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05/24/2024 01:58 PM 

Unnecessary Packing.

1. Morgan hates the idea of not being able to watch what she wants when she wants to. She tends to bring her Apple TV with her on trips so she can watch whatever show she needs to to fall asleep. She also can't fall asleep without the sound of the TV in the background and if it's a show she has never seen she will stay up and watch it so this is a safe way for her to pick something she knows. 2. Her study book is a big one. Despite being on vacation where she shouldn't be thinking about work, she is. She brings the book with her to constantly be reminding herself and learning about everything. She often gets the latest edition to make sure she's up to date on everything. 3. A digital camera, this one's so old school. Everyone can take pictures on their phone but the digital camera is a full other way to rememebr. She still likes to print pictures off and she just missed having one. She bought it to capture all the moments on the trip.4. A towel for the shower. Most people might bring beach towels or soemthing but Morgan hates hotel towels. She needs something comfortable and therefore when she travels she brings it. Plus she wants to make sure she's able to fully wrap up in the plush fabric. 5. A fake ring. Morgan bring this because when she goes out she can get a little wild and a fake ring is the one way to ensure she won't do anything stupid. She can easily pretend she's in a relationship and it helps keep men flirting with her at a minimum. 


05/24/2024 01:22 PM 

Ella~Sea of prayer

Warm buttery sands that engulf Ella's delicate toes like a mother embracing her child in the morning first light. Far beyond the breakers, where ships vanish from the naked eye and beyond the horizon, where sky and water merge, lies the promise of distant lands. Sailors set sail, chasing the edge of the world seeking answers in the salt-kissed breeze as Ella's nose twitches feeling the bite of the sand like whispering  dreams.In these early morning hours is where Ella could always be found. She believed its where her parents soul's mingled and spoke to her in the churning of the sea of concerto's, sacred notes and  secrets she would find carved upon tiny seashells.A smile painted her plush scarlet lips as she thought of them and imagined their toes gracefully dancing along the whipped edges of the waves as she too danced along the shoreline thankful for the life they have given her and the  love they shared with each other  painting dreams she held to in her days.In her darkest of days and under her step mother's demanding hand it was these memories and mornings that brought the light back into her young fawning eyes. And the lessons her mother always taught her to live your life in grace, kindness and not even the blackest of nights could dim her everlasting light.

Cinderella, Ella, Dark Fairytale,


05/24/2024 05:43 AM 

Midnight Rain [II/III]

