Driven by Duty (Taken in RL, & RP) on RolePlayer - Driven by Duty (Taken in RL, & RP)
It is a hobby that I like to do and nothing more. I work a high-stress job that can demand my attention at any point so please do forgive me if I disappear for a while or even the night. I am an Emergency Medicine Clinical Pharmacist and Medical Toxicologist IN REAL LIFE. HAPPILY MARRIED & VERY MUCH TAKEN IN REAL LIFE FOR 11 YEARS. Husband, Father AKA Dad, Writer, Army Veteran, Friend.


31 years old
Fort Campbell, Fort Bragg, North Carolina,, The Writer/Artist is fluent in ARABIC.
United States

Last Login:
February 09 2025

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    Driven by Duty (Taken in RL, & RP)'s Interests



ID: RC-1136, Darman Skirata (RC-1136) Born 32 BBY, Kamino. Clone Commando of the Grand Army of the Republic. Son of Kal Skirata. Member of Theta squad and Omega squad. The Jedi and the Clone Commando who fell in love.

Clone Commando

RANK: Demolitions Expert

Species: Human

Darman Skirata, known as RC-1136, is a Republic Commando serving the Galactic Republic during the clone wars. Republic Commandos make up squads of four clones that specialize in assassination, infiltration, sabotage, and demolition.

Note: Darman is a commando, meaning he is bulkier than the regular clone trooper model. His armour is also very advanced. Republic commandos are usually sent in for up close and personal missions, like neutralizing a terrorist or infiltrating a base.

Personality: Darman wears his heart on his sleeve and thinks with his heart. He wants more in life and is angry at the Republic for treating him and his brothers like disposable dogs. He is unbelievably loyal to his squad and isn’t one to find conflict.


The Clone Wars

[we serve the wolves | republic verse], v:republic

Hard words and tough orders are uttered every day. Darman is a Republic commando, trained by the best Mando'a warriors in covert infiltration, sabotage, demolition, and assassination. After losing his entire squad on Geonosis, he was paired with three other sole survivors to form Omega Squad with Atin, Fi, and Niner. The four of them become inseparable brothers and Darman takes his role of Demolitions Expert very seriously. He never leaves a man behind.

Darman trained under Kal Skirata, an older man who witnessed the terrors young clones had to endure. Kal taught the clones everything he could about Mandalorian culture and language, and Darman looks up to him as a father, often referring to him as Kal'buir (Mando'a for ‘Papa Kal.’)

Omega Squad endured tireless and difficult missions. Near the end of the war, however, it became clear the Republic was going to prevail. The clones began to question what their fate would be once the war ended. They were genetically enhanced super soldiers with an uncanny ability to kill. They doubted the Republic would let them assimilate into civilian life, especially after they witnessed how little their life meant to the republic. Darman began to question his loyalty to the Republic, which greatly unnerved and scared him…


The Imperial Army

ID: RC-1136, Darman Skirata

Imperial Commando, serving under Darth Vader’s 501st.

RANK: Demolitions Expert

[slaves soaked in blood | imperial verse], v:imperial

Hope was destroyed the day Order 66 was executed. Coming to terms with how the Republic viewed and treated its clone soldiers, Omega Squad planned to desert the Republic army and run to Mandalore, despite Darman’s initial hesitation. Their adopted father, Kal Skirata, put the plan into place and everything was ready to go.

Then Order 66 was called. Omega Squad didn’t partake in the order, but a frantic Jedi pushed Darman off a bridge that resulted in a serious back injury. Darman’s Jedi wife is cut down and torn from the force. Atin and Fi escape in time, but Darman and Niner are doomed and left in the clutches of the Empire.

After months of physiotherapy, Darman returns to the army to serve beside his brother. They become a special commando unit working directly under Lord Vader, tasked with hunting down the remaining Jedi and clone deserters, including their own family. Darman, depressed and shut down, is struggling to come to terms with the death of his wife. Niner struggles to remain strong for his brother while battling his own grief. Clan Skirata works tirelessly from Mandalore to get the boys out, but it proves to be difficult.

The commandos are tasked to hunt down and assassinate the Jedi they used to serve beside, which is conflicting for Darman . However, the only way to keep his family safe is to keep his head down and follow orders. His squad becomes efficient and deadly Jedi killers.



[freedom soaked in blood | Mandalore verse], v:mandalore

Please note that this verse deviates from canon and takes place after the books.

Brotherly hugs and sighs of relief fill the ship as it takes off. Darman and Niner successfully desert the Imperial army. They run to the hidden sanctuary, Kyrimorut, on Mandalore and rejoin their family in Clan Skirata. Kyrimout has become a refuge for deserted clones and a small number of Jedi.

