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Dr River Song

06/01/2011 11: PM 

river song quotes

"When you run with the Doctor, it feels like it will never end. But however hard you try, you can't run for ever. Everybody knows that everybody dies, and nobody knows it like the Doctor. But I do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark, if he ever, for one moment accepts it. "Everybody knows that everybody dies. But not every day. Not today. "Some days are special. Some days are so, so blessed. Some days, nobody dies at all. Now and then, every once in a very long while, every day in a million days, when the wind stands fair, and the Doctor comes to call... everybody lives. "Sweet dreams, everyone." -River SongSilence in the LibraryAnita: How do you know they're not androids.River Song: Because I've dated androids. They're rubbish.The Doctor: Oh, you're not. Are you? Tell me you're not archaeologistsRiver Song: Got a problem with archeologists?The Doctor: I'm a time traveller. I point and laugh at archeologists.Lux: Professor Song, why am I the only one wearing my helmet?River: I don't fancy you.River Song: Pretty Boy, with me I said.The Doctor: Oh, I'm Pretty Boy?Donna: Yes. Oh, that came out a bit quick.The Doctor: Pretty?Donna: Well...River Song: Thanks.The Doctor: For what?River: The usual. For coming when I call.The Doctor: Oh, that was you?River: You're doing a very good job acting like you don't know me. I'm assuming there's a reason.The Doctor: Oh, a fairly good one actually.River: Okay, should we do diaries then? Where are we this time? Going by your face I'd say it's early days for you, yes? So, um... Crash of the Byzantium. Have we done that yet? Obviously ringing no bells. Alright, um. Picnic at Asgard, Have we done Asgard yet? Obviously not. Blimey, very early days then. Oo! Life with a time traveller, never knew it could be such hard work. Um... Look at you. You're young.The Doctor: I'm really not, you know.River: Oh but you are. Your eyes! You're younger than I've ever seen you.The Doctor: You've seen me before then?River: Doctor, please tell me you know who I am.The Doctor: Who are you?River: Sorry, you're not allowed to see inside the book. It's against the rules.The Doctor: What rules?River: Your rules.The Doctor: Funny thing, Mr. Lux. I don't want to see everyone in this room dead because some idiot thinks his pride is more important.River: Then why don't you sign his contract? I didn't either. I'm getting worse than you.River: There was one other thing in the last message.Lux: That's confidential.River: I trust this man with my life. With everything.Lux: You've only just met him.River: Nope, he's only just met me.River: Whatever did this to her, whatever killed her- I'd like a word with that.The Doctor: I'll introduce you.The Doctor: What's in that book?River: Spoilers.The Doctor: Who are you?River: Professor River Song, University of-The Doctor: To me. Who are you to me?River: Again: spoilers.River: Donna? You're Donna, Donna Noble?Donna: Yeah? Why?River: I do know the Doctor. But in the future. His personal future.Donna: So why don't you know me? Where am I in the future?River: So what do we do?The Doctor: Daleks. Aim for the eyestalk. Sontarans. Back of the neck. Vashta Nerada. Run. Just run.The Doctor: What's that?River: It's a screwdriver.The Doctor: It's sonic.River: Yeah, I know. Snap.River: So. What's the plan? Do we have a plan?The Doctor: Your screwdriver. Looks exactly like mine.River: Yeah. You gave it to me.The Doctor: I don't give my screwdriver to anyone.River: I'm not anyone.The Doctor: Who are you?River: What's the plan?The Doctor: I teleported Donna back to the TARDIS. If we don't go back there in under five hours Emergency Program One will activate.River: "Take her home," yeah.Forest of the DeadDave: Who is he? You haven't even told us. You just expect us to trust him.River: He's the Doctor.Lux: And who is "The Doctor"?River: The only story you'll ever tell. If you survive here.Anita: You say he's your friend, but he doesn't even know who you are.River: Listen all you need to know is this, I trust that man to the end of the Universe. And actually, we've been.Anita: He doesn't act like he trusts you.Anita: There's a tiny problem. He hasn't met me yet.River: What's wrong with it?The Doctor: There's a signal coming from somewhere interfering with it.River: Use the red settings.The Doctor: It doesn't have a red setting.River: Well use the dampers.The Doctor: It doesn't have "dampers."River: It will do one day.The Doctor: So some time in the future I just give you my screwdriver.River: Yeah.The Doctor: Why would I do that?River: I didn't pluck it from your cold dead hands if that's what you're worried about.The Doctor: And I know that because?River: Listen to me, you've lost your friend-you're angry, I understand. But you need to be less emotional, Doctor. Right now-The Doctor: Less emotion- I'm not emotional!River: There are five people in this room still alive. Focus on that. Dear god, you're hard work young.The Doctor: Young- Who are you?!Lux: Oh for heaven's sake! Look at the pair of you. We're all going to die right here and you're just squabbling like an old married couple!River: Doctor. One day I'm going to be someone that you trust. Completely. But I can't wait for you to find that out. So I'm going to prove it to you. And I'm sorry. I'm really very sorry. whispers in his ear. Are we good? Doctor. Are we good?The Doctor: Yeah, we're good.River: Good.Anita: Professor. It's important. I have two shadows.River: Helmets on, everyone. Anita I'll get yours.Anita: Didn't do Proper Dave any good.River: Just keep it together, okay?Anita: Keepin' it together. I'm only crying. I'm about to die. It's not an overreaction.River: Oh god they've got inside!The Doctor: No no. I've just tinted her visor. Maybe they'll think they're already in there, leave her alone.River: You think they can be fooled like that?The Doctor: Maybe, I don't know. It's a swarm. It's not like we chat.The Doctor: Professor, could I have a word please?River: What?The Doctor: Down here.River: What is it?The Doctor: Thought you said there were five people still alive in this room.River: Yeah so?The Doctor: So. Why are there six?Proper Dave: Hey! Who turned out the lights!The Doctor: Run!The Doctor: Professor, go ahead. Find a safe spot.River: It's a carnivorous swarm in a suit! You can't reason with it.The Doctor: Five minutes.River: You know when you see a photograph of someone you know, but it's from years before you knew them. It's like they're not quite finished-they're not done yet. Well... yes, The Doctor's here. He came when I called just like he always does. But not "my" Doctor. Now my Doctor, I've seen whole armies turn and run away. And he'd just swagger off, back to his TARDIS. And open the doors with a snap of his fingers. The Doctor. In the TARDIS. Next stop: Everywhere.The Doctor: Spoilers. Nobody can open the TARDIS by snapping their fingers. It doesn't work like that.River: It does for the Doctor.The Doctor: I am the Doctor.River: Yeah. Someday.River: Gravity Platform.The Doctor: Bet I like you.River: Oh, you do.The Doctor: I'll hook myself up to the computer, she can borrow my memory space.River: Difficult. It'll kill you stone dead!The Doctor: Yes, easy to criticize.River: It'll stop both of your hearts and don't think you'll regenerate!The Doctor: I'll try my hardest not to die, honestly. It's my main thing.River: Doctor-The Doctor: I'm right, this works. Shut up.River: I hate you sometimes!The Doctor: I know!The Doctor: Oh no no. What are you doing? That's my job!River: Oh and I'm not allowed to have a career I suppose.The Doctor: Why am I handcuffed? Why do you even have handcuffs?River: Spoilers.River: Funny thing is, this means you've always known how I was going to die. All the time we've been together you knew I was coming here. The last time I saw you-the real you, the future you, I mean-you turned up on my doorstep with a new haircut and a suit. You took me to Derillium. To see the Singing Towers. Oh, what a night that was. The towers sang, and you cried. You wouldn't tell me why but I suppose you knew it was time. My time. Time to come to the Library. You even gave me your screwdriver. That should have been a clue. There's nothing you can do.The Doctor: Let me do this!River: If you die here it'll mean I've never met you.The Doctor: Time can be rewritten!River: Not those times, not one line. Don't you dare! It's okay. It's okay. It's not over for you. You'll see me again. You've got all of that to come. You and me. Time and space. You watch us run!The Doctor: River you know my name. You whispered my name in my ear. There's only one way I would ever tell anyone my name. There's only one time I could.River: Hush now. Spoilers.River in voiceover: When you run with the Doctor, it feels like it will never end. But however hard you try, you can't run forever. Everybody knows that everybody dies. And nobody knows it like the Doctor. But I do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark if he ever, for one moment accepts it.The Doctor: Why? Why would I give her my screwdriver? Why would I do that? Thing is Future Me had years to think about it. All those years to think of a way to save her. And what he did was give her a screwdriver. Why would I do that? Oh! Look at that! I'm very good!Donna: What have you done?The Doctor: Saved her!The Doctor: Stay with me. C'mon! You and me, one last run! Sorry River, shortcut.River in voiceover: Everybody knows that everybody dies. But not every day. Not today.River: Oh for heaven's sake. He just can't do it, can he? That man. That impossible man. He just can't give in.River in voiceover: Some days are special. Some days are so so blessed. Some days nobody dies at all. Now and then, every once in a very long while-every day in a million days when the wind stands fair and the Doctor comes to call-everybody lives.The Time of AngelsAlistair: The party's over, Dr. Song. Yet still you're on board.Dr. River Song: Sorry Alistair. I needed to see what was in your vault. Do you all know what's down there? Any of you? Because I'll tell you