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06/18/2024 07:27 PM 

Midnight Rain Part I

Midnight Rain; A prequel   Bubblegum / @shakeitoff Fall 1996 Hong KongThe main subject of the news was inescapable. The United Kingdom's rule over Hong Kong was at an end. After nearly 150 years, China would once again rise to take control over the only free area within its borders. Zhan Lee and his wife Jingyi Lee had become prominent members of the community over the past year. The young couple were noted for running quite a successful business with ties as far reaching as the British Crown. The handover was something that worried them both. Zhan had the phone pressed to his ear. “Yes. I understand. You're absolutely certain of this?” He was a highly educated man who spoke flawless English. Some considered him one of the most brilliant minds in all of the Hong Kong business market. “I understand.” He placed the phone back on the base.Jingyi had a look of worry that threatened to carve itself into her delicate features. “And…?” They were just starting out as a married couple. They were the perfect combination to get this business going in a free market port area like Hong Kong. Everything was turning toward the future with an eye toward the year 2000. The couple even promised each other that they wouldn't have children until everything was more certain for them. Jingyi wanted to have a baby so badly her soul ached.Zhan's expression was bleak. “There was nothing that they could do.” They had put in a request to emigrate to London. Several of the contracts they had for their import export business involved the Crown. They were certain that a move to the UK would be feasible. “They are focusing on the handover. It would be considered sabotage against the handover if any business was to leave the area to go to London.” Were they going to have to stay in Hong Kong? Jingyi could feel the ivy chill of fear grip the pit of her stomach. Hong Kong was going to change when the Communists moved in to take control. She'd heard enough horror stories to make her physically ill every time her mind started to wander. This was no place or time to start a family. “We can't stay here. We have to go somewhere.” Eyes glistening soon gave way to a full fledged blanket of tears.Zhan wanted to be a father more than anything himself. He knew that what his wife was saying was true. The eyes of the world would be on China as this transfer was about to happen. They had to agree to certain terms. The colonial presence of the Crown was actually a safety zone to quite a few people in Hong Kong. Others were ready to embrace change with the unification coming. This young couple was at an impasse. He pulled his wife close for a comforting embrace.There was a knock at their door. Zhan reluctantly let his wife go. He started toward the door when an envelope was stuck under the door. He reached for the envelope and opened it. There was a letter there written in Japanese. Fortunately both of them could read Japanese. He glanced over the letter before handing it to his wife.ビジネスを救いたいなら、今夜の深夜に倉庫に来てください。[[If you want to save your business, then come to your warehouse tonight at midnight.]]They looked at one another. Sure this all felt like a trap, but what could they do? The future looked bleak but was it enough to make a deal with the devil in a manner of speaking. No words passed between them. There was only one possible answer.MidnightThe Lees entered their warehouse slowly. They held hands as they cautiously took in their surroundings. Each step silently forward into this unknown future was more terrifying than the last. At least they knew they would be taking it together. Zhan called out into the void. “こんにちは?” [hello?] A rather tall young Japanese man stepped out from the shadows. He had longish black hair and he wore a suit that was obviously tailored. Those weren't traits neither Lee found disturbing. It was the fact he was wearing sunglasses at night. “私はあなたたち二人がアメリカに行けるよう手助けできます。疑うことなく私を信頼してください。分かりましたか?” [ I can help you both get to the United States. You must trust me without question. Do you understand?]Jingyi clung tighter to her husband. Going to the US was a dream. Was it actually possible? “Who are you?” She blurted in English. “Why should we trust you?”His lips curled upward in a predatory smile. “My name is Tomi Shishido. I can get you there completely legally of course.” His entire presence was so cold that the room temperature fell five degrees Celsius.Neither of them wanted to go with this man or what could possibly happen but they were terribly desperate. Every door they tried to take kept slamming in their face. The options as well as their time was slipping through their fingers.They met each other's gaze before looking back toward the odd man wearing sunglasses. “We're listening.” Zhan answered for both of them.To be continued   "If you disappoint me, I'm going rogue." -- Jubilation Lee credit: james kriet


06/18/2024 05:50 PM 

The Beauty in the Red Dress! (Open rp)

