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05/09/2024 12:48 PM 

New to the site not to the concept

Hey everyone!I am a girl who has been roleplaying for many years. I am new to this site, but not new to the concept. I do all kinds of rp but I do some things that I don't like to waver on.1) I always play female2) I play sub if doing an NSFW roleplay


05/09/2024 12:16 PM 

Enter Kira: Pt. 2

.purplewrap {width: 400PX; margin: auto; background-color: #FFF; padding: 10PX; border-bottom: solid 1PX #AD88C6} .purpleinner {border-top: solid 20PX #AD88C6} .purplename {background: #7469B6; color: #FFF; font-family: georgia, serif; font-size: 30PX; display: inline-block; padding: 10PX 10PX 15PX 10PX; margin-left: 20PX; margin-top: 150PX; opacity: 1.0;} .purpleimg {width: 400PX; height: 200PX; border-top: solid 3PX #fff } .purplecontent {font-size: 13PX; line-height: 14PX; font-family: calibri, sans-serif; text-align: justify; padding: 15PX; color: #000} Enter Kira Court dates were set and while there was down time Bo spent time with his family and girlfriend. All trying to distract themselves from the court date. It had taken longer than the week he was there to get the date set. But he had no issue jumping between New York and Charlotte. He had no choice, he was attending that hearing to gain custody of his daughter. His lawyer able to get photos of her for him to look at. So he could just see her, the actual encounter he had when he first saw the girl was unpleasant and his focus was on his ex, the woman who put him in this situation. But it was nice to see the images of Kira. He was warned that usually the father getting full custody was an uphill battle, but he hopefully had a good case to win. He even had his home in Charlotte inspected by child services to get a stamp of approval that the environment the girl would be moving to was safe. He had a clean record, his income was stable and was well off to provide for the child.But... This was still nerve wracking. He sat in that court room, lawyer at his side and father along with the rest of his family near by. He couldn't see her, but he could feel that woman's presence. Could hear her complaining. The only time she'd likely ever be permitted to be in his presence. Too many law enforcement officials for her to act out. But he quietly chewed his lip, curious to where his daughter actually was. "Where is Kira..?" He whispered to his lawyer softly. And was assured she was safe. She was in a daycare playing with other children. Which was nice to hear. She wasn't in the hands of that insane family. The hearing itself was stressful. The questioning, he felt like he was being verbally attacked. But it didn't last long before he got to sit back in his original seat as the trial continued. Once it was said and done. He had to anxiously wait for the verdict. And it was a long wait, like it was a century. He had his parents talking to him to relax him. He barely knew this little girl but he was already willing to fight tooth and nail for her. He felt for her, she was nearly four... She was born in a prison, nearly lived in the streets. The family could barely afford to care for themselves. Let alone Kira. He didn't want child support. He could care less, he just wanted Kira and no contact with her mother. Once the judge had returned, he was granted the custody and he felt like he could finally breathe. Like he gasped for air as soon as it was announced. He didn't even hear the upset snaps from the other side of the room. He felt a bubble of excitement, he had spent the week before, even though he didn't know he'd win, setting up that child a room. Making sure everything was ready for her, and if he didn't win? Well... He one day wanted to marry and have his own family so it was just a head start?He ended up being told to wait at his parents and child services would bring her to him. And he was scared... scared that she didn't want anything to do with him. She didn't know him, she had seen him in person once, and it was not in the most ideal of situations. But the lawyer assured him that his ex was sickly obsessed with him and that alone might help him. The girl may have grown up looking at photos of him on the internet, watching videos of him hearing him. She may have been told her whole little life that he was her daddy. So maybe it wouldn't be as off putting for her. The wait again was unnearving. To officially meet his child, how was he going to tell her that her mommy wasn't coming with them if she was curious. Hopefully that wasn't something he had to address with a toddler right away. But once the knock came his hand snapped up, and he opened the door and saw the little girl in the arms of one of the agents bringing her to him. She was put on the floor and he just dropped down to the floor, it didn't take too long for her just to go straight over hugging him. All a good sign, but they had a long ways to go in their little journey together.  ✖


