#OneLastTimeStrong RPG

Not all who wander are lost.

One Last Time RPG

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May 20th, 2024

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Age: 38
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Signup Date:
August 28, 2015


08/31/2016 12:01 AM 

Through the Looking Glass

Two weeks have elapsed and little progress has been made in the attempted murders of Daric King [THORIN], Keegan McNeil [KILI] and Phillip McNeil [FILI]. In spite of being responsible for the death of Mr. Serafim [SMAUG], Devan Bowman [BARD] has been awarded the ***** for his heroism in defending Daric, Keegan, and Phillip from the unknown assailants who are still at large. Mr. Bowman has returned to the quiet life of raising his three children while Mr. King and the McNeils are eager to be released from Guardian Angels Hospital.
Grace Goldbloom [GALADRIEL] has awoken from her second lapse into a coma and at the insistence of her husband, Christopher Goldbloom [CELEBORN], is recovering within the safety of her home. Also recovering is Sheriff Leo Forrest [LEGOLAS] who is struggling to regain time lost while captive by unknown assailants, leaving not only the investigation of the attempted murders but also his abduction to his sister and the town deputy, Tara Forrest [TAURIEL].
Trenton Forrest [THRANDUIL] is pursuing his own line of investigation with the aid of his secret allies, believing that Alexander Orton [AZOG] is either involved or responsible in the abduction of Leo. The two are kept from each others throats by the efforts of Tara and Bradley Orton [BOLG]. There is but one thread within this web that can unravel this tale and Uriana [UNGOLIANT] unleashes her new toy, Mai Summers [MERENWEN] upon these two titans.
Rumor begins to spread through Middletown of shadow plundering homes and shops alike, indiscriminately while those nearest cowered in sheer terror. The Black Rider seeks that which will restore its Master's power and rain down eternal darkness upon all.


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One Last Time RPG


Jan 27th 2024 - 1:09 PM

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{ Trenton, Leo, Mai, Edward, Adele }

Though the unnamed woman was compliant, relatively speaking, the undercurrent of defiance and loathing was unmistakable. A glance towards her father's face revealed little to her, not that she expected it to. The man was stoic, neigh unreadable to her. Leaving her only his actions to gauge the relationship between the assailant and her father. He was hostile, the grip on his weapon and the tension that sang through his body. She was nothing to him, not someone he knew. And yet the woman swore that Trenton Forrest would never be safe so long as she lived. The words suggested there was a personal tie between the two.

Was it possible that her father was so cold and callous that he could have crossed paths with her before and forgotten her completely? Not even for a second could she believe such a thing for his mind was sharper than any she had ever known. He forgot nothing. Why then was this woman so hostile towards him...towards Leo? Answers would not be had here, not by Trenton and not by Leo. Even as Tara escorted the woman towards the door, she questioned whether or not she should be involved given her personal ties to Trenton and Leo. As a daughter and sister, she needed to know the history between the three. As a sworn officer of the law...

Her attention was brought back to the present as the woman spat hatefully at Trenton and then spat, literally, in his face. Scowling, Tara shoved the woman forward before her father could say or do anything further, seeking to separate the two a little more intently than was perhaps necessary. She had managed to usher the other woman out the door when her awareness expanded beyond that of her family and the strange woman. Tara's hand grasped the other woman tightly, emerald hues rising to the sky, looking for the approaching helicopter.

"Leo, did you-?"

A hand from behind grabbed Tara, pulling her back across the threshold and into the house, the auburn haired woman struggling to keep hold of the blonde haired woman. Out of the corner of her eye, Tara was able to see the first of several SUV's plow through the front gate.

"What in the-!" Tara started to exclaim, finding that the expression upon her father's face was all the answer she needed. Tara fairly dragged Mai with her towards the den, the countless drills of her youth in this house taking over. Subconsciously, she was aware of the glass shattering and the sound of a metal canister bouncing off walls, spinning along the ground, hissing gas as it went. Like her father, Tara sucked in a deep breath of clean air and raised her shirt to cover her mouth and nose before turning to attempt to do the same for the other woman even as Trenton and Leo set about opening the pathway out.

There was a moment of dismay as Tara realized the woman was scarcely dressed properly for the winter for not even her shirt was thick enough nor was it stretchy enough to cover her nose and mouth. That moment was shattered a moment later as her father grabbed her, pulling her towards the hidden door even as Tara did the same with Mai. Tears stung her eyes, augmented by the gas that was quickly filling the room...


"Daddy?" The young girl of no more than five was cuddled against her father beneath the blanket. She was supposed to be drifting off to sleep, yet she had been unable to, a nagging question keeping her awake long past her brother Leo. The solid warmth of his hand found the back of her head, fingers trailing lightly through her dark hair even as his lips found her forehead.

"Yes sweetie?" His tone was patient and calm, something she knew would match the expression upon his face if only she were to lift her gaze to his own. There was almost a sadness to it, almost answering her question even without her voicing it aloud.

"Every time we do the drill, you tell us to keep running and not look back." Slowly, she righted herself and looked into his dark eyes which mirrored the flickering fire of the hearth. Her little pulse quickened, dread slowly filling her up as the question drifted nearer to the tip of her tongue. "Every time I look back, you're right there with us...but if it ever happens for real...you're not going to be...are you?"

Tears shimmered, unshed within her eyes, a fine tremble starting to spread through her body. Scarcely did she await his answer, bursting into tears as she collapsed upon his chest, sobbing, "Please don't make us leave you behind daddy! You have to come with us!"

What she didn't say aloud was that she was afraid they would leave him behind, something bad would happen, and she would start hearing his voice in her dreams, just like the woman and man when the fire came. "Please daddy, please don't leave us!"