something, this ship won't reach its destination.Alistair to the guards: Wait 'til she runs. Don't make it look like an execution.Dr. River Song: Triple-7 5 slash 3 4 9 by 10. Zero 12 slash Acorn. Oh, and I could do with an air corridor.Amy: What's that? What did she say?The Doctor: Coordinates!River: Like I said on the dance floor, you might want to find something to hang on to.Amy: Doctor?The Doctor: River.River: Follow that ship.River: They've gone into warp drive. We're losing them. Stay close.The Doctor: I'm trying!River: Use the stabilizers.The Doctor: It doesn't have stabilizers!River: The blue switches.The Doctor: Well the blue switches don't do anything. They're just blue.River: Yes, they're blue. They're the blue stabilizers! The TARDIS stabilizes. See?The Doctor: Yeah. Well, just boring now, isn't it? They're borings. They're blue borings.River: Okay. I've mapped the probability vectors, done a full background temporal isometry, charted the ship to its destination and... parked us right alongside.The Doctor: "Parked us." We haven't landed.River: Of course we've landed. I just landed her.The Doctor: But... it didn't make the noise.River: What noise?The Doctor: You know the {imitates the TARDIS... sort of}River: It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on.The Doctor: Yeah. Well it's a brilliant noise. I love that noise.The Doctor: ...oxygen-rich atmosphere, all toxins in the soft band, eleven hour day and... {sniffs the air} chances of rain later.River: He thinks he's so hot when he does that.Amy: How come you can fly the TARDIS?River: Oh, I had lessons from the very best.The Doctor flattered: Well... yeah.River: It's a shame you were busy that day.Amy: Are you going to introduce us?The Doctor: Amy Pond. Professor River Song.River gasps: I'm going to be a professor some day, am I? How exciting! {she laughs} Spoilers.River: Two things always guaranteed to turn up in a museum. The home box of a category four Starliner and, sooner or later, him. It's how he keeps score.The Doctor: I'm nobody's taxi service! I'm not going to be there to catch you every time you feel like jumping out of a spaceship.River: And you are so wrong.River: There's a thing in the belly of that ship that can't ever die. Now he's listening.River: Where are we up to? Have we done the Bone Meadows?Amy: What's the book?The Doctor: Stay away from it.Amy: What is it though?The Doctor: Her diary.River: Our diary.The Doctor: Her past. My... future. Time travel. We keep meeting in the wrong order.Father Octavian: Has Dr. Song explained what we're dealing with here?River: Doctor, what do you know of the Weeping Angels?Amy: But it's just a statue.River: It's a statue when you see it.The Doctor: Where did it come from?River: Pulled from the ruins at Razzmahan into last century. It's been in private hands ever since. Dormant all that time.The Doctor: There's a difference between dormant and patient.River: It's so strange when you go all baby-face. How early is this for you?The Doctor: Fairly early.River: So you don't know who I am yet.The Doctor: How do you know who I am? I don't always look the same.River: I've got pictures of all your faces. You never show up in the right order though. I need the Spotter's Guide.Octavian: He doesn't know yet, does he? Who and what you are.River: It's too early in his time stream.Octavian: Well make sure he doesn't work it out. Or he's not going to help us.River: I won't let you down. Believe you me, I have no intention of going back to prison.River: Yes we are.The Doctor: Sorry, what?River: Talking about you.The Doctor: I wasn't listening. I'm busy.River: Ah. The other way up. {The Doctor looks at the device and then turns it the right way up}The Doctor: Yeah.Amy: You're so his wife.River: Oh Amy Amy Amy. This is The Doctor we're talking about. Do you really think it could be anything that simple?The Doctor: That book, the very end, what did it say?River: Hang on.The Doctor: Read it to me.River: "What if we had ideas that could think for themselves? What if one day our dreams no longer needed us? When these things occur and are held to be true, the time will be upon us. The time of Angels."The Doctor realizing: Oh.Amy: What's wrong?River realizing: Oh.The Doctor: Exactly.River: How could we not notice that?The Doctor: Low level perception filter or maybe we're thick.Octavian: What's wrong, sir?The Doctor: Nobody move! Nobody move. Everyone stay exactly where they are. Bishop, I am truly sorry I've made a mistake and we are all in terrible danger.Octavian: What danger?River: The Aplans.Octavian: The Aplans?River: They've got two heads.Octavian: Yes, I get that. So?The Doctor: So why don't the statues.River: There's no way up, no way back, no way out. No pressure, but this is usually when you have a really good idea.The Doctor: There's always a way out. There's always a way out.Angel Bob: The Doctor. Can I speak to the Doctor please?The Doctor: Hello, Angels. What's your problem?The Doctor: Trust me?Amy: Yeah.The Doctor: Trust me?River: Always.Flesh and StoneOctavian: Dr. Song, I've lost good clerics today. You trust this man?River: I absolutely trust him.Octavian: He's not some kind of mad man then?River: I absolutely trust him.River: Father Octavian, when the Doctor's in the room, your one and only mission is to keep him alive long enough to get everyone else home. And trust me, it's not easy. Now if he's dead back there, I'll never forgive myself. And if he's alive, I'll never forgive him. And Doctor, you're standing right behind me aren't you?The Doctor: Yeah.River: I hate you.The Doctor: You don't.River: That time energy, what's it going to do?The Doctor: Ah, keep eating.River: How do we stop it?The Doctor: Feed it.River: Feed it what?The Doctor: A big complicated space-time event should shut it up for awhile.River: Like what, for instance?The Doctor: Like me! For instance!The Doctor: River Song, I could bloody kiss you!River: Oh well. Maybe when you're older.River: I've traveled in time. I'm a complicated space-time event too. Throw me in.The Doctor: Oh be serious, compared to me these Angels are more complicated than you and it'd take every single one of them to amount to me, so get a grip.River: Doctor, I can't let you do this.The Doctor: No, seriously. Get a grip.River: You're not going to die here!The Doctor: No, I mean it. River, Amy, get a grip.River: Oh you genius.River: You. Me. Handcuffs. Must it always end this way?The Doctor: What now?River: The prison ship's in orbit. They'll beam me up any second. I might have done enough to earn a pardon this time. We'll see.The Doctor: Octavian said you killed a man.River: Yes, I did.The Doctor: A good man.River: A very good man. The best man I've ever known.The Doctor: Who?River: Hm. It's a long story, Doctor. Can't be told. Has to be lived. No sneak previews. Well. Except for this one. You'll see me again quite soon. When the Pandorica opens.The Doctor: The Pandorica. Ha! That's a fairy tale.River laughing. Ah, Doctor. Aren't we all? I'll see you there.The Doctor: I look forward to it.River: I remember it well.The Doctor: Can I trust you, River Song?River: If you like. But where's the fun in that?The Pandorica OpensStormcage Containment Facility 5145Guard: Cell 46. The Doctor? You mean Dr. Song.River Song: Give me that! Seriously, just give it to me. I'm entitled to phonecalls. Doctor?Churchill: No. And neither are you. Where is he?River Song: You're phoning the Time Vortex. It doesn't always work. But the TARDIS is smart. She's rerouted the call. Talk quickly. This connection lasts less than a minute.Guard: Dr. Song! Are you finished with that?River Song: You're new here, aren't you.Guard: First day.River Song: Then I'm very sorry.The Royal Collection 5145Liz Ten: This is the royal collection. And I'm the bloody queen. What are you doing here?River Song: It's about the Doctor, mum. You met him once, didn't you? I know he came here.Liz Ten: The Doctor?River Song: He's in trouble. I need to find him.Liz Ten: Then why are you stealing a painting?River Song: Look at it. I need to find the Doctor. And I need to show him this.The Maldovarium 5145Well now. Word on the Mount is you're looking for time travel.River: Are you selling?A vortex manipulator. Fresh off the wrist of a handsome time agent. I said off the wrist. Not cheap, Dr. Song. Have you brought me a pretty toy?River: This is a Calisto Pulse. It can disarm micro-explosives from up to twenty feet.What kind of micro-explosives?River: The kind I just put in your wine.The very first words in recorded history:Hello Sweetie.The Doctor: You graffitied the oldest cliff face in the Universe!River: You wouldn't answer your phone!Amy: Why is it exploding?River: I'm assuming it's some kind of warning.Amy: So something's going to happen to the TARDIS.River: It might not be that literal. Anyway, this is where he wanted you. Date and map reference on the door side, see.The Doctor: Does is have a title?River: "The Pandorica Opens".Amy: The Pandorica. What is it?River: A box. A cage. A prison. It was built to contain the most feared thing in the whole Universe.The Doctor: And it's a fairy tale-a legend. It can't be real!River: If it is real it's here and it's opening. And it's got something to do with your TARDIS exploding. Hidden obviously. Buried for centuries. You won't find it on a map.The Doctor: No, but if you bury the most dangerous thing in the Universe you'd want to remember where you put it.Amy: Okay, this Pandorica thing. Last time we saw you, you warned us about it after we climbed out of the Byzantium.River: Spoilers.Amy: No, but you told the Doctor you'd see him again when the Pandorica opens.River: Maybe I did. But I haven't yet. But I will have. Doctor, I'm picking up Frye particles everywhere. Energy weapons discharged on this site.The Doctor: If the Pandorica is here, it contains the mightiest warrior in history. Now half the galaxy would want a piece of that. Maybe even fight over it. We need to get down there.The Doctor: It's a Pandorica.River: More than just a fairy tale.The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster. Or a warrior. A nameless, terrible thing. Soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it or... reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.Amy: How did it end up in there?The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.River: I hate good wizards in fairy tales. They always turn out to be him.Amy: So can you open it?The Doctor: Easily. Anyone can break into a prison but I'd rather know what I'm going to find first.River: You won't have long to wait. It's already opening. There are layers and layers of security protocols in there and they're being disabled one-by-one. Like it's being unlocked from inside.The Doctor: How long do we have?River: Hours at most.The Doctor: What kind of security?River: Everything. Dead locks. Time stops. Matter lines. Who could need all that?The Doctor: Who could get past all that?The Doctor: The stones. These stones are great big transmitters broadcasting a warning to everyone. Everywhere. To every time zone. "The Pandorica is opening."River: Doctor, everyone everywhere?The Doctor: Even poor Vincent heard it in his dreams. But what's in there? What could justify all this?River: Doctor, everyone?The Doctor: Anything that powerful I'd know about it. Why don't I know?River: Doctor. You said everyone could hear it. So who else is coming?The Doctor: Oh.Amy: Oh? Oh what?River: Okay, if it is basically a transmitter we should be able to follow back the signal.The Doctor: Doing it!Amy: Doing what?River: Stonehenge is transmitting. It's been transmitting for awhile. So who heard?The Doctor: Okay, should be feeding back to you now. River, what's out there? Getting anything?River: Give me a moment.The Doctor: River, quickly! Anything?River: Around this planet there are at least ten thousand starships.Amy: At least?River: Ten thousand. A hundred thousand. A million. I don't know. There's too many readings.The Doctor: What kind of starships?Dalek voice: Maintaining orbit. I obey.Amy: Daleks. Those are Daleks.River: Daleks, Doctor.The Doctor: Yes, okay. Okay. Okay. Dalek fleet, minimum twelve thousand battleships armed to the teeth. Ah! But we've got surprise on our side. They'll never expect three people to attack twelve thousand Dalek battleships 'cause we'd be killed instantly so it would be a fairly short surprise. Forget surprise.River: Doctor, Cyber ships.The Doctor: No. Dalek ships. Listen to them. Those are Dalek ships.River: Yes, Dalek ships and Cyber ships.River: Doctor, listen to me. Everything that ever hated you is coming here tonight. You can't win this. You can't even fight this. Doctor, this once-just this one time, please, you have to run.The Doctor: Run where?River: Fight how?Roman Commander: So. I return to my command after one week and discover we've been playing host to Cleopatra. Who's in Egypt. And dead.River: Yes. Funny how things work out.River to the TARDIS: Why do you want me here?River seeing the Raggedy Doctor dolls: Oh Doctor. Why do I let you out.The Doctor: TARDIS. Where is it? Hurry up.River: Don't raise your voice. Don't look alarmed. Just listen.River: They're not real. They can't be. They're all right here in the storybook. Those actual Romans. The ones I sent you. The ones you're with right now. They're all in a book in Amy's house. A children's picturebook.The Doctor: What are you even doing there?River: It doesn't matter-the TARDIS went wrong. Doctor, how is this possible?The Doctor: Something's using her memories, Amy's memories.River: But how?The Doctor: You said something had been there.River: Yes. There's burn marks on the grass outside. Landing patterns.The Doctor: If they've been through her house they could have used the psychic residue. Structures can hold memories. That's why houses have ghosts. They could have taken a snapshot of Amy's memories. But why?River: Doctor, who are those Romans?The Doctor: Projections. Or... duplicates.River: But they were helping us. My lipstick even worked.The Doctor: They might think they're real. The perfect disguise. They actually believe their own cover story. Right until they're activated.River: Doctor, that centurion.River: It's a trap, it has to be. They used Amy to construct a scenario you'd believe. To get close to you.The Doctor: Why? Who'd do that, what for? It doesn't make sense! River? River? What's happening?River: I don't know. It's the engines. Doctor, there's something wrong with the TARDIS. Like something else is controlling it.The Doctor: You're flying it wrong.River: I'm flying it perfectly. You taught me.The Doctor: Where are you. What's the date reading?River: It's the 26th of June, 2010.The Doctor: You need to get out of there now. Any other time zone, just go.River: I can't break free.The Doctor: Well then shut down the TARDIS. Shut down everything!River: I can't!Overhead: Silence will fall! Silence will fall!River: Someone else is flying it. An external force. I've lost control.The Doctor: But how? Why? {the Pandorica starts emitting a high-pitched sound} Well now. Ready to come out, are we?River: I'm sorry, my love.The Big BangRory: Doctor, there's something else. There's a voice.Amy: I can't hear it.Rory: Trust the plastic.River: I'm sorry my love.Amy: Doctor, that's River. How can she be up there?Rory: Must be like a recording or something.The Doctor: No, it's not a recording. Of course. The emergency protocols. The TARDIS has sealed off the control room and put her into a time loop to save her. She is right at the heart of the explosion.The Doctor: Hi honey. I'm home.River: And what sort of time do you call this?River: Amy! And the plastic Centurion.The Doctor: It's okay. He's on our side.River: Really?The Doctor: Yep.River: I dated a Nestene duplicate once. Swappable head. Did keep things fresh. Right then! I have questions. But number one is this: What in the name of sanity have you got on your head?The Doctor: It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool.The Doctor: It needs to restore its power before it can attack again. Now. That means we've got exactly... four and a half minutes before it's at lethal capacity.Rory: How do you know?The Doctor: Because that's when it's due to kill me.River: Kill you? What do you mean, kill you?River: Doctor, you're being completely ridiculous. The Pandorica partially restored one Dalek. If it can't even reboot a single life form properly how is it going to reboot the whole of reality?The Doctor: What if we give it a moment of infinite power? What if we can transmit the light from the Pandorica to every particle of space and time simultaneously?River: Well that would be lovely, dear, but we can't. Because it's completely impossible.The Doctor: Ah, no. you see. It's not. It's almost completely impossible. One spark is all we need.River: For what?The Doctor: Big Bang II! Now listen- {the Dalek shoots him in the back}River: Where did he go? Dammit, he could be anywhere!Amy: He went downstairs. Twelve minutes ago.River: Show me!Amy: River. He died.Dalek: Systems restoring. You will be exterminated!Rory: We've got to move. That thing's coming back to life.River: You go to the Doctor. I'll be right with you.Dalek: You will be exterminated!River: Not yet. Your systems are still restoring which means your shield density is compromised. One alpha meson burst through your eyestalk would kill you stone dead.Dalek: Records indicate you will show mercy. You are an associate of the Doctor's.River: I'm River Song. Check your records again.Dalek: Mercy.River: Say it again.Dalek: Mercy!River: One more time.Dalek: Mercy!!!Rory: How could he have moved? He was dead. Doctor! Doctor!Amy: But he was dead.River: Who told you that?Amy: He did.River: Rule one: the Doctor lies.Amy: Where's the Dalek?River: It died.Rory: What's happening?River: Reality's collapsing. It's speeding up. Look at this room.Rory: Where'd everything go?River: History's being erased. Time's running out. Doctor, what were you doing? Tell us. Doctor!River: He's wired the vortex manipulator to the rest of the box.Amy: Why?River: So he can take it with him. He's going to fly the Pandorica into the heart of the explosion.Amy: So what happens here? A Big Bang II-what happens to us?River: We all wake up where we ought to be. None of this ever happens and we don't remember it.Amy: River. Tell me he comes back too.River: The Doctor will be at the heart of the explosion.Amy: So?River: So all the cracks in time will close. But he'll be on the wrong side. Trapped in the nether space-the void between the worlds. All memory of him will be purged from the Universe. He will never have been born. Now please. He wants to talk to you before he goes.Amy: Not to you?River: He doesn't really know me yet. Now he never will.River: It's from the Doctor.Amy: What does it say?River: "Geronimo."River: Did you dance? Well you always dance at weddings, don't you.The Doctor: You tell me.River: Spoilers.The Doctor: The writing's all back but I didn't peek.River: Thank you.The Doctor: Are you married, River?River: Are you asking?The Doctor: Yes.River: Yes.The Doctor: No. Hang on. Did you think I was asking you to marry me or asking if you were married?River: Yes.The Doctor: No, but was that yes or yes?River: Yes.The Doctor: River. Who are you?River: You're going to find out very soon now. And I'm sorry. But that's when everything changes.wit & wisdom of river song about the doctorAbout the Doctor: "I trust that man to the end of the universe. And actually, we've been."Also about the Doctor: "You know when you see a photo of someone you know, but it's from years before you know them: it's like they're not quite finished, not done yet. Yes, the Doctor's here. He came when I called, just like he always does, but not my Doctor."Talking to the Doctor about their future together: "You watch us run!""Doctor! Can you sonic me?"To the Doctor: "It's so strange when you go all baby face."To the Doctor again: "You, me, handcuffs: must it always end this way?"Shout out to a future episode: "You'll see me again quite soon: when the Pandorica opens."In a showdown with a Dalek that believes she will not kill it: "I'm River Song. Check your records."Responding to the Doctor's question about her identity: "You're going to find out very soon. And I'm sorry, but that's when everything changes."