Midnight Rain; a Prequel   Bubblegum / @shakeitoff 2007Beverly Hills, CA USA It had been ten long years since Zhan and Jingyi Lee had immigrated to America. It was all as Tomi Shishido had told them. They were relieved to face no stress there. Unfortunately stress came in other places. With their own assets along with Shishido Sama's seemingly unending source of capital, they established their import export business successfully. The government of China moved in to assume control of Hong Kong with the eyes of the world watching. The Lees watched from their new home in Beverly Hills California. All was seemingly right with the world.They waited a year before trying to have a child. Unfortunately, that part of their dream would take a bit longer to accomplish. The roller coaster of emotions had nearly carried them away twice. Jingyi had suffered two miscarriages before being given the joyous news in late 2005 that she had successfully conceived once more. She did everything differently this time. Zhan insisted on more bed rest for his wife. He also took on more responsibilities with their business and direct interaction with Shishido. He wanted nothing upsetting his wife. He was working from home when he heard his wife scream in sheer agony. It was summertime and the sun was high overhead. His heart was pounding and his breath hitched in his throat. All he thought to do was to run to his wife. Beads of perspiration threaten to sting his eyes as they fall from his forehead. He needed to find her.The pain was far more intense than she could imagine. Jingyi grasped her burgeoning abdomen as agony threatened to rip her apart. Two babies had been lost. She couldn't lose the third one. This was their last chance to have that child they both longed to hold. Her right hand clung to the back of a chair in their den. If she let go, it would be a disaster. She had to fight for their baby.Zhan found his wife clinging to the back of his favorite chair in the den. “Jingyi!” He shouted. His voice cracked with fear. He wrapped his arms around her. “你還好嗎?” [Are you alright?] He could tell the answer to that even as the words came out of his mouth.Her knees buckled when her husband wrapped his arms around her. A sudden gush of water came from between her legs saturating the floor. Jingyi couldn't speak. The pain was intense. She cast her pained gaze upon her husband pleading with him to save her and their baby. She spoke no words. Her tears said it all.Zhan lifted his petite wife from her feet. His resolve was carved in stone. He would not lose his wife or his unborn daughter. If he had to face Māra incarnate, he'd do just that. His determination and courage was something his daughter would inherit from him as her life would later take her on a path of discovery that she thought she'd tread alone. The next stop, Cedars Sinai Hospital in Beverly Hills.Cedars Sinai Labor and Delivery  Jingyi Lee was placed on a stretcher and immediately rushed to the Birthing Center. Since she was 37 years old and had already miscarried twice, she was considered a high risk pregnancy. Zhan was running alongside the stretcher, being sure that his wife could see him. He was not about to leave her side.The stretcher finally raced through the doors to do an emergency delivery. Zhan was stopped just before he could enter the room. “What do you think you're doing? I want to be there with my wife!” He started to struggle against the orderly holding him back.“We want you to be in there with her.” He took Zhan aside. “You need to be prepared first. Please let me help you.” The man nodded to the anxious father to be. He'd seen this many times before and was always ready to help these men who wanted to be there for their wives. “It won't take a minute.”The sterile conditions of the birthing center were filled with nurses tending to Jingyi Lee's every need. The brilliant staff was prepared for any given situation that would arise. A fetal monitor was already in place showing that the baby's heartbeat was strong. All of Mrs. Lee's vital signs were stable as well. She was in active labor. That was determined by the female doctor on the scene examining the patients. A pediatrician was also called on standby to examine the baby when she was born. There was only one thing missing. “W-Where is my husband?” Jingyi's voice cracked with the pain she endured.The doors parted and Zhan Lee was in a complete hospital gown, mask, cap and booties on his shoes. He heard his wife speak. “I'm here.” He spoke in cool tones as he replied to her. He did not want to excite his wife in the slightest. All that mattered was keeping her calm. He reached for his wife holding the small appendage in his own hand.The sounds of the fetal monitor started to beep louder. Jingyi gripped her husband's hand tightly as pain shot through her body again. The screams of agony made Zhan's heart pound. “Please! What's going on?” He was filled with desperation as the idea of another baby slipping away gripped his soul.“The baby is in distress. We need to do a c-section now.” The OB replied to the inquiry by the anxious father. The blood pressure cuff on Jingyi's opposite arm started to beep as well. Her heart rate was dropping. “We need to operate NOW.”Zhan felt his wife's hand grow limp. “DO IT!” He begged them. He had not come to America to lose everything. He was here to gain everything. He also wasn't about to move either as the staff began moving in an expedient manner to perform the emergency surgery. He silently pleaded with any god who heard him to save his baby and his wife. He was nothing without them.The speed in which the team worked was astounding. Medical drips were in place for the mother as they started the surgery. She was given oxygen through a mask as extra insurance. The skilled hands of the OB made the low transverse incision to open up the uterus with no difficulty. In a matter of minutes the small creature with a head full of dark hair was lifted from her mother's body. Because of the emergency surgery, the baby was handed to the pediatrician who immediately took her to the incubator. Zhan watched as his new daughter was cleaned off and her mouth and nose were suctioned. The pediatrician scraped her foot in order to get a first cry out of her. The child obliged by screaming loudly. The nurses all applauded. The OB and the other nurses had successfully stitched up Jingyi with no issues whatsoever.The pediatrician swaddled the baby who was making grumbling sounds and had her eyes open. “Congratulations. It's a very healthy little girl.” He handed the baby to Zhan.Zhan held his daughter in his arms. He felt tears of relief and joy race down his cheeks. He lowered the baby close enough for his wife to see their perfect little girl. “She is our happiness. She is our Jubilation.” He kissed his baby's forehead and then his wife's forehead. This was the greatest day of his life.Outside the doors, Tomi Shishido was watching through the windows. He smiled as the baby was born. “Welcome to the world Jubilation Lee.” The prediction of the sages came true. Now all they had to do was wait.TO BE CONCLUDED  "If you disappoint me, I'm going rogue." -- Jubilation Lee credit: james kriet

