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08/07/2013 10:12 PM 

Guidelines, I reckon?

1) Generic Disclaimer- First things first, obviously I am not Chuck Hansen, or Robert Krazinsky, and I have no affiliation with Pacific Rim. 2) Activity- I work full time. I go to school full time. I have friends and I'm in a serious relationship in real life. So please understand that while I do enjoy role playing, it is not my first priority. So when I get to your reply I get to it. If it takes me an extra day I do apologize but again, this is not my top priority. 3) Discussing Story-lines-  Yes, I want to role-play, yes I am always open to connections. If you are an original character, I need more to work off of than "I'm Stacker's son." If you expect me to start, I need a proper synopsis and a general idea of where we're going with a storyline. I don't have pre-made starters, I write each one for different people, so don't ask me to "send over a starter", any and all messages and comments like that as the first introduction will be immediately ignored and deleted. 4) The Cliche Guideline About Spelling and Punctuation- I am a very serious role player and while I can ignore the simple "they're/there/their" or "you're/your", blatant disregard for grammar/spelling is not accepted. I write in general anywhere from 500-1000 words per reply, sometimes more, depending on the situation going on, if I write you a detailed starter I don't want to see 100 - 200 word replies, put a little dedication into your work. 5) The "You Add, You Talk" Rule- Don't bother me with that. If I add you its because I find you interesting and a possible connection. If I notice that you are either rude or illiterate then I will not attempt to reach out. Plus, what are we 10? Why can't we just message and comment each other with no problem? We're all here to roleplay, are we not? 6) Mains and Connections- While I will reply to my mains first, I will always at least respond. You may not be first but you will always receive a response. As far as mains, I have them, who doesn't? But I will not ignore a role player of the same character. Different people, different storylines, more fun. 7) Stealing/Jocking- Because this has happened to me before, I have to mention it on here now, please, do not steal my pictures, layout, information, etc. I work hard on finding, editing and compiling all my work and to see someone steal it is such a let down. Be original. As far as storylines, don't steal my work, that's plagiarism  and I will report you. I work for sometimes hours on starters/replies, have a little self-respect and write your own stuff. Thank you. 8) Pestering - This goes with Guideline #2, do not, and I repeat, do not pester me for a reply. That's rude, frustrating and annoying. We could have the best storyline going on, but if you annoy and constantly message me I probably will ignore you. 9) Manners - Haven't your parents taught you to treat others how you want to be treated? Don't ever message me, or comment me angrily without evidence to back up your statements. Simple as it is, I am here to have fun, not fight and argue like a bunch of children. If anyone is rude, or disrespectful I will have no problem in deleting you.  10) Personal matters - Don't ask me about my personal life. I won't tell you my name, or where I live, or where I go to college or what I'm like. This isn't a social networking or dating site, you're here to WRITE and have fun with other writers. So don't go "hey text me!" because I wont. You're not someone I know personally so why need my number/location? Chill the fuck out, mate.11) Roleplaying Sex- I don't understand the people who message me with the intent to "hook up". I do not get any thrill or gratification from roleplaying sex. I don't mind mentions of it in storyline, and should it come up in a storyline I will roleplay it. But please do not message me with that. Find someone else.  These are not rules, just guidelines. Don't worry there's no ridiculous "If you are reading these, sign with your _______". Cheers.


08/07/2013 06:46 PM 

Important/Significant Relationships

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Important/Significant Relationships; ------------------------------------------------------------------------Kyan [Role Status: Taken/ Link to be posted shortly]Kyan plays a vital role in Louis' life... As a child, Louis was disowned by his parents and sent to St. Mungos, and then sent to live with relatives in London, who only sent him to live by himself in the Yorkshire area because of his "getting sick" (see personality). Kyan, is a demon. He happens upon Louis while the young child is en route to his new home by himself. He does not approach Louis at first, but merely observes him. He is attracted to him for some unknown reason. Though, it is probably because Louis' dog is a demon dog. (this is unknown to Louis or anyone who is not a demon. And no one ever tells him.) The dog has been in the family since before Louis was born, and is always close by to protect him. The dog actually ran away from the family's estate and followed Louis to London and then again to Yorkshire.Kyan stalks him for some days, noting the nightmares, letting himself into the home while the child sleeps. And finally, one night when Louis wakes up from one of his nightmares, Kyan is at his bedside and forms a sort of contract with the child. It's not a definite contract, as Kyan merely wants to guide Louis in the direction of power. It is assumed that Louis holds great potential, and could become useful even to those from the underworld. So, The contract does not give Kyan the reward of Louis' soul, but rather his services once he's reached the level of power Kyan is looking for. Until then, Kyan acts as a sort of big brother/Butler. He cares for Louis. Makes sure no danger comes his way. But, at the same time, feeds darkness into him... Whispers into his thoughts while he sleeps, to implant ideas. Kyan is the reason Louis goes back to Spain and murders one of his brothers.In Louis' mind, Kyan is perfect, and is the only person in the world that understands him completely. There is a definite sexual tension between them, and Kyan will initiate sexual advances as he pleases, because they make The bond between himself and Louis stronger. He wants to keep Louis loyal to him, because he knows Louis could easily be snatched away by someone else (Love interests, friends, relationships, etc.). Kyan only ever shows kindness and affection to Louis, and is indifferent and/or cruel to anyone else, unless Louis orders him to treat them nicely. Most times, Louis just finds this amusing, though.. and he does try to push Kyan's buttons sometimes with this. Push him to his breaking point, which usually just results in angry sex, or something along those lines (Unless Kyan just wants him to shut up, then he just threatens the bunny).Side Note: Kyan is like Sebastian Michaelis from Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) and Agatsuma Soubi from Loveless. With a bit of Seimei Aoyagi from Loveless as well. When he has to fight for Louis, he does so to the death. Anyone that hurts or bothers Louis, he slaughters. No exceptions (unless Louis gives specific instructions not to kill). The way Kyan sees it, Louis is his possession. His pet. And no one touches his things. More coming soon...Back to "Louis Rincewood, In Depth".............................


08/07/2013 06:44 PM 

General Relationships with Others

------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Relationships with Others; ------------------------------------------------------------------------Though, this is mostly dependent upon personality types, in general Louis tends to be more playful and innocent with those of the same sex/gender (males). This is because he sees most men in the same light as an older brother or father. He has some 'daddy issues', obviously, since he was his father's favourite. So male acceptance is very big with him. He forms most of his close relations (friends or lovers) with men because of this.  He will go out of his way to make the men in his life pleased with him, and get them to see him as a valuable asset to secure his post  in their life.Women tend to bring out a more masculine side from him (Again, this depends on personality types, as well). Granted, of course, that he actually likes the female he's interacting with. This tends to be hard to accomplish since Louis considers females to be lesser than men. And, the only female he truly respects in the same manner as a man is Bellatrix Lestrange. But, once he does grow fond of a female, he protects them fiercely, and can be a real gentleman. The sort that opens the door for you every time, helps you over puddles, etc. Other times, he will see a female more as a motherly figure (This seems to be more common as of late). And, he will act more like a child needling coddling with these females.Now, while Louis does seem like a social butterfly, there are some types of people he will never associate with, never get along with, and/or have hostile relations with, and will likely attempt to maim or kill them on a frequent to daily basis (This is because of the way he was raised, and the fact that he considers himself a Nazi). They are as follows: Mudbloods Half bloods Half breeds Muggles (exceptions do apply.) Coloured People Jews / Any religion that isn't Roman CatholicBack to "Louis Rincewood, In Depth".............................


