King of the seas - Harry Hook ☠️ on RolePlayer - King of the seas - Harry Hook ☠️
You know him, you love him, you all want him. I am the one and only, Harry Hook! Son of Captain Hook, born to be a stone cold Pirate! Being good is fine, but being good at being bad, that's an art form baby! Straight, here for fun and good times, as well as stealing your gold, and your wives. Ha!
About me: Harry Hook, Pirate, Swashbuckler, Stone cold fox! For those of you who haven't heard my name, don't worry, your momma knows what the Hook can do. ;)
Who I'd like to meet: Anyone with a lot of money, and a bad reputation for security devices.
Yes my Mother is the evil fairy who made an entire kingdom sleep for 100 years.
My father on the other hand, he never wanted to be the God of the underworld. He hated having to send people to a life of damnation. He wanted to be on Mount Olympus with his brother Zeus.
They say villains don't love their kids; while true from my mother it turns out that my father actually cares for me very much.
After taking down the barrier Ben and I have decided it's time to put the past in the past and make amends. Everyone and anyone is capable of good and bad behaviors. We are all going to live as one and I hope it goes well for us.
OUAT MAL (For OUAT story-lines)
"I'm gonna find a way"
After Maleficent returned to her normal size thanks to the magic now on the Isle Of The Lost she was out for revenge against her daughter and all of Auradon.
Having to explain who they were to their doppelgängers was a task eventually the Storybrooke inhabitants accepted the mirrors of their counterparts from Auradon. Being queen of her people with no royal status in Storybrooke Mal felt lost but was determined to her her people home. Successful in her plans everyone was able to return but with one condition... Mal had to stay behind in Storybrooke. For now she accepted it but she would find a way home. She was sure of that.
Love, Your Queen Mal.
I ship Mevie/Maleive before Bal #SorryNotSorry I will not tolerate ANY real life drama, role play drama is welcomed it makes for good story-lines. I have real life health issues so bare with me on slow replies please. I also have a lot of other pages. Also, I am NOT the best speller/grammar person so #NotSorry I try my best. I have learning disabilities so deal with it :) THANK YOU IN ADVANCE