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Eranshahr *~ [Historical RPG]

02/06/2012 12:34 PM 

ERANSHAHR - Documentaries

THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - Conflicts with Rome THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - Creation and Evolution THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - Conflicts with Greece THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - Conquest of Alexander THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - Ancient Military Power THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - The City of Babylon THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - The Zarathustrian Religion THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - Ruling Dynasties Timeline

Eranshahr *~ [Historical RPG]

02/06/2012 09:35 PM 

ERANSHAHR - Affiliates (The List)

| HOME | <--- Back to CONTENTS || GROUP   ~* Affiliates Share Train *~ Historical Connections  ~*~ Imagine RP Magazine  ~*~ τwιsτεd ιron   ~*~ One Hundred Kingdoms RPG | GROUP | мagic яєigиs | GROUP |    

Eranshahr *~ [Historical RPG]

02/05/2012 05:46 PM 


| HOME | <--- Back to CONTENTS || GROUP   DOCUMENTARIES The Persian Empire, Babylon, Zoroastrianism and other   MOVIE Videos Trailers and clips from Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time   GAMES Videos Trailers and clips from the Prince of Persia Game Trilogy(The Sands of Time, Warrior Within, The Two Thrones)


02/03/2012 08:01 PM 

The Real Me.
Current mood:  adored

Hey there. I'm not one of those people who come on here, just for roleplaying (although, that's the main reason). I also come on here for meeting new people. Well, not really meeting them, since I probably wouldn't meet any of them. I'm not from where most people on here are. I live in a little country called Australia. Perhaps you've heard of it?I am a girl. Yes, a girl roleplaying as a gay boy. Got a problem with that? If you do, delete me. If not, then by all means, keep reading. On July 21st, I will in fact be 20. Yes, no longer a teenager. I'm not looking forward to that. I currently only work at my local McDonalds restaurant, but in a few weeks I hope to go back and study. In Australia we have this school called Tafe. I hope to go to that and study Child Care. I will then continue onto University and get a teaching degree. I want to become a primary school teacher. I will also write stories in my free time. I mainly write Glee or Harry Potter fan fictions, but I have a few originals I'm still writing. The best review I got on a fan fiction told me I have the talent to make up my own characters and publish a book. I always remember that when I'm having trouble believing in myself. I couldn't stop smiling when I read that review.My favourite show is obviously Glee. It's about the only show I watch. It's what helps me through when I'm feeling sad. My favourite book series is Harry Potter. If I had to go the rest of my life reading the one series it would be Harry Potter. I know what it's like getting bullied your whole life. I guess that's the best way I connect with Kurt. He held his head high through it all though. I didn't. There were a few times I cried at school. The only friends I had were ones that were two years younger than me. I spent my class time either doing classwork or writing. Back then I was into writing The Jonas Brothers stories. I would escape into their world instead of staying in mine. I guess that's why I only just graduated. If I had my chance to do it all again, I would study. I would have thrown myself into study instead of story writing. Sure, all those hours I spent in class writing, helped my writing develop, but didn't help my grades. In English I would hope for a writing assignment and when I finally got one, I was so happy. It was year 11 (second last year). I wrote 8 pages but my English teacher turned around and said I had to shorten it. It was too long. Back then I was better at writing longer stories than shorter. I wasn't sure how it turn out, but I had to. I can't remember the grade.Anyway, I think I've babbled on enough tonight. Message me if you want to know more :)

Real, Me.

The Unknown Shahbanu

02/02/2012 06:17 PM 

Maniya's Combat Style

Maniya uses her superior agility and flexibility in moves that are not very violent in nature. She does not attack her opponents with weapons, instead she prefers to use evasive tactics, to escape her aggressors and disarm them when necessary. She does not kill for pleasure and when needed she renders her opponents unconscious. Rarely she actually goes as far as killing them. As such, the modern fighting technique that bears the greatest resemblance to the sort of acrobatics that Maniya performs is Capoeira, inspired by old African practices. Technically this is not actually a fighting style but rather a game meant for pure entertainment, a form of dancing in many ways. ~ CAPOEIRA ~ The game: The game is marked by fluid acrobatic play, feints, subterfuge, and extensive use of groundwork, as well as sweeps and kicks. Throughout the game, a player must avoid a sweep, trip, or kick that may knock him or her on the floor. Less frequently-used techniques include elbow-strikes, slaps, punches, and body-throws. Capoeira does not focus on injuring the opponent! Rather, it emphasizes skill. Each attack that comes in gives players a chance to practice an evasive technique. The ginga (literally: "rocking back and forth; to swing") is the fundamental movement in capoeira. It is accomplished by maintaining both feet approximately shoulder-width apart and then moving one foot backwards and then back to the base, describing a triangular 'step' on the ground. This movement is done to prepare the body for other movements. The rest of the body is also involved in the ginga: coordination of the arms (in such a way as to prevent the body from being kicked), torso (many core muscles may be engaged depending on the player's style) and the leaning of the body (forward and back in relation to the position of the feet - the body leans back to avoid kicks, and forward to create opportunities to show attacks). ATTACKS: Capoeira primarily attacks with kicks, sweeps, and head strikes. Punches and hand strikes can also be used, but they are not as common. One probable explanation for the primary use of feet is the common West African belief that hands are for creation and feet for destruction. Elbow strikes are commonly used in place of hand strikes. Knee strikes are sometimes seen. Capoeira also uses acrobatic and athletic movements to maneuver around the opponent. Cartwheels, handstands, hand-spins, hand-springs, sitting movements, turns, jumps, flips, and large dodges are all very common in capoeira. Fakes and feints are also an extremely important element in capoeira games and the setting of "traps" or illusory movements are very common. DEFENSES: Capoeira defenses consist of evasive moves and rolls. A series of ducks called esquivas, which literally means "escape", are also staple of a capoeiristas' defensive vocabulary. There are typically different esquivas for every step of the Ginga, depending on the direction of the kick and intention of the defender. A common defense is the rol�, which is a rolling move that combines a duck and a low movement. This move allows the defensive player to quickly evade an attack and position themselves around the aggressor in order to lay up for an attack. It is this combination of attacks and defense which gives a game of capoeira its perceived 'fluidity' and choreography. Other evasive moves allow the capoeirista to move away or dangerously close in an attempt to trip up the aggressor in the briefest moment of vulnerability (usually in a mid-kick). The Wonders of Capoeira


01/26/2012 04: PM 

Krystal's Bakery and Florsist
Current mood:  adored

Uploaded with ImageShack.usKonnichiwa! Welcome to Krystal Bakery and Florsist shop !* she bow to them * Uploaded with ImageShack.usHave a seat as we have free WIFI and taste are wonderful  cookies , pies, cakes and pasterys as well as fresh muffin of all kinds .We have coffees , soda, and sort of drinks on the menu. On monday and friday if you get here really early I will have fresh out of the over all sorts of breads for sale and there are sample out of all of them.Uploaded with ImageShack.usUploaded with ImageShack.usIn my other shop I have fresh flowers for that love in your life .  Or I can send them to your room or anywhere you choice just come and pick what you like.Uploaded with ImageShack.usUploaded with ImageShack.usCome by and see me !


01/25/2012 12: PM 

Chance Barton bio

Chance Barton is the oldest son of Clint and Bobbi Barton, alias Hawkeye and Mockingbird of Avenger's fame. His conception was kept a secret by his parents to the other Avengers, except for the maid at the West Coast Avengers compound, Maria. Bobbi had planned for Maria to be her child's nanny; however a plot had been formed by Buck Chisholm, alias Trickshot to force Bobbi into losing the child by drugging her secretly.  In her fourth month, the unknown delivery of the drug into her body by Maria caused Bobbi to have a miscarriage. Emotionally distraught, the loss of the child inadvertently caused Clint and Bobbi to reconcile before both her and Clint seemingly died later. The child however was not dead and was secretly kept alive in an incubator by scientist of the Secret Society, an organization that Trickshot had ties to.  Chance was later legally adopted by Trickshot and raised as his own child without knowledge of his biological parents. Trickshot hoped that Chance had the same natural abilities as his father Hawkeye. Chance was brought up in the carney atmosphere and trained by Trickshot in the art of archery, just as his father had been as a youth and soon became a star attraction to the show. As he grew older though, he found out more of the real source of his "father's" financial wealth.  Following Trickshot into the ranks of the Secret Society, Chance found his niche as an operative within the organization and received additional training by Boomerang and Wyre. For the next several years Chance worked as a freelance bodyguard, assassin, and mercenary for well-paying clients. As time went on Trickshot was diagnosed with terminal cancer and that he only had a short time to live. Wanting to die a noble death, Trickshot sought out Clint, who had become a very accomplished archer and took the name Hawkeye. Trickshot wanted to set up a duel between him and Hawkeye in which Barton would win. Trickshot then went about luring Hawkeye to an island in Greece, and they fought but Hawkeye found he could not kill his old teacher. Instead the two made their peace and went their separate ways.  Later, Trickshot learned that Crossfire had put a bounty on Hawkeye's shooting arm and had hired a variety of criminals to attack him. At around the same time he received word that Trickshot's cancer had gone into remission. Wishing to help his former student, Trickshot assisted Hawkeye in taking out one faction of the Secret Empire and the act seemingly ended in Trickshots death. However, Buck had survived and after hearing of the event that caused Hawkeye's death in Manhattan, he decided to tell Chance the truth of his lineage.  Now, Chance has heard of sightings of his mother and father and their apparent resurrection and has joined the cause to bring Hawkeye to his knees. Trickshot however has fallen to cancer again and the young man is struggling with his responsibilities to which he should stand with. His real mother or the man who he calls his father, Trickshot. In any case, he wants Hawkeye to pay and will do anything to see this achieved.


