Lethal Libido on RolePlayer - www.roleplayer.me/UnalignedBoBo Lethal Libido

39 years old
Barrie, Ontario

Last Login:
February 11 2025

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Traits: Loing - Loyal - Independent - Sincere - Devoted - Honest - Adventurous - Virtuous - Considerate
Quirks: Always carrying a weapon - Suspicious of pretty much everyone - Hard to get close to and even harder to get away from
Habits: Sleeping late - Drinking often - Falling for the wrong people

Bo is fiercely independent and chooses not to subjugate herself to either the Light Fae or Dark Fae, and frequently disregards the rules of the Fae world in order to do things her own way. Despite being independent, she has shown great loyalty to her friends, frequently risking her life to help them. Because she grew up among humans, Bo does not regard them as inferior beings as most other Fae do, and prefers to live among them while still keeping her true nature hidden. Due to her succubus species Bo is an extremely sexual being, not only needing sex to feed and survive but also to heal. Since learning how to control her chi-drawing powers, Bo has been able to enjoy sex freely without fear of killing a sexual partner. Despite being a succubus, Bo has expressed her desire for a monogamous relationship. She has deep romantic feelings for both Dyson and Lauren, and goes on to explore personal relationships with each of them at different times. In the third season, Bo asked Lauren to be with her in a monogamous relationship and although she tried to be physically faithful, her need to feed could not sustain it. Being with Lauren, however, was the first time Bo said "I love you" to anyone.

Legal & Physical
Name: Ysabeau McCrrigan(Birth) Beth Dennis(Adoptive) Bo Dennis(Chosen)
Nicknames: Bo-Bo, Love Machine, Sex Machine, Succulette, Succuslut, Succubitch, Etc.
Date Of Birth: Unknown
Place Of Birth: Hel(Tartarus)
Current Residence: The Love Shack
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown/Blue
Height: 5'6
Weight: 135
Birthmarks/Scars: None
Family & Relationships
Mother: Aife(Birth Mother) Mary Dennis(Adoptive Mother) Persephone(Step-mother)
Father: Hades(Birth Father) Sam Dennis(Adoptive Father)
Sister(S): Kenzi Malikov
Brother(S): None
Other Family: Trick(Grandfather)
Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual
Relationship Status: Complicated
Current Relationship(S): None
Past Relationship(S): Dyson, Lauren, Rainer, Etc.
Education & Employment
High School Unknown
College None
Major -
Degree -
Occupation: Private Investigator
Job Description: Investigating strange and unusual cases.
Employer: Herself
Skills: Too curious for her own good.
You will note a line of code that starts with param name="wmode" above. The normal player that you add from flash-mp3-player.net does not contain this. If you are replacing the full player, make sure to add it into your code. Firefox can be buggy with flash players. The extra code will keep it hidden until the sidebar has been hovered over.
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Tip: If your name is long, go to About Me and search for H1 in General Text. Alter the font-size or letter-spacing to make the font smaller. Bo Dennis
"I shall reign as queen and you shall all tremble before my power."

Going by Bo these days, the once Beth Dennis never had it all that easy. Growing up in a small town that had quaint little festivals every year, where everyone knew your name, it wasn't too simple to just up and disappear without anyone noticing. Running away when she was a teenager, the young Succubus just coming into her powers had no clue where her life was headed.

Traveling from place to place just wracking up the body count, Bo tried her best to live the life that she had chosen for herself, feeling each and every day that she was a monster and no one could ever truly love her. It's sort of hard to feel the love when everyone you sleep with is dead by morning because of YOU. She did the best she could but she never stayed in one place for long, that is until she came into a special little place filled with what would become her entire world and then some.

After saving a petite thief from the hands of a sleezey guy trying to drug girls for his pleasure, no doubt to make up for his lack of...character, Bo was ready to pack up and leave again. Burning her clothes and getting everything ready, the already drugged young lady woke up. The world seemed to flip upside down in a matter of moments as this little Russian, Kenzi Malikov shoved herself into the world of the still clueless Succubus quickly becoming the most paramount person in her entire universe.