Mystified Advocate�

06/01/2011 07: PM 

Ashido Kuchiki(Bleach Character)

Ashido Kuchiki InfoBirthdate:March 31stAge:232(Shinigami form)Height:(5'7 close to 5'8)Weight:140.1 lbsAlias:The Noble Kuchiki,Heavens Butterfly,Noble Flash KuchikiGender:Male Species:A outcast of the Shinigami and VizardBlood type:O Partner:Jasime Zaraki,Saito Achiku,Takashi Sousuke(Presumed)Allies:RyokoAffiliation:O.U.T.C.A.S.TPrevious Affiliations:Agressor's,N.E.O,The Order and Gotei 13:Squad 6,Squad 5 Seat 1 Occupation:Shinigami OutcastFamily Ginrei Kuchiki(Grandfather) Byakuya Kuchiki(Brother)Hisana Kuchiki(Sister-In-Law,deceased)Rukia Kuchiki(Sister-in-law/Adoptive Sister) Karma Kuchiki(Ex-Wife/Deceased)Isebella Kuchiki(Daughter)Jasime Zaraki(Best friend)Yoruichi Shih�in(Senpai)Koga Kuchiki(Uncle/Deceased)Zanpakutou Name:Its True name is Heavenly Moon GoddessUnreleased Form: A KatanaRelease Command:QuestionableShikai:QuestionableBankai:Unknown to many and only seen by Saito and Jasime


05/31/2011 01: PM 

Roleplaying Rules And Regulations

The rules for roleplaying with me are simple there are ten simple rules in which I will detail out in ten simple commandments break them and I break contact with you fair enough? Very well then I can assure you they are nothing bad so with that being said lets begin.I.Respect - I dont care if you like me or hate me in character or out of character I expect respect to be given if i give it back plain and simple im not the type of roleplayer who takes physical and mental abuse and asks for more of it nor do i dish it out I live by one simple code you fuck with me and I fuck you up. You respect me and I respect you back plain enough to read? Simple enough to understand yes? Basically what im saying is, I dont judge you so dont judge me I respect you you respect me.II.Roleplay - I roleplay however I want whenever I want with whoever I want. I dont discriminate between any RP'ers nor their types nor their preference. I find that shit to be the most immature form of bullshit to ever exist on this fucking planet. It's my personal belief that people shouldn't be discriminated upon period because of what they wish to do in roleplay so with that being said come at me with any sort of hate I'll drop your ass like a bad habit. P.S: I do all types of RP except one liners that includes 18+ Adult Erotic. Fighting Crossovers I dont give a fuck as long as its all good between both parties. {Selectively Though} III.Relationships - If thats what you want fine by me but know that im not gonna open my heart up to every person that tries your going to have to get to know me both as a person and as my character and i can guarantee you until that foundation is built you wont have a chance in hell of getting to become my ally and or otherwise. OOC I might seem nice but IC I'll look at you like you lost your mind. However theres the age old rule if you want something stick with it as im not a mean person at all I just want to make sure those I open myself up to as a person are simply worth the trouble allright?IV. Continuity - I plan on not being one of those Sephiroths that constantly blast one winged angel every time you see and meet them. I plan on Roleplaying every aspect of Sephiroth both Canon and Alternate Universe and otherwise granted it is a task of the grandest nature but thats what I plan to do. If you cannot handle that sort of comprehension when roleplaying with me say so and say which particular universe you feel more comfortable RP'ing with then I will gladly adjust to your specifications. Easy enough to comprehend right?  Then good cause its my intentions to make a solid impression on those I meet within my own personal style of RP'ing Sephiroth.V.Fighting - I plan on having my fights as Sephiroth based on every different style he has in each and every one of his appearances each version of this would be based on the continuity of the person im roleplaying with. Example. Kingdom Hearts = Sin Harvest  Dissidia = Scintilla Etc. Etc. This means as a fighter im going to study every single frame of attack and animation and use it to my best ability in roleplay. If you have any idea of how I was when I fought as my previous incarnations then you get the idea and as far as fighting goes I choose who i want to fight thats how it always was and is to be.  VI.Crossovers / Other FF Characters - I'll add whoever comes my way i dont see why not as long as they dont cross the line of respect I'll gladly befriend any who come my way as I feel its only natural to do so. Hell I'll even add other Sephiroths as long as they retain their own sense of originality and I retain my own as well. Respect is to be given where respect is due. Im open for whatever idea you want to float my way as long as its consensual between both parties im willing to RP it out. So yeah crossovers welcomed as far as stuff like that is conserned original characters also welcomed.VII.Regarding Real Life Information - Im famous in real life dont believe me? Ask within. ( Ive been on tv flown to California and everything. ) but I prefer not to give out my information like that just know im a single attactive down to earth guy who's actually known for something outside of RP im just using this profile as a fresh start outside of all of the crap that I get over having that sort of exposure so yeah while im not gonna be one of those RP'ers who's like dont ask about my personal information just know thats not the point of RP'ing with me to know more about the real me its to RP with the character so for arguments sake lets keep it that way until were both okay with it.VIII. Regarding Loyalties To Groups / Storylines - As of currently my Sephiroth is a free roaming character which means I'll have him associate with who I want and where I want. However I want though im not against checking out what certain groups have to offer I'd rather RP with the individual people within those groups rather than being immersed within the whole aspect of it all. If you understand where im coming from. Then you understand that I'd rather be me over anything else.IX. Regarding Roleplay Length / Style - I do Roleplay based on three different levels and each level is based on how amused I am when it comes to roleplaying with you. If its amazing i'll go full on novella with pictures. If im somewhat amused I'll do multi para with pictures. If I just want the reply done I'll do standard para with a photo attached. About the only time I will ever ignore anyone is if they come at me with a one liner or say something that I as a person do not agree with this is rare as im a easy to get along with person but every once in a while someone breaks my patience completely and everyone suffers so please dont be that person lets keep it interesting allright?X. Closing Words And Notices - I thank you for those who managed to read through it all you have my thanks and gratitude.  I do hope to meet a lot of interesting people and have worthwhile experiences while RP'ing Sephiroth and getting to know the many others that already have roleplay profiles within this down to earth community that is all P.S: no killing my character without my permission no god modding and finally no means no that dosent mean i say no but my body says yes. It means no.

Sephiroth , Final Fantasy , VII , Roleplay Rules

Sofia Krauser

05/29/2011 11: PM 


1. If you send me a comment with only "hello how are you." I might ignore you. So DON'T do it! Unless I know you ooc.2. If you wanna rp with me please don't send me One-liners. I only rp with people who can make a story out of it cuz it makes it more interesting for both of us. And I'm really getting tired of it!So NO ONE-LINERS please!3. If you add me, then rp with me. Don't lemme wait cuz if you aint gonna send or answer me I might delete you.4. If you ADD me first, Send me a STARTER Dont let me wait too long or Ill delete you. If I add you, I will send you one, I give you 3 DAYS to start or reply or else YOU WILL GET DELETED!!!5. Dont kill my character!! If I want her dead, then I will do it myself!6. IM HERE EVERYDAY SO IF YOU WANNA RP WITH ME OR BE MY CHARACTERS LOVER, MAKE SURE YOU WILL BE HERE AT LEAST 3 TIMES A WEEK OR MORE, I KNOW YOU HAVE A LIFE OUT THERE AND SO DO I BUT AT LEAST IM GETTIN ON EVERY DAY TO ANSWER TO YOU ALL! MAKE SURE YOULL DO THE SAME ESPECIALLY WHEN YOURE MY CHARACTER'S LOVER....7. If you wanna be my character's lover, Too bad, Sofia doesnt like to commit, She does someone whenever she feels like doing it! SO If we kiss or do whatever,it doesnt mean we're in a relationship!! UNLESS You manage to steal her heart, then she'll be yours... But you gotta work for it. 8. IF MY CHARACTER'S LOVERHasnt been on for more then 10 days I WILL MOVE ON, Dont expect me to wait for him to finally talk to me. Unless youve got a good excuse... I dont just go around cheating, but if you disappear without even letting me know, like some did before,  Im not gonna wait.9. Dont rp with me in the "I do" way I hate it when people write down, "I walk to you and shoot you Or I walked to Sofia and smiled at her. STOP THAT!!! Just write like they do in books! 10. Messages are for OOC only unless something private is going on between our characters. Like a love scene or such. 11. AGAIN: If You dont answer my starter or if you still owe me one, Get back to me or get DELETED, I will give you 3 DAYS if I dont get an answer YOURE OUT!! 12. I DO NOT APPRECIATE PEOPLE WHO ADD ME JUST TO SPY ON ME FOR SOMEONE ELSE!! IF YOU DONT HAVE THE GUTS TO COME UP AND TALK TO ME YOURSELF JUST BACK THE FCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!! 13. Dont spam my bulletinbox. Id also like to read the bulletins who are for me. And Im not planning to finally get to them 5 pages further. Anyway These are the rules! 14. If I added you through a A&W bulletin/MSG Dont expect me to be the one sending you a starter cuz I already did you a favor.15. DONT TRY TO TURN MY CHARACTER GAY! Im a 100% straight woman!!!!! So dont come to me and try to hit on me if your a lesbian SERIOUSLY, believe me or not Ive been through it before!! Im a nice girl but if you do, I might have to SCRATCH you eyes out!! The only ones who are allowed to do so are my wifey and Sarah BWHAHAHA -COUGHS- still, I dont make out with women!!!16. NO DRAMA BITCHES ON MY PRO!Had enough of those in the past already, so if youre causing any trouble, I will NOT doubt a second and DELETE you.17. I can be a bitch when needed.Get over it. 18. DO NOT Pull me into any of your Story Lines Without discussing it with me first! Its too damn annoying and I DO NOT Appreciate it.*NOTE: IF YOU DONT SEND ME A REPLY TO THIS BLOG, SAYING "READ & UNDERSTOOD" I WILL NOT RP WITH YOU! People add me, and are just starting to talk to me mostly OOC, which Im not here for. SO DONT... Which means if I didnt find a "Read & Understood" comment coming from you, we dont RP which means you will get DELETED. Im sorry to do it this way but I have no choice... I want people to know what they can and cannot do on here. Thanks.Guess it wont be that hard to follow them... Just stick to them! Have fun everyone and welcome to my page!