Although Darman appears much older than he is, Doctor Uthan discovered a cure to combat the rapid aging gene in clones. Darman’s family lives in hiding as the Empire hunts them tirelessly. The crime for desertion is execution and Clan Skirata works tirelessly in the shadows, helping other clone soldiers escape the clutches of the Imperial forces and sheltering the occasional fleeing Jedi.

Darman has donned his own Mandalorian beskar'gam in honour of his clan. His old katarn armour has been repurposed and his legs and arm plates are a bit bulkier than the average Mandalorian armour. He proudly wears a mix of green and black to represent duty and justice, and a red Skirata clan sigil sits on his shoulder. He often goes head first into the field to directly help his fleeing brothers. He will do anything to keep his family safe and serve his brothers.

Later on in the years, Darman joins the rebels to fight against the Empire.


"I can't think of a better time to die than when I'm no longer the best."

―Darman Skirata (RC-1136) Born 32 BBY, Kamino. Republic Commando of the Grand Army of the Republic. Son of Kal Skirata. Member of Theta squad and Omega squad. The Jedi and the Republic Commando who fell in love.

Darman Skirata, formally known as RC-1136 during service to the Galactic Republic, later as IC-1136 after its reorganization into the Galactic Empire, and affectionately known as Dar, was a clone commando of the Grand Army of the Republic and member of Theta Squad, Omega Squad, and Squad 40. He was formally adopted by his training sergeant Kal Skirata. After the Clone Wars ended he was unable to escape to Mandalore with his squad mates and remained on Coruscant with Niner (RC-1309). They were both absorbed into the Imperial Army's 501st Legion after the formation of the Empire.



Darman was a Republic Commando assigned to Theta Squad and trained by Sergeant Kal Skirata. During his first mission on Geonosis, Darman lost contact with his squad mates and called for each man personally over the comm; none replied. He waited until the last LAAT/i left to see if his squad mates would return, but was forced to acknowledge that all other members of Theta Squad had been killed. Darman was re-assigned to Omega Squad along with Niner RC-1309, Fi RC-8015, and Atin RC-3222. He was considered their demolitions expert. He served alongside his squad members until the end of the Clone Wars, when half the squad deserted to Mandalore.

Mission to Qiilura

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Mission to Qiilura

Darman Etain-ERC

Darman meets Etain Tur-Mukan for the first time.


Omega Squad was tasked with destroying a bio-weapons facility on the planet Qiilura. The Separatists were supporting Dr. Ovolot Qail Uthan, a microbiologist, in her work to design a nanovirus that would target all Fett clones. Upon insertion into Qiilura Darman was separated from his squad and was presumed dead by the other Omegas. After landing on the planet, Darman met up with Jedi Padawan Etain Tur-Mukan, who had no knowledge of the new clone army or of her new status as a commander. The two managed to work together and with the help of Jinart, a shape shifting Gurlanin, they reunited with Omega Squad. With Darman, Omega Squad assaulted the bioweapons facility, retrieved the Clone nanovirus, and captured Doctor Ovolot Qail Uthan.

Despite the mission's ultimate success, it almost ended in disaster. Omega's armor and weapons were disabled by an EMP pulse, and they were almost killed by the Dr. Uthan's Mandalorian minder Ghez Hokan. In addition, Dr. Uthan and Atin were critically wounded by a round from a Verpine rifle; Atin spent a month in bacta as a result.

During the mission Darman and Etain formed a close bond of friendship. Etain heavily relied on Darman's commando training to help them survive on the Separatist-controlled planet, and Darman in turn relied on Etain's Force skills to help them avoid danger. At the mission's end Etain offered Darman the option to stay with her on Qiilura to help her and Jedi Arligan Zey clear the planet of Separatists, but Darman chose to remain with his squad.

Galactic City spaceport hostage siege

A month after the Qiilura mission, Omega Squad was stationed at the Arca Company Barracks on Coruscant, where they were called upon to defuse a terrorist siege at a local spaceport. With help from Kal Skirata and the Null ARC Captain Ordo, they were able to remedy the situation.

Mission to the Corellian-Perlemian Intersection

367 standard days after the Battle of Geonosis, Omega Squad was tasked to interdict and detain the occupants of a Gizer L-6 freighter. After boarding the craft, they managed to subdue the crew and take some prisoners. Unfortunately their own ship, along with their pilot Sicko was shot down by a civilian freighter, Nova Crystal who mistook them for a pirate vessel. The attack caused several hull breaches in the L-6 and left Omega stranded.

A Red Zero call was immediately issued and both the RAS Fearless and Delta Squad responded to the call. Delta Squad was the first to arrive in a Neimoidian shuttle and dock with the crippled craft. They successfully evacuated the prisoners and Omega Squad while the RAS Fearless provided cover and destroyed an attacking Neimoidian starship that had also responded. Darman would find himself reunited with Etain aboard the Fearless.