Lucifer had party hard and ended up passing out face first in bed he was in his red silk pajamas and there was a fireplace that was lit in the foreground he snored as he flashed back in the dream dancing and letting loose at the party at one point he remembered having an argument with a woman he couldn't identify as who yelled to him * I wish you could feel what it's like to be a woman * as she did that she threw her drink on him and stormed away the dream faded away when Lucifer fell off his bed making him jolt up with surprise unbeknownst Lucifer wasn't really a Lucifer at that moment he was luci somehow he had been turned into a really sexy brunette woman in a red dress that was no longer red pajamas he panted out in shock * what the hell was that dream he immediately heard a voice say what he was thinking it was as if he was saying I with a way higher pitch he almost tripped when stood on the heels unexpectedly he wobbled all the way to the bathroom almost unable to walk Lucifer had to pee so when he went to pee he immediately realized his c*ck had vanished he yelled in horror which sounded like a woman's yell he looked up and saw his reflection he wasn't a man at all his eyes widened to see shockingly Lucifer was in someone else's body she was stunning but how in the bloody hell was this happening he went to splash some water on his well now her face but when she looked up things had not changed at all she stared at her herself in the mirror * what the * as he did so he felt his own body then Lucifer grabbed her own boobs Lucifer looked down screaming * These are real! * Lucifer as a woman stumbled out of the bathroom the shoes that Lucifer was annoying the crap out of him so he yanked the heels off and threw them Mazikeen had to duck when she walked into the of the room * hey who are you * she walked over to the woman in red * Mazikeen the woman who was actually Lucifer said with a smile in relief * Maze did not recognize Lucifer so she ended up slamming the woman against the wall Lucifer grunted but flinched when maze held her demon blade to the woman's throat * speak or die * she said protective for Lucifer * it's bloody me Maze * Maze tilted her head her head in confusion then slammed her even some more * Hey no funny business * who the hell are you! * He could barely speak when Lucifer managed to say * it's Lucifer * she managed to say for some reason in Maze's gut she for some reason had a feeling to believe this woman she did have a strong resemblance of Lucifer she sheathed her blades away that was now hidden in her dress and stepped back starting to laugh in denial. Lucifer laughed softly with her awkwardly maze didn't truly trust it but she was going to see what the hell was going on even Lucifer had no idea what was truly happening never in a million years did Lucifer had ever thought that he would one day wake up as a woman.

Lucifer, Open Rp, Devil , Satan, Roleplay and more


06/18/2024 01:03 PM 

Rules & Audition Form

Just a quick PSA: We already threw this in the rules, but we want to reiterate that prospective members don't have to have played the Cyberpunk 2077 game! If you think a futuristic urban setting sounds fun, then hop on into our RPG! The admin are more than excited to work with you if you need help with character creation / world building. :) That being said, here's the audition form - good luck! x ═════════════════ ⋆★⋆ ═════════════════⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙OOC:1. What brings you to City of Dreams?2. Has anyone from the group referred you? If so, who?3. What is your discord handle?4. Are you able to remain active within the group? (Two monthly activity checks):5. What is Ky's favorite color?═════════════════ ⋆★⋆ ═════════════════BASIC INFORMATION:Full name:Alias(es):Age:DOB:Ethnicity:Hometown:Occupation:[Optional] LI/ relationship status:Desired playby:Backup playby:Desired neighborhood:Backup neighborhood:[Optional] (If you'd like a specific occupation, or if you'd like your character to run a business in/ around Night City, let us know here! You can discuss with a mod once you're in):═════════════════ ⋆★⋆ ═════════════════DEEP DIVE:Quote that represents your character:Three positive traits:Three negative traits:[Optional deeper questions, just for fun!]Background (culture, values, religion, etc.):Your character's hobbies/ interests; How do they spend their free time?:One thing your character has done that they deeply regret:A dark secret your character keeps about themselves:═════════════════ ⋆★⋆ ═════════════════WRITING SAMPLE:We'd love to see a snippet of your character that you'll be using for the CoD RPG! Please provide us with at least 2 paragraphs, written as your character. If you're not familiar with Night City, that's totally okay! It can be a snippet of them in conversation, or something from their past, or anything that gives us a little glimpse at your character.[2+ paragraphs here, please!]═════════════════ ⋆★⋆ ═════════════════If you have any questions at all, or if you'd like to include a little bio of your character, here's your spot to put it!An admin will get back to questions ASAP, and if you get into the group, we can toss your bio onto the Tumblr page. :)Thank you for filling out our audition form - we can't wait to read through it. Good luck!


