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06/24/2024 09:30 PM 

Hellfire (open rp)

~TW~ has gore , and R.a.p.e in this story! Crime scene tape was being wrapped around one of the oldest churches in Los Angeles Chloe was already there including little miss Ella Lopez who was forensic scientist she was taking pictures and also taking samples of the body the priest was pants less and had been impaled  by the now blood soaked crucifixion  * so where is Lucifer * said Ella to the Decteive * not here * Ella smirked at the Decteive * apparently so * Chloe gave a look at Ella then rolled her eyes and continued working there was a nun sitting in the distance burning a candle for the dead priest who was name Johnathan she did the Catholic gestured *   father son holy ghost * she whispered as she crossed herself chole noticed the nun she raised a brow and walked over to the woman * do you know what happened here * it's the devil's work I tell you * just then Lucifer walked into the church overhearing the woman he smirked * Surly I had nothing to do with this * Chloe couldn't help smile some but her face went serious and professional she pulled him aside by his suit when she let go he wiped the wrinkles away he sarcastically said   *Decteive if you want to get rough with me may I suggest we do it somewhere else I just feel like dad is watching me the most here * he straightened his tie Ella overhead and couldn't help but chuckle at his remarks Chloe quickly shook her head her tone was now a little more serious*  Lucifer!  you're not supposed to be here... how did you even know this was here * Lucifer wasn't going to lie as he dipped his finger in the holy water it had no affect on him whatsoever Lucifer then said * I knew about it because I bought a LAPD police radio off the black market * Chole said * well I'm going to take that from you after this * Lucifer smirked as he walked under the crime scene tape he scoffed at the scene not fazed at all the blood that was there * seems like  he was staked on the cross * he smirked immaturely joking out the priests death as he said that * guys I see something * Ella said as she forced open the man's mouth as she pulled out a note that was shoved in his throat she read outside * justice has been served for Natalie * she tilted her head in confusin Decteive then said to the nun * do you know a Natalie * she nodded who was very cautious when she eyed Lucifer  and said to Chloe * one our younger ladies that come here just turned sixteen and pregnant poor girl I say to do such a sin at that age * the old woman crossed hands again Lucifer couldn't help but roll his eyes when the nun did that catholic gesture chole sighed and said as she wrote information down in her notebook * where is her parents ? * Chole asked the nun * the mother passed away 2 years ago because of cancer the father he is a working man a doctor his name is Jason Schmidt nice fella that one is * the nun said with a smile chole said * thank you you have been Soo helpful  * she closed the book and looked at the other officers around * you got this ?* The older cop said * yes ma'am we got this * Chole sighed as she saw Lucifer sitting down flipping through the bible and said * you know this book is full of lies fiction a bunch of Bull * Chole quickly said * let's go Lucifer not going to let you touch anymore things * she took the bible out of his hands and threw it on another bench and walked away to head to her police cruiser * would you like to take my car Decteive* Lucifer appeared right beside chole which she wasn't expecting him to be so close this made her jump a little sighing in relief but also a little annoyance as well * no we can take this * as she got in she went to start her car but for some reason it wasn't turning on with a defeated sigh she said to Lucifer * fine we can go in your car * fantastic * he said with a smile and opened the door for her then he got in his car and when started he drove off to the direction that was given to them heading not to the hospital but a big and rather beautiful farm that wasn't your average look in this place like LA which normally had the average skyscraper everywhere but not here this place was rather beautiful land for miles and miles and a dirt bumpy road the wan walked out of his barn when he noticed a unfamiliar car Lucifer finally pulled up to the farm parking Chole got out of the car and approached slowly * look I'm not going to buy those damn gmo seeds now get the hell out of here * he didn't know chole was a cop he just assumed that Monsanto was coming on his land again  he looked rather annoyed Chole pulled out her badge Jason read the badge  he patted his horse to get out of there it trotted away * sorry for that officers how may I help you ? * He assumed Lucifer was an officer as well Lucifer swatted a fly away  when it tried to fly in his face * do you know what happened at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral* she asked him watching him closely * yes I do * he took off his garden gloves revealing a tattoo of a cross on his wrist he was about to say something then Natalie who had been milking the clowns walked out of the barn * Dad? * The pregnant teen said with concern * sweetheart it's nothing you need to worry about * her father said to him Jason wasn't a doctor for humans he was a doctor for animals and the farm is where he took care of his patients he shooed the teenager away and turned back to Chloe and Lucifer * I killed someone there * Chloe and Lucifer looked at each other * who did you kill * Chole cautiously asked * the priest* he admitted to it * well what a twist * Lucifer said with a smile of entertainment * Chole then started to read his  miranda rights to the father as she cuffed him and arrested him putting him in the tight seet in Lucifer's car to take him away to interrogate him eventually they were at the station the man was cuffed in a interrogation room chole who was already in the room Lucifer was on the other side watching the integration happen and listening in on it as well hearing Chole speak * so tell me what happened and why * the deep voices man cleared his throat and said * I know I have sinned and I deserve the devil's punishment but I had to do so you saw my daughter ! Pregnant at sixteen ! why  you asked is because that bastard Raped my child!  * he slammed his fist down in anger as he huffed a little but then let out a sigh calming himself down * I tried going the legal way but no action was done so I took it into my hands and shoved him off the later which he was standing on I only wanted to scare him into a confession I didn't mean to kill the man * he shuttered at the sin he had done now with the confession she turned to look at the class b hind her which the chief who was standing next to Lucifer heard it all and after the confession a two officers walked in and took him away to his new and momentary jail cell this Chole walked out after shaking her head some she walked passed lucifer and grabbed her water bottle and chugged it as if it was a fantastic achohal * Decteive woah there now everything will be okay * she looked up at Lucifer * not for his daughter * Lucifers smile went away * right ... * Lucifer sighed awkwardly...