Mission to Coruscant

Due to the increasing terrorist activities on Coruscant, Omega and Delta squad were handpicked by Kal for a special black ops mission. Omega and Delta united with training Sergeant Walon Vau, Ordo, Jedi Knights Bardan Jusik and Etain for the mission.

The team established Qibbu's Hut as their base of operations. It was during this time that Darman and Etain decided to have a relationship and ignore the rules prohibiting it. Unbeknownst to Darman, Etain became pregnant with their son. Kal pretended to be a black-market explosive dealer and the terrorists soon took the bait. After several contacts with the terrorist network, an exchange was soon scheduled. Led by Ordo, the team consisted of Mereel, Kal, Omega and Delta Squad. Their objective was to neutralize the terrorist cell that would show up for the exchange while a separate team would go for the other cells.

The team managed to kill fifteen out of twenty-six terrorists almost immediately, while the survivors retreated to a warehouse. The survivors made a last, final gambit and attempted to trick the commandos with a false surrender. Darman was nearly killed in their attempt by a flame projector. Fortunately, his Katarn-class commando armor managed to protect him against the attack. All of the terrorists were killed during the second firefight.

The two teams completed their missions without any loss. They regrouped at their base and celebrated their victory.

Mission to Gaftikar

"Dar, you actually like thieving stuff, don't you?"

"It's not stolen. It's differently procured."

―Atin and Darman

Darman traveled to Gaftikar with Omega squad to help with a rebellion against the CIS loyal government. While there, he found AWOL ARC Trooper Alpha-30, nicknamed "Sull", who he and Atin captured and brought him to the commanding Null ARC A'den stationed at Gaftikar. The Null let the AWOL ARC escape and Darman traveled to the former home of the AWOL ARC trooper to collect any signs of him being there. While he was doing so, two Covert Ops clone troopers attempted to assassinate him, mistaking him for Sull. Darman killed them, causing himself to second-guess his actions and later creating internal guilt. Sometime later, Darman went through another emotional roller coaster when squadmate Fi was seriously injured in battle.

Mission to Haurgab

On Haurgab, Darman and his squad were sent to assassinate a rebel leader by the name of Jolluc. After they killed him, they found themselves under assault by more killer rebels than Intelligence stated. They made a stand on a hill and, after a furious fire-fight, were rescued by a LAAT/i sent by Captain Maze.

Return to Coruscant

When Omega returned they ended up having to go through the Battle of Coruscant. They barely made it through the planet's shield and a droid starfighter followed them through the gap. Their ship crashed somewhere in Galactic City where they joined the other troopers in the area to repel the Separatist invasion. Omega defended a HNE Station successfully.

Etain's death

Etain Tur-Mukan was struck down and killed by a young Jedi Padawan when she tried to interpose herself between the Padawan and a clone trooper to keep the Padawan from attacking the trooper, who had been blocking his escape. After seeing her death, Darman told himself that she had not died, despite the fact that the sight of her being struck down replayed endlessly in his mind. He proceeded to admit to himself and Niner that she had died and then distracted himself from his loss by focusing on helping Niner, whose spine had been broken by a young Jedi who had been trying to escape from Imperial troops. Believing that Niner would be allowed to die by his superiors if no one was there to intervene for him, Darman decided to stay with Niner despite Niner's protests, instead of leaving him and fleeing to Mandalore with Skirata and the others. Darman summoned a medical evacuation craft to his location and, after it took off with him and Niner aboard, Darman repeatedly screamed Etain's name within his isolated helmet until he had worn out his vocal cords.

Darman saw to it that Niner received the medical care that he needed. Both were now soldiers of the Galactic Empire and Darman's new duty was to train other clones to become commandos. Darman was less than impressed by the performance of the Spaarti-grown Fett clones and was exasperated by their insistence that Centax-2 was Kamino, but he felt that they were not to blame for these shortcomings, which owed to being grown in only one or two years and being repeatedly told that Centax 2 was Kamino by their superiors. However, he had a higher opinion of the clones that populated the 501st Legion. In order to cope with the task that had been thrust upon him, Etain's death and the new political atmosphere, Darman felt he had to set aside his personal beliefs until he could escape from the then-current situation. He also greatly anticipated what he felt would be an inevitable confrontation between the Empire and Kamino.