06/17/2024 07:46 PM 

Dancing in the Dark.

Dancing in the Dark   Machiavellian / @windingxpath As one approached the temple, there was a massive torii gate in the front that was a bright red in color. It was also approximately 33 ft tall. As one crossed the torii gate to enter the grounds, it was proper respect to the Shinto gods. Once you did that, you could continue on the grounds.These were some of the most scenic in all of Tokyo. The garden of various blooming flowers including multiple colored kiku blossoms. There was a pond on the grounds filled with koi that added to the peaceful ambiance. The temple located in the center of the grounds resembled Shinto Shrine.There was a steady stream of supplicants who arrived at the temple inside seeking an audience with Suguru Geto. Geto was a powerful Jujutsu sorcerer who had a skill that involved the removal of cursed spirits to anyone who would provide enough proper respect to him. The respect he sought usually involved groveling as well as a substantial amount of Yen. It was a profitable venture for him as well as one that fed his substantial ego.As a curse user and a Jujutsu sorcerer, Geto could actually see the cursed spirits that were vexing non-curse users. There was a difference in those who could see the curses and their various monstrous forms and the average human. The average human regardless of skin color or race was considered a monkey by Geto. He'd lost everything because of regular humans. Instead of protecting them, he wanted to milk them for all the money they had and kill them. He'd spent his youth protecting them as a student at Tokyo Jujutsu High. No more. He often pledged to himself.On this particular day a wealthy mother had brought her teenage daughter to see him. Geto entered his chamber to see the “monkeys” waiting for him. His lengthy ebony locks flowed down his back freely. They smelled of Lotus and Jasmine. He was wearing what would be considered by many to be the traditional shōzoku of a Shinto priest. The under garments and the balloon pants were a dark blue while the top that resembled a sash from his left shoulder to his right hip was actually a royal gold. “Well what have we here?” He took his position to essentially sit in judgment of the mother and her daughter.  “Please Geto-Sama. I'm desperate to save my daughter. She is being tormented by a cursed spirit. Please save her!” The mother was frantic in her supplication. The more desperate the monkeys were, the more money they gave him.Geto cast a glance toward the girl. Her shoulders were slouched forward and her eyes didn't meet his. “I see. You've brought the fee?” He remarked to the mother while studying the girl. She did indeed have a rather repulsive cursed spirit that was riding her back, pressing her shoulders and bearing down on the girl. She did look miserable. Geto almost felt sorry for the girl. Almost.“Of course! Of course! Fifty thousand Yen as you requested.” She reached into her bag to pull out a stack of bills. One of Geto's attendants took the money. It was his job to handle these fees as directed by Geto.His attention was now focused on the girl. “Sit up.” He ordered the girl. Once she did, he reached for the cursed spirit and snatched it off her shoulders. Once his fingers touched it, the cursed spirit turned into a ball of compacted energy he held in his fingertips.The expression on the girl's face was one of utter illumination. “I-Its gone! I feel better! I don't believe it!” Seeing a ball of glowing energy in his hand, both the girl and the mother fell prostrate at his feet. “Arigato Geto-Sama!” The girl repeated over and over.  The attendant who took the money started to usher them both out of Geto's presence. “There will be a message from Geto-Sama in the main hall. Please leave him to prepare.”As they were led away, Geto smirked. “I really hate monkeys.” He took the ball of energy that had formed when he subdued the cursed spirit and swallowed it whole. The handsome features of the Jujutsu Sorcerer were contorted in arrogance. This was too easy.  "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." credit: james kriet