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05/23/2024 08:02 PM 

Imagine monthly ttb
Current mood:  accomplished

Imagine...imagine...imagine... Bathed in lightening, bathed in heat...Join us...   Balmy, staccato breaths could be overheard in the dusky room. Sucking in, out, in, out in a gentle rhythm while the pleasant air is heated but not stale. Wanda rolls around on the bed, restless as a person can be heard softly snoring next to her. Shapely arms akimbo and legs pulled up tight to her belly, she dreams, fitfully. A soft nightmare suddenly grips her from the divine realms of Morpheus. It felt visceral, like she could reach out and interfere with anything and it would be the corporeal world. An audible gasp disrupts the soft soundtrack of the private room she’s present in. Inchmeal, Wanda starts promptly to move from the bed. Raising like a zombie with the delicious scent of brains not far off. ‘Eeeeeeeeuuuuyyyaaa,’ the distinctive sound erupts over her delicate rosy lips. Her nodding head lolls from side to side as the plush curtain of scarlet hair slowly swings down against her lap. Like a soft saw is sea-sawing its direct path against the visible tops of her thighs. The sudden movement disrupts that soft cacophony of distinctive sounds. A groggy “Wha…What…what is it,” can be heard in a gruff voice right next to her. The sleepy soul is suddenly switched on as he carefully wipes gritty dust from his bleary eyes. “Wanda…” it is a question filled with much concern. The specific word becomes more urgent and intense as she seems to not move. It is as if she were a mere marionette anticipating its puppeteer. “WANDA.”He fiercely shouts her name as he grips her slim shoulders. Reasonably knowing it is ungood to wake a sleepwalking person but at the same time…he can smell something is amiss. Gently, he envelops her shoulders and carefully rolls to kneel across from her when her head suddenly snaps upward. Once green eyes were now milky and unfocused. There is no mutual recognition, just a swift move of her legs. They rolled upward and to the right, before she straightened them both out and came instantly to standing next to the bed. Although her movements were forced, they were elegant. Turning on her heel, Wanda spun around to face the impenetrable wall across from herself and she took sure, steadfast steps toward it. Acting as if there was a visible door there that she could instantly access but it was all walls. Next, as if she were undertaking the waltz with something unseen, she spun in quick, sure circles. Head and back arched hard so that her abundant hair spun around in soft, slow arcs behind her. The spinning, slowly, got faster and faster until a portal suddenly opened in the wall and she was sucked right in. A fierce yell of her name was all that could be heard as she was, suddenly, swallowed up in an alternate world. In Hell, Mephisto remained the one carefully plucking her strings. Once she was through the portal, it was like it carefully shut behind her as if it were a prison door. The thud resounded through the cavernous hall. Wanda could feel herself scream and then she was isolated. The unique place was dank, boiling, and dreary. Everything around her glittered. An ingenious trick of the visible light like fireflies in the night sky. She became mesmerized. “Make her one of us,” the specific words were murmured gently in the air, but there was no one there to speak. A moment later, the sultry air shimmered, and like a willow wisp, a lithe dancer miraculously appeared. Garmented all in black, beyond black. Akin to a grand portal littered with luminous stars. Wanda ran from it to the other side of the ample room. “SHOW YOURSELF,” she bellowed out, the distinctive sound of her voice echoed, then reverberated, and completely permeated the ample room to brimming before it snapped out of existence. It was extraordinarily intense Wanda promptly had to grasp her head and just cry as her conscious mind felt close to snapping into twine. “...What do you demand?”Her voice was pathetic, frail. “Make her one of us,” the demon whispered fiercely close to her ear from behind. It intentionally made Wanda jump so high off the ground that she promptly fell into a heap on the ground before her. Clutching her head, she cowered. “I do not wish to be one of you!” She wisely said with a hiss. “Make. Her. One. Of. Us.”It fiercely growled the distinct voice accurately represented a hiss, and it prompted her of a snake. “Stop…” she begged softly. “Imagine, imagine… You will see…” it conspiratorially whispered to her as it eagerly seized her left hand very firmly and hauled her off her nimble feet. “No, please…” she sobbed hysterically. “You will see.” Gradually, the blackened form obtained a firm hold of the graceful girl with her proper hand and then swiped her left hand across Wanda's green eyes so that they returned instantly to their milky, pale color. Wanda was instantly transported. Pulling her flush to its front, it tugged Wanda into standing straight, poised. Next, the demon methodically began to swirl and twirl with her about the room. Each proper time they tentatively approached a stopping point, Wanda’s head would snap back hard. A ghastly light would penetrate her eyes, then the room which would shimmer and slowly glitter down. When she revealed her eyes, Wanda was back at her humble home in Sokovia, before the intended bomb. There were her dear mother and father, a boxed set of American comedies in her father’s hand, as they carefully picked a show to play that night. Pietro moves through the room to give everyone a plate of homemade dessert their mother typically made for them. Wanda heard herself gasp at the peaceful scene. It felt too palpable, too optimistic. She whimpered, “no…make it stop.” At that pivotal moment, she was hurled back, pulled viciously from the familiar scene. Feeling keenly the mighty tug and irresistible pull once more into that in-between. “Imagine…” the word was whispered passionately.