ĸnιgнт angel.

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May 4th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 39
Sign: Capricorn
Country: United States

Signup Date:
October 01, 2013


10/04/2013 09:47 PM 

The Savior Rules:

1.) Not the lovely Emma Swan or Jennifer Morrison. Wait..Yes I am in fact both but shh don't tell. No in all seriousness I am not Jennifer or Emma. Makes you sad right? Well me too.

2.) I'm well over the age of 21 years old. So yes I do sex, drugs and consume alcohol but Emma is not a druggie so no drugs in Emma's storyline expect for in the past. Sex yes I do roleplay sex but I will not roleplay sex with anyone under the age of 20 in ooc. If your uncomfortable roleplaying sex in comments just let me know and we can move them to messages. I'm very easy going like this. Now onto the alcohol, Emma does drink especially when her problems become an issue that she can't control or she feels like she's at a loss.

3.) I've been roleplaying since way before Myspace, I'm talking way back when everyone had dial up. Started off in AOL chat rooms. Long time right? That's how long I have been doing this granted this is my first time roleplaying the OUAT verse. So I'm doing the best that I can.

4.) I am a multi-paragraphs to novella roleplayer. I do not do word count. The most that I'm concerned with is spelling. Yes I know grammar sucks but hey there is always spell checks so please do use it. There and Their big difference. Your and You're big difference.  So yeah spell check. That's all. Golden rule you get what you give. Just something I've always lived by even in RL. I write in third person, not to fond of first person and I just wont do it.

5.) Love Interest. I do them but the kicker is its earned. I'm not just going around passing around my love interest spot. I ship Swan Queen and it made me extremely happy when Jennifer Morrison said 'Swan Queen' first at the New York Panel. That just gives me hope that Swan Queen is endgame but we know that isn't going to happen because of the writers. Don't even get me started on that. Anyways Swan Queen is the my ship and I will go down with it. Now flashbacks with Neal I'll do only because of the history between the two of them. But other than that 100% Swan Queen no one is going to change my mind. Still reading? Give me something witty. My Emma is off the market. Her heart was stolen by Joelle Marina Swan-Mills.

6.) I do roleplay in status's, comments are my main roleplay spot, there are certain people I will roleplay with in messages. If that's what you demand and you are a damn good roleplayer than we will roleplay in there. Give me time to send starters and replies due to real life stuff.

7.) Mains they come first before anyone else, sorry but that's just how it is. My mains are open as of right now. So send a message to connect with me even if we don't become mains. I do crossovers as long as they peek my interest and the storyline is epic as hell.

8.) Real life. Well I got one like everyone else. I do have a job, I have daughter (although her mother and I are currently at each other's throats.), I've got family and friends as well. I do go out on dates but its just not something I want to do right now due to the last relationship. If we get close in OOC and I trust you enough you will have my number and I will consider you to be a friend. But once you break that trust its just gone. Girl in real life yup that's me and I'm totally gay. Deal with it. Give me your favorite OUAT gif.

9.) I have to be honest this is like my roleplay account as a girl. I usually do guys but something about Emma Swan made me decide to use her and plus the whole Swan Queen thing is really hot. Plus they are adorable together.

10.) I do alternate universe, Neverland, Enchanted Forest, Storybrook, hell any possible word that Once Upon A Time could bring us. I'll do it. Do not just assume you are going to stick Emma somewhere without discussing it with me first. Don't god mod my character. Trust me you will not only have the wrath from me but you gotta deal with Emma also. And she will be hella pissed if you just poof here into a patrol and she ends up somewhere else without discussion first. So discussion is the key.
Well thats all I got for now. This rules are subject to change at anytime.
Message for connection/storyline.
Have a good day.


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