01/23/2012 12: PM 

Rebuilding a Chance..

They say that change is imminent eventually, that only a select group of people can see within the depths of their souls and see where they need to be.  He wiped the sweat from his brow as he tilted his customized Harley motorcycle to one side and stepped off of it, making sure that it stood firmly on its stand. The light winter breeze blew his hair slightly as he looked forward at the building. No, it wasn't the one he called home but for this moment in time, it would have to do. There were too many memories to just let it all fade away from existence. His pops would have wanted it that way, even if his hard headed ass would have never admitted to it.  At least it's a start...  The young man thought to himself as he walked the sidewalk away from the parking lot and towards the door. A man met him halfway in a scarlet and black uniform and extended a hand his way in greeting. "How you doing Chance?" Chance lifted his arm and took the man's hand in his firmly, shaking it for a brief moment before releasing it. "I'm doing good Jeff. I see things are still moving along slowly but your holding the fort down."  The man shook his head up and down slightly before responding, letting his hand rest on his side. "Yes sir but we have to start somewhere. I'm just glad you called me to come help with this. "  Chance smiled before a slight frown appeared on his face and he lifted his hand up to tap the man on his shoulder lightly.  "It's the least I could do after what happened to your brother in New Texas Jeff. Your family has always been very dedicated to what my dad and Carlos stood for. I just hope we can bring it back to where it was one day. At least that way we'll know were trying, ya know?"  Chance sighed a bit and pulled back his hand from the man's shoulder. Clearing his throat, he continued.  "Everything starts with a dream though Jeff. Hell, you know that. You were here before and saw the good our parent's did. I just hope we can do the same."  The man showed Chance another slight nod and stood to the side, opening the door for him to enter. In return, the young walked inside as the door whished closed behind him. Letting out a light sigh, Chance's eyes teared up as he looked around the half finished complex, remembering what had happened just a few months earlier.  //"OCTOBER 12TH! Do YOU REMEMBER?!?" Chance pulled back his hand and slapped Clint across the face repeatedly, then reached for the crossbow perched on his upper leg while dropping his father's chin and standing up, execution style. Chance yelled out again, lifting the crossbow and directing its sights at his father. "DO YOU REMEMBER ME?!?" Clint eyes watered up when he heard the date. How could he not remember that date? It was the day that his first child would have been born had Bobbi not lost it. How did this man know that though....Unless he was telling the truth? Clint shook his head in disbelief and whispered softly through hurried breaths. "It can't be..." Chance forced his will, slowing time into almost a standstill as he moved. He could see the dart getting closer to him and then turned his head towards his father, pushing him out of the way with his hand. Chance spoke although his voiced seemed like it was in slow motion.  "Fooooooooouuuuuuurrrrr ssseeccccoooooonnnnndddddssss....saaaavvveeeee meeeeee daaaaaaaaaaadddd......Pleeeeeeaaaasssseeeee........."  Everything was in slow motion now and Clint seemed to be stuck in slow motion as well, yet his mind raced along at normal speed. He realized what was happening now; even as the dart hit Chance in his neck and the young man began his slow decent to the pavement. The device that Chance had placed on Clint's chest began to blink quickly, engulfing the archer in a bright white light. 4, 3, 2, 1...and Clint was gone. Lync screamed out, dropping the gun instinctively and reaching to catch Chance at the last possible instant in his arms, yet yelling out and still trying to reach Clint with his other outstretched hand.  "NOoooooooooOOOOOOOOoooOOooooo!"//  Chance stopped in his tracks, putting way the memories with a blink of his eyes. There were more important matters at hand.  The only parts of the building finished were the first floor level. A whisper escaped his lips as he looked at a photo on the wall, more of a symbol of the struggle of a past he wasn't there for.  "Four seconds...all you have to do is find what I left you...when you do dad, I'll have your dream waiting for you here...."