“I can give you that back if you unite with me. Join us…by all means, join us…us…join us.”A chorus of distinctive voices could be heard, carried on the unfavorable wind that surrounded her like a whirling dervish. It merely felt that way because the sentient being that clung to her; Clutched eagerly and too hard to her ample bosom. Its distinct steps instantly began to speed things up. The continuous rotations were so fast, so intense that Wanda could instantly feel her stomach flip flop with each fluid movement. Dearly wanting to spill the toxic slug that she naturally felt bubbling up there. “Remember…join us…”it whispered tenderly in the air. The unmistakable sound was more sensual, like a devoted lover’s fond caress. Wanda could feel her chest heave as a choking sob broke over her lips. The djinn gripped her left hand and started eagerly to spin her in place, one proper rotation, two, three, four…faster and faster. She could feel her belly turning upside down as she was dipped harshly. The ground rippled like she was pitched into hot tar. As the impregnable walls bounced back, she was suddenly in her home in NJ. Vision comes gaily down the stairs with a set of twin boys hot on his heels and a tiny dog barking joyously behind them. From what she gathered, they were all ready to keenly enjoy the Halloween festivities. Even her beloved brother was there, not the imposter but her Pietro. She was slung into the room and had to skid to an actual stop as she fell straight into Vision’s chest. “Wanda, what are you doing? Cleaning? I thought we were all going to dress up and properly explore town.”He remarked thoughtfully, carefully holding her Sokovian fortune-teller costume.“Join us,” he said, but she did not perceive him, she only just heard the sleazy whispers of a thousand pit vipers. “Yes, Mom! Join us…”Billy said with boundless enthusiasm, Tommy speeding around her with the distinctive costume in hand.“By all means, Mommy, join us,” Wanda screamed and ripped the costume from his deft hands, throwing it to the ground. ”NEVER!” She bellowed. Something captured her by the waist and tugged her back hard. Her body folded in half as she was wrenched through a formidable wall of molasses. “STOP…enough, enough.” she protested earnestly, but Mephisto was not done with her. Time after time she was heaved to her feet, spun, dipped, and thrown into another familiar setting. Another time she lost, another person gone, something dead, something stolen. It sincerely felt like it lasted eons. Even though it was scarcely for a mere hour. At the imminent end of her torture, the demon spun her five more times. Her body spun wildly out of control as it suddenly let her go and she went intentionally crashing, hard, into a rock wall. “I…will…never,” she said in a ragged voice. “Oh? But all these lovely things, I can deliver back to you…My love. You and I…our gifted sons. We can rule over hell. All would be but mere trinkets for you. A splendid present…for you to clasp my hand. Imagine. Imagine, the whole world at your feet. Whatever you ardently desire, I can gi…” “LIES,” she screeched and seamlessly moved to punch him. Though, she wasn’t banking on the fact that her stomach would be so upset. As a viable replacement, as she moved to cuff him, she evacuated her stomach all at his feet. When she was completed, she laughed. It was maniacal; unhinged. “Lies…that is what I expect of them. All I can imagine with you is enslavement. A life in hell. All lies,” she hissed at him and plopped down onto the floor. Arms crossed over her ample chest as she sat there and stared at the floor. “You, you are squandering your time,” her tone was venomous. Suddenly, the beast-man howled out. His commanding voice was deep, hateful, and cutting. “Oh, you will willingly choose. I will detain you here and undertake this with you every hour on the hour. If I cannot compel you, I will break you.”He barked out as he leaned down and grasped her arms very hard. Traumatizing her. All Wanda could do was laugh and laugh; her mind breaking with each breathless second she sat there. “Bring it on then,” she whispered and spat in his face. With that, he wrenched her up to standing and flung her hard across the room. Her body fell onto her right side, and she went skidding across the filthy, uneven floor. The action caused a road burn all along her side. As she came to a stop, she found herself in a tiny metal cage. The top slammed down upon her like an outdoor rabbit trap. Instantly, she was to be caged like an animal. “No one knows you are here, little one. I can perform this on you for an eternity.” His affect was flat but menacing.“Now, lay there and rot for all I mind. You will break. They all do.” with a few brisk steps, he was gone. His body shimmering and then blinking out of existence. Wanda found herself stuck in a dank, tiny, rusty cage. There was no sound left, it was like she was stowed in space. No sounds, hell it felt like no oxygen. She was floating, alone, and far from the world she belonged to. Suddenly, one word began to whisper through the air. “Imagine…imagine…Imagine, imagine.” Both of her hands slammed over her ears and she screamed but there was no sound. Wanda was in a vacuum. Nothing to hold onto, nothing to covet, nothing to love. Just herself and the soul-sucking nothingness that lies all around her now. Cursed and tortured for what felt like an eternity and in that eternity she would stay. All she could do was imagine a life that was merely ash on her tongue and die a little bit more deep inside. Discord; momproblems, an active writer who only takes on small loads of rp.