08/07/2013 06:40 PM 

Powers & Supernatural Beings

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Powers & Supernatural Beings; ------------------------------------------------------------------------Supernatural beings, especially demons, Seem to be attracted to him. They always find him. They're lured in by something, though, it is not exactly clear as to what they are attracted to about him. There is a lot of speculation, though, that they are attracted to him because they can just feel the level of magic he can produce and/or is capable of producing, as, he is very powerful. He is considered extremely lethal in the Wizarding community. He is a dark wizard, and is faithful to the dark lord (Voldemort for Marauder & Trio era RPers, or whoever the dark lord is in Next Gen storylines). Sorted into Slytherin, he is quickly liked and finds comfort, companionship and warmth in his House. He becomes obsessed with his own House, and seldom speaks or associates with anyone from any other House (And never associating with mudbloods or muggles), preferring only the companionship from members of the same House (this includes love interests). Those in Slytherin he is closest to come from dark Wizarding families, who introduce him to the world of Death Eaters, and he actually becomes one before returning to school for his Seventh Year at Hogwarts. He flies through the ranks of Death Eaters, and considers himself to be one of the most loyal servants of the Dark Lord; right up there with Bellatrix Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr. Because of his age, he is appointed to recruit and train new graduates from across the Globe, and his Militaristic tactics for training are seen as severe, but effective. Nearly everyone under his instruction is considered valuable to their cause, and those who are not considered as such, were never given the chance to disappoint the Dark Lord: killed. Death before disappointment. Death before dishonour. Back to "Louis Rincewood, In Depth"........................


08/07/2013 06:38 PM 


------------------------------------------------------------------------ Personality; ------------------------------------------------------------------------Louis, comes off as rather innocent. Like a loving, curious, naive little boy who needs kindness and warmth and someone who can guide him between right and wrong. And, he can be that boy. He longs for close friendships, relationships and attention in general, because he is constantly trying to fill a void that has been plaguing him since childhood, since his parents disowned him so many years ago, when he was just four years of age. This act has taken a real toll on Louis development-wise. He lacks real socialization skills, and has severe attachment issues. He still keeps his home with toys from his childhood because he has a horrible fear of losing anything anymore, and so, he hoards his childhood items to preserve what is left of his memories. That said, the only real item from his childhood that is of absolute importance is a small, white, stuffed bunny rabbit that his maternal grandmother gave him. He literally takes it with him everywhere. At any given time, he will have it on hand. Always. He does, on occasion, lose the bunny.. usually by setting it down somewhere on accident... which only results in Kyan having to retrace every step and sniffing the stuffed animal out, even rip it out of a child's hands just to return it to Louis. (More on Kyan under Important/Significant Relationships.)But the innocence Louis flaunts is just one of his many faces. The longer one gets to know Louis, the more his darkness comes out. And he can easily spiral deep into it around the right types of people. He has mental issues, and is considered mentally unstable. He did spend time in the mental ward of St. Mungos for a few years, after all. He likes to lurk and observe. Stalk. He is obsessive. Compulsive. A borderline sociopath. He is a bit of a masochist and can endure extreme amounts of physical pain. Because of this, he was even trained to resist the effects of both the Cruciatus curse and the Imperious curse. Aside from that, he is an extremely picky eater and has issues with textures of food. His manners are almost non-existent as well, because he was never really taught any (He pretty much raised himself, remember). Most times, he will just eat with his hands, no matter what the dish (pasta, steak, mashed potatoes, etc.). The only times he uses actual utensils are when he knows he's in a public setting, being watched/judged, trying to impress someone, or when asked. This shows that he does know better than to eat with his bare hands, but is just too set in his ways at this point to change. Further, he only eats with spoons or sporks, but never forks. He has an intense fear of forks that he does not like to elaborate on. Other fears include bugs, dying/death (unless purposely inflicting it upon someone), isolation, losing people/friends, being replaced, etc.Back to "Louis Rincewood, In Depth"........................


08/07/2013 06:35 PM 

Brief Background

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brief Background; ------------------------------------------------------------------------Born into a wealthy, prestigious, Pure Blooded Wizarding family in Cartegena, Spain, Louis was always the favourite child in his family. This was most evident with his father, who would tote him around proudly, showing him off to anyone and everyone. He never put the child down when he spent time with him. But, everything changed when Louis was about four years of age. He was in a tragic accident (revolving around an innocent game of hide and seek between himself and his older brothers), which he actually died from. It is only because a neighbor revived him that he is even alive today. When he came to, everything seemed fine at first, but having experienced death, Louis from that day forward could see things others could not. Louis can see ghosts and spirits. Things not of this world. They give him horrible nightmares, thus causing him to refrain from sleeping. Lack of sleep makes him a little unhinged. So he's got his quirks... and these other worldly beings can see him. They torment him. And they can, at times, inflict physical harm, though they mostly just infiltrate his mind, either for their own amusement, or for him to do their bidding, causing him to grow more and more unstable. Some of them even attempt to use his body as a vessel, take it over completely. These visions are what brought his family to disown him, sending him off to a Wizarding Hospital in Spain, who referred him to St. Mungos, who could not help him and often left him alone in a padded room, which was the ultimate pleasure for the spirits. This is the reason Louis does not like to be alone. And the only species of beings these occurrences cease completely for are demons and angels (and also very powerful vampires of a 'noble' bloodline that can control spirits or repel them). Back to "Louis Rincewood, In Depth"........................


08/07/2013 06:17 PM 

Everything on One Page....

