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01/15/2012 04: PM 

What was the purpose of a woman monster?

"They got one eye on what you knew, and one eye on what you do, so be careful who it is you're talking to."

🌿The Wayward Huntress🌿

01/12/2012 02: PM 


**First off I would like it to be known that I will not always be at my computer when signed on. I maybe away from my desk or just doing something else at that point in time.**Disclaimer: I am not the girl on my page. She is fictional that i have made up. So don't ask if i am the girl you see. 1) Do not harass me. I will delete and block your ass quicker than you can make things right. I don't tolerate it, nor will I ever. You harass me and your off my list and blocked, I'll tell others to block you as well to save my friends from harassment that I have endured. Fair warning, don't do it.2) I am not always going to be on every single minute of every single day. I do have a life as well. If I will be gone for more than a day, I will be sure to let you know.3) Do not rush me to reply to you. I go in order of connections and then by the time they are sent in. There will be times I will only want to talk to a certain person and I will not reply to anyone but that person, deal with it or get off my page. 4) My character is my own. She is not yours. You do not god mode me ever. One warning and then if it continues you will be deleted from my page.5) I only do multi paras. 2-3 paragraphs. Any oneliners will be ignored. I will not do them. We all can be creative and write more than oneline. Use your brain and think before you reply to me, make it interested and detailed. 6) Don't steal anything from me. If you wish to use a picture, ask me. 7) Do not add me for numbers, I am here to roleplay, if you don't talk to me you will be off my page.8) NO DRAMA! NO NO DRAMA! I can not stress this rule enough. If you are a drama starter get off my page, don't even bother talking to me. You start drama with me and things won't be too good for you.9) don't harass my friends! my friends on here are my rp family. You hurt them and things will get ugly and quick. I won't stand for it and I know none of them will either. So just do yourself a favor and don't even start. If I think of anything else then I shall add them to here. Other than that, read and sign below.

Eranshahr *~ [Historical RPG]

01/11/2012 07: PM 

ERANSHAHR - Rules for RP

Read & Sign the basic RULES: Accepted Verses No time-travelers! This Group accepts only characters that can fit into its time-setting: Classical Antiquity (35-27 BCE). All players must have characters that fit into a Ancient Historical setting with a realistic approach, that is based on actual historical facts only slightly fictionalized. No vampires, werewolves, zombies, demons, gods or other such creatures, although a minimum degree of sorcery is accepted. Supernatural elements must be kept to a minimum level! Genres and Rating This Group encourages the developing of stories in the following genres: Action, Adventure, Mystery, Suspense, War, Romance, Mysticism, Esotericism and other similar genres. This Group is rated M for Mature and will contain explicit depictions of violence, gore, sexuality and so on, as well as free-speech. This means that the characters are free to speak naturally, according to their personalities and sometimes this includes language that some might consider obscene or profane. Writing Style All players must be able to write a minimum of 3 complex paragraphs of about ten lines each. Writing will be done in the 3rd person, past tense (example: “He entered and spoke” instead of “He enters and speaks”). Required Presence For SL discussions and other OOC (out-of-character) discussions regarding the plot and sub-plots of the Group, as well as getting to know the characters you want to interact with, we hope to hear from you at least two times a week. For actual RP, once a SL (story-line) is established, you can take up to a week or more to reply. We don’t want rushed posts just for the sake of writing. Long Absences Please let us know in a message when you will be absent for more than one month. If you do not inform us of your leave and you are absent for three months your character will be given to someone else. If you had joined the Group with your own character, no one will claim it! The SLs you were in will simply continue without your character’s involvement or his/her entire involvement in it will be erased from the SL. Choice of Character The choice of character is basically unlimited! You can either create your own, original character or you can bring into the game a canon character from a movie, TV series, book etc., who would fit into the time setting of the Group. Also, you can take a certain canon character as a model and modify it according to your wish, creating thus an original character. Other characters you could choose are historical figures of the time. Playbys & Pictures All players must choose as their character’s playby (for original characters) only human faces of actors, actresses or other celebrities. No anime or cartoons and no real-life people (like yourself)! Video game characters are acceptable only if you also have pictures of a human face resembling that character. Don’t use pictures of your playby in modern-day clothes or settings! If you play an original character find pictures of your playby that could fit in the Group’s time setting (late antiquity) or choose a playby that has such pictures. Picture manipulations are also welcomed for giving your character a fitting look. For the sake of logic we cannot accept doubles when it comes to playbys. So if the playby you want/have for your character is already taken you must choose another one if you want to join! How & Where We Write We would very much like to bring over here the greatness of forum-style writing that make stories cohesive and help all characters in the Group interact better and be part of the same whole. For this reason we will be creating story-lines in blogs, where characters who have not been part of a certain story-line from the beginning can join at any time. If you want a certain character to respond to your post, just write < tag “Name of Character” > at the end of your post. Players who make the first post, as well as all the ones who reply to it, should write “LOCATION” and “TIME of DAY” at the beginning of each post to give a clear view of where and when the events occur. When the location and time change, these labels much change accordingly. Individual SLs, outside blogs, are also accepted but we want the common SLs to prevail, since this should be the point of an Interactive Writing Group in the first place. Forbidden actions NO controlling or killing other people’s characters, unless you have their permission. Outside the Group Members of the Group can RP with people outside of it. All we ask of those non-members is to add our page and share us around once in a while, and we will of course share them as well or repost something they might need. Members will not be forced to show their affiliation to the Group on their profiles. That is their choice. This Group is meant to serve as a background of information for the SLs of the members. So if a member is approached by someone outside the Group who wants to RP with them and are asked “what setting do you RP in” they can say this “one” and show them the Group. The non-members can then become familiar with the story of the Group and RP with a member without becoming members themselves.