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05/23/2024 08:01 PM 

Unmade Feat@Clint
Current mood:  awake

We all get unmade sometimes. I will find my way back.   Come under my wings, little bird Come under my wings, little bird Come under my wings Unmade, unmade I swear that there's nothing up my sleeves And then back again I swear there's nothing Unmade There's still no faces Won't grow back again Broken pieces Unmade I swear there's nothing Won't grow back again I swear there's nothing Come under my wings Come under my wings Come under my wings Under my wings We're unmade It had been precisely three years, three months, three days, three hours, and 33 minutes since Wanda had last seen him. Straight away, Wanda was no idiot; She knew he was seeking her out but not for the reasons one had hoped there would be. No, she accurately knew he was, nonetheless, an Avenger where she, was directly a criminal. The young Maximoff had been enemy number one. Hell, it had been for a damn sound reason, anyway. Wanda had gone off the deep end there for a while once Agatha had intentionally introduced her to her enduring legacy. The book. A seal of her ultimate fate; her key reason for breathing, for being, for killing. The Darkhold. Wanda, now, naturally knew that if she had never been presented with that timebomb then there would typically remain a precise time in her life that the book would expose itself to her. Dig itself into her skin like an irritating burr and never permit her to be let go. It was fate for the woman; A cruel cosmic joke. She was part and parcel of a world of darkness and always meant to belong to it and Cthon. A generational curse that would be unbearable to break. She reasonably knew there was no going back here. Wanda would perpetually be a wanted criminal; As she should be. However, there were consistent thoughts back to that idyllic time with him and how truly loved and accepted she had truly felt. Sure, his specific job was to accurately track her down right now but at the same time; Had he not endured his own tragic fate? A familiar path of death, moral corruption, and pain. It mirrored her own. So, affectionately knowing this was a vast undertaking. She would suck it up and obtain this massive chance. Wanda assuredly had to try. The woman was dirty, dressed like a hobo, skinny, and emotionally and physically bruised. Times had been lawless ever since Strange helped sufficiently convince her it would be best for the world and herself to intentionally destroy the book. Take down Wundergore castle and possibly Cthon with it. Afterward, the bewildered woman had lost herself. So linked to the book and that unique place that when she destroyed the ponderous tome, she unmade herself as well. It took her quite a prolonged time to obtain her ability to remember back but when she did? Err, well the biggest, most vivid memory slammed into her and instantly began to flood her senses. Eagerly consuming her in the best possible way. Thoughts of those lovely nights. That delightful time with a beautiful man. One that had been her faithful friend in every sense of the word. So, it was normal to come back here, was it not? She understood correctly he had been married, but she was okay with that because Wanda empirically knew he would be loved. Those pleasant memories would undoubtedly have to wait, though. Right now, she dearly needed her friend to get ahead of all of this. Wanda had no more fight left to give and was naturally losing the will to faithfully keep putting one foot in front of another to face another day. Her hopes? To find him and give herself up with the desire that he could work carefully some kind of magic to at least get her more preferential treatment. Some kind of good-faith deal. Coming up to the humble cabin, she could feel her breath seizing in her chest. The place hadn’t changed. It still felt warm, a beloved place. The appetizing smell of cooked food clung to the air around her and it was nice to see the place without snow on the ground. But could Wanda face him? Could she resolutely face all the hard truths that were going to come up once she knocked on that warm, wooden door? Only one way to find out. Gently forcing one foot in front of the other, the petite woman moved haltingly to said door and tenderly lifted her hand to knock. And as if they were on the same page or even supposing he could read her mind... The hospitable door was suddenly flung open in front of her. A small, gentle hand that was stained with so much proverbial blood stood poised in the air as a surprised "Oh" formed upon her chapped lips. Green eyes went a bit too wide. Revealing very red, bloodshot whites. No doubt from the prime hours of sobbing hysterically all the while screaming as she belted out profanity after profanity. Getting her poignant grief and pain out of the way before she typically saw him. Once her ultimate decision and path had been clear to her. A weak, tiny voice clawed its meaningful way up from her sore throat. She uttered one operative word that carefully held all of her hopes, ultimate dreams, needs, desires, and happiness in it. "Clint." Discord; momproblems, an active writer who only takes on small loads of rp.


05/23/2024 06:32 PM 


MY LIMITS:• Rape• Abuse• Incest• Underage• Race play ———————PLEASE DONT ASK ME TO PLOT ANDSEND A STARTER. YOU SEND A STARTERIF YOU'RE THE ONE ASKING. I'LL ONLY SENDA STARTER FIRST IF I ASKED YOU TO PLOT. —————————————————————-Note that I get bored very easily so please when plotting with me keep it to one sentences to miniparagraphs. Anything longer and I WONT read it. I am 21 & over so I expect you to be or else no plot. —————————————————————-I will reply within 1-3 days. PleaseDO NOT rush me or double msg me. I will get to you when I can. I also do plots likemafia, fantasy, movie, tv, supernatural, horror etc.I will pretty much plot anything except the things listed above.-- Kendall 

ꜰɪʀᴇʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ♡

05/23/2024 03:09 PM 


GUILT By: Veda Starbloom Featuring: Slade Carver, Save my Soul @1716764OOC: Writer has not wrote a drabble (or anything, really) In a very long time. I feel super rusty!She pictures guilt as a thick matte black the kind her boyfriend used to wear on his nails and for eyeliner. Guilt like storm clouds, angry and rolling. It happens whenever she hears the sound of a festival. Here in this small town there was no carnivals going by. But the festivals—the smell of deep fried foods and seeing small children run like crazy made the guilt well up. This town had a small German festival that she never went to. When it was October, Veda would hide in her Tarot Shop. So today there is a “Closed” sign on the door as the young woman sat down at her round table where she normally performs tarot readings. She has a tumbler of vodka in orange juice with ice. Her favorite kind of music, older country blares out from a radio. She sighs, tries to tense all of her achy muscles. This stupid fair..if she closes her soft brown eyes she can see the fire again. She can hear the people yelling, screaming. A muscle near her jaw tenses and is visible under her smooth skin. Outside, young children run about from their parents. She can hear the yells of children. And it throws her into a loop of fear. She can see the Ferris wheel, smell fried corn dogs which used to be her favorite snack. Now she gets sick when she sees or smells them. Veda raises and goes to her mini altar and lights a heavy sweet sandalwood incense stick. Soon it blocks out the greasy food from outside, but she can hear the cheerful fair music. “F***!” She exclaims and her hand goes out, a flame of fire popping out of it. Feeling the sudden heat makes her eyes open and her jaw go slack. She closes her fist around the fire flame and it dies inside. She has a picture of her parents on her altar. Her mother was dark haired like she was, wearing a gypsy style dress and her father was blonde, according to her adoptive mother. This picture is black and white, nearly sepia from age. “Why.” Veda whispers, touching their faces. “Why couldn't I have been born earlier and I could have saved you both? Then the carnival would still be alive, and I wouldn't feel such guilt.” Her eyes sparkled with tears and she went back to her table to pick up her drink. She sipped it and the vodka went down her body, soothing each tense muscle. When her phone pinged she picked it up. An unexpected text from an old friend appeared. It was from Slade.I know today is a tough day for you...need to talk? Feel free to call.The gesture of friendship was unexpected, but welcomed. Veda looked troubled, though not wanting anyone else to have to suffer the amount of guilt she felt when this day, the day the carnival was burnt down by a fearful twelve year old girl with powers beyond her ability to experience it. But at the last moment she grabbed her phone up and hit the name. Another moment and she heard a familiar voice. And soon she felt released from her pain.

ꜰɪʀᴇʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ♡

05/23/2024 03:08 PM 


REGULATIONS FOR ROLE PLAY AND BANTER. Please read, and comment! Thank you! First and foremost, I am an adult. I am over the age of twenty one--I'm 41. I am old and too tired for bull sh it. Why am I here? I love to write, love to edit and basically want to have some fun with some long time old online friends. I am not here for petty drama, she said-he said-she said or stupid cliques. Please delete me if you are prone to this kind of attitude. I work at a high end restaurant and my hours are always the same. I work Friday to Tuesday, 11-5 on the weekdays and 11-7 on weekends.Which means my days off are Wensday and Thursdays unless I get called in and need/want to work. Those days are the best time for me to write, really. On Friday and Saturday nights my time here varies. If I am feeling up to it I will be on. If not, I may just be chilling on Discord or editing, writing, etc. PATIENCE IS APPRECIATED AND REQUIRED. However, if we have a thread going on and it's taken me a while to get back to you--you are allowed to inquire on it. POLIETLY. If I'm not feeling the thread I will talk to you privately and perhaps we can instead do stream banter. Sometimes it happens. Just don't ghost me. I have ghosted before, and it's not fun. I'm trying to correct myself, and learn from my past mistakes. If you ask me for an edit, please USE IT. Do not hoard edits I have made for you. I am a very generous person and I love to give out gifts. Randomly I'll make edits for friends. Also in that same vein do not constantly ask me for an edit. I might be busy with other things at the time or do not feel inspired by your playby of choice to do so. Constant asking for edits (or other resources) will get you removed from the page. Discord is Friend based only atm. I'm very paranoid-ish about adding people who may be out to hurt me. I am no angel--I've done stupid, immature things in the past I wish I could take back. But we can't. We can just learn from them and move forward. If anyone on here has major beef with me, then that's your problem because I just don't care anymore. You stay in your lane, and I'll stay in mine OK? Ok :) Writing style--I am a multi para plus writer. I love to be expressive in my writing and detailed as well. I've been told through my writing I can take a reader with me, and they can see it through my eyes. That was one of the best compliments I've ever gotten on my writing. And it came from a dear friend so I know they were telling me the truth. I do not and never will do one liners or paras. They are too short for me, too simple and not challenging enough. The only exception with one liners are for stream banter. My time to write was stated above. It is done on my days off, and only on my days off when I have time to fully focus. If I am on during a workday after work it will be to relax and have fun. Love interest. I am not looking for one currently. I have someone in mind if they wish to write a part for me. Thanks. However--if there is chemistry beteween our characters and only if--you'll have to give me time. I've been abandoned, hurt and all that other stuff. It's hard for me to trust. Just all I ask is give me time. But at the moment I do not need one or want one. I write mature things. Meaning s e x, drugs, alcohol, sometimes even mentions of physical and emotional abuse from a partner. Do not worry if that's not your cup of tea, I will always add trigger warnings. I won't go overboard like some people on here tend to do, just make sure you know what the content inside holds. Face claims. I was going to use two faces, but I think I am sticking to only Emmy Rossum for the time being. That said, I don't mind adding those who have my same face as long as you're respectful to me. You don't steal and alter my pictures, copy my storyline or be "overly inspired" by it. Yes, I've had a stalker once before so I've been all through that. I do not add and write with child face claim writers. One, it makes me uncomfortable and two, it's kind of odd--to me. So please understand and respect that decision of mine. If my character ends up having a child they will be more than likely NPC. As in myself and my love interest are the only ones allowed to use them unless a friend involves the child into the story as an Auntie or Uncle. So please don't ask if you can be my daughter or son unless I know you very well and trust you. COMMENTS are for writing only. I will never, ever write in messages. For me, messages are for discussions or OOC information that is needed such as "I'll be out of town for a few days" or "I have family over" etc. I probably won't join your group or writing forum either, sorry. I don't have that much time for that sort. But thanks for thinking of inviting me ahead of time. Crossovers are adored! I love crossovers, and especially of TV shows, movies and books. If you're creative like me and want to plot then by all means let's discuss! See where we can go. After all role player and writing are fueled by imagination right? I am in character 99 percent of the time unless stated by an out of character post, which for me is either // those slashes or OOC before the post. PLEASE do not comment as your character in the // or OOC post. It is very confusing. With that said, on Discord I am not beyond discussing things out of character, either. We can get to know one another! But you must feel comfortable with that as well. I will never push or force you to be OOC if you don't feel up to it.I also write on Discord. It's one of my favorite things to do. It's easier sometimes than the site, and when I'm on it's where I'm hanging out. If you do as well, let's write! Just ask first in case I'm busy or not feeling it. I hope I don't come off as too bitchy. I am really not--I promise. I just wantpeople to fully understand this. Alright, I'm out. If you've read all of this give me your favorite color and a song lyric.  