Her father's hand upon her tore her from distant memory, his words bringing reality raining down upon her once more. Follow it to the end. Don't stop. Don't look back, Tara. Don't look back and take her with you! Looking at the stairwell that led underground, Tara hesitated a moment, recalling the distant past as guilt swelled within her. So many years had passed where they had been safe and she had begun to believe her father delusional that she had allowed a rift to come between them. Now that the enemy was upon them, there was no time for words or apologies. She allowed herself one last glance as Leo and Trenton exchanged words before guiding the other woman before her and down the stairs. She might never be able to make amends, but the least she could do would be to abide by what might very well be his dying wish.

Tara started down the steps, guiding the blonde haired woman before her and though it was awkward, they somehow managed it. Distantly, Tara could make out the echoing thud as Leo began his descent down the stairwell behind them. Knowing they had only moments before he joined them, Tara turned her attention to the woman who had inadvertently joined them. Forcefully but gently did Tara turn her so they faced one another as the other continued to cough rather forcefully.

"I'm going to wipe the tears from your eyes, okay? Take a few deep breaths and the air down here will help your breathing." Emerald hues carefully watched the other woman, waiting for something that looked like a nod before she gently wiped the moisture from the other girls eyes. As she did so, Tara weighed the risks of freeing the woman's hands from behind her back. They had a rather long journey ahead and knowing Leo, the pace would be quite fast - one that would likely be quite difficult for the injured woman who would likely need to make use of her hands. Grimacing briefly as the sound of Leo's footsteps grew louder, Tara withdrew the key and, without a word, undid the handcuffs on Mai's wrists, stowing the metal restraints upon her belt.

"We have a long run ahead of us and I would rather we didn't have to carry you."

Tara glanced back at the stairs as Leo came down, a sorrowful expression upon her features, immediately picking up on his frustration. Instinct bade her to speak to him yet time would not be afforded to them for it was of essence. Trenton could hold the enemy off for a time, however there was no knowing how long it would take them to discover the secret exit. With a nod, Tara turned and started off at a good pace, ahead of Mai and Leo, keeping her ears tuned in to their echoing footfalls and ragged breathing. It occurred to her as they failed to meet their first marker in a timely manner that of the three of them, she was the only one unhindered by injury, the other two being significantly slower.

Fifteen minutes had elapsed before they hit the halfway mark, a full five minutes behind where they should have been. Scarcely had this registered when the echoing sound of what she suspected to be some manner of an explosion reached them. Tears threatened to blind her vision as she glanced back at Leo, swallowing hard, brother and sister both fearing the fate of their father. Yet they could not go back for him. Not yet at any rate. They had no choice but to continue forward.

Even as Leo snapped at them to push forward, Tara forgave him his harshness for she understood where it came from. The other woman, she doubted would be as accommodating for in this brief lull, she had leaned against the wall and shook from head to toe. It was doubtful she would be able to keep the pace, let alone move forward and as she opened her mouth to suggest Tara carry the petite woman over her shoulders, Leo snagged the handcuffs from Tara's belt and set about doing just that.

"Leo, I don't..." Tara trailed off as he lifted the blonde over his shoulders, sighing softly in defeat. Leo was stubborn and undoubtedly felt powerless. Carrying Mai would help his mind focus and enable him to push himself further. With a shake of her head and not another word, Tara started forward again, resuming their normal pace until she was certain Leo was alright before picking it up so they started to regain some ground. Ever aware was she of Leo, slowing when he slowed but relentlessly pushing forward, each step taking them farther and farther away from home and their father...her own thoughts turning darker as she reflected upon the past few years of her deteriorating relationship with Trenton.

She slowed as they reached the end, her heart now racing within the confines of her chest. Perhaps half an hour had elapsed since they had left their father behind. Emerging from the tunnel could prove disastrous if the enemy had learned of their exit point and laid in wait. Wordlessly, she nodded as Leo bade her to help their intruder back to her feet. Kneeling beside the other woman, Tara looked her over quickly.

"What's your name?" Tara asked as she checked the woman's pupils. It was readily apparent she had no exterior injuries and the only maladies that plagued her would be the knee and perhaps exhaustion. As it was, she seemed to be perilously close to slipping in and out of consciousness. Lightly did she slap the other woman's face, seeking to root her in consciousness.

"Listen, I don't know who you are or what grudge you hold against my father and brother, but none of that matters anymore. If we don't work together, they are going to kill us all."

Whatever the other woman's response might have been, Tara missed as Leo whistled, indicating the all clear and for them to join him. Slinging one of the other woman's arms over her neck, Tara helped her up the stairs, pausing just behind Leo before emerging seconds behind him. Though the going was slow, Tara managed to support most of Mai's weight and encouraged a little more haste from their new companion as they trekked through the woods to the concealed vehicle some fifteen minutes away. 

Guiding the still handcuffed woman to a tree, Tara aided Leo in removing the camouflage netting that hid the vehicle from sight. Together they worked to get the unnamed woman into the backseat, leaving the handcuffs on for now. It was then brother and sister took a moment to speak with one another, wherein Leo stressed sticking to the plan and made clear his intention to return for their father. Emotion gripped her throat, forcing her to swallow before she could speak.

"You know we can't, Leo. As much as you or I may want to-"

Tara's voice silenced a moment later, her keen hearing picking up the distant but distinct sound of multiple engines tearing through the forest, headed their way. Without thinking, she drew her firearm, pointed it skyward and raced for the largest tree nearby, taking cover behind as she waited for their "guests" to arrive. Instead of the vehicles cresting the hill, an odd sound carried, as though they had come to a screeching halt. Words were spoken and with the adrenaline in her system, it took Tara several moments longer than normal to recognize the voices of Dr. Nightingale and his daughter, Adele. Yet Tara's finger didn't leave the trigger until she was able to visually confirm their identities with her gun leveled at Edward.

Forcibly she took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, lowering her gun and re-holstering it as she rejoined Leo at the car, already shaking her head. "We can't go back for dad. Not yet. First we need..." Tara's voice croaked, tears welling as fast as she could blink her eyes. "We need to determine if he's alive before we plan a rescue. Between the small army they marched in and the explosion..."

