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March 31st, 2024

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Age: 32
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June 05, 2020


05/20/2023 02:20 AM 

Fear Everything

Fear Everything
attn: Liv, Landon / mention: Klaus and Caroline

What was it about sitting so exposed that made Tyler's fur bristle just under his skin? He could wolf out so easily and cause a distraction for the boy to escape to the waiting group of Underground Agents from the Armory so he could get to safety. Being close to Tyler meant you could end up collateral damage when Klaus and Caroline's people found them. There were already too many people that were gone because of him and his hubris. He always went back to Liv.

They were both so badly injured that day. He could feel his mortal life slipping away because of the seriousness of his own injuries. The light of love was in her eyes when she pushed him. He had a way to save himself but at what cost? Tyler's wolf curse would kick in again if he took a life. How could he look himself in the eye knowing what he'd done to her? The answer was: he couldn't. He felt her life slip away under his fingertips. His wolf curse kicked in and he was saved. Later that night when he was alone, Tyler shifted and howled at the moon because of his broken heart.

Tyler noticed in his field of vision a young woman who looked like she was absolutely lost. She entered the area of the outdoor cafe and Tyler wanted to help her. He'd left the Bayou because of his desire to keep the wolves there safe. Now here he was here in plain sight vulnerable to apprehension by bounty hunters. He had no idea who this girl was but he couldn't risk her being a plant. That's when his mind was made up. He spoke to Landon. "There is a couple to your left who appear to be tourists taking in the sights. They are Underground agents who will take you someplace safe alright? I'm going to create a diversion so they can get you to safety. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. " The couple was a well dressed African American Heterosexual couple who looked like newlyweds in The Big Easy. Tyler made eye contact with them and nodded. They returned the nod. They were ready.

Tyler had complete control over his shifting. His lips curled up in a snarl. The bounty hunters looking to collect from Klaus and Caroline saw that he was doing something. Each one of them started to reach for hidden weapons. Tyler stood up rapidly tossing the table to the ground in front of him snarling. Fur erupted all over his body as he turned into his full wolf form. Customers who had no idea what was happening ran screaming from the area.

Tyler found his victim. He jumped toward one of the bounty hunters with jaws wide open and teeth exposed. He landed on the man's chest in full control of his faculties. Tyler in his wolf form ripped the man's throat from his neck and spit it out on the ground. His fur was matted with the blood of the bounty hunter that he'd just killed. He howled with his nose pointed straight in the air. He didn't see or smell Landon so he assumed the boy was safe with the Armory Agents.

He turned his attention to the woman that had just come into the area. He wasn't sure if he was friend or foe. He approached her snarling with blood still on his muzzle. Suddenly he stopped. Something smelled familiar about her. Who was she? Before he could get his answer, one of the bounty hunters took advantage of the chaos and fired at him. The bullet was laced with Wolfsbane. It grazed Tyler's right shoulder. He let out a yelp with the pain of the injury.

He staggered toward the familiar smelling woman still in wolf form and collapsed unconscious at her feet. It all depended on the woman now and if she was a friend. Tyler's life depended on it.
Tyler Lockwood/Cerberus
credit: james kriet

04/19/2023 07:27 PM 

Fear Everything

Fear Everything
attn: Landon/ mention: Caroline and Klaus
There was nothing more dangerous than backing an animal into a corner. Nature always pushed its way out of any bad situation because the basic instincts of an animal would lead it to kill as an act of self preservation. Right now, the animal instincts of the werewolf Tyler Lockwood were bracing him for a fight.

The waitress had brought out their food. Tyler knew they were exposed in public so those hunters were just watching him for the moment with their patterns growing closer to where they were seated here in the Quarter. Was it a foolish idea to be sitting here for all to see? Maybe. Tyler was tired of just playing it safe and staying locked up behind the safe walls of the bayou.