06/17/2024 05:35 PM 


First and foremost some warning. the following may tbe a trigger for some. I did alot in broad strokes to keep it from being too bad but there are points of the following.Child harm, Manipulation/Mental abuse from a parental figure. Murder, Torture, Brainwashing youth.    Damien’s mind found restless sleep. A nightmare flooded forward to his mind as he tried to rest. This was no make-believe monstrosity, Twisted reality no. His nightmare was very real. A flood of memories of a time passed, not the lean muscular man he was today, but a determined, stressed little boy who despite surrounded by people. Despite the new acquaintances he had been grouped with he felt very alone in the world, even more so during these memories.  This day was like any other for the young steely-blue-eyed child. The room he was escorted to was full of people older than him. Teenagers range from thirteen to nineteen. He had just clicked passed his twelfth birthday though getting a year older didn’t change anything. Except for a test that would come soon, one that would set a course for the youngster.  He had just finished getting out of bed making it to precise instructions, he would not get food till after first training. If he earned it. They started with stretches typical things to keep the body limber and room to grow muscles. Strength training and cardio came next. Constantly everyone was pushed if you thought you could only do ten pushups, they wanted you to do fifteen still complaining yelling in pain that meant you had the energy to do more.  Run further, run faster, be better, be stronger All of them here had been told the same thing and believed the lie because who wouldn't want to be an agent of good in the world? What child who now had no parents wouldn’t want to be a hero... Or a superhero if you were lucky enough to have powers. Yet none of that meant anything without training, dedication and of course loyalty to the organization helping them focus.  Exhausted and tired from the stress and strain of pressing their bodies to the limit and beyond. There was a double tap from the glass pane above looming over the work out area was a man everyone knew, loved even to a degree as well as hated to see. Dr Viktor could be a loving father figure, but he was also a source of all their pain and agony. He kept them pushing themselves to be heroes, to make him proud.  That double tap meant lining up and being given a random partner you were told to fight them until one gave up, or fell unconscious picked at random. It did not matter if you were ten or twenty you were told to find a way to win. The only stipulation was no use of powers because several people in the room were not powered. Who were training purely to be agents.  Damien, being the youngest member at twelve years old, was always at a severe disadvantage most of the time. The only saving grace? Those that lost were paired again. Beaten, battered and bruised. In some cases, barely conscious. You lost the last fight, there were consequences, and they were more than just not leaving to eat. So, by the time the numbers dwindled his youthful stubborn energy was his saving grace he was never last.   A flick of the dream goes by. Blood splatters as fists and leges pummeled his face and shoulders from older more experienced fighters. Being put into positions where he could no longer breath, or having his shoulder torn from its socket. Flick the dream moved forward to raging fists and tackling larger forms to the ground by their legs moving to their chest pummeling them in the face repeatedly screaming in anger until being pulled away. Flick of the dream After that you were sent to the mess hall to eat... Not socialize you were given only so long to eat, and if you didn't eat everything then too bad the adults would take away your food and trash it right Infront of you.  Flick forward to a new scene in a classroom. Instructors teach martial skills Muay Tai, Jiu jitsu, Wrestling, Krav Maga and more. For as long as you were here you were learning new ways to fight standing or on the ground. He was too young for firearms physically not strong enough to handle to kick back of handguns or more, besides a .22. However, that did not stop them from forcing him to disassemble and reassemble the bigger guns. Clean them and care for them even if for now in this memory he was too weak to properly wield one.  Flick the dream forward again. The pounding drums in his skull thrummed heavy as the strain flooded the brain tissue with blood. Power training was not too different from fighting class. Paired against a mirror power, in his case another Telekinetic. Here physical contact was forbidden, not that anyone had the physical strength left for a fist fight.  The person across from him was sixteen and although Damien was put into the special program for his potential at such a young age that hardly meant he was good right now, Kinetic waves lashed out at one another the pressure in the tiny room suffocatingly dense two competing waves of two thousand newtons of force. Constantly wavering and rippling in the air around them as they fought for dominance over each other. To be the victor and let out of the cramped room.  A voice outside. Viktor giving encouraging words. “You can push yourself harder. I believe in you. Be the superhero you are meant to be.” Viktor never chose a side seeming to encourage all at the same time. The sensation of blood trickling from his nose, skull thrumming.  They had been locked in a stalemate for what could have been an eternity, but Damien could feel himself slipping as the blood dripped from his nose in a clot of snot and blood. From the tiny room a child and a teenager scream at one another in primal fit of survival and rage until silence and a dull thud. A weak knock to be let out, Damien was not the one to walk away, not that he was meant to Viktor had a suspicion about the newest and youngest recruit of such kinetic promise knew he would evolve, with the right push.  Flick again through the dream Damian awoke to a disheartening sensation leather strap were taught against his wrists and ankles, the feeling of wood beneath his limbs. He could not help the automatic twitch and struggle. He knew where he was at, a dark room where he would only find pain.  “I see your awake.” Came the familiar voice of Dr Viktor The feeling of a cool sponge on his face removing the blood lines that had streaked down his face from the strenuous kinetic battle. It was a false nicety like giving a sponge bath to a death row inmate about to get the chair. “Now that you are awake Damien. I want you to lift this ten lbs. weight. “I... Can't” The weakened twelve-year-old squeaked out through exhaustion, pain and fear.  “You did it yesterday and held it for thirty minutes, and I was so very proud of you wasn’t I? Surely you could just lift it from the ground one time then, yes?” Viktor questioned him with such a voice that made you want to, to have your father proud of you again instead of the current disappointment that he was now.  “But I didn't...” Damien began to protest the fact yesterday he didn't have both fights in the same day but was cut short quickly. “But what? You were not tired with a few bumps and scrapes and a headache? You think someone who saves the country stops because he has a little boo boo? A superhero who saves the world lays down because he has a headache instead of getting up and stopping a meteor? Of course not. Now son... Lift the weight.”  To call Damiens injuries minor was a gross understatement. He had two swollen black eyes, a hairline cracked rib, a bruised collar bone arm that had been pulled out of socket but reset. His brain felt like someone had taken a molten ice-cream scoop and dug around for gold, not finding it.  Careening his head forward to even see the weight through blurry vision and swollen eyes. He tried, grunting in the attempt straining against the leather bonds that kept him aloft, but to no avail. Resting back against the board in a failed attempt through sheer exhaustion and pain. There was a long-disappointed sigh. “No please..” Damien began to beg as he felt the bounds tighten and pulled his small frame to fuller length.  “Again...” came the commanding voice, Damien struggled against the binds reaching with his mind to try and lift the weight barely scooting it on the ground to make a sound. Fear of the repercussion sending him spiraling desperate to life that stupid weight, blood once more began to pool from his nose from the strain. To no avail. Another disappointed sigh. “I know you can do this Damien..” Viktor sighed heavily shaking his head as Damien began to plead with him. “I’m so disappointed in your actions today.”  There it was. That fatherly disappointment in his voice as he nodded to an unseen individual, The binds tightened until his tiny wrists locked down to the wooden boards grinding his knuckles into the grain. Damien tried to move to give some relief but couldn't as his body stretch thin. The shoulder re dislocated which only gave temporary relief but they continued now, stretching beyond their limits. His screams filling the room in agonizing pain.  Flick forward Damien laying on top of his bed. A good moment. He saw the face of Alona, a Yong woman of Native American lineage maybe the age of sixteen. “Here Damien hold this...” She had to force it into his hands. A tiny Lily she had formed from a simple seed in her hand but seconds ago. “You will feel better soon. Alona was the caretaker of their special project group able to grow plant life from a simple seed even in the harshest of conditions. She was also able to transfer it’s life energy to another person granting them accelerated healing “Rest Damien you will feel better.” Darkness claimed him.  Flick again to the final part of the dream, He knew it was only days after his torture. He had been so weak he lost every fight without question, had been left to starve and be in solitary confinement for doing so. Till now He sat on the chest of a boy only a few years old than him maybe fourteen. He had forced him unconscious.  As Damien sat victorious of the boys chest from near feral display of aggression desperately wanting to eat. There was a tap on the glass as Viktors voice came over a loudspeaker. “Finish the job.” Causing Damien to look confused. “Today he is your most dangerous enemy, and why give him another chance to kill others when end a threat it is no longer a problem.” Damien looked to some of the others around noticing all the young kids around their age had been already shuffled out of the room leaving only nearly adults. “So, him how it’s done.”One of the older men moved to hover over Damien and the young boy grabbing his hands and placed them around the kid's throat telling him to squeeze with all he had and to not let go till Viktor says so. Damien looked bewildered at the concept he didn't want to kill this kid he was a fellow potential agent. Why do this? “Damien you are disappoint...” He did not finish the sentence as Damien squeezed the boy's neck with all his little might. Feeling him gasp and struggle in his unconsciousness, until conscious and he began to struggle but to weak battered and already low on Oxygen this struggle was over before it begun it only made the scar deeper in Damien’s mentality.  Damien acted on fear and instinct, fear of going back into a box and starving to death. Feral in his motivation and actions. Long before being able to drive, or kiss a girl. Go to prom or learn to shave. Damien had committed murder. It would not be the last. Not the last of that year or even a month. They say you never forget your first. Damien remembered the face but not the name. To many more bodies buried onto of it to bother recalling that. A total of six year spent there going through these events and more. The four years following that first kill Damien was no longer that bright eyes little boy. They had taken that from him now they had a prized murderer who would never disappoint Viktor again, well till the accident that led to his escape.  Drenched in sweat he shot up from the bed breathing heavy Steel-blue eyes darting around the room spotting things in his room purposefully to trigger his mind to realize he was not in fact back in that longer a child even though going back there made him feel like it all over again.