05/23/2024 11:55 PM 

Rules of Engagement.

Don't be a daft bitch.


05/23/2024 01:41 PM 

Weekly Drabble: What If

What if... Octavia sat in her chair of the new dawn bunker, the radio going silent. Her last line to Bellamy gone and she was left without his support as she faced her new reality. The world had come to an end once more and she was supposed to lead and care for those they'll survived. Closing her eyes she replayed the conclave in her head, wondering if things could have ended differently. But every several ended with the same outcome. She let out a sigh her head resting in her hands.She thought back to happier times her mind reminding her of Lincoln. Being with him was the last time she was happy, and it was ripped away from her. What if he hadn't died, would she be the one sitting in this chair? She wondered as she fought back tears. What if they had rum away from Arkadia with him, settling somewhere to live a happy life. Would they be in this bunker still?What if she hadn't met him at all. Would she have embraced who she became so readily, or would she have been like the others. Like the ones that killed him. What if she had died in the conclave. Would anyone have mourned her as much as she did him? Would things be different? Would someone else be more equipped to be in charge? She wondered all these things as tears fell down her cheeks, the only thing that could keep her grounded for the foreseeable Future being the memories of the man she loved with her whole heart but lost too quickly. created by creativian


05/23/2024 01:15 PM 

Bird in a Cage -Weekly Drabble

.sweet{ width:300px; height:auto padding:40px; box-shadow:border-box; margin:15px auto; border:2px solid #860000; } .sweet br{ display:none; } .stext br{ display:block; } .sbody{ background-color:#000; width:375px;padding:30px; border:1px solid #860000; } .simg{ width:100px; height:100px; border-radius:100%; border:5px solid #860000; margin: 0 auto 5px; } .title{ font:35px "Abril Fatface", serif; text-align:center; margin-bottom:-3px; font-style:italic; color:#860000; text-shadow:2px 2px 0px #fff, 3px 3px 0px #860000; } .text{ font:9px Calibri, Sans-serif; text-transform:uppercase; color:#666; text-align:center; border-top:1px solid #860000; padding-top:5px; letter-spacing:1px; } .stext{ margin:50px; text-align:justify; font:10px Verdana, ssans-serif; line-height:14px; color:#999; } .stext a, .stext b, .stext strong{ color:#860000; }   Bird in a Cage Octavia looked over the delinquents, watching how they interacted with one another. The moment they landed on Earth, everything shifted. Everyone changed. They were no longer trapped on the Ark, sitting in a cell waiting for death. Now they had another chance to live and everyone was enjoying every second. Octavia could help but envy them. Every chance she took to try and join them was stopped by Bellamy. She had been the first to set foot on Earth after nearly 100 years, but it didn't change how she was seen. He had conceded into letting her go for a walk to gather food, but his hold was tight nonetheless. She realized that Earth was dangerous all too soon, and because of this Bell wanted her to be kept safe. She loved her brother, but he was being overbearing with how he acted towards her. She had to stay in camp because he deemed it safe. He had someone watch over her like she was a child that needed a hand to hold. She couldn't hang out and flirt like she wanted to. What made it worse, Bellamy allowed himself the things he forbade her from. She felt trapped, just like she did in that little room she called home. She was still the girl under the floor and no matter how hard she fought, that wasn't going to change. Even the boy that stole her first kiss was killed, simply because he showed Octavia any form of affection. Day after day Bellamy would get volunteers to explore around their camps and every day she was left at camp. Her one chance at freedom happened to be when Clarke wanted to find Mount Weather. That was the day Jasper got injured with a spear and captured by someone. Bellamy was upset, berating her for her carelessness stating she could have been in that position. And even with Jasper back, she was still trapped. Turning to look at the boy in question, she walked over to clean his wound, doing her best to help him recover. She knew what she needed to help was outside the walls of her camp, but she couldn't help with the guards put in place to keep her locked away. Bellamy was gone hunting, and Clarke had gone to try and find something to help Jasper, leaving Monty and Octavia to keep the boy alive. She had gone so far as to lock the door to keep the others from killing him while they waited. She was starting to lose hope, and panic set in as she worried that all her efforts to keep Jasper safe, the boy that saved her from the monster in the lake, would die before she could repay his kindness. “My sister, my responsibility.” He would say over and over again, a mantra engraved into their souls. It all came from a place of love, but his view of her as fragile was starting to break her. She was let out enough to help Jasper, but that wasn’t enough for her. She wanted more, she wanted to be free like the others. But how could she do that stuck in camp with Bellamy’s goons set to watch her every move? And with the grounders beyond the wall that was built, how could she even consider living a life of freedom when there were dangers at every turn. She envied everyone for the freedoms they had on Earth. Their ability to be themselves and explore when she was still trapped. She was a bird in a cage, and no one would let her spread her wings. She wondered if there was a life for her outside the walls. If she could make friends with the grounders and find a home with them. A home where she could find herself and be free. Free like those beautiful blue butterflies she loved so much, that could fly away whenever they wanted. She wanted to be a butterfly so she could spread her wings and disappear into the trees. Away from the shackles that held her so tightly to the one person that kept her safe for 15 years. The one that did what he had to do to come to Earth to continue to keep her safe. Her brother. Her keeper. Her only home and savior that she ever knew her entire life. Her protector against everything that saw her as a crime instead of a person; the one that tried to keep her alive, even if it meant she had to be locked away. She envied everyone who could live a better life than she could, one without the gilded cage that kept her locked away. Even with the problems everyone had, she wishes Bellamy could turn a blind eye when it came to her like he often did with them. She envied them and wished that one day, she could break free and be like them.   template by (c)creativian

