i hate writing things like these but i’d like to just set some ground rules and expectations for this page. with real life responsibilities and working a full time job, i often can’t commit to more than just creating a few headcanons or aesthetics, which is why i want to lead with the idea that this will be very low activity, aesthetic based muse. i don’t want to string someone along in writing and have them wait a few days and then if i have multiple threads going on, the cycle continues.
i want to refrain from using discord at the moment - i fear it often blurs the lines between roleplay and reality. i understand it is a great tool for communicating and allows people more flexibility, but i have often found at times that it provides almost too much access. i am willing to share my discord with anyone who i maintain a healthy relationship with going forward, but i won’t be giving it out right away.
i am over the age of 25+ in real life, and would respect that anyone who decides to interact with me also be at least 21+.
smut in writing? i’m okay with it, i guess. my only trepediation with it is that it often takes too long to get to the point, and with limited time to write, i’d rather fade to black and fill in the pieces so we can continue on with the storyline.
love interests are not something that i am solely here for but i am not against it either. at the time, i guess i would consider myself multi-ship. any and all li’s would exist separately from their own worlds, unless previously discussed. if it presents itself, having a 1x1 partner to grow with would be super chill.
i’m just here to have fun, goof around, grow my character and continue on from there.
happy musing !