06/17/2024 02:01 PM 


1) Cleaning - Bowie is really quick to clean up any messes in her home, or a mess she causes in someone else’s home. She doesn’t like mess. If she causes a mess she can’t just leave it until later or let someone else clean her mess up.   2) White Noise - Bowie falls asleep to the sounds of her white noise machine every night. She has become so accustomed to it. If she travels she has an app on her phone that she uses.   3) Cuisine - Bowie loves cooking Italian cuisine, it’s the type of food she cooks the most. If you are coming over for dinner chances are you are getting something Italian.   4) Early Bird - Bowie wakes up early everyday, and never sleeps in. She loves getting up and getting things done. She feels accomplished when she has a few tasks done before work.   5) Fruity and Floral - Bowie loves fruity and floral scents. All her shampoos, conditioners, body washes and perfumes are all fruity or floral scented.


06/17/2024 01:57 PM 

Optional task 501

1. Red: Rowena really loves the colour red and will wear any shade of red any chance she gets. It’s her colour, she loves it, and nothing will change that.   2. Bad Sleep: Rowena is a bad sleeper, she never sleeps straight through. She always wakes up at least three times during the night.   3. Promptness: Rowena hates being late so always ensures she is early for everything. If she knows it’s a long journey or it’s going to be busy on the road, she plans ahead and leaves earlier.   4. Makeup: Rowena does her makeup every single day. She feels good when she has makeup on. She doesn’t always go full glam, in fact ‘no makeup makeup’ is her go too makeup look.   5. Odd Socks: Rowena can never wear odd socks. She always puts her socks into balls so she always has a matching pair, and never wears mismatched socks. She doesn’t understand how anyone could wear odd socks.