Octavia Blake, The 100, Bellamy Blake

🏴‍☠️Captain Blackmoon🐺

05/23/2024 12:13 PM 

Captain Blackmon

FULL NAME: Captain Estevan Atlas BlackmoonNAME(S) USED: Pirate Lord Steele Blackmoon, Captain Steele Blackmoon OTHER NAME(S): Captain Van Blackmoon (amongst pirates & crewmen), Estevan Wilder (Adoptive name).NICKNAME(S): Steele, VanTITLE(S): Priate Lord of the Atlantic, Lycan Pirate CaptainAGE: 30yrsDOB: October 7thSIGN: Libra SEX: MaleSPIECES: LycanthropyBITTEN/PURE: PureRANK: AlphaORIENTATION: Bisexual*Position - SwitchPROFESSION: Pirate Lord. Explorer. Trader.EYE COLOR: BlueHAIR COLOR: BrownHAIR LENGTH: long just past shoulders.WEIGHT: 170lbsHEIGHT: 5'11"BODY: Fit build, TonedSKIN TONE: Lite tanTATTOOS: YesPERSONALITY: Charming. Clever. Collected. Serious. Stubborn. Eccentric.FEAR(S): Ship sinking. Drowning. Black waters. Hurricanes. Getting lost at sea.STRENGTH(S): Great captain. Strong-willed. Beave. Chivalrous. Heroic. Fierce pirate lord.FLAW(S): Rough around the edges. Violent/Aggressive. Anger issues. Stubbornness.ABILITY(S): Heightened senses. Agility/Speed. Immortal. Shifting into a black wolf. Healing quickly.PET(S): White male gyrfalcon called Horizon, Red female macaw parrot called Scarlett.FAMILY: Father, Atlas Blackmoon (Lycan, dead), Mother, Marina Blackmoon (Lycan, dead). Only child.ADOPTIVE: Mother, Lady Luna Wilder (Lycan, dead), Grandfather, Stefan Wilder (Lycan, dead). 


05/22/2024 07:43 PM 


currently - none.


05/22/2024 05:09 PM 

Doormat | The Basics

### Impressions & Guidelines   **Roleplay Approach:** This list outlines my preferences for roleplay to ensure a positive experience for everyone involved.   **Drama and Toxicity:** I avoid drama and negativity. If there's an issue, I'll delete, block, and move on. If you have drama with another writer I'm connected with, please keep me out of it.   **Connections and Writing:** I prefer to maintain connections and write on Discord due to its privacy and creative flexibility. While I can accommodate other platforms, clear communication about interests and availability is essential. I value story-driven connections and have spent years crafting my original characters and narratives. Although banter is fun, I sometimes struggle with brevity, turning banter into full replies.   **Editing and Artwork:** I love creating edits and artwork for my connections and expect nothing in return. If there's a falling out, the edits remain yours. I'm active on the site even when not writing, as editing is another creative outlet for me. Feel free to request an edit anytime.   **Updates:** These guidelines are subject to change. Thank you for reading and understanding!


05/22/2024 04:56 PM 


Who i owe: hereherewho owes me: Theo Last {5.30.2024}Ethan Anderson 6.1.2024updated on 5.30.2024

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