What was happening? The Doctor had lost his balance and there he sat on the metal deck, one leg up in the air, his brown eyes widened in shock as everything, including the TARDIS, appeared to spiral out of control. The screen on the console lit up with a warning as the TARDIS groaned and wheezed. Impact was imminent unless he intervened and fast. Quickly, he pushed himself to his feet, his converse shoes squeaking across the floor.
“No. No. No.” Repeatedly, the word slipped from his lips as he sprinted to the console. Frantically, he began flicking switches and pulling levers, attempting to regain some control of the situation. The TARDIS began to stabilize, the flight path evening out. He reached out, his slim fingers grasping the monitor and swiveling it his way to have a look at the various readings. Unfortunately, he hadn’t reacted fast enough, leaving him with one last option; he grabbed a hold of the console, bracing for a rough landing.
Everything around him began to rattle and groan once again, falling silent after the boom of impact. The Doctor sat for a few moments in complete darkness, the absence of light only perceived as such, given that he had his eyes closed. Please. Please. Please. He wished silently to himself, not wanting to see his beloved in tatters. Slowly, he opened one eye to take a peek at the damage, both eyes fluttering open when he realized that the TARDIS had fared rather well.
“Well… that wasn’t so bad.” Rising to his feet once again, he ran the palms of his hands over the front of his suit, straightening out the hem of his jacket.
Famous last words. As if on cue, something spontaneously combusted. Without skipping much of a beat, the Doctor reached for the fire extinguisher, jumping into action. Oh, did he ever know his way around a fire extinguisher!
A grin happily spread across his lips, hearing the TARDIS hum back to life. “Oh, yes!” He jumped to his feet, reaching out a hand to caress the console. “You did it!!” He complimented the ship; she had appeared to have sustained far less damage than the previous time she fell through the void.
So far, so good. Now, he had to take a peek outside to see where he might have been and to make sure he hadn't caused any considerable damage to the site of his landing. Cautiously, he pulled open the door, first sticking his head out before taking a step outside.
There appeared to be no one around the city street. Good. A blue police box falling from the sky would be a little hard to miss, even in the dead of night. The tree he knocked over, however, had definitely seen better days.
With his initial check of the perimeter was out of the way, he decided to head back inside. He had some important diagnostic tests to run, making sure the TARDIS was doing as well as she appeared to be…