Tara was unable to look anywhere else except at her brother. She walked around the car, opened the driver door and put one foot in, making it clear she was driving so that Adele could tend to Leo's wound.

"We need you with us, Doctor." She addressed the elder Nightingale without looking at him before slipping into the vehicle and closing the door. Time was of the essence, they needed to move and the sooner everyone piled in, the better.

One Last Time RPG


Jan 27th 2024 - 1:09 PM

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{ Trenton, Leo, Tara, Alex, Edward, Adele }

Agony burned through her senses as Mai hobbled forward, pausing just inside the doorway as a strange womp-womp-womp sound caught her attention, raising her gaze to the sky. It wasn't often one in Middletown heard the sound of propeller blades of a helicopter, especially one that was approaching at a relatively decent clip. Moments later, the black shape came into view.

"Oh come on!" she moaned aloud at no one in particular. "Did you really need to bring a helicopter for lil' 'ole me?" No sooner had the words left her mouth and her gaze caught sight of black vehicles ramming through the gate than Mai found herself stumbling backwards, dragged by the firm grasp of Tara Forrest. Pain seared her senses as she struggled to keep her balance. "Ow!"

Mai found herself swung around, being marched back into the house even as Trenton quipped for them to move, ushering them towards what she thought was the den. For the barest of moments, she heard her papa's voice, seeking to extract the small child from the bloody bosom of her mother while the guns fired around them. Mai paled ever so slightly even as she resisted the automatic response to obey the authority of his voice. Trenton Forrest was neither her papa nor her uncle. Yet with Tara pushing her forward, Mai had little choice but to move as directed.

Glass shattered and canisters hit the ground, smoke quickly filling the air, burning her eyes and lungs. Squeezing her eyes shut, she struggled to take as shallow a breath as possible, unable to cover her mouth or nose as her hands were still cuffed behind her back. What was perhaps moments later but felt to be minutes later, she heard Trenton address Tara even as the latter dragged her towards the center of the room, coughing and hacking as smoke filled her lungs.

Blindly, Mai found herself being guided down some stairs to gods know where. The hands on her arms kept her from descending where she could feel cooler air. Cooler air meant potentially cleaner air. Whatever words the deputy exchanged with her father, Mai cared not for just as her lungs struggled to find clean and breathable air, so did her mind struggle to understand why the Forrest's were retreating, running from what was probably the Feds. What pooch had they screwed?

A smile twisted her lips and Mai's coughs were punctuated by laughter. How perfect! She breaks into the Forrest house, comes within an inch of being executed and then the Feds show up. If only she knew why the Feds were here, if only she knew what they were after, maybe they could help her.

"Help!" She rasped, her head spinning. Hacking, she half-bowed a moment before straightening. "Help me! They're in here!" She managed to yell before finding herself being shoved further down, cooler and smoke free air filling her lungs so that she sucked it in eagerly even as they descended further and further down. Exactly how far down, Mai never would have been able to guess beyond a vague notion of 'deep' for by the time they reached the bottom of the stairs, Mai's knee was threatening to give out. Heavily she leaned against the wall, struggling to breathe past the pain as Tara spoke gently to Mai, advising her she was about to touch her.

Revulsion drew Mai from the other woman yet she couldn't quite escape, instead she turned her head away, taking heed only of the advice to take deep breaths. A moment later, Mai felt one of the cuffs spring free and with a start did she realize Tara was freeing her hands. Confusion tore at her mind and almost as if to answer that swell of confusion, Tara answered the unspoken question.

Ah. So we're going to be running.

Mai's gaze flickered towards the stairs they had just descended as Leo joined the two women. Her brow knit together as the towering form of Trenton Forrest failed to materialize behind his son. Without thought, Mai retorted as Leo bade them to move, "So the coward is staying behind? I hope the Feds execute him."

The words were spiteful and hateful yet neither Tara nor Leo seemed to react to them. Instead Tara started down the tunnel and Leo waited for Mai to start after. With reluctance, she followed the auburn haired woman, despite the burning protest of the knee Trenton had very nearly dislocated. As much as she was able, Mai dwelled upon the current situation of the Forrest clan. Of the two with her, they were perceived as 'upstanding citizens' with records that were disgustingly clean. They had never been in trouble with the law and, if Mai were to ever put aside her own personal feelings, Leo at the very least had been the victim to her family on at least two occasions. Which means the Feds ought to have been knocking down her Uncle's door and not the Forrest's.

However...there was the matter of Trenton Forrest who held a certain...reputation. Though she still did not understand the beef between Trenton and Alex, Mai was inclined to loathe the man. If Trenton was as terrible as his reputation, had Leo and Tara helped him cover up some messy details? Was that why the Feds raided their home with such a show of strength?

Pain seared through her thoughts, her knee threatening to give out completely, Mai gasping sharply through her teeth. She slowed to a stop and leaned heavily upon the wall, her entire body shaking, unaware that Leo and Tara had both stopped as well for a different reason. The pain that wracked her senses was so akin to training with Alex and Brad so many years ago that when Leo barked the order for her to go, she heard not his voice but Alex's...and the predatory howl of his pet 'wolf'. Mai pushed off the wall and moved to comply immediately, despite knowing that if she pressed onward, her knee would give out. All she had to do was get to the cave ahead and retrieve her weapons before the pack descended upon her.

Warmth touched her wrist and she cried out in dismay, fear, and anger, spinning to fight the hound that touched her, yet her movement was too quick, the world was a blur of color and she could not see. Something cool and metallic slid over her wrist, giving her pause even as her other arm was drawn behind her and so that it too was ensnared by the same cool and metallic restraint. Rapidly did she blink her eyes into focus until she saw that it was Leo Forrest before her and not one of her uncle's hounds that had caught her.