He noticed that Landon was growing uneasy at the approach of the hunters. "Relax kid." He told the boy. "They aren't going to be stupid enough to do anything while people watch. Their whole notion is to protect humans from people like us." Tyler's muscles were tense. They were rippling under his shirt. Tyler made eye contact with one man who looked close to his own age. The two men nodded at one another in a sign of mutual respect.

That actually was all the confirmation he needed. Tyler leaned back in his own chair letting his muscles be a bit less tense. He wasn't stupid enough to think that his fight or flight instincts weren't having a negative impact on the kid. "You have a beer yet? You old enough?" Tyler was trying to lighten the mood even as the number of hunters watching them was increasing exponentially. This is what he got for being an ex-boyfriend of Caroline Forbes.

Tyler and Jeremy Gilbert used to be able to get their hands on liquor any time they wanted it when they were kids. Jeremy wasn't much older than this Landon kid when Tyler dared him to drink half a bottle of bourbon in one sitting. It had been lifted from Charles Lockwood's personal stash. Tyler was a spoiled rich kid, but when he got caught stealing from his dad's liquor cabinet, he got beatings that put him in the hospital more than once. Tyler just became better at it when he got older. Now that his father was gone, one would assume he missed him. Tyler was actually free.

Tyler was listening to everything the kid was saying while taking stock of their surroundings. He presumed they had at least half an hour to eat peacefully before the full complement of hunters would arrive on the scene. The waitress was clueless as to what was happening around them. She was an innocent bystander that was likely just a little older than Landon. She even started to flirt with the boy as she brought him another soda to drink.

It was a good thing to let the boy relax a little before things got too ugly. Tyler would be more than willing to buy time to cover for the kid to escape. Hopefully the waitress would be willing enough to help Landon get away. She didn't strike Tyler as one of Klaus's agents. The price was on Tyler's head because of who he was and he knew it. If he had to do it all over again, Tyler would have done a lot of things differently including not letting Caroline be driven right into Klaus's waiting arms.

What was done, was done however. Tyler held up his own beer silently toasting the love he let get away from him. Once the foam hit his lips and the liquid raced down his throat, Tyler had completed his count of hunters in his immediate vicinity. There were at least ten that were after him. It was amusing to a certain extent that he was deemed that much of a threat. He was trying to lull them into a false sense of security before all hell broke loose.

Now for some reason he could empathize with Jesus on the night of the Last Supper. Oh Tyler knew he wasn't all that holy like Jesus but because Jesus had been betrayed by someone He cared very deeply about and it led to His death, Tyler knew now what that felt like. In the end, he'd still love Caroline with his dying breath. It was true they were long over, but there was always something special about your first real love.
Tyler Lockwood/Cerberus
credit: james kriet

04/14/2023 04:13 PM 

The Purge

The Purge
attn: Davina
mention: Caroline and Katherine
The broadcast came through from Hiram Lodge over any device that had an internet connection. The Purge Livestream was all over the place. Tyler Lockwood was determined to stay in one place. It was self preservation and the old a**hole Tyler coming back into play. Fact was this actually scared him and Tyler Lockwood didn't like to be scared.

He was alone in the former Lockwood Wine Cellar/Dungeon. He could only hear the sound of his breathing and that of his racing heart. Even his former enemies like Klaus Mikaelson were all standing up and rallying around to fight these hunters both amateur and professional. The Triad Corporation was big. They were too big. He didn't know Hiram Lodge from Adam. He just wanted to be left alone. Was that such a hard thing to do?

Tyler was the part time gym teacher for the wolves at the Salvatore Boarding School. He was always putting his kids through their paces and telling them to be mindful of their surroundings. Was it wrong of him to want to hide like a scared pup? Maybe, maybe not. Tyler was trying to reason it all out in his head. His internal arguments about staying put away from the onslaught of those who would seek to destroy him just because he wasn't human were starting to get softer. He was starting to think maybe he needed to not hide like a caged animal. It might actually make it easier to be found. The question remained; What should he do?