01/20/2012 04: PM 

The Order

  Status: TAKENCain Venatici has never exactly been the biggest fan of religion. I mean sure, he's an angel, but what does that really mean in the long run? In a world full of gods and goddesses, you'd think being an angel makes you important, makes you worthwhile. You'd think you'd get a certain amount of powers, or freedom, or feel extra special bursts of love and belonging. But the angels these days don't get that kind of power. They're not the heavenly hosts of bible lore or the fables of ancient fiction. They're merely the offspring of one of the planetary gods and a being from the silver millennium, created for no other special purpose than to train and protect the beloved creations that were the Celestials. Angels, after all, were created to be Watchers. They were powerful creatures that had the blood of gods and magic inside of them. Many were born, but only nine were chosen to be special, to live forever as long as they protected their precious Celestials. After all, only the 'right' angel could be a watcher. Their position was earned, not gifted. Many of the angels born wanted nothing more than to get the chance to be a Watcher. It was in their blood to desire that kind of life. They didn't want freedom and fairy wings. They wanted eternal servitude to nine girls who, for some reason, are better than them. Naturally, some angels rebelled against this idea. Cain was among the angels who disagreed. As he was raised, being trained and taught the ways of a watcher, he was always certain this was a pointless existence. He couldn't understand why the gods would gift their magic to normal humans when they could have passed it along to their own offspring. Instead, their actual children are only meant to serve the Celestial Beings that they chose. It felt like a shitty hand to be dealt, to have the blood of a god but all the power of a slave. Cain had a hard time dealing with this, and when it came time for the Celestials to be assigned guardians, he refused to participate. He stayed aside when the Celestials chose their protectors (Artemis, Luna, and Daphne among the ones being chosen). And when a small group of angels rebelled at their choices, thinking they had been overlooked, Cain joined them. He didn't particularly share their beliefs, but he was dedicated enough to feel he got cheated out of a good destiny. He envied the Celestials. He judged the gods for their choices. He pitied the other angels for their eagerness to serve, and enjoyed the idea of making his opinions known with the rest of the angels. He was all too eager to separate from those living in the Silver Millennium, to forge his own destiny in a world separate from Celestials. Now, he's not a bad person. He didn't support the demons when they attacked the Celestials. He didn't necessarily fight against them though, and that's where the line is drawn. He simply doesn't support the creation of the Celestials! He resents the gods and goddesses for creating them, and blames most of the problems that arrived in that Silver Millennium on them and their precious solar children. When the Celestials originally Fell and humankind took refuge on Earth, Cain saw it as an opportunity to set things right. He sought after balance, after fairness and equality. From this, he created the Order. One creature from each species, demonic or angelic or otherwise, would join and take part in this balancing act. They'd watch over the earth itself, assuring that things happen as they're supposed to happen... that the balance is kept. Over centuries, his little 'equality' club gained members. As they gained members, they gained power. In a way, they became such a force in the universe only because they believed themselves to be that powerful. And they are that powerful. They can exist in any dimension, see anything that could ever happen or ever will. They are ageless and timeless and can't be killed. Cain is pleased to be apart of it. He's less pleased that the Celestials were reincarnated, and that in the short time they've spent on Earth, they already managed to screw things up. But he's dedicated to fixing it, no matter what the cost. Even if it means ingratiating himself to the very beings he's resented his entire life. 1. AMY DAVIDSON: In a world where people live their lives based on religion, Cain found that teaching the subject was rather easy. Most people believed the things Cain knew to be true, and simply nodded and took notes as he spoke. Not Amy Davidson, though. She makes it clear that she doesn't agree with everything Cain says, and she doesn't hesitate to let him know as much. She challenges some 'theories' and practically disproves others. She is at the top of Cain's class, but isn't one to gloat as much. Regardless of her own beliefs, Amy still pays attention to Cain's lectures, and passes all of his tests with flying colors. She is the most beautiful in the class, and she has the angel's attention. There is only one thing wrong with Amy Davidson, and that is that she's a celestial. The Daughter of Mercury, to be more exact. Cain's resentment for her kind made his feelings for her difficult to admit. After only a few non student-like conversations, Cain figured out that Amy agrees with him. She doesn't think she deserves the role she was given to her, and is trying to figure out why it was. The truth is that more Cain discovers about Amy, the more his feelings grow for her. These feelings often trouble him, but he isn't ignoring them. 2. BASTIAN KORONIS: The demon representative of The Order, Cain's successor, is one of the most notoriously evil demons in Earth's history. Upon Bastian's arrival into the fold, he already had one very large strike against him. Cain knows things, knows of who Bastian was prior to being here. What baffles Cain is that Bastian himself doesn't seem to have a clue about who he really is, or was. No matter, Cain isn't saying a word about it. He was fine with watching Bastian fail the Trials of The Order. That was, until Bastian didn't fail. He showed some qualities no one thought he possessed, and came through the Trials. Not unscathed, but successful nonetheless. Cain still doesn't like Bastian, and probably never will. That's okay, because he doesn't have to like him. He just has to make sure Bastian does what he's supposed to. So far, the demon has been the model member. There's a small amount of respect for Bastian from Cain, but it can easily wiped out. All Bastian has to do is give Cain a reason. All he has to do is screw up, one time. 3. EDGAR CROWE: If someone were to ask you who your best friend was, and you replied 'Death', what do you suppose their reaction would be? Well, if you ask that of Cain, you'll find out. What's even more unbelievable is that it's true. Cain and Edgar go back, way back. Back to the beginning of mundiekind, and to the origin of The Order. Without Edgar, Cain's idea may never have happened. The Order might not even exist. But, it does exist, and these two are the ones who made it happen. They've seen member after member of the Order, chosen many of them themselves. Cain respects Edgar, and has known him for so long that he feels like family. Cain isn't much for the family idea, but if he had to dub someone his brother, Edgar would fit the bill. They're complete opposites, but that doesn't seem to matter after so long. The Order is forever, as are the Angel and Death. They will see many more centuries together. At least, that's what Cain believes. What he doesn't notice, is that his growing relationship with that celestial could change everything. Forever.4. JOANNA WATTS: Cain may resent the Celestials and judge the gods for their decisions, but there's one thing he absolutely can't stand... and that is a regular person playing at being extraordinary enough to defy nature. Joanna Watts isn't just playing god with her patients. She's playing Death. The last time Cain checked, that was Death's job, and he's very much still in charge. With Joanna fucking with the natural order of things... not saving people who were meant to live, the issue becomes a serious one. Cain doesn't know how Edgar hasn't been paying attention to Joanna, and worries it may be a sign that his friend is slipping, or if Edgar's dominion over death is slipping. Joanna's already killed one man who wasn't supposed to die and Edgar didn't notice. Cain's taking it upon himself to investigate the situation entirely. Maybe there's something special about Joanna that allows her to play god? And if there is... what will Cain do with that information?5. TRISTA WYZEN: Cain was glad when Trista died. Don't take that the wrong way, of course. Cain resents Celestials, but he doesn't hate them. He'd much rather them not have been given power in the first place. He's sure he would have liked them fine if they were just normal girls who served the real children of the gods. But that's besides the point. Cain was glad that Trista, out of all the Celestials, died, simply because she was the one who seemed most deserving of her power. She was sent in solitude to guard the Door of Time, and she stayed there for an eternity. She's not a helpless child like the reincarnated Celestials, and with age comes Cain's respect. It's strange that she resents him, blaming him for forcing her into the Order in the first place. And it's true: Cain needed a Celestail on the order. But that doesn't necessarily mean that he arranged for one of them to die, right? That wouldn't be in keeping with the natural balance of things, right? It couldn't possibly be true. ...right?6. DARIEN SHIELDS: Cain Venatici remembers Darien... but that's not something he's going to go blurting out right away, anytime soon. He has to keep his cover up with Amy, for one thing. As much as he'd like to reunite with his old friend, the risks of what might happen as a result are far too great. Cain doesn't want that sort of change just yet, and believes it's for the better if Darien stays in the dark about his past life. Still, the kindness they shared back then makes Cain eager to strike up another friendship with him. A Darien without memories is the ideal friend to a Cain with memories, after all. But what's supposed to happen when Darien starts remembering on his own? Cain won't lie to him, but the consequences are clearly dire. Will he be able to talk his old friend down, or will Cain's own existence become that much more complicated? 7. MADDIE FOSTER:Maddie Foster is, at this point and time, completely inconsequential to Cain. He doesn't know her, hasn't met her, hasn't even heard of her. But the closer he gets to Amy means the closer he's going to get to Maddie... Maddie, the girl who can see auras and identify a supernatural creature from miles away. It could get messy if Maddie were to recognize Cain as something more than human, and then, she may expose the Order in its entirety. This is something that Cain's not going to be too pleased about... but for right now, he's much more concerned with operations within the Order to care about some girl outside of it. And when the time comes, that's what's going to be his problem. Status: TAKENYou'd think existing outside of time would have been a strange experience for a girl who's always looked so young and timelessly beautiful. It wasn't hard for Trista though. It seemed to happen naturally for her for so long. She lived under the impression that she would never age... never die... basically she thought she would continue existing until the end of time. She was chosen during the Silver Millenium to guard the gate of time from unwelcome visitors, and for what felt like an eternity, that's where she stayed. She stood guard and did absolutely nothing else. Once in a blue moon she had the opportunity to stop a rogue time traveler, but those opportunities were few and far between. She fought off loneliness with the idea that what she was doing was vitally important in the protection of the universe. But it did get quite boring from time to time... what was the point of living forever if you weren't allowed to live? Trista never quite acknowledged her boredom or loneliness. Time passed differently for her at the Door of Time, it passed quickly in her little bubble. She became quite intelligent from watching over the earth, picking up bits of information from the different time travelers who occasionally passed through. She's met people from the past and from the future, and there's always something to learn from all of them. It was a fine existence that Trista had few complaints over... until the arrival of Noelani Star. The small blonde girl from the future came crashing through the Door of Time, and suddenly the entire system goes haywire. The Door, the very Door that Trista was destined to protect, suddenly disappeared. Trista's bubble of non-time was shattered, and she was sent stumbling into real life completely unprepared and unaware. Existing at a distance from the rest of the world had made her quiet, pure, almost ethereal in the way she spoke, and she simply wasn't ready for the fast, loud, and dirty life in New York City. She was thought of as something 'more than human', even by the mundies, in the way she moved and carried herself. She was always warm and kindhearted, and so beautiful in appearance and spirit, that it made no sense for her to be real. In spite of this, Trista was always unsure about herself. She never knew how to interact with people normally, nor had she ever experienced love, loss, or longing. She had only seem demons from afar, usually when blocking them entrance from the Door, so she was uncertain of how to handle them. But over time, Trista began to prove herself. In an incident with a mundie burglar, she was able to help Serena and Noelani by advancing her own ability to interfere with time. She slowed down a bullet, allowing Noelani to move to safety. She then saved Noelani again when the girl began to disappear, due to her past parents suddenly losing romantic interest in each other. Then, most importantly, when it came to saving Luna's life, she was able to time travel to distant times and back in order to properly save the dying cat. She fought well in the Battle of the Rock, and slowly found herself becoming quite, quite human. She had human emotions, human ties. She even started to like fast food and slushies and frisbees and tetris. Regardless of this, mundies would continue to think of her as an angel. The other Celestials would view her as a Goddess. ...The Order, however, viewed her as their newest recruit. Once Seth Leviathan snapped her neck, the Order made plans to invite her into their folds. Five years ago, before Trista had been brought to Earth, the choice might have been simple. The Order was not an organization approved upon by the gods and goddesses who appointed her at the Door of Time. There was no precedence for such a group, and to join it would be going against her destiny. But back then, Trista was different. She was separate. She had no real desire to continue living, simply because she had no real reason to continue to live. She had no Earthly connections. No people she wanted to keep seeing and to keep thinking about. This was before she met Leon Balfour and fell in love. Before she met Noelani Star and learned friendship. This was before she came to Earth and learned all of the beautiful and wonderful things that came along with living. If Edgar Crowe is to approach her and make a choice... it's not going to be as easy. The desire to stay living is strong, but Trista may be missing the point. Joining the Order and living forever has one massive catch... you are supposed to reject your entire history and operate as nothing other than an unbiased voice for your species. So how can one be unbiased when they still had Earthly connections? If Trista was to continue living for Leon and for Noelani and for Michelle and for all of the people that touched her life... she's going to have to turn away from them entirely and revert to her distant self... the one