Working with the Empire

Three weeks after the declaration of the Empire, Vader briefed the surviving clone commandos, including Darman, Niner, and former Delta Squad members Boss, Fixer and Scorch. They were made into the Imperial Commando Special Unit within the 501st Legion, specifically selected to hunt down Jedi, deserters, and other traitors to the Empire. The list of targets was transmitted to the clones' HUDs and Darman recognized such names as Maze and Sull, former Omega Squad members Corr and Atin, Commander Levet, as well as Yayax and Hyperion Squad. Darman's wife, Etain Tur-Mukan, was also listed as missing, the Empire not knowing she was dead. Niner placed his hand under Darman's elbow to prevent him from showing a visible reaction to seeing his dead wife's name and thus giving himself away to Vader, but Darman didn't react; Darman blocked out the fact that Etain was dead, believing it happened to another Darman somewhere else.

Darman continued to work with the newly-renamed Squad 40, claiming it was so that the Jedi couldn't take Kad. Darman's squad eventually had a new officer, named Roly Melusar. In a mission to kill a Ranger named Jilam Kester, they were ambushed by Iri Camas, who was staying with Kester at the time. Kester escaped hours before Squad 40 arrived, and Camas killed a trooper named Bry in the ensuing battle before being killed himself. Another trooper, Ennen who was in an earlier squad with Bry, demanded to have a traditional Corellian cremation. Squad 40's new commanding officer, Roly Melusar, had Bry cremated, and was shown to be as honest as Jaller Obrim. A new member named Rede was assigned to replace Bry. On a later mission, the four of them were sent into Coruscant's undercity after a suspected Jedi. Ennen killed the man, disgusted to find the supposed Jedi was nothing more than a common thief who happened upon a lightsaber. Later that day, Ennen committed suicide. Darman felt responsible for this, as he intended to tell Ennen about Kal's place on Mandalore in time in the event he wanted to desert. By then, Darman found out that the Nulls could contact Niner on a secure link through his helmet. After Ennen's suicide, the remaining three members of Squad 40 were sent to deal with the Jedi Borik Yelgo, who was killed by Ennen. Darman was furious when he later got the same secure link installed in his helmet, and was told that Jedi were at his home on Mandalore- all the work he had done to protect Kad and Kal allowed the Jedi into his home, where Kad lived. He even threatened Bardan Jusik that he would track him down if the Jedi took Kad away, showing how far gone he was from his original self. Eventually, he let go of both his anger and released his emotions over Etain's death, and devised a plan in the refreshers to go to Mandalore. He convinced Commander Melusar that he could find a Jedi on Mandalore named Djinn Altis, planning to use it as an excuse to desert. He surprised Niner by saying that he was intending to hunt down the Jedi on Mandalore, all in the name of Kad's safety.


As an adult, Darman's son Venku wore a patchwork of armor, including plate from his father.

Personality and traits

"I wish I could sit there and just relax like you, Dar. How'd you get to be so calm? You didn't learn it from Kal, that's for sure."

―Atin speaking to Darman, just before the insertion into Gaftikar[1]

Like all the clones of Jango Fett, Darman had the nature of a young child despite his commando training. The loss of his original squad affected him greatly but he nonetheless came to consider Omega his new family.

Darman was known as being the calm one in Omega Squad. To his squad mates, especially Fi, Darman seemed to be able to relax and sometimes even sleep before missions. He even once seemed to be sleeping-from Fi's point of view-during a TIOPs mission where they were to retrieve prisoners and a hull breach limited the squad and prisoners oxygen supply. However, regardless of being calm, he could have a nasty temper, which was shown when he attacked Kal Skirata for not informing him about his son, Kad.

Trained by Kal Skirata, he adopted the Mandalorian culture wholeheartedly. Due to his guilt of killing whom he considered his brothers, he decided to memorialize CT-6200/8901 and CT-0368/7766 by saying their name everyday, as part of a Mandalorian custom. He was also quick to defend any cracks or rude comments aimed at Etain.

After Etain's death, Darman's heart was broken. He was within reach of his perfect family, Etain, Kad, Kal, and his comrades, only to have his wife die in front of him and the rest of his squad desert from the GAR. Niner did his best to keep Darman focused, but Darman became extremely unstable, sometimes lashing out for no reason, such as when he returned from turning down the Null's offer to take him back to Mandalore.

Toward the end of the Clone Wars, Darman developed an unfavorable view of the Jedi, save Etain. This sentiment only intensified after he became an Imperial, as he lived in constant fear that the Jedi would take away his son Kad. He even resolved to hunt down the Jedi on Mandalore in order to protect Kad.

Also, like all clones of Fett, Darman was claustrophobic, but had to crawl in a Gdan tunnel on Qiilura.

Darman's favorite weapon was the bowcaster.

Romantic relationship

"But she's not any Jedi. She's, my girl. She's my wife, when she responds to that vow. She gave me a son."