01/10/2012 11: PM 


To my dear friends, I just want to start by saying that this is one of the hardest things I've had to do in a long while. I've been contemplating this for weeks and everything seems to come back to this decision - I've decided to take a break from RP. I'm not sure how fleeting or how permanent this hiatus will be; but for now, I must focus on other things. As most of my close friends will know, I will be graduating this year. This place is simply too good to be true. But, the very utopian nature of this 'unreality' forms a paradox; while RP almost never fails to lift my spirits, it poses as too much of a distraction to the things that I need to focus on in RL. The time has come for me to get my priorities straight and comfortably depart from this wonderful world with some of my fondest memories. This is extremely hard for me to do, seeing as I derive so much pleasure from coming on to talk to you guys. I count myself lucky to have something so great that makes saying goodbye so difficult.  I'll be coming on to check occasionally, but definitely won't be on as much. You all will always have a special place in my heart and I hope that we'll meet again somewhere down the line. Goodbyes were never really my strong suit. So, let's just say that this is not forever and this is not the end, it simply means that I'll miss you guys until we meet again. Take care of yourselves. I'll catch you guys on the flipside! With all my love, Kim.

Eranshahr *~ [Historical RPG]

01/10/2012 07: PM 

ERANSHAHR - Videos from the Movie

Trailers, Featurettes, Making Of, Behind the Scenes TRAILERS - 3 Featurette - "Creating an Epic" Featurette - "Journey Behind the Scenes" Featurette - "The Story" Featurette - "Stunts and Parkour" Featurette - "Destiny" Featurette - "The Sands of Time" Featurette - "Dastan" Featurette - "Tamina" Featurette - "Hassansins" MAKING OF - Adventure in Morocco MAKING OF - Gemma Arterton as Tamina MAKING OF - Avrat Bazaar Fight MAKING OF - Fighting Hassansins MAKING OF - Young Dastan MAKING OF - Part 1 MAKING OF - Part 2 MAKING OF - Behind the Scenes 1 MAKING OF - Behind the Scenes 2 MAKING OF - Behind the Scenes 3


