Chris Steele

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May 8th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 40
Sign: Gemini
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 02, 2011


06/11/2011 01: AM 

Character History (Volume Three: Villians)


First Half of Season 3: In the beginning of Season 3, Chris is still in his cell when Sylar attacks the Company, going down to Level 5. Once Bob is dead and his aunt, Angela Petrelli, takes over, Chris is freed and learns of the escapees on Level 5. Agreeing to work for the Company, in exchange for his freedom, once all the escapees are returned. Chris is given a partner, and sent out on his mission. On his first mission in the field, he encounters Benjamin "Knox" Washington, the two fight, with Knox badly injuring him. Sometime afterwards, Chris is visited by his future self, and knocked out.

Chris awakens later by a future Peter Petrelli and accidentally absorbs Induced Radioactivity, in which he starts to glow. Calming down, Chris theorizes that his future self somehow gave him a new ability, which allows him to absorbs other people's abilities. After being brought back to New York by Future Peter, Chris decides to go to Costa Verde to get Claire's ability to regenerate. After briefly catching up and gaining Claire's ability, Chris leaves back for New York City.

Sometime later, Chris then receives a phone call from his distraught mother, who tells him that his father is dead. Going back to his home, via Future Peter, Chris meets Devon, an escapee from the Company, who murdered his father and wants to kill him. After a brief fight, Future Chris arrives and tells Present Chris who he got his abilities from. He is about to tell Present Chris a secret about their uncle, Arthur Petrelli, but stops and leaves. Chris returns home and tells Future Peter what happened. The two are about to leave when Future Chris arrives and takes Future Peter, their fates unknown. A moment later, Peter from the present returns from the future, changed. Peter attempts to kill Chris in order to see how he works, but Chris stops him, using two new abilities (Sound Manipulation and Pyrokinesis). After which, Chris learns that Sylar is Peter and Nathan's brother, meaning his cousin. He also learns that Peter can now use Sylar's original ability and it's dangerous side effect.

Chris meets with Nathan, hoping to get his help to bring the Company down. Gaining Nathan's ability and getting no help from him, Chris leaves. He soon returns to the Company and begins to hunt all the escaped villains, making enemies along the way. Encountering Hiro Nakamura, who is trying to get his half of the formula back, Chris decides to sidetrack and help out Hiro. After accidentally gaining Hiro's ability, Chris decides to try to control his power absorption ability. After gaining partial control over it, Chris encounters Daphne Millbrook, who after absorbing her ability, gives him a card to Pinehearst, before speeding off. Chris is left there trying to figure out what exactly is going on.

Returning to the Company, Chris learns that Peter has gone to Pinehearst to find out what exactly is going on, but hasn't been heard from him in a few hours. Making up his mind, Chris quits the Company and teleports over to Pinehearst. Sneaking in, he finds Peter, who tells him that his late uncle is the one behind all of this and that he took all of Peter's powers. Confused, Chris hears his name and turns around. He is surprised and shocked to see his uncle, Arthur Petrelli, alive and well. Facing off with Arthur, Chris learns that he and his future self got their power absorption ability from Arthur. Escaping and meeting up with Samantha Miller, they begin to think of a new strategy. Chris soon learns that Arthur and his team are on the move, and going after him, Peter, Claire, and Angela.

Soon, Knox meets up with Chris, who tells him that Arthur sent him to kill Chris. The two soon begin a one-on-one battle and the second eclipse begins. While this is happening, both of them lose their abilities and Chris learns of his true power, like Arthur and Peter, he can absorb other people's abilities, as well as information at a much faster rate, like a computer. Defeating Knox, Chris calls his mother to tell him what he knows. Kathryn tells him that he is one of the four "powerhouses" (him, Arthur, Peter, and Sylar), people who can use multiple abilities at once. She also invites him over to see someone. Arriving at his parents' house, Chris is surprised to see his brother, Steven there.

After a brief family reunion with Steven, Chris senses that Peter is in trouble and teleports to Primatech. Learning from Angela that Peter and Nathan hadn't returned from retrieving the Haitian, Chris teleports to Haiti and finds Peter in the jungle. Finding out that Nathan left to join his uncle, Chris and Peter begin searching for the Haitian. Meeting Baron Samedi, the Haitian's half-brother, Chris absorbs Samedi's ability of Impenetrable Skin, but learns that he can't mimic the ability (due to the fact that he can't have both Impenetrable Skin and Rapid Cell Regeneration active at the same time). Holding off Samedi and his men until the Haitian arrives, the three subdue Samedi and teleport back to Primatech.

Splitting up, Chris travels to Pinehearst in hopes of finishing Arthur first, but fails. Learning of what happened to Hiro, Chris travels into the past and is confronted by Kaito Nakamura. After a brief encounter and not finding the Hiro from the present, Chris returns to the present. Going back to Pinehearst, Chris encounters Sylar once more. Getting the upper hand in the battle, Chris absorbs all of Sylar's new abilities, but doesn't know what they are. After the Haitian subdues Sylar, Chris goes back to Primatech to make sure the killer is locked away. With Sylar escaping, the Haitian tells Chris to go get help, but instead, he encounters Matt, Daphne, and Ando, who hopes that Ando will get an ability that will rescue Hiro. Injecting Ando with the formula and absorbing his new ability, Chris travels back to Pinehearst, just in time for Mohinder's lab to explode. Seeing Peter and Nathan fly out just as the explosion happens, Chris goes after them. Getting there as Nathan flies off, Chris finds out the Peter took the formula and has his abilities back. Chris and Peter wonder what will happen now.


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