Situations escalated quickly from there and soon she was captured, studied, and made to fight to choose a side by people in a world that was hidden from humans. The Fae, both Light and Dark, were magical beings of all types that had lived in harmony with the rest of the world as it fed on it's inhabitants. Examined by the captivating HUMAN Doctor Lauren Lewis, Bo was told that she was a succubus. Succubi were a powerful and uncommon species of Fae that fed off of sexual energy or 'Chi'. Along with a suggestive touch, they were commonly known to have many 'sugga daddys' and live in ridiculous wealth with their unmatched charm and talents but Bo was nothing like the rest of her kind.

Later finding out that she was the granddaughter of the Blood King, Bo came to see that she was way more powerful than a mere Succubus, her bloodlines merging together to make her one of the most dangerous beings out there and yet she fought for good with every beat of her heart and soul. With every change that came in her life from finding her real parents, fighting them, gaining and losing loves, she still trudged through all of it in her attempt to live the life she chose with the people she cared about most.

Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Bo's!
Always running from place to place, it was quite hard to come across people that she could keep within her


Kenzi Malikov: Saving her from a guy trying to drug the ladies, Kenzi stuck by Bo's side as soon as she woke up the next day, albeit AFTER she calmed down. Going into business with the Succubus as a private investigative team, the two stayed in the 'Crack Shack' they came to call home and kept the Fae in line as best they could.

Lauren Lewis: The good doctor was the first to tell her what she truly was. Developing a serum to help her with her hunger and teach her how to feed without killing, Lauren became important in more ways than one. Helping her with her feeding, Bo in turn helped her gain information on a species she had yet to study. Falling for one another was inevitable, their chemistry off the charts, and even through countless issues they still ended in each others loving embrace.

Tamsin: Hating her guts at first, trying to pin the death of a Dark Fae on the Succubus, Officer Tamsin tried to kill the Love Machine. From a druid to delivering her to an employer, Tamsin eventually came to care deeply and even love the Succubus, saving her more than she cared to admit. When she began to slip into her bed, things between the two changed in a good way.


Dyson Thornwood: Capturing her by order of the Ash, the Shapeshifter helped to interrogate her before everyone finally came to the realization that she really didn't know what she was. Being her first Fae feed, Dyson began to be a whole string of firsts for the Succubus. First Fae feed, male she didn't have to hide half of herself from, lover that wasn't dead in the morning, and true love that knew everything about her and still cared. A friend willing to do anything for her, including give up his love to help her win against her mother, Dyson is the most loyal man she had ever met. More than willing to try again with the wolf, Bo waited patiently but time seemed to had run out, but truth be told all he needed to do was try one more time.

Trick: Finally finding out he was her grandfather, Bo learned that from The Blood King she inherited the ability to enthrall people with her blood making them completely devoted to her. Her mother, Aife, would do this to make an army. A Kindly older man, Trick was a walking encyclopedia of knowledge and wisdom. Offering anyone sanctuary when asked in his home, the Dal Riata, Trick came to know and grow more and more proud of his granddaughter with every day together.

Hale: The equally witty best friend to Dyson, the Siren was the backbone to them all. Offering calm words and a cool head, Hale was a seeker of truth in a world of lies. Becoming acting Ash for a while, he tried his hardest to help in changing the Fae world to work with humans instead of just feeding on them but was thwarted by the Morrigan of the Dark Fae. Eventually falling for Kenzi, their love was something that rivaled even Bo and Dyson's that burned so brightly even the sun couldn't compete, but the cards that were dealt turned out to be pretty crappy.

Before Anyone Else
Kenzi Malikov

Kenzi Malikov

Species/Type: Human
Relationship: Best Friend FOR LIFE

Kenzi is the very heart that beats within the chest of Bo Dennis. A sly little thief that burst into her life like the firecracker that she is, this tiny little Russian would do anything and everything for her best friend. With her through each and every trouble that she ran into, Kenzi never paled in the face of danger, but instead stood her ground along side the Succubus. Although human, Kenzi was never afraid to play with the big Fae. A Pitbull in a Chihuahua's body, this raven haired beauty saved the love machine more times than she could count.