01/10/2012 03: PM 


I am not Joe jonas. I do not claim to be the real him. I am just a roleplayer. Follow these rules and we will get along nicely. Do not follow them and be deleted. I do not have very many rules as I hope that everyone that reads this, should already know role-playing rules. But I will brush up on them. I will not respond to comments that have incorrect grammar. Meaning, I will not answer to those that consist of numbers as letters (ex: h3110) symbols as letters (thi$), or shortened words (u instead of you). Please use correct grammar, punctuation marks and spelling. Use a word document for spell check. Or even the internet. I am sure that they have a spell check/grammar check on here. Speaking of grammar and writing, I write from para (They have to be AT LEAST 6 sentences long.) to novella. It depends on my mood of the day, my inspiration and of course how the role play is going. I will not take one liners or anything lower then SIX SENTENCES. If you have read this, tell me your favorite tv show. It is very simple to write long, all you have to do is USE DETAIL. Be creative in your storyline. Another thing, do not, under any circumstances, god mode my character. What is that you say? It means a very simple thing. Do not tell what my character is doing, thinking, saying etc. It is my character and I will role play him as I would like to. I will not tell you how to be your character. So do not do it to mine. While writing, please show me what is spoken using "". I understand about dyslexia, and I understand about others from around the world that might not be good and writing English. Just please tell me at the beginning so I will not tell you that I will not reply because of a broken grammar rule. My character will also not be killed. If you would like to roleplay a fight, please ask me before hand.For roleplaying, I like to discuss storylines in messages. I do prefer roleplaying in messages, because then I can read your reply. But I do not mind roleplaying in comments as well. I delete comments once I have replied to them. Unless they are special, then I will save them. I will not make a connection with you right off the bat. I like to roleplay first, then figure out a connection. The layout and pictures are not of my doing. They are done by my best friend, owner of Karma Premades. Do not steal. That is rude and childish. Rather then being a thief, just add Karma. Simple right? The GIFs are not mine OR Karma's. The GIFs I have found on the internet. I do not claim them to be mine. I will roleplay NC-17 as I am older then 18 in real life. I will role play sex, swearing, violence and such. BUT I WILL NOT ROLE PLAY THIS WITH PEOPLE UNDER THE AGE OF 17. If you are younger then 17, please tell me and I will refrain from anything mature. I am not a pedophile. My character will flirt with whoever he wants. He is straight and will only be with women. Once he is taken though, he will be faithful. If you have read so far, tell me your favorite character from your favorite show that you answered before. He will not treat women like toys. He treats them with respect and as a gentleman. I treat everyone with respect unless I do not get respect back. I will treat you how you treat me. Mains will always get my replies first. Then others. If taken, then the love interest will get the very first reply. I have a life outside of A pet peeve of mine is when someone complains and whines to me that I have not responded. If you do, then I will push your reply down a spot on the list. Even if you are a main, I will push you down the list. Speaking of real life, I do not like to speak about it. I like to keep both lives separate. I will not tell you my name or where I live. All that you need to know is that I am over the age of 18 and that I am a male. I have been role playing for seven years. I started at myspace and then sitemodel before moving here. If you have read this far tell me your favorite quote that your favorite character spoke in your favorite television. I have a job and I go to school. I will get to replies when I can. I do sometimes log on and forget to log off. If you do not speak to me in a month's time, I will delete you. But, if you do tell me that you cannot be on for a certain amount of time, then you are safe. DO not sign with Read and understood. I will know if you have read my rules or not. If you have, I will roleplay. If not, then I will not. If you have read the rules and have broken them, I will ask you to re read.