He caught himself staring at his phone a bit too long. It was one of the times where your mind was faced with a moral dilemma and you feel you've made your choice when in fact you hadn't. His fingers curled around the device in his hand. His brown eyes raised from the screen slightly while he felt the weight of his actions or inaction bearing down on his shoulders. His eyes closed as he willed the anxiety to go away on its own, but it wouldn't. The Purge had only just started.

A loud crashing sound came from the other side of the cellar. Tyler's eyes glistened gold and a lupine snarl curled his lip. Just below the surface of his skin, his wolf's fur bristled. Had they found him? He thought about staying put in his hiding place, but found himself doing the exact opposite. His low growl was intimidating and when he went full on wolf, it was deadly. He pushed himself up to a standing position, setting out to discover the source of the noise. He was ready to fight if he had to do it.

The cellar itself dated back to Antebellum Virginia. The story was that George Lockwood had it built as a member of the Town Council to help with Mystic Falls "vampire problem". Tyler had found records while working for The Armory about his own wolf bloodline as well as his great grandfather that made his stomach turn. His own inherent tendency to be an a**hole was genetic. George's infatuation with Katherine Pierce almost mirrored his own with Caroline Forbes. At least Tyler knew when to let go.

Tyler arrived at the source of the noise, only to see that an old shelf had finally given away and crashed to the ground. Taking it a sign, Tyler decided he wasn't going to just stay here hiding with the relics of the old Lockwood family. He was a new branch. This new breed of Lockwood didn't slither around like a snake! It stood up, like a wolf.

His phone vibrated in his back pocket. He pulled it out to see a message from Davina Claire. He typed up a response and sent it. "On my way." He told her in a reply. He pocketed his device. Walking with a purpose, Tyler felt renewed. He had a job to do.

Tyler Lockwood/Cerberus
credit: james kriet

03/21/2023 05:11 PM 

Prison World #2

Prison World
post #2
Making his way into Lockwood Manor's main hall was mind boggling for Tyler. He'd seem pictures of how the place looked in 1985. His dad had been the dutiful son being groomed for a political career in Mystic Falls while his Uncle Mason was the rebel. He knew his Dad was a d*ck but now he walked through the house as it was when he was being molded into that bastard that Tyler knew all too well.

Silent footfalls echoes in the hall that had been the nexus of several high society events. Tyler actually noticed decorations were in the process for the engagement party for his parents. Congratulations Charles and Carol! The decorations were done up in the most elegant design. The Lockwoods never did anything half-hearted. That stuffed shirt strict society world had been ingrained in Tyler since he could walk. He hated it with a passion which was why he could relate to Mason as easily as he had done. Speaking of Mason, Tyler had a stray thought run through his mind. His face illuminated brilliantly. He had to see if it was here. He turned from what would be the beginnings of his childhood and focused on the front door.

He knew Mason wasn't exactly overly fond of the world he'd been born into, so his father, Tyler's grandpa, compromised with him in a sense. The Lockwood heir opened the front door of this mansion to see in the driveway a most welcome sight. It was a 1985 Jeep Wrangler that was a beautiful Navy blue in color. It looked as though it had come straight off the showroom floor. Tyler immediately felt relief. Granted his own truck was gone, but Mason's jeep sat in its place.

The young man practically ran to the Jeep to inspect it. It was absolutely beautiful. Tyler ran his hand along the sides of the vehicle just taking in the reality of the situation in which he was trapped. He was really in 1985, but why? Instead of just wandering around here, he had to get the hell out of whatever place this was. He didn't have to just sit here either. He now had wheels! He reached into his pockets. The keys he had were for his own truck left in the future. He cursed under his breath and headed back into the house.