Anger and despair swelled in her at once. How she hated Leo, everything he and his family stood for in this town, for always leaving her behind in the dark as he pushed himself up to freedom and light. And here she was now...his prisoner. Leo wouldn't kill her, he wouldn't grant her death. No, he would keep her alive, vow to protect her, and then he would leave her behind and forget her again. It was sickening. Mai resolved then that the first chance she got, she would make a break for freedom on her own. Damn Leo to hell.

His lips moved yet she heard not a word spoken. In a swift movement, he lifted her from her feet and lifted her over his shoulder so that she now hung upside down. How long she remained like that, she knew not for darkness threatened to descend upon her and steal her away from consciousness. That was not something she could afford to permit happening. It was some time later that her head spun dizzily, Leo righting her at long last so that she sat upon frigid and slightly damp ground. Mai struggled to focus on the face that appeared before her, the soft dulcets of Tara's voice ringing softly in her ears over the pounding rush of the blood in her veins.

My name...these idiots can't even remember my name? If she could have, Mai would have scoffed at the other woman, yet she lacked the energy to do so. A slight sting warmed her cheeks and it took a few seconds for Mai to realize that Tara had slapped her. Anger warmed her blood, pushing it through her body, revitalizing and awakening her senses once more.

"I hope the Feds kill your father.."Mai retorted. Even if it meant depriving her the satisfaction of looking into the dying eyes of the man who killed her parents. "The Feds don't kill people unless they warrant it. The only reason I will die is because you two keep dragging me along."

Mai found herself being dragged to her feet, Tara making it so she supported most of Mai's weight as they began the slow process of helping her out of whatever tunnel they were in.

"You should just leave me here," she said with a sneer. "It's the only thing your brother knows how to do."

The walk through the snowy woods was slow and cold, yet Mai's focus wasn't upon Leo or even Tara who helped Mai walk. It was upon their surroundings for not five minutes into their walk, Mai heard a distant but distinct howl of what most would mistake to be a run of the mill wolf. But she knew better. These wolves were unlike any other for they were her uncle's treasured pets. Intelligent creatures, frightening creatures. Of her family, Mai was the only one who seemed to instinctively fear the creatures, as though on some level she knew that she was their prey. Try as she might to mask the fear, she had never quite succeeded at it. It was only a matter of time before one of them saw her with the Forrest's, and reported it back to Alex.

Tara left Mai to lean against a tree even as she caught a small movement out of the corner of her eye. What she saw caught her breath, even as Tara left to join Leo. Though it was hard to be absolutely certain, Mai was almost positive that it was her uncle's most prized pet wolf that lingered nearby, watching them. Fear seized her heart, memory threatening to take her back to two weeks ago when Tara and Leo came for her, leading her away towards the car they had revealed, neither seeming to take note of her paleness. For the first time, Mai wanted to run.

Though they left her handcuffed as they guided Mai into the back seat of whatever vehicle they had hidden, there was scarcely little they needed to do to help her. With her heart now racing, hazel hues darting across the forest, Mai fully expected the siblings to load into the car immediately and start off. Yet the pair seemed more inclined to take their leisure time, undoubtedly talking about rescuing their loathsome father.

"Will you two please just shut up and get in already!" Mai snapped at them, knowing that even if they pushed the car to its limits and there was more than one wolf out there, they'd never out run her uncle. But neither Leo nor Tara paid her any attention for something else out there that had garnered it. Though fear now coursed the adrenaline through her veins, curiosity drew Mai's own attention to the new arrivals whom she immediately recognized: Edward and Adele Nightingale.

Instead of two idiots arguing back and forth about what to do, it was now four imbeciles. Confident as they may be about having escaped the Feds, they were naive and ignorant that another danger lurked nearby.

"Shut up and get in the damn car!" Mai yelled as loud as she could, temporarily deafening herself in the process. "I'm not going to be eaten alive because you morons want to save a dead man!"

One Last Time RPG


Jan 27th 2024 - 1:07 PM

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High-pitched and near deafening, the L-RAD echoed within and without the Forrest estate. Men everywhere sank to their knees, with the exception of two or three. Agent Andrews stood at the front of the forward SUV, seemingly impervious to the noise. Turning towards one of his Lieutenants and with nothing more than a nod, one that conveyed some manner of instruction, the other man turned and walked along the front of the house, his gaze focused upon the house itself as though he could see through its walls and into the interior.

Trenton Forrest had made it to the stretch of hall that led to his office. Behind him, two more intruders struggled back to their feet. The nearest man, clad in black and bearing the trappings of a tactical uniform, reached up unsteadily to wipe the blood from his cheek. Behind him, the second was more steady, raising his gun.

Trenton eyed them with contempt, raising his borrowed rifle as he pulled the trigger. The second man flew backwards, and crumpled into a heap upon the floor. Sweeping forward, Trenton caught the first man's wrist, pulling it forward and to the side to prevent him from gaining a line of sight with his own gun. Trenton brought the rifle up, and struck the man in the side of the head with the butt. He, too, crumpled upon the floor.

Two more emerged into the halls, the barrels of their guns sweeping to and fro with their attached lights, illuminating the hallway. Trenton dashed forward, not giving them a chance to fix in on him. He went down, allowing gravity to make his move easier as he then slid along the floor. He kicked upward, knocking the gun from the first man's hands, straightening up, he grabbed the man's arm, twisting him around so that he now stood between him and the second man. The second soldier, having just seen Trenton, fired his weapon, but not before the first man had been placed between them. He went down, giving way to the momentary shock of the second man.

Trenton took advantage, grabbing a knife from the belt of the dead soldier before him. A quick motion with his wrist sent the knife towards the second man. He had no particular skill in such a thing, yet it struck the man in the abdomen, causing him to clutch at his side before Trenton raised his own rifle, adding yet another macabre masterpiece to the already gruesome scene. That was four men down and however many others struggling to regain their footing, there was precious time left. He moved swiftly down the hall towards his office, half-turning to keep an eye on the other end, lest he be caught suddenly by the unaccounted. 

