Katarina (M&L Spike)

Last Login:
October 5th, 2024

Gender: Female
Age: 45
Country: United States

Signup Date:
August 10, 2011


02/09/2017 05:24 PM 

Now you see me, Now you don't

09/12/2012 11:42 PM 

A Few Rules

These rules are for the new people to my list.

1. Let's start with the obvious. It is a point everyone feels they need to make. I am not Sophia Bush.  I am a roleplayer. This is a roleplay page.

2. Grammar is highly appreciated. I don't want to need a translator to understand what you are writing.

3. Please don't take things. It is just rude. Although all roleplayers have content they have found on the net on their pages, they may have taken time and effort fixing it for their endeavors. If you want something from my pages. Please just ask.

4.ABSOLUTELY NO DRAMA! This is the most important rule of them all. This supposed to be fun. It is suppose to be about writing, not about how many people are on your list. Or who is friends with who.  There is no reason to threaten people you do not like over something you could just let go.      

You have a problem with another roleplayer discuss it with that roleplayer. Do not message everyone you know about it airing dirty laundry. Try to resolve it amongst yourselves like adults, before speaking to others. All one is doing is making others look bad and stirring up trouble which is childish. 

Do not take everything so personally. You may just be taking it wrong. Sometimes it is best just to let things go. I know how easy it is to get emotionally wrapped up here. This is a fictional play land. Nothing here is going to detrimentally ruin your life.

5. I am highly selective. There is no need to put people on my list that I have no intention of roleplaying with. I do not have time. I may avoid people that have tendencies of ignoring my rules. I may delete people. It doesn't happen often. Whatever the reason is it isn't something personal.  I should not have to justify my actions.  There is no one on this site that I have a personal problem with.  I do not need the whole site on my list.

6. I will not be BULLIED! Do not ask friends to make me do something.  Do not keep pushing me to do something. Do not take actions that may try and force me to do something. I WILL NOT DO IT.

7. My character is taken and faithful. She belongs to one of the greatest Spikes out there. Except no substitutes.

8. Please don't ask me about rl. If I feel that you should know something I will tell you. I do not discuss my rl with everyone.

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