01/09/2012 01: PM 

Char: Sean Eamon

Name: Sean Eamon.Alias: GhostSean Eamon, aka Ghost, was born in Dublin, Ireland. He is a world renowned inventor, a soldier, and a militant idealist. Sean fought against the British regime during the height of Bloody Sunday, joining the IRA, and working with a black ops team called The Saints. While in Austria during the late 1990's, Sean had a run in with a hit man, code named Wraith, who was ultimately revealed to be his father. Unknowingly, they fought and Wraith was shot in the head by Sean. Sean fell many stories from the chapel roof where they battled to the concrete below. He nearly died and spent six months in the hospital after the battle. While in the hospital, he met a woman named Aletha Mekshir, a wealthy aristocrat whom he fell in love with. The two were married a year later in Sicily. His son Cian was born somewhere in Austria in 1991. Sean had been part of a so called humanitarian effort to bring medical supplies to the natives of the city, but was in truth there setting up a drug smuggling arena. Sean and Aletha split up shortly after with Cian remaining in Austria with his mother and his father returning to Ireland. Having lost everything, Sean became the perfect soldier, cunning and deadly. His exploits caught the attention of the IRA, who offered him a spot in the governments black ops unit. He was one of the first people that were injected with an experimental serum that had been designed to increase strength and reflexes. Of the ten people that volunteered, only two lived, the other being another young man by the name of Regan Riley. The two became fast friends although they had totally different backgrounds and were assigned to the Saints leadership. The process however drove Sean to the point of psychotic with his work as an inventor being the only thing he could focus on. On a mission in America, Sean attempted to kill Clint Barton at Lync Gevoel's request. The was a bid for revenge on an incident that had happened a few years earlier when Lync's partner, Scream was brutally murdered by Niesa Smyth. Although it seemed his mission was a success, Clint Barton was rescued by Joel Masters and Sean was exiled to the United States. During this time, Sean became a prominent member in the drug cartels of New York. During a mission by Hawkeye and Powergirl to retrieve the documents called the 7 Day Theory, Sean Eamon was attacked and beat to death by Power Girl at his own safe house. His body was retrieved by Lync Gevoel and his mental imprints transferred to his son Cian in hopes of retrieving the information that was lost in the documents. However, as fate would have it, the time traveling old man Hawkeye returned in the past too warn Sean before his death could happen which gave him time to prepare. Arrangements were made with the Hand to revive him when his death occurred. His whereabouts now are unknown and only a few know of his new found life. Powers: Known superhuman abilitites: Sean is a mutant with a superhuman intuitive talent for inventing mechanical devices. His mutant ability functions as perception, as he possesses the ability to visually perceive "mechanical energy" (the kinetic energy and potential energy present in the components of mechanical systems) in action. This power allows Sean to instinctively know and understand the potential and functional operations of any machine or technological device in his visual range, a skill that combined with his natural intelligence allows him to conceive, design and build mechanical devices; and operate, modify and disassemble existing technology or create countermeasures for it. Sean's superhuman talent does not mean that he is a greater inventor than geniuses such as Reed Richards, Victor Von Doom, or Anthony Stark, none of whom owe their talent for invention to mutation. But even a genius at invention must for the most part consciously work out the theoretical principles behind the invention and then the design of the invention itself through a series of logical steps. In Sean's case, however, many of these logical steps would be worked out by his subconscious mind. Hence, Sean himself might not be entirely aware of exactly how he figured out how to create an invention of his. His abilities with machines are not just limited to inventions however. Sean has also shown the ability of communicating and commanding any machinery. This includes but is not limited to cellphones, guns, telephones, watches, televisions, and radios. It should be noted that just because he commands or communicates with a machine doesn't necessarily mean that a machine will obey or tell the truth. Sean has also gained peak human strength and near bulletproof skin due to a super soldier serum that he recieved in an experimental project. Sean is also a very gifted marksman and hunter.


01/09/2012 01: PM 

Chance Industries

 Chance Industries:Chance Industries is the result of five generations of Eamon clan family investments and is owned currently by it youngest member, Cian Eamon. This company was created to be the worlds leading private developer of weapons technology. It is a government contracted company who works in conjunction with the government and has many other contracts with countries and global peacekeeping organizations throughout the world including the UN and NATO. This company falls under the Irish banner and also designs,builds,and funds the operations of several foreign organizations. It employs well guarded but respected research labs in various nations all over the world and allows them to bypass regulations and governmental oversight. In this manner Chance Industries broke technological barriers of most leading developers.Chance Industried was originally founded in 1752 by Ian Eamon as a Naval Gun Foundry. Until five years ago, it's head engineer, inventor, and CEO had been Sean Eamon until various mental disorders caused his fall from power.Over the years Chance Industries product line has moved beyond machine guns and tanks and now includes nano-scale technology, directed energy weapons, and force barrier defenses. This is a listing of weapons products which include:*AGP (Anti Gravity Pods)* Cloaking and Teleportation Technology * Networking Technologies• Time Dampeners* Molecular Reducer/Enlarger* Weapons Research and Production for Military


01/09/2012 12: PM 

((Characters I will be roleplaying...