―Darman on Etain Tur-Mukan


During the mission to Coruscant, Darman's relationship with Etain Tur-Mukan blossomed and they became romantically involved. They also privately spent most of their free time together. Darman is most likely unique in his relationship with Etain, as a clone-Jedi affair was utterly unheard of at the time. Etain, out of desire to give him a future and out of respect for Mandalorian culture, conceived a son, but did not tell him for some time. She eventually revealed Venku's identity to Darman, and though he was initially angry at being the last to know he had a child, he and Etain reconciled and spent time together with their son on Coruscant. The couple later wed via comm messages during the Battle of Coruscant. In the wake of Order 66, Darman refused to comply out of love for Etain. After her death, Darman was haunted by her loss and worked tirelessly to protect their son from the Jedi.


     Driven by Duty (Taken in RL, & RP)'s Details
Status: Married
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: Fort Campbell, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, ,
Body type:Athletic
Education:College graduate
Characters: James Rhodes | MCU verse], Darman Skirata: Star Wars verse. [slaves soaked in blood | imperial verse
Verses: [we serve the wolves | republic verse], v:republic
Playbys: [freedom soaked in blood | Mandalore verse], v:mandalore
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Member Since:September 15, 2021

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𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒒𝒖𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖:

✭ Name/Nickname Jordan - Everyone calls me Doc. Talk to me Ladies & Gentlemen, I don't bite. Messages are for ooc talk and discussion, comments are for banter/stories. I try to be as friendly as possible. Just respect my boundaries.

Age ✭ - 30s

✭ Hobbies - Freestyle, Greco-Roman and Folkstyle (Collegiate) Wrestling. ⚽️🏈, Health & Fitness (I wrestled in high school and for the University of North Carolina while I was serving in the Army Reserves. I have earned multiple medical degrees. The military paid for my medical school training through its HPSP scholarship. I paid my dues by serving in the military. The military isn't for everyone, and it's ok if it's not for you.❤️), Graphic Design and I write fiction and nonfiction. I've been a professional writer since 2007. Even asked my readers if they care... they don't. They just want to know if I can write faster. 🙂 I write what I love. I have self-published non-fiction books - under a pen name, though. I have self-published a guided journal/workbook - it needs some major updating probably. I am currently working on other guided workbooks for self-care and mental wellness, preferably without the bullshit and fluff added in so much other self-help books.

Likes ✭ - Graphic Design, traveling ✈️ My wife and I been to Seoul, South Korea (including Rome, Italy,) and Japan with stops in Tokyo, where we spent the majority of our time, Kyoto, and sports, history, drawing and a lot of things that I can’t enumerate, or this would be too long. Resident Evil · Marvel Comics · DC Comics · Science fiction · Star Wars:

✭ Dislikes - Pedophilia', Racism, Incest, Rape, Homophobia, Transphobia, or anything else disgusting!

Occupation ✭ - ICU/Emergency Medicine Clinical Pharmacist. Round with interdisciplinary team daily in the ICU. Respond to emergencies and code blues. Also partakes in the the ID/ASP team daily regarding optimizing antibiotics throughout the hospital and approval of restricted antibiotics. (Doctor of Pharmacy) I'm a Health professional, devoted husband and mentor to people of color. Blessed to do what I love for a living.

Indie James Rhodes / Written by Duty Driven / Semi-Selective

MCU & 616 Influences

—— Rules & Guidelines

Blog Activity: So here is the dealio! I am not fast, and so my blog is considered a Low activity blog. I am not fast and also have a habit of disappearing and coming back at any given time. I run loads of blogs and often go wherever I feel like writing, but even if I disappear and do come back months later, I am either super willing to continue old things like no time has passed, or I’ll drop things and come to you asking for fresh new things! And my discord is always available to mutuals and almost always am willing to jump back on a blog if someone wants me to.

Memes, Starter Calls & Opens: My blog is only semi-selective, and therefore anyone can like my starter calls or send in memes and reply to my opens. There are so few Rhodey’s around at any given time I want to make sure everyone has a chance to interact with him, though I am only one person so I can’t always promise to reply or write starters.

Verses & Crossovers: I am a multi-verse and multi-ship blog! With that being said unless otherwise plotted out, none of my verses with rp partners are connected in any fashion. When it comes to crossovers, please know that I have the BIGGEST love of crossovers and AUs, so if you have ideas, please come talk to me about them!

Shipping: Now, I’ll be honest I love me a good ship, however this doesn’t give anyone the right to force a ship on me or Rhodey. I’m all about that sweet sweet chemistry, but please don’t be afraid to tell me that you might think our babes could work as a ship! Honestly the worst I could do is say no and I promise to be super nice about it!