05/09/2028 11:46 PM 


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Kαт loveѕ Le Fαɴтoмe™️

05/09/2024 11:48 PM 


Beyond the garnet aged veil of Palais Garnier. There was another story being told. Dark, sensual laments. Sorrowful gasps with curious wide eyes as patrons entered it's doors. Intricate details etched upon the walls. Scribbed from a artist's hand. Scriptures, verses forbidden and unknown to the common man. Her Tsigani blood was electrified when she first came to Le Paris. The city was a dark tempest of the night, a dangerous beauty to all that encountered her grasp. Sensual reds stitched along a azure sky, and the nighttime was awakened under her delicate hands.Music flowed like honeyed wine, and skyward lights danced along cobblestone streets and stoned architecture carved from a long-forgotten dreamer's hands. When Katherine first entered its veil, she too was a creature of the night. Her mocha ringlets danced along her feminine frame joyously. But shrouded over the hunger and deep thirsty embers, she tried her best to fight. There were times she swore she could still feel the incisors between her rosebud lips. A history she would choose to long forget, but still whispered in a coiled grip.Daggers that once were the takers of lives, but none were deserving of the breath they bared. But that was long ago. Many lifetimes passed, and now she could feel the warm scarlet pulsing in her veins. As well as the life she carried inside her tummy. A celestial tapestry of the love they've shared, overlapping in many lifetimes and brought together again by fated hands. But there was an energy in the air that prickled along her porcelain flesh. A talons claw scraping along the edges.A surge she couldn't decipher and disembodied voices calling her name. As shadows danced along each candle like jinns cackling and taunting in the night creating labyrinths in her mind. Cryptic puzzle pieces reveal the tearing between the realms beyond the naked eye. Erik seemed to be as haunted as she felt, too. He spending most of his time retreating to the catacombs far below the city streets of Le Paris. The echo of his long, skilled digits tearing over bone-white keys from the laments of his soul far surpassed the encasing of his world that he kept hidden away and hardly revealed.The city was unhinged, and even the patrons acted peculiarly after each showing at the Palais Garnier. Instead of roaring applause, there were tears from unspoken words as lovers' hearts held tighter, clinging to each other's arms. There was a change in the air. A heavy mist that did not lift even as the sun tried its best to penetrate in the day as musical notes flowed along spring blooms and birds echoed each note of the music that he made.Le Paris the city of dreams and shipwrecked parts of one's soul.Katherine was a dancer since the time she was barely knee-high, and the forest surrounding her home in Bulgaria was the music of her young soul. Her days were spent along rolling fields, and her teacher was a willow tree who carved the ebb and flow of each movement she made. Le Paris was a place she had read about in school on sketched pads someone made from their travels abroad. Even now, she recalls the stocky gentleman with permanent flushed cheek barreling in through their tiny school, excited to share his memories of it all. She couldn't remember all that he said that day.Or even exactly what was in the poorly stitched-together notebook he had made. But the one sentence that sparked her heart like a beacon to Le Paris that he said was, 'it was a place where an artist heart was carved and can truly be set free.' Even after her heart stopped beating on that fateful night many centuries ago, she never stopped yearning for this foreign city, a place in her mind drizzled with gold.Le Paris.. Each syllable electrified her mind, and when she first laid eyes upon it, she recalled her younger self. The tsigani girl, whose first teacher was the willow tree, and the dancing girls were buzzing bees and zigzagging dragonflies. While parchment-like leaves clapped excitedly when the dance was done.So much time has passed since she first arrived in the city, and everything she ever yearned for was here all along. Since the moment she was turned, she had searched the world for a cure and wanted to just feel her heart beating once again. Now, as she smoothed her soft palm over her tummy, feeling their unborn fluttering like a butterfly awaiting her time to spread her wings, each memory and moment they had shared since her arrival played in her mind like pages of her favourite novel, and she could see it upon every droplet on a fresh bloom awakening in spring.Her thoughts stilled as the carriage suddenly stopped, and the horses released a heavy sigh after traveling over the mountains from their cottage nestled on the outskirts of the city. As the coachman opened the door, her amber hues fixated on Palais Garnier it was just as beautiful and haunting as she remembered it was. For much of her pregnancy, she kept away from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoying quieter days in her solitude and priming their home for their daughter's arrival. But as word spread—even over the mountainside of Erik's lament—she braved the city again, longing to be by her husband's side.

The Phantom Of The Opera, The Magician, Katherine Destler, Le Fantome, AU, POTO


05/09/2024 10:55 PM 

Biweekly Task- A letter to Mom.

The thunderstorms used to scare her when she was a little girl but now, she truly did enjoy them. She was laying on the sofa along with her dog named Mason, who was a bit scarred of the thunder. She pet her dog gently trying to calm his anxiety down, "I know you are scared Mason, it will be fine" she said softly. She turned on the candle and started to hum. The humming usually calmed her dog down. "Come on we are going to write a letter to your nonna, my mamma" she said softly. Sitting up, she grabbed a paper from her desk and grabbed a pen. Her mother had been her strength and her biggest supporter. She was not going to be able to go to New York this Sunday for Mother's Day but she was arranging flowers to be delivered to her mother, as well as a gift. The designer started her letter for her mamma."Mia Cara Madre,Where can I begin mamma? You are truly the inspiration, the strength, and love that I carry within me. You are the bravest person I know, and not only because you are a widow, after the passing of my father but you have been a warrior always being there for myself and Aaron. You are truly the most amazing woman that I know, and the woman I am today is because of you. When things were going downhill for me, you were there to help me up. You were there to pick me up and push me knowing that I could do the best. You are the best cook, besides nonna, you are my everything. Thank you for being my biggest supporter through the ups and downs, from my dancing days to my designing days and currently as a business owner. You don't know how much you mean to me. There are truly no words to describe how much I love you! Thank you for being an amazing mother, my best friend, and an amazing rolemodel. You are a warrior, a strong woman, being a funny woman, and a fighting spirit. I always think that dad is watching over us, and watching over you. I am so proud and happy to call you my mother, mia madre. Ti amo molto. I am sorry I won't be able to be there on Sunday but I hope your gift,your roses and this letter lets you know how special you are to me. You are celebrated, loved and special not only on Mother's Day but every day, mamma. Sending you hugs and kisses, we love, sending love from your daughter and grandson.With love,Isabella Fontana & Mason Fontana. "I think she will love it Mason!" she said softly as the dog barked and cuddled close to her. She was excited that the storm was lifting up. She was excited and hoped that this letter would find her mother well. 