who sat at the Door of Time for ages and ages, alone and separate from everything that made living worthwhile. Now that she's seen the other side, will she be willing to give it up? And if she doesn't give it up, doesn't that mean she's giving it up anyway? Just how desperate is Trista Wyzen willing to stay on Earth? Is she the type to play the martyr, suffering in silence if it only meant that she'd be able to go on living with the knowledge that the ones she loved are doing so as well? If she couldn't interfere with Order business if it meant saving their lives, would she be able to stand back and watch? Trista had suffered an eternity of standing back and watching, and she was finally ready to join the crowd only to have her life snuffed out as quickly and as the snapping of fingers. It's only a matter of time before she's forced to witness exactly how much a life is worth after the rest has been taken from her. And if that happens, exactly how much will she be willing to pay to keep it?1. LEON BALFOUR: Leon Balfour was one of those 'rogue' time travelers that she was forced to track down. Ever since he stole that time machine from his friend, he went to a lot of different time periods without asking permission from the Guardian of Time. Occasionally, he'd even mess with the natural order of events, causing a disturbance in the progression of time. Trista would time and again try and track him down, but he always eluded her. Still, after a while, she began to look forward to his mischievous adventures... it was the only time she was ever permitted to actually go to Earth and interact. Plus, Leon was... well, interesting. He provided entertainment when there was none to have. Their relationship grew romantic very quickly and existed with a fierce intensity Trista could barely understand. When she crashed to Earth, Leon was there to help her with the transition. When she fought her battles, Leon was there to support her. And when she died....? Leon wasn't there. He formed the largest part of her life, took place in the largest part of her heart, and she wasn't able to say goodbye to him. It hurts her every day to think that she's still alive and is required not only to stay away from him, but to make sure he doesn't know she's still alive. She feels guilty watching him mourn, but then again, she's mourning herself as well. She's mourning a lot of things... especially the death of her relationship with Leon. She will always love him. Forever. Nothing can ever change that, even if death has separated them. She will love him beyond the grave if she has to. 2. PATRICK TEAGUE: Trick voted against having Trista in the Order, mainly because he didn't believe 'Celestials' to be important enough to have their own species representative. There's only nine of them, anyway (or, eight, now that Trista is officially 'dead'). How does 'nine' make a species? It is for that reason and that reason only that Trick's position as boss of Trista fell to someone else, someone who actually voted her in. But that doesn't stop Trick from trying to boss her around. Trista's not having it though... she knows the way command structure works, and understands that she needs to take Orders from Bastian. Just because Trick is friends with Bastian doesn't give him any authority to order her around too. Still, Trick always manages to sneak in a few worthy lessons on how to survive within the Order. After a while, she learns to listen to him. He gives advice on the trials, something Bastian is completely silent about. He also gives her advice on what to do with her own emotions towards the still-living. Somehow, Trick and Trista are becoming friends in a very strange sort of way. It's hard to make friends in the Order though, so it's best they stick together.   3. MICHELLE TERRA: Michelle Terra was Trista's best and closest friend when she was still alive. They understood each other, through and through, which is not something that she could apply to the other girls. They were all wonderful, yes, but they were also given the chance to actually live. They didn't have a separate existence before, like Trista with her Time Door. Only Michelle seemed to understand how that felt... being kept at a distance, watching life, but never experiencing it for yourself. They came to depend on one another, which was nice, being that for so long it had only been Amara and Michelle. Slowly, Trista was getting them to open to the others... and it was supposed to be in the act of getting all Celestials closer together than ever before. Now that Trista is dead, that dream will never be recognized. She misses her best friend, misses the life she used to leave. Michelle needs to mourn and move on just like Leon. But what's supposed to happen when Michelle's own abilities lead her to believe that Trista is not dead. Michelle may even try to do something that could get her killed to rescue her, as she has done in the past with Amara. Trista is worried, and doesn't want her friend to do something stupid if only for her sake. 4. CAIN VENATICI: It's a very normal reaction for someone to react badly to the news that they're dead. It was Cain who came to make the offer to Trista's newly deceased soul. She met him with denial, at first. She didn't believe him, couldn't believe that the body on the ground with the snapped spinal cord was hers. But Cain was persistent in insisting it was. Trista naturally hated him for him, and reacted with quite a bit of anger and annoyance. When Cain told her what he was offering, Trista tried bargaining with him. Let her life, let her keep living, and she'll do anything. But that desperation got her nowhere. The deal he offered was non negotiable. Life, for eternal membership in The Order. The next stage of grief she experienced was flat out depression. It's a stage she still finds herself in now, and it's usually all directed at Cain. Cain, after all, is the cause of all her woes. Though it was Death who allowed her to keep living, it was Cain who confined her to The Order. It was Cain who gave her the rules to sever connections with her old life. All of it was Cain's fault, and she absolutely hates him for it. Cain seems to be waiting for the day that Trista wakes up and reaches the 'acceptance' stage of grief, where she's going to magically wake up and feel grateful towards him for saving her... but Trista doesn't see it ever happening.5. RENEE STAR: Noelani was Trista's watcher, but in many ways, Trista was Noelani's watcher as well. They seemed to sort of take care of one another. Noelani was younger than the others and seemed to need more guidance. Plus, Trista was the only one who knew the truth behind her origins, and that sort of thing put a lot of pressure on the girl. Trista even saved her life once, when Noelani started disappearing and needed to weirdly and grossly get her parents to love each other again. Trista was also the only one to notice Noelani's downward spiral. She was also the cause of Noelani's transformation into a demon who took the name of Renee. When Trista died, Noelani simply gave up the idea of being good. She spontaneously found herself a demon, and Trista is unable to do anything about it. She wants too... oh, how she wants to... but it's totally against the rules, according to Cain (yet another reason for her to hate him). She can't stand the idea that she's so helpless... she can't even warn anyone that Renee needs help. It's almost worth breaking the rules for, if only it means Renee is saved....6. GIDEON ALISTERE: Trista's only met Gideon a handful of times; and most of them have been in a future that ended up never happening. The one time she has met him in the presence left her feeling nothing but confusion. The way he looked at her was definitely not the way a demon would look at a celestial he wanted to kill. It looked very similar to the way a man would look at a woman he wanted to love. He even stopped attacking Amy and Andrew to stare at her. It made her feel strangely uncomfortable, and she immediately high tailed it out of there with Amy and Andrew in tow. And that's all they wrote about Gideon and Trista... but there's a lot of potential there that Trista isn't even aware of. Potential of which the other members of the Order are well aware. And when the time comes, it may be time for Trista and Gideon to meet again. And who knows what's going to happen then... ?7. BASTIAN KORONIS:One of the most notorious demons in history is Trista's new mentor. Her boss. Trista never had the pleasure of taking Bastian on herself, which isn't something she's too disappointed about. She remembers the stories of what Bastian did to Mina, Artemis, Raye, and a couple others. Bastian's wrath, from what Trista understands, is something to be fearful of. Except, not really. Not so far, anyway. Bastian has been surprisingly supportive, and encouraging. He won't reveal what the Trials of The Order are, but he continuously reassures her that she will succeed. She's been told that Bastian voted for her induction into The Order, along with some others. In a way, Bastian Koronis played a part in saving her life. Trista is grateful, but she's no fool. She knows Bastian is still a demon, and like they say; Once a bastard, always a bastard. Status: TAKENMemory is a funny thing. Some people think the type of person you'll become is written in your DNA, inscribed in little cells and chemicals that tell you to be you. They say personality is merely a factor of those cells and chemicals, that the neural impulses in your brain are what dictates your behavior. If that's the case, than what we experience in life from our births to our deaths do not affect us. Whether we grow up rich or poor, good or evil... none of it matters. Our DNA will still strive to force us along a predetermined path of personality, and there's nothing we can do about it. Where then, comes the importance of memory. If it's not the experiences and events of our trivial lives, what part does memory play? Does it try to mold us away from what we were meant to be? And what happens when it's taken away? Do we still act on what we would have remembered, or does our DNA take the reigns? In truth, it's a mystery. What happens to Hunter Wellington is going to be a mystery. If badness was inscribed in his DNA, is he going to turn out bad, even if he has no memory of who he was? You see, Hunter Wellington woke up on the docks, knowing only three things. One, he was naked. Two, he was in a hell of a lot of pain. And three? There was a young girl staring at him, telling him he was going to be okay. It was an important assurance, considering Hunter didn't even know his own name, let alone how he came to be naked and wet in the south side of New York City. Hunter might not even be his name, actually. It was given to him in honor of the rain boots the young girl was wearing. She did something, something she refused to tell him, but whatever it was left her under the impression that she saved him. And well, she kinda did. Hunter would have been lost forever if it weren't for Molly Marshal, and maybe the whole world would have been better off. Instead, the girl took him home, and her and her mother Caitlyn took him in as their friendly amnesiac guest. It's confusing being around people you don't know, when you don't even know yourself. Hunter doesn't talk much, and is pretty shy around people these days. He's becoming heavily dependent upon Molly and Caitlyn, if only because he literally has no one else. They're good to him, feeding him, giving him clothes and a place to live. He can't really explain why the food doesn't satisfy him or the clothes don't suit him or he feels too exposed in the house with a lot of windows. It doesn't take long for Hunter to discover he was a vampire, or that Molly had been covering for him from the very beginning. And once that cats out of the bag, life starts getting even more difficult. Starting from a clean slate is one thing. Starting from a clean slate when you're already a creature of darkness? It's a little disconcerting. Is he supposed to be evil now? If he drinks blood, is he supposed to kill too? If Molly wasn't consistently providing him with blood bags, would he try and kill her? He doesn't really know, and it's something he wants to find out. It all comes down to that age old question. Who are we? What makes us who we are? And Hunter is on that search, trying to figure it out. He doesn't feel evil, but does that mean anything if he still has evil urges? And why are people constantly seeking him out, trying to convince him he's apart of something called 'the order'? There are a lot of existential questions swarming in his mind these days, and that may make him a bit of a wild card when it comes to predicting danger. But in all honesty, it would be worse for us all if he ever figures out who he is... who he really is. Because if DNA determines personality, he wouldn't even factor on the scale. Because Hunter wasn't born; he was made. Because Hunter Wellington is not Hunter Wellington at all.... but a psychotic hunter created by Morgan Chrysoberyl to be the absolute and perfect killing machine. Hunter Wellington is, after all, Malachite Feldspar... and Malachite Feldspar has a lot to be angry for. If his memory returns to him, who knows what havoc he'll unleash on everyone, mundies, celestials, and watchers alike. He's got personal grudges with a lot of people, and more than enough reasons to seek revenge. No one killed him, after all. They did something worse... staking him, paralyzing him, then tossing him in chains and dropping him to the bottom of the river, where he was left starving and decomposing for four years. He may be back with no memory, but he's still back, and it's only a matter of time before something awful happens. And gods help us if he ever gets that memory back.... 1. ZOISITE CARNELIANS: One day, there was a pretty redhead fighting with a blond. It angered Hunter, beyond anything he's ever felt before. Well, from what he can actually remember what he's felt. What's confusing to Hunter is, why this girl? Why did he feel like he wanted to swoop in and grab her, while slashing the blonde's throat? The feelings came from nowhere, and but were so strong that Hunter found it difficult to ignore them. He isn't seeking the redhead out, but a large part of him hopes to see her again. He can't help but be curious about his feelings, and the girl who caused them. Of course, it might be better if they don't cross paths, for everyone. Malachite Feldspar and Zoisite Carnelians, back together again? Moon Goddess help us all...2. CAITLYN MARSHAL: Hunter doesn't really know much. He knows what he is, he knows people are after him for something, and he knows that Caitlyn Marshal has been his savior. Her and her daughter have kept him alive, without judgement. They've been by his side since being pulled from the ocean, and he couldn't be more in debt. He sometimes feels guilty for lying to her and hiding his vampiric nature from her... she seems like someone who would maybe understand. But Molly made him swear not to tell, and Hunter is happy to oblige. He doesn't want to risk his newfound home... he's happy he's in debt to Caitlyn, as opposed to someone else. He'd be a liar if he said he didn't feel oddly attached to her. He can't help it. There is something about Caitlyn that Hunter couldn't begin to pinpoint. There is something old, wise, and familiar. He feels oddly safe in her presence, and does his best to return the favor.  