINES/STARTERS: I am here to roleplay, just like everyone else. So don't ask if I want to roleplay because that is silly. I do like to discuss storylines before sending a starter out or receiving one. I just feel it's best to discuss them, end of story. LENGTH: I will not accept one liners!!! If you send me one, I will delete it. If you like to write short, then a paragraph is fine. I am more of a muti-paragraph roleplayer and   I will accept novella. Just note if you send me a novella, expect me to take a lot longer to reply to you. Just saying. ABSOLUTELY NO GOD-MODING! RELATIONSHIPS: Don't be thinking you can get Hermione into bed because it isn't going to happen. She must be in a relationship for that to happen. She won't jump into a relationship either, it takes time to build a relationship and make a connection with someone. So...bottom line...she won't rush into anything. COMMENTS/MESSAGES: I don't care how you contact me, just as long as you do so. I am not a number for you and if that is what you're looking for then just delete me and look elsewhere. I will not roleplay in messages, it's too confusing and well it annoys me. I do want each and every one of my friends to talk to me, so go on and send me a comment or a message. Let's see if you can make me smile. ABSOLUTELY NO DRAMA!REAL LIFE: We all have one and I am like most, I have a real life. I am on here everyday and if by chance I'm not, then that means I am busy. So please don't whine to me about getting to your reply. I promise to get to everything when I can. NO TEXT TALK! That is all for now...if something comes up, I will post more. Please note that I love receiving huggles and chocolate!! Make me happy and sign below. -Hermione Jean

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