....from this profile...this is a work in progress so please bare with me. ^_^ They will be written into story lines but I wanted people to know what the characters are all about and who they are. They will be added here as they are introduced. All of these characters are my creations in rp, just so everyone knows.))Name: Cian Eamon. Cian Eamon was born somewhere in Austria in 1988 to wealthy aristocrat Aletha Mekshir and Sean Eamon, one of the leaders of the IRA sanctioned organization, The Saints. Sean had been part of a so called humanitarian effort to bring medical supplies to the natives of the city, but was in truth there setting up a drug smuggling arena. His mother and father split up shortly after with Cian remaining in Austria and his father returning to Ireland. He was a normal child during this time until he reached his teen aged years. The first sign of his gift arising was when his mother caught him sleeping while levitating above his bed. Shortly after, she relocated with Cian to Ireland where she believed he could get the help she thought he needed.When they arrived, it was soon known that Sean wanted no part of Aletha although he was infatuated with Cian's gift and knack for electronics. This was the time when Cian learned of his father's loyalty to his country and Sean's image as a hero to the unspoken cause. Sean's numerous missions were kept a secret from Cian though. His mother only let Cian around his father in the workshop where Sean usually focused long enough on various projects long enough to keep his sanity. In the meantime, Cian was treated as Irish and was soon made a citizen due to his father's heritage and wealth. He was also considered the chosen one because of his gifts and a strange birthmark he had, one that many of the religious factions within the IRA considered the brand of God. His training was done by operatives within the Saints but his mother was always nearby to oversee his care.Sean Eamon was killed during a hiatus in the United States a few years later, and Cian, now of legal age was the benefactor of his wealth and inventions.  The actual murderer of his father has been kept a secret from him but during the funeral, his meaning and anger was evident in his voice although many did not understand his old Gaelic tone. Shortly after, he found out his father was not dead but in turn was in a coma and volunteered for a special process of his father's design, a dna transference to digital brain impulses. DNA was gathered from several historical figures, Napoleon Bonaparte, Grigori Rasputin, and Bennet de Paris to name a few. The process was a complete success and he picked up the experience and knowledge of the subjects. However, there was a catch as his father's mental implant was included as well at Cian's request. His thought was that his father would live on in a way through him. He was right but not in the way he wanted. Cian has been dealing with multi personality disorder ever since and it is being dealt with by hypnosis to keep his father's consciousness at bay.  Cian has said he is going to avenge his father's death and promised to focus on his training. He has taken over the business that belonged to his father and has made it a prominent name in technology again in a few months. Now, he is staying close to his new mentor Dominic Lyncoln and his personal instructor, Alana.Powers & Abilities:Cian is a psionic with unlimited potential but lacks the training. He is more instinct at the moment. However, he is a technological genious like his father and has all of his inventions at his disposal. The most important being teleportational devices and weaponry. He has a premonition ability that seems to be a second sense but allows him to see things a few seconds before they happen.

Akasha~The Divine

01/08/2012 10: PM 

|Connections Needed|

EnkilKhaymanAzimMaharet MekareMariusPandora - filled.Lestat


01/07/2012 01: PM 

Happy endings...sorta.