Tyler didn't take all that long to get back upstairs. He was fumbling through his/Mason's room to try and locate the keys for the Jeep. It was during this search, he felt like he could really understand Mason a bit more and this world that had temporarily trapped him. He had to admit however that he was jealous of his uncle. Mason got out of the family business. The Lockwood Family Curse had actually claimed him and his uncle. Tyler's dad died before he became a fully realized werewolf… or at least he'd assumed that his dad had escaped that part. Tyler saw a most unusual picture in Mason's room of the two together. He stuffed it in his pocket for now. He had not seen this picture before. He'd take time to find out more later. The keys to the Jeep were right in front of that weird picture. Tyler took the keys in hand and left the room to go eventually outside again.

He left behind that bag he'd been packing when this whole mess started as he climbed into the Jeep. Sitting behind the wheel of the car, he pulled out the keys and slid them in the ignition. The engine purred like a kitten for him. Tyler cheered at the sound. He backed the Jeep out of the driveway and headed down the road.

The houses looked as they did in the current day but a hell of a lot younger. They hadn't been through the hell of Tyler's recent memory. Up ahead was the Salvatore Boarding House. Tyler knew the secrets now of what went on there. It was curious to him however. Did they know all these things back in 1985? Chances were they sure as hell did. Tyler decided that would be the logical place to go to find out more answers about what the hell happened. Was he the only one trapped? He was heading straight for the proverbial fire to figure that out for himself.
Tyler Lockwood/Cerberus
credit: james kriet

03/19/2023 07:30 PM 

Purge Intro

The Purge
attn: Klaus and Caroline / mention: Stefan, Kai and Jeremy
Who was he kidding?

Tyler Lockwood knew what was about to happen. Everyone did. The young hybrid knew good and damn well he was going to be square in the sights of a lot of people. Too many people hated him. Too many people knew what he was. Tyler was a dead man if he didn't do something to stop it. That's why he had to get ready.

Getting ready meant several things. As a hybrid, he wasn't subject to the weaknesses that normal vampires or werewolves had. He was likely the only chance that some wayward souls had. He was packing everything he could in a bag, throwing it all together in one huge mess. He'd sort it all out later.

By the time he was ready, there wasn't too much longer until he'd be one of the big trophies for one hunter. Gilbert was obviously going to be in peak form tonight. Staying the HELL away from a member of the Brotherhood of the Five was high on his list of priorities. As for whomever else might be hunting him down, there was no telling who might be out there who had a friendly face but a dagger behind their backs.

He was finally ready to leave Lockwood Manor. Hopefully it would still be standing when all this garbage was over. Tyler would worry about cleaning it up later. For now, he had to think about surviving first. He'd done it before when he ran away from home as a young werewolf. He found his way to Tennessee and the wolf packs there. He survived running as a new wolf who didn't know anything until today. He was hardened by all the sh*t in his life that included killing his own girlfriend so he could live reborn with the wolf curse again. He missed Liv like crazy and hated Kai for doing this to everyone. The arrogant prick needed his throat ripped out painfully. If only he could be the one to do it…. Life was so unkind to Tyler Lockwood.

He considered going out the front door, but that would be too obvious. He didn't know if his neighbors would be shooting off their guns at him or a hunter might have his place already staked out for when he left. That was when he took the only route he figured was best. He exited the back of Lockwood Manor heading toward the old place that had that cellar that he'd used when he first changed all those years ago when his first love, Caroline Forbes vowed to see him through that first night even at the expense of her own safety. That was a great place to hunker down til it all had blown over.

The cellar had been left over from the days of his great grandfather George Lockwood. He’d come to find out later that George was a werewolf before he or his Uncle Mason had been. There was plenty of evidence in this old wine cellar that George had had some terrible nights keeping himself hidden away from the world at least one night a month. Tyler was counting on this place helping him yet one more time. It would also be a helluva place to die.