06/17/2024 10:38 PM 

Family no matter how far apart

  Picking up his drink he took a sip, as he looked out at the view of his balcony, as he looked acorss the road, there was a park full of kids and their familys, little girls sitting on their mums knees, the boys playing football with their dads, a little girl had fallen over, and a dad had gone over and kiss her knee to make sure that it got better. He smiled at the view at first but then this feeling hit him. The realisation that no matter how much he wanted to. No matter how much he tried he would never get that, he would never have those memorys of his past his childhood, it was just like a big dark hole in his soul. Then he got to thinking how hard it must be for his own parents,. Not only did they lose their edlest son when he died in the car accident. But they had to live with the fact that their youngest son didnt actually know who they were. How hard that must be to come to terms with, It had been a while since Roman had seen either of them, he had decided that maybe for fathers day, he should send them a letter. As he picked up his pen and he began to think about what to write-      Dear dad and mum    I was going write this as a fathers day letter, but then i realised that both of you needed to hear from me so think this as a miss you letter. I'm sitting on the balcony of my flat and its a sunday as i look at the familys all enjoying the day, it dawned on me how hard it must be for you guys. Because not only did you have to live with losing Tyler you also lost me .. well the me you used to know. When i woke up from the coma it was a really hard time. Because i didnt reconise you guys, and i didnt know who you were. i had everyone everyday throwing all these memories at me, memoris from someone who didnt feel like me. At the same time i was struggling to learn how to talk and walk again, and it was hard really hard.        But i never saw it from your point of view. i never realised at the time how hard it was for you, and in my days of being on my own i have learned to reflext on the past few years. Try to understand life a little more, understand the world and family more. i have realised that the acident didnt just affect me or  Tyler it affected everyone knew our family, eveyone that was a part of our world. I'm sorry i never taken all that in to account.      Because the truth is you knew me but you didnt really know the new me, after the accident, i didnt really know me either, i'm not sure i ever will but i am trying. You helped me, you helped me without question, when i had troubles learning how to say my words and i stutterd you knew what i was trying to say, when i tried to learn how to walk again, and i was on the ground in tears at least once a day, you were there to hold me and give me strengh i needed to get stronger. When i knew i needed to get away and find my place in the world .. You were there again, giving me the help i needed. Even though it must have seen hard for you letting me go again. None of this went un noticed and i am who i am because of you.    So i guess what i'm saying is it doesnt matter that i might be a few hundread miles away from you, the fact that Tyler isnt with us anymore, the love is still there, his love is still there with you and my love for you is stil there, and im proud that you are my parents and i love you.   Roman.    Once he wrote the letter, he stood up and got a stamp, making his way outside to the mail box that was on the street, with his faithful dog next to him, he heard the dog bark and could hear a little giggle from a chilld-    "who are you seding that letter to?"   a little voice said, as Roman looked down at the little boy he smiled at him as he softy said- "To my parents" cheeking the time of when the mail box would get delivered. "Tell our parents i love them and i miss them i miss you Ro" -the next words took him off guard as he turned back to the little kid- "what did you just say .. "   But it was to late the little boy had vanished and all that was left was a white feather, from where the little boy had been standing. Roman picked up the feather, as he looked at his dog and smiled-    "you see Meg we really are family no matter how far apart we are" 

Luciana Martini.

06/17/2024 10:01 PM 


Luciana comes from a family full of hatred who are the mafia. although she hates her family for all the murders they committed, she knows that her life would also be in danger to other criminals or people who come from another mafia family. She was innocent from it all, but of course nobody would ever see it like that. Because of the family she comes from her life would always be in danger no matter what. Of course because shes old enough she decided to leave her family, friends and life and everything she achieved behind and start a new life in a new country. A few years later, she's now living inworking as a professional business woman, and time to time as a pole dancer. That was very discreet to her because she knew she couldn't trust anyone especially with criminals or who come from the mafia. She takes every precaution making sure that shes safe. Shes hoping one day to meet the love of her life who would protect her from everything and everyone that tried to hurt her.. However she knew that her father would find out no matter what and would want to protect anyone from her father or anyone he was associated with because of her. but she'd never reveal her true identity because she doesn't want to scare anyone off or because she doesn't want her family or put herself in danger. But truth be told the truth comes out one way or another. She intends to return to italy one day to reunite with her old friends but not with the family that destroyed childhood. Knowing her father knows everyone she knew eventually he would end up finding her and dragging her back home ,for now her life was perfect.

Offıcer Unfrıendlч

06/17/2024 03:40 PM 


I will make this as simple as I can. Read these rules and follow them.  If you have an issue with that feel free to leave. I consider these common manners.1: I am an adult. I am above 18. I would like those I rp with to be above 18 as well. If there are any young characters then no adult content will be allowed.  Just will not happen. I would prefer that characters are over 18 as well. I will not argue thtis point.2: All subjects in TWD are mature themes. Andrew Lincoln may be the face claim but Rick here will be showing you every part of the TWD world. That goes for storylines, violence, language and sex if it happens.  I write these things with detail. If you have a problem with detail about beheadings, sexual moments or a whole lot of language then find someone else. I won't be judged for the way I write.3: Multi Para.  I do it.  Every great once in a while ill kick out a novella but I would ask people put time and effort into their writing. If you have problems with length of replies then just take a little extra time to come up with it. Better to take time to make a diamond then shovel sh*t. 4: Rick is a survivor.   He is not a perfect person nor will he ever be.  I write him with faults because that is the human condition. I want to see him portrayed accurately.5: OOC drama has no place in roleplay.  Keep it at the door. It is not needed. This space is to set our problems outside. No need for drama queens or OOC a**holes.6: Rick is a protective man. He will stand up for his friends and family. Don't make me bring out season 5 Rick...I think everyone knows the red machete.  The blood covered face in the middle Alexandria..The axe wielding killer.  Respect one another out of storylines and you will see me calm.7:Sign the rules.  I need to know that we can work together with this. I would find these are reasonable.  If you feel you need to pull the splintered branch out of your ass, go ahead and do that before we talk.  Answer me one question and then we can get going on a storyline.  It also helps to keep things organized.   So answer me this. Who is Rick's face claim?