Dyson Thornwood

Dyson Thornwood

Species/Type: Shapeshifter/Wolf
Affiliation: Light Fae
Relationship: Close friend/Former lover

Dyson is the first real love connection that Bo makes as she entered the brand new world of Fae. A Light Fae detective that worked closely under the watchful eye of the Ash, this shapeshifter is a paramount person to the Succubus. Falling for him harder than ever before, Dyson and Bo's love was something that no one could touch. Giving up his love to the Norn so that Bo might have his strength to fight her mother, they were never the same. He saved her life and reclaimed his love once more with the help of Kenzi, but the Succubus had already let him go. A friend of the highest caliber, this noble Wolf will forever be in her heart.



Species/Type: Valkyrie
Affiliation: Dark Fae
Relationship: Unexpected friend

was first very against anything that had to do with Bo Dennis. Trying to put her away from the very beginning, this snarky Dark Fae detective was partnered with Dyson at the station. Trying multiple times to kill the Succubus, this winged warrior Valkyrie soon came to not only accept the blue eyed temptress, but have true feelings for. After her death and rebirth, her last life cycle now in motion, Tamsin vowed that she wouldn't live it without the Succubus and she wouldn't have it any other way. A valued member of the team, a thorough lover, and no stranger to danger, this older Fae would go to the ends of the earth and back for the Succulette.

"Did you feel that? That was like the fourth of July in my mouth!"

     Lethal Libido's Details
Characters: Bo Dennis
Verses: Lost Girl, Supernatural, Being Human, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals
Playbys: Anna Silk
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Psychological, Supernatural,
Member Since:August 09, 2014

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Lethal Libido's Friends Comments
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Nov 22nd 2023 - 2:25 PM

I'll reply this weekend. When thanksgiving is over. 

Nov 30th 2019 - 11:46 AM

Dyson could tell that she was ready for him to get on with it, although he enjoyed toying with her until she almost begged him. Long slow licks and rapid flicks of his tongue on her sex set her body into motion. Each movement of his tongue he could feel her body tense in different sections. His large hands gripped her thighs in a specific way that he knew she enjoyed and beneath his fingers, he felt her muscles continuously twitch at every movement of his mouth. Her fresh flowing juices tasted like heaven on his tongue as he released his grip and let his hands free roam across her soft and supple form laid out for his very pleasure. Over her thighs, up her flat stomach, he watched her gently begin fondling her own breasts as he raked his nails down her sides, her back arching as her mouth fell open to release a breathy exhale.

Feeling her tense over and over, it wasn't hard to tell that she was fighting her own nature as best he could. He coaxed her Succubus side out as best he could but enjoyed watching her fight it. He was absolutely stunned at the fact that she meant she was said, that this was all about him and what he wanted this time. It was a first, for sure, but hopefully not even close to the last. Lapping up once last bit of her delicious nectar, Dyson got to his feet with fluid grace. He stared down at her perfect form and made solid eye contact as he brought his fingers to his lips and licked each one that had touched her mound. He knew well that his eyes had bled to the amber wolf brown, he could feel his wolf nearly nipping at his heels, begging for release. Bo was the only woman who ever had that kind of effect on him and probably would be the only one in his entirely too long of a lifetime. Dyson just stood there a moment and appreciated her for exactly what she was, every bit of her, inside and out. The pulchritudinous creation that he loved more than he could ever explain.

May 11th 2019 - 6:41 PM

Her nails digging into his back, Dyson took a sharp breath and delighted at the tingling of his flesh. He always had a way about her that drove him insane! Another growl rumbled up from his throat as he grabbed a hold of her thighs and stood in one swift movement. Holding her weight in his hands, her thighs gripping at his hips, he effortlessly carried her into the bedroom where they could further enjoy one another's company. Both bare from the waist up, what now caused gooseflesh would soon be their saving as the air played at their skin that would soon be as hot as lava.