NSFW Content: I’m not super big on smut, though I have been known to do it every once in a while, with people I am comfortable with. It goes without saying that I won’t be writing any such things with anyone underage, nor will Rhodey be getting romantically involved with anyone who is underage.

Original Characters: For any OCs wanting to interact with me, I’m normally pretty game! All I ask is that you either have some sort of about page for me to read, or at the very least be willing to answer any questions I might have about your babe if we are planning interactions. Another thing I ask is that if Rhodey is supposed to know your OC please come talk to me about it first so we can make sure it works with both of our canons!

OOC Drama: Honestly, just don’t. I’m not about the anon hate, or the callout posts. I’m also not a fan of vague blogging. If you are a person that does any of these things, I reserve the right to unfollow and block you without so much of a word.

Trigger Warnings: I do my best to tag all the obvious triggers if they come up on my blog, but mistakes are made from time to time, so if there is something that needs to be tagged, just nicely ask me and more often than not I’m willing to do it.

About The Mun

Hi there! You can call me Jordan; my pronouns are he/him and I am 25 . My life currently is a little on the chaotic side, I'm an ICU/Emergency Medicine Clinical Pharmacist. I am honestly just a dork who loves nerdy things and am always happy to make new friends and babble on about the characters I love. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me!

Another added note, I am a Former Volunteer & Paid Firefighter/Paramedic. Urban Search & Rescue - I have some stories to tell ·

Role-play is not a job. I work, spend time with my family, and take care of my home-life and these will always remain my priorities before role-play. It is meant to be a hobby, to be fun, and a way to get all the ideas that build up in my head free. I often work long shifts in high-stress, life-or-death situations. Due to the physically (and psychologically) demanding nature of the job, Strokes, Car (sic) accidents, motorcycle accidents, falls, breaks, brain damage and more. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends, and families. Natural disasters and infrastructure failings, fires and radiological events, pandemics, active shooter incidents, and other mass casualty events. Train derailments, bus and plane crashes and chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear events. Natural disasters run the gamut from floods to hurricanes to earthquakes and tornadoes. Chemical spills, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, and even suicide calls. It doesn’t matter who you are or what happened. Car wrecks, gunshot wounds, explosions, burns and breaks - professionals, poor, pastors, addicts, and prostitutes - mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and families - Scenes with multiple fatalities, calls with kids, incidents involving personal danger all take their toll. And that’s only a partial list. There's going to be days where I don't have the time/mental capacity to get on, just like everyone else. And that's okay! We're all human. We all deal with real life and its issues outside of here, and I'm never going to pressure any of you to sign on here to respond to me. With that being said, I expect the same respect. Please be kind. It goes without saying that I do genuinely care about the well-being of my role-play partners. For selfish reasons (such as if you don't take care of yourself in real life, you won't be well enough to continue role-playing with me) and for moral reasons - you're a human being behind the screen who is deserving of respect. Given this much you can bet that I will give you the same amount of respect that you give me.

—— About Rhodey

Basic Info

FULL NAME: James Rupert Rhodes

NICKNAMES: Rhodey, Rhodes, Colonel

CODENAME: War Machine

BIRTH DATE: October 6, 1968

ETHNICITY: African American

HOMETOWN: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania






OCCUPATION: Colonel for the U.S. Airforce, Avenger


FACECLAIM: Don Cheadle

HEIGHT: 6'1"

WEIGHT: 240lbs



BUILD: Fit/Athletic

CLOTHING STYLE: Button ups, suits, jeans, converse, polo shirts.

USUAL EXPRESSION: Mix between Calm and 200% done

DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Rhodey is often described as professional, with an air of military about him. However, anyone who spends more than five minutes with him will realize that he can be just as much of a sarcastic little shit as Tony.


SLEEPING HABITS: Average 6-8 Hours though can vary depending on the things going on in his life.

EATING HABITS: Rhodey goes back and forth between eating like a guy in his early twenties, to actually watching what he eats and making smart choices.

EXERCISE HABITS: He has a workout routine that he does about four times a week.

BODY TEMPERATURE: Relatively average, though he is the first to complain about the cold.

POST CIVIL WAR: Rhodey suffers from a spinal injury that has left him unable to walk without the assistance of a walking apparatus that Tony invented, called The Walkman 3000. Though it is important to note that he really only uses the apparatus when he is working, or doing avenger things, otherwise he is in his wheelchair.




MUSIC: He has a pretty broad taste in music, and he is known to blast some of the classics just as much as Tony.

SPORT: Philadelphia Phillies


FOOD: Cheesesteak.

DESSERT: Cheesecake

ANIMAL: No Preference, he loves all animals, he wishes he had the time to have a dog or a cat.