With the rifle trained at the other end of the corridor, his free hand slipped inside his pocket where he retrieved the key to his study. The key slid home and with a deft twist of his fingers, the door unlocked and swung inward. Yet his study was not as vacant as he had expected. A figure in black emerged from the wall beside Trenton's desk, hissing once before it morphed into something that might have resembled a  man. Trenton gave way to a moment of shock, and that was his undoing. He raised his gun, and fired two shots before the gun clicked empty. Before he could go for another weapon, black strips of cloth appeared out of nowhere, snaking along the ground, rising only to wrap around Trenton's legs and ankles, knocking him to the floor. Trenton's vision blurred a few moments later and then darkened. The last thing he saw was the strange man moving towards him, a cruel smile of satisfaction etched in stone.


A black limousine drove rather quickly around a corner, sliding slightly on the ice covered road where its tires spun a moment before regaining traction. The driver gained control, and moved over to their side of the road to allow another car to pass, its horn blaring impatiently. In the backseat, Solomon White sat rather perturbed, glancing nervously out the window. He glanced downward at his pocket watch. It read a little after eight o'clock in the evening. Darkness had befallen them some hours before, plunging them into the seemingly endless, eternal winter that would plague them for the next few months.

"We're approaching Town Hall now, Sir," the driver called back. Solomon gathered his cane to him, pulling his coat around him as he buttoned it. The door was opened for him and he stepped out. A blistery wind immediately greeted him, its frozen bite sinking into his skin.

"Stay put," Solomon told the driver. He moved onto the sidewalk, moving quickly with a purpose as he approached the stone steps that led upward to the town hall. Another man was there waiting for him, clad in a gray business suit and wearing a flowing gray overcoat. Merlyn Grey, a fellow council member and longtime acquaintance of Solomon's. 

"I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten," Merlyn said in greeting, watching Solomon ascend the steps. They had been well kept in the weather, cleared often, by the looks of it. Solomon had no trouble at all finding his footing.

"You should know better, my friend, given that I was the one who called you here. I do not forget likely." At this he chuckled. "We are not so old as to forget everything, now are we?"

Merlyn smiled, giving Solomon a nod. "Not quite there yet, I think," he agreed. "You sounded urgent on the phone."


Rendezvous at Point Delta.

Slender digits wrapped around a measuring cup while the other pulled the bag of flour towards her. Grace scooped flour into the measuring cup, taking care to ensure the proper measurements were taken before emptying the contents into a glass bowl. A moment later, she was rifling through the spices, selecting the appropriate ones which she would measure and then add to the bowl of flour.

Rendezvous at Point Delta.

A whisk. Yes, it was a whisk she needed to mix the dry ingredients. Whisk everything together. Keep moving. Then she could move on to the wet ingredients. Time...they were running out of time. Her iPhone buzzed and though knew what it would say, she paused to read it anyway.

'Where are you?'

It was from Adele, her granddaughter. No doubt Edward had collected her and taken her to the rendezvous point with the Forrest children. A single tear drop fell from Grace's cheek, landing on the phone's display.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to the phone as its display went dark. The contingency plans they had laid out might have worked once upon a time, however Grace could feel it in her very bones that things had changed. The enemy they had prepared for sent something far fouler in its stead. Evil sought them all, but more so Trenton and his family. She and Chris would have some time. Perhaps not much but it would have to be enough.

Cream, vanilla, and a splash of water...what else was she missing? Honey...that was it. A quick swirl to mix the ingredients and Grace set about mixing the wet and dry...unaware that Christopher was watching her from the darkened hall, the soft glow of his phone lighting his face as he tapped out a message to their son-in-law, Edward Nightingale.

'We won't make the rendezvous. Proceed without us.'


Irritation flared as the still unnamed woman screamed from inside the car for everyone to shut up and get in. Tara ducked her head inside the car long enough to address her.

"You're not helping. Shut up and we'll get moving."

"But you don't understand! There's more than the Feds that are out there!" the girl exclaimed desperately as Tara straightened herself once more, tuning into the conversation between Leo, Adele, and Edward.

"Dad was explicitly clear. We follow the plan," Leo was saying, even as Adele sought to tend to his injuries.

The sound of an incoming text drew Edward's attention for a moment. He withdrew the phone from his pocket and the expression upon his face was not one of reassurance.

"What is it?" Tara called out to him, knowing full well that he likely wouldn't answer her. To her surprise, he did answer.

"It's Grace and Christopher." Adele looked up from Leo at the mention of her grandmother, her face paler than it had been a moment before. The frown upon Edward's brow deepened as he swiped the screen and raised the phone to his ear a moment later. Less than ten seconds later and the phone was lowered. "It went straight to voicemail."

Tara and Leo exchanged a glance with one another. Tara shrugged at him helplessly. Turning from her, he addressed Edward.

"Something's not right. Someone should go check on them."

It took Edward Nightingale several heartbeats before he put his phone away and looked up, finally registering what Leo had said. 

"I'll go. You four should get on out of here. Follow the plan. We'll figure out how to get Trent back."

"Daddy!" Adele called out as Edward turned and started back up the hill.

He paused just long enough to look back at her. "I know. We'll see you soon."


"Sir, the hostile has been neutralized." 

Agent Andrews nodded once, but appeared unmoved by the news that Trenton Forrest had been subdued. Though the day had been long, it was just getting started as far as he was concerned.

"Pull your men out, Captain." Several of the troopers who had remained outside for the raid were already moving to the back hatches to retrieve the gear necessary to break open the bars that had barricaded all entrances and exits. "My team will conduct one final search. Make sure you send a team to retrieve Tango."

"Yes sir!"

The sound of another vehicle entering the premises drew Agent Andrews's attention away from the estate. Another black SUV drove up the road and through the gates that had since been barreled through. The eyes in the sky immediately sounded, warning of another unknown possible hostile entering the premises. Agent Andrews silenced them.