Born To Make History

05/09/2024 11:03 PM 

Russia and Chaos

He was promised a vacation away from hunting, Henry told him they would go to Italy, to enjoy some history and Lincoln had always wanted to go there. But Lincoln in the back of his mind had a doubt in his heart that Henry was going to keep to that promise. Henry had phrased it oddly to him so Lincoln was worried they were not going to actually go there, even if that was the case he hoped wherever they went it wasn't a horrible place or whatever they were going to go after wasn't too dangerous, Unaware that Henry had a mission for them that included both things Lincoln did not want to deal with, Russia and Rasputin.Lincoln and Henry arrived at the airport, Lincoln was told to pack for about a week and Henry said that they would be home shortly after they had arrived and no need to pack a lot of things. But it's the middle of winter so he was told to pack for the cold. So he had a coat and long winter pants and good shoes for walking in snow or cold weather. Henry dressed like he always did snazzy and dressed to impress, pompous he was at times it seemed. "Do you think a suit is always for all occasions or are you just too in your head to know better clothing?" Abraham taunted his mentor with a playful snort and jabbed his shoulder with a punch though that got him an elbow jab in the side from the vampire."Grump" he teased as they were taken through security and allowed through, Abraham got a coffee to drink and left to go to the restroom, unaware that Henry slipped some sleepy medication in his drink. He came back unaware and unassuming of Henry's devious behavior. He drank his coffee with no issues as he waited for a long while for their plane and as they boarded and placed their bags away he flopped and yawned."Gah why am I so damn sleepy?" whined the human as he winced before seeing that sparkle in Henry's mischief-ridden eyes as he frowned."We are not going to Italy are we Henry?" he mutters before his world goes dark as he passes out for what seems like forever. Henry could have felt bad but he knew Lincoln's help was needed for this and he knew Lincoln would fight him tooth and nail under his own judgment so he had to play a little dirty to get the human on the plane and situated and left to sleep, The airplane ride was uneventful.When Lincoln finally came to, he was pissed off, he was very pissed off with Henry and now he was overly stressed out as well as the plane had landed and he frowned."Henry where the f*** are we?" he demanded sharply as Henry looked at him with a great apology in his eyes as Lincoiln's eyes went huge as he looked out the window as the blast of snow greeted his gaze as he screamed seeing he was in Russia."HENRY WHY ARE WE HERE?!" he howled in absolute panic and horror before he was slapped sharply upside the head as Henry sighed."Rasputin but listen before you freak out, I promise we will be in and out in a  few days I have the plan to defeat the vampire but I NEED your help so please I know I did some backhanded stuff too get you here but I didn't have a choice" he whispered to his pupil who gave him the most furious glare but he had no other choice at this point so with great reluctance he followed Henry off the plane with their bags. The lucky bastard didn't feel the cold or heat so while Lincoln was freezing his ass off Henry acted like nothing was going on.They had to take a taxi and got to their hotel as they got checked in and given a room, Henry had f***ed it up because there was one bed as well. "Why why did you get one bed?" Abraham whined as Henry snorted."because only you really need to sleep, so you can have it" Henry said pointing to the bed with a bookshelf near it so that Lincoln would be kept entertained while Henry looked over notes and intelligence about this vampire. Then he watched Lincoln walk to the window and stare out."I know you're angry at me Lincoln, But I can't defeat him with your help," he said as Lincoln looked outside being silent and giving Henry the most deathly silent treatment to voice his anger toward his mentor for doing this to him. Henry knew he messed up by how he handled this but what else was he really going to do? He watched the man walk back to the bed grab a book shift away from Henry and stay against the wall back to Henry and read the book.After what felt like forever Henry could not stand the silence as he didn't want Lincoln to be this way the entire time."There is a book fair down the road in a few hours do you want to go and get yourself a book?" he asked with no movement from Lincoln even at the mention of the books or the idea of getting a book. Henry huffed and jumped on the bed and looked at him."You can't be that angry at me"  he whined as he draped himself over Lincoln and started to try and pester his student to get him to at least acknowledge him. He could see Lincoln's heated glare from the book looking at him."Oh, Oh I know," Henry said getting the idea as Lincoln raised an eyebrow but his eyes widened in horror as Henry cracked out his fingers."Think it's about time that the tickle monster came back""No, NO NO NO" Abraham squealed in horror as he thrashed to try and get off the bed but Henry was quick to pin his pupil and started to tickle the sh*t out of him as Lincoln while still mad burst into laughter and squirmed trying to get Henry off but the vampire was far stronger then he was finally getting that smile out of Lincoln. Lincoln laughed as he squirmed and cried out,"MERCY MERCY!!!!" he screamed finally through laughter as Henry smirked and got off of him an ceased his relentless attacks on him."Better?" He inquired as Lincoln sighed and smirked."Fine, As long we can go to the book fair and maybe a drink? And then you can tell me what this plan is so I know what we are doing" he finally gave away his anger and stopped as a small smile pulled on his lips as Henry sighed with relief knowing that Lincoln would be better now."Of course, my treat I'll pay" he agreed with his pupil as Lincoln nodded his head and smirked gently."Maybe if there is an axe store nearby I can get one?""Don't push it Lincoln"