FATHER: Terrence Rhodes - Deceased

MOTHER: Roberta Rhodes

SIBLINGS(S): Jeanette Rhodes - Deceased

OTHER RELATIVES: Lila Rhodes - Niece

Skill Set

——— Skilled Engineer; Rhodey graduated from MIT alongside Tony, and though he isn't a certified genius like his best friend, he is still a damn good engineer.

——— Skilled Aviator; Rhodey can pilot a number of aircrafts ranging from helicopters, Jets and most of Tony's armored suits.

——— Skilled Combatant; Rhodes military training made him a very skilled hand to hand combat.

——— Skilled Marksman; Aside from his armor's weaponry, he is a very good marksman.

——— Skilled Survivalist; With intense military training, he can survive explosions and blasts.

Pressure points

——— Seed Allergy; Rhodey has a severe allergy to most seeds. Some examples would be sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and poppy seeds.

——— Arachnophobia; Rhodey has been absolutely terrified of spiders ever since he was five years old, and no he won't talk about why.

——— Aching Left Knee; Rhodey's left knee will often ache when it rains, due to an injury he had obtained during his second tour. (it obviously goes without saying that post civil war this isn’t a thing.)

——— Stupidity; He has very little patience for stupidity of any kind really. He also has no problems with being very blunt about his lack of patience for it.

——— Tony; He is Rhodey's absolute best and longest friend. So he is naturally protective of the younger man.

——— Family; Don't ever threaten his mother, it won't end well. He takes any threats against anyone he considers family or friends very seriously.

——— His Reputation; Rhodey has worked hard to get to where he has gotten in life, and so his reputation is important and he doesn't take kindly to it being damaged.

—— Verses

Main Verses

MAIN - PREQUEL. ( College Years Verse ) James Rhodes is a student at MIT, which is quite frankly his dream school. He has managed to get a few scholarships and grants in order to afford the rather pricey tuition. Studying Aerospace Engineering, because ever since he was little he had a love for jets. His dream was to become a pilot, and learn every jet inside out.

It is here that Rhodey meets a rather young Tony Stark, and at first he thought the guy was just an annoying asshole, but then he got to know him. It didn't take long for the two to click, and soon become rather inseparable.

MAIN - ARC I. ( IM1 Verse ) Rhodey is in the military as a pilot, aerospace engineer, as well as the Stark Liaison. He of course got his ranking and job in the military with his own skill, because he refused to let Tony pull any sort of strings. He had gone into the military straight out of college, and has done rather well for himself.

When Tony was kidnapped, he refused to give up searching for him. Tony was his best friend, and a brother to him. He was even willing to go against orders from his superiors. When Tony was found, he felt like he could finally breathe again, though it didn't take a genius to see that his best friend had come back as a completely different man. Despite all of this, Rhodey continues to stand at Tony's side, even as the new crazy plan of 'Iron Man' comes to life.

MAIN - ARC II. ( IM2 Verse ) Rhodey is working for the military, and now often finds himself being the inbetween the Iron Man Suit and the government's want for the tech. He trusts that Tony knows what he is doing, however that often doesn't stop him from worrying. He is one of the first people to notice that something is definitely wrong with Tony, and that he is acting odd.

Though he finds himself getting incredibly frustrated with Tony's reckless behavior, he figures that he needs to be the one to take one of Tony's suits so it would stay in the hands of someone that Tony trusts, while also hopefully getting the government off of Tony's back. It is at this moment that Rhodey becomes Warmachine.

MAIN - ARC III. ( IM3 Verse ) In this verse Rhodey is now a colonel for the U.S. Military, and under the government and the military's orders has changed the warmachine's name to Iron Patriot. After everything that has happened during the battle of New York and almost losing his best friend, he finds himself even more worried about Tony's well being. Though with the Mandarin at large he is kept busy with trying to find the guy.

It isn't until Tony is pronounced 'dead' after an attack by mandarin that he decides to make this mission a bit personal, intending to bring him in. He has every faith that Tony is still alive, because if anyone could survive missiles being shot at their house, it was Tony. However he doesn't exactly expect to get captured, but he stays resourceful as he manages to escape and help Tony take Killian down.

MAIN - ARC IV. ( Post AOU Verse ) In this verse Rhodey has joined the Avengers B-team as he calls it. He works on training with the other new recruits, though if he is entirely honest the only thing that's new for him is training with people who have unusual powers or abilities since he has been a soldier for several years. It's definitely a new experience but for the most part it has been a new and interesting chapter within his life.

Though he still works with the Air Force, he manages to split his time between the two relatively well. He even has his own room at the new base that Tony had built, though he still keeps his place in California.

MAIN - ARC V. ( Post Civil War Verse ) In this verse Rhodey is recovering from the hit he took in Germany. It has taken a whole hell of a lot of physical therapy but with the help of some newly designed Stark tech, he is slowly getting back up onto his feet. It is still unsure if he will ever be able to walk again unassisted but he is doing his absolute best to make it happen. He has always been the stubborn type and despite the sheer level of pain he has to endure he is determined to keep going until he can be back up on his own two feet again.

In the meantime however, he finds himself taking a bit of a temporary medical leave from the military's active duty to ensure that he can recover properly. He has been living at the Avenger's base, mostly hanging out with Tony when he isn't in physical therapy. He even goes so far as to help give Tony some ideas and a fresh perspective when he is working on new projects because he is a rocket scientist after all.

MAIN - ARC VI. ( Post Infinity War Verse ) In this verse Rhodey had survived the snap, though it was sheer luck that he hadn't been one of the vanished. The galaxy was nothing short of a damn mess, and they were left behind to try and pick up the pieces while the wound of their defeat was still fresh. He is still working with whats left of the Avengers, trying to help as many people as he possibly can.

On top of it all he has all of his duties as a colonel to the US Airforce, so it's easy enough to say that he has his hands absolutely full. He is doing his best to keep moving forward, but also having hope that maybe, just maybe they can find a way to fix things.

MAIN - ARC VII. ( Post Endgame Verse ) With the war won, and Thanos officially gone, there is a lot of rebuilding left to do. There were casualties to every war, a fact that Rhodey knows all too well, but this was different. He knew all he could do was move forward, and that was exactly his plan. He would keep working with the Avengers, and the Military, and be the best damn War Machine he could possibly be.

Crossovers & AU’s

Insert any fun and cool AUs and crossovers I manage to come up with here.

Text Example

Military File

LEGAL NAME: James Rupert Rhodes
ALIAS[ES]: Iron Patriot. Formerly War Machine, Iron Man, Hulk Machine.
GENDER | SPECIES: Male | Human
PLACE OF BIRTH: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Los Angeles, California. Currently based in New York

616: High school graduate, learned aviation engineering in US Marines.
MCU: Masters Degree from MIT after earning a “grad school slot” for high academic achievement while at USAFA.
OCCUPATION: Lieutenant Colonel of the US 616:Marines/MCU:Airforce | operator of the War Machine Armour | part-time member of the Secret Avengers | regularly takes the title of Iron Man in Tony Stark’s absence.
in a relationship with pretty bird in the “real” world, and in the world of fiction.

HEIGHT: 6’1”
WEIGHT: 240 lbs (109 kg)

PARENTS: Roberta Rhodes (mother), Terrance Rhodes (Father)
SIBLING[S]: Jeanette Rhodes (sister, deceased)
OTHER RELATION[S]: Lila Rhodes (Niece)


SKILLED ENGINEER: Has been shown to have the ability to both operate and repair Stark-designed armours with little to none instruction.
MCU Extra: MIT Graduate, suspected to be in Aviation Engineering.

EXPERT AVIATOR: Being an Lieutenant Colonel of US Military, Jim has extensive experience with piloting US fighter planes. He is also a skilled helicopter pilot and is capable of manoeuvring most if not all Stark-designed armours, as well as an array of Alien technology.

SKILLED COMBATIAN: Rhodes military training made him a very skilled hand to hand combat.

SKILLED MARKSMAN: Aside from his armour’s weaponry, he is a very good marksman. Comics show that he is able to take down groups of foes without his suit if needed.

SKILLED SURVIVALIST: With intense military training, he can disarm and survive explosions and blasts, as well as survive in harsh environmental conditions.

SKILLED TACTICIAN: Highly experienced in coordinating aerial attacks, flight planes and defence strategies. Skilled in surveillance and possible espionage training whilst operating in the Secret Avengers.

MCU: OUTSTANDING MEMBER OF THE US AIR FORCE: Full Bird Colonel of US Air Force. Rhodes’s decorations include:

  • The Senior Pilot Badge
  • Acquisition & Financial Manager Badge
  • The Defence Superior Service Medal
  • Meritorious Service Medal with bronze oak leaf cluster
  • Air Medal with bronze oak leaf cluster
  • Aerial Achievement Medal with bronze oak leaf cluster
  • Joint Service Commendation Medal
  • Air Force Commendation Medal with bronze oak leaf cluster
  • Joint Meritorious Unit Award
  • Outstanding Unit Award with two bronze oak leaf clusters
  • Combat Readiness Medal with bronze oak leaf cluster
  • National Defence Service Medal with bronze star
  • Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
  • Southwest Asia Service Medal with bronze star
  • Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
  • Armed Forces Service Medal
  • Overseas Ribbon Long Tour
  • Longevity Service Award Ribbon with three bronze oak leaf clusters
  • Air Force Training Ribbon
  • Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait).

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