Genevieve Anastasio. |M| |Retired|

05/28/2011 10: PM 


First and foremost, I am NOT Megan Fox. I highly doubt that she has time to come on here and roleplay a made up character with her own face. If you ask me if I am Megan Fox, I'll delete you for being stupid. As we all know, there are the basic rules that should be followed:No stealingNo godmoddingNo dramaNo OOC bullshitAnd so on and so forth. I've been debating whether or not to write this blog because I didn't know if I would have the words for what I wanted to REALLY say. Basically these are rules and some KEY factors that you should know and expect from my character. I've posted MANY bulletins and status updates about it because people sometimes get offended by how my character is. As stated, I am NOT attacking you personally. Please don't think that I am. Honestly, in my opinion, I shouldn't even have to worry about that because we should all know how to differentiate between real life and roleplay. There are still some who can't. Thus leads me to this. Genevieve is an interesting character. I used to LOVE coming on this account and roleplaying. Lately? Not so much. Why? Because of the fact that people have a hard time with how I portray her. There is a difficult back story to her and if you would like the whole thing other than what you see on my profile, then please message me. I don't mind going into further detail about her. She's a free spirit. She doesn't give a fuck what people think of her because she does what she wants when she wants. I have had this character for some years now and never EVER have I had any OOC issues with her until recently. It's gotten to the point where, like I said, I don't really want to come on here and roleplay as her. I find it sad. I don't expect everyone that I meet to like Genevieve. Genevieve isn't really well liked. Why? BECAUSE PEOPLE MAKE ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT HER. Whether it be status comments or bulletins or whatever. Friends of friends and shit like that. I don't like how people assume. When I roleplay as Genevieve, I stay in character as much as possible as do we all. If it is an OOC matter, then I say it is OOC. People have been taking things that Genevieve does to heart and I apologize for that on my part. I apologize because of the assumptions. Like I said, there is a difficult past with Genevieve. Please before you assume, come to me and we will discuss it privately. But do NOT make the mistake in thinking that you are going to sit here and bash on my character when you don't know her. I will NOT tolerate that shit. There are people out there that are TEN TIMES WORSE THAN GENEVIEVE IS. Shitting on my character is not a good thing. Why? I'm VERY popular in the RP world. Maybe not on here... BUT ON OTHER ACCOUNTS. I'm well known. VERY well known. If you start shit with me OOC, you will be sorry. I ALSO co-own a helpsite with 2000+ friends and I have another profile with 500+ friends whom ALSO have numerous help sites and Premade sites and RPG pages. Please believe that I am NOT afraid to take action. Again, that is only for OOC drama. If you come at me with it, then you better have the balls to handle the consequences. I am tired of repeating myself over and over. I have never defended a character of mine as much as I have defended Genevieve. It's fucking pathetic nor should I have to because WE ALL SHOULD ALREADY KNOW THIS. Roleplay is simply that: ROLEPLAY. We come here to escape real life. It should be fun. It hasn't been fun for me lately. I want to change that. But this is first. I hope you have fully read and comprehend this blog and understand everything before you even send me a message to discuss storyline. I know this is long but this had to be said. And it will be said for the last time. Consider this my rules. One more thing before I go. If you are only adding me to be a nosy fucking bitch, then kindly delete yourself. You're not Inspector Gadget. Enough said.One more thing: I know that there are A LOT of Megan Fox roleplayers out there. The one thing I ask is that you do not define me as a roleplayer because of the face I choose to have. Megan is beautiful, sassy, and she fits Genevieve to a T. I'm sure that when I add people, they are like, "UGH! ANOTHER Megan Fox?! What the hell." It's perfectly fine, but again... do not define me because I picked her. If you don't like the fact that I roleplay using her face, then simply don't add me. I have plenty of people on my list who I roleplay with who don't care. I'm not here for numbers. I'm here to write.Ciao-Genevieve's writer.

Christian Chwiendacz. Hiatus

05/28/2011 06: PM 


I'm not  Evan Peters  nor  who  ever  i use  as a play by  i'm  just a  roleplayer  i'm not  Christain Salvatore  but he  is made  up by me.  1.  I'm a Para  muilt-para    i may   do  novella but  i'm not that good at it  i don't  do oneliners  they are   really  annoying and  they are  boring  so  don't sand them all just  delete  it   sorry  but that  how i  role   if  you   sand  a oneliner   give me a  good  reason as  to  why  you sent it.  2.  don't  steal anything off my  page  nor  my  pics  if  you  really  want some thing of  mine  just   ask me and all  give  you it or tell you  where I  got it.don't  steal my  info its  done by me  everything. 3.Spelling/ grammar   I'm not the  best  speller  out there I do  make mistakes  but i do  check my work   you  should  do the same  check  your  work. 4.Real life  don't ask me about my real  life its my life  not yours  I'm not on 24/7  so  don't  get all mad at me  for  not  getting  on  for you. I do  have things that I do  in real life that are   far more interesting then  role playing some times but I do  try to  make time for  this.  5.god moding   don't  do   it  that is that.If  you  do that then you  will  get  deleted.  6.Relationships Christian is  married  that is that  he will not cheat   I don't think I have  to say more. 7.Replies: I'm  slow  with my   replies  that   I can't  help with  you  I don't  always  site on the  computer  and  wait for  you to  reply  or  replies  back to you   if  you   message me  and tell me  that I have  not  replied to you  all  just not  reply at all  so please  don't  hound me  on relying  like I said all get to it  when I can. 8.No  real life drama  please  I've had  it  before  way back and would not like  that  again  leave  your  real life  drama  away from me.  rp drama is  fine at some point  but don't  make  a  habit  of it. 9.Message  are for  out of character  Comments  are  for  role playing   I do  ooc  talk in comments  but  I would  like it  more in  messages  10. I  will do any verse  but  I'm  a Original  Character, I'm  original the  vampire diaries(vd) character as well as I'm  Horror/ Physiological  verse, Since I like  doing that.   more  rules will be  up  soon    tell me  your  Favourite  Harry Potter  quote  or  any movie  /tv show  or  book.

☾✧Madame Nyx.

05/27/2011 10: PM 

Rules & Disclaimer.