"I've missed you.." He said feverishly as he kissed at her neck.

Dismissing his own words, he dropped her onto the bed and watched her sensual form bounce, her hair splaying around her like a halo. She was just ravishingly beautiful as always. His wolfish grin slid into place and he watched her breath catch in her throat. She had always enjoyed his animal impulses. His hands moving of their own accord, Dyson began unclasping her jeans before sliding them down her shapely legs and flinging them aside. They certainly weren't needed now. Her sex now bare to the open air, he smiled to himself in anticipation of her sweat juices coating his face. The smell of her in his beard wouldn't wash away for days and he couldn't wait.

Dropping to his knees, his bed the perfect height, he pulled at her legs to bring her closer to him. Kissing at her thighs, his hands gripping her tightly, he watched her squirm and loved every single second.

Jul 29th 2018 - 4:10 PM

She pushed him back to the couch and forced him to sit as her shapely legs came to either side of his thighs and she sat upon his lap. His face firmly held in her hands, he had no choice but to kiss her sensual lips as his large hands rubbed at her thighs, fingers digging in just a tad. Their breathing becoming more labored with their inhibitions slowly taking a nose dive, he kept his composure as long as he could. The shifter felt her hands slide through his rough curls before grabbing a handful and wrenching his head back at an odd angle that brought a pleasant growl to his throat. He had to admit, not many, other than Bo, treated him as such. He was the alpha male to most and that was what they preferred, but Bo was different. She liked him to be himself, be the alpha, but also liked to be equal and show that she was every bit as savage as he was and he adored her even more for it.

The feel of her tongue leaving a hot, wet line from his collarbone and up to the side of his neck sent a shiver down his spine as he suppressed yet another growl. Her grip more relaxed now, he slid his hands firmly up her smooth back and began to lean forward so she was forced to lean back. He trailed kisses down her throat and lower until, with a practiced flick of his fingers, he unclasped her bra and pulled the straps erotically down over her shoulders and threw it aside. Back to kissing at her chest, he took her left nipple into his mouth with a swirl of his tongue before he bit down with just the right amount of pressure that he knew she enjoyed. His pants sure were becoming bothersome!

Nov 25th 2017 - 12:19 PM

Dyson couldn't quite recall the last time he had been asked what it was that he wanted. It brought a smile to his lips and a small flutter to his stomach. Bo gave the shifter new reasons to love her all of the time. He thought it over, really thought it over, but they both knew the answer. He moved in closer, their lips just inches from crashing before he whispered it. His breath hot and tone low, he spoke into the silence that was soon to be diminished.

"You." He said softly before their lips touched.

Her skin so close to his, touching and caressing, was magnificent, to say the least. It had been so long since the two had laid together and he couldn't wait to please her. Her soft lips kissed him back as their tongues explored and their hands held tight. Dyson brought his arms down and began to slide beneath her shirt. The warm softness of her belly beneath his palms was ecstasy�in the making. He didn't want to move too fast and knew he was holding back, but why? Didn't she love when he was a savage? Didn't she enjoy when he took what he wanted simply because she wanted it too? Just a bit longer and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold on. When she drained his chi, the shifter understood that he would lose control and the night would really begin, but for now, they were gentle and calm.
Apocalyptic Hellion �

May 20th 2017 - 12:22 PM

Demon blood begun to saturate the ground of the battle field as the Hellion's seemed to shine for this type of battle. Diona most of all. Seconds after the legendary warrior headed into the fight, she was in the middle of the horde where the Hell Mouth was. A large pile of demon corpses forming around her as she cleared the area where she was standing.

Jill, Jason and Ace had nice sized pile of demon corpses near them as well. All Hellion eyes would glance once in a while towards the Fae group�smirks of an almost proud nature graced each of the Hellion's lips. The Fae group was doing very well.

While all of the Hellion's heard Bo yell out for more ammo, it was Ace that brought her the ammo bag. "Here you are lovely." Ace said to Bo with a grin. He waited until she loaded her firearm before he left her side to get back into the chaos.