05/09/2024 12:08 PM 

his "kids"


05/08/2024 11:35 PM 

Darius Quade

NAME: DariusMIDDLE: TheodoreLAST: QuadeNICKNAME(S): Ari, DarSTAGE NAME: LilacTITLE: Pop-Rock PrinceAGE: 21yrDOB: February 17thSIGN: Pisces STONE: AmethystSEX: MaleRACE: Lycanthropy BITTEN/PURE: PureFUR COLOR: BlackPROFESSION(S): Musician. Painter.SEXUALITY: Bisexual - Male LeanPOSITION: SwitchEYES: Hazel/VioletHAIR: Dark BrownWEIGHT: 140lbHEIGHT: 5'9"BODY: Lean. Slender. Model Build.SKIN TONE: Ivory/LiteTATTOOS/PIERCINGS: Yes/NoBIRTHMARK(S): None. 

Empress Evie

05/08/2024 04:29 PM 


Sigh, it was another eventful day at the Happy Hotel, or Hazbin Hotel as it was now called as a certain deer demon decided to change the name. You had spent all day doing certain tasks around the hotel such as helping Charlie create posters for the hotel, clean the rooms with Nifty, break up the brawl between Vaggie and Angel Dust as he had pissed her off one too many times and organize the bar for Husk as he was passed out drunk. You could have refused to do these things, but you enjoyed helping people, so it made it all worth it. You had started working at the hotel after you had saw Charlie singing on the 666 news about the hotel and redeeming demons, only for her idea to be made a laughing stock upon everyone who watched the broadcast. You actually had mixed feelings about the whole redeeming thing, seeing as you weren't sure if someone like you could be sent to heaven, despite not being a very big criminal during your time when you were alive, but apparently doing a little shoplifting is enough to send you a one way ticket to hell. Charlie's words did inspire you a little bit, so even if you felt that you couldn't be redeemed, others probably had a better chance, so you decided to head to the hotel and ask for a job after the broadcast was cut off from the brawl with Charlie and Katie Killjoy. You were hired in a split second and immediately pulled into a bear hug by Charlie, and then introduced you to the others. Back to the present, you began to feel extremely exhausted from moving around everywhere, so you headed over to one of the rooms with the long couches so you could take a rest. Heading into one of the rooms, you peeped around and saw that no one was there, which made it better as you really needed some peace and quiet. Heaving a deep sigh, you sat down on the couch, turning and falling back, as you laid your body down, with your head facing the front of the couch. "What a long day", thinking to yourself as your eyes slowly began to close and you were lulled into a deep sleep. **2 Hours Later** As you were sleeping, you felt the sensation of someone petting your head, the soothing feeling had awoken you a bit, but you quickly fell back asleep at the warm touch. You could feel that you were holding something in your dreams, and you assumed it was one of the pillows on the couch, so you brought it closer to your face and nuzzled it. "Mm, smells nice ", as the scent from the pillow was making you more relaxed, as it reminded you of a being in the middle of a deep forest. After sleeping for 30 more minutes, you slowly began to open your eyes, and try to make out what was in front of you. Expecting to see a pillow, you saw red stripes in front of you, "Huh?" As you were still trying to make out what was in front of you, a loud voice interrupted your thoughts: "Ah, awake now are we?", said a static voice above you. Eyes opening wide, you looked up from your position and saw Alastor staring down at you with his trademark smile. Slowly, you began to piece together that you were laying on his lap, and nuzzled into his chest as you were sleeping. "AHHHH", jumping up from your position, you rolled off his lap, and your body fell to the ground as you stared at Alastor in shock, as he continued to look at you with his glowing eyes, amused at your reaction. "Um, h-how long was I sleeping on your lap?", you softly asked, as your face was red, but your eyes were showing fear, as you remembered that Alastor did not like to be touch, and you happened to hug him in your sleep. "HAHA, For quite a while, darling. It was a very busy day, I assume?", Alastor said as he placed his arm on the armrest of the couch, and his hand against his cheek, smiling even wider. Nodding your head, you slowly got up from your position, and started apologizing to Alastor, eyes aiming towards the ground and fingers twiddling together. Alastor raised an eyebrow and wondered why you were apologizing, to which you answered that you had hugged him in your sleep, and that he made it very aware that he did not enjoy physical contact from someone unless he initiated it, feeling extremely bad if you made him uncomfortable. Listening to you, Alastor's smile relaxed to a small grin as he looked at you with gentle eyes. He did admit that he was not use to being touch by others, and was quite surprised from the sleep hug, but he didn't detest it as much coming from you, which boggled his mind completely. It must be due to your kind and innocent nature that made him react different around you, as he was used to more of the common riff raff being terrified of him or trying to battle in a turf war, but how you were with him, made his black heart melt. Feeling that Alastor was upset as he didn't respond to your apology, you quickly excused yourself and began to head over to the door to leave. A loud SNAP was heard and before you knew it, you had been teleported back on to the couch, this time being seated on Alastors lap. "A-Al, what are you doing?!", your face began to become as red as his hair, while your eyes stared at Alastor in shock. Smiling at you, Alastor moved his hand to your chin and tilted your face up: "There is no need to apologize, darling. If I had been upset about you hugging me, you possibly w̩͉͍̱̍̂̉̊o̫̼̐̎̋͜u͚͌l̳̓d̠͉̗͋̔͞'̼̳̣̼͊̏̾̾t͜͝ ͕̱͐͠ḇ̅e̙͗ ͍͓͔̱͍͛̔͌͘͞a̝̜̘̎́͒ḽ͒í̱̙̈́v̧̌e̠͠ ̢̹̜́́̈̀ͅr̲͇̳̅̽͌i̩͈̒̅ĝ̲̦̎ẖ̛̳̲͙̀͌̽͘ͅt͉̅ ͖̞͍̞́̋͛͛ň͚̫̦́͂̿͟o̱͌w̡̕" he said, as his eyes flashed for a second into radio dials. "However! I am not opposed to be touched by you. So no need to apologize, my dear.", Alastor said as he continued to smile at you widely, but his glowing eyes were looking at you softly, letting you know that he was not angry with you. Feeling shy, you turned your head away from Alastor, muttering a soft okay, as your heart was beating rapidly. "Smile my dear!" Alastor said as he moved his hand from your chin to your cheek, to have you look at him again. Baring through the embarrassing situation, you gave Al a small smile, which pleased him. "You always over do it, darling. While Charlie and I appreciate your efforts at helping the hotel, it does no good to work yourself to the point of fatigue. If you are ever feeling exhausted and need a break, don't be hesitant to come find me, as my radio tower is open to you. Understand, my dear?" said Alastor, as he leaned closer towards you, making you flustered again. Nodding your head was enough to let Alastor knew you understood as he chuckled, while sliding you off his lap, and as he stood up from the couch. "Now then, we should probably head back to the lobby before the others get worried about our lack of presence.", He said, as he straighten his coat out, while turning towards you, extending his hand out for you to take it. "Yeah we should", as you grabbed his hand, and made your way with him back to the lobby. You were still trying to process what just happened between you and Alastor, but you feel like you both have become much closer then before, and you didn't mind it one bit.