DISCLAIMER: As you very smart people may already know. I am not the lovely girl in the pictures. She is merely used as the face for my character. 'Tis all roleplay entertainment purposes. Now, time for the dreaded rules. I shall attempt to keep them as simple as possible and to the point. I am sure you darlings would know most of these rules by heart already if you've been role playing for a while. I. This one has to be number one, since it's the most important; no out of character drama. Role play drama is highly acceptable because it makes everything interesting but please, if you cannot comprehend the difference between role play and real life do not add me or even bother to speak to me. All you'll do is waste your time because when you begin to stress me out you'll be off my list in a matter of seconds. II. Okay, now that that is clear (I hope) let us move to rule number two: you added me, which means I am sure you've seen my headline, which clearly states 18+ Novella - I'm sure I do not have to go much into the mature content because I'm sure we're all intelligent human beings here and we know what that means. As for the Novella part? I do tend to write A LOT - especially if I'm feeling inspired by the SL and your comment. I take time to write my comments and I try to give everyone my very best; and I do await the same from you. I never half-ass people and I do not like to be half-assed either. Take your time, don't rush to reply to me... I'm a very patient girl. I rather wait for a while for your reply, then receive it quickly and it's crap. III. While on this note - PLEASE for the love of goth, check your grammar: SPELL CHECK. If it's not English, and I cannot understand what in the world you're trying to tell me, there is no possible way of me replying to you. Do you see the problem there? I'm not the best speller in the world, but please make it understandable enough for me to reply. Thanks. IV. Godmode, automode. Whatever you wanna call it, do NOT do it. Unless it's something small and insignificant otherwise I'm capable of moving my own character. Plzkthnx. V. Oh, and before I forget, I must mention this - love interests? First of all, I'd like to say that although this character is multi-storyline; she already has a love interest, and she doesn't need another one. So- what I'm trying to say here is, that Karina will NOT be jumping in the sack with you. I expect you to cowboy-up and deal with it. I'm actually interested in having true genuine SL's. I'm sure your brain's can come up with something interesting for a SL that doesn't involve the characters' hooking up. VI. This rule I usually don't follow it but at times I do, so I might as well put it up. If you are the one who added me, you send the starter my way. If I added you then vice versa. Though like I said, I barely follow this rule. I sometimes have my creative juices flowing and I end up sending the starter whether you added me or I added you first. Just message me, discuss a SL (I expect you to have some sort of idea in that head of yours, being that you added me.) Brainstorm with me. I'm here to roleplay - not to look pretty on your friends list. VII. I speak on journals A LOT - if this bothers you, then feel free to delete me. As for butting into journals that have nothing to do with you? That's really rude. I am aware that journals are public, but if they're not directed to you - or if they're placed in a scenario and location that is entirely impossible for your character to be present at - it makes NO sense whatsoever for you to comment about what's going on within them. My word of advice to you? Mind your business. That's the polite thing to do. VIII. And last but not least; my things are MY things, you are not to steal them or use them without my permission. That highly upsets me when it happens. It's rude. I will castrate you. ♥ **Update: Make sure to read the blog titled "Welcome to Diablo" the link to it is on my page under "Navigation" and the link name is "More" This blog consists of banners that I've created with pictures, brief bio's (for some characters) and brief descriptions of NPC's (non-playable characters) that I will constantly refer to within RP. They were all created from my mind and therefore they belong to me. These character's consists of Karina's family and friends, both in the carnival life and in the normal life back home in New Orleans. You can mention them as well in our SL's and you can god-mode them if you please; as long as it's not something major... like dying and things along those lines... just make sure to run any drastic idea for these characters by me first and we can work something out. Please check this blog because otherwise you will not know who is who if I mention them in our SL. This will GREATLY help you. While on this note; if any of my NPC's happen to be the same playby that you are using, do not panic. That will not make an effect in our story line or any connection that we establish. -- Okay, I'm sure I covered the basics. If I'm missing something, I'm sure you all know the typical rules if you've been around long enough, as stated above. Read them and please abide by them. Merci. xoxo K && The Puppeteer.

ѕea wιтcн.

05/27/2011 07: PM 

Calypso's Code of Conduct

1.  I am not Naomie Harris nor am I affliated with the actress in any shape or form.  (Other than rp'ing as Tia Dalma that is.)2.  I prefer para/multi-para role-plays.  As you can see by my page, one-liners are also acceptable but only tolerated by a select few and it does not take the place of a substantial storyline.3.  Godmodding is not acceptable.  Do so and you will be smited with the utmost quickness.   However, since my character is a mischievous goddess there may be instances where your character will be controlled or even harmed depending on the storyline.  But do not fear, I will not mutilate or kill your character.4.  Messages are for OOC purposes only.  All rp should be in comments or in a designated blog.  As a popular goddess one can imagine I receive quite a bit of mail.  Anything from "Dearest Calypso, I have this bunion on my foot, which causes great discomfort. Could you rid me of it?"  to   "Would you kindly be the mother of my children?"5. Correct grammar is important as is punctuation and spelling.  When in doubt utilize spell check before posting a comment to the goddess. No chat or text speak. For is for or four, not 4. To is two or too, not 2. Need I go on?6. Only rp accounts will be added.  No exceptions.7. I abhor drama.  Loathe it.  If you bring drama or insanity my way, know you will be deleted and blocked without hesitation.8.  Calypso is a flirtatious and seductive character.  Now this does not mean she will have sexual liaisons with anyone or everyone. First and foremost you must be a good writer and there must be chemistry between our characters for anything romantic to transpire. 9. Patience is definitely a virtue. I am active on other accounts and because of this, my responses will be slow.  However, if you are one of my favorites, responses will be returned at a reasonable pace. 10.   Last but not certainly least....  Rp'ing is an escape and a chance to display our talent as writers.  In closing, let's not to forget to have fun! 

Deeper Than Blood; RPG

05/27/2011 05: PM 

Regulations and Rules.

You must read and sign these rules before auditioning for a role. If you receive the role, our staff should be able to let you know within a couple of days. If you are rejected, you are always free to try again or audition for a different character. 1. Please make sure to submit all questions in comments. Messages are reserved for members with their questions or concerns. More so for auditions. If you would like to affiliate with us, please send us a comment as well. 2. We are a multi-para/novella RPG. One liners will not be accepted. Group members are required to send each other three decent sized paragraphs. Proper spelling and grammar is a must. Everyone makes mistakes, but try your best. No ** or - - will be accepted in serious roleplay. Group chats or silly comments are different. 3. We are a serious RPG. Members must be dedicated to us. Members must be on at least 3 days a week and replies must be sent at a steady pace. We are very lenient during the school year, so if you need extra time for replies just let the members know in a comment or in your status. We understand how much time school and extra curricular activities will take up. During summer vacations, we will expect more from you. If you will be going on hiatus for any given reason, send the rpg page a message and we will let everyone know. If you disappear for more than two weeks without notice, your role will be put up for audition again. If you have read this far, tell me which book is your favorite.4. If you are given a role, you have to add and roleplay with all members of the group and put the members banner and section on your profile. The code will be sent to you when you receive your acceptance letter. Due to the fact that both Lissa and Rose have mains outside of the VA verse, we will allow you to have mains outside of the group, as long as they are not canon characters from Vampire Academy. If they are original Vampire Academy characters, they can feel free to audition as an original when we begin accepting them. 5. Please make sure to audition for a character that you love. If you change your mind about the role you received, send the rpg a message and feel free to audition for another. It will save us a lot of trouble if you are sure about a character before you audition, so please be absolutely sure. 6. No OOC drama will be permitted. You will be kicked out of the rpg without hesitation, no matter how long you have been with us. IC drama is a must, it makes storylines more fun, but please try and work out any conflicts amongst yourselves. If it is desperately needed, you can contact Lissa or Rose and we will try and help you compromise. 7. Members, please make sure that you approve all comments and do not delete your replies. We will randomly check to make sure that you are being active with all members. 8. We are a mature rpg, meaning that there will be sex, drinking and violence. If you cannot handle this, please do not audition. If you can to an extent, don't hesitate to let everyone know what your limits are. We all have them. 9. Your profile has to look neat an organized. If you need help with your profile, help can be provided when you are accepted into our group. 10. Females may audition for a male role and vice-versa. As long as you are able to portray the character they way they were written and can keep up with their sexuality, there will be no problems. 11. Playbys are some-what negotiable. Do not ask us to change the playby until you receive your acceptance message. The actor|actress or model must fit the character. We won't pick them just because you like them. If you're still with us, Team Belikov or Team Ivashkov?12. We will try to have group chats in aim every weekend. If you don't have aim, please create a screen name or let us know so that we can have a chatzy instead when you are available. Group chats are meant to be fun, so that we can all get to know each other and fool around! 13. If you audition for a character who does not have a love interest, you have free reign to find one, if it is what you want. As long as this person can fit into the story, it will be acceptable. This person cannot be in another VA rpg and they can audition as an original if they are VA verse. 14. Last Addition: NO  OC'S! >.> Sorry we are working on a new plot line and the only OC'S able to join will be the ones we create for our storyline.15. NEW RULE: When you audition, please be sure to send the form and the writing sample in ONE message. It is more organized for us that way. Please read and sign these rules before Auditioning. Do not skim, because we will know!  Audition Forms:     

Deeper Than Blood; RPG

05/27/2011 05: PM 

Original Character Audition Form

For and example please do not fill out the survey like this   click here for a no! Step One: You must read and sign the rules. As they state, your audition will be ignored if you skip or skim them over. So why spend all your time writing up a brilliant starter to have it dismissed over something so silly, ya know? Step Two: Once you know the rules, write up a starter 2-3 paragraphs long. Do not send us a novella starter thinking you will get the role because its long, we would rather read a 2-3 paragraph audition that is brilliately written than a novella that is crap. "Quality over Quantity".Step Three: Address the message as the character's name. DO NOT SEND IT IN HERE.Step Four: Fill out the survey below, and attach it to your starter. S U R V E Y - This goes along with your audition1.) Give us a short description of your character and how you can fit him/her into the VA world. 2.) Why are you joining an rpg and why did you choose us? 3.) Have you read all six of the Vampire Academy books? If not, which ones have you read? 4.) How many active accounts do you maintain?5.) How will your character contribute to the story? 6.) Are you dedicated enough to this character to be online as often as our rules require? 7.) Who will you be using as a playby? It cannot be one that anyone else in the group has. 