3. BENEDIKT KREED: Hunter is a vampire, and apparently werewolves exist too. Hunter might not believe it, if it wasn't for the fact that there was one tailing him. Almost everywhere he goes, Hunter sees a man that smells like a beast. If it wasn't for that demon, Hunter would probably have been caught by now. He has no idea what the werewolf wants, but he does know his name. Ben. The demon has warned Hunter that the werewolf is up to no good. He's told Hunter that the werewolf wants him to be someone he's not, that he's taking advantage of a vampire who's lost his memories. The demon seems pretty cool, and the werewolf smells bad, so Hunter believes it for now. But there are things... Things Ben has said, and Hunter is beginning to ask more questions. How long before Hunter decides to stop running, and hear the werewolf out?4. MOLLY MARSHAL: Molly Marshal is the young girl who rescued Hunter from his horrific capture in the Hudson river. She is also the girl who provided his first healing meal, as well as every other bloody meal since. Hunter isn't sure how the young girl came to know he was a vampire, but he's incredibly grateful to her. Without her, who knows where he'd be? Probably still rotting on the side of the river. But he still finds her slightly strange... by every right she should be afraid of him, and yet anything he does that is even remotely demonic is something that really excites her. Sometimes he worries for her safety, and wants to protect her. After all, Hunter owes Molly his life. She deserves to have hers protected, and if she's going to constantly endanger herself, Hunter is going to have to stick around.5. BASTIAN KORONIS: Hunter doesn't know much about Bastian Koronis. He knows he's a demon, and that he has a strange habit of showing up whenever that werewolf is on his trail. Bastian seems helpful, but Hunter can't ditch this gnawing feeling. Deep down, Hunter doesn't trust Bastian. He wants to, since the demon has been nothing but seemingly helpful. Still, there's something Hunter can't quite put his finger on, and whatever it is can't be good. There's a dark feeling that accompanies Bastian whenever he's around. The demon seems to know a little bit about Hunter, like his being a vampire. He also seems to know exactly how to avoid Benedikt Kreed whenever he's around. Still, there's definitely something Bastian isn't telling Hunter. Something the demon is keeping from him. Hunter accepts Bastian's help, for the time being. However, Hunter can't help but feel that Bastian might not really be helping him at all.6. CADE TOURMALINE: Hunter Wellington meets Cade when on an outing with Molly to a blood bank. Cade seemed quite startled to see him, and to see him in the presence of a Mundie, but Hunter hasn't had a chance to figure out why. He knows Cade knows something about his past, and Hunter is completely desperate to find out what it is. Cade is his only viable link... the werewolf who's stalking him may know something, but the demon who's been helping him has always steered him away. Cade is the only one who seems to know something... so Hunter is going to seek him out and try to find the truth. But what if Cade's not so willing to share? 7. MINA MARIANI:Hunter Wellington doesn't know who the blonde girl is. He saw her from a distance once, in an heated argument with the red-headed woman. They were shouting at one another, when she decided to shove the red-headed woman to the ground. This sight was the first time Hunter felt fury, pure unadulterated fury. He can't understand why he nearly lost it when he saw a stranger push another stranger, but it's something he feels entirely strongly about. He tells Molly of his rage and she does her best to quell it, but it's hard to disappear entirely. He hopes he doesn't have to see too much of her, because he knows it's only going to trigger something worse. And if that ever happens, both of them will certainly be left unhappy. Of course, Mina would likely be dead, and Hunter merely guilty for making her so... but we'll let you decide what's worse. Status: TAKENOn the surface, Edgar Crowe is everything you'd want in a man. He's charming, he's smooth, he's rich, and he's incredibly, incredibly successful. He doesn't drink and he doesn't smoke. He doesn't have a vice for prostitutes. He wears fine Italian suits and makes charmingly witty jokes about them. He goes to work every day at the United Nations Building, and you're certain he's doing good negotiating peace all the while earning a ridiculously large paycheck. These are all things you would expect if you knew Edgar Crowe. But believe it or not, if you'd expect those things... you'd be a whole lot of wrong. Some may even say 'dead wrong'. After all, Edgar Crowe succeeds where all others fail. He strikes fear in the heart of everyone, whether they know him or not. You see, Edgar Crowe is a being that transcends race or species. He's not a white man or a humanoid demon or anything that could be classified in purely mortal terms. He looks human, but that's only because he chooses to look human. In actuality, he's far beyond that. He's beyond the living, and even beyond the dead. Edgar Crowe is simply Edgar Crowe. Or, as some might call him, Death. Yep, the Death. He doesn't just manage death, he creates it. He's in charge of determining who lives and who dies, and he's very good at his job, even though it may seem a little crass to some people. When he chooses someone who needs to die, he writes that name on a post-it note and passes it along to someone who works for him, and they see that the soul moves on. It's actually a very cushy job, and he didn't have to do too much to else... but Edgar had never been satisfied with doing the bare minimum requirement. He's turned his natural born job into a business; The Business of Death. Edgar earned himself the title of a 'Night Mayor' when he established a real and functioning company operating on the forty-second floor of the UN building in New York City... the very same place The Order sets up shop. Edgar joined together with Cain Venatici at the beginning of mankind to create the Order, actually, and definitely likes reminding him that without him, the actual Order itself wouldn't be possible. It was Edgar's idea that the beings who represented their species needed to be dead and beyond all outside bias. Once dead and free of mortal connections, they'd be able to fairly speak for their race without judgement. And with Edgar, master of souls, on the team, this is made possible. He's able to take a worthy soul from a dead body before it moves on, and then he asks them to join. Sometimes they say no, and Edgar shrugs and let's them move on to the Dead Zone (the afterlife). Sometimes they say yes, join the team, and ultimately prove themselves unworthy. It's Edgar who 'fires' them by sending them directly back to the Dead Zone. The Dead Zone itself is not something Edgar knows anything about, but it's something that is on his mind all the time. Being Death, it's a pain in the bum (Edgar finds swearing inappropriate) to not know what it's like on the other side. He's damned to eternally walk among the living, separate, distant, .... stuck. But hey, he's made the best of it. He's got fine handmade Italian suits, a fancy office on the 42nd floor, and a position on the most powerful council in mortal history. He's all about keeping the balance, maintaining the levels between good and evil, the living and the dead. Of course, he's definitely not above using his power to set up your death if you piss him off. But hey, not many people get him angry. He's very even-tempered, at least on the surface. He's not the kind of person to let others see his frustration. He manages quite a bit of the underworld, without any of it's participants knowing anything about him. He keeps an eye on just about everything the Celestials do, to make sure they're on schedule. He scrutinizes every decision made in the Underworld so he knows what they're up to. He's participated in plenty of cover-ups that not anyone is aware of, and has a mean skill when it comes to it. The power Edgar has over.. sometimes alarming. It's no surprise just about everyone fears him on instinct, even though it might seem that he's such a friendly guy with nothing to fear about him. He's got a great sense of humor and a charming personality that should warm you to him immediately. He hates disorganization, apple products, and sand, and he won't hesitate to tell you otherwise. He's simply a likable guy, that just so happens to be the master of Death. But with everything that happened in the past five years, and the event that sparked it all (The destruction of the rock), things in Edgar's life are ceasing to operate smoothly, and that's the only thing he ever cared about. It's time he and the rest of the Order stepped in to right whatever the celestials and demons screwed up. It's his job, after all, and Edgar Crowe is ready to do it with a smile. You'll remember that smile as he rips your soul from your body and sends you on to the Dead Zone. Let's just hope it happens before humanity disappears as a whole. 1. DAPHNE IAPETUS: Edgar has waited along time for a liaison of the likes of Daphne Iapetus. It's always good to have business connections, but he never expected to get lucky enough to make one with the editor of a newspaper. When working on a handful of cover ups, she's the first person to have a strong position of power to do it convincingly. And Daphne herself seems incredibly eager to play ball. He's not sure if she's doing it because she's a demon and the head of the underworld wants her to, or if because she's simply enjoying the idea of a challenge. Whatever it is, Edgar is pleased to be working with her. And he's not going to lie... using a human form comes with a certain amount of human desires, and he's not beyond appeasing them. Daphne is pleasing to look at, more so than most mortal creatures, demon or not. Their relationship may be professional, but every professional relationship has perks. The ones with Daphne Iapetus just happen to be more interesting than others.2. RYAN HARPER: Ryan Harper was one of Edgar Crowe's greatest ideas. You see, he had a body sitting in a hospital without a soul for quite some time. He never expected the parents to keep the body of their child alive so long. When Alexandra Vanderbilt was murdered, Edgar saw an amusing opportunity to avoid wasting a good soul. So he plopped the soul of Alex into Ryan and had a jolly good time watching what happened next. Alexandra now owes Edgar a pretty huge favor. He bought her life, after all. He didn't have to give her a lucky break... no one ever gets those (in a Death-sanctioned way). So he's been waiting for the moment to call and collect on that favor. That time is now. He's arranged things so that Ryan shows up in New York exactly when he wants her... there's been an influx of runaway souls lately, and Edgar needs someone to help with the collection. He needs a new reaper, and Ryan meets all the qualifications. Now if only she'd stop refusing to help him, things would go a whole lot more smoothly.  3. CAIN VENATICI: Edgar Crow is as old as mankind, maybe even older. Some might think that his years would put him above any mundane ideal, especially one such as 'best friends'. To know Cain and Edgar, is to know otherwise. They have known each other longer than any other in The Order, and their bond is unbreakable. Or so Edgar thought it was. It seems that his long time friend, and business partner, is straying from his path. The path that mirror's Edgar own, as it is a path they have both agreed on for centuries now. What's changing Edgar's long time friend? None other than a celestial. The very thing Cain, long ago, sought out to hate. The very being, along with her seven friends, that are the cause for their presence to begin with. This news is unsettling to Edgar, and he hopes that Cain will turn things back around. The last thing Edgar wants to do is replace the Angel in The Order. That doesn't mean that he won't do it, and he hopes that that realization will help put Cain back on the right path.4. LUNA ZERU: Luna Zeru was a mistake. A failure. A change beyond Edgar's control. So naturally, Edgar is completely and entirely annoyed. You see, Luna was always meant to die. It was simply her time, no matter what the Time Traveling Celestial and the loyal watchdog Watcher wanted to believe. Edgar signed her death warrant personally. Maybe they thought Death wouldn't notice because the Time Travel wiped it out... but Edgar noticed. Edgar notices everything. Luna's soul is now dark and mangled, an expired soul caught in a living being. It's a nasty thing and almost impossible to get rid of, ... but if it's left untreated, it's going to cause some serious havoc. Edgar hasn't faced a dead soul in a while, and he knows it's a tricky process. Simply 'killing' Luna's mortal self won't succeed. He needs to kill all of her in every timeline and dimension, and that's not something that's so easy to do. Especially not now, with everything else exploding before his face. But Edgar knows he has to do it. Luna is living on borrowed time, and not going to be long before the meter finally runs out. 5. ASHER WOODS: Let's just bring this up right now. Edgar knows. Asher has been spending an eternity selfishly gloating over the fact that he had a plan that Edgar wasn't aware of. But believe it or not, Edgar knows very well Asher's secret desire to wipe out the human population. And you know what? He doesn't give a flying fuck. Edgar is a lot smarter than Asher, who Edgar believes is far too cowardly and ineffectual to ever truly pull off genocide. He's like a baby mewling for attention whenever he tries to sneak away on one of his 'secret missions to destroy the world'. It succeeds in making Edgar only roll his eyes. A long time ago, when discussing their new member, Cain and Edgar came to the conclusion that Asher was harmless... so Edgar is treating him as such. For a bit of run, he continues giving him errands he knows Asher won't like, like lying or working with a Celestial, just because it makes him laugh to see Edgar doing something he doesn't want to. Asher mistakenly assumes that his indirect falsehoods give him power, but they only make him more transparent than ever... and really, how could you take a person like that seriously? 6. DONOVAN GALLOWS: Donovan Gallows is a runaway, plan and simple. He's not mangled or dark or trapped in a human body... he's just a soul that's trying to avoid being caught at all costs. Runaways tend to be slippery, but they always eventually end up caught. Edgar knows this. Donovan knows this. Though the way Donovan defied Death when he came to take him was pretty amusing. Simply declaring not to die? Edgar hasn't had one of those before. It almost makes Edgar consider the idea of keeping him around. But for whatever reason, Edgar is blind to something important. The fact that Donovan wasn't meant to die is a huge, huge situation. To remain ignorant of such a situation is a bad sign. Death knows everything, sees everything, controls everything. One runaway is not a problem. But a runaway who's not supposed to be dead in the first place? Something fishy is going on here, and Edgar is going to need to bust out that bait if he wants to figure it out before Cain. 7. LEILA DRISCOL:Mediums are such a rare occurrence that Edgar is always delighted to meet them. Leila's soul had traversed the Dead Zone for a short amount of time four years ago, and that's when Edgar met her. She was a soul that wasn't meant to die, which Edgar knew instinctively, so he merely chatted with her while waiting for someone to fix it. She proved to be charming, perhaps a bit blind, but ultimately an interesting girl. She had no idea what she was in for, and Edgar was going to have fun watching her discover it all. He feels for Leila in the same way a father would feel for a daughter who's just taken the training wheels off her bike. She's fallen off a bunch, and it might have been too soon for her to try a two-wheeler...but one day, Leila's gonna ride that bike and Edgar wants to be there clapping. He's not getting directly involved, but he's watching over her as she learns and experiences her day to day life. Rest assured, he's not going to like anyone messing with his now-pseudo daughter. And let's be honest... pissing off a father is one thing. Do you really want to piss off Death? Celestials | Watchers | Mundies | Demons | The Order | The Graveyard