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brief Background; ------------------------------------------------------------------------Born into a wealthy, prestigious, Pure Blooded Wizarding family in Cartegena, Spain, Louis was always the favourite child in his family. This was most evident with his father, who would tote him around proudly, showing him off to anyone and everyone. He never put the child down when he spent time with him. But, everything changed when Louis was about four years of age. He was in a tragic accident (revolving around an innocent game of hide and seek between himself and his older brothers), which he actually died from. It is only because a neighbor revived him that he is even alive today. When he came to, everything seemed fine at first, but having experienced death, Louis from that day forward could see things others could not. Louis can see ghosts and spirits. Things not of this world. They give him horrible nightmares, thus causing him to refrain from sleeping. Lack of sleep makes him a little unhinged. So he's got his quirks... and these other worldly beings can see him. They torment him. And they can, at times, inflict physical harm, though they mostly just infiltrate his mind, either for their own amusement, or for him to do their bidding, causing him to grow more and more unstable. Some of them even attempt to use his body as a vessel, take it over completely. These visions are what brought his family to disown him, sending him off to a Wizarding Hospital in Spain, who referred him to St. Mungos, who could not help him and often left him alone in a padded room, which was the ultimate pleasure for the spirits. This is the reason Louis does not like to be alone. And the only species of beings these occurrences cease completely for are demons and angels (and also very powerful vampires of a 'noble' bloodline that can control spirits or repel them). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Personality; ------------------------------------------------------------------------Louis, comes off as rather innocent. Like a loving, curious, naive little boy who needs kindness and warmth and someone who can guide him between right and wrong. And, he can be that boy. He longs for close friendships, relationships and attention in general, because he is constantly trying to fill a void that has been plaguing him since childhood, since his parents disowned him so many years ago, when he was just four years of age. This act has taken a real toll on Louis development-wise. He lacks real socialization skills, and has severe attachment issues. He still keeps his home with toys from his childhood because he has a horrible fear of losing anything anymore, and so, he hoards his childhood items to preserve what is left of his memories. That said, the only real item from his childhood that is of absolute importance is a small, white, stuffed bunny rabbit that his maternal grandmother gave him. He literally takes it with him everywhere. At any given time, he will have it on hand. Always. He does, on occasion, lose the bunny.. usually by setting it down somewhere on accident... which only results in Kyan having to retrace every step and sniffing the stuffed animal out, even rip it out of a child's hands just to return it to Louis. (More on Kyan under Important/Significant Relationships.)But the innocence Louis flaunts is just one of his many faces. The longer one gets to know Louis, the more his darkness comes out. And he can easily spiral deep into it around the right types of people. He has mental issues, and is considered mentally unstable. He did spend time in the mental ward of St. Mungos for a few years, after all. He likes to lurk and observe. Stalk. He is obsessive. Compulsive. A borderline sociopath. He is a bit of a masochist and can endure extreme amounts of physical pain. Because of this, he was even trained to resist the effects of both the cruciatus curse and the imperious curse. Aside from that, he is an extremely picky eater and has issues with textures of food. His manners are almost non-existent as well, because he was never really taught any (He pretty much raised himself, remember). Most times, he will just eat with his hands, no matter what the dish (pasta, steak, mashed potatoes, etc.). The only times he uses actual utensils are when he knows he's in a public setting, being watched/judged, trying to impress someone, or when asked. This shows that he does know better than to eat with his bare hands, but is just too set in his ways at this point to change. Further, he only eats with spoons or sporks, but never forks. He has an intense fear of forks that he does not like to elaborate on. Other fears include bugs, dying/death (unless purposely inflicting it upon someone), isolation, losing people/friends, being replaced, etc.------------------------------------------------------------------------ Powers & Supernatural Beings; ------------------------------------------------------------------------Supernatural beings, especially demons, Seem to be attracted to him. They always find him. They're lured in by something, though, it is not exactly clear as to what they are attracted to about him. There is a lot of speculation, though, that they are attracted to him because they can just feel the level of magic he can produce and/or is capable of producing, as, he is very powerful. He is considered extremely lethal in the Wizarding community. He is a dark wizard, and is faithful to the dark lord (Voldemort for Marauder & Trio era RPers, or whoever the dark lord is in Next Gen storylines). Sorted into Slytherin, he is quickly liked and finds comfort, companionship and warmth in his House. He becomes obsessed with his own House, and seldom speaks or associates with anyone from any other House (And never associating with mudbloods or muggles), preferring only the companionship from members of the same House (this includes love interests). Those in Slytherin he is closest to come from dark Wizarding families, who introduce him to the world of Death Eaters, and he actually becomes one before returning to school for his Seventh Year at Hogwarts. He flies through the ranks of Death Eaters, and considers himself to be one of the most loyal servants of the Dark Lord; right up there with Bellatrix Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr. Because of his age, he is appointed to recruit and train new graduates from across the Globe, and his Militaristic tactics for training are seen as severe, but effective. Nearly everyone under his instruction is considered valuable to their cause, and those who are not considered as such, were never given the chance to disappoint the Dark Lord: killed. Death before disappointment. Death before dishonour. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Relationships with Others; ------------------------------------------------------------------------Though, this is mostly dependent upon personality types, in general Louis tends to be more playful and innocent with those of the same sex/gender (males). This is because he sees most men in the same light as an older brother or father. He has some 'daddy issues', obviously, since he was his father's favourite. So male acceptance is very big with him. He forms most of his close relations (friends or lovers) with men because of this.  He will go out of his way to make the men in his life pleased with him, and get them to see him as a valuable asset to secure his post  in their life.Women tend to bring out a more masculine side from him (Again, this depends on personality types, as well). Granted, of course, that he actually likes the female he's interacting with. This tends to be hard to accomplish since Louis considers females to be lesser than men. And, the only female he truly respects in the same manner as a man is Bellatrix Lestrange. But, once he does grow fond of a female, he protects them fiercely, and can be a real gentleman. The sort that opens the door for you every time, helps you over puddles, etc. Other times, he will see a female more as a motherly figure (This seems to be more common as of late). And, he will act more like a child needling coddling with these females.Now, while Louis does seem like a social butterfly, there are some types of people he will never associate with, never get along with, and/or have hostile relations with, and will likely attempt to maim or kill them on a frequent to daily basis (This is because of the way he was raised, and the fact that he considers himself a Nazi). They are as follows: Mudbloods Half bloods Half breeds Muggles (exceptions do apply.) Coloured People Jews / Any religion that isn't Roman Catholic------------------------------------------------------------------------ Important/Significant Relationships; ------------------------------------------------------------------------Kyan [Role: Selectively Available, though someone is in mind]Kyan plays a vital role in Louis' life... As a child, Louis was disowned by his parents and sent to St. Mungos, and then sent to live with relatives in London, who only sent him to live by himself in the Yorkshire area because of his "getting sick" (see personality). Kyan, is a demon. He happens upon Louis while the young child is en route to his new home by himself. He does not approach Louis at first, but merely observes him. He is attracted to him for some unknown reason. Though, it is probably because Louis' dog is a demon dog. (this is unknown to Louis or anyone who is not a demon. And no one ever tells him.) The dog has been in the family since before Louis was born, and is always close by to protect him. The dog actually ran away from the family's estate and followed Louis to London and then again to Yorkshire.Kyan stalks him for some days, noting the nightmares, letting himself into the home while the child sleeps. And finally, one night when Louis wakes up from one of his nightmares, Kyan is at his bedside and forms a sort of contract with the child. It's not a definite contract, as Kyan merely wants to guide Louis in the direction of power. It is assumed that Louis holds great potential, and could become useful even to those from the underworld. So, The contract does not give Kyan the reward of Louis' soul, but rather his services once he's reached the level of power Kyan is looking for. Until then, Kyan acts as a sort of big brother/Butler. He cares for Louis. Makes sure no danger comes his way. But, at the same time, feeds darkness into him... Whispers into his thoughts while he sleeps, to implant ideas. Kyan is the reason Louis goes back to Spain and murders one of his brothers.In Louis' mind, Kyan is perfect, and is the only person in the world that understands him completely. There is a definite sexual tension between them, and Kyan will initiate sexual advances as he pleases, because they make The bond between himself and Louis stronger. He wants to keep Louis loyal to him, because he knows Louis could easily be snatched away by someone else (Love interests, friends, relationshipts, etc.). Kyan only ever shows kindness and affection to Louis, and is indifferent and/or cruel to anyone else, unless Louis orders him to treat them nicely. Most times, Louis just finds this amusing, though.. and he does try to push Kyan's buttons sometimes with this. Push him to his breaking point, which usually just results in angry sex, or something along those lines (Unless Kyan just wants him to shut up, then he just threatens the bunny).Side Note: Kyan is like Sebastian Michaelis from Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) and Agatsuma Soubi from Loveless. With a bit of Seimei Aoyagi from Loveless as well. When he has to fight for Louis, he does so to the death. Anyone that hurts or bothers Louis, he slaughters. No exceptions (unless Louis gives specific instructions not to kill). The way Kyan sees it, Louis is his possession. His pet. And no one touches his things. More coming soon...Back to "Louis Rincewood, In Depth" Navi.............................