"Stand down all units. Stand down." He started back through the army of vehicles as the driver of the new SUV stopped at the back, emerging a moment later to reveal Alexander Orton, the one who the Master had entrusted to manage things here. The other spoke as they came together, stopping several feet apart and facing one another.

"Captain. This is an unexpected pleasure." Alex's eyes wandered away for a moment, as though he we looking for something...or someone, before settling on Agent Andrews once more. "We are honored by your presence."

"You may dispense with the pleasantries, Commander. I am here to put you back on schedule," William replied crisply, the disdain he felt for Alex evident in his voice.

Alex's reply was quick and meant to be reassuring, despite his distaste for ass kissing. "I assure you, Captain, my men are working as fast as they can."

There was a pause as William turned his attention to the two men who rounded the corner of the house, the limp and unconscious form of Bradley Orton between them. His expression, when he turned back to Alex, was cold. "Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them."

Not ten feet away, the men began to load Brad into the back of another SUV. If Alex felt anything for his son, it didn't show. "Everything is under control. We will find the Master's weapon."

"The Master does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation." William turned from Alex then as the unconscious bound and limp form of Trenton Forrest was hauled out of his home. Several of his men moved the prisoner to William's SUV and set about securing him for transport.

"But he asks the impossible!" William stopped and half-turned back towards Alex as he continued. "It has been lost for 2,500 years. The odds of it even being here with them is...improbable. We need more men!"

"Then perhaps you can tell him when he arrives."

This seemed to garner Alex's full attention, alarm creeping into his voice. "The Master is coming here?"

"That is correct, Commander, and he is most displeased with your apparent lack of progress."

"We shall double our efforts."

"I hope so, Commander, for your sake." William turned his back to Alex and started for his SUV. "The Master is not as forgiving as I am."


The sweet aroma that permeated the Goldbloom home soothed her flaying nerves. Sometime ago she had heard the whomp whomp of helicopters flying overhead as well as a distant explosion that could only mean one thing: the enemy had struck the Forrest estate - hard. Had they made it out alive? Trenton, no doubt, would have urged his children to follow the plan and stay behind to buy them as much time as possible. The question was, did the enemy kill him outright or did they take him alive? Would they come here next? If not here, where? What were they after?

There was something Galadriel had said to Grace in her dream that she had been unable to shake. Even as her thumb scrolled through the contacts in her phone, Grace found that she kept coming back to one name: Sir Merlyn Grey. The elderly man owned a local fireworks shop, sat on the town council and was a friend to Christopher and herself. What he could do against this enemy, she knew not. Yet her thumb fell upon the call button and moments later, his voice at the other end picked up.

"We haven't much time," Grace breathed, her keen hearing picking up the faint sound of engines, growing louder by the second.

"What is it, My Lady?"

Grace's breath caught in her throat as the swell of Galadriel's light pushed at her, slowly filling her as though Grace were a glove to the other woman. When she spoke once more, her voice was a touch deeper.

"Mithrandir, you must move quickly for the Nine have come. They seek what he carries. He must not be found."

"You are speaking in riddles, My Lady. I'm afraid I do not-"

"They are here. Quick and sly as a Fox, we must be if we are to survive this."

The phone slid down her face, Merlyn's voice faint but still trying to beg reason from her when her thumb pressed the End Call button. Setting the iPhone on the counter, she set the plate of fresh baked cookies on the stove before moving towards the front door where she met Christopher. A solemn look between the two was enough. It was time. She placed her hand on the door handle and drew a shaky breath when the warmth of his hand laid itself over the back of her hand.

"You are not alone, Grace."

A faint smile tugged upon her lips as she turned towards him and laid a gentle kiss upon his cheek. He spoke the truth and in her heart of hearts, she knew it. Yet what was to come would not be something she was sure he would be able to endure. Together they opened the door.

Three black SUV's pulled into their yard, windows tinted so black that they could not see inside. It mattered little for the vehicles had scarcely come to a halt before doors opened  and men garbed in all black emerged from two of the vehicles, their weapons plainly visible. From the third, two figures emerged. One they knew well: Alex Orton. Behind her, Grace could feel Christopher's surprise yet his appearance did not surprise her. Instead, her gaze turned towards the pristinely dressed man who was clearly the leader of this merry little group. Behind her, Christopher, moved closer to her as though he sought to protect her. Gently did she squeeze his hand, as if to calm and reassure him. The enemy would always attempt to intimidate them, even if nothing had been said or done to warrant a show of force. 

"Let it happen Chris," she whispered to her husband as the men advanced towards them. "Don't fight them. No matter what."

"Hello Grace...Christopher. I'm Special Agent William Andrews of the FBI."


"We can't get a hold of Doctor Nightingale!" He could hear the nurses in the hallway, panic in their voices. He and his nephews had been in the hospital for weeks now. Though none of them were anywhere near perfect health, the thought of staying in bed for even another hour was maddening. In the faint twilight of his room, Daric King dressed himself with the clothes of his distant cousin Dwight Robertsen, trusting that Keegan and Phillip were doing the same in their own rooms.

Having tied his last boot, Daric slowly eased himself off his bed, his muscles sore from lack of use. All that remained was to don his winter coat, meet up with his nephews, and leave the hospital whether the nurses permitted them to do so or not. The screen of his phone lit up and he shuffled back towards the bed, grabbing the device. It displayed the text message from Dwight who said he was waiting outside in their car.

"Right, time to go." Slipping the phone into his pocket, Daric pulled on his coat and walked to his door, sliding it open a moment later. If the nurses hadn't seen him before, they would soon hear him for he bellowed loudly the names of his nephews."Keegan! Phillip!" 

"Mr. King!" one of the nurses exclaimed as she rushed around the counter, intent on barricading him in his room. "We haven't discharged you yet!"