05/08/2024 01:29 PM 

Your touch feeds her soul.
Current mood:  adventurous

Hello there would you like to Rp? I am looking people who would be willing to fill a role as a masseuse at a massage parlour only there is more to it then there seems as per my storyline idea below.I will let you know straight up that my character is super ticklish almost everywhere apart from her feet (she hates being tickled there and finds it boring) but her most favourite spot to be tickled on is her armpits she is hyper sensitive there with the slightest touch sending her crazy. I have the idea that Cheryl comes in seeking your services (tickling) at your massage parlour because her husband can no longer satisfy her sexual urges (She's a hybrid mix of succubus, goddess and elf) you agree to work with her but notice something about her upon starting her treatment you notice that her skin shimmers like diamonds when she feeds off being tickled and that she has the ability to create them out of the moisture within the air. She would be willing to let you exploit her power because you give her what she needs and in her eyes it's a good arrangement.If you like this idea please message me privately with a starter along with an out of character introduction so we can discuss any other details that might be needed, please also be sure to read my profile information for details about my character and also writer information. I would prefer females to fill this role but would be willing to write with a male if they can fill the role well enough. Length of writing preferred is between one to two paragraphs .A message from the writer.I am a first person writer (would really like to be given a chance with this) who's length of writing can vary depending on mood, I have a learning disability along with other health concerns that will at times leave me with very little will to write, give me a good connection however and I will go for hours or even days with the story. 