08/07/2013 06:12 PM 

Louis Rincewood: In Depth

------------------------------------------------------------------- Louis Rincewood, In Depth; -------------------------------------------------------------------o1. Brief Background................................o2. Personality .......................................o3. Powers & Supernatural Beings.............o4. General Relationships with Others.........o5. Important/Significant Relationships......o6. Everything on One Page......................

Lilith the Siren

08/05/2013 11:48 PM 

Current mood:  calm

Although I am a very open RPer, I do have rules and I would like them to be respected. In the event that one or some of these rules are broken, a simple warning will be sent via comment. If it happens again, you will be deleted immediately. I. Reply Length ---> I usually don't mind one liners, especially when an Rp has reached a rather low point or there just isn't much action going on, but if I send you a multi para or para reply I expect the same in return. Simple enough.II. God Modding ---> Easy. You god mod, I will god mod right back. III. New Friends ---> I personally don't mind being just another friend on your list, but if I do send you a thank you message please respond with at least a "Your Welcome." :) IV. Characters ---> If, in the event you don't feel any of my Characters suit you fancy, I am willing to tailor one specifically for any Rp. I just need a minimum of 24 hours to fully create their design and back story.  V. Roleplay ---> Anything that happens in roleplay, stays in roleplay. All of my characters are open to anything, but just because one of my OCs is having a romantic relationship with your Character in a Rp doesn't mean you have officially claimed them unless otherwise permitted by me. VI. Starters ---> I generally am not oppose to sending starters. I do, although, prefer to discuss an Rp before doing so. I understand that some may not be as freestyle as I am and in respect to that, feel that it is only appropriate if we plan an Rp before I send the starter. If in the chance, my starter isn't to your liking, let me know. Constructive critisism is always welcomed! :)VII. Mature Content ---> Despite usually keeping my Rps at PG-13, I do add some mature themes upon request or if I feel I don't want to censor myself thus I do warn that if you are on 18+, you might want to let me know or you might get scarred for life. VIII. Messages and Comments ---> Messages aren't restricted to RPs only. I do prefer that you make it apparent if we are speaking in real life terms and not in RP. I don't want you to message me out of character, yet still in your RP style. I WILL get confused. Comments are for RL messages only and perhaps some one shot RPs. I don't like answering RPs in comments so if you send a starter in a comment, I will just reply back in a message of ask you to resend the starter in a message.Thanks for reading and I hope we can be close friends! :)

Kathie Beckett

08/04/2013 11:09 PM 

Da Rules

I am not Lauren Cohan. I made up the character Kathie Beckett, so she belongs to me. The show Castle does not. I will have more than one main, unless it's a love interest. Rping with just one Kate or one Castle isn't right. If you want to start drama just leave my page now and never return. Don't pull any Simba crap and come back to the homeland after years and years and think you can start something....yes, that's a Lion King reference....Since I am an AU, I will not be following some of the show. Most of it is the same, but somethings will vary. There will be times where I just do not feel like replying. Not because your reply isn't well written, it's just because I'm an English major off rp and there are times where I just have to write so much the thought of writing a reply makes me want to jump off a bridge. If you are not up to date with Castle I may spoil it for you. Like I stated before, I do change some aspects, but most of my storyline goes with the show.Have fun :) Sign below. Don't just give me the read and understood stuff. Give me something good. 


