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March 21, 2021


08/28/2021 02:26 PM 

Starter for WreckingBalls

"There is escape, but only for a moment. In the end, you belong to them. You will always belong to them."
S lumber. Such a simple thing that most in the world achieved with ease. Sleep was a necessary construct of daily life, one few made efforts to avoid. Yet for Aria, sleep was dangerous, for each time she closed her eyes, the horrors of the past overtook her. Images of distorted faces danced in her mind, swirling around the dour damp walls of Hydra. A man she knew all too well from the nights of his forced pleasure would appear behind closed lids again and again, despite the constant battle to erase him from her mind. The moments his image took leave, it was replaced with the reminders of the physical pains, and the attempts to turn her into their greatest weapon.

Two days had passed since the young mutant woman had fallen prey to slumber. It was not out of the norm for her, as it was something she had done continuously in the two years she was on the run. In the two months since she had been back, things were more peaceful, but her avoidance of sleep persisted. The more she could avoid the memories of that place, of him, the better off she would be.

The womans gaze shifted to the front door, now opening after a soft knock sounded. Natasha appeared in the doorway, and a soft smile materialized on Aria's face. Nat returned the smile only for it to fade as she shut the door and walked over to the young woman she had raised since she was five years old. "You haven't been sleeping again have you." The red headed assassin asked, having learned weeks prior or Arias nightmares and her avoidance of them. A slight roll of the young womans eyes accompanied the sigh that slipped from her lips.

"I'm fine." Was the only reply she gave, one she knew would only upset the woman she considered her mother. "Fine my ass. You can't keep doing this Aria, you are going to have to face this eventually. You have to talk to me, someone, anyone. Hell talk to Bucky, he of all people knows exactly what you're feeling."

"I know he does, but there are parts of HYDRA he doesn't know, things I went through that didn't. I would have gladly taken 70 years of what he went through over this." *Aria admitted, realizing she had revealed something far more sinister than brainwashing had occurred. She stood, walking over to the kitchen to put her coffee mug in the sink and attempted to change the subject. “I wasn’t expecting you today. What’s up?”

Natasha opened her mouth at first to protest the girls change of subject, but a sigh only followed knowing she couldn’t push her. In time she would open up, and Nat knew she needed to give her the time to do that. After a moment she pulled a small file out from her jacket, unfolded it and handed it over. “I found Bruce.” The girl quickly took the file, glancing over the information. “Haiti? Why Haiti?”

“You’ll have to ask him yourself.” Natasha replied, handing Aria a phone. “It’s a secured line. Only I have the number. I have something else I need to do, plus I think it will go smoother if only one of us goes. We don’t want him running again.”

Aria was surprised Natasha wanted her to go see Bruce. Of course this was planned, they needed his help getting the chip out of Arias head, but she didn’t expect it would be her going. Natasha could see the confusion on her face and shook her head. It would be the first time Aria had left the safe house since they found each other two months prior, so she understood the hesitance. “You can take the quinjet. I removed the tracker and made sure the cloak was working. I would leave sooner rather than later.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea? What makes you think he will help, I mean he barely knows me. I was a little girl. Are you sure we can’t go to Uncle Tony with this. I know him, I trust him.” The question caused Nat to firmly shake her head.

“Then you know what he will do if he gets his hands on that tech. I trust him too, but you know we can’t trust his obsession. Tickering with things that shouldn’t be messed with. You saw what happened the last time.” Natasha replied, referring to the events in Sokovia. Aria nodded, knowing she was right.

“Alright…. Bruce it is. I just hope he can help. I’ll grab my gear and head out.” Natasha nodded before wrapping her arms around the girl. “Be safe, please. Until that thing is out of your head, we have to be careful.” Aria returned the hug. “I will Mom. Promise.” She replied before watching Nat head out.

Six hours later black rubber connected roughly along pale rocky dirt, the quinjet landing on an isolated part of the island. The smooth hum of the aircraft slowly dissipated as it was powered down. Brisk footsteps moved to the back of the jet, the young mutant grabbing her bag and closing the hatch. It took about an hour to reach any sort of civilized life, though it was vastly different than the concrete jungle that was New York City. Easy to hide, to disappear, a logical place for someone like Bruce to hide, or was it? With peace there was also chaos, and she could feel chaos here.