"I thought that pain was something completely familiar to me, like a counterpart to my soul. Lost in the levels of itself, comfortable in the well known and remembered swirls of it. I've lived with pain for so long that I never thought it could affect me again." She told me to go. Find out where my head was and come back at least with my head high or my heart finally free. That was a tough one for me. I mean really, how could I give up someone that I had literally given my entire heart to? That in itself is a contradiction when it comes to someone like me. I'm a flirt, a but I'm a lost cause when it comes to love. Some women are always walking through life looking for that prince, I on the other hand have always looked for that one I could call my princess. Unlike some however, I found mine and lost her. Jessica knew that, no matter how much I sweet talked her and flashed her that Clint Barton smile. She hadn't been in SHIELD just for her amazing good looks. No, she was a hell of good read of people, especially men with psychological episodes. She was right though. If I was going to put anything together for the future, I had to at least attempt let go of some of my past. I owed that much myself to see where I stood with Bobbi...just one last time. Jessica told me that she would be there regardless, as a friend if things went well, or as much more if it went bad. How could a man refuse a woman that was that understanding? On the other hand, if I didn't go, she'd probably go all Spiderwoman and kick my ass. Which led Clint Barton to this moment. He sit on the edge of a hotel bed, night sand next to him and more booze than he needed. He was wrestling with himself. Call her. You need closure at least. Why make it worse? As always, in a man's head at least, there was the other voice that chimed in. Don't call her. There's no reason to set her off and make things worse. Give her time. Then again... Call her. And again.. Don't call her. Finally, he came to unconvincing conclusion and simply mumbled out. Shit. Clint had to go. He had promised Jessica he would. Still, a little drink wouldn't hurt first and he eyed the liquor bottle near him before finally grabbing a bottle water next to it. It wouldn't have helped matters to show up drunk that was where Clint really wanted to be right now. No, Niesa had always taught him that it was an easy out and he usually stumbled into more trouble that way that he helped solve. Still, it was a temptation he didn't need.  Instead, he slowly reached over to the phone, pressing a few numbers on the key pad. It immediately went to voice mail after he lifted it to his ear. He attempted to leave a message but wasn't sure what to say. He just lowered the phone and stared at it, trying to put into words the frustration, anger, and betrayal that he'd felt for the past year. It was a mute cause of course and he knew it. Clint hung up the phone and grabbed his keys. Over the phone wasn't the best way to handle this anyways. No, face to face. It wasn't long before he was on the road, his hair blowing through the bitter cold night air as he made his way on his Harley Davidson motorcycle. His ear buds blared from him iPod in his head, playing a type of music he didn't listen to very much these days. Country. The song was Josh Gracin's "Let You Go." The lyrics echoed through his head. I said I'm over you and that we're you should just move on..Cause I don't need and I don't want you and I don't love you anymore.' The words touched his heart and his eyes began to tear up. A rare sign of weakness for the archer. He fought the tears back though until the wind finally gave him the help he needed. Then the end of the song came and he broke down completely, slowing the motorcycle to a stop on the side of the road, his right hand lifting to cover his eyes. ' Well I still love you and I'll always need you. I know I'll miss you now that you're gone and now I know I'm not the best you'll ever know...cause I loved you enough to let you go' He lowered his head, even as the song came to an end, speaking in light but cracked voice. "How do I tell a woman that showed me how to love again that I don't love her anymore....especially when it's a lie. I do love her. I just can't do this anymore. God damn am I supposed to do this?"Part 2 When he arrived, Clint found her in the WCA lab. She looked up as he entered and he flashed her a half hearted smile, just as her face brightened and she stood up. His facial expression changed to more of a frown when he saw her smile. In return, Bobbi's did as well. Many years together had taught the other what such expressions meant, even when most would not have noticed. After an awkward moment of silence, Bobbi spoke. 'Clint? What's wrong and don't tell me nothing.' "We need to talk Bobbi." The moment the words left his lips, he could already see her barriers going up. She responded in a way he expected. 'That's it then isn't it? ' Clint responded in a light but remorseful voice."Yes...but..." 'And you being the morally correct person you are Clint had to come and tell me in person.' 'You know you could have just sent me an email Clint but no..not you. You always were a gentleman." "I'm not feeling much like one..." Bobbi turned as she let her hand drift to her waist, yet her eyes told him how she was feeling. Bobbi cut him off again. "It's never easy Clint. How many times have we been down this road. How many fucking times?!?" Her voice broke up some and she turned around again. "You said it go...just leave me alone." Clint shook his head no and walked over beside her, closing down the screen to the laptop with his hand.  "No Bobbi...not this time. You're not going to do this to me again. I'm not always the one that screws up..not this time." Bobbi lifted her arms and crossed them across her chest but still would not turn to look at him. Clint took a deep breath and moved back from her laptop, then continued. "Stop pretending to be someone you're not Bobbi...the woman I..."Bobbi snapped back quick, cutting Clint off again. 'Is this where you tell me you love me Clint? That I am the only one for you and your soul mate? Your full of sh...' This time, Clint cut her off. "No. All I ever wanted was the woman I fell for..the one that came to me when I needed something to make me believe again. Damn it Bobbi! You proposed to me!" Clint stopped talking, his eyes tearing up again as he choked back his words. Bobbi in turn took the opportunity to talk again. 'Clint...we both know I wanted a divorce before I was kidnapped and drug off to that God-forbidden hellhole of a Skrullworld. When you were there when I got back...' Her voice cracked this time as she spoke. '..and you were there to hold tell me everything was going to be alright...I thought maybe...just maybe. Here was my knight in purple armor. I thought what the hell...maybe we were worth a second chance. I was wrong. You were wrong. We both changed and now it's time to move on...your right.' "It's ok Sport. I'm a big girl and I understand. I know you love me and I will always love you. We just don't work well together outside of a bedroom right now." Clint smirked this time, rubbing his thumbs against the top of her hands."Ditto Moxie....." Nothing else was said as their eyes met and their lips greeted each others in a soft kiss. Closure was what Clint wanted but what he found was something he lost that he valued the most in her, a woman that understood him the way he understood her. His best friend....closure. //Relationships come and go in life but the love for a true friend will always remain.//