08/02/2013 11:22 PM 

The Chaos Theory
Current mood:  artistic

Part 1   I feel the sweet caress of wind on my face and love in a song, I sense balance in the world and a place to belong.  ~Clint's writer ;p   March 2, 2011 New York City. The Big Apple. The City that Never Slept, and a hundred other stupid nicknames created by travel agents and politicians A city of dreams, starts, and failures. From the colonial settlers, to the immigrants who landed on Ellis Island, aspiring actors looking to make it big on Broadway, artist who dreamed of seeing there work in one of the hundreds of galleries in the city. Athletes, doctors, lawyers, anyone and everyone could come here and reinvent themselves. In all actuality, very few of the people who came here ever truly made it; but for that small percentage who did, the sky became the limit, and this city became home. That's why Clint Barton had come here the first time, to look for a fresh beginning, a new start. He hoped to reinvent Hawkeye and become the hero he had set out to be. He had found that fresh start, and had lived a life that most people would only ever dream of. Still, like most things in life, after a while, he took it for granted, began to have doubts, lost his way. So he left, buried his past and abandoned his life and hit the road, looking for a new path, searching for who he was and where did that path lead him? Right back there. To New York. To the life he left. There was no use fighting it anymore. New York was home. He had sincerely considered giving up the hero gig again. Going away silently into the night like a cowboy riding off in the sunset with a bow in his hand instead of a six shooter. His pride wouldn't let him though. He craved adventure, the next uncertainty that was waiting for him around the next corner. Hell, he would even settle for a broken nose if the right person administered the blow. A few words he remembered from a old Tupac song rang in his head: A hero dies a thousand deaths but a soldier dies but once. In this world, the words had meaning. How many times had a hero died and returned? Even he had died and came back but he had never died the right way. As a soldier. What he had been so early in his career. What he longed to be now. Somewhere along the path of being the voice of reason and friendship, he had forgotten the number one reason he had become who he was. It was more than living a legacy, it was him living the life for everyone that never had a chance. The bum on the corner with a can in his hand asking for handouts, the kid that never saw his hoop dreams come to fruition because of some dumbass with a gun, the kid in the carney that saw a life on the road as his only option. As always, eventually, the meaning got lost in the blur that is life. The world kept spinning but Clint couldn't keep up with the rotation. The real and the phony, the truth and the lies, smooth talk and bullshit. After a long vacation though, his eyes were wide open to it all. He saw things in a different light. Clint had considered staying in L.A. after he had arrived in this reality but knew their was too much at risk if he had. There was always the possibility of this times Hawkeye seeing him and that would have been a humongous no no. There was too much as stake now. He was too close to reaching his home reality to die in a foreign one. At least in NY, if someone did see him that he knew, he could play off as being the real deal. Tonight however, Clint sat emotionless on a bench in a  workout room, the lights dimmed to fit his mood. His workout had been intense but he had actually almost got his head blown off once for losing his concentration. A rookie move if he had ever seen one and it was committed by him. Wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead, he stood up to begin again. Frustration and stress were a bitch to get rid of and this was the only way he could see to do it without hurting someone. He wanted to keep going. His spirit was willing but his body had been pushed to the edge. He hated down time because that's when the memories came back, that's when everything he had fought for came back to punch him in his gut. A constant reminder of his failures. When he was moving and fighting, he had something to focus his aggression on. When he stopped, all there was, was darkness. Fatigue. Uncertainty. The dim lights flickered in the training room. Clint's head jolted up and he rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands. How long had he been a sleep? That thought was brought to an abrupt halt as he heard a voice fade in from nothingness. He lowered his hands as he saw the silhouette of a chunky man walk into the room but remain in the shadow. "Buck?" No. It couldn't be him. Clint had watched him die just a few month's earlier. Rubbing his eyes again, Clint looked down and then back up towards the man in the shadows. ''s me boy. I didn't expect to come to ya like this but ya know the old saying, shit happens and then ya die.' Buck stepped from the shadows, all decked out in Trickshot costume but was fazing in and out like some communication device from Star Wars. Buck let out a light laugh, his stomach that was large from years of beer drinking wiggling some. 'Normally Clint, I would slap ya upside the head and tell ya to wake the hell up. I can't do it this time son.' Clint was completely confused now by what was going on and was about to speak when Buck interrupted him. 'It's not gonna be good news son. I had to come and warn ya's. I know..I know, this would have to be some life altering journey that you will have had to slowly discover on your own, but hands have been forced, and the world is going to need you very soon. Son? Ya helped change my life once. I just wanted to return the favor.' Clint finally got a word through. "What are you talking about Buck and what are you doing here?" Buck raised a hand as if to quiet Clint before continuing. 'Quiet Clint..I don't have much time here. One of these days ya gonna learn to shut the hell up while grown folks are talking. Just listen to me boy.' Clint leaned forward and then stood up, walking towards his former mentor and stopping a few feet away from him. Buck continued. 'Ya spared me an eternity of suffering and grief. Ya forgave me in the moment of my twilight and you found it in your heart to look past what I had been and seen what I had become. Ya saved my soul Clint when I couldn't even save myself. The least I could do was steer ya back in the right direction. Take ya back to basics. It's not about the fancy weapons or the rock star life style, Clint. Deep down, ya know that but real life keeps throwing you too many curveballs. Now ya using that shit for a crutch. What really matters are ya friends, ya God given skills, and ya heart. I've seen ya find two of those in the last few months. He's coming boy and your gonna beat the devil. Ya gonna go home, find ya friends, and save the world again. If ya don't son. Ya loose it all. Don't let that happen Clint...' Buck turned and walked towards the entrance of the training room. 'They're coming. Nic's coming, ya gotta be ready...' Trickshot turned to face Clint. 'I'd love to get in on one more good ole scrap with ya boy but this is as far as I was permitted to go by the man upstairs. It's your time to shine now, kid. I've done all I can, it's your time to shine. Give them hell Clint.' Clint nodded as he watched his mentor fade into nothingness. He took a second to reflect, then gazed at the various weapons around the room. Slowly, surely, a sly grin crossed his face. A moment later, he jolted up again, his eyes blinking rapidly as he sit straight up on the bench. "I have to get home..."   