Aria kept herself distant from the small town Natasha had directed her to, simply observing the inhabitants and their movements. Another hour passed of only this, having been trained long ago to know your environment before immersing into it. Just as the woman was about to make a move towards the street, her gaze caught sight of a familiar face. Luck seemed to be on her side today, even more so as he quickly ducked into a small home near the end of the street, more isolated from the others. Moments later, Aria slipped into the street, a hooded sweater hiding her face from onlookers. Too many people, too much risk, only continuing on knowing the outcome would be worth it all. The front door was locked, and the young woman moved around the small home, finding the back door unlocked. After assuring she was not followed, she slipped inside the doorway shutting it quietly behind her. Fingers reached up to lower the hood, allowing flowing thick brown locks to fall down around her shoulders. Blue eyes gazed around, looking for the man she sought, and hoping to avoid the monster within.*


Created by Patriot

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05/30/2021 06:31 PM 

The Awakening Pt. 3

June 29th, 2013

*Three days had passed since the incident in the Shield training room. All but two of the agents had been discharged from medical, one of which was none other than Aria's mother. Avaren had slipped into a coma, as her body tried to recover from the devastating blow she took when her daughters powers manifested. Two agents were killed that day, and 9 others were injured. The young girl had been confined to the medbay since, while Fury and her father Clint had been discussing what to do next. Clint was intially enraged that his daughter had been sedated and restrained after the incident, but he knew deep down Fury made the right call. His hands were tied, but at the very least he could help come up with a solution. Clint suggested contacting Charles Xavier, to see if the girls sudden manifestion of powers were mutant based. It was a solid first step, and hopefully would provide the answers they needed to help her. When he wasn't discussing a plan with Fury, he remained at Avaren's bedside, waiting for her to wake up.*

*Aria sat in the room in med bay she had been essentially grounded to. There was very little interaction from her since the day she put her mother into a coma, and she had refused to see anyone who tried. Sitting upon the small seat next to the window seal, her head rested on the cold glass, the wintery air outside leaving an icy feel against her skin. The sun had long gone down, and the halls near her room had grown quiet. The guilt of what she had done had eaten away at her over the last couple of days, one slow hour at a time. The girl had barely eaten, barely slept, and would refuse any nurses or doctors to run further tests*

*As the clock neared midnight, she finally moved from the window, making her way quietly towards the door. Sharp blue orbs peared out from the doorway, seeing if anyone was around. Aria could see a nurse sitting at a desk a good ways down the hall, well past her mothers room. She hadn't gone to see her yet, both due to being isolated, and because she simply hadn't brought herself to want to face what she had done. The young girl slipped down the hall passing three rooms before slipping into the fourth and shutting the door partially behind her. As she turned, her heart sank. Avaren lie there motionless, two IV's running from her arms with nutrients and fluids, and a slew of wires along her torso to monitor her. Aria walked forward as tears rushed to fill her eyes for the first time since that day in the training room. Small thin fingers slipped into her mothers hand, and eyelids closed tightly, pressuring the tears to break free from her eyes before opening them again.*

"I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to hurt anyone... I didn't mean to hurt you... Please... wake up. You have to wake up now... I can't loose you mom. Please!"

*Aria dropped down to her knees, now wrapping her arms around her stomach which ached with emtional pain. What had she done? How could anyone ever forgive her? Sure, she didn't mean to hurt anyone. She didn't even know what had happened. All she knew was that she was in the center of that room when everyone was thrown back into the walls around her. Her mom had struck her head on the end of a weapons rack, and slipped into a coma shortly after. Nobody knew if she would ever wake up, and that guilt tore into Aria worse than any physical pain she had ever felt. A nurse had heard her talking from the hall and glanced into the room to see the distraught girl there. Walking over she knelt down and spoke softly, more caring than others had towards her after what she had done.*

"Your mother is going to pull out of this Aria. She is the strongest woman I know. You cannot blame yourself for what happened." *The nurse said, placing a cautious but light hand on the weeping girls shoulder. Aria then did something unexpected, considering her shut out behavior since the incident. The young girl turned and wrapped her arms around the nurse, tears now free flowing from her blurry blue hues. The nurse did not pull away, but simply sat next to her, holding the girl who so desperately needed someone to treat her with love and understanding, not like the monster she felt she was.*

05/21/2021 11:50 PM 

Compromised Pt 3

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Torture, Child Abuse (character is 16 and 17 during this time), psychological abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse (implied/referanced). 

