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06/06/2024 03:14 PM 


TW: Violence, familial abuse; physical and verbal/emotional, blood, strong language.August 30th, 2011 - New York CityDistantly, beneath the thumping of his heart filling his ears, he hears his mother calling. Not to him. To the man stood across from him. His father. He thinks she's telling him to stop but he can't be sure. It sounds like he's underwater. He doesn't even hear what his dad says, only knowing he's said something because he can see the movement of his lips. Over his shoulder he sees one of his 'uncles' stop his mom short from stepping past the circle of the pack surrounding them.He turned eighteen eight days ago. He still hasn't shifted or otherwise presented his wolf. If he were a late bloomer, he's quickly running out time for even that normalcy to be granted to him. Which is what brings them to this moment. One of the warehouses the pack owns, on an early Tuesday morning. Most who work here are the members of the pack that surround him and his father. Those who aren't pack have been given a generous Tuesday off. People, humans, who know well enough not to ask any questions. They might think they're dealing with another family in the mafia despite many thinking that largely ended in the late eighties. They might think it's a different gang, or other criminal front. Surprisingly, for all his father's packs faults, they keep the Secret in tact. He's learned by now, like anything else done, it's only for self-serving purposes. If it required outing another pack, another supernatural species, to get what they wanted; it would be done. In the time it takes him to blink, a fist is thrown and colliding with his cheekbone. He's thrown to the concrete with the force but he wastes little time in pressing his palms to the gritty surface and stumbling his way back to his feet. He was raised this way. Maybe not with the punches but with the idea. Weakness isn't shown and if you're knocked down you get back up. He thinks of the bully he had in fifth grade. He can't remember the kid's name with the swirling feeling of his head but he remembers his mother telling him not to hit back and his father telling him not to lie down. If his strength wouldn't be shown in engaging the fight, it would be shown in resilence. Even if it was turning into it's own form of stupidity. "Even if that boy is beating your f***ing brains in you'll get up, Aeron. If you're the son I raised you to be."He's only just straightened up, and faced his father again when he's punched another time. He doesn't get the chance to scramble back to his feet this time before a hand is gripping his face. Chin propped in the hook of the thumb while fingers dig into his cheeks. He blinks his father's face into focus as it leans close to his own. "You know how to stop this. You're the only one who can, Aeron." He's shoved away by the same hand gripping him, collapsing again to concrete.Briefly, he lets his eyes close. Hoping. He'd call it praying if he believed in that. Please. He silently pleads to that feeling of Otherness. That feeling of something else there with him. Even if it's just this once. At least it would make this stop. His eyes snap open at the sensation of an answer in his own mind. Only for now. Foolishly, he hurries back to his feet. He has an answer, a response. He'll shift then, won't he? Show any sign of the wolf he carries. In the next instance he's dropping back to his knees from a blow to his stomach. He coughs, his forehead pressing to the cool floor. He grits his teeth, wishing he could send a glare of betrayal to whatever had answered him. Given false hope.A sharp kick to his ribs sends him to his opposite side, still gripping his stomach. He coughs again, feeling the warmth of the blood he brings up with it on his own chin. He gasps, trying to catch his breath past the sickly empty feeling of his stomach. Blindly, he slaps a palm back to the pavement, shakily pushing himself back up in increments. He knows not to simply lay there. Inaction was always worse. The arm holding him up gets kicked out from beneath him at elbow. He groans, hitting the ground again. Each time needing more effort to get back up with the addition of every blow. He screams at a boot being slammed down on his fingers and held there. The other leg kneeling in front of him before eyes he inherited are peering at him. Dark and lined with disgust. "You know I don't want to be doing this, Aeron."The boot on his fingers twists as his father gets back to his feet, pulling another pained shout from him before he's able to grit his teeth against it. He's pulled back to his own unsteady feet. A hand closing around his throat. "But you've turned it into the only way. Let your wolf out. Take your place in the pack. Accept your birthright!" The fingers close tighter with each word, each moment that passes. His own hands scramble for a grip or purchase along the arm the hand gripping him belongs to. His nails digging into skin doing next to nothing in desperation as his air narrows to nothing. He begins to see black. Creeping slowly from the edges of his vision inward. Just when he thinks he's accepted this simply being it he's dropped back to concrete. He rolls after a second, going to get up when he sees his own hand beneath him. He looks up, suddenly registering the howling scream of pain that isn't him. He gets back to his own feet after several tries, looking back down to his own hand. Claws, sharp and dark, had replaced his fingers. In front of his own eyes, he watches them shift back to the fingers he's used to seeing. His breath heaves as he watches the blood seeping past his father's fingers from his eyes. He backs away, turning only in order to push past the few members of the pack stood behind him. He glances back when his father's hand falls away from his face. Blood the only thing he can see where his eyes usually are. He leans his whole weight against the door to make it open behind him as he continues his retreat. Once he's blinking the sun out of his eyes, he's turned forward and starts sprinting down the street.