Part 2   Dear Niesa, It's times like these when I wish you were here. No, not in a love me, love me not way but in the ways you were when we first met. In many ways, you were my guide psychologically when I first reappeared in this world. You were my rock. Many thought I was dead after what happened with Wanda but you knew better. Something in me had changed, my energy was different; the residue of the chaos magic's ran through my aura like blood through my veins. The jumps are becoming more frequent. It's like dying all over again with each time I see the light. I can't stop it and now I can't at least time it out so I can prepare. It was weeks before and now it's less than a day before the next jump. Something's got to give before I completely lose my grip on reality. Maybe this is what Steve was describing he went through when everyone thought he was dead. Hell, maybe I'm dead and this is Mephisto's permanent revenge on me for what went down with Bobbi in Satannish's realm. Regardless, I remember what you taught me and I'm preparing for the worst.... God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.   March 10, 2009 , District X Clint Barton's eyes jolted open within the darkness, hearing that voice. His head spun, looking around, trying to find the source. But deep down, in a relatively small part of him anymore... He knew it wasn't really there. All that he had heard was a desperate attempt to find even a shread of light in the blackness that cloaked his being. But that was long gone now and he looked up. What would've usually been the sight of a clear or cloudy sky was replaced with the noise of New York City traffic and the sight of the streets below. He wasn't looking up at to the heavens. He was looking down at hell. "Damn it. It happened again..." He couldn't lie to himself... His sudden appearance in the city when he didn't remember coming here was now a routine way of waking up. So surprise didn't exactly overwhelm him. However, for once, he wished he could feel as in control as he used to. Now he was a puppet for people he didn't want to admit to. This being? It went by a name. A name Clint came up with when he was a mere teenager. During... well, greater times... Happier times. Times he wished he could go back to. But now the name was tainted... misused beyond the point. It's name was the name Hawkeye. And tonight, it had work to do. Clint would join it in it's work... even though he was just a backseat passenger, in a sense. "Ready for some fun, Hawkeye?", He told himself, looking at his darkened reflection in the window across from him. "Of course not. You never are. But then again... Look where that got you." Standing straight, Clint reached to his bow and pulled it from around his chiseled chest, reaching for a grappling arrow and loading it to his bowline. Pulling back on the arrow with his thumb and index finger to his full wingspan, he released the arrow. The arrow snagged a nearby ledge, giving him all the time in the world. "What was it you said, Clint? The day this all started? Oh yeah...", Hawkeye said, before leaping off the rooftop and swinging downwards. "Look out, world. Cause here comes Hawkeye." He mockingly repeated, before letting go of the line. "You really were such a pathetic asshole back then. But don't worry. After all..." Hawkeye continued, with a smirk curling under his purple mask. "You have me." That small part of Clint was scared. Because he knew that, once again... He was in for hell if he let his other personality free.   March 10, 2005 Manhattan, New York   "What the fuck hit me? The Thing?!?" Clint mumbled to himself as he lifted his hand to his head and attempted to shake off the pain that was now fading throughout his body. Sliding his hand slowly across his face, his eyes fluttered open just as a shadowy figure appeared before him, his arms outstretched in what appeared to be a large cloak. Something whizzed by his head just as he dropped his hand to help himself up to his feet. Then an explosion erupted behind him and the sound of voices became clearer to him. 'Hawkeye!!! Get your ass over here now! We gotta jet!! ' The man he recognized almost immediately...It was Luke Cage but he was in his old Power Man get up. Just what the hell was going on here? Luke motioned for Clint frantically as the figured continuously hovered above him. Clint began to move forward as a man in a white cape and cowl ran by him and then stopped, returning to Clint's side. 'Let's go Hawkeye. They're right behind us and were not leaving you behind.' Clint flashed the man a curious look and spoke. "Marc?" The man nodded his head and pulled at Clint's arm. 'Moon Knight while were out and about let's go while we still can.' Clint didn't ask any more questions but began to run stride for stride with Moon Knight until they reached the blackness of the cloaked man. Luke yelled out just as the two entered. 'NOW TY!!!' The cloak wrapped closed and all of the people inside seemed to vanish into thin air. A moment later, the cloak opened up and the three men walked out into the light that was Josie's Bar in Sapien Town. Clint had been here before but always looked at it as something that never really happened. A cruel joke that Wanda had played on the world several years earlier. Or was it the other way around? Had he dreamed all of what happened before. Was it just a psychological thing? He didn't know really at the moment and Luke didn't give him a chance to figure it out before getting in Clint's face as soon as the cloak closed. 'CHRISTMAS! What the hell were you doing out there Barton?!?' Clint didn't know what to say and instead stuttered out a reply. "I froze up Luke...I don't know what happened. It was like I was somewhere else and then poof! I was in the middle of that." Luke dropped his head for a moment, shaking it from side to side. 'Clint..we've all been stressed to the max and trying to be too many places at once. Just...just go home and get some rest. We all need it.' Everyone seemed to stand quiet for a moment before breaking into their own little groups to talk. Marc patted Clint on his shoulder and flashed a wink of his eye before heading to the bar. Clint just stood there for a moment and took everything in before going to the back to change into civilian clothes. A moment later he walked out and was greeted by Misty Knight. 'Come on Clint. I'll give you a ride to your apartment.' Clint reached his hands down to his pockets to feel for keys and replied. "Ok Misty." At least one of them new where he lived now. It wasn't long before they arrived in Manhattan and Clint stepped out of the car, thanking her for the ride home. She leaned over a bit and spoke to Clint through the window as he exited. 'It's ok Clint. She's ok in Wakanda. Bobbi loves you and understands. Just try to get some rest.' Clint let out a light sigh and replied. "Thanks Misty. I'll be back tonight." Misty flashed a smile in Clint's direction and then pulled off, leaving Clint standing on the sidewalk in front of his apartment. Clint's eyes raised upwards as the mutants flew through the air, noticing familiar sites that he had come to call a dream. He wasn't in DX this time however. He was near Times Square.   