แต€แดดแดฑ SANโˆ‚MAN

06/24/2024 07:41 PM 

June '24 - In the Shadows ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

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in the shadows, June2024, writing prompt, pride

Iษณษณฯƒฦˆาฝษณฦš Wฮฑษณิƒาฝษพฮนษณษ ส‚

06/24/2024 01:43 PM 


The onyx pendulum  of night had broken away, shattering the impending storm and the morning star unfurled her blossoming petals still thick, heavy from the tears of the Gods above. The air filtered in from the balcony doors of their suite, squeaking on its rusted hinges  with each gusty wind that passed as the clean earthy scent of moist soil, slick blades of grass with the sweetness of honeysuckles fragrances each corner of  the room. He hadn't awakened just yet, and she was enjoying just watching him sleep. His wild eyes still tucked away under silvery lids and fringed black lashes that curled at the edges, capturing the essence of scattered stars that no longer had a destination or galaxy to dwell. Orphaned specks of magical dust, the making of every life that exists, burst and spiraled into orbit until they found her love walking along the cobblestone roads of Le Paris. Katherine's sweet summer time lips, ripe and red curled a half crescent moon thinking of herself in the same way as those specks are crying stars that burned too bright at times, sparkled in such a way and she was sure danced pirouette's around their father moon. She felt they were all orphans laying in bed, clustered in the safety of the other's arms forming four walls, a roof through their beating hearts and weaved threaded hands, fingers like puzzle paces finally aligning as one.Katherine's had always been drawn to the wildness of life. The untamed, ever seeking yearning in her soul.  She sometimes wondered if it was the gypsy blood flowing in her veins, laying dormant but still echoed in her bones. Or maybe it was how she was born. Her mother's bare back pressed along the bark of a willow tree as Katherine screamed to be brought to life. The pain, contraction's her mother had felt only subsided for a moment as a damning storm reigned down its soothing cool droplets of rain after a long day's work in the grueling hot summery heat. Perhaps that is when it happened. When the wild collided in her soul. From the moment she took her very first breath, the crackling of talon whip, lashing of lightning dazzling across the inky sky and thunder rumbling in annoyance as it slipped away from his hold. Her mother had told her that she cried for only a moment and, unlike her sister, Katherine's eyes opened wide and the infant, not even ten seconds old, watched the fireworks above and stilled, cooed in response as if she was trying to sooth the very storm.The first time she felt peace in her younger life, when she was just a little girl in the village in Bulgaria, was when the ballet came into her town. Her family did not have enough money to purchase the tickets for the show that would take place  in the old church, a short distance from her home. But the young girl, bouncing black tresses pulled into a high ponytail with a pink ribbon, still sprinted her way into town.  She had found an old chicken coop box that the farmer's would sometimes use when travelling with their livestock on the side of the road and she dragged it with her small hands and tiny fingers to the little window covered in dirt, dust and kicked up grass that plastered over the glass.Katherine gathered the hemming of her dress that she licked to moisten  just enough, and she rubbed away as much as she could and before her very eyes she could see an array of young girls dancing with such grace, poise as if they were a flock of synchronized dove's in the vast azure sky above leaping between clouds and spiraling around the sun.  Tears welled in her mocha coloured eyes like two spools of threading, golds shimmering as droplets, wishful dreams, curved down her butterfly blossomed cheeks into the silent cries emulating from her pretty pout and as the show drew to a close, she hopped off the box she stood and closed her sweet little eyes. She wanted to remember, cast into her mind every movement, flow of their legs, toes and hands. Every detail, etched in her mind, so she could practice and silence the storms she always feltHer younger life had not been an easy path and in many ways, imprinted on her later years and the same sanctuary, quiet she found in her soul would be the same that would lead her down a damning path until she met Erik, in the form of a ghost, then later young boy, and then man that would become her husband and her true saving grace.  Katherine practiced every moment she could, even evading her chores, having to wake up much earlier than the other's and steal a few spindles of ribbon from her mother's sewing kit and head to the mountain sides. The same ones she was born upon and the only place far enough away that she could not hear her father, or mother's voices or many arguments or fights. In the many times as she would use the ribbon's as handmade ballet shoes, wrapping, forming the same pointy tips she saw on the dancers' footing, she would pretend the willow tree was her mother watching, encouraging the beautiful little lass. She named her Gertrude, and it wouldn't be until many years would she fine tune her gifts. Ones given to her by her father's creed, gypsy roots she had not known or understood yet. Katherine always thought it was her vivid imagination. The voices she would hear, or the way the vining branches swept around her as she danced like silk guiding perfecting her each and everystep. She did not know the entire story of the day she was born. How her mother lost conscious, and it was the same Willow tree that swaddled and kept the newborn warm, dry until they were both found.Her family did not have very much, and often if any money was left over after the cattle, live stock was feed,  It was hardly dotted upon little Katherine, her two sisters or even her mother's breath. Her father, whose soul always seemed to be haunted, captured in a place, realm, Katherine could never understand. But she could tell by the plagued look in his eyes, almost like a steel cage, bars,  there was always something there, existing and tormenting his every step. She wondered if it was a Petrova curse that she would sometimes hear her mother speak of in shadowed cussing breaths. They all seemed to be haunted in one form or the next. But in Katherine's heart it was never frightful, scary as the one that would sometimes emerge from her father's hands. It's when he would drink when they took hold. Whatever entity he tried his best to shut away was suddenly released and took over his soul. This only encouraged the young girl to develop more of her craft and whenever the ballet would come into town she would be there too with her button nose perched against the glass.  It was when late one afternoon, and the sound of crickets engulfed the steamy summer's air. The show had just finished and the towns folk, and little ballerina's poured out of the old church's wooden staircase. Katherine had hardly heard them. She was too focused on perfecting her steps. Engraving into her memory as she did after every performance the beauty, flow of silk hugging each girl's poetic flowery steps.  It was when the female teacher would approach her, a smile so wide and bright it eclipsed even the tangerine petals of the sun. Her hair tousled in a loose bun on top of her crowning,  trendies of the most enchanting threads of yellow glinted around her face, echoing in the same style little Katherine now wore her hair in whenever she would go steal a glimpse at the show from her perched nest outside. Her own personal booth where she dreamed, sighed and laid in wonder with each of their steps. She hadn't even heard the music from the piano. The windows were much too thick, and she couldn't even hear one note. But the graceful steps almost played like a choir of angels in her ears and she thought it best after a while she couldn't hear the musician's long skilled fingers pressing the pearly keys as they danced around.  The instructor was so kind, and her face was almost snow-white and although in normal circumstances, Katherine would have run, but she felt drawn in by the kindness emulating from the woman's eyes. "Well, who are you little budding?" Her voice sounded like a wind chime as she spoke, and she touched the tip of Katherine's nose, causing her to giggle, squint in response. Katherine tried to swat it away and curtsied curtsied as she saw the other girls of the caroling as spoke in her own chiming voice back She wanted  to impress the woman very much, and a smile peppered across her cherub angelic face.  "I am Miss Katherine Petrova, but you can call me Kat!"   The instructor was quite smitten with the young lady and arched her brow watching the little princess put on her act, knowing it was to impress her, but she already saw her move with an elegance, flow dancers twice her age couldn't manage to perfect. It was as if she was a tiny doll held together, and orchestrated by professional strings. She knew she wanted Katherine to become one of her students or maybe even a protégé. She had not a family to speak of, let alone any children who could carry her respectable name, and she  could already see the bright burn of azure flickering in her dark wishful pearl eyes, a rare gem, light she knew she could weld into a bird never knowing land once she was properly trained.For a very long moment, the two gazed into the other's eyes, one seeing what she used to be when she was much younger. A deep, passion, love for the art that over time she lost along the way. It became more about business and young lasses means to ever gain power, money in her life. There were not many opportunities of a respectable nature then and often the dancers she would train, mold, lacked the true love, desire and infatuation in dance.  But when she gazed at the young girl,  she could see a part of herself in her fawn-doe eyes, and wanted with everything inside of her heart to pass all she knew into her dainty soul.  Little Katherine was overwhelmed with such glee and excitement that she couldn't help herself from swaying from side to side. But she knew to keep her manners and held the instructor's warm, inviting eyes. She felt as if she was in a dream as one of her wishes finally came true. The woman she admired through the murky window, seemingly out of reach, had finally taken notice of her when she least expected or could have known. In her mind, she thought of what she may have seen and hoped she perfected each movement and step because she so wanted to impress her and possibly become one of her gifted students travelling to other lands.   In her trail of thoughts, she suddenly frowned knowing, although she was noticed finally by the talented angelic woman before her, her family did not have the means to pay for such extravagances as her father would call it and young Katherine's gaze left the instructors as sorrow welded at once. She began to kick up the dirt beneath her worn second hand shoes that belonged to her sister a year ago. They were slightly bigger than her own feet, but Mama said they could not afford another pair until later in the fall. The summer had brought near drought over the lands and the God's she said, must have been angry and would not shed not even a single drop of rain. So many of their crops fell to dust, were ruined and unable to provide as much as the family needed. Her mother even volunteered young Katherine to play piano at the church she belonged to and often went to when she could be found if not at home, and although Katherine was reluctant to join, she felt an obligation as the parishioners provided her family with goods, meat, and milk until  her parents could once more fend and take care of their own.To be cont:  