Lovise Mikaeldatter

06/06/2024 03:20 PM 


Adding Soon.


06/06/2024 03:11 PM 


“Get Back! Or I will fry her brain!” Came the panicked voice the cracking sound of electricity rolled from his fingertips licking the side of the red head's skull causing the hair to frizz slightly into the electrical discharge. Damien’s arm clenched tighter around her neck bringing the security agent closer to him as his eyes bounced from one gun to the next aimed in his direction. He had a hostage, but that was only getting him borrowed time eventually they would tire of the standoff, and someone would make a move. Agents were already blockading the parking garage to make sure no one else got involved, or that he could make an easy run for it. One simple, stupid mistake had him now trapped like a rat on the second story of a parking garage, files unobtained he didn't even get far enough into the files to get a glimpse of what he was looking for. Information on the Kabal was hard enough to get let alone anything on Project Reflection. He had been so close to getting... something this time. “Hey, I said back off! You want me to kill her!?” The barely contained electrical charge surged through his body lighting up his pale cheek bones and down his neck. He didn't really want to kill the woman; these people were just security guards. It was not their fault they were secretly employed through a terrible group of people under shell companies. He would, however, if it was his only wait out, better them than him. The souls of his boots shuffled slightly as he moved backwards away from the guards desperately trying to think of a way out of this situation, and really there was only one though it was not his best plan ever it was a plan... feeling the concrete barrier meet the middle of his back it was now or never. With a quick shove, and an electrical discharge leaving an acrid scent in the air he launched the female guard towards the others colliding with two of them. She would have singed places on her back, and a need for a new outfit, but overall fine. Tucking over the edge of the concrete barrier he went into free fall, what he wouldn’t give for the power of flight right now. The sound of gunfire rang through the air mostly harmless a few thudding against the psionic barrier around him. However, one pierced through the edge sending a burning sensation into his left arm, blood immediately pooling to the surface, but that was going to be the least of his worries with the ground quickly rushing towards him. Branches of electricity shot down towards the ground barely a few inches in length from his body. He had used this same idea to hover up off the ground a little. His hopes were that whatever propulsion that gave him would slow him down, it did but not enough. His body slammed hard into the ground, his legs and feet tucking and rolling. Doing everything to lessen the impact on his body. He felt the pain wrack his body, certainly bruises would form he would be lucky if he had not dislocated anything. His head bounced off hard ground, his body rolling off and onto the sidewalk and pavement scratching up his body even more as it came to a halt. He did not have time to lay there and be consumed by the pain. He had to get up. Gasping for air to reenter his burning lungs, he tried to push himself up from the ground. Every muscle screaming in protest wanting him to just lay there and give up. Let his body come to terms with the jarring pain. No, he had to get up and keep going. Else he was going to get caught, and if he got caught there was a risk Kabal would send agents, and he was not going back to that agency not under any circumstance. Groaning as he stood stumbling to get on his feet his body lagged behind itself part of hm forced to cooperate dragging himself along the pavement. He felt blood pulsing through his body to the multiple wounds, especially the gunshot, but also his nose, blood had started running from it. He had not used his powers in five years, especially that power or that extreme, and it had taken its toll. I have to keep going. I must get out of here. The word repeating in his mind as he pushed himself to keep going. He would heal, already the smallest wounds were healing the scratches and scrapes. An unknown factor to him. “Stop!” One of the guards yelled from the tower, and when Damien did not comply more gunshots rang out. Thankfully broken against the psionic barrier. Keep going his only thought as his feet forcefully carried him away from the scene if he was lucky, he would make it off the private property without any more surprises. 

