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Gender: Male
Age: 28
Sign: Sagittarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
October 06, 2017


10/02/2018 03:37 PM 

A Random IC Interview
Category: Blogging
Current mood:  accomplished

1. What is your name?

My name is Solas.  *smiles proudly*

2. What is your real name?

*Blinks*  Excuse me?  ….Um, no… I mean to say, Solas, always has been and always will be my name.  I may have been called a few questionable things in the past, and some I may even answer to -- but I am still forever Solas.   If you’d like, I could go into detail of why this is so--?

3. Do you know why you were called that?

Oh, you do wish to know!  Very well.  It’s a name I took for myself.  Where I am from, that was our custom as we grew into adulthood and throughout our later stages in life.  We took names that linked to attributes in which we chose to put our entire being into following.  In my language, the word “Solas” means “Pride,” so therefore it is my statement to the world that I am the embodiment or an extension of Pride itself.  This is because, I am prideful in myself and over everything that I represent.  It would be similar to someone naming their child after an attribute that they believe would express them the best.  For example; the name Joy or Justice or Grace or Chance.

4. Are you single or taken?

I am single but not always alone.

5. Have any abilities or powers?

Yes.  I am a mage, but I don't normally exploit my abilities for senseless endeavors.  So, please don't ask me to use my magic to clean the floors or wash dishes.  Things like that are a waste of my talent.

6. Stop being a Mary Sue.

Stop making assumptions of me.

7. What’s your eye color?


8. How about your hair color?

*Laughs and rubs his bald head.*  If I had any?  Brown.

9. Have you any family members?

Sadly, none related by blood.  I am somewhat still finding my place in the current world before connecting with others.

10. Oh? What about pets?

I don’t really keep pets, but I am fond of animals.  All except for ravens…  I believe I may have mentioned as much, once before in a previous questioning.  

11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.

Something that I don't like Sincere Ignorance and Conscientious Stupidity.  Such things have brought down Empires, if given enough power.

12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?  

I enjoy exploring ancient ruins, painting, mulling over the philosophies of wisdom and truth.  I’m a very quiet individual.  I keep to myself more often than most times, and I read.  A lot.

13. Ever hurt anyone before?

*smiling falters*  It's possible.  

14. Ever… killed anyone before?

*sighs*   If I were to make any confessions to you, we would be here a very long time.

15. What kind of animal are you?

For some reason I have--once or twice--been associated with wolves.  It's mostly from the Dalish.  They fear wolves but at the same time respect them, and while to most I would be considered an unwanted outsider they usually are or would become aware of my magical talent.  So, they tend to equally keep their distance from me and maintain their superstitions.

16. Name your worst habits.

I would say… my stubbornness and perhaps my curiosity.  I used to be arrogant and at times showed a bad temper.  However, I am older now and for the most part, I believe I have learned to cope better.

17. Do you look up to anyone at all?

I used to…  I suppose in some ways, I still do.  So… Yes.

18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?

Who?  *Blinks curiously*  The one I looked up to?  It was a Spirit.  Spirits have no gender to define them and therefore cannot define sexual preferences for themselves.  Even though the gender that it tried to portray itself to be was, in fact, a human female it was not a definition of what it was.  

*leans forward and rests his hands to the table*   In most cases… Spirits have a tendency to...reflect their image into what others would either consider that Spirit to be or of what that Spirit strongly feels that it wishes to become.  

For example, I can look at my hand and no matter how strongly I wish for it to extend and grow feathers -- no matter how delusional or great in number that other people would possibly view my arm as bird’s wing -- I will never be able to fly.  

However with Spirits, their entire manifestations are as interchangeable and lucid as water.  Their forms can change on a whim from another's point of view or even themselves, if they truly believe.  That is where the problem in their transformations remain; although in conclusion the complications of Gay, Straight, or Bisexual are just as equally nonexistent for them.  They are Spirits.

*Still is being stared at and so Solas rolls his eyes.*  

Although, if you’re referring to me…?  I have a stronger tendency to find my psychological and physiological preference lean towards elven women--but only if my mind can even be stimulated through conversation.

19. Do you go to school?

*smiles proudly*  No.  There is nothing any institution can teach me that I have not already learned on my own, and I have learned far more than what they could offer.

20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?

Honestly?  I don't believe either option is even one available to me.  I’m not in a position where I could ever see myself settling down, and dating --in general-- is by far the last priority on my mind.  Suffice to say that children may never be in my future.  That does not mean I find either idea abhorrent.  They are just not goals that I would see myself intentionally striving to achieve.

21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?

Doubtful.  Highly doubtful.

22. What are you most scared of?

My biggest fear is dying alone; to be the last of my kind and carrying that with my death that would ensure the eradication of my species’ heritage.  It is one weight I do not wish to be placed on my shoulders, even when I strive to challenge that fear every time I march into battle.  I am not one to hide from danger, and death in itself is not a fear for me.  It is the blame.

23. What do you usually wear?

Dorian and Vivienne would both call it the ‘hobo attire,’ but I believe I have upgraded.  I’ve added silveritte armor to protect me against physical damage and a fur pelt to keep me a little more warm.

24. Do you love someone?

Love is abstact and boundless in its forms and perceived limits.  With that said, I love greatly and many.

25. What's their name?

As I said, I love many beings under many forms of the notion of ‘love,’ and therefore, if I were to sit here and name off each and everyone under the specific form of love that I have for them then we would be here quite a while.

26. When was the last time you wet yourself?

Is this a serious question, or is something Sera insisted to be asked?

27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)

When one first sees me, usually I am labeled as an elven apostate.  So that would automatically assume me to being of the Low Class… … But it is amazing how far someone without social ties can climb that ladder of hypocrisy.

28. How many friends do you have?

I believe I have more allies than necessarily friends.  There are extremely few people to who I truly confide in when I need to.

29. What are your thoughts on pie?

‘Pi’ is the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter.  The number is often equal to 3.14159 when one follows the formula accurately.  

There is also ‘pie’ that can be a versitile and tasty treat.

30. Favorite drink?

Hot Chocolate.  It takes a while to make and the ingrediants are usually hard to come by, but it is perfect during a cold evening.

31. What’s your favorite place?

The Fade.  Anything and everything I could ever wish for remains at my fingertips.  It is an answer for me should I choose to search for something to learn, for entertainment, or both because learning can be fun.

32. Are you interested in someone?

This question seems a little redundant...

33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?

Oh, for-- Really?  If I had known we were going to turn this into a fiasco I would not have entertained this from the start.

34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?

I’d prefer to swim in the lake.  The area is usually more secluded and if and when I would like to do so, there are plenty of spirits to talk to when I meditate in such a place.

35. What’s your type?

*face-faults and his ears lower*  And here, I thought I made it clear that I am not exactly dating material…  *sighs and closes his eyes briefly*   ...Alright.  My type…  None.

36. Any fetishes?

*Is actively ignoring the question and reaches for a heavy mug of some unknown liquor to drink.*

37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?

While I like to think that I can compromise within reason…  I prefer to maintain control.  Mostly.  But I’m not certain of the relevance to this question.

38. Camping or indoors?

Just because I’m an elf does not mean that I enjoy the outdoors--but--I enjoy the outdoors.  So.  Camping.

39. Are you wanting the interview to end?

Not necessarily.  Although, I would appreciate it if we were to refrain any questions of my personal sexuality or vices.  Reflections of such are… well those can be complicated and uncomfortable to openly discuss with just anyone.

40. Now it’s over!

A pity.


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