The blue hues of the Hellion Archer happened to be faced in Kenzi's direction. Spotting a demon moving fast up behind the fiery Russian, Jill swiftly reacted. Driving her swords into two demons and dropping them at her feet. The archer quickly retrieved her bow from around her body, grabbed an arrow and unleashed it from her bow. The arrow planted itself into the forehead of the demon that was coming up behind Kenzi�dropping the monstrous beast right beside the tiny Russian. Jill grinned briefly at Kenzi after she reacted to the demon falling dead beside her�nodding her head to Kenzi Jill went back to slicing through demons.

Diona had casually stopped fighting and turned towards the others to check on how they all were doing. Closing her eyes, Di quickly did an enemy count through her power sensing ability. The combination of Fae and Hellion had taken an enemy count of roughly 2,600 demons around the Hell Mouth to roughly 1,900 demons left. A smirk graced the Hellion's ruby lips as she could sense that demons were surrounding her to attack.

The ancient warrior had decided that it was about that time in the battle to start taking the masses of enemies out to finish the job. They all had been fighting enough. Crouching down, sapphire blues opened while her voice could be heard in the Fae group's minds. "You're all doing wonderful, but it's time to end this. I want you all to move back towards the ally. Jill, Jason, Ace and I are about to 'lite it up' so to speak." Diona said to the Fae through telepathy. Diona then reached Jill, Jason and Ace through telepathy and told them as soon as Bo and the others fall back they were going to end this.

Upon receiving Diona's telepathic message; Jill, Jason and Ace stopped attacking the demons and took position in the center of the area where they were fighting. Each Hellion was ready to 'lite it up' as soon as the Fae were in the clear. Bo and the others would be able to see; as soon as they got back to the ally; each Hellion's power coming off of their bodies as they prepared to strike.

Jill's would look like black flame like smoke with violet lightening arching around her.

Jason's would have the same black flame like smoke but with crimson flames dancing within it.

Ace's had that same black flame like smoke but with blue lightening arching through it.

The air would have a fiery crackling feeling to it as the Hellion's powers rising for their attack. The feeling from Diona's power still held the darkest feeling over the other Hellion's.�

Apocalyptic Hellion �

Jan 9th 2017 - 2:18 PM

As the introductions of Jill and Jason concluded, the blue hues of the blonde hellion turned towards Kenzi�who had spoken. A smile graced Jill's lips as the human girl expressed her thoughts on the archer's skills. "It takes a lot of training and determination." Jill says to Kenzi. Setting one end of the long bow on the ground and lightly leaning on the body of the bow.

While small chit chats were exchanged, the ancient warrior moved closer to the barrier spell that stood in their way of the Hell Mouth and the hordes of demons that were gathered around it. Di already knew how to take down the barrier spell, it was the distance of the demons to the alley and what demons were paying attention that she was checking. She wanted to quickly think up a plan of action that would give them a bigger win before the ground was saturated with demon blood.

It didn't take the experienced warrior long to formulate a plan. Sadly, she had gotten good at coming up with battle strategy on the fly. Speaking of flying it was at that moment; when she was about to turn around to speak to the group; when four shadows went soaring past the Hell Mouth's side of the barrier. This caught the attentions of the male hellions for sure.

�"Harpies." Ace growled as he looked towards the sky across the barrier.

"Toke!" Diona called out as she pulled out a dagger from its sheath.

Upon hearing Diona call her, Jill looked towards Di, spotting the harpies in the sky. "I'm on it." She said and grinned briefly at Bo and Kenzi before moving ten paces behind Diona and the barrier. Raising her bow in her left hand and drawing an arrow with her right. Jill placed the arrow along the site of the bow and half drew the string back in her right hand, as skilled blue hues carefully followed her first and second target.

"Make sure to give her room." Ace said to Bo and the other Fae.