Haruhi Fujioka

01/02/2012 02: PM 

The Keyblade Wielder

Name: Kuuron Nickname: Kuu-kun, Ron Gender: Male Age: 16 Birthday: August 19 Blood Type: A- Hair: orange Eyes: light orangeSkin: peachOrientation: Gay (seke) Status: single Occupation: keyblade wielder, student Family: N/A Favorites: adventure, spicy food Fears: N/AWeaknesses: N/A

Haruhi Fujioka

01/02/2012 02: PM 

The Model

Name: Toshiro Ikeda Nickname: (anything you can think of) Gender: Male Age: 20 Birthday: March 3 Blood Type: B- Hair: blonde w/ purple highlights Eyes: light purpleSkin: peachOrientation: Gay (seme) Status: single Occupation: Model Family: Akihiko Ikeda (father), Ami Ikeda (mother, deceased) Favorites: outdoors, spicy food, being with friends Fears: N/AWeaknesses: N/A

Haruhi Fujioka

01/02/2012 02: PM 

The Angel

Name: Skyler Engel Nickname: Skye Gender: Male Age: Looks to be around 16 Birthday: December 26 Blood Type: O Hair: light blond (looks white) Eyes: baby blueSkin: pale peachOrientation: Gay (pure uke) Status: single Occupation: Student Family: N/A Favorites: snow, sweets, helping others Fears: thunderstorms, spidersWeaknesses: N/A

Haruhi Fujioka

01/02/2012 02: PM 

The White Tiger Demon(s)

Name: Rai Yamazaki (human); Byakko (demon, means white tiger)Nickname: (anything you can think of) Gender: MaleAge: 18 (Actual 218)Birthday: Not telling Blood Type: AB+Hair: human form: jet black; demon form: white with black stripes Eyes: human form: dark crimson red; demon and complete form: blueSkin: human: pale peach; demon: white with black stripes; Complete form: Looks like a white tigerOrientation: Bi (seke)Status: singleOccupation: StudentFamily: Shizuko Yamazaki (younger sister); (parents deceased)Favorites: Skyler, the colors red and black, snow, BDSMFears: Skyler getting hurtWeaknesses: Skyler and ShizukoOther notes: Rai has two demon forms and his human form. One is where he looks like a human but has white hair with black stripes, ears, and tail. And his actual demon form where he looks like a white tiger. Name: Shizuko Yamazaki (human); Yukitora (demon, means snow tiger) Nickname: (anything you can think of) Gender: Female Age: 14 Birthday: Not telling Blood Type: AB+ Hair: human form: black; demon form: white Eyes: human form: black; demon form: blueSkin: human: pale peach; demon: pale peach, sometimes white with black stripes; complete form: looks like a whiter tiger cubOrientation: Bi Status: single Occupation: Student Family: Rai Yamazaki (older brother); (parents deceased) Favorites: snow, Rai, music, sweets, adventure Fears: complete darknessWeaknesses: N/A Other notes: Shizuko has two demon forms and her human form. One is where she looks like a human but has white hair, ears, and tail. And her actual demon form where she looks like a white tiger cub.

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