05/08/2024 07:56 PM 

Rasputin Refuses Dracula

Russian soldiers lay dead, the ballroom a place of bloodshed and heartache. Dracula had invited himself to the dance of the Russian Tsar. Henry and his comrades that had been there had been overtaken easily by Dracula's forces. Dracula had arrived brutally and fast, giving them very little time to even be semi-prepared for his attack. Dracula looked at the Tsar family who were being held captive as well as Henry and his friends. Dracula was rather displeased at this display of resistance by another vampire, greatly displeased by this he was going to torture the hell out of Henry soon after but for right now he had issues with the Tsar."I will ask only but one time, where is the Vampire known as Rasputin?" he growled lowly grabbing Nicolas sharply by the arm and yanking him close. Nicolas did not know where his friend had gone, probably the news of Dracula was heading to Russia scared off even the brute. But that was not the case, he had to grab something, but he was heading back."Get your hands off of him" Henry growled lowly but almost instantly was slammed into the ground by one of the vampires and his arm broken by the elbow joint as Dracula looked at him slightly."I haven't seen many vampires like you Henry. But then again, most vampires are not you, are they? Worry not soon you will see things my way" he assured before turning his attention back to the Tsar who still had not spoken a word to him about the brute location. The Tsar refused to speak despite Rasputin's brutal actions the Tsar knew he was not acting in an evil intended word, he had promised, he wouldn't surely break it?"Fine, then let's see if your screams will drag him out" Dracula growled before tossing him sharply into the middle of the room. Before grabbing a hung-up dagger, finding it rather amusing that such weapons could be out in the opening, rather dangerous, wasn't it?"DAD!" screamed his daughters in panic and fear his wife was sobbing in panic and fear. Nicolas got himself up padding himself off and frowned looking at Dracula as he came closer."leave my home" He warned trying to be brave, he had to be brave, he couldn't be scared. No, he was the Tsar, no he could do this, he could defend his home. He had no other option, he didn't know how to fight a vampire, let alone something like Dracula. Dracula found this human actually amusing so he would have a little fun with it. He let Nicolas try and fight him, let him land several blows though it seemed that hitting Dracula was the same as hitting a damn wall the man shook out his hand before he was sliced sharply in the arm and knee-dropping the man. The Tsar did not scream he did not make a sound but a breath, ragged and calm, trying to stay calm even in the face of dying."You promised" he whispered gently as Dracula grabbed his shirt yanking right off his feet."You trust a promise from Rasputin. Adorable" he grinned as his other hand glowed with fire as he smirked gently "So long live the Tsar maybe you can tell your god about your trust in such a foolish thing" Dracula laughed as the Tsar had faith, even in this moment, "He.Is.My.Friend" he spat out through gritted teeth with a fire in is eyes , not about to change his mind. Dracula laughed before lashing out to finally end that pathic human life. All that echoed was the screams of the royal family.Dracula smirked, but that faded when his hand was no longer holding the Tsar, his eyes widen slightly as he looked as the hand was empty, a breeze of wind passed by him, something he had not seen. He stood there with shock for the smallest of moments "Rasputin I am surprised, befriending humans like this?"Standing back to back to one another, holding Nicolas in his arms was Rasputin, but this time he was dressed a little differently. Unlike his normal rags and baggy clothing. He now wore a dress shirt and dress pants. He also wore what looked like an old mystical cloak, wrapped around his hiking body."RAS, RAS!!!" cheered the royal family as if they had seen god before they save their father. Rasputin mentally spoke to the royal family and looked at Nicolas."Yes, it's quite strange, but, I do ...have a friend," he said to himself mostly as Nicolas never breathed so much as a sigh of relief so loudly. Rasputin slowly placed him down and muttered "Run to your family friend, Now" he said before his hands open revealing blue-like light his eyes glowed brightly before whirling around just as Dracula faced him but was slammed right in the chest with a kick that, sent the King of Vampires smashing through the entire palace and the courtyard and into the city like a skipping stone. Before he made the vampires in the room burst and catch on fire and explode and release the innocent humans and even Henry. Rasputin knew this would not hold Dracula off and he was all but declaring war against the King of Vampires."Wow saving us huh?" he could hear the huff of amusement out of Henry. Rasputin walked over and frowned and helped him up and breathed on his arm snapping it back and fixing it. He sighed as he walked to the royal family and smiled as he was hugged and patted their heads."You all must leave this country till it is safe," ras said as Nicolas looked at him"No, we can help""Nicolas, no no, Tsar Nicolas, you must keep your family safe. There is an underground tunnel in the castle that leads out of Moscow. Take it, and run, Henry, and your friends will lead you to safety, Kill any vampires that come after you. They will not hestate to kill you" he explained to them as Nicolas looked at him and frowned."Don't Die" he said softly with great worry as Rasputin looked at him and smirked "Never, I will never die" he said before barking at them to move as he grabbed a blade that was hanging up near the fireplace. Before rushing through the castle killing all vampires he encountered without a  second thought his frame shifted into a white tiger slashing and tearing through vampires. Before reaching the steps of the palace and saw Dracula was running back for them as he snarled deeply and took off right for him fangs bared as claws aimed as they slammed into each other. Slamming all over Russia slamming through buildings and creating earthquakes as they slammed around trying to kill one another.Rasputin was more, magically inclined, but Dracula was the first of all vampires. he pumbled Rasputin sharply all across the place but both suffered massive wounds. rasputin hissed as he was kicked sharply into the steps of the palace and he groaned as he huffed gently."We could have made a good team Rasputin. You are my first fledgling, the first made vampire. And yet YOU WASTE it on these people!" Dracula barked and spat out a glob of blood snarling as Rasputin looked at the sky for the longest moment as if he gave up but grinned gently."yes, I am your first fledgling. But by no means does that mean I am ANYTHING like YOU" he snarled as he staggered to his feet he growled lowly as he felt woozy, he knew he could not beat his sire, It was almost silent till gun shots ran out as Rasputinbeyes widen slightly as bullets whacked into Dracula causing him to stagger away."Good evening, need help?" the cocky voice echoed beside him as he growled lowly before more voices echoed to his other side "Wow nasty bloke""My if the evening wasn't bad enough, Henry refuses to listen yet again" Rasputin grinned amused before his eye moved slightly to see the smaller vampire. Henry gave him that same old cocky smirk as Rasputin grinned amusedly before huffing."Either you are a bad listener, or you are like me and just do as you please""Some say I am both" Henry chimed in and jabs Rasputin in the arm as the vampire huffed out a pained breath."uh, Guys he's up," one of the others said, Rasputin sighed gently as Dracula was back up and running indeed."Well, I'll buy drinks after" he muses Rasputin as darkness settles in, as all chaos broke loose. He could not loose, he would NOT lose. But was there any real way of winning?