"Ready whenever you are, Di." Jill said to Diona

Looking over her right shoulder, a wicked grin could be seen upon the hellion's lips� especially by Jill, Ace, Bo and Kenzi. Returning her sapphire blues to the barrier spell, Di laid the blade of her dagger across her left hand and sliced it open. As the blood started to flow, once again it changed from red to black. A few deadly drops hit the ground, immediately eating through it. Di then reached out with her bleeding hand and placed it on the barrier spell. Slowly, dragging her hand down, a ripple surged out from where her hand touched the spell�causing the spell to break.

The second she had an area to shoot through, Jill was on. Taking two smooth steps to the left, Jill pulled the firing string fully back and released the first of four arrows. The first arrow struck a Harpy in the heart killing her.

Seconds after the first arrow launched, Jill drew another, lined it on the site; in one smooth action; took two steps left again and fired the second arrow. Striking the second Harpy through the throat.

Just as swiftly as the first two arrows were let loose, in four steps to the right the last two arrows found purchase in the heart and head of the last two harpies.

Once the harpies were dropped the three hellions stepped up beside Diona; Jason and Ace on her left and Jill on the right. "It's time they lose the upper hand." Diona says aloud as she holds out her right hand to Jill.

Jill draws an arrow and places it in Diona's right hand. The blonde hellion then cracks her neck and rolls her shoulders as she prepared to make a harder shot� the Hell Mouth.

Diona took the arrow from Jill and covered the arrow head in her black blood. "Don't miss." Di says to Jill as she hands her the arrow and her hand heals.

"Would your best marksman miss?" Jill says aloud with a chuckle. Glancing behind her as she got the arrow from Di, Jill made sure she had enough space between her and the Fae group. Seeing she had room she smiled at Bo and Kenzi� as she smiled her blue hues changed to black with purple lightening flashing through them. Turning her head back to face the Hell Mouth, she raised her bow, laid the arrow on the site and drew back. Jill drew back the firing string with such force that both ends pulled back�it looked like the bow would break before Jill took her shot. Then the blonde hellion released the arrow sending it soaring at great speeds towards the center of the Hell Mouth. An unlucky demon was crawling out of the Hell Mouth when Jill's arrow planted through the demons skull. Di's deadly blood swiftly melted the demon into nothingness and as the arrow fell into the Hell Mouth it shimmered. Soon the ground shook as the Hell Mouth closed, trapping the demons around it in the mortal world and in the sights of hellions and Fae there to kill them.

Slowly, demons turned their raging attentions towards Diona and the others. Growling and snarling the hordes stared down the group.

As the demons starred them down, Jill slipped her body between the bow and firing string letting it rest along her shoulders. The blonde hellion then drew both of her swords, ready to charge into battle.

Jason; in a smooth almost fluid like movement; brought his sword down along his left side, tied the sheath to his left and laid his right hand along the handle of the katana.

Ace gripped the handle of his sheathed sword in his right hand and looked to Diona. "Your orders, Cher Ami." Ace said aloud.

"Kill them all." Diona said with a slight growl.

As Diona gave her orders, the demons started advancing.

Before Di, Jason and Ace or the Fae could react, Jill charged into the fray, slicing through the demons that got in range.

Diona, Jason and Ace all looked at each other for a moment and chuckled. "I didn't even get to say 'go'." Di says chuckling to Jason and Ace.

The male hellions chuckled another moment then Jason drew his katana from its sheath. In a blur the crimson hellion was in the fray and slicing another part of the massive demon horde.

Ace glanced back at Bo, grinning wickedly as he drew his sword and headed to join Jill and Jason.

Diona drew her Sais and waited for the Fae team to move up behind her. "Whatever you do, don't hold back now. If you need help just yell and one of us will be there to help you. Remember the stronger demons may take several shots to drop. I know you all will do great." Di says then heads into the fight.�


Dec 29th 2016 - 5:13 PM

His legs moving quicker than any humans, Dyson stuck to the shadows as he darted between buildings and streets on his headlong rush to arrive home before his guest. He didn't live too far away from the Dal Riata, mayhap it was the reason he was there so much, and so he closed the distance to the door of his building soon enough and waited for his very special friend to join him. His large and powerful hand lay at rest on the door knob as he leaned his shoulder into it and breathed normally. It had been a fast race, at least for him, but he was nowhere near out of breath. He knew, though, that he would soon be gasping for air as they rolled around any place in his entire apartment. He tried to contain his excitement as best he could, shifting his legs slightly so as not to appear so eager when she finally showed up.