01/18/2012 01: PM 


*Everything said in Stream, through comments, or in messages is said IN character, unless otherwise stated.*Let me repeat that: if you see these lovely marks //, that means I am talking OOC. So, when you don't see them, that means it's Trystin talking. Please don't be that person who thinks creator and character are one in the same and get pissy OOC over something Trystin did.*Literacy is a big thing with me. I am constantly correcting people I know OOC when they say or spell something wrong. The occasional accident is fine, but if it happens more than once, or I have to read your reply several times just to try and understand what you wrote, you're on your way to being deleted. If I like you, I might give you a warning before I do that. *I prefer para, and really only talk in one-liners if it's in first person and it's just chit chat. If you can keep me entertained with a multi-para, you are on your way to becoming one of my favorite people.  *Do NOT God-mode my character. He is of my design. He is not from a TV show or movie, and the only books he appears in are the ones I myself wrote. God mode him and I destroy you. I do not take this sh*t lightly.*Do NOT tell me what MY character can and can't do, or what he will or won't do. Like I said, he is of my design, not yours. Characters are very special to their writers, so don't f*** with mine and I will show you the same respect.*I like to RP in the third person. I don't like seeing - or * to clarify actions (unless we are on stream). I RP as if I'm writing a book. If we're just getting to know each other, I'll RP first person, but once we're past the greetings and such, I will change it. If you don't go along, I will stop talking to you. Consider this your warning.*If you start getting mad at me the writer for things Trystin is doing, I will delete you. If something makes you uncomfortable or you want to try something in a different way, let me know, I am very understanding. But if you outright yell at me for something, I will have you reported, deleted, and blocked because you are an immature child that needs a time-out in order to learn how to act like an adult. * I do prefer to RP through messages, as it is easier for me, but I'll cooperate if you RP through comments. I don't keep all the comments people send me, only the ones I like and made me smile/laugh. However, if it takes more than a day for me to reply to your comment (and I've logged on since then) it is likely I didn't hit "send comment" the second time, so remind me and I'll get back to you. But if you're an ass about it, consider our RP over and your ass deleted.*I don't care if our opinions differ on numerous things OOC, if you start arguing with me and trying to make me change my mind, I will delete you.*I don't add just to have a high number of friends. You want to be a mute? You will be granted with my eternal silence.*If your character can turn into an animal, well that's awesome for you. But do NOT become an animal for any more than ONE reply to me. If your character is still in animal form by the second reply, and doesn't have the ability to talk, I will let you know that you're an idiot, you don't know how to RP properly, and that I will be deleting you. Even if they can talk, there better be a good reason as to why they're still an animal.*I don't much care for the RPers who are real people. If you follow their life with your character, alright, whatever, but if you're changing everything about them, what was the point? You've got to pretty damn special for me to consider otherwise.*If you are RPing as a character from a TV show, book, or movie and I see that you have completely changed their character (turned them bi, lesbian, or gay) I will not  RP with you; you have to be pretty damn special for me to actually do so. For example. if you are a Twilight RPer and have changed who they are dating (aka instead of Alice with Jasper, she's now with Emmett or someone and so on), I will also not write with you.*If it takes you days to reply back to me (and you didn't give a warning saying it would take a while), and I see that you've been online since, I will consider our RP over. Feel free to start another one, but I will not be sending the starter for a second try, that's up to you to do.*There are times I fall out of the mood of writing and it will take me a while before finally giving you a reply, but I will always warn you.*Trystin will not get into a relationship with someone who can't make him a priority.*There are occasions when I will have a storyline going that puts Trystin back in high school (as I have no problem RPing from a past perspective), just because it works better for the two characters involved. Do know, any moment or kiss shared with him at this point does NOT put your character in a relationship with him. Keep in mind where our characters stand in the present, don't forget the storyline is taking place in past, so do not try and force a relationship or try and make one work out between them. If anything, we can start a new thread of the two reuniting after years and see where that takes them.*There are very, very few people I am willing to roleplay with that I will not request to sign my rules- those people know who they are. If I start getting a lot of storylines going with people who haven't signed, I will put the unsigned RPs on hold and give everyone a warning, giving the people a time frame in order to sign or at least read them, or they will not get a reply from me. Once that time is up, there will be no more warnings and those messages will just collect dust until they are smart enough to figure it out. A week passes, and you are off my friend's list.*If it takes you weeks or months to reply back to me, one: it is very surprising I kept you around that long, two: have the courtesy to send back my reply because it is guaranteed that I no longer have that message and have no memory of the last things I said to you. Do not expect me to be able to just pick up where we left off.*There will be a cleaning of my friend's list once a month at least. A warning will be posted to stream and hour before it begins. If you fear you will fall victim and don't want to, reach out to me before it happens.REPLIESIf it takes me 24 or more hours to reply back to you, one of three things has happened:*your reply got lost on the way to me*my reply got lost on the way to you*I am not in the mood to write (if this is the case, you will have been warned ahead of time)So, please, if 24 hours have passed and you haven't received anything from me, let me know.However, as with everything, there are exceptions.*my RL job is from 3:00am-1pm (sometimes later), Arizona time (look it up if you want to know our time difference). I will never reply while at work.*I told you ahead of time that it would be a few days before I could reply. I will be trying to keep this to a minimum, so, again, let me know if you haven't gotten a reply.*Some times I am just not in the mood for storylines, but I will be around on streams and such. If you piss at me for being online but leaving you waiting, I will immediately delete you and your reply.Also, I have a list of "favorites", and those people will always get replies first. Even if there's a few people waiting for replies, once I reply to a Favorite, I will begin moving through the others, but if any Favorite gets back to me before I'm done, I will reply to them again before continuing. There is no physical list to find, so you'll never know if you're one of my Favorites, and they change often. If our RP is keeping me very interested or on the edge of my seat, you're a Favorite, but once it starts winding down, another may replace it. The only guarantee that you're on the Favorite list is if your character is in a relationship with mine, Trystin has a crush on your character, or you character is one of Trystin's best friends. Trystin's Besties will always get replies first, and they are the ones he has links to on his page.Did you get all that? Please sign below with:  *a picture of an animal that could represent your character (if you are mobile and can't, just state what the animal is)*your character's name*and the year you began RPing.They're pretty basic, so I have a low tolerance for the people that don't follow them. Also, as a courtesy, if you're a multi account, or the name of your profile isn't your characters name (for example, your profile name is Sex Kitten, but your character's name is Natalie), please work the character's name I am RPing with into your reply at least once. There are times where I have so many things to respond to, that I get mixed up and can't remember everyone's names. So please stay away from constantly saying "he" or "she" in your entire reply. It would help me a lot.**Disclaimer: As Trystin's profession is an artist, there are times where paintings or sketches will be posted. I did none of them IRL unless otherwise stated.**~subject to changes and additions without notice~