He’d spent at least two days prepping the cellar for the eventual night of the Purge. It would take Jeremy Gilbert himself or a Ripper like Stefan Salvatore to find him down here. He had food and water stashed in one of the rooms behind a locked door. He wouldn’t lock himself behind one of those doors. If someone found him down here, then he didn’t need to be trapped completely. He at least had a chance staying in the open area of the cellar.

Everything was secure to Tyler’s satisfaction. He had the hidden doors locked securely from the inside and covered by vervain blossoms that his great grandfather grew as an edge of the vampires. It wasn’t until well after Tyler had been turned into a hybrid by Klaus had he found George’s diary and had a lot more things opened to him. Klaus had changed his life more than once. It would appear that Klaus was about to change it again.

His cell phone buzzed in his pocket. There was a message from Klaus there on his voicemail of all people..

"My Friends, my Family. The time has come for us to band forces! To fight for our rights in this world! Rights that have been stripped of our kind by the Triads and the Government with their hate-filled Purge initiatives! No longer can we, or shall we, be made to feel fear, or hide! No longer can we allow this to continue!... Not when they seek to use our own kind against us! Join me at the Salvatore School in Mystic Falls... and there I will share with you my plans to lay waste to their charades of dominance over us all!"

What was Tyler to do? He’d learned that Klaus Mikaelson was not a man that one should trust. Tyler also knew that Klaus was a dangerous enemy. He shook his head. Tyler had taken great care to prepare his little bunker for the entire event. Was he willing to give himself up to side with the one monster who was the worst one of them all?

Not really.

Tyler typed out a message and sent it. He wasn’t going to speak for fear of anyone nearby that could hear him.

I’m sorry Klaus, but I can’t do that. If I come out from where I am, then I’m taking a risk I’m not willing to take. Plus, how am I supposed to actually trust you? There’s only one way I’ll trust you and I assume you know how to make that happen. – T

Tyler shut off his phone. He had a battery powered charger stashed away with him in the Lockwood cellar. He wouldn’t come out of here to Klaus’ righteous cause unless Caroline herself convinced him otherwise. In the meantime he was staying right here.
Tyler Lockwood/Cerberus
credit: james kriet

02/15/2023 12:01 AM 

Hush [3w group sl]

attn: Klaus mention:Hope, Caroline
Tyler couldn't express adequately all the rage he felt toward Klaus right about now. Just when he thought that the Original Hybrid was finally out of his life after being dead. He couldn’t have been so lucky.

Klaus had not caused Tyler to invoke the werewolf curse although Katherine Pierce wanted to present a newborn wolf to Klaus. Caroline was supposed to die when Tyler did. Instead, Tyler drove Caroline away and right to Klaus. Tyler hated life and it was all Klaus's fault.

Tyler was writhing with agony as Klaus squeezed his heart one more time. Tyler cursed Klaus to his face with words that erupted in a steady stream from his drying lips. "ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!" He hated giving up especially when Klaus was involved. What choice did he have? Absolutely none

His powers of healing and regeneration as a wolf were causing the hole in his chest that Klaus had put there to heal over. He was taking measured breaths even after Klaus had wiped Tyler's own blood on his scrubs. The hole in his body healed soon enough, but the blood drenched hole in the scrubs never fixed. He clenched his teeth at the older male who looked like the devil to Tyler. He hated Klaus so much that he was ready to just rip his head off his shoulders. But the grinning bastard was right about all this. Tyler was no match for Klaus. Since for now they were against what was causing the whole situation, Tyler didn't fight back. The time wasn't right.

It struck Tyler in this moment of clarity that Klaus had been affected by this whole thing as well. His phone was speaking for him. This was actually worse than he imagined. Klaus was a wounded animal. Tyler nodded when he was asked where Hope was. Klaus pushed him and Tyler stumbled slightly. "Alright! Calm down. I'll take you to Hope. Can you stop being a d*ck for five minutes?" Tyler's mouth would undoubtedly earn him more manhandling by Klaus but at least Tyler had a moment to realize that he actually did stand above Klaus. For one brief shining moment, Tyler Lockwood had an advantage over Klaus Mikaelson. Tyler smirked even as Klaus pushed him through the crowd outside the hospital.