🇺🇸Devil Dog

06/06/2024 07:38 PM 

Tobias Details

NAME: TobiasMIDDLE: Riordan LAST: McCortlandtNICKNAME: Toby, RiorAGE: 27yrsDOB: July 28thSIGN: Leo ♌️POB: Washington StateRACE: HumanJOB: Doctor/MedicCIVIALIAN: NoMILITARY: YesENLISTED: YesOFFICER: NoBRANCH: Marine CorpRANK: Sgt.CALLSIGN: DaggerEYES: BlueHAIR: Dirty BlondeWEIGHT: 173lbHEIGHT: 5'10"BODY: Lean/Toned. Muscular.SKIN TONE: Lite/FairETHNICITY: White/CaucasianNATIONALITY: American/CanadianORIENTATION: Bisexual🏳️‍🌈POSITION: SwitchLEAN: Males(Note: A work in progress!) 


06/05/2024 10:01 PM 


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06/05/2024 01:02 PM 

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06/05/2024 12:40 PM 

Rules Of Pink Ranger

          Rules Of the Pink Ranger  This roleplayer is about Kimberly the OG Pink Ranger. So please read the rules before roleplaying with me.   Rule#1: I’m here to have fun and roleplay with my fellow Power Rangers.   Rule#2: Power Rangers Friends are highly allowed to roleplay with me, others are highly selective.   Rule#3: NO DC or Marvel related characters please. I rather have Power Rangers characters to roleplay with. If you add me I will block you.    Rule#4: Looking for a Rocky for my Kimberly.   Rule#5: Kimberly is my favorite Power Ranger and I would rather keep her here to roleplay if you don’t mind.   Rule#6: No Drama!    Rule#7: More to come!    ~ Kimberly   

Swift Kitten (Princess/Detective)

06/04/2024 02:31 PM 

Drabble # 1. (Writing Example)