The phantom of the opera, kat destler, maiden kat, AU, dance

Kฮฑั‚ loveั• Le Fฮฑษดั‚oะผeโ„ข๏ธ

06/24/2024 01:02 PM 


Beyond the garnet aged veil of Palais Garnier. There was another story being told. Dark, sensual laments. Sorrowful gasps with curious wide eyes as patrons entered it's doors. Intricate details etched upon the walls. Scribbed from a artist's hand. Scriptures, verses forbidden and unknown to the common man. Her Tsigani blood was electrified when she first came to Le Paris. The city was a dark tempest of the night, a dangerous beauty to all that encountered her grasp. Sensual reds stitched along a azure sky, and the nighttime was awakened under her delicate hands.Music flowed like honeyed wine, and skyward lights danced along cobblestone streets and stoned architecture carved from a long-forgotten dreamer's hands. When Katherine first entered its veil, she too was a creature of the night. Her mocha ringlets danced along her feminine frame joyously. But shrouded over the hunger and deep thirsty embers, she tried her best to fight. There were times she swore she could still feel the incisors between her rosebud lips. A history she would choose to long forget, but still whispered in a coiled grip.Daggers that once were the takers of lives, but none were deserving of the breath they bared. But that was long ago. Many lifetimes passed, and now she could feel the warm scarlet pulsing in her veins. As well as the life she carried inside her tummy. A celestial tapestry of the love they've shared, overlapping in many lifetimes and brought together again by fated hands. But there was an energy in the air that prickled along her porcelain flesh. A talons claw scraping along the edges.A surge she couldn't decipher and disembodied voices calling her name. As shadows danced along each candle like jinns cackling and taunting in the night creating labyrinths in her mind. Cryptic puzzle pieces reveal the tearing between the realms beyond the naked eye. Erik seemed to be as haunted as she felt, too. He spending most of his time retreating to the catacombs far below the city streets of Le Paris. The echo of his long, skilled digits tearing over bone-white keys from the laments of his soul far surpassed the encasing of his world that he kept hidden away and hardly revealed.The city was unhinged, and even the patrons acted peculiarly after each showing at the Palais Garnier. Instead of roaring applause, there were tears from unspoken words as lovers' hearts held tighter, clinging to each other's arms. There was a change in the air. A heavy mist that did not lift even as the sun tried its best to penetrate in the day as musical notes flowed along spring blooms and birds echoed each note of the music that he made.Le Paris the city of dreams and shipwrecked parts of one's soul.Katherine was a dancer since the time she was barely knee-high, and the forest surrounding her home in Bulgaria was the music of her young soul. Her days were spent along rolling fields, and her teacher was a willow tree who carved the ebb and flow of each movement she made. Le Paris was a place she had read about in school on sketched pads someone made from their travels abroad. Even now, she recalls the stocky gentleman with permanent flushed cheek barreling in through their tiny school, excited to share his memories of it all. She couldn't remember all that he said that day.Or even exactly what was in the poorly stitched-together notebook he had made. But the one sentence that sparked her heart like a beacon to Le Paris that he said was, 'it was a place where an artist heart was carved and can truly be set free.' Even after her heart stopped beating on that fateful night many centuries ago, she never stopped yearning for this foreign city, a place in her mind drizzled with gold.Le Paris.. Each syllable electrified her mind, and when she first laid eyes upon it, she recalled her younger self. The tsigani girl, whose first teacher was the willow tree, and the dancing girls were buzzing bees and zigzagging dragonflies. While parchment-like leaves clapped excitedly when the dance was done.So much time has passed since she first arrived in the city, and everything she ever yearned for was here all along. Since the moment she was turned, she had searched the world for a cure and wanted to just feel her heart beating once again. Now, as she smoothed her soft palm over her tummy, feeling their unborn fluttering like a butterfly awaiting her time to spread her wings, each memory and moment they had shared since her arrival played in her mind like pages of her favourite novel, and she could see it upon every droplet on a fresh bloom awakening in spring.Her thoughts stilled as the carriage suddenly stopped, and the horses released a heavy sigh after traveling over the mountains from their cottage nestled on the outskirts of the city. As the coachman opened the door, her amber hues fixated on Palais Garnier it was just as beautiful and haunting as she remembered it was. For much of her pregnancy, she kept away from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoying quieter days in her solitude and priming their home for their daughter's arrival. But as word spread—even over the mountainside of Erik's lament—she braved the city again, longing to be by her husband's side.

The Phantom of the opera, Katherine Destler, POTO, AU. Paris


06/23/2024 07:52 PM 

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๏ผ’๏ผ๏ผ’๏ผ Pacing around her new condo made her realize how obnoxiously big it was, adding that to her endless list of complaints as she listened to the comforting words of her mother.“I think you made a good choice, Mija. Really, I used to love visiting New York.”A scoff from the lonely girl, “Yeah, I’m sure.” She muttered doubtfully, moving around the unopened moving boxes and randomly placed furniture. The movers did her few favors this time, but she’d figure it out on her own.“Seriously, there’s this little bodega on 8th street that has the best cake I’ve ever had.”A sigh now, her thumb and middle finger massaged her temples as she fought so desperately not to lose her mind. “Well, I’ll have to give it a try sometime when I start liking cake, Ma. It may take some time to get back to you with a review considering I’ve hated it since I was, like, five.” Cold words had to reveal basic information to her estranged mother.“You don’t hate it, baby.” An unfazed wave of laughter from her mom. “You just haven’t had this cake yet. Promise me you’ll try it.” The voice on the other line pressed, forcing her into something she wasn’t once more.“Why do you want me to suffer?” She asked through a heavy groan, managing a joking tone despite her genuine curiosity. She was moping, self-loathing to the fullest extent. This only caused another gentle laugh from her mother.“You have to try to find the good in this, Marcellina. New York is the perfect place for you right now. You’ll never meet the same person twice, you can just be lost in the busyness and lay low for a while.” The pouting girl collapsed onto the couch oddly placed in the middle of the living room, cursing the movers once more.As she listened, she felt a fire building inside of her and threatening her with a potential combustion. She didn’t want any of the things her mom went on about. She didn’t want to be another body in a city that would never know her. She didn’t want to spend her life pretending she was living. She didn’t want to be surrounded by strangers her whole life. If she were to say this out loud it would only upset others and lead to another lecture about her obligations to her family, so she passed on that.“Maybe you’re right..” She sighed out, uninterested in the conversation but trying to conceal that.“See? Plus, everyone walks or takes the subway there. No personal drivers will be a nice change, right?”Silence now as she fixated on this. She used to drive herself everywhere, it was one of the few freedoms she had that allowed her to escape this hell hole of a life. But you have one car explode in your driveway and suddenly it’s a safety hazard and everyone’s scared; Yet another basic human privilege was revoked over a year ago. She agreed it would be nice not to be inconvenienced by it anymore, but she’d never admit it.“So walking around in polluted air and getting mugged is the best option I have? Great.” She grumbled, staring up at the ceiling as she was scolded, reassured, and offered advice all in the same breath, returning to her silence while the stranger on the other end of the call continued to offer dining recommendations. ———————————————Had she realized this was the last time she’d speak to her mother, she would have stayed on the line much longer than she did and said so much more. That guilt hovering over her was relentless now, on June 18th.   Things had changed, as they always do. Her condo was now filled to the brim with things that brought her glimmers of joy; Records, books, plants, flowers. All were chaotically organized by the control freak to ensure every inch of the home was covered.She had changed and this date had, as well. Now full of pretend celebrations for her fictitious birthday. She protested all of it but still ended up staying out until 5 am, so maybe the company helped. Pacing around aimlessly for a few hours, she finally built up the needed courage just as the sun greeted the sky. She wandered through her dimly lit kitchen, finding a bottle of wine before making her way back to her seat at the marble island in the middle of the room. A few chugs and she was brave enough to reach for the styrofoam take-out box in front of her. There was a grimace of displeasure as she looked over the slice of chocolate cake, fingers tapping the counter while she tried to hype herself up. Maybe she’d be proven wrong; Shown that her mother actually did know a thing or two about her and truly had her best interests in mind. Maybe she could find closure after a cake-induced epiphany about motherhood.After another drink from the bottle, she grabbed her fork and took a bite. She acknowledged that it wasn’t entirely terrible but was too deep in self-loathing for celebratory desserts. The grimace grew and the container found a home in the trash can. The sulking woman ventured off to bed with the bottle, drunkenly muttering to the morning sun.  “Happy birthday, Mom.”


06/23/2024 07:51 PM 

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More than anything else in this world, Marcellina hated two things; Liars and secrets. Yet this plagued universe loved toying with her fate, progressively surrounding her with more and more of her dislikes and fears. The twenty-five-year-old now existed to create the same chaos she resented. Worst of all, she was good at it.Everyone got a different version of her, each one entirely dependent on what she wanted out of the connection. At Juilliard, she was Celena, at the strip club she was Mars, at places like her favorite record store, bakery, and coffee shop she was Marci, her most frequent alias. Due to her ‘schedule’ of moving every 3-5 years starting when she was nine, the woman had exposure to countless accents. Some of which she learned through her relentless desire to adapt and be accepted. Of these learned accents, a few were used now to help keep her secret worlds from meeting. All of her aliases were different people, all with some real parts of her, coming from various backgrounds and rarely connected in any way.So when Will, the owner of the record shop, pulled her from her thoughts with the question, “So what are we doing for your birthday, Marci?” She quickly had to rid herself of the puzzled look consuming her features. “Our star employee deserves a party. June eighteenth, right?” He added after spotting her confusion.After a moment of remembering who she was pretending to be today, she cleared her throat and nodded with a breathy chuckle. “June eightteenth,” she repeated with a forced smile. “I don’t usually celebrate too much. I’ll probably be working all weekend anyway.” She shrugged, turning her attention to the vinyls she was categorizing.“But it’s your birthday!! What diner are you working at that wouldn’t let you take the day off for your birthday?! There aren’t any other waitresses who could cover for you?”  A sly smirk now as she remembered today’s role and the lies that came with it “Well, maybe I’m the star employee there, too. You really think they’d survive the weekend without me?” She asked, knowing good and well that she would be dancing under strobe lights for hungry eyes all weekend. The thought made her mind wander, trying to decide which wigs she’d wear this weekend.    A scoff of laughter came from her boss who shook his head. “That’s checks out. But if you’re not going to let us celebrate you, you could at least let me pay you for working here.” He wagered but the thought of needing money was laughable.A mischievous smirk and a shrug from her as she kept her eyes low, studying the album in her hands records. “Absolutely not. I already told you, I’m a convicted felon and this is my community service.” She joked with a confident nod, causing chuckles to echo over to her side of the storefront.“Yeah, yeah. Okay, Miss Criminal. Everyone here knows you couldn’t hurt a fly. Literally! Jess said she watched you coax a fly out the door because Marcus was trying to kill it.”“Hey, criminals can care about Mother Nature, you know. Global warming is a huge problem, we all have to do our part.” She interrupted his laughter but received a doubtful look in response.“We’ll do Thursday then. Close up shop early and we can all grab drinks or something?”Her brows furrowed in confusion, lost in her own lies once more and not sure what they were speaking on.“For your birthday, dude. You’re not getting out of this by acting like you forgot about it.” He clarified with an amused look, certain she was messing with him. “No if, ands, or buts. Thursday night, birthday girl.” He tapped on the counter before heading to the back office. A heavy sigh of relief fell as her mask was able to come off, the otherwise empty room leaving her alone with her thoughts Birthdays were different when she was still allowed at home. Back when she still had one of those. Despite it being in November, she had nothing but warm memories of her celebrations as a child. The days were full of beach trips and feasts that could feed a village. She remembered years when she legitimately thought she was a princess or some sort of royalty given the extent to which everyone rejoiced in her existence.   And then that gradual shift started, creating a forced emancipation and witness protection level secrecy. She lost her family and her home, forbidden from visiting without direct orders because ‘the orders are in place to keep you alive’ or whatever.Sometimes when you’re an angsty menace to society with abandonment issues while in hiding, you have to find little joys of your own. Her’s became lying. Originally it was a job, the last gift her father ever gave her in person. A responsibility to her family, a pledge of dishonesty to ensure her tracks were always covered. Over time it became easier and more enjoyable.    The only lies that were mandatory were her last name, family ties, and birthplace. The others were added by her, inspired by spite, grieving, or amusement. Do you have any clue how hilarious it is to be told you ’totally give Aquarius energy, for sure’ when your birthday is in November? The job she originally felt guilty for accepting became more of a pastime than anything else, filling her time in each city with a fully curated life. She was able to be whoever she wanted and toy with reality as much as she wanted to.Some of the lies were created out of curiosity for the responses, and some fed her uncontrolled hedonism. The decision to change her birthday happened about two years ago after her mother went missing. Another November passed without any family contact, this time lacking even the one phone call she anticipated every year.In the cold of New York, she realized she no longer had an attachment to November. So different from the Bahamian winters she grew up in. Here the air is heavy and painful, and the sun is like another absent parent, refusing to do anything to help her grow. The earth feels dead, the ground is covered in safety hazards, and everyone in America is so consumed by the upcoming holiday season. It’s ‘jolly’ and disgusting.So when it came time to decide her new story for the people she met in New York, she told them her birthday was June 18th. Closer to the sun and farther from her actual astrology sign or any attachment to her real self.Can you guess what the response tended to be?‘That makes so much sense. You absolutely radiate Gemini vibes!’ She always had to stop herself from laughing at this, imagining her mother scolding her for being so cruel and indulging in the dishonesty their family is known for. The realization that her mother wouldn’t be calling her in November motivated her to keep lying, forcing a life that wasn’t hers to fool her open wounds into believing they'd healed or maybe never existed at all.  


06/23/2024 07:46 PM 

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“Hello Faada” She spoke eagerly after answering the phone. The call was unexpected but the lonely girl would accept any interactions her parents offered. Her thick Bahamian accent was much sharper during family talks, mostly for the comfort of those she spoke to.“Marcellina Gaviria…” The deep voice roared through the phone, even more full of accent than her own. He couldn’t see how her body went stiff from his scolding. The forever-obedient woman rarely received reprimands like this, too trapped in the game of endless rules to find herself in trouble. But now she shook, her breath was pulled from her lungs, and she struggled to find her voice.“What did I d—“ Her question was cut short by another round of thunderous yells.“A strip club?? Do you have no shame? Do you not care for your family anymore?”She closed her eyes now, trembling fingertips rubbing her temples as she took a moment to compose herself while his berating questions continued.“It’s just for fun.” She interjected, only to be cut off once more.“And this is the only fun you could find in f***ing New York City? We sent you there because we knew you’d have options. Because you wanted to go to Juilliard. And this is what you chose?”He wasn’t always like this. Things were easier back when they played pretend, denying the world’s efforts to destroy them. Before she knew her family’s dark secrets and began to carry the weight of the choices of her bloodline.The father she remembers most fondly was sweet, playful, and full of humor. She would credit her father’s previous self for so much of her personality. His desire to bring joy to others, his attention to detail and ability to romanticize anything, and the way he would assign songs to his loved ones; His daughter’s was “Isn’t She Lovely’ by Stevie Wonder, among many others. He'd wander the halls of their manasion with his daughter, singing whatever song was on her mind that day.Somewhere along the line, his priorities were reworked. The concern for keeping his family safe grew larger than his desire to keep himself present. The more time they spent apart, the less she recognized the man who swore to give her everything. She now resented anything that resembled the ‘safety’ he was trying to achieve. She now questions the reason she stepped into the strip club in the first place.“For me, Dad. It’s fun to me and I’m safe. No one knows me here, you said I would be fine here. Why can’t I live like someone who is safe?” The girl was bold. Probably one of the few brave enough to speak out of turn when questioned by a drug lord.“You know nothing, gyal. You are so naive, so irresponsible…” Disappointment now, maybe even disgust in his tone. “You talked your mother into New York and I accepted and paid for it. You wanted to go to the most expensive f***ing school in America and I accepted and paid for it. Is nothing good enough for you?”“Daudie—“ her small voice barely audible over his.“You will call me sir” The voice demanded, all signs of her father were eliminated. “Do you hear me?” The emphasis of his demand grew less and less familial with each word. A fight for power, control. She was nothing more than a problem to him in this moment and she knew that.“Yes, sir.” She shrunk now, her cowering clear in her voice as she fought back tears and tried to stop her lower lip from quivering. She was pacing now, moving about her massive penthouse apartment with no end destination.A long pause now, the stubborn woman too proud to say anything that wouldn't further the confrontation. The proud man was too driven to offer his daughter anything comforting.“Why can’t you just do as I say, Marcellina?”Despite the circumstances and her better judgment, she chose to poke the bear as it stood in front of her, full of intimidation,“I just did want you said to, Sir.”“Qué Gueva, Marcellina. Do not get smart with me now. You didn’t want to use your head before. Going around a bunch of arrechos, letting them touch you, are you crazy?!” He paused, reeling he was getting nowhere with his daughter. “What would your mother think?”His questions felt like a knife being pushed around in her small intestine. Her hands balled into fists now, an exhale of frustration pushed from her nostrils and her molars clamping down on the inside of her cheek to distract her from her rage.“I don’t know, Dad. But I’d love to ask her. Where is she exactly?” At this point, she didn’t know if she was brave or just spiteful in the most self-destructive way possible. She was leaning more towards the latter.Both ends of the phone call fell into a long stretch of painful silence, torturing the woman who only craved a few seemingly simple things; Honesty, freedom, and her family. All of which were perpetually out of reach for her. She was reminded of this when he finally spoke again.Her mother had been a sensitive topic for almost two years now, one avoided at all costs. She wondered if it was because of the context behind her disappearance or if those answers did not yet exist. Either way, she was becoming a memory just like her father and the dark whisperers of the unknown kept her awake and on edge often.“You will quit that job, Marcellina. Immediately, and you will never go back. You should also expect more security check-ins. End of discussion. Mi aฬngel, I'm doing this for you. Don’t make me regret giving you another chance.”"Okay..." Then the line was dead, a call ended with no glimmer of hope, no support. She was alone again. Having been denied honesty once more, left with even less freedom, and pushed away from her family. She stared down at the dimly lit screen for a few moments,  deeply engulfed in her misery.After a bit of silent loathing, she broke. Her screams of rage were ear-piercing and full of pain. Once more, she had been diminished to nothing but a little girl longing for a normal life, a life with her parents. But they were nowhere to be found.The tears continued for the remaining hours of the night, the echoes of sobs being her only company.  


06/23/2024 07:39 PM 

Had Enough of Silly Love Songs

You'd think that people would've had enough of silly love songs...But they are all this women has to put words to the ignited flame of passion. Never being gifted more than a few years to recreate the magic of those songs before being uprooted to the next place. Love only visited her once or twice, each time just a mere speck on her timeline which was quickly cut off like loose thread to cover her tracks.The isolated girl collected songs to remind her of the crippling euphoria the heart can experience and the world one can be consumed by in the presence of a lovestruck mind. A playlist for those starved of love, those attempting to understand it, and those recovering from it. A survival guide, if you will.Good luck to all those brave enough to be tangled in love's grasp. Can’t Help Falling in Love - ub40Stay - Mac MillerHave You Ever - BrandyLovin You - Minnie RipertonShe Loves You - The BeatlesSanctuary - JojiNothing Compares - The Weeknd Get you - Daniel Caesar and Kali UchisCan’t Take My Eyes Off of You - Lauryn HillIs this love- Bob MarleyWhen I Fall in Love - Celine DionSo Blue - PrinceSafety - GeekGodspeed - Frank Ocean Follow you - Bring Me the HorizonDontchange - Musiq SoulchildGlitter - Tyler the CreatorNever Too Much- Luther VandrossNorthern Wind - City and ColourMy Cherie Amour - Stevie WonderCity Love - John MayerMoon river- Frank OceanPeach - Kevin AbstractOpen Your Eyes - Bobby CaldwellBecause of You - Ne-YoDaydreaming - Aretha FranklinAin’t no Body Taking My Baby - RussMy Boo - Usher and Alicia KeysLove Child - Diana Ross and the SupremesSilly Love Songs - Wings Vision of Love - Mariah CareyChasing Cars - Snow PatrolWork Song - HozierIris - Goo Goo DollsPuppet - Tyler the CreatorThinking bout You - Frank OceanMy Love - Lionel RichieSara Smile - Daryl Hall & John OatesSuddenly - Billy OceanJapanese Demin - Daniel CaesarYou Had Me at Hello - A Day to RememberSaving All My Love for You - Whitney HustonEndless Love- Diana Ross and Lionel RichieThe Things We Do For Love - 10ccUnconditional Love - Jah CureTelepatia - Kali UchisAdore - PrinceThe Only Exception - ParamoreCasey's Song - City and ColourScreen - Twenty-One PilotsLOVE - Kendrick Lamar Adorn - Miguel  


06/23/2024 07:38 PM 

Where Civil Blood Makes Civil Hands Unclean.

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06/23/2024 07:27 PM 

owes list.

I owe you,Conrad (r) 06/23You owe me,Ava (s) 06/18Kiera (s) 06/21Cove (s) 06/21Riley (r) 06/23LAST UPDATED: 06/23/2023


06/23/2024 07:22 PM 

stats / bio.

*  •  .  ¸  โ™ก coming soon !!!!!!!

Alien Experiment

06/23/2024 06:29 PM 

Supernatural, Aliens, Space

The names Lena the name i have chosen for myself. I was born and raised in a test tube in a government lab hidden underground out of the eye sights of humans. I am different from most in that i was born half human and alien. I may look like a human but i have the abilities and knowledge of aliens. If you wish to have a storyline with me feel free to add me i also recommend reading my bio before hand. There is more than just one sibling involved!


06/23/2024 05:49 PM 


Activity: This goes without saying. Activity is a MUST! Without active members, an RPG can’t survive. There will be a monthly point system, however it only requires 10 points. More will be sent when you get accepted.Drama: NO OOC drama will be tolerated. If you have a problem, come to the Admins. IF it continues to be an issue, you will be removed from the group.More to be added soon. 