They were in an ambulance right now. It didn't seem right to abscond with an ambulance, but if they were going to go find Hope and the others having a bigger vehicle at their disposal would actually work to their advantage. Honestly Tyler being a doctor too helped. Dammit!

Klaus was still barking orders at Tyler. "Mind toning it down a few notches a**hole?" Tyler started up the ambulance. "The girls; Hope, Josie and Lizzie all are in the same dorm. Caroline is close to that location. It's logical to assume she's trying to find her daughters too. So, just trust me. I want to find out what the hell is going on myself. So stop shoving me around and actually do something you've not done in a long time. Trust me."

Klaus was not one to trust but at one time, Tyler did trust him. He had been given a position of prominence as Klaus's first successful hybrid. Granted Tyler didn't want to go that far back in their relationship but they had to reach some sort of compromise. Their friends and family just might depend on it.

The ambulance pulled up outside of the Dorm that Tyler knew to be that of Hope and Caroline's girls. "This is hopefully where they all are. Like I said I don't know if Caroline is here yet, but odds are she will be soon enough." Tyler reached for a paramedic's jacket. He pulled off his bloody scrubs and zipped on a jacket. "I assume you want me to go with you and not try something , right?" Now Tyler was mocking Klaus. Tyler turned to Klaus awaiting his response. The ball was in his court now.
Tyler Lockwood/Cerberus
credit: james kriet

02/11/2023 09:05 PM 

Prison World intro

Prison World
intro post/ mention: Kai and Caroline
What was it about Lockwood Manor that made him hate being there? Tyler Lockwood was the last surviving heir of the Lockwood Family that had been so prominent in Mystic Falls since the early days. As with many families in this town, the Lockwoods had their secrets. They were a family of werewolves. Tyler was just the latest and the last member of this line.

Since his youth, he was working alongside with the Armory and even with his friend Jeremy Gilbert as monster hunter. Sure there were good monsters, but there were also bad monsters. One of the worst monsters Tyler ever knew was a siphon witch named Malachi Parker. The bastard had been sent to a Prison World by the Gemini Coven after killing most of his family and severely injuring his twin Josette. He'd searched for two year old Olivia and Luke but Josette had saved them getting injured in the process. Fast Forward another twenty years to Kai's escape from the Prison World and a final rampage and revenge against the Coven that had banished him.

Tyler hated the piece of garbage because in his final act of revenge, Kai killed nearly the entire Coven. That included Olivia, with whom Tyler had fallen deeply in love. Any chance he could, Tyler would stand against Kai all for the memory of Liv and what she meant to him. Kai needed to be put down once and for alq. The Armory knew he was personally vested in the whole story of Kai Parker and for good reason.

The Parkers were witches. The Lockwoods were werewolves and the Salvatores were vampires. Family secrets ran deep and were often deadly. Tyler was packing his gear in Lockwood Manor which was next to the Salvatore Boarding School. He was planning on stopping by the school to let Caroline know where he was going. He liked to make sure that she knew where he was in case she needed him to come back for any reason. He was a part time Gym Teacher there, usually putting the werewolves through their paces. He was Coach Lockwood to the kids. He would do anything for those kids and Caroline. He had his last bit of gear shoved in the bag. He zipped it up tight before tossing the bag over his shoulder.

He turned to go toward the door of his bedroom in Lockwood Manor. That was when it happened. The light that surrounded him was so bright that it actually hurt. Tyler actually let out a werewolf growl from the momentary pain that the bright light inflicted on him. It took him a bit longer for his eyes to readjust because of his augmented senses. What in the hell just happened?