398 Days.
397 Nights.
197 Attempts.
197 Failures at Indoctrination.
1 last chance at claiming the asset.
Termination Imminent.

*Days blurred together for the young mutant, who had long lost track of time during her stay at Hydra. Heavy sedatives were regularly administered to help keep the girl more coorperative and prevent her from escpaing. They were also used to keep contained enough from using her powers, as Hydra was certainly not taking any chances with such a valuable asset. Bits and pieces of her mind were slowly becoming compromised due to the trauma she had endured, and she was wondering when they would finally give in and eliminate her. Their attempts at turning her into their weapon had thus far failed, as her ability to create mental barriers had somehow managed to protect her, despite the heavy doses of drugs. The Dr. had long grown frustrated with their lack of progress because of this, and he often took out his rage on the young girl.*

*Memories of the previous night played on repeat like a broken record in her mind. Jolts of pain lingered in dozens of places around her body where electrical contact had been made. It was a physical reminder of her punishments for not complying, in case she were to forget the mental ones. Her old ragged white shirt and dark pants were still wet from the drownings she had endured, and kept her cold to the bone. The prior day had been one of the worst so far, with the Dr. having nearly killed her in his last ditch attempts to achieve her compliance.*

*Dr. Hurstead had one more trick up his sleeve, before upper level Hydra operatives would consider her a failure and terminate her. Project X-Fire would then aquire new mutants to continue the program. He had managed to create a small chip, that he would surgically implant against the brain stem. Electrical signals would then be received using a trigger from a handler who could issue commands as needed to the asset. This surgery came with a slew of risks, permanent brain damage or death being the most dire. As this was Hydra's last attempt at securing the powerful telekinectic, it would either work, or she would die regardless.*

*Dr. Hurstead walked into the lab, prepping the last minute tools needed for the surgery, and requested the soldier guarding the room to retrieve the asset. As the soldier appeared at the girls cell, a sickening smirk crossed his lips. Aria was lying on the cold concrete floor, her body thin and weak from her ordeal, and her clothes stained with blood in multiple places. The guard had certainly had his way with her more than once, and she cringed when she saw his face appear yet again at the door. He opened the door and walked in, grabbing the chain that was attached to the cuffs around her hands.* "Let's go princess. We have something very special in store for you. Today is the day you finally comply and become Hydras greatest weapon." *He said to her, a far too pleased look on his face.* "Then you and I will enjoy our time together far more than we do now. I am quite looking forward to that."

*Anger and hatred flickered through the girls tired but fierce blue orbs, and her voice cracked from dehydration as she spoke.* "I will never be your weapon, nor your pet. You will fail just like every other day you sick pig!" *She retorted, an angry hiss stinging in her words. A groan of pain escaped her lips as a heavy fist connected with her torso, causing her already fragile state to double over with pain. Thick digits wrapped around her frail arm and yanked her back up to stand, before moving her down the hall towards the lab for what felt like the thousandth time. The pain of the burns across her body, combined with the lack of food of water for the prior two days, made it extremely difficult for her to focus. She felt herself drifting in and out of consciousness as the guard strapped her to the table, face down.*

*Dr. Hurstead prepped the small workspace with the required tools, and the chip that had been created specially for her unique situation. He spoke to Aria about what they were going to do to her today, but most of it passed through her like a fuzzy dream. The darkness quickly engulfed her as the anesthetic was administered and the Dr. got to work. Several hours passed and the girl managed to survive the procedure, even in her dangerously weakened state. This gave the Dr. increased hope for their success. She was turned onto her back and left to rest for several hours, to allow the anesthetic to wear off.*

Big Mistake

*Aria came too sooner than expected, though lucky for her the Dr. nor the guard was in the room. She felt the familiar metal cuffs around her brutally raw wrists and ankles, and struggled to open her eyes. The brightness of the overhead lights burned into her pupils as her lids allowed them to peek through. After allowing them to adjust, she once more observed her surroundings, as she had done so many times before looking for a way out. She could feel the pain on the back of her neck start to seep through the drugs, a cringe shuddering through her body as it did. The chip... she had to get out of there...*

*As if on que from thought, she heard a door open and saw a stranger walk in. She hadn't seen them before, and their face was obscured by a hooded jacket. Aria was too weak to even try to fight back as the stranger neared, not like she really could restrained anyways. Something unexpected began to unfold before her. The stranger removed the cuffs around her wrist and ankles and grabbed something from a nearby cabinet. A needle was inserted into a small vile before the stranger turned and jabbed it into Arias leg before she could even react. A few moments later a deep breathe was inhaled into the girl and a rush of energy surged through her. The stranger handed her a small piece of paper before turning and leaving the room. Confusion and energy overwhelemed the young mutant, but she took advantage of was likely a short timeframe. Glacing at the paper she saw there were instuctions to get out of the facility and which direction to head once clear to avoid detection.*

*Eight minutes passed since she read that slip of paper, provided by someone within Hydras walls, and for the first time in over a year her feet touched dirt. It wasn't soft, nor without the prickles of pine needles or other various greenary, but it was real earth. She had almost forgotten what it felt like, having only known the same concrete floor for so long. The moment lasted only a second as the young mutant knew better than to stick around. Taking one last site of the facility behind her, she turned and step forward, one footfall at a time.*


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05/04/2021 05:13 PM 

Compromised Pt. 2

Trigger Warnings
Torture, child abuse (16 years of age at this time), electrocution, minor assault, mental abuse/reconditioning.

3 Hours After Arrival at HYDRA

5 Hours Missing

*There was a strained urgency felt through the halls of SHIELD as a full alert had been issued in light of the girls disappearance. When the daughter of an Avenger and a high ranking SHIELD agent suddenly goes missing, the situation quickly becomes all hands on deck. Avaren paced anxiously in the command center waiting for information and Barton was out in the field leading a search team. The main focus was the area about two blocks from where she had last been spotted by a nearby security camera secured outside a bank. There were also secondary teams both at her home near the edge of town, as well as Xaviers School for Gifted Children. The teams were coming up empty and became frustrated, even Barton himself beginning to loose his cool. He had no idea where his daughter was, or worse, who may have been involved. Being not only a mutant, but a daughter of two very high profile people makes her a very high value target. Would there be a ransom? Demands? Would she be harmed or worse? Avaren and Clint tried not to let their thoughts stray to far to the dark thoughts, and attempted to focus on finding any clues to locating their daugher.


*Damp air tingled the edge of the young girls nose, the strong stench slowly stirring her from the unconscious state she was trapped in. Weak eyelids softly fluttered, though remained mostly closed as the rooms bright lights burned the sharp blue hues behind them. A slight movement of her arms quickly told her she was bound, and it appeared the same for her ankles. Her conscious mind began to fight the haze and become more aware of her surroundings. She couldn’t move, and determined that along with her wrists and ankles, there was a strap over her head as well, holding it in place. She finally managed to open her eyes and observe what she could with the limited amount of movement.*

*The room was large, and appeared to all concrete with no windows. Two lights overhead shone brightly and the surface she was strapped down was certainly the focus of the illumination. She could see a table nearby with some kind of tools on it but she couldn’t specifically tell what. She could feel something cold and hard wrapped around her neck, not as thick as a belt, but not as thin as a necklace. Her mind focused now on the restraints and attempted to remove them with her abilities, but it became clear they were not functioning. A sickening feeling churned in the young mutants body as she processed her predicament.*

*Aria tried to tug at the restraints but they were far too tight to even budge a little. A moment later two men walked into the room, and one smiled sinisterly as he saw she was awake.*

“Awe, Miss McCoy, a pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much from our mole at SHIELD. You are quite the special little mutant aren’t you?”

*Aria tugged instinctively at the restraints and a slight but brief look of fear crossed her face.*

“They will find me here. And it is going to end very badly for you.”

*The girl retorted with almost a growl. She hated feeling powerless, and this surely was anything but a escapable situation.*

“Nobody knows your here my dear, we are not even in New York State anymore. Now, let’s get started, we have a lot of work to do.”

*The man replied, before filling the syringe on the table with a blue liquid from a small vile. He walked towards her and she jerked again at the restraints before she felt the jab of the needle pierce through the soft skin of her neck. Aria cringed and moments later felt a burning sensation spreading from the injection site through her body. She closed her eyes tightly, her teeth clenching as she tried to fight through the pain. She felt her body begin to grow weak, though she could tell this was not a full sedative as she didn’t slip into the darkness again. Tears stung at the edges of her lids and she managed to open her eyes again to see the man motion to the second, who looked more of a soldier than a doctor like the one who spoke.*

“Move her to the chair.” *He said simply, watching as the soldier moved to unstrap the weakened mutant and move her to a metal chair nearby. She tried to pull away from him but he was far stronger. As he sat her in the chair, a nasty smirk crossed his face. He adjusted metal cuffs around her wrists before sliding his hands down her body, making sure to take his time as he passed more sensitive areas near the lower portion of her torso, and subsequently between her legs. Aria cringed and a tear slipped passed her eye lid and down her cheek. He fastened her ankles to the chair and stepped back. The doctor stepped over and stood in front of her.*

“We have a very special job for you my dear. HYDRA is in need of someone with just your special little talent. I would far prefer to make this easy and have your cooperation. Can I count on that?”

*HYDRA.... well that answered that question. An angry look burned in her blue eyes as she growled back a response.* “I will never work for HYDRA.” *As soon as the words escaped her mouth, a fiery pain of electricity shot through her body, delivered through the cuffs around her wrists and ankles. She tried not to scream, but the pain overtook the mind and one escaped anyways. The jolt stopped after a few seconds and she breathed heavily. The young girl weakly lifted her head, her gaze even angrier than before.*

“I will never be your weapon.”

*Another wave of pain shot through her body, followed by another scream. This continued on for an hour before her body was too weak to continue. They needed her alive so for now they would take a break. The soldier unstrapped her and took her towards a large metal cage on the other side of the room and roughly pushed her inside. A click of the lock echoed through the room before the man knelt down and smirked.*

“You won’t last the week you little brat. You will be ours soon enough."

*He sneered, as Aria struggled to lift her head at his words. The man stood and left, along with the doctor, and Arias body finally felt limp, the darkness washing over her as she finally lost consciousness from the ordeal.*

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03/21/2021 11:34 PM 

The Awakening Pt 2: Glimpse into the past

Nearly 4 hours had passed since the incident in the training room, and the medical wing was busy discharging those injured, and tending to those in more critical condition. Aria, still heavily sedated, lie alone in an isolated room from the others. Dr. Jenkins made sure to keep a steady dose of sedative in her I.V. as ordered by Director Fury. He was making his way to the front to get an update when he saw a concerned Agent Barton burst through the med wing doors.-

“Where are they...”

-Barton asked sternly. Dr. Jenkins shook his head and motioned with his hand to wait.-

“Agent Barton, please. I need you to wait outside. Agent McCoy is in CT right now. We are still gathering information and Director Fury wants your daughter isolated..”

“Isolated! Dr.... get out of my way... I want to see my daughter.”

-Barton said angrily. Dr. Jenkins sighed and motioned to a back room. He knew his orders, but he also knew he wasn’t about to try and stop Agent Barton. He walked over alongside him. There was a window looking into the room, which was guarded by 2 SHIELD agents. Aria lie motionless on the bed, her hands restrained and a pale look upon her face.-

“Why is she restrained? What the hell happened..”

-Barton glared at the Dr. and walked into the room. He took Arias hand in his own, wondering what reasons could possibly explain her situation. He hadn’t been told much when another agent reached out to him while on mission, only that there was an incident with Aria, and a dozen agents had been injured, including Arias mother Avaren.

“Director Fury wants her restrained and sedated until he gets back from Germany. He should be landing any moment. We also need to run tests on her before we can wake her up.”

“Tests? No, No one is doing anything to her. She isn’t some science experiment, she is my daughter.” -Clint stated angrily.-

“Damn it Barton!” Dr Jenkins barked. “I have two dead agents and McCoy is in a coma! She is dangerous and I don’t have a choice here. Now you need to leave and take whatever grievances you have up with Fury and let me do my damn job!”

-Barton was taken by surprise at the Drs reaction, but sighed heavily and turned once more to look at his daughter.-

“Hang in there kiddo...”

-He gave her hand a squeeze before walking out of the room, out of the med wing, and straight for the hanger bay. His timing was perfect. Just as he opened the door, he saw Director Fury and 2 other agents walking down the ramp of a small SHIELD plane. Fury's gaze narrowed, knowing full well what Barton's presense here was about.-

"Why is my daughter lying in the med wing, drugged and restrained like some criminal?"

-Barton asked, his voice low and angry. Director Fury didn't say anything at first, as he grabbed a tablet from the agent next to him, made a couple motions on it, and handed it to Barton. There was a video playing of the security cameras in the training room. Barton grew concerned as he watched everything unfold before him. He shoved the tablet back to Fury.-

"She is not a monster, she is a child! You had no right!"

"I had every right! 
-Fury refuted sternly.- "I have a right to protect this facility and the agents within it. She is a danger to everyone here so until I find out how she killed two of my agents, she will remain as she is! Now take a walk Agent!"

Barton thought about convincing Fury otherwise, but he knew it was useless. He knew he was right. Whatever was happening to his daughter was dangerous, and deadly. He turned and left the hanger bay, his mind overwhelmed with the scenes he had witnessed in the video.-

03/21/2021 11:32 PM 


-It was early in the morning, the streets hustling and bustling with people, rushing off to work, school, or other destinations. A young woman moved quickly down the sidewalk, her mind distracted with the thoughts of her first agents exam. As a daughter of a SHIELD agent and an avenger, she had essentially been trained for this since she could walk. However, training and the real thing were very different, and while confident in her abilities, nervousness was still in the back of her mind.-

-Aria turned on her heel and proceeded down a small side street that she regularly used as a shortcut. She enjoyed the calmer nature of the side roads as compared to the crowds of people. As she made her way towards SHIELD, she heard someone cry out. She grew defensive, removing her sunglasses and glancing around trying to pinpoint where the sound came from. She saw a nearby alley, peeked around the corner, while her hand slipped a gun out of a holster at her side. She saw a woman, around her age, pinned up against a wall by a male assailant. Her eyes narrowed and she stepped into the alley, pointing the weapon at the man.-

“Hey! That’s enough! Let her go!”

-The man glanced up and made the stupid mistake of trying to withdraw his own weapon. A loud bang erupted through the alleyway as the her gun went off, sending a bullet tearing through the mans leg, quickly dropping him to the ground. With a wave of her hand, the man slid across the ground away from the woman, all while yelling in pain. Aria made her way to the woman and put a hand on her shoulder.-

“It’s ok.. your safe now. Come with me and I’ll take you to get checked o.....”

-A sudden gasp slipped from her lips, her sentence cut short. She felt a sharp pinch on the side of her neck and reached up to pull away a small dart. Her hand tightened on her weapon and she spun around, trying to focus on the alley and rooftops above it. She shook her head lightly, as a haziness quickly tried to overcome her. The woman, she was a trap. But why? Where was the shooter? Who was trying to overpower her. Her mind tried to process the scene, but she grew dizzy, the sedative quickly overpowering her. She stumbled against the wall, her gun slipping from her hand. She saw blurry dark figures approaching her and she focused all of her strength to set off a telekinetic blast of energy. At least 2 of the men were thrown back, but it was no help. She reached one hand behind her ear and pressed a small spot which would trigger a distress signal to SHIELD. The last thing she remembered was feeling an excruciating pain in the side of her head, as the butt of a rifle connected with it.-

2 hours later

-Darkness still kept the girl deep within her own mind. Several men dragged her through a darkened hallway before stopping in front of a tall man with light colored hair and a lab coat.-

“Good work.”

-The man said, lifting her lifeless head up and smiling.-

“You my dear... you are the key to everything I want. The key to making us truly unstoppable.”

-He moved his hand away and nodded to the men.-

“Take her down to the lab. He will work with her from here on out. I need to return to SHIELD before they realize I’m gone.”

-He handed the men a file, Aria McCoy clearly written on the little tab in the corner. He then walked back in the other direction, to return before anyone noticed. The men dragged the girl to the lab, where another man in a labcoat motioned to place her on the table. He quickly hooked her up to an IV, assuring she was on a regular dose of sedative and prevent the powerful girl from breaking free. There was work to be done. He glanced to the men and nodded.-

“Hail Hydra.”

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