Letting his mind wander to the state of his living quarters that they were soon to enter, he mentally went through, step-by-step, and tried to remember if there was a mess that needed cleaning anywhere. The shifter was quite tidy, but even he got lazy and didn't want to pick up after himself sometimes. Thinking, again, to remember if their were any objects left behind from anyone else possibly lying around either but still came up blank. He didn't think the literal holder of his heart would feel too in the mood if she found a pair of panties that were not hers, which would be obvious enough being that she didn't wear any.

The lights coming into view, Dyson watched as Bo finally pulled in and quickly shut off the car to join him at the door. Turning the knob, he let her enter first and closed it behind them both as she lead the way to his apartment. He wasn't the only one in this odd place, there were a few flats, but only his doubled as a gym for his amusemant. Unlocking the door and dragging it aside, the animal devoured the sight of her as she sauntered forward, his eyes roaming all over her as his hands soon would as well.�

The Succubus knew that this was nothing but simple. He could move his heart aside to be with her any time she wanted. Whether she was hungry, needed healing, or was just up for a rompus like now. He would keep it between them and treat her as he always had. He was patient, he could wait for Lauren's time to end before trying to be with her again and he was pretty certain that the good Doctor knew that as well. An unspoken promise to keep her when Lauren was no longer amoung them. The entryway now closed and locked, the wolf turned to see a smile that had been a while since last encountered. In that moment, she was every bit a predator as he and it was absolutely perfect.

A joke about his empty fridge brought a smirk to his lips and shrug to his shoulders as her face softened and the memories of their life was easily seen in her eyes. He caught himself with that same look, often. Any time he spent time with her and came home with her scent upon him he could see that look when he caught his reflection. Bo was not one to be forgotten. Opting to make even more memories, Dyson swept away the uncertainties and showed her the attention and effection that he could sense she was longing for.

In two strides, he crossed the distance and let his inhabitions burn in the brightness of her glorious light. One strong hand found the small of her back and brought her in close while the other slowly slid up her shapely length, over her shoulder, to cup her cheek. His thumb, as soft as any calloused hand could be, caressed her face while his bright blues stared into her soul. No matter how much he wished to simply throw caution to the wind, he always had to make sure that she was certain. This was always about her.

His brows knit in concern with a thread of hope and the ghost of a smile, he breathlessly asked her the only thing that could escape. "Are you sure?"
Apocalyptic Hellion �

Nov 4th 2016 - 1:08 PM

�Ace was impressed with Bo's strength to resist what he had done, not all Succubi could have done that. Stepping over to Bo, he smiled at her. "When this is over lovely and you'd like me to explain that�I'll gladly toll you." Ace said to Bo. His intense blue hues move towards the alley opening where Diona now stood removing her ear buds from her ears.

Sapphire blue hues looked at the Fae group as a grin graced her lips. Looking at Bo, she nodded her head. "Well done." She says as she puts her phone and ear buds back in her trench coat pocket. "We'll be at the Hell Mouth shortly." Di says to the group, she then started walking towards the Hell Mouth.

Diona was tired of the enemy having the advantage, it was time to hit them where it hurts. The battles climax was just around the corner and if the rest of her team didn't get here soon the Fae group would soon get to see what they were capable of. There would be no holding back for any of them.

After walking about half a block, Di led the group down another alley. At the end of the alley stood two large werewolves guarding the now visible Hell Mouth and the hundreds of demons that surrounded it. A glimmer rippled behind the werewolves reviling a barrier spell that was to protect the Hell Mouth. Di stopped the group halfway down the alley and looked at the werewolves�a slow grin gracing her lips.