Tyler had found himself knocked to the floor as a result of this bright light. He started to push himself upward slowly. His room had changed. None of his things were in the room. It had changed drastically. It was filled with surfer boy things. Tyler stood to his feet slowly. He noticed a snapshot of campers who were on a fishing trip tucked under the corner of the mirror. He examined the picture closely. It had been one he'd seen before. Upon further inspection, he realized that the best looking kid in the group was his Uncle Mason. The date on the picture was 1985. He couldn’t get over what was happening here.

He knew that his room had been Mason's once upon a time. When Tyler was a little boy, he remembered moving into this room when Mason left. Given the fresh ink and the quality of the photo, Tyler knew something was not right. He was somehow transported to 1985. By the lack of noise outside, Tyler's mind ran through a dozen scenes as to what was happening. Something pulled him here and that idea put him on high alert. He'd been transported to 1985 somehow… but why? The only thing to do was to leave Lockwood Manor to try and get some answers. He exited the room and started toward the main hall. What was he going to find out there? Hopefully it wouldn't take long to find the answers.
Tyler Lockwood/Cerberus
credit: james kriet

01/19/2023 11:01 PM 

Halloween [3W group SL]

attn: Damon, Elena, Enzo and Bonnie
He wandered deeper within the darkness of this Haunted House. Tyler's vision acclimated to this darkness with each pull of the powerful magic around him. He could still hear Enzo, Bonnie, Elena and Damon behind him. He was the fifth wheel; a wolf that was surrounded by a witch and vampires. Elena was human but she wasn't human. It never made sense to Tyler even when he was in his human form. The bottom line was that supernatural creatures were real and he was one of them. Damn it all to hell

He ran his tongue over his lips to moisten them. He was getting more overheated as the minutes ticked off the clock. They felt like an eternity. He felt more and more primal urges well up within him. The whole Spanish California spirit that was tied to the costume he wore as Zorro was fading away. Zorro was Spanish for fox. He started to consider how delicious a fox would be right now… His stomach started to growl with that sentiment.

His eyes widened. Eat a fox? What kind of sickness was pervading his mind right now? He was a werewolf that had control over his baser instincts. He wasn't lost to those primal urges. When he was in full wolf form, he had the urge to rip any vampire to shreds that was downwind of him. Damon was the one closest to him right now. Maybe in some other world or some other time, the elder Salvatore would surrender to his own instincts to murder and kill him for being a wolf. Tyler rubbed his mouth with the back of his sleeve. His nostrils twitched like that of a dog catching a scent of something interesting. It was blood. Blood was on his sleeve, but whose blood was it? Tyler sniffed again. It was his. There was no doubt about it.

Tyler's eyes turned a bright gold once more. The low growl rumbled from the back of his throat. If anyone could see him clearly, they would be able to tell that wolf fur had already started erupting from his skin. He was caught in an awkward position. Tyler was already partially transformed, that was why his senses were heightened. Something had trapped him in mid transformation. He wanted to run away and hide but he couldn't. He just kept giving Damon side glances allowing a snarl to curl his lips. Some power kept urging him deeper into this lunacy. Damon didn't want to hurt him. Logic told him Damon was behaving himself for just one time. Yet these images began to permeate his mind of Damon as an out of control vampire in need of a kill focusing on him. Vampires and werewolves were ancient enemies and for good reason.

That was it. Tyler was lost to whatever evil had invaded his mind and kept him in this mostly wolf mindset. He was still mostly human right now, but his wolf form had already had an effect on his body. It was an odd vision as the Lockwood heir was stuck between a wolf and human form. It was something similar to what the werewolves looked like in the old movies in the Golden Age of Hollywood. He whipped around on his heels with his gaze focused completely on Damon. His fangs were bared and he was ready. Those false images of Damon ripping his throat out kept burning his soul making him angrier with each passing moment.