"Drabble # 1!Writing example"@Swift-Kitten- 857 WordsTanzania, Africa was home to a vast amount of wild-beasts.  Most where beasts - where not. Some where were-creatures. Humans who shifted to animals and back. There where some creatures were spotted, long-legged and were fast going at least 60+ miles per hour in a short distance. You would think; "That's just a regular cheetah. Nothing special." But you would be wrong.Living in the the vast heart of the Savannah with her family, was a were-cheetah Princess who everyone called affectionately, Kitten. Most where family and others were deemed as her "Aunts and Uncles", those who were close to the family but were NOT blood related. The Princess was loved dearly by her family and subjects. She was never alone even when she wanted to be. Her loving and dotting parents forbade her to do so. She complied with their orders, as arguing never helped. Trying would get her scolded by the whole Coalition. Kitten often spent time wandering the vast Savannah. Sometimes to relax away from her family and guardians. Other times to hunt and use her abilities to hone them.One night she came back to a horrific scene. Before she stepped into her Kingdom, flanked by four guards, the smell of death and blood, washed over her senses. The rank smell almost made her want to puke. She swallowed hard and raced forward on spotted paws, towards her home.As she grew closer a sinking feeling grew in the pit of her stomach. It twisting and turning, making her feel nauseous. With her guards in toe, the Cheetah Princess, arrived home. Entering through the back gate of the castle, the young cheetah went to look for her parents, hoping and praying that whoever had attacked, had left them alive.She walked through a flowered post that had been stripped of the beautiful decorations, some dotted with blood. A shrill scream of pain and three more sounded behind her. She spun around on her paws and pelted for the subjects in need. A hunter stood infront of the one guard that stood still. Blood from his now dead comrades now stained his cheetah fur. A growl of anger rose in her throat. She saw the hunter pulling the trigger and she leaped at him. Hoping to make him misfire, but she was too late. As she landed on him, she heard the thud and the laboring breathing of her guard as he slowly drew in his last breath. In rage she tore the hunter apart, letting bis blood soak her fur. His bones crunching under her teeth as she bit down on them, breaking his spine with no effort.A growl rose into the air, her father's. Another one sounded her mother's. Swirving her head towards her parents' growls. She saw them being dragged out by hunters with guns pointed at them. Desperate she made the choice to try and save her parents. She released the bone and jumped off the dead hunter and her way around the castle. To the front entrance. She was almost behind them, but hadn't factored in the other hunters that were still alive. She found herself on the ground, guns pointed at her back. A hard boot pressed on her back as another hunter put a steel collor around her neck with a chain that was locked on a ring in the ground next to her. They forced her to shift to her human form and onto her knees. They tied her up and removed the feline muzzle.Once on her knees, she tried to bite one of the hunters, but instead, she found a hard fist, slamming into her face. She fell over as she lost her balance. The guards lifted her back up and forced an "O" ring into her mouth. Keeping her Mouth open. She was forced to watch as the hunters killed her parents in cold blood. The hunters shot them over and over again until they stopped pleading and begging. Only laying limply with there heads bowed on their knees."Nuuuu!", came a muffled cry of pain from the brunette. She sat where they had placed her tears streaming from her eyes as they killed her parents before her. However, they let her go and left. She had been untied and unmuzzled. She crawled to her parents lifeless bodies and cried into them. They were gone and her Kingdom was now in rambles. In the days that followed, Kitten buried her parents and her fallen comrades, their loss weighing heavy on her heart. But as she stood before their graves, a steely resolve took root within her soul. She vowed to honor their memory by rebuilding the Coalition, by restoring peace and justice to the land they had loved and protected so fiercely. "I swear, someday I will have my revenge. I will build back our home, our Coalition, and rule as their Queen." She vowed to the stone graves as she stood before them. "I promise!" After she grieved, she left her kingdom, having grabbed some clothes from her room - what could she find and left her home forever.  " A Queen must be strong to lead her people. "One Day you will become Queen!. template credit

Klaus Mikalson (Original Hybrid)

06/04/2024 12:12 PM 

My rules

RulesNo drama please I can't stand it .Don't always expect me to write large essays in RP.Lastly just have fun writing with me.


06/04/2024 01:44 PM 

Unspoken bond

A week had passed by, Roman had been on the road, he had found it pretty hard going, maybe harder then he thought he would. Finding himself on Route 66 wasnt really where he thought he would be, but here he was, His phone had run out of battery, and he knew he wouldnt be in a hotel to chagre the phone up. Undersatnding that he was going be on his own for a while was a scary thing. But he did the best thing that he do, As he drove down the road, he found a small cafe, so he pulled up in the car park, and turned of the engine. Cheeking out the cafe, he knew that he would stumble his words, as he was still trying to procces how to really put words together. He did okay most days it was only when he was anxious his words could come out like word vomit.   Getting out of the car, he closed it and locked it, as he wasnt sure if he was safe around here. there were some colourful characters, One car took he noticed, as there were sounds of a crying dog, more like a puppy, and a few youths with the puppy, he didnt want to intefere at least not at the minute. Entering the cafe the minute he walked in everyone turned around and stare at him. Roman thought about turning around and running away, but then he realised that he needed to do this he needed to get more confident in himself., Making his way over to the counter, he drummed his fingers on the side as he then softy spoke- "can .. ca .." the words stummbling, from his lips, he could hear sniggers aroound him but he had manged to block that out- "Can i have a tea please" the words finally came out, the young waitress, locked eyes with him and smiled as she nodded her head- "of course" she gave him one of those sympethetic smiles that he hated,. Within a few minutes the tea was ready, he piad for it and made his way over to the corner so he could have a bit of a rest-    As he began to sip on his tea he looked outside at that same car, the youths had now got out of the car, and were circling the puppy, as roman watched the people that passed by just ignored the boys, he couldnt belive what he was saying, One of the boys picked up the puppy and began to be rough with it, Decing this was enough for him. He got up and ran out- "Oi what are you doing that to that pup" -his words never stammed them as he was annoyed, but as he shouted that, the boys all laughed and dumped the puppy on the floor and drove off.   By the time Roman got to the puppy, she was shaking, a litle frail thing, Roman made his way towards the puppy, and got on his knees- "hey little angel" he softy spoke, he never moved to close, he wanted the puppy to come to him. within a few kind words, the puppy, had made her way to Roman- "You are safe with me"    That was when Roman first really felt something, a bond that was never needed to speak about, cause it was there when he looked at his dog and when she looked back at him. It was such a weird feeling that he would end up at the wrong place but maybe at the right time ..

𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒕 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒄✧

06/03/2024 04:13 PM 


In the electrifying world of Broadway, few stars shine as brightly as Caroline Tesfaye. A triple threat who has captivated audiences as an actress, fashion designer, and popstar, Tesfaye's journey is a testament to her unparalleled talent and relentless dedication. Her career catapulted to new heights when she joined the original cast of "Hamilton," portraying the iconic role of Eliza Schuyler. Sharing the stage with Lin-Manuel Miranda, Tesfaye etched her name in Broadway history as the only performer to ever grace the stage with the entire original ensemble of the groundbreaking musical. Today, Caroline Tesfaye's career continues to ascend as she steps into the vibrant role of Vanessa in the highly anticipated film adaptation of "In the Heights." This casting marks yet another milestone in her illustrious career, showcasing her versatility and ability to breathe life into diverse characters. As she transitions from the historical depths of "Hamilton" to the lively streets of Washington Heights, Tesfaye brings a fresh, dynamic energy to her performances, further solidifying her status as a multifaceted star in the entertainment industry. In this exclusive feature, we delve into Caroline Tesfaye's remarkable journey, exploring her evolution as a performer, her creative ventures in fashion design, and her impact on the pop music scene. Join us as we celebrate the achievements of this extraordinary artist, who continues to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide with her indomitable spirit and exceptional talent. What was it like stepping into the iconic role of Eliza in Hamilton, especially with the original cast? Can you share any memorable moments or challenges you faced during this transition?Oh god, it was incredibly intimating. These are people who I consider as the most talented people in entertainment right now. I never expected to take the role when Phillipa couldn’t return. I felt so incredibly lucky that these people saw what I didn’t see in myself and gave me the opportunity. Everyone was so kind, and they were all offering me little tips, and just cheering me on. I’ve never been in such a loving atmosphere where there’s no competition, everyone wants everyone to succeed. People who aren’t in the musical theater world really don’t understand how hard it is to be on Broadway, like it’s incredibly physical, and you don’t get takes, so you have to get right every single time, every single night. You also have to learn how to mess up, but recover, because we’re all human, but the crowd can’t know!Did you feel any added pressure taking over a role that had such a significant impact on Broadway? How did you prepare for it? I did feel so much pressure, I wasn’t even sure if I could do it. My first instinct was that Lin was joking, I was like, “Oh he’s making a joke!!!” I was like when Patrick Swayze said to Baby in Dirty Dancing where he’s like,”oh, do you want to do it?” but he was serious. I had to spend sometime in the studio and hear my own voice to prove to myself first before I could set on proving myself to the cast. Eliza is literally my dream role, I love Eliza and I love Hamilton. So, to make my broadway debut with a role that means so much to me, I’m so incredibly lucky. To prepare, I took voice lessons. I would run on the treadmill and sing to make sure that I never lost my voice. Eliza is the only character in the show that never raps, so I wanted to make sure my voice was smooth. I studied the Disney plus movie recording of the show, and I wrote down little things that Phillipa did that made Eliza who she is. I think I ran the show with Phillipa a few times, she’d come to rehearsals and we’d run the show and she’d be like, “breathe here. Watch out for this person.” and Renee would sort of put her arm around me to help me reach my marks until it was muscle memory. It’s a lot of work, but it’s so much fun. I’m so lucky.How did the dynamics of the original cast influence your performance as Eliza? Were there any particular cast members who offered you valuable guidance or support?Like I said, this cast is the kindest people I’ve ever met. These people truly are my friends. They never made me feel like an outcast or anything, even though I was the youngest person in the cast. I mean, Daveed and Lin literally came to my album release party, and Renee, Lin and him came to Noelle’s birthday party. As far as during the show, they were all so kind. Okieriete is like my biggest cheerleader, when I finally felt like I hit “Burn” the way that I wanted, here comes this huge man screaming, “YESSSSS LET’S F***ING GO, WIDDO BEBE.” Birdie has everyone calling me “Widdo bebe”. Everyone was so chill about answering all my questions. The entire cast traveled to Puerto Rico to perform some numbers from Hamilton and to see us announce “In The Heights.”It was also my first performance as myself and they all had “Gaslight” t-shirts on and were singing the lyrics to my songs. I mean, MY SONGS. It was crazy. But I can’t talk enough about Lin. He’s truly part of my family. Him and his wife are such blessings to know.  You have a close relationship with Lin Manuel Miranda. How has his mentorship influenced your career? Can you share any special moments or advice he’s given you? I adore Lin Manuel Miranda so much. He’s such a creative genius and he’s the kindest person I know. He’s literally kind to his bones. He has such love and passion for giving voices to the people who don’t get them. He’s always been very much ready to help me with anything. He’s sort of given me this mindset that I’m capable of anything. He’s been one in my corner to be like, “No, Caroline, you have the talent, you have the passion, do the damn thing.” He’s influenced me incredibly, he’s made me think a whole lot more about what I can do with my platform that’s for the good. He’s the most special person. He told me once, “As long as I have a job, you have a job.” So, I think for the rest of my career, any time Lin calls, the answer is, “yes.” Collaborative Process: What was it like working so closely with Lin both on Hamilton and In the Heights? How does his creative process inspire your own work? He’s just so passionate, he loves every bit of the process. You can tell he is just nothing but joy in his lyrics and in his ability to tell a story. He does something no one else is able to do with his writing. He’s really given me the confidence to try, to stand up and force people to embrace my culture. Without him, I’m not sure anyone would have ever paid attention to the Mexican side of me. It’s the most precious part of who I am, and I’ve been quietened for so long and he doesn’t let me take that. Role in the Movie Adaption of "In the Heights" Transition to Film: How did you find the transition from stage to screen in the movie adaptation of In the Heights? What were the biggest differences you experienced? I think they did a fantastic job translating it. It’s the same heart, the same story, the same characters, but it’s bigger. It’s like they took exactly what was in his head and put it on screen, it’s truly magical. I unfortunately haven’t gotten to play Vanessa on stage, I would love to, though. Maybe Nori and I can do a run on Broadway, I think he’d love it. It’s closer to what he does on stage normally. But in the movie, we do get takes, so it’s nice to be able to be like, “woah, hold up, can I do that again, please?”Tell us about your portrayal of Vanessa in In the Heights. How did you make the role your own, and what aspects of the character resonated with you the most? Vanessa is a hard worker, and her biggest dream is to be a fashion designer, and that’s the core of my career is fashion. I might not get to do as much costume designing and styling as I used to, but the very first award I ever won was a costumers guild award. And I’ll never stop making clothes. Fashion is walking art, and I appreciate it so much. She’s this girl with big dreams and Usnavi says that she’s tough as nails. I think Vanessa is the closest to myself that I’ve gotten to play. I think I might’ve added a little more sweetness to Vanessa, but either way, I love her. I’m so lucky.Your best friend Nori Jusino plays Usnavi in the movie. How did your real-life friendship influence your on-screen chemistry and performances? Chemistry is something you either have or you don’t, and our real life relationship made it that much easier. We sort of got to skip the nerves, because we already knew each other and we have the most trust. I think we’re able to play a little more, and it makes every day so much fun. I hope we get to work together more.Throughout your career, you've often been labeled as white despite being Mexican. How has this affected your career and the roles you’ve been offered? I really didn’t get the opportunity to be able to play someone who felt like me culturally until Lin. It wasn’t something that I didn’t want to do because it’s all I’ve wanted to do. I just sort of been typecast in my real life. I’ve spoken a bunch about my heritage, and my mom, and it’s those lines that seemed to get cut from interviews. It’s been really nice to have been offered this role that says, “I see you. I know who you are. I know you have talent. You’re more than who you were on Tik Tok three years ago.”How important is it for you to represent your Mexican heritage in your work? Are there particular roles or stories you are passionate about bringing to the stage or screen to highlight this aspect of your identity? It’s the most important to me. It’s how I keep my mother’s memory alive. It’s how I honor her and it’s most authentically me. I’m really happy to be able to take my first role that does this, and it’s not just the sassy best friend. I am really dying to be in West Side Story. I really would like my chance to be in Encanto, too, it’s coming to the stage.Can you share any details about upcoming Broadway shows or projects you’re involved in? What roles or stories are you most excited about exploring next? I can! I will be doing the TV Live version of Rocky Horror Picture Show as Janet in October, and I’m really excited about that. I’m doing quite a few projects with Birdie. You’ll be able to see us in a horror movie, which I can’t say much other than it’s called, “X”. I’ll still be Eliza on Hamilton for as long as they’ll have me.Are there any dream roles or shows you’ve always wanted to be a part of? What attracts you to these particular roles?I have so many dream roles, I am such a dreamer when it comes to the stories I’d love to be a part of. I am dying to be Eurydice in Hadestown. I’d love to be in & Juliet, that is a show I’ve seen a few times and got to meet the cast. I'd love to get to do that for a run. I really was serious when I said I’d love to be in Encanto, that’s towards the top of my list. And Chicago. I would die to be chicago. Oh, and burlesque. Broadway Evolution: How do you see Broadway evolving in the next few years, and what role do you hope to play in that evolution? I think broadway is going to keep evolving to include stories that aren’t getting told. I think Broadway is a place where all cultures should be celebrated and I think Lin is the forefather of that, and I think we’re going to continue pushing people to tell all of their stories, not just those that are of only white descent. I think we’ll see more people of color taking on roles that were traditionally casted only by white people. I hope that I can use my platform to keep demanding it happen. I hope I get the opportunity to share the stage with people who have finally gotten the respect they deserve.Who are some of the people, both within the theater community and outside of it, who inspire you the most?I don’t need to mention Lin again, but you guys know, he’s the blueprint. I really look up to Bianca Marroquín, she's an incredible mexican broadway actress and she was “Roxie Hart '' in Chicago for twenty years. She’s one of the only actresses to ever play both female leads in that show. I, of course, look up to Phillipa Soo, she’s the original Eliza and taught me so much, she sings like an actual angel. Olga Merediz was in the original run of In the Heights and in our movie version, she’s one of the wisest people I know. Outside of the theater community, I really look up to Chappell Roan, she literally is so much herself, and she’s making music that's so unique and fun, and I’m obsessed with her. Also, my grandmother, Dolly, which y’all would know her as Dolly Parton, but she’s just Golly to me. She’s amazing. She’s so talented and she sings better than anyone I know even at her age. She's a love incarnate.What advice would you give to young performers who aspire to follow in your footsteps and make it on Broadway?Don’t underestimate the amount of work and respect Broadway deserves. It’s so hard but in the best way. It’s something that takes more dedication than anything. Most importantly, don’t stop dreaming. Broadway is built on dreams, and if you’re not dreaming, you’re missing the one thing that unites all of us, from the actors to the crowd. Take voice lessons, don’t rely on pure talent, because it’s technical, too. Try and prepare audition songs from most genres, and try not to choose something too popular but nothing unknown. How do you balance the demands of a busy career in theatre and film with your personal life? What keeps you grounded and motivated?I think I am just really lucky to be surrounded by people who love me and love that I’m chasing my dreams. Abel brings London to see me at rehearsals, Golly comes and sees me, she hasn’t missed a single show. My best friend in the world, Birdie, if she can, comes to watch my shows and hangs out with me behind the scenes, she’s my biggest cheerleader, she’s the best. She comes and threatens every single cast member like, “you better be nice to my widdo bebe.” I’m lucky that Nori and Noelle both were in “In the heights” so we didn’t even need a babysitter for her, and that was super special. I just try to make sure once a day, I find time to just be “Caroline” and nothing else. I think the motivation comes simply from loving it so much. I love being on stage or on set.