Deeper Than Blood; RPG

05/27/2011 05: PM 

Audition form

Follow the steps for your Audition form and send this in a message.and for an example please do not fill out the survey like this  click here for a no!  Step One: You must read and sign the rules. As they state, your audition will be ignored if you skip or skim them over. So why spend all your time writing up a brilliant starter to have it dismissed over something so silly, ya know? Step Two: Once you know the rules, write up a starter that is at least 5 paragraphs long. Do not send us a novella starter thinking you will get the role because its long, we would rather read a short audition that is brilliately written than a novella that is crap. "Quality over Quantity".Step Three: Address the message as the character's name. DO NOT SEND IT IN HERE.Step Four: Fill out the survey below, and attach it to your starter. Step Five:  We will post the role as 'taken', as soon as we decide.  We will be sure to inform you if you got the role. Keep in mind we have the right to reject your audition if we feel you don't portray the character well. Please audition for another or you can resend another audition and give it another try.S U R V E Y - This goes along with your audition1.) Why did you pick this character?2.) Why should we pick you over everyone else?3.) Why are you joining the rpg?4.) Have you read all of Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy Series? If not which books  have you read?-If you audition for a character featured in her VA series. Bloodlines as well, we would love if you have read that to.5.) How many active profiles do you currently maintain? 6.) How often are you usually online?7.) Do you have AIM? Are you willing to make one?-It's a request we have for members to have to do group chats. AIM has unlimited people you can invite to a chat unlike Chatzy.8.) How long have you been rping for?9.) You do understand that all members become your mains and they come first?-You are allowed you have mains outside the rpg but as stated above rpg members come first!10.) What do you think of our group? Our characters, storyline and formats?-Good rpgs live off the feed back people give. So please tell us. :D

Deeper Than Blood; RPG

05/27/2011 05: PM 

The Roles

Royal MoroiNon-RoyalsGuardian Dhampirs Non-GuardiansAlchemist Roles Warrior RolesStrigoi Roles*NOTE: We DO NOT display original roles created by people that are not us. Reason being they are NOT our characters to claim on our blogs, so anyone who comes up with an OC Role we can work into our storyline will not be displayed here.  �a.D, a.D:link, a.D:active, a.D:visited {width: 120px!important; text-transform: uppercase; height: 120px; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8px; line-height:13pt; letter-spacing:2px; font-weight: normal; color: ffffff; text-decoration:none; width:100%px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; padding: 15px; �-webkit-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; padding: 4px; background-color: 471515;} a.D:hover {opacity:.7; filter:alpha(opacity=0.7);}�a.T, a.T:link, �a.T:active, a.T:visited {width: 120px!important; text-transform: uppercase; height: 120px; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8px; line-height:13pt; letter-spacing:2px; font-weight: normal; color: ffffff; text-decoration:none; width:100%px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; padding: 15px; �-webkit-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; padding: 4px; background-color: 5b2121;} a.T:hover {opacity:.7; filter:alpha(opacity=0.7);} �a.B, a.B:link, �a.B:active, a.B:visited {width: 120px!important; text-transform: uppercase; height: 120px; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8px; line-height:13pt; letter-spacing:2px; font-weight: normal; color: ffffff; text-decoration:none; width:100%px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; padding: 15px; �-webkit-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; padding: 4px; background-color: 471515;} a.B:hover {opacity:.7; filter:alpha(opacity=0.7);} ��a.DT, a.DT:link, a.DT:active, a.DT:visited {width: 120px!important; text-transform: uppercase; height: 120px; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8px; line-height:13pt; letter-spacing:2px; font-weight: normal; color: ffffff; text-decoration:none; width:100%px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; padding: 15px; �-webkit-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; padding: 4px; background-color: 5b2121;} a.DT:hover {opacity:.7; filter:alpha(opacity=0.7);}��a.TB, a.TB:link, a.TB:active, a.TB:visited {width: 120px!important; text-transform: uppercase; height: 120px; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8px; line-height:13pt; letter-spacing:2px; font-weight: normal; color: ffffff; text-decoration:none; width:100%px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; padding: 15px; �-webkit-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; padding: 4px; background-color: 471515;} a.TB:hover {opacity:.7; filter:alpha(opacity=0.7);}��a.Blood, a.Blood:link, a.Blood:active, a.Blood:visited {width: 120px!important; text-transform: uppercase; height: 120px; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8px; line-height:13pt; letter-spacing:2px; font-weight: normal; color: ffffff; text-decoration:none; width:100%px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; padding: 15px; �-webkit-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; padding: 4px; background-color: 5b2121;} a.Blood:hover {opacity:.7; filter:alpha(opacity=0.7);}�a.THANa.THAN:link, a.THAN:active, {width: 120px!important; text-transform: uppercase; height: 120px; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8px; line-height:13pt; letter-spacing:2px; font-weight: normal; color: ffffff; text-decoration:none; width:100%px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; padding: 15px; �-webkit-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0.9s ease-out; padding: 4px; background-color: 471515;} a.THAN:hover {opacity:.7; filter:alpha(opacity=0.7);} big {font-size: 34pt; line-height: 26pt; }

Deeper Than Blood; RPG

05/27/2011 05: PM 

Alchemist Roles

The Alchemist Roles. Humans charged with helping Moroi and Dhampir's keep their societies secret. Alchemist's have an elaborate design of flowers and leaves tattooed in gold on their lower left cheeks. These tattoos are made from gold and Moroi blood charmed with earth and water. Their charmed tattoo acts as a reward, allowing them to lead longer lives and stops them from becoming ill. The charm also prevents them from speaking about the supernatural world in a way that would expose it. Like Dhampir's the Alchemist "career" is somewhat compulsory and passed down through family. Alchemist's work connections amongst humans that allow them to cover up for Moroi and Dhampir's - they have "tricks and techniques" that allow them to dispose of Strigoi bodies. They believe all vampires, even Moroi and Dhampir's are evil "creatures of the night" and try to keep as distanced as possible. [OPEN-PENDING-CLOSE]AGE:18LOVE INTEREST:Adrian Ivashkov.PLAYBY: Dianna AgronTHE BOOKS:An Alchemist who helps Rose find Dimitri's hometown, Baia, in Siberia. She is a human who knows a lot about Moroi and dhampirs but dislikes them. She has many tricks and techniques in getting rid of Strigoi bodies and is also equipped with a special potion that can turn a dead Strigoi corpse into a fist sized ball so it is unrecognizable. Sydney helps Rose escape from jail and find the last Dragomir in Last Sacrifice. In the new series BLOODLINES Sydney is the main character. She takes her younger sisters assignment in helping hide out the princess Jillian Mastrano from harm.  OUR STORY: Under construction. [OPEN-PENDING-CLOSE]AGE:28LOVE INTEREST: No set interest.PLAYBY:Zoe SaldanaTHE BOOKS:A  fellow Alchemist, she appears towards the end of Last Sacrifice when Sydney was sent in for questioning, she along with Ian try to protect Sydney from getting into farther trouple in the Moroi court where they dont belong. She is a determined women who wont let any of "her kind" behind.In the beginning of Bloodlines she is one of the few of the older alchemist to still see potential in Sydney and allows her to take her sister Zoe's place to be with Jill. Towards the end when she reappeared she seems to have more faith in Sydney and in trust her to take over the Keith's old post in  in palm,springs. OUR STORY: Under construction. [OPEN-PENDING-CLOSE]AGE:19LOVE INTEREST: No set interest.PLAYBY: Colton Haynes.THE BOOKS:Keith's is a self centered alchemist in Bloodlines, he is said to be a golden boy all the older alchemist respect him and his family. He comes from a line of well respected alchemist. Sydney is not fond of him and he neither of Sydney he calls her 'vamp lover'. He holds a dark secret that would distroy his golden boy statues, which involves Sydney's older sister Carly. Keith has one glass eye he had lost that eye agaist a strigoi. Keith is said to be a 'lady man'. Sydney can see threw his ruse. While Sydney is dealing with stuff, keith is seeling vampire blood to a local tattoe shop thaty gives speciall made statues to the student in amberwood. Sydney later finds out and reports him to the alchemist as though what happen to him is unknown for now. OUR STORY: Under construction. [OPEN-PENDING-CLOSE]AGE:15LOVE INTEREST: No set interest.PLAYBY: Nicola PeltzTHE BOOKS:15 year old alchemist is training she is also Sydney Sage's younger sister, she has the spunk and drive to be a full on alchemist. She was suppose to be the one to go to Palmsprings and protect Jill, but because of her sister Sydney she was told to stand down. Before Sydney left, Zoe had called out Sydney about treating her a child, that she couldn't handle being assigned to someone. OUR STORY: Under construction.