Part 3   "He flies through time with broken wings...when the light turns dark; I will feel again." ~Me Clint Barton never grasped the importance of his situation in the grand scheme of life. At ever corner through his time travels, he had been watched and studied in ways he had never been before. Silently, he waited in the shadows until the archer was broken psychologically. He had waited until the right moment to prevent an unfortunate event that transpired between the two. His name was Lync Gevoel, and soon he would retake what he had lost in the past many years before. Palos Verdes, California November, 1993 On the Palos Verdes cliffs;  a rolling, swirling and unnatural cloud covers the horizon. The figure of Avenger West Coast, Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch flies from the aperture. Death is a part of living and even though it may hurt us all to the core, it is the ultimate end to life. Most of us want to die as a hero but when that death is one of a hero that you truly love..what do you feel? How do you cope? How do you manage to go day to day with knowing that the one you love died to save your life? Clint's voice can be heard as he shoved Wanda clear of Mephisto's realm. "Give our regards to L.A!" He turned his attention to Bobbi with a smile on his face, speaking almost triumphantly. "See? I told you two was better than..." Before he could complete his words, brimstone fire shot past Clint's head unnoticed. At his side, his wife Mockingbird yelled. 'Look out!' She then took off in a mad dash and dove towards him. Clint screamed out as he was hit by Bobbi. "Geeeeeez! That spitball would have fubarred me if you hadn't tackled me." As the two of them hurtled towards the rift between Mephisto's realm and their own world. Bobbi spoke to her archer. 'That's what I'm here for sport...' Clint held her tightly as they fell together, the fiery brimstone orbs passing within inches of them on all sides. "Check Moxie...and I'm gonna see to it that you stay right where you..." Bobbi screamed out loudly, a piercing scream that seemed to echo straight through Clint's soul. 'Aaaaaaaiiiiiiieeeeeee!!' Clint rolled in midair, yelling out as well. "BOBBI??!?" They tumbled to ground together. The smell of burnt fabric, sulfur, and charred flesh reeked fresh in his nostrils. Hawkeye reached to grasp his wife's arms. "Bobbi?" She laid before him, a mass of scorched skin and blood. "Bobbi!?! Say something, girl" They had made it through back to the other side, the side of the living and not the demons but not without a cost. Spiderwoman softly whispered. 'Hawk?' Julia knew there was nothing she could do for either of them. Beside her;  Wanda, John, and Rhodey looked on in shock and disbelief. Tears streamed down his cheeks as Clint gathered Bobbi's broken body up into his arms, speaking in almost a whisper. "You.. you can't leave me like this Bobbi... not after we just found each other again. You saved all our lives..." Bobbi gathered the last of her strength and reached up to wipe the tears from Hawkeye's face. She opened her eyes a little wider, stared deep into his tear-filled ones and whispered. 'No.. Clint.. I did it.. to save... you....' Her eyes shut, for the last time. As Clint's stricken teammates looked on and wondered how they could comfort him, Clint held her close to his chest and pressed his cheek against hers. He felt the life slip from her. He felt it slip from himself as well. He wrapped his arms tighter around her broken body and wept.... Clint Barton deserved this, the man thought to himself. Shortly after that grieving, Hawkeye abandoned the team to try to come to grips with his loss. The team was disbanded by the East Coast Avengers  and most of them went on to form their own group, Force Works. Later the Scarlet Witch would apparently go mental and create a scenario where Hawkeye would die after his quiver was caught aflame by Kree soldiers. I had a part in it all from the beginning. Clint would die and the Avengers would mostly go their own ways. It was the perfect plan. A few months later, Clint would awake in a snowy field outside of District X confused and disoriented. Later, he would meet an old man that would end up being an older version of himself that told him how the Avengers left him for dead. This prompted him to return to the mansion and pin his own purple costume to the mansion's wall's. He never fully comprehended how dire his situation would become. This was planned from the moment he was influenced by Wanda Maximoff's chaos magic's....   March 16, 1995, District X The archer dreams...the same nightmare he has had for two years now... He hears her voice. 'Clint...' Clint speaks in a cracked voice, almost as if he's heard a ghost. "Who? Who's there?" The voice replies softly. 'It's me Clint... Bobbi.' Clint almost cries now from the sound of her voice. "B-Bobbi?...Bobbi! You're alive!?" Her voice replies to him once more. 'Yes Clint, but I'm not here, not with you, like you think.' Clint replies, holding back tears now. "...Where are you Bobbi?" Her voice grows louder. 'I'm trapped Clint! In hell! Mephisto's realm. You left me here all this time!' His heart races now, his hands begin to tremble. "No Bobbi!!! I didn't know! I mean, you were dead!" Her voice grows even louder, pleading to him. 'I'm alive, Clint! He's tormenting me! Please help me get away!' He screams aloud. "Bobbi! No!" Then she screams. 'Clint!! HELP ME! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH.!!' Clint begins to run blindly towards the voice until she comes into view, screaming at the top of lungs. "BOBBIIIIIIIIIIII! NOOOOO!" Just as an apparition of Bobbi Barton comes into his view, he jumps to reach for her , not realizing he is not where he believes himself to be. Clint bolts upright in bed, still screaming at the top of his lungs. Sweating profusely, his hands were gripping at the sheets so hard that they had torn. He told himself over and over.  "It's just a dream. I'm in Manhattan. Bobbi isn't here, and she's not in Mephisto's either." The words sounded hollow, even to his own ears. "Damn, you know better Clint. That's exactly where she is." Now wide awake, Clint got up and looked at the clock. 4:20am. "Sheesh...never get back to sleep now...not that I want to." Clint headed for the shower. Stripping off his sweaty night clothes and turning on the cold water first. "It's gonna be one of those days."   He is close now. The remaining source of his strength fades. The archer is vulnerable. It's time for the game to end. It's time for me to take back the life he took from me.   March 17, 2013 Manhattan, NY. The courtyards of Avenger's Mansion. Clint stands next to a statue gravestone with the inscription on it reading... Bobbi Morse Barton 19??-19??. Eternity was in our lips...and eyes. Clint stands with his eyes filled with tears, whispering in a low voice. "Bobbi... I still can't let you go. Somehow I feel like you're still alive somewhere... Maybe Mephisto's realm. God, I can't bear the thought of you being there. So help me Bobbi, if you are there, I'm going to do whatever it takes to get you out again. I swear..." Clint lowers his head before reaching his hand forward to touch the cheek of the statue in the image of his deceased wife... He felt like a fool. A fool to be here still and dragging himself through this emotional torment over and over again. Did he feel guilty that he had moved on so fast? Hell yes, even if three years was an acceptable time for any other widow. The guilt he felt because he was a second too slow, a thought off that could have changed the outcome of it all; it was still hard to accept. Feeling a hand on his shoulder, Clint lowered his hand from the stony remembrance of his deceased wife and hung his head. When he turned to look at what he thought would be a friend, his eyes opened wide; just as a powerful wave of a telekinetic force would slam his body  against the statue of his wife. The man pounced on the archer with suck quickness that Clint had no time to reclaim his composure. The last thing he saw as he faded to black was a red mask and a voice whispering close to his face. A small needle would press into his neck as his attacker spoke. 'Goodnight ma brotha. Game o'va.'