05/08/2024 07:54 PM 

Last Promise

Deep within the halls of the palace of Russia, the Tsar and his family lived, his wife and several daughters and sickly son as well. Nicolas was watching his daughter play in the courtyard, his eyes distant and troubled, war was raging in foreign lands and soon would be at his doorstep if he was not prepared he could lose it all. He could lose his family, and his life, and his home would fall and with it the ruling family of Russia. The ruling monarch was watching his daughters ignoring their giggles and carefree laughter as they di not know he doom and anger that loomed outside of their country, Nicloas never wanted his kids to worry about such things.A large shadow soon loomed next to him, dressed in black silken robes his eyes flaming a deep blue color. A sparkle of flames danced in this man's eyes as he stood silent with the monarch. Nicolas did not need to even look to know who it was, it was the stranger that his wife trusted so much so. He was a man who wandered through Russia, with famous tales of his healing prowess, his stance was always so intimidating. Standing towering over Nicolas it made the monarch feel like a child before the man that stood beside him. The man was named Rasputin, Grigori Rasputin. The Mystic of Russia, The Mad Monk."Say something, you unsettle me with your silence" Nicolas said sharply unerved by the man silence. Rasputin was never known for being so quiet. The man still spoke none, as Nicolas eyes narrowed as he turned sharply toward the man and was about to snap at him to spit it out, but saw the man eyes where distant, lost in his own thought. "Grigori?" Nicolas finally asked at the hulking man as he reached out and touched the other mans arm. He was always so cold, like ice, like he was dead, well of course he was, he was a vampire. Nicolas saw the man blink his eyes and looked finally at the Russian Monarch, Nicolas, the man who did not know how to save his own home."Will you ever tell them?" He finally inquired with those blue eyes staring deeply at Nicolas who dared not to look at them and sighed gently and shook his head."They do not need to worry""Nicolas-""It's Tsar Nicolas Grigori" he snapped finally showing he was stressed as he was rare to snap at the monk who looked at him amused but it was soon faced away as Nicolas turned and stormed away from him. grigori tilted his head and followed after him."I can help protect this country Tsar, let me" he said as the tsar tried to ignore him and shook his head as he walked off, but Grigori followed after him easily before Nicolas eventually stopped and turned sharply toward him and had to look up at him."I am the Tsar! I will defend my home Grigori" he said sharply as if to try assert his authority over the man who looked at him with compassion."But you can't, you know this Nicolas, we all know this. BUT I can give you the power to defend it all" Grigori spoke softly to the stressed monarch slowly placing a large hand on his shoulder as the Tsar looked at him and frowned."I can defend my home!" he protested as Grigori frowned and looked at him."It okay to be truthful with yourself my friend, But I can offer the power to defend this place I just-""What would you want from me?" Nicolas frowned at him as Rasputin's eyes softened more because he could see that the walls of the Tsar had crumbled and fallen. Slowly rasputin kelt before the Tsar and placed his hand on Nicolas."I need your blood, Your Trust, and your Secrecy," He said softly "What I will do to ensure the protection of this country will not always be good, and happy endings but it will the country safe. Let me, let me in charge, let me have your blood, I will see your foes fall" Rasputin said with a soft voice."Will I die?""No, I do not require all of your blood, Only a few sips. Let me take that authority away from you, Let me bear it all. Let me command the country, Let me save your land you love so much"Rasputin whispered gently looking at him to trust him. "Why?" Nicolas dared to bravely enough a question."Why? Because this is my home as well, I have always loved it, let me prove to you what I can truly do" Rasputin hummed as Nicolas was uncertain, could he truly trust this creature, could he hand that kind of power and trust him."Then save my country, Rasputin, Promise me that you can""I promise Nicolas" Rasputin's voice whispered in his head gently he pulled Nicolas close to him and then purred into his ears."I'll keep the country safe from what yearns to destroy it" He promised into the Tsar's ears before Nicolas felt woozy and tired as he wobbled but Rasputin kept him upright."Why do I feel-""Rest, you'll feel better after a  nap" was the last thing Nicolas heard as the world went dark as Rasputin chuckled gently before picking up the sleeping man and walked off into the shadows, a twisted grin on his face."Humans are so fragile and yet, so interesting" he muses gently, as his fangs bared out , a promise that could save or doom the country. Nicolas made his choice, now the country had to hope it was not a terrible mistake!


