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Bo Dennis
"I shall reign as queen and you shall all tremble before my power."
Going by Bo these days, the once Beth Dennis never had it all that easy. Growing up in a small town that had quaint little festivals every year, where everyone knew your name, it wasn't too simple to just up and disappear without anyone noticing. Running away when she was a teenager, the young Succubus just coming into her powers had no clue where her life was headed.
Traveling from place to place just wracking up the body count, Bo tried her best to live the life that she had chosen for herself, feeling each and every day that she was a monster and no one could ever truly love her. It's sort of hard to feel the love when everyone you sleep with is dead by morning because of YOU. She did the best she could but she never stayed in one place for long, that is until she came into a special little place filled with what would become her entire world and then some.
After saving a petite thief from the hands of a sleezey guy trying to drug girls for his pleasure, no doubt to make up for his lack of...character, Bo was ready to pack up and leave again. Burning her clothes and getting everything ready, the already drugged young lady woke up. The world seemed to flip upside down in a matter of moments as this little Russian, Kenzi Malikov shoved herself into the world of the still clueless Succubus quickly becoming the most paramount person in her entire universe.
Situations escalated quickly from there and soon she was captured, studied, and made to fight to choose a side by people in a world that was hidden from humans. The Fae, both Light and Dark, were magical beings of all types that had lived in harmony with the rest of the world as it fed on it's inhabitants. Examined by the captivating HUMAN Doctor Lauren Lewis, Bo was told that she was a succubus. Succubi were a powerful and uncommon species of Fae that fed off of sexual energy or 'Chi'. Along with a suggestive touch, they were commonly known to have many 'sugga daddys' and live in ridiculous wealth with their unmatched charm and talents but Bo was nothing like the rest of her kind.
Later finding out that she was the granddaughter of the Blood King, Bo came to see that she was way more powerful than a mere Succubus, her bloodlines merging together to make her one of the most dangerous beings out there and yet she fought for good with every beat of her heart and soul. With every change that came in her life from finding her real parents, fighting them, gaining and losing loves, she still trudged through all of it in her attempt to live the life she chose with the people she cared about most.
Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Bo's!
Always running from place to place, it was quite hard to come across people that she could keep within her
Kenzi Malikov: Saving her from a guy trying to drug the ladies, Kenzi stuck by Bo's side as soon as she woke up the next day, albeit AFTER she calmed down. Going into business with the Succubus as a private investigative team, the two stayed in the 'Crack Shack' they came to call home and kept the Fae in line as best they could.
Lauren Lewis: The good doctor was the first to tell her what she truly was. Developing a serum to help her with her hunger and teach her how to feed without killing, Lauren became important in more ways than one. Helping her with her feeding, Bo in turn helped her gain information on a species she had yet to study. Falling for one another was inevitable, their chemistry off the charts, and even through countless issues they still ended in each others loving embrace.
Tamsin: Hating her guts at first, trying to pin the death of a Dark Fae on the Succubus, Officer Tamsin tried to kill the Love Machine. From a druid to delivering her to an employer, Tamsin eventually came to care deeply and even love the Succubus, saving her more than she cared to admit. When she began to slip into her bed, things between the two changed in a good way.
Dyson Thornwood: Capturing her by order of the Ash, the Shapeshifter helped to interrogate her before everyone finally came to the realization that she really didn't know what she was. Being her first Fae feed, Dyson began to be a whole string of firsts for the Succubus. First Fae feed, male she didn't have to hide half of herself from, lover that wasn't dead in the morning, and true love that knew everything about her and still cared. A friend willing to do anything for her, including give up his love to help her win against her mother, Dyson is the most loyal man she had ever met. More than willing to try again with the wolf, Bo waited patiently but time seemed to had run out, but truth be told all he needed to do was try one more time.
Trick: Finally finding out he was her grandfather, Bo learned that from The Blood King she inherited the ability to enthrall people with her blood making them completely devoted to her. Her mother, Aife, would do this to make an army. A Kindly older man, Trick was a walking encyclopedia of knowledge and wisdom. Offering anyone sanctuary when asked in his home, the Dal Riata, Trick came to know and grow more and more proud of his granddaughter with every day together.
Hale: The equally witty best friend to Dyson, the Siren was the backbone to them all. Offering calm words and a cool head, Hale was a seeker of truth in a world of lies. Becoming acting Ash for a while, he tried his hardest to help in changing the Fae world to work with humans instead of just feeding on them but was thwarted by the Morrigan of the Dark Fae. Eventually falling for Kenzi, their love was something that rivaled even Bo and Dyson's that burned so brightly even the sun couldn't compete, but the cards that were dealt turned out to be pretty crappy.
Kenzi Malikov
Species/Type: Human
Relationship: Best Friend FOR LIFE
Kenzi is the very heart that beats within the chest of Bo Dennis. A sly little thief that burst into her life like the firecracker that she is, this tiny little Russian would do anything and everything for her best friend. With her through each and every trouble that she ran into, Kenzi never paled in the face of danger, but instead stood her ground along side the Succubus. Although human, Kenzi was never afraid to play with the big Fae. A Pitbull in a Chihuahua's body, this raven haired beauty saved the love machine more times than she could count.
Dyson Thornwood
Species/Type: Shapeshifter/Wolf
Affiliation: Light Fae
Relationship: Close friend/Former lover
Dyson is the first real love connection that Bo makes as she entered the brand new world of Fae. A Light Fae detective that worked closely under the watchful eye of the Ash, this shapeshifter is a paramount person to the Succubus. Falling for him harder than ever before, Dyson and Bo's love was something that no one could touch. Giving up his love to the Norn so that Bo might have his strength to fight her mother, they were never the same. He saved her life and reclaimed his love once more with the help of Kenzi, but the Succubus had already let him go. A friend of the highest caliber, this noble Wolf will forever be in her heart.
Species/Type: Valkyrie
Affiliation: Dark Fae
Relationship: Unexpected friend
was first very against anything that had to do with Bo Dennis. Trying to put her away from the very beginning, this snarky Dark Fae detective was partnered with Dyson at the station. Trying multiple times to kill the Succubus, this winged warrior Valkyrie soon came to not only accept the blue eyed temptress, but have true feelings for. After her death and rebirth, her last life cycle now in motion, Tamsin vowed that she wouldn't live it without the Succubus and she wouldn't have it any other way. A valued member of the team, a thorough lover, and no stranger to danger, this older Fae would go to the ends of the earth and back for the Succulette.
"Did you feel that? That was like the fourth of July in my mouth!"