Everyoɴe ιѕ мy тoy

06/03/2024 02:43 PM 

About Felix Catton

🐬˖° SeaGoddessAmphitrite ˖°🌊

06/03/2024 02:18 PM 

Rules Of The SeaGoddess
Current mood:  accomplished

                             Rules of The Sea GoddessRule#1: This roleplay account is highly about my Sea Goddess Amphitrite but in my own way. My Amphitrite is half human/ half mermaid. So please show her respect or I will block you.Rule#2: This is a half human/ half human account Why you ask? I have a high reason in making this account because I always loved mermaids ever since I was little and I wanted to make a few because for my love for them. Honestly, I’m getting sick and tired of making accounts with DC/ Marvel characters because there is enough of them on here roleplay so why make them all the time when I make an account of my favorite Sea Creature that I am highly comfortable roleplaying. So please don’t ask me to make an account that deals with DC/ Marvel okay. I am keeping my mermaid character. Rule#3: No Drama! Keep it off my account!  Rule#4: No harassing, bullying or stalking my character I will block you. Rule#5: Friends : There are some friends I would like to roleplay with.Mermaids (sisters)Mermen (Brothers or love interest)Spiderman (If he no taken really love interest)Loki (Not taken love interest)Captain Killian Hook (Not taken love interest)Rule#6: Relationships: My Sea Goddess Amphitrite is highly single and looking for someone to but with her so she is looking for fellow love interests: Spiderman Peter Parker (If he no taken really love interest)Loki (Not taken love interest)Captain Killian Hook (Not taken love interest)Rule#7: Roleplaying: Amphitrite would like to roleplay with the following: Other mermaids, mermen, Spider men, Loki, Killian HookRule#8: more to come! 

Everyoɴe ιѕ мy тoy

06/03/2024 02:02 PM 

Current mood:  adventurous

Headcanon Felix and therapy When he got out of the hospital his family put him in rehab and he was forced to talk about his problems with a therapist at the center and he just sat in the group sessions and said nothing about that night of his overdose and nothing about Oliver . He didn't even talk to them about it . He just was frozen and wouldn't let anyone know about his Ollie. .he still loved him and he did the program but he will only talk about it with the book he wrote and that's it


06/03/2024 12:59 PM 


Bowie was rummaging through some old photos. She was trying to find a picture of her cheerleading to show Rebecca. She stopped on one particular photo that was of a six year old Bowie and her grandmother standing at the kitchen counter hand mixing ingredients in a bowl that her grandfather had taken without them knowing. Looking down at a photo a memory appeared in Bowie’s head, like a private movie only she could see. “Ow, ow, ow” her grandfather cried out. A thwacking sound then could be heard followed by a louder “ow” that again came from her grandfather. “That’s what you get you old geezer” her grandmother said to him before ushering him out of the kitchen. Bowie and her grandmother had spent the morning baking brownies for themselves, and some cakes for the Church bake sale to get money to repair a damaged part of the roof. “Grandpa, Grandma told you to wait until they had cooled down” Bowie sweetly spoke to her grandpa. “But my sweet angel they looked so delicious, and I just couldn’t wait” her grandma said to her before kissing her on the head. “But now my mouth is burning” he said before going to the fridge and grabbing some milk. He poured two glasses one for himself and one for Bowie. He then drank the milk quickly before refilling it. “I will have to wait till they cool before I have another” he said. “Finally learned your lesson” her grandma said causing Bowie to laugh. Putting down the photo Bowie smiled to herself. She always loved baking with her grandmother, it’s some of her happiest of memories. It always brought a smile to her face and made her feel good. But it also made her miss those times a lot more. Glancing at the photo one last time she smiled before looking for the specific photo she had been searching for.


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