05/08/2024 07:53 PM 

Attack On Holy Ground

"Listen to reason, please! Grigori!" screamed the head priest standing before the forty new priests that coward behind him as if the man's body was enough to stop the crazed killer that waltzed inside of this church. Holy ground, this monster shouldn't have crossed it, bu the man did. He came in with those scary blue eyes that dazzled in the sunlight of the early morning ceremony for the new Orthodox priests who stood there to be sworn into the house of God."reason? is that what you called it? When you came after me Father Daniel?" he snarled as the man stood his ground refusing to budge his steps in front of the alter and his young priests. The creature came forward his body posed to get himself ready as the people in the church t see this where highly confused and even more so confused when thirty soldiers came in after Rasputin. Their eyes fixed in a deep blue unblinking gaze."Do not do this" The priest commanded "You are in a house of God Rasputin! You can'-" Rasputin cut him off and grabbed him by the throat with his jaws sinking large fangs in deeply right through his jugular and then hosted himself to his full height having the head priest dangle from his jaws  Rasputin could hear the screams as people ran for the exit but without even so much as moving a musle the men opened fire killing everyone inside that tried to leave. Children, Men, and women lay in pools of blood as Rasputin let the dead body of the priest finally drop from his jaws as he smirked and licked his fangs."Pity, he was a good man" before walking toward the forty new priests with a dangerous smile on his lips. One by one, claws and his fangs sank into every last one of them, tearing heads off and or ripping a body in half. The vampire even changed a few of the new priests into new fledglings and would kill whoever was left. He allowed the newly turned vampires to feed from the dead people of the church as he smiled to the soldiers seeing they still could not control their bodies anymore, with a hum he commanded."Shoot" and with the last of bullets they shot upon each other till no one was alive other than Rasputin and his new Fledglings. With his thirst for bloodshed quenched he smiled as he looked around before he looked back at the alter."Amen," he mocked as he licked the blood off his hand as he walked out back into the daylight, before striking a match and letting the church and everyone else burn within it, leaving no trace of what had happened. By the time anyone had arrived, the place was an inferno and it was called a freak accident.The culprit was never found.


05/08/2024 06:06 PM 

Current mood:  awake

1. No minors. I am 35 years old behind this screen and do not have time to babysit children that don't belong here.2. Do not rush me with comments. Some days are busier than others, but i will get to you when I can.3. Don't steal from me. The layout you see here I got from "high times" on and I just changed graphics and colors to suit my own satisfaction.4. Do not harass me about late comments , messages, or stream replies. Like I said before I get busy and sometimes can't get online. It's rare that I'm ever offline, but it DOES happen. All I'm asking for is a little patience.5. Put some effort into your posts and don't rely solely on me for coming up with content for our roleplay. 6. Don't start drama with me. I am too old to care about the "he-said-she-said" online. I have that enough in my real life situations, no thank you.7. I portray Castiel as homosexual because on more than one occasion he clearly states that he loves Dean Winchester and will do anything to protect and save him. 8. I don't mind getting to know others out of character as long as it doesn't get out of hand. 9. I prefer ooc comments in the comments section and actual roleplaying in the message section. 10. Roleplay does not equal real life. I am not my character and you are not yours. I think some people cross the line into fantasy at some point too much.11. I prefer messages over comments - comments and copy/paste introductions will be ignored or deleted/blocked.12. I understand that mistakes HAPPEN. Please know that I will NOT jump the gun if you make a few mistakes with your writing.13. I will ship with chemistry and I do not mind erotica with my writing partners as long as its with two consenting adults, but please PLEASE remember how old I am and what that means.14. Just because you are on my friends list does not give you the right to harass me about roleplaying certain characters. I will NOT write other characters for you. I've been asked this once or twice before. 15. I am heavily interested in crossovers mainly because I can only do so much with a Supernatural main character so I am open to crossovers and the like.16. Do not ask me for a discord username. I do not like discord nor do I like to use it. 17. Do not ask for personal information such as government names, personal emails, phone numbers, and actual physical addresses. Unless (and this is rare) we are doing a business transaction which I do every now and then; please do not ask for this information.18. Castiel is very awkward with people as sometimes he does not know how to react to certain situations such as with love and affection because he was a soldier in heaven and now a fighter on earth with Sam and Dean and traveling with them has changed him a lot.19. Read and obey the damn rules. These are put up here for a reason and that is to keep the peace. 20. Have fun; please do not turn this into a chore, responsibility, and obligation for me to answer to.  

🕷♡slvtty spider⚠︎︎🂱

05/07/2024 12:54 PM 

Current mood:  sad

im such an attention whore.... //w//

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