๐“ข๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ญ๐“ฎ๐“ผ ๐“ธ๐“ฏ ๐“ก๐“ฎ๐“ญ

06/23/2024 04:18 PM 

Darkness Reigns -Response to Corvinus-

The tension between Violet and the family, the tragic loss of Kai, and the shocking revelation from Malakai all contribute to a gripping narrative. Here’s a suggestion to further enhance the emotional depth and vividness of your story:Violet's laughter echoed ominously, her voice resonating with a chilling power. "You wish to witness my capabilities? I have obliterated everything you once cherished." Her gaze, now a radiant violet, scrutinized the transformation unfolding before her. Her attire morphed into a dark, ethereal dress, her movements eerily resembling a spectral glide.The children recoiled in terror, their bodies trembling uncontrollably. Jake and Nate sprang into action, rushing towards Kai's lifeless form to rescue the infant within. "Time is not our ally," Nate declared, his voice strained with urgency. It was evident that Jake would need to harness his supernatural abilities to save the child nestled within Kai. Swiftly, he plunged his hands into his father's abdomen, extracting the infant who wailed in protest, yearning for the fading warmth of his father. Jake handed the swaddled child to Nate, and together they fled the scene, urging the other children to follow them upstairs, away from the impending danger.Violet's transformation continued, her clothing morphing into a battle-ready ensemble, a clasp securing her attire around her neck and chest. A large, sharp blade materialized in her hand, its edge adorned with shimmering violet crystals."Prepare yourself," she taunted, her voice dripping with malice. "You believe you have a family. Your son, my husband, and I will dismantle this family. We will seize your power and ascend as the rulers of hell. You are dismissed, coward." With a swift, practiced motion, she swung her blade towards Corvinus.The children huddled behind the railing, their eyes wide with fear as they watched the confrontation unfold. Jake's expression hardened as he learned of his triplet's betrayal, the realization that one of his own had sided with Violet, their aunt, filled him with disgust. Meanwhile, Nate sought solace with Caine in the bedroom, tending to Rory and offering comfort as waves of grief washed over them.Their protector, their beacon of love, Kai, was gone.Memories of happier times with their father, moments filled with laughter and love, flashed before their eyes. The reality of their loss was a bitter pill to swallow.Meanwhile, Malakai was hastily packing, his actions interrupted by his brother's confrontation. The slap that landed on his face elicited a laugh from him. "You think I care about you? I've been playing the part of the bipolar sufferer. It was all an act, because I am in love with Violet, and she is carrying my child. I would have poisoned you all if I had the chance. You want a fight?" With a defiant toss, Malakai discarded his bag onto the floor. As he retreated, the ground trembled beneath him, causing the evergreens to shudder."I'll annihilate you all," Malakai threatened, his powers reaching their zenith. With a swift motion, a guitar hurtled towards Alex's head.



06/23/2024 02:56 PM 

Case file 27: Riddler.

Tuesday 23rd October. 2001.Case file: 27.Codename: Riddler.  The year was close to the end but not before Halloween had a chance to come around.Children and parents preparing their costumes and candies for a time of year when anyone can wear a mask without having to be a killer.But, It didn't stop criminals from being who they were.Tuesday was the first night when a kill had been reported.The rain had poured heavily, and blood had rinsed away but the blunt-force trauma that the victim endured couldn't be denied.He lay there with forensics on the scene as I watched, high, from the edge of a building.I used binoculars to see and an audible device nearby between the officers.I listened.Deputy Commissioner Gordon: "What do we have here, Ramirez?"Detective Ramirez: "The body has been here between 30-36 with blunt force trauma to the head. Forensic found a brick nearby. We are going to check if it's from any buildings in the local area. The rain hasn't helped but there was one thing we found but were waiting for you to show up."She took out an envelope-sized item that was made of a strong, resistant material. Someone was prepared for the weather.Gordon signalled for an umbrella and opened it. Gordon: "This man died. Another will supersede. But first, waste no seconds and figure out my riddle...three...""If you look at the numbers on my face, you won't find 13 anyplace."Gordon and his crew were confused. "What is always on time but never arrives?"Gordon continued."Now, the last.""A Question, what is it that no man wants, but no man wants to lose?"Gordon needed a moment, re-reading the words to try to make any sense to them."We need people on these riddles for clues. Everyone else, continue checking the scene.The rain fell on me as I put the binoculars away. The audible device, I would come back for later.I had Riddles to figure out.The second one, I got quickly.  What is always on time but never arrives? Tomorrow.The third came not long after that. What does no man want but does not want to lose? A lawsuit.I left the Rooftop, gliding and swinging high in the sky as I thought over, and over, having the first riddle on repeat.Then, I saw it.  The Clocktower which was closed due to renovations.No thirteen to be found. A clock face only had twelve.If the victim had been found sooner, I could have found the second one alive. Now, it seemed unlikely.I landed on the building and made my way inside. I looked around and saw nothing. Just renovation work. Nothing out of the ordinary until I saw the bell, and shoes hanging.Inside, was a body, hanging in place of the clapper. I was unable to recognise the face without removing it. I had to wait for Gordon.But, there was a riddle attached that I could read."What does a liar do when dead?"I left and reached the edge of a building. Muttering out."He lies still."I leapt off the building, it was time to give Gordon some hints so the investigation could continue quickly.


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