"We're leaving," he returned gruffly, his mood a little sour. While he couldn't put his finger on it, there was something about this hospital and its staff that sat wrong with him. It wasn't like they wronged him or even healed with magic to earn his distaste and distrust, but there was something about the whole lot that he just didn't like.

"But please-!"

"We're ready Uncle," Phillip sounded to his right. His voice was a little breathy but that was to be expected. They all had a close brush with death and were incredibly lucky that whoever had jumped them in that alleyway had missed their hearts and merely grazed their lungs.

"Give us our discharge papers and we'll be on our way," he said firmly to the smaller woman who tried to block him. Though her face appeared resolved and unyielding, he knew that she would crumble and permit them to leave.

"You have to understand-"

"I do understand. You can't find Dr. Nightingale to keep us here any longer. We will sign whatever papers you need us to sign, just get the damn things and we'll be on our way."

She looked at him poutily and after several heartbeats, called out to the nurse still at the counter behind. "Get their discharge papers."


"Yes," said Solomon, producing a key which he used to unlock the front doors, swinging them inwards. Finding the light switch, they switched it on. They found themselves in a short hall, with two doors on either side and an elevator at the end. A billboard on the wall to their left stated the floors and what held what within the building. "Something isn't right. Have you not felt it? I am reluctant to say, but I am beginning to believe Grace's mumblings could have more merit than we all originally believed." Merlyn regarded Solomon with a wary eye, as if a trap was being set.

"What are you saying? That her hallucinations, her...dreams, are more than they appear? That they are, in fact, reality?"

"Perhaps," said Solomon, fixing his friend with a stony glare. "Strange things have occurred these past nights. Rumors of ghosts and phantoms, much like what visited Grace and I at the hospital, kidnappings, gruesome murders. My shop has been broken into and, like my home, the shelves and merchandise toppled as though they are searching for something. I feel an uneasiness has settled upon our quaint little town, have you not sensed it?"

Merlyn returned his gaze, nodding slowly, more to himself. "I have seen something myself, not two nights past, in the distance upon Gathshire Hill not three miles out. Grace herself called me just before you arrived, giving a cryptic message. I tried to reason with her, but the connection was lost. I do agree that something is, perhaps, a little odd tonight. The town seems too quiet." He followed Solomon into the elevator, which began to rise a moment later. The doors opened a moment later, to another set of stairs. Ascending them, they found themselves on the roof of Town Hall. The town was indeed quiet. A few cars and their headlights could be seen along the main road, but apart from that the only action was falling snow.

"I must admit that I have noticed a growing evil in the hearts of men lately," Merlyn noted.

"The hearts of what?" Solomon enquired, turning as if he missed what was said.

"Oh I-" Merlyn fumbled. "I said the hearts of them, speaking of the townspeople," he gestured with a wave of his hand to the many houses and buildings that made up their town. "I wonder, if these rumored phantoms are up to no good. I have little doubt that they could be responsible for these strange things."

"Perhaps," Solomon agreed. "I have been having...intuitions, my friend. There is an evil here, and it grows daily. Something has taken to Middletown, and its intentions are far from kind."

Merlyn was silent for a few moments. "I agree. I myself have been having strange dreams, but I merely dismissed them as such."

"Do not be so quick to dismiss them, my friend," Solomon urged. "When the unlikely seems the most likely, reality is to be judged with caution."

"Wise words, and true," Merlyn nodded. Silence fell before them for several heartbeats before Merlyn mused aloud. "Her own mind seems to be preoccupied by foxes. Have you any idea what she might be speaking of? Do you think it has something to do with Robin Brown?" At the mention of the name a face came over Solomon, as if he had drank sour milk. Merlyn noticed. "I know you are not overly fond of our friend, Robin, but he is a gentle fellow."

"It's not that I am not overly fond of him," Solomon repeated, "it's something else, although I am not quite sure. His obsession with nature is rather odd for someone of a knightly stature. He is too fond of mushrooms, they've rattled his mind."

In the distance, the two men watched as helicopters circled the forest to the east. What might have been missiles streaked from the helicopters. Three seconds later, the glow of what likely was an explosion of sorts lit the sky.

Merlyn gasped, taking half a step forward. "My Lady Grace!"

Solomon extended a hand, resting his fingers upon his old friends' shoulder. "Not quite, my friend." Merlyn glanced back at Solomon, the horror plainly upon his features. "But I fear she might very well be next."


The dossier on Grace Goldbloom revealed that she was quite a busy woman and the chances of catching her home might have been a long shot - if not for her recent and inexplicable illnesses of late. Agent Andrews half expected to find her weak and in no condition to be of service to him yet she had greeted him outside her home, with her husband at her back. For one who had been stripped of memory and magic, she seemed to be faring remarkably well...perhaps too well.

"I understand that you are a psychiatrist, Grace." He paused long enough for her to nod her head before continuing. "I also understand that you are knowledgeable in the healing arts as well."

The platinum blonde haired woman seemed almost hesitant before she answered him. "It has been quite some time since I last tended to anything more than scrapes and bruises, but you are correct."

Agent Andrews half turned and gestured to the vehicle to his right. One of the men who had taken up a defensive position moved to the back of the SUV and opened the rear hatch. "We have need of your services."

There was no request in his tone as the limp and nearly unconscious form of Bradly Orton was revealed. The sniper's bullet had left its mark so that the young man was bleeding rather profusely. All attempts to staunch the bleeding seemed to be in vain for every strip of fabric that was on him trailed blood. To her credit, Grace Goldbloom took the reveal in stride, almost as though she had expected it. He nodded to his men who set Brad Orton on their front porch, the man groaned softly in pain.


