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Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 36
Sign: Gemini
Country: Romania

Signup Date:
May 18, 2015


04/05/2016 10:48 PM 

Random short story idea.

And there it was again, the dreadful ringing in his ears after every single battle, Gabriel stood a few feet away from the ambush he and his clan has sprung on the Frankish  reinforcement troops, His panting breath was very slowly returning to normal, his eyes were lost in the distance as his mind was deep in thought. Their prey never saw it coming, rushing to reach the battle field in the north-west, they cut through the forest and were cut down mercilessly by the gypsy clan, employed by the English kingdoms to make sure the Frankish reinforcements never come. Gabriel was covered in blood from head to toe, his daggers painted the once lush green grass and bushes to a eerie crimson color.


The gypsies were slowly looting the corpses of the Frankish soldiers as Gabriel's right hand man sat down next to him with a loud sigh. Though the men were barely in their late 20's, they were already sick of it, the fighting never stopped, it felt like no matter what they did, the two of them ended up in this exact spot, sitting next to one another, covered in blood with corpses surrounding them."Mircea joined the Frankish army with his men, the twins joined the English one. Their probably fighting when the battle starts."Gabriel didn't responded to the news for a few minutes, he stared at his men for a while, then started to clean his daggers with a piece of cloth. "They are fighting over Britannia, the north-west region of Frankia."Gabriel replied with the image of his childhood friends having to fight one another for two foreign kings.


"Good farming land, a lot of fishing settlements." Kitty replied while looking slightly worried at his friend .He knew Gabriel very well, the two grew up together and had been fighting together since they could stand on their feet, and now his friend had that look on his face, that look that always get them into trouble that was very difficult to get out of, but always worth the risk. "Let's head back to the camp, send someone to the English to pick up out payment." Gabriel wanted to say a lot more, but a part of him didn't want to share what his dream was just yet, though if he knew his friend, Kitty understood what he wanted to do, after all that was always his dream, to unite the clans under one leader and claim a rich land they can all live off.




Back in the camp after the English payment arrived, it was time for a celebration. Gabriel was at the lead of one of the biggest traveling clans of gypsy in this part of the world, they were mostly mercenaries mostly. A massive bon fire was lighting the night as everyone was singing and dancing around it, victory and a good payment made everyone happy, there was plenty of food and drinks to make the celebration last. Everyone seemed happy, content, comfortable with their choice of life style, all but their leader.


Gabriel was somewhere in the back, sitting on the grass with his back against a tree, a bottle of rum next to him and a piece of chicken in his hand, but the meat had attracted one of the cats that traveled with them. "You see, these years, these battles are the most important ones in the entire history of the world my friend." He remarked towards the cat that was now sitting on top of his, following the meet with her eyes and head, the man gave her little chunks to keep the kitty interested as he spoke. "Every single war and leader, king or whatever the f*** they call themselves, directly influence how the map will look in the future, because now, anyone can raise an army and lay claim to a land if they are strong enough. Kings die, princesses are forced to marry only the strongest and the richest. Right now, a handful of small kingdoms and chose to unite and sh*t all over their neighbors with overwhelming force, much like the English kingdoms are trying to do currently, but it won't be like this for ever my friend, the world is evolving, the people are getting smarter every single day, and people like myself need to act while we still can." He sighed loudly and reached to pet the kitty before leaving the meat on the grass to the overjoyed kitten that pounced on it without restrain." It's time kitty, it's time for us to find a home, while the world still allows it."


On the other side of the tree was his friend, standing on his feet and listening quietly with his hands folded to his chest. The small animal and the large warrior shared a name, but Gabriel knew he was there, he was always there by his side. "You go and tell the twins the plan, they don't need convincing I'm sure of it, I'll make Mircea join us." Though the man always believed in his friend, doubt was written all over his face. "And what is this plan exactly? Fight both the Frankish and the English by ourselves? Say they both decide to help us and turn against them, that would still leave us at least at a 10 to 1 odds in a flat grassy plane against better equipped men." Gabriel smiled warmly while petting the small kitten, he looked towards the clan, still happily celebrating the night before replying. "Pretty much." Convincing a bunch of gypsy clans to fight together was all but impossible, they needed a miracle to have the nomadic people band together under one leader and stand still in a single land. Thankfully two strong clans were led by their childhood friends who made promises to one another when they were kids, promises to change the fate of their people.


As the two men parted way in the morning they were both running the possible outcomes in their mind, the outcome they were both hoping for was that a victory against two of the bigger names in the world would attract the rest of their people to them, it would give them hope for a different future. All kingdoms started somewhere, they had to start with a battle that would shake the entire world up. They had to make a statement to the world, they had to make a statement to the gypsies all around the world. Say they did win the battle, even the ones that were not inclined to join them in the region they would then lay claim too, the Christian movement would force them to run to them, the church would finally have a solid reason to demonize the gypsies. It was  a devious and borderline evil way for Gabriel to draw his people to him, but there was no other way for him to convinced people that only knew a single way of life to that point to settle down and build a home.





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