The Horror.

01/18/2012 01: PM 

Vive le Rock! (Interview #3)

Vive le Rock! Magazine Interview.Felix Alexander is kissing and telling -- again.Vive Le Rock! Has got an exclusive interview with the energetic lead singer of The Cursed, where the 24 year old dishes on everything from his little flings to his odd fetishes and other things he likes to do. He's never been one to hold his tongue, but he's well known for speaking his mind, no matter the consequences. We were lucky enough to get a few minutes of his free time while he was at work at his brother, and fellow band mate's tattoo and piercing shop; 4zeroeight - which I highly suggest you folks come and check out. But, enough of my babble, here is the interview.1. Well, hi! My name's Izzy Noire, from Vive Le Rock magazine. Thanks so much for sharing some of your time for this interview. I'll make it as quick as possible so you can get back to work. Haha, okay so - where do we start? Felix: Hey, nice meeting you Izzy. [Smirks and shakes his head] No problem. Uhm, I don't know? How about we start with a  how you doing? I haven't seen you in a while? [Laughs, shrugs] I don't know. You're the kid interviewing me. 2. Haha! Right. Well then, how are you doing?Felix: Good. Thanks for asking. Oh! And I've learned myself a few new extra skateboarding tricks. I feel awesome about that.3. Oh, you skateboard?Felix: [Nods] Yessir. Though, I wouldn't say I JUST skate. I f***in' shred. I'm super killer at it.4. That's really cool, what do you like best about skateboarding? Felix: I like that high energy that makes you feel like you're fourteen again, f***ing up your body whenever you f***in' fall and get hurt. I also like the idea of knocking down old ladies as they're walking out with their groceries.5. Hahaha, do you like to snowboard?Felix: Yeah, I love it. But, I don't really get to do that around here. Only when I take a vacation to Sun Peaks in Canada. 6. Cool. Okay, so I think I know what I'm gonna ask you now. We're gonna get a little more personal. I'm sure you wouldn't mind that at all. Shows, are you into meeting girls there? Felix: Yeah, I met your mom. [Laughs] No, I'm joking. I meet a lot of girls there. They're mostly one night stands and a few minutes fling kinda thing. 7. Right, so no special anyone?Felix: Actually... now that you mention it, I did meet someone worth my time at one of my shows.8. Oh! Care to tell us a little bit about this mystery girl?Felix: Tall, pale, really pretty hair. Hazel eyes, soft lips, British accent. Oh, and did I mention that she's a he? 9. A boy?!Felix: Yeah, my boyfriend. And no, I'm not joking. I know I've joked about it before, but this is serious. We've f***ed.10. Holy sh*t, I wasn't expecting that. That's great, actually! How do you feel about that? Do you feel like it's something official? That you've finally found that one person? Are you surprised that it ended up being a male instead of a female?Felix: [Laughs] Woah, breathe kid. Okay, uh - it's something new. I've never done it before. I didn't think I'd like it. At first I was a little sketchy about it, but I'm really glad I went through with it and gave it a try. Uhm, yeah, our relationship isn't truly perfect and it goes up and down like a rollercoaster, but for the most part, we're pretty happy with it. I feel like it's official - I hope. I guess that's why I'm going public with it. That boy's like a drug to me. If he charged me 10,000 dollars  to f*** him, I would start selling all my sh*t just to keep f***in' him. That's basically how that goes.11. Does this mean you have a thing for guys too?Felix: No. I'm sure that if anything happens between me and him, I'm sticking to girls. Probably will go back to my old ways.12. Oh okay, I understand. And would you care to tell us a little more about him?Felix: His name is Gabriel and he's a vampire. [Laughs] 13. Haha, okay. So, I think this is taking longer than I planned it to be. The boyfriend thing just came as such a surprise. So I'm still curious about that. How's your sex life with Gabriel?Felix: Phenomenal. And that's all you need to know. 14. Any sexual fetishes?Felix: I like being tied up sometimes. Feeling some sort of pain. I f***in' love aggressiveness. But, using whips and chains is just too planned for me. You have to stop and look for sh*t. I really prefer them using their hands. And by 'them' I mean Gabriel. [Chuckles] I'm a sado-masochist. I like to receive pain as much as I love to inflict it. 15. Submissive or dominant?Felix: With girls? I'm really dominant. But, with Gabriel - it switches once and I while, but 99.9% of the time I'm submissive. I didn't realize I could be until he recently came into my life. I have no problem with it. As long as I'm getting f***ed. 16. Right, that's all that matters. Well okay, I think that's all I'm gonna bother you with. Is there anything else you'd like to say before I close this interview?Felix: Hail satan.And there you have it. We've found out a lot more than what we thought we would. He's off the market girls... and guys. Will we ever see his mystery 'vampire' boyfriend? I'll be keeping an eye out. Maybe we can interview him and he could spill the beans about something hot and steamy for us to revel in. Until then, this has been Izzy Noire from Vive Le Rock! And in Felix's words - hail satan.

The Horror.

01/18/2012 12: PM 

Spit And Sawdust (interview #2)

SPIT AND SAWDUST: MAGAZINE INTERVIEW."I gave Jason a blowjob."- Felix Alexander; when asked the about the lowest thing he's done for money.While roaming around Union 13 for some interviews; I recently got the chance to sit down with a lovely trio of boys from the underground band scene, also known as The Cursed, one of my favorite post-hardcore punk bands, that are slowly building their way up. They're  definitely awe-inspiring on stage with their spazzing lead vocalist and their instruments flying everywhere, but they're just as exciting backstage, chilled and drinking some coffee, while they goof around until it's their turn to play. In between drooling, I got to ask them a few questions about The Cursed's first EP and a couple of other things that I'm sure we were all curious to know.1. Okay so, we're doing this interview for Spit and Sawdust; do you know about Spit and Sawdust? Jason: Yeah, thanks to these two. [Points to Felix and Michael]Felix: Yeah, actually, I think Mikey and I have some around the house. It's great.2. Awesome! At least you guys have some knowledge of what we are, thanks. We do try our best. Haha, I'd just like to say that I absolutely love you guys, amazing music! And it's obvious that I'm not the only female who thinks this about you guys. Girls LOVE you. How do you guys feel about that?Jason: I f***ing love the ladies.Michael: It's really great. Just weird when complete strangers have this dying devotional love for you. Like, I've seen the most outrageous signs at our shows... outrageous behavior. It's insane. I've literally collected like, ten bra's on my mic stand in one night. [Shakes head and snickers]Felix: Girls are crazy. I like crazy.3. Wow... well, I guess I'm one of those crazy girls. The Cursed makes me wanna take my clothes off! Haha, and speaking of that, do you guys watch porn?Felix: Wow, that's f***in' great. Anyways, who f***in' doesn't? [Laughs]Michael: Once and while, when I need to release some tension.Jason: Well, yeah but, I rather have the real thing.Felix: Agreed. 4. Haha! Okay, so what's your favorite porn star? Michael: Uhm, wow. There's so many; I don't know who my favorite is. Felix: Liz Vicious. Hands down. I love red heads. Tori Black is banging too.Jason: I agree, Tori Black is f***ing banging. But, I like a little dark meat. Skins is cute.Felix: Oh! And Stoya. How the f*** could I forget Stoya? Jason: Ooh, definitely her!Michael: They're quite porn star savvy. [Chuckles]4. Okay good; we're on the right track then. So The Cursed has been around for a year, since about 2010- right? Do you think you would want mainstream success if it were offered to you?  Felix: [Shrugs] I honestly wouldn't know.Michael: Yeah, it's a really hard decision. Felix: I think in the end we'd probably say no? I mean, I know - what kinda planet do we live on? If someone offers your mainstream success, you wanna f***in' move there but, I just don't know about that kinda fame yet.Jason: Yeah, it sounds really hectic. I think we just enjoy being a bunch of regular guys and just sharing our music with our fans. Felix: Totally, like I said, I'm not ready for that sort of fame yet.Michael: Yeah.5. So how did this happen? How did you end up creating The Cursed? Felix: My brother and I were basically raised around music and just... creative sh*t in general. Our mom had her own indie band called Flea Market - she sang and played the guitar. My dad was a bass player, but his main thing was photography. I guess you can say our parents were one of those cool hipster, hippie parents. [Chuckles] They introduced us to instruments once we were old enough to speak and stand on our own. Michael: [Nods] I picked up a mic when I was 4 but, my thing has always been the guitar and bass. Felix was a natural born leader. His thing was singing, since age two. Singing and the guitar. Having a band had always been our dream. In fact, we had our own little two man band - I think we called it -Felix: Shut Up! [Laughs] That was the name of our little two man band. We were so young.Michael: [Laughs] Yeah! Shut Up... it was actually pretty good. It was legit. After that, a lot of sh*t was just going on in our lives and we didn't keep the band thing up. Jason: Then Felix found me... Felix: ... And when I moved over to California with Michael, I brought the idea up again. I even had the luck of meeting Jason, he's a very talented drummer. I love him.Jason: [Beams] Aww, I love you too, baby. Michael: And that's how The Cursed was born.  Pretty quick and smooth.Jason: Our beautiful love child. 6. Beautiful, haha. So aside from The Cursed, do you have any other stuff going on, other musical projects that some people might not know about...? Anything?Felix: Well, Michael owns a tattoo shop called 4zeroeight around Parkway South; he's a tattoo artist. Legit. I work there as a professional body piercer. As for musical projects? I'll leave Jason to answer that.Jason: Yeah, now that you mention it - I've got a solo project going on. Completely opposite to what The Cursed sounds like. Nothing like this scene at all. It's actually a hip hop thing I do with my cousin DJ Doom, he's pretty well-known. I rap to the sick beats he makes for me. Young Favorite - that's my name. It's nothing legit and permanent yet but, it's worth checking out if any of you kids are into that. I'm also a graffiti artist. Anything for cash.7. Speaking of money, let's hear some interesting stories; what is the lowest thing you've done for money?Felix: I gave Jason a blowjob.Jason: I paid him 5 dollars in coins. [Laughs]Michael: [Just laughs and shakes his head]Felix: I've also skateboarded down the street naked; this was when I was 16 actually. I got 100 bucks for it.Jason: I never had to do anything for money.Michael: I don't recall having to do anything low for money. But, I do remember that when I was 16, a 12 year old Felix forced me to call him King Felix for a whole week and do everything he told me do to, after he walked in on me getting a blowjob from my girlfriend at the time. I did it but, it was because I knew he'd tell on me. Evil little child.Felix: [Laughs and snorts] Lowest of lows. You didn't even get paid for doing it. Jason: [Laughs]Michael: [Flips Felix off]8. So finally, my wish came true and I can take your lovely music home with me. Your first EP is out; self-titled. It's been doing pretty well, and getting tons of positive response everywhere. So, when you guys made the band did you know it would one day come this far or did this all come as a surprise? Felix: It is a surprise, but not a total surprise. Michael: Yeah, we knew what we wanted already. We were pretty determined.Jason: We're really happy that we're at this point. All these interviews and things. Felix: Being listed as one of the popular underground bands and whatever. Michael: Sometimes I think it's a little too much, but we're just happy to hear these kind of opinions from people who read the magazines and listen to our music, come to the shows, buy the EP. Felix: Definitely.9. So you headbang every day, don't you ever get a neck ache? Especially, you, Felix. Jumping around on stage, throwing yourself all over the place. Do you bring your own personal massage therapist wherever you go? Felix: [Laughs] We don't have a massage therapist but, we're willing to hire. You look good enough for the job.Michael: Haha, oh my god. Uh, your neck would end up hurting after a while. You get used to it though. Jason: We can pay you some good money. [Winks]10. Awesome, because my next comment was going to be to offer myself as a massage therapist. Michael & Jason: [Both laugh]Felix: Well, that's a great massage therapist right there. You've got the job! But, seriously, no. We don't have one.11.  Why!? You're spazzing out on stage; I would think you need one. Felix: It'd be nice but, I don't. Jason's my massage therapist. Jason: Yeah, private massages with happy endings. [Laughs]12. Haha! Okay, so, along with the success, came a lot of trouble; you're probably sick to death of talking about it, but I was wondering if you had any problems at some shows with other bands? Felix: It doesn't matter. Haters are gonna hate. Like I said before - anyone who has a problem with us could suck my d*ck. They know where to find us. Jason: We get along with most of the other bands we meet but, there's always the haters, like Felix said.Michael: It's mostly the older bands that think they're mightier than thou. But, it's not a big deal. We get along with a lot of other bands. It's just like, one or two that have problems with us. It's stupid, in my opinion. I don't pay attention to them.13. Of course, a lot of haters out there. But, a lot of people who love you guys. I'm sure the love overpowers the hate, haha! And speaking of love - how's that working for you handsome guys? Any special girls? Felix: Haven't found one yet. Jason: I won't be settling anytime soon. I'm too young for anything steady. Michael: Love is  really complicated for me. Really hard to explain. But, no, no special anyone in my life yet.14. Aww, that's really surprising, but I understand. You guys are still pretty young. Now, speaking of girls - do you have any ideal look for your favorite type of girl?Felix: I love me a red head, but I'm usually not picky with hair color, eye color, skin color. None of that is extremely important to me. If I find the girl pretty, then I just do. Everything else is just a bonus. Though, I'd have to say that I don't really like girls who are covered in tattoos. Simple tattoos are okay but, covered like we are? I don't see myself dating a girl like that. Too many piercings are a no as well, I guess I can say I like the modest looking ones. I like a wild personality, just tone it down with the looks.Jason: I completely agree with Felix - but, I really f***ing love black girls. I think they're sexy.Michael: I like blondes. All the girlfriend's I ever had were blondes. [Laughs] But, I'm not picky about the hair color and all that jazz. A nice personality and someone who could just understand me is all I need. The tattoos and piercings are okay as long as it's nothing crazy. 15. Wow, I was expecting, dark-haired tattooed chicks from all of you, haha! Am I attractive to you guys? Piercings and all?Jason: Of course!Felix: Yeah, you're actually pretty chilled looking. Not anything crazy. I've seen crazy. I just don't like pretty girls who f*** themselves up and end up looking like men, if I wanted to date a man - I'd be with Jason.Michael: [Laughs] Well, you're a blonde... [Shakes head] But, seriously. You're really pretty.16. Awwww! Thanks you guys! Now I'm blushing. Haha, okay! So last question I'm gonna ask you guys: I noticed you've been asked several times about drug use, and have always answered that you guys do them once and a while, except for Michael who said that the most he has done was smoke weed. Do you feel that being a performer makes you a role model for fans? Do you feel this is an unfair responsibility handed to you guys, and other musicians alike, when people should make their own decisions? Felix: I've tone it down with the drugs since the last time I was interviewed. I shouldn't really be considered a role model. Not in the slightest. I'm not Mcgruff the Crime Dog or whatever. Just because I jump off a bridge, it shouldn't mean you should follow. I can't tell you that they're good or bad. People are gonna do what they wanna do at the end of the day. Figure it out yourself. I'm not their f***in' mom. You know? Jason: I think Felix hit the nail on that one. There's really nothing else I could add. No one's our responsibility. [Shrugs]Michael: I don't even do that anymore. My only addictions now are smoking cigarettes and the occasional beer. But, people should really make their own decisions, not follow ours.Of course, of course Okay, well - I'm afraid that that's all the time we have. Thank you for your time guys. I had lots of fun. And fans? Make sure to check out their EP - it will be sold at wherever these boys are playing at. Thanks again, guys. - Miss Myra; Spit and Sawdust.

Eranshahr *~ [Historical RPG]

01/16/2012 09: PM 


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01/15/2012 04: PM 

What was the purpose of a woman monster?

"They got one eye on what you knew, and one eye on what you do, so be careful who it is you're talking to."

🌿The Wayward Huntress🌿

01/12/2012 02: PM 


**First off I would like it to be known that I will not always be at my computer when signed on. I maybe away from my desk or just doing something else at that point in time.**Disclaimer: I am not the girl on my page. She is fictional that i have made up. So don't ask if i am the girl you see. 1) Do not harass me. I will delete and block your ass quicker than you can make things right. I don't tolerate it, nor will I ever. You harass me and your off my list and blocked, I'll tell others to block you as well to save my friends from harassment that I have endured. Fair warning, don't do it.2) I am not always going to be on every single minute of every single day. I do have a life as well. If I will be gone for more than a day, I will be sure to let you know.3) Do not rush me to reply to you. I go in order of connections and then by the time they are sent in. There will be times I will only want to talk to a certain person and I will not reply to anyone but that person, deal with it or get off my page. 4) My character is my own. She is not yours. You do not god mode me ever. One warning and then if it continues you will be deleted from my page.5) I only do multi paras. 2-3 paragraphs. Any oneliners will be ignored. I will not do them. We all can be creative and write more than oneline. Use your brain and think before you reply to me, make it interested and detailed. 6) Don't steal anything from me. If you wish to use a picture, ask me. 7) Do not add me for numbers, I am here to roleplay, if you don't talk to me you will be off my page.8) NO DRAMA! NO NO DRAMA! I can not stress this rule enough. If you are a drama starter get off my page, don't even bother talking to me. You start drama with me and things won't be too good for you.9) don't harass my friends! my friends on here are my rp family. You hurt them and things will get ugly and quick. I won't stand for it and I know none of them will either. So just do yourself a favor and don't even start. If I think of anything else then I shall add them to here. Other than that, read and sign below.

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