|City Hunter.

07/30/2013 11:17 PM 


AU Damien|Judith SL Coming Soon...


07/25/2013 11:39 PM 

My Cast of Characters (So far...)
Current mood:  creative

The Dark Lich: Lich was the first born son of the original grim reaper himself, who married a beautiful half bred vampiric human. He was the first ever natural born Lich with the cause remaining a mystery to this day. Lich was a happy child for 4 years with his family until it was declared illegal to love in the underworld. The powers that be apprehended Lich as a young child, mercilessly beating his mother and father as he presumed them to be dead. Lich was eventually abandoned 8 long years with the children, aswell as the adults, despising him on sight. They mocked and abused him for his family's love for one another, even going so far as to give him daily beatings that would normally kill somebody. Lich would often at times lash out his frustrations on the creatures of the underworld by taking the fight to them, but often with impunity invoked upon him as the beatings verbally and physically, along with the heckling, getting worser with each passing outburst. A life such as this would drive somebody to commit suicide, by a Lich's curse was their immortality as they are the very entities of death itself. But at the age of 12, fate smiled upon him as a mysterious man walked into his cave one day. This very man would one day become renowned in the world of earthrealm as the WWE wrestler, The Undertaker. He came upon Lich to ask would he be willing to become his apprentice. Lich not feeling a sense of being wanted in so long eagerly accepted the offer with open arms. He spent the next 8 years of his life training and learning everything from his master that he knows to this very day. At the age of 20, His master became the new Lord of Darkness and ruled over the northern parts of the Underworld and Lich then exacted his life long vengeance on those who took him away from his family. His skills in assassination and assault deemed him worthy of becoming a reaper of the damned. He then became apart of the alliance of Heaven and the Underworld, protecting humankind from the wickedness of the supernatural and the forces of Satan. He was then assigned the task to roam the earthrealm. He first arrived in Europe, where the people fear and despised him for bearing the image of death. Even when he rescued a damsel in distress, they ran in terror at the very sight of him. Several armies have attempted to smite him, but they were met with genocide. So Lich would then travel deeper into the woods and forests, seeking sanctuary in caves that were left vacant for eons. There he continues to serve his master as the apprentice of darkness, a reaper of the damned, and keep the balance of the alliance of heaven and the underworld. Erhnam, The Djinn: Erhnam was your average Djinn amongst the Djinn world. He had a brother named Juzam and they shared a tight bond. Playing together, training together, they were just your perfect example of brotherly love. But one day, Juzam fell under the influence of Iblis (Islam's version of Satan) and was corrupted from that point on. His path to wickedness was realized when he framed his brother for a crime that he himself committed. Erhnam was then imprisoned in a Djinn's lamp, sentenced to serve an undetermined amount of masters or mistresses until such time his freedom would be granted. Erhnam vowed from that point onward to take his vengeance out on his brother under the grounds of the false pretences that he was punished for. (Based on a card from the card game Magic: The Gathering)Crimson Ghost Rider: The Crimson Ghost Rider was one of Mephisto's recent creations after harnessing the energy of the original Ghost Rider. He was created to do Mephisto's bidding, dragging souls down to hell that made a deal and backed out at the last minute or anyone else he was ordered to apprehend rather the sin be great or insignificant. Often he would drive in a 1930s automobile, even before the time of it's design, ladened in flames wearing a jacket long black jacket to collect souls. But on one fateful day, He met up with Johnny Blaze, the new Ghost Rider. He attempted to capture this renegade and bring him back to the clutches of Mephisto. But through each encounter, Blaze's influence grew stronger on the Crimson Ghost Rider. On one such occasion, the Crimson Ghost Rider had incapacitated Johnny Blaze and it looked as though he was finally going to hand him over to Mephisto. But as things were looking Grim, at the last second, The crimson ghost rider grabbed Blaze's chain and lassoed him away from Mephisto's clutches, ultimately betraying his creator. He completely severed his ties by removing himself of his long black jacket and automobile and donned the spiky black leather biker jacket and bright red pants with a motorcycle as his new form of transportation, dragging souls down to hell who truly deserve eternal damnation. S.H.I.E.L.D Agent Dirge: Roderick Martin Dirge has been a victim of depression ever since  the loss of his father, Anthony Simon Dirge, at an early age. He was recruited into S.H.I.E.l.D right after his high school graduation. There he learned the necessary skills and prowess to become a great asset for the S.H.I.E.L.D initiative. But his time to shine came when the pulse began and shards of Isotope 8 showered the earth. He fought alongside the Avengers through the forces of Hydra, A.I.M, and R.A.I.D and fought such foes as Viper, Whipflash, Baron Zemo, and M.O.D.O.K. It came time for the Shield to experiment with the variant Iso-8, implanting it into Agent Dirge's uniform. The Iso-8 had a very positive effect on Agent Dirge as it increased his health, stamina, and endurance among other abilities. But on one fateful day, when Loki caught wind of the Pulse and, with his army of Jotuns, invaded the Avengers Mansion, Dirge was mortally wounded by a Jotun. And as it looked as though arrangements were to be made for a Funeral, Dirge had risen. The Iso-8 that was implanted in his suit was now lodged into his body as the effects of the Iso-8 rapidly healed all of his wounds and afflictions, making Agent Dirge reborn. From then on Agent Dirge had a battle motto, similar to the Avengers motto, that only made sense to himself "When I go into war, A Dirge will play. And this Dirge, this Death march, will be either for my enemy....or Myself"Samurai Jack: Jack's story first began when he was a young boy and the demon Aku escaped from his imprisonment by the hands of Jack's father. Jack's mother went into hiding and sent Jack to train around the world, as was planned by his parents should Aku ever escape his prison and Jack's father fail to stop him. After years of training with some of the greatest warriors of the time, Jack returned to the temple his mother was hiding in and was given the sword his father used to defeat Aku with and his signature kimono. Jack travelled to the castle of Aku and found his father enslaved and nearly skin and bones. He warned Jack that it was too early for him to fight Aku, but he didn't listen and continued on. Jack then confronted the sorcerer and the battle began. Jack managed to severely wound Aku, but before he could deal the final blow, Aku opened a time portal and threw Jack into it, sending him centuries into the future. When Jack finally escaped the portal, he found himself in a dystopian future. After Jack escaped being crushed, he met three alien teens who called him "Jack." He asked them where he was and what was going on around him, and learned that Aku had conquered the world and spread his influence across the universe, enslaving many planets while using Earth as his base of operations. Jack strongly exhibits the characteristics of a stoic hero. He is unfailingly kind and generous, and will always attempt to help those in need, as well as dispatching sage like wisdom to those he believes are in need of guidance. He often ends up sacrificing a chance to return to his own time in order to help someone else.Blood (Spartan II Mitchell-027): Mitchell-027 was one of the many children who were chosen and abducted for the UNSC's Spartan II program. He trained with many of the Spartan candidates and was one of the few that survived when it came time to send them out on real missions. He earned the title BLOOD for relentless rampages on assault missions, leaving rooms filled with gore. He was also a skilled, precise, and patient when it came to wielding a SRS99C-S2 AM Sniper rifle, but got very irritated when his shots were off leaving his enemies to discover his presence. But the one thing that he enjoyed the most was using the standard Covenant explosive, the plasma grenade, and sticking it to grunts (Unggoy) and hearing their lamentation before it blew up, often using them on single targets instead of using them on multiple targets, just to get a reaction out of his enemies. His personality flaws being that he gets very obnoxious when retelling his experiences in battle with the Covenant and that he becomes extremely sadistic when going to war with his enemies. However, his strengths are that he is good to his allies, willing to give them heavy weapons like rocket launchers, Fuel Rod Cannons, and even the Spartan laser from behind his back for mere assault weapons.Major Inau Aedadee: Inau Aedadee is a major of the Covenant. A skilled swordsman, stealthy and strong, He and his fellow Sangheili won many of battles and glassed several Earth Colonies on the path of their Great Journey. His most notable victory was the Invasion of the Spartan homeworld, Reach. The Major had taken many of the lives of Spartans, UNSC Marines, ODSTs, and civilians, leaving a portion of Reach completely glassed by the CCS-battle cruiser that he was stationed on. But his most infamous failure was at the Discovery of Halo where he suffered a severe injury at the hands of Spartan John-117, The Master Chief. He was brought back to a CSO-supercarrier where he was treated for his wounds, ordered to take time off till his wounds completely healed. One day the Flood was released on Halo and the medical officers on the ship began running experimental procedures on Inau, causing him physical pain and anguish. And through the pain, he vowed that One day that he would seek out his vengeance on the infamous Demon, to whom his brethren referred to Master Chief as. But what really brought the righteous fury out of him was the destruction of Halo. The atrocity made him more determined now than ever to take the demon's life and restore his own honor. He was later brought back to his CCS-battle cruiser when the time came for the discovery of the human's homeworld, Earth. Inau felt the time was coming to finally seek out his vengeance and claim the Demon's head as his trophy. Alas, it was not meant to be as the Master chief hurled himself out into deep space, carrying a bomb with him that was left by a fellow team of Sangheili. And as he watched the Master chief float towards the ship with the bomb in hand, Inau made ran for an Orbital Insertion pod gathering up weapons and ammo to take with him. The demon would then reactivate the bomb within the core of the ship as Major Aedadee would disperse from the ship before the tremendous explosion. He set a course for the Planet Earth so that he could follow the Master chief to heretics homeworld, but the course went awry as peace of the ship's debris bumped into the insertion pod while moving at top speed knocking Inau out and making the pod move at such high speeds that it ripped a hole into the space time continuum. Now Inau's pod will either drift out into space until he is discovered, find himself on another planet, or wind up on earth in a different time and universe. It all depends on who the character is roleplaying with and what genre and franchise they're from.

WIN OR DIE (closed)

07/25/2013 05:15 PM 

How to Audition.

Follow the steps for your audition form and send this in a Message.Step One: You must read and sign the Rules. Your Audition will be ignored if you haven't signed them. So, why spend all your time writing up a brilliant starter to have it dismissed?Step Two: Once you know the rules, write up a multi-para starter. Do not send us a Novella starter, thinking you will get the Role because it's long, roles will be given to who embodies a character the most effectively.Step Three: Address the message as the characters name. for example; "Auditioning for the Role of ...." DON'T send your audition in blogs or in a comment. It has to be a Message or it will not be considered.Fill out the Surveyand send it along with your Starter.1. Why did you choose this Character?2. Why should we pick you for the role?3. What's the main reason you wish to join this group?4. How many active profiles to you have at the moment?5. How often are you usually online?6. How long have you been roleplaying and what verses do you have experience in?7. Give us some feedback about our Group.In addition to the aforementioned, for the case of established profiles please include8. What species is your character? and what social position would your character maintain within the group structure.9. What inspired you to create your character.  If you do audition for an character original to yourself, please include in your audition a brief bio about your character both during the vampire ownership of werewolves and after the wolves have gained their freedom.

WIN OR DIE (closed)

07/24/2013 06:01 PM 

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