Agent Andrew's attention shifted to her husband, Christopher, who held onto her hand reluctantly. He watched as she went back to her husband and whispered something in his ear before moving away to kneel beside Brad. Carefully did he watch her for she had brought no bandages, no first aid kit as the mortals of this realm often utilized for injuries.  His lips pressed thinly together, his face otherwise expressionless, as he watched the She-Elf call upon magic that was not supposed to have been available in this world. How she had come to draw upon this energy, he knew not, however it was something the Master would need to hear about.

Slowly, he walked around Grace and the prone and nearly colorless form of Brad. Sure enough, as the light seemed to fill her, the blood slowed and the man's breathing went from infrequent gasps to something more even and regular, despite the expletives that fell from his lips. His cries were hardly surprising given that he was a minion of the Master. Something about dark and light failing to coexist together peacefully.

As the glow began to subside, William came to a stop just behind Grace Goldbloom. Her abilities were truly remarkable. Regrettably, reputation alone essentially assured her fate. She was put here for a reason with that reason being she posed a threat to His return. His hand found the pistol in his holster and before Grace or Christopher could react, he drew the weapon and pressed the barrel of his gun to her head.

"NOOOO!" Even as Christopher screamed, Agent Andrews could also hear muffled screaming from the back of his SUV as Trenton Forrest looked on. He allowed Grace to raise her head and recognize the voice of Trenton Forrest crying out her name. Movement out of the corner of his eye showed that his men were restraining Christopher and others moved to keep Trenton contained when his finger squeezed the trigger and released the bullet from the chamber.

Her body had barely settled upon the ground before Agent Williams issued the next command over the protesting screams of Christopher Goldbloom."Take him in for questioning." Holstering his weapon, he looked at the still form of Grace Goldbloom, crouching a moment to press fingers to her throat, checking her pulse. Satisfied, he stood and walked back to the SUV. "Put her inside and burn it all. We're finished here. "


Night was falling upon Middletown and the She-Elf had not yet returned from whatever adventure she had finally embarked upon. There had been a time or two in the past two weeks where Ungoliant had begun to wonder if she had made a mistake in taking the Orcs' pet from him and instead should have just devoured what little was left. Yet the She-Elf was young and impatient. She had given up and moved on to something more important than following Uriana around.

It wasn't long before nightfall when the distant sound of helicopters sounded in Middletown proper. Ungoliant, disguised as the elderly Miss Caroline bundled herself up appropriately and joined the masses outside. Unlike the others, she remained alone and did not seek to join any small cluster of people looking towards the mountain upon which the Forrest's and Goldbloom's resided. From what the Spider could hear of the conversations on the street, two helicopters had flown up the way. None could even begin to speculate what was happening or to whom though many were fearful. Yet it seemed from the conversation the Dwarves carried that this might present an opportunity of sorts for them to seize upon.

Sirens sounded a block or two away, no doubt the last of the town's sheriff's department mobilizing. Whatever was happening up there was bad news and likely something that not even Azog nor Brad would have provoked. Someone else must have come. Ungoliant turned around and went back inside her home, setting herself to the task of packing up what few things she needed. There was no doubt in her mind that whatever trouble had befallen the Elves, so too would it befall her.


Brandon Fox stood at the counter, wiping it down with a clean rag, turning up the television up a few notches with the remote control. The local news forecast was playing, telling of another three inches of snowfall by the following morning. He was a little shorter than average, with short brown hair and striking blue eyes. He looked up as his first non-familial visitor entered, nodding warmly to the tall man with hair of shining gold. Brandon immediately warmed to him for his eyes were bright and his face fair, young, fearless, and full of joy. 

"Welcome! Welcome to Baggins Bed and Breakfast! Will you be wanting a room for this winter evening? Perhaps supper or a nice warm drink?"

"No, no," Gabriel said politely, taking in the scene around him. A collection of tables and chairs sat around, a couple televisions were on the walls, casting a dim light into the darkened bar. A wooden bench sat by the door, running the full length of the wall. A few armchairs and two end tables sat by the fireplace off to their right. Beside them, a large dining hall sat with several long tables placed end to end. A staircase sat to the right of the fireplace, leading upward into the Inn's upper floors where two levels of rooms rested. 

"Was there...something I could help you with then?" Brandon chimed in, drawing Gabriel's attention back towards him. By the expression upon the darker haired man's face, it was clear he was at a loss as to what the other man wanted. Gabriel hesitated a moment, as though collecting his thoughts.

"I am a friend of Sir Merlyn Grey," he began. "Do you know him?"

Brandon paused a moment, re-folding the damp cloth so that a clean side could be used to clean the counter. "He owns a fireworks shop, doesn't he?" To this, Gabriel inclined his head. Brandon's face lit with excitement and fond memory. "He used to have such wonderful firework displays! Has he finally passed?"

A faint frown creased Gabriel's brow as he regarded the Inn Owner. "To the contrary. He is quite well."

"Oh," Brandon replied, not quite sure what purpose the other man had in mentioning the wizened old man. He turned his attention back to the bar, setting himself to the task of polishing out the small nick in the top. "Please do let me know if I can be of service of assistance."

"I actually came to offer my services."

Brandon stopped once more, and looked at Gabriel, his expression somewhere between curious and nervous. "I'm not currently hiring anyone..."

Gabriel smiled gently at Brandon and shook his head. "I'm not looking for a job. Do you have any guests tonight?"

Flustered, a flush crept into Brandon's cheeks, a scowl lining his features and his tone sharply defensive. "Not that it's any of your business but as a matter of fact...I do not."

Gabriel seemed unperturbed, perhaps ignorant of the outrage the other man was beginning to feel. "I am here because you are in grave danger."

"Danger?" Brandon repeated, only to shake his head a moment later and moving further away from Gabriel. He hadn't done anything out of line his entire life. He hadn't cheated anyone, or owed anyone any money. "That's preposterous! I'm not in any danger!"

Gabriel followed Brandon down the counter, his voice soft and reassuring. "Have you not felt it?" When Brandon paused, Gabriel knew he had him. "Like footsteps of doom...the Darkness has come."

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