06/17/2024 12:12 AM 

Crossover with One Piece

Suguru Geto was born in Shimotsuki Village in the East Blue. He learned how to defend himself at the Isshin Dojo. He left the dojo when he discovered his skills with curses and his gifts as a sorcerer.He is 10 years older than Zoro of the Straw Hat Pirates who came from the same village.He is not related to Zoro or Kuina. He was simply born in the same place ten years earlier. 

To The Stars* (Taken in RL, & RP)

06/16/2024 07:10 PM 

Hijab Is My Crown

When they saw her walking on the streets,They saw oppression, dehumanization, and inequality.Whilst they oppressed her with their visionShe wore her cape of grace, her drapes of black chiffonWhich also covered her facefree from all the judgment regarding beauty and idealsthe world was threatened by her walkAlthough her posture was humbleShe still walked with queen like graceFor she was super women and her Abaya was her capeHer Niqaab was her shield form the worlds disgraceAnd her Hijab was the crown she wore with all her graceAnd she was a true womanA woman oppressed not by her faithBut by society's obligationsShe IS a woman empowered,Empowered by her faith.


06/16/2024 06:19 PM 

Owes List

I OWE YOUname - r/s - datename - r/s- datename - r/s - dateYOU OWE MEname - r/s - datename - r/s - datename - r/s - dateUPDATE: 06.16.2024

𝐿𝑢𝑛𝑎 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑒

06/16/2024 05:31 PM 

Pride Task 1

velvet underground.

06/16/2024 04:17 PM 

night zero; mtv special - aug 17th

the dance chronicles     August 12th, 1997 dear journal,   where was this fleetwood mac our entire careers before tonight? had we spent so many years hooked on one vice or another that it affected our performance? i mean, don't get me wrong, we've had a LOT of good shows over the years, but tonight? whether it was because we were all sober because it had been so long since we had been a full band in front of a crowd who wanted to see us, a mixture of both, or something different altogether, tonight was something i haven't experienced with the band for lord only knows how long.and, even at the height of the performance, at the height of the high, I was riding while being on stage again. being on stage sober, once again surviving what should've killed me, my eyes could never peel away from him. the way i saw him on the side and my mind flashed back to our one night stand a few weeks ago when it was tasked onto me to convince him even to do this special -- at least i convinced him? i don't know, things feel so different, both personally within me, but within the band, with him and i. for the first time in what seems like a lifetime, we're all on the same page. we all want to rewrite what we wrote in fleetwood mac's history book years ago.we wanted to show the world - and more importantly ourselves - that the sober us. the us free from all the liquor and drugs - could perform as well as we could back then. and honestly? i think we do it better.however, me agreeing to a whole tour after the show tonight might've jumped the gun a bit just because i don't know where linds and i stand. i don't know where we are privately, and i don't want that to leak onto the stage publically, we've done so much of that back in the 80s. and now? things are different. he stayed in rehab with me, yet all we did was f*** and fight. but during these rehearsals and this evening i remember why i fell in love with him to start with. and us being on tour together is going to make it difficult to rewrite my life without him so heavily involved, because the truth is i really can't stay away from him. there's something about him has drove me utterly insane since we were teenagers, and tonight it was as if it was like we were back in the moments of fritz, the moments where the love for the music and each other were so intertwined in the way that made beautiful moments on stage and off.but, i knew the band couldn't do it if i disagreed and i couldn't do that to them. not after tonight. not after even christine said that she was exacted to do something with the band again. i just know that lindsey and i being together, especially with both of us being single, will make things rather interesting...and i'm not sure in what way it will be yet.. can't back out now, can i? just gotta make sure the one night a few weeks ago was the only night, because out of every bad habit I've ever had, lindsey buckingham is the only one I've never been able to fully break.stevie.

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