Deeper Than Blood; RPG

05/27/2011 05: PM 

Dhampir Non-Guardian Roles

Non-Guardian Dhampir Roles. They are half human or and half Moroi. Dhampirs can also be produced through the union of a Moroi and a Dhampir. However, Dhampirs cannot procreate together. Dhampirs tend to be short with athletic bodies, and much more curvy than Moroi women. They do not drink blood. They have enhanced senses such as sight and hearing. They also have much faster reflexes and are stronger than the average human. They can be in as much sun as they desire. They dedicate their lives to shadowing and guarding Moroi from the evil Strigoi. It is their duty to kill as many Strigoi as they can. They get a Molnija Mark tattoo for every Strigoi they kill, along with a Promise Mark when they graduate. There is a shortage of Guardians. Dhampir women are choosing to stay home to care for their children. Most live in Dhampir communes. Some have Moroi male visitors and earned the name of 'bloodwhore' because they let Moroi feed from them while having sex. It is a disgraceful path to choose, along with having a romantic relationship with another Dhampir.  [OPEN-PENDING-CLOSE]AGE: 30LOVE INTEREST:Sonya Karp.CHARGE: None.PLAYBY: Matt BomerTHE BOOKS:Mikhail Tanner is a guardian and the lover of Sonya Karp. When she turns into a Strigoi he starts chasing her in order to kill her. Eventually in Spirit Bound, it's revealed that he never found her. As punishment for running off and abandoning his guardian duties, he is forced to work at court, doing jobs such as filing papers. He helped Rose get in to see Dimitri when he refused to see her after he was restored. He is reunited with Sonya Karp in Last Sacrifice after she is restored by Robert Doru. OUR STORY: Under construction.

Deeper Than Blood; RPG

05/27/2011 05: PM 

Dhampir Guardian Roles

Guardian Dhampir Roles. They are half human or and half Moroi. Dhampirs can also be produced through the union of a Moroi and a Dhampir. However, Dhampirs cannot procreate together. Dhampirs tend to be short with athletic bodies, and much more curvy than Moroi women. They do not drink blood. They have enhanced senses such as sight and hearing. They also have much faster reflexes and are stronger than the average human. They can be in as much sun as they desire. They dedicate their lives to shadowing and guarding Moroi from the evil Strigoi. It is their duty to kill as many Strigoi as they can. They get a Molnija Mark tattoo for every Strigoi they kill, along with a Promise Mark when they graduate. There is a shortage of Guardians. Dhampir women are choosing to stay home to care for their children. Most live in Dhampir communes. Some have Moroi male visitors and earned the name of 'bloodwhore' because they let Moroi feed from them while having sex. It is a disgraceful path to choose, along with having a romantic relationship with another Dhampir.  [OPEN-PENDING-CLOSE]AGE:18LOVE INTEREST: Dimitri Belikov.CHARGE: Vasilisa Dragomir.PLAYBY: Nina Dobrev.THE BOOKS:Rose is the seventeen year old, half-vampire half-human (Dhampir) protagonist of the 'Vampire 'series and is best friends with Princess Lissa Dragomir. Her birthday is at the end of March. She died in the same accident as Lissa's parents and brother in the past, but Lissa unknowingly brought her back, making her a "Shadow-Kissed" Dhampir. Because of this, she has a one-sided bond to Lissa, allowing her to read Lissa's thoughts, sense her feelings and see through her eyes. Sarcastic and quick-witted, Rose is training to become Lissa's Guardian, while in the process of falling in love with her mentor, Dimitri Belikov. Rose is described as beautiful with semi-exotic desert-princess features: big dark eyes, dark brown hair, and lightly tanned skin. She is 5'7' with an athletic but curvy figure. She has a strained relationship with her mother, the famous Guardian Janine Hathaway. She is accused of murdering Queen Tatiana at the end of Spirit Bound but is later revealed to be innocent, the real culprit being revealed as Tasha Ozera. She enters into a relationship with Adrian after returning from Russia and denies her feelings for Dimitri throughout the course of Last Sacrifice. Nearing the end of the book, she is surprised to learn of Dimitri's strong feelings for her, feelings he had previously denied. To Dimitri's disbelief, she returns his feelings and they reunite once more. She loses her bond with Lissa in Last Sacrifice when Rose almost dies but comes back on her own, rather than being brought back by Spirit. The series ends with Rose officially starting her relationship with her true love, Dimitri, her future looking bright. OUR STORY: Under construction.[OPEN-PENDING-CLOSE]AGE:24LOVE INTEREST: Rosemarie Hathaway.CHARGE: Christian Ozera.PLAYBY:Ben Barnes.THE BOOKS:A well-respected twenty-four  year-old Dhampir of Russian origin from Siberia, assigned to be Lissa's Guardian along with Rose. Dimitri has a slight Russian accent, and likes old western novels. He is 6'7", has brown eyes, shoulder length hair a few shades lighter than Rose's dark brown hair, and tanned skin. He is sometimes described as a 'god,' in reference to his reputation as one of the most skilled and 'bada.s.s' guardians around. He is also Rose's mentor and love interest. He returns Rose's feelings but attempts to stay out of a relationship with her for most of the series, since it would interfere with his guardian duties. He is turned Strigoi at the end of Shadow Kiss and is later turned back by Lissa near the end of Spirit Bound. He becomes increasingly depressed after being turned back to a dhampir, riddled with intense guilt over the things he did while he was Strigoi. He helps Rose break out of prison in Last Sacrifice and goes on the run with her. Throughout the journey, he slowly starts to open his heart and discover life and love again. Though at first claiming to have lost his love for Rose, he later admits otherwise and they begin a relationship nearing the end of Last Sacrifice. OUR STORY: Under construction.  [OPEN-PENDING-CLOSE]AGE:18LOVE INTEREST: Jillian Mastrano.CHARGE: Jill Mastrano.PLAYBY: Xavier Samuel.THE BOOKS:He is a Dhampir and is one of Rose's closest friends after the Spokane incident involving him, Rose, Mason, Christian, and Mia. He's loyal and after the book Frostbite it is told he matures a lot from Spokane. He was also the best friend of Mason Ashford. In Last Sacrifice, he kills a Moroi defending Lissa, and is tried for his actions.In Bloodlines Eddie is assigned to guard Jill and poses as her brother. It is revealed later that he has a crush on Jill but because of the moroi classes he doesn't think that he would a well suit for Jill. OUR STORY: Under construction. [OPEN-PENDING-CLOSE]AGE:40LOVE INTEREST: Ibrahim Mazur.CHARGE: Lord Szelzky.PLAYBY:Milla Jovovich.THE BOOKS:Rose Hathaway's legendary mother who is 5 feet tall, has curly auburn hair, brown eyes, and is very stern. She appears in Frostbite. She is a very 'badass' Dhampir, according to her reputation, who has killed many Strigoi. Her relationship with Rose starts off very sketchy but improves throughout the series. OUR STORY: Under construction. [OPEN-PENDING-CLOSED] AGE:27 LOVE INTEREST: No set Interest. CHARGE: Vladimir Szelsky.[Saint Vladimir] PLAYBY: Henry Cavill [Non- Negotiable] OUR STORY:Joseph is Vladimir's most trusted friend and guardian. He is the deceased Mason Ashford's younger uncle. However, sometimes he gets on Vladimir's nerves because Joseph takes it upon himself to drag Vladimir out of bars and out of situations that could become messy, but seem appealing to him at the time due to his drunken state. They have been friends for as long as each can remember. Joseph does not know that Vladimir is the reincarnated saint and he does not remember that he was his one of his guardians and his best friend in his past life either. He has a strange sense of recognition when he first meets Anna, but he cannot put his finger on why. Whether or not he eventually remembers is up to you. Joseph is easily angered. He does not obey the rules and will do whatever it takes to protect his friend. He is legendary because of the large amount of Strigoi he's killed. He spent a lot of time travelling the globe with Vladimir, unknowingly looking for Anna. He hates being called Joseph and prefers Joe. Vladimir calls him Joseph often when he is getting on his nerves to anger him. He and Anna often butt heads because of this. She does not like his lack of respect for the former king. She resents him for a crime he committed against her in his past life, even he though he doesn't remember. [Upon receiving this role, you will get a better description of Joseph story. If you want more information before you audition, feel free to message us and we will give it to you.]   [OPEN-PENDING-CLOSED] AGE:15 LOVE INTEREST: Trey Juarez CHARGE: Jillian Mastrano PLAYBY: Holland Roden THE BOOKS:Angeline is a keeper introduced to us first in Last Sacrifice. She fights Rose as a tradition among the keepers to see if she was worthy of marrying her brother. She later begs Rose to take her with away from Keepers wanting to know more of what is out there. A different life the what she is used to. She is brought at the end of Bloodlines are Jill's new roommate and guardian. Her cover story is that she is Jill's and Sydney's cousin. In The Golden Lily she is shown to being new to all her new surroundings having a hard time being told what to do, and what to dress. Angeline is very reckless and gets into a fight. She is show to have a crush on Eddie. Angeline is still new to how to be a guardian and Eddie is in the middle of teaching her the ropes.  OUR STORY: Under construction.

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