What was real? What was magical manipulation? The Cursed Lockwood was a prisoner to his fate. He started to take slow steps toward Damon ready to attack him. Finally came the leap while still in semi human form that was directed at Damon. If he landed close enough, Tyler would attempt to sink his fangs in Damon's right arm. It was kill or be killed. Tyler wasn't going to be killed.
Tyler Lockwood/Cerberus
credit: james kriet

01/13/2023 02:09 PM 

Hush [3w group sl]

attn: Klaus/ mention: The Originals
Tyler hated not knowing what was happening. All these people couldn't speak and now it was spreading. He exhausted the limits of the medical knowledge he had gained at this point. It was almost worth calling the CDC if it wasn't supernatural in nature. He kept hitting roadblocks repeatedly. It was infuriating. There was only one other possible explanation. He couldn’t shake the feeling that it was. He'd seen too much not to be able to spot it straight away. Logic told him that was the answer. He had to find these supernatural answers, so that's what he was determined to do. He turned to set on his path when he ran into the brick wall otherwise known as Klaus Mikaelson.

He had no time to act, only react. Klaus had crushed his fingers into his chest before he knew what happened. The pain from the vice-like grip the Original Hybrid had on his heart was beyond any agony he'd ever experienced. He'd been manhandled and beaten plenty of times even when he was just a human. He knew pain. What human didn't? Now that he wasn't, this hurt so badly he couldn't think straight. He could only react. Tyler cried out with a loud voice trying to take swipes at Klaus absolutely failing in the process. He could feel his heart beating in the clawlike digits of the Original Hybrid. Tyler's eyes turned golden and his fangs extended. He was not only in pain, he was angry. The animal in Tyler Lockwood was ready to fight back.

Klaus was supposedly dead. Should have known that the bastard would live. He was the last person that Tyler ever expected to see. The trapped male quickly figured out that one wrong move would result in his heart being in Klaus' hands. He wouldn't do that because too many people needed him. Now since Klaus was alive, Tyler was bound and determined to live just to spite him. Tyler fought through the cascade of emotions as Klaus was barking orders at him. Tyler's fangs clinched as he emitted an angry growl at being caught in a trap.

Tyler watched helplessly as Klaus found his cellphone. It was set to speech to text so it was pretty obvious that Klaus was going to keep his hand in Tyler's chest. "You want me….to find your siblings…?" He had them in his contact list. He knew Klaus was adept enough to quickly discover that the Originals had their own listing in his phone. Damn modern technology.

Klaus held up the phone. Tyler glared at the monster who changed his life. He had no choice. He had to comply. Just next time, he knew not to be caught off guard again. He spoke directly to his phone. "Hey guys. Where…" Tyler's threshold for pain was being breached and it echoed on his face. Fine bristles of fur were starting to erupt on his flesh. "I'll just …come to you." He spoke. Hopefully the speech to text was working properly so the message wouldn't be too garbled.

Tyler's fingers started to turn wolf like. His anger and the pain was making his baser instincts kick in at the wrong time. "KLLLLAUS!" He growled as a warning to the Original Hybrid. His patience was running thin. The animal inside wanted vengeance. Tyler was still largely paralyzed because Klaus still held his heart in his hand. The bloodstains on his shirt were spreading the longer Klaus had his hand inside his chest. Something had to give. "LET ME GO!"
Tyler Lockwood/Cerberus
credit: james kriet

11/16/2022 02:28 PM 

Girl Interrupted; post 3

Girl Interrupted
attn: Mason, Bonnie and Josie
After waiting outside his uncle's office door, Tyler realized Mason was either ignoring him or just not in his office. He felt like an idiot just standing there. Where was his Uncle anyway? Mason was not one to ignore him. His father ignored him and used him as a tool all throughout his life. Tyler shrugged his shoulders and continued on his path. Mason would eventually come looking for him. He'd irritated the head nurse plenty of times for her to have a proper and frequent path to Mason's office.

He was standing outside the utility closet where his voluptuous ginger was waiting. He reached for the knob but stopped. He could enