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♔ 𝒟𝓊𝒸𝒽 ♡

05/12/2024 04:32 PM 

ѕσℓє ѕυяνινσя

Sole  Survivor"Please don't die. Please.. don't leave me here. You can't."Blackness. That was all there was. No white light, so warm welcome. Was this it? Nothing more than this? And then suddenly pain, so much pain. Gasping softly Diana's eyes fluttered open. She couldn't move her body, it hurt too badly. Her leg felt like it had been snapped off her body and almost the second her eyes opened she began to feel the throbbing pain in her head. What had happened? Another feeling, something else now. A gentle touch to her hand. Her eyes frantically scanned the room before falling upon the figure standing beside her bed. There stood her ex-husband, the Prince of Wales, Charles. The two shared a look for a moment, both their eyes swelling with tears. Diana almost expected Charles to begin shouting at her, asking what had she done now. How could she be so reckless and stupid? But instead, he broke down into tears, sobs of emotion at the sight of his ex-wife. His raw emotion caused Diana to cry more, both due to the mixture of pain but also seeing him like this. Finally, the Prince spoke, his voice overcome with grief. "Please don't die. Please.. don't leave me here. You can't." He pleaded.Diana couldn't move but spoke in a raspy and pained voice. "I won't." That was all she managed out. Together the two cried over what almost could have happened here. Eventually, Diana fell asleep, the pain and medication all too much for her to remain awake. By her side remained the Prince, even as doctors and nurses came in, sporadically checking in on the Princess, beloved by all. The world was just as happy as Charles to receive the news that their Princess had survived the horrible, tragic car crash in Paris.Between Diana and Charles, this would mark a change for them. Maybe it was the threat of her death that would be enough to wise both of them up to all they had done to each other. And this would be the start of a fresh future for both of them and their boys."I won't." template credit.


05/12/2024 06:45 PM 

I will deny (100% block)

There is a person name Maisie which matches these people annoying deleting, and rejoining accounts. If a couple times sure I understand. But if it's to the point of nonstop repeating then they don't deserve to be on my friends list, and probably yours. Because they do delete too many times, and I don't think Roleplayer would have time if they would delete them. It's short list but it will build because I know there are others out there. Killian Jones Emma Jones Nicola Winters

†Dark Prowess†

05/12/2024 02:45 PM 

Human Alias Identity {Details} Under Co

GENERAL~Name: Augustine Middle: Xaiden Last: Lexworth Nickname{s}: August, Axl Age: 25 yrDOB: November 7thSign: ScorpioRace: Nephalem*Undercover as a Human!Job: Detective, Investigator Sexuality: BisexualNationality: American Height: 5'9"Weight: 148lbEyes: Icy Blue / Brown to hide eyes true color.Hair: Jet BlackBody: Slim & Lean. Lite skin tone. No tatoos.ADDITIONAL~Personality: Charming soul in general. Serious on the job. Mindful about his surroundings. Stubborn at times. Can be a little devious. Kind towards those who deserve it. Sometimes reckless in his efforts to take down bad guys. Clever in general.Interest(s): Catching bad guys. Firing range. Chocolate. Drinking red wine and bourbon. Leather jackets. Horror Books. Rock n Roll Music. Fear(s): Being close to people. Hurting innocence. 

†Dark Prowess†

05/12/2024 02:21 PM 

All Things Lazarus {Details}

GENERAL~Name: LazarusNickname: ObsidianAge: 8,000 yrDOB: 5,976 BCESign: Scorpio Race: Nephalem / HybridJob: Demon Slayer, NecromancerSexuality: BisexualNationality: Angelic/DemonicHeight: 5'9"Weight: 148lbEyes: CrimsonHair: Jet BlackBody: Slim & Lean. Black angel wings. Lite skin tone. No tatoos.ADDITIONAL~Personality: Depends who he is with and what he is doing at the time. He can be a charming being, however within him is the capacity to be malevolent as well. He is a bit unstable at times, it is best not to provoke him. Interest{s}: Being a demon slayer. Necromancy. Horror books. Weapons. Obsidian stone. Ravens. Black clothes. Leather jackets. Red roses. Skulls. Chocolate.Fear{s}: Unknown.Power{s}: Touch of Death. Necromancy. Black mist. Control demons. Demonic possession over people. Controls the shadows. Immortality. Create/Control Hellfire. Superior senses. Inhuman speed. Teleportation. Telekinesis. Telepathic ability. Light/Grace. 


05/12/2024 01:47 PM 

Mother's Day Note

Benjamín Cárdenas Mother's DayMother: the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind – Kahil GibranMamá,First off, let me just say - I know, I know. Your wandering son is actually remembering an important day for once instead of you having to dropping a million hints about it! Consider this an official miracle.But in all seriousness, how could I ever forget to celebrate the most important mujer in my life on Mother's Day? The one who has loved me unconditionally through all my phases, missteps, and unplanned detours over the years. My eternally patient, fiercely loyal, and endlessly supportive madrecita.I think about how you've always been the grounding force, the wisdom, the anchor that keeps our family's ship sailing true no matter how unruly the winds get sometimes. Whether it was navigating Papá's unpredictable work schedule, corralling Mateo and me as hyper little monsters, or pouring your heart into those incredible tamale dinners that brought us all together - you did it all with such boundless love and selflessness.You showed me what it means to have an unbreakable spirit, a tireless work ethic, and faith in something bigger than yourself. And you did it all with such style and grace too! ¿Dónde crees que obtuve mi encanto y buen gusto después de todo? Definitely not from Papá's side, lo siento papi.But most of all Mamá, thank you for always supporting me as I've stumbled along trying to find my way in this world, even when my constant moving around has made you loco at times. You've never judged my rambling soul, only lifted me up and led with so much patience, understanding and aceptación. You see something in me that I can't even see in myself sometimes.I know I don't say it enough, but I love you with todo mi corazón. You are the warmth, the home base, the sanctuary I can come back to no matter how far I wander. And I wouldn't have it any other way.Feliz Día de las Madres, mi luz más brillante. Thanks for walking this life's path alongside me.Con amor eterno,Tu hijoBenjiℬ𝑒𝓃𝒿𝒾./1959615   template credit.


05/11/2024 08:19 PM 

The Waves of Change

The Waves of Change A moment of self Benji paddled his board through the serene emerald waters, squinting against the brilliant late afternoon sun. His wetsuit clung to his toned body like a second skin as he drifted, finally allowing the frothing surf to lull him into a rare state of stillness. Out here, the cacophony of the city seemed to fade away — the incessant ring of his phone, his boss's increasingly urgent demands, his parents' well-meaning but insistent pleas about finally settling down. Just the rhythmic push and pull of the tides enveloping him, beckoning escape into the vast unknown.   Closing his eyes, he inhaled the briny sea air deeply. The hypnotic crash of waves triggered a long-buried memory — plastering posters of soaring cliffs and endless blue horizons on his bedroom wall as a restless teenager, desperate to immerse himself in other shores. That unquenchable thirst for exploration had propelled him ever since, from the first cross-country road trip after college to his wild years in Australia to... The realization struck him with surprising force. He'd never truly unpacked the reasons behind his relentless wandering before — always just attributed it to an incurable case of wanderlust. But maybe there was something deeper driving that endless search, an unresolved void he'd been unconsciously attempting to fill all this time.   As the sun began its fiery descent into the shimmering Pacific, Benji felt something unfamiliar stirring inside. Not the exhilarating sense of restlessness that usually seized him, but rather...a strange, profound calm. A sense of being untethered yet momentarily anchored hit him. Floating there, adrift in changing tides, Benji wondered if he was finally ready to evolve. To find shores that could make him want to stay a little longer this time around. The thought was both thrilling and terrifying. But as the fading sunlight danced across the glassy waves, he realized he was open to letting the tides chart his next path, wherever they may lead. I am a speck of dust in an ocean of time, floating with the waves of change, vanishing with the infinite.   template credit.

Everyoɴe ιѕ мy тoy

05/11/2024 02:40 PM 

The cattons
Current mood:  adored,2023%20psychological%20thriller%20about%20an%20Oxford%20student

𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀.

05/11/2024 01:31 PM 

Gabriella's Safe Space.

Gabriella has a place right up the road from her. There's a park there, and at night, it has a beautiful view of the stars. Gabriella loves to go up there and read her book while taking time for herself. It's where she feels the safest because there are people around, but it's also quiet. She has time to do her reading, which she very much enjoys.This place was something she found the day she arrived at her home. She was walking in the neighborhood and came across a park near her house. She noticed it wasn't only an excellent spot to walk and spend most of her free time. She grabs herself a blanket and book and goes there most days when she gets off work. Anyone can find her there, even if it's nighttime.

Everyoɴe ιѕ мy тoy

05/11/2024 01:14 PM 

News on saltburn


05/11/2024 01:17 PM 

Family Time Drabble.

&Family"Families are like branches on a tree, we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one." "Tío Benji! Tío Benji!" The high-pitched shrieks of his niece and nephew filled the air as Benji stepped through the door of his parents' home in San Diego. Before he could even get his bearings, two pint-sized tornadoes of energy came barreling toward him. "Hey amigos!" Benji scooped up six-year-old Liam and four-year-old Elena in his arms, grunts of exertion mixing with their peals of delighted laughter. "Getting too big for these famous Tío Benji bear hugs!" "We missed you!" Liam beamed up at his favorite uncle with an adoring gap-toothed grin. "Did you bring us souvenirs?" Ever the precocious one, Elena wasted no time in directing her big brown eyes at Benji with expectant hope. Chuckling, Benji exchanged an amused look with his older brother Mateo, who just shook his head with a resigned smile. "You're too much, ya little hustler," Benji teased Elena, ruffling her dark curls. "Benjamín! Querído, it's so good to have you home." His mother Isabela emerged from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron as she pulled him into one of her warm, enveloping hugs. Breathing in the comforting scent of her perfume, Benji felt the stresses of his high-pressure job in L.A. begin to dissipate. "Gracias mamá. You know I can never stay away too long." "Your tía is almost done with the tamales," his mother said, waving a hand toward the kitchen. "Why don't you go help set the table for abuelita?" "On it!" Benji called over his shoulder as he carried his niece and nephew into the dining room, their delighted shrieks echoing behind him. No matter how far he roamed, these familiar sights, sounds and smells of home would forever ground him in his family's roots. Their love and laughter was his deepest anchor, the thing that untethered him from worries and struggles. And that was priceless.   template credit.   


𝒲icked 𝒢oddess

05/10/2024 11:36 PM 


Demigods󠀠While many of the Gods had legitimate children, full-blooded Gods, and Goddesses, many more had bastard children, mostly with mortal women. These children were born powerful, not as powerful as if they were full-blooded but still with abilities far beyond that of any mortal or mortal magic wielder. These children were considered demigods. And not cast out like most bastards. Many Gods claimed their children early on in their life, one had raised his child since her birth, Hades.Yes, even Hades had a child. His only child given no respectable Goddess would ever consider procreating with the shunned and disgraced God of the Underworld. His daughter's name was Selena. She was the result of a brief love affair with a mortal woman, a witch. She was known among the mortals as the Wicked Witch. So it was easy to say that Selena hardly came from the best of parents. For this reason, she too was somewhat shunned by the other Gods and Goddesses.Aphrodite however took pity on Selena. She had met her on a few occasions as a child, Selena and one of Aphrodite's own children Eros had formed quite a close bond, which in turn brought both she and him to the Underworld more and more to visit with Selena who proved to be quite an exceptional girl as she grew.Visits to the Underworld did take their toll on Aphrodite though, it was a very dark place. So after some negotiations, Aphrodite had received permission to bring Selena from the Underworld to the land of the living. There she could be introduced to others like her, cousins. She could begin to form connections more than just with her father. While Hades did genuinely care for his daughter, and tried his best. He was hardly the best influence.Now Aphrodite had received permission from the other Gods to allow Hades' child to mingle with their own she hadn't exactly asked Hades permission to take his daughter from the Underworld to the land of the living. She thought she'd have Selena back before she was truly missed so why ask? Why risk being shot down and told no? This would prove to be a mistake. Hades kept a very close eye on his daughter, every moment of every day.On this day Selena was with some of her female cousins, demigoddesses like herself. Aphrodite had gathered them all to a lavish castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. There they were dressed properly and allowed to play with one another and explore the large castle, something most of them were not accustomed to. Happily, Selena ran through the halls of the castle with her newfound playmates.It was all so happy, so light-hearted. Something Selena rarely experienced given the dark place she resided with her father. Giggling, twirling, and rushing through the halls all the girls, Selena included, stopped when someone appeared before them in a cloud of blue smoke. There stood Hades, his head ablaze with fire, his normal when truly angry.All the girls screamed and ran away, Selena turned to watch them, calling out to them. "Wait! It's just.." she turned to look back to Hades. "My dad." She said sounding very unpleased to see him. Without words, Selena knew her time here was over. That Hades was here to bring her back to the Underworld. All the pleading and reasoning with Aphrodite would not save her from the fate of returning back with her father.󠀠 template credit.


05/10/2024 03:01 PM 


Tatum was the type to always love drowning herself into yoga. It was a lot better than the alternative that she had done for many years. After her brother's death it wasn't easy for her, and she resulted in finding the comfort in a few pills. This was causing such a downward spiral for her until she started to see a therapist. The suggestions usually had been a flop all but one. That had been channeling her sadness and anger into a workout of some form. She found this in YOGA. It was not even a hesitation for her when she was just starting her new career at Rosewood & Co. She was always the type to over work herself a trait she had gotten from her father. It was also something she loved and hated all the same. However, it was a big move to make but Tatum had purchased a small building a few blocks from her family's firm. This was her safe space. Her one place where she can go and not have to worry. She was able to be free so to speak and it made her feel at home. Things haven't always been easy for her and with her career she was often on edge. It didn't help that she was only filling her older brothers' shoes. She found solace in her little studio. She had it decked out in all of her favorite things that opened her mind to be clearer. She had a lot of nature paintings and some she had done herself, another little hobby of hers. Sometimes you would even find her staying the night there. She had a nice little office and room off to the side of the room she set up for yoga. Whenever she was here, she felt at her safest. A place to unwind and just really connect with herself through some intense yoga and meditation.

𝙱𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 Bright

05/10/2024 11:19 PM 

PAWers and Abilities

Had to use the corny pun, sorry not sorry.Cassandra is a mutated human with animal genes spliced into her DNA; chiefly among them is the tiger and cephalopod.  This DNA grants her characteristic traits of the animals, while also having some of their drawbacks and behavioral traits.Cassandra has the strength and agility of a tiger, along with keen hearing, retractable claws, and enhanced eyesight. Unfortunately, she also inherited the fur and patterns of the tiger, making her stand out from other humans.The cephalopod attribute grants Cass limited shapeshifting ability, mainly the change in her skin pigmentation and body shape.  This does not allow her to change bulk or size, merely altering her appearance to better blend in with society.  With enough focus, she can "look normal", but it takes considerable concentration and effort on her part.  Breaking her focus, and she will resume her new 'natural' state.TBC...


05/10/2024 11:26 PM 


༒ ᴠᴇʀꜱɪꜰɪᴇʀ ༒

05/09/2024 07:36 PM 


headcanon drabble ft. ❝beauti𝖋ul delirium. & 🍭inscrutable. “YOU CAN'T LET GO OF ME EVEN NOW, CAN YOU?” His mother’s drawl crooned over the cacophony of voices ringing in his head. She towered over him, a fanged demon, as last he saw her—before the very end. He felt so small again. Just as he had when he was William. Meek, forgettable… unlovable…              beneath her.“I was trying to save you…” Spike whispered. “You’re thankless, always thankless.”“If you had any sense, you would have been waiting with bated breath to see me whither and die, boy!”“I’m not a boy!” A sharp burst of anger, his fist beat a crack into the basement wall.“And… not… yet a man…”  Drusilla’s dreamy tone echoed through the room. “Always searching for a Mummy… a skirt to cower under…” she tilted her head. “A bosom to suckle.”“I couldn’t leave her…”“If you were half a man, you would have left!” His mother screamed. “What man wastes his life away scribbling poems and caring after a withering old lady? They all laughed at you. They still laugh.”“I killed them all, tore them limb from limb.” Spike uttered, rocking forward on his tailbone.“Painted the roses red… planted a garden for your mother in bloodied soil.” Drusilla sang. “Watered the thirsty little flowers with their blood.”“Never done anything for yourself, have you?” said his mother. “You let everyone walk all over you. Wasted all your time on reasoning and reckoning, but it couldn’t fix what was wrong, could it? The sick little weakness…”“I changed. Gone around the bend, yes, gone around the bend, but I got stronger.”“And now you’re weak again,” said Buffy.  “Got a soul like it makes any difference to me. You’ll never be the man I need.”“You should have killed her when you had the chance,” said Drusilla. “Wrung her pretty little neck. But you never could make Mummy happy, could you?”“No, could never make anyone happy. No one's happy, only hurt.”

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