"Hellion." Growled one of the wolves.

"You're not getting past us, Hellion bitch." Growled the other.

Sapphire blues glanced at everyone standing behind her and beside her�as she did so her voice spoke in their minds. 'No one move.' Di said in their minds.

Returning her gaze to the werewolves, Di chuckled darkly. "Oh, it's not any of us that you have to worry about�" Di then raises her left arm just so her hand could be seen over her shoulder. Pointing with her thumb a twisted grin graced her lips. "I'd be more worried about her�she never misses."

As Di finished her sentence and attentions started to turn in the direction Diona was pointing, two sets of arrows; two on both sides of Di; went flying past everyone's faces and planted into the hearts and heads of the two werewolves dropping their dead bodies to the ground.

As everyone turned to see who was responsible for unleashing the arrows that killed the werewolves, they soon see two figures at the entrance of the alley, they are standing in. A woman and a man�both carry the same feel as Ace and Diona. The woman held the bow.

The woman; standing 5'5, blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail, blue eyed, dressed in black jeans, black boots and a purple tee shirt. She was heavily armed; not counting the bow in her hand and the quiver full of arrows on her back. Shoulder holster held a firearm and clips, two swords sheathed along her back, throwing daggers strapped to her left leg and a lone dagger sheathed in her right boot.

The man; standing 6 foot, long red hair tied in a loose ponytail, amber colored eyes, dressed in all black( punk style pants with straps and zippers and a tight long sleeved shirt) and black combat boots. The male was different from Di, Ace and the blonde�he was armed with only a katana which he had across his shoulders at the moment with his hands hanging over the handle and sheath.

Diona smirked at the two that were slowly walking towards the group. "Took you two long enough." She says aloud.

Ace looked at Bo and grinned. "Now, it's a party, lovely." He says to her, then chuckles darkly.

The blonde and crimson haired male chuckled as they made their way slowly up the alley way and through the Fae group.

"Hey, we got here as fast as we�" the female said but stopped as she spotted Ace. "�no f***ing way you beat me here." She said annoyed to Ace.

Ace just smirked. "Well, hello to you too, darling."

"Everyone, these two are the final members of my team. Jill Toknowa and Jason McCloud." Di says to Bo, Trick and the others.

Jason and Jill both nod hello to everyone, grabbing a quick introduction. As that happened Diona stepped up to the barrier spell and checked out their final battle.�


Oct 30th 2016 - 9:02 PM

Dyson could see her mood change within seconds, the hunger that now flashed behind those brown hues that he would see turn her signature blue before the night was done. The Wolf had been with another Succubuss before, Bo's mother in fact(although he hadn't known at the time), but she didn't have the same finess as her lovely daughter. Aife was harsh and demanding. She took what she wanted without a care in the world about your comfort and even less about your life. Bo was so so different. She was gentle and kind. She cared about every detail and wanted both parties to enjoy it. He couldn't speak for everyone, but Dyson was never dissatisfied with her.

As she pushed the drink away and stood, he felt her hand glide across his back before she leaned down and spoke into his ear. Her voice low and full of dark promises, her breath hot on his neck, his nostrils were suddenly filled with her intoxicating scent that he could never quite get enough of. She simply was phermones. He didn't mean to be the love sick puppy that he so often appeared to be, but over his vast years he had learned something important: When a beautiful woman offers you her body, you don't say no unless you are taken.

With a soft chuckle, he finished his own mug and pushed it forward. He waved goodbye to Trick, Bo's own grandfather, and left right on her heels. Although it may have been weird in the beginning, Trick knowing full well who she was and that she had gotten his heart, he knew now that Trick would want her with no one else. He wanted her to be happy and trusted Dyson beyond measure, as did Dyson Trick.

Catching up quickly, he let his hands roam down her arms, over her hips, and caress her thighs before leaning into her ear and speaking...

"Race you to my place." He said with a playful grin before he took off like a bat out of hell, on foot.
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