Fixing the blog again after that site error - it wiped everything I had created.

I've been working so much I've NOT had time to edit anything.


Last Login:
December 5th, 2024

Gender: Male
Status: Married
Age: 54
Sign: Gemini
Country: United States

Signup Date:
May 29, 2023



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10/13/2024 08:45 PM 

Update Supersonic.
This is a revised doorknocker that I’ll be making available. It was work, and requires work to be adapted for profiles. Instead of a video like mine... You can put in a banner... you can find the live version for all you folks outside of my profile. The inside will be very different:
The main thing here is, I’m not a gatekeeper for HTML/CSS. 
I worked 12 hours in 2 days on this one. On and off, between writing, coding, and my mother’s birthday. 

WANT to keep up on this update and where I’ll be dropping it? 

Join Heroic Resources page and server.

Natasha and I often drop previews of layouts, and defaults, premades, etc.  Leave the drama at the door, we don’t tolerate it. 

Oh and for anyone making all those assumptions about who I am, and how I operate: I think it’s clear who the adult is between us. I’ve been coding since 2006 and started that up on MySpace. I’m not going to be the bad guy here, but I’m not going to come for someone for a text of color, or coding or font. The fear mongering to have anyone try to do something different suppress GROWTH within your community.  I guess that couldn’t be me ... I don’t play petty (not anymore), or victim in cases like this, I’m not a coward. I show up, but instead of making a friend, you blocked me when I finally made some changes. What was that about me not knowing how to code again? Nah. 

Discord is still there dear. Says more about you than it does me... especially the name change. 

-That Iron_Man writer 

Thanks for coming to my Stark Expo.
  • 10/13/24 - 5pm : As of right now - I’m making more revisions. I’ve as of this morning handed off the coding to Natasha and she’s got some things to work on too. -TS
  • 10/13/24 - 8pm : Updated headlines - doorknocker - added hover. See video / or live view of page.

10/11/2024 03:17 AM 

Gov mommy ā™” SWIPER

Hi Maria dear, 
I’ve don’t add anyone (or should I say: everyone - too much on stream) as I’m not here, or well,  I look and move on.  

I dropped my discord at the top of the screenshot, as conversations like this should have more attention and give.

Again, not looking to argue.  I was shown a cap of @ one of the accounts 3 years ago. Edited enough of it - as someone who works on giving things to give away cause it’s not meant to be gatekept... It’s coding not writing. 
I am open-minded to having this talk, I do give you absolute credit, actually it was that lovely Fae profile (you linked) that gave the inspiration to edit mine, based on your design. 

Please, If you feel like you still can talk, reach out through discord: 

ā™” -Swiper (cute)
P.s. Just remembered, you shared the coding yourself right now in blog Just noticed... in the screenshot. 
Btw, I have not distributed anything. Just an fyi... you probably already knew that, right? X_X

10/09/2024 09:09 PM 

Not a gatekeeper for coding

Find me.  

Absolutely aware that there are whispers about my profile, come find me. I’m very aware of the inspiration and where my headline came from, I’ll be making it available for everyone - coding and html isn’t a secret it’s meant to be shared. 

If it drives petty drama and attacks I’m just going to block you back. I’m in no mood for fighting.

Love, live and let live. 
P.s. more important things I’m watching right now and that’s the hurricane heading towards FL. Just fyi, I’m nicer than I’m putting off. 

P.s. someone spammed the blogs this morning. Reposting. 

10/08/2024 01:41 PM 

Not the gatekeeper for coding.

Find me.  

Absolutely aware that there are whispers about my profile, come find me. I’m very aware of the inspiration and where my headline came from, I’ll be making it available for everyone - coding and html isn’t a secret it’s meant to be shared. 

If it drives petty drama and attacks I’m just going to block you back. I’m in no mood for fighting.

Love, live and let live. 
P.s. more important things Iā€™m watching right now and that’s the hurricane heading towards FL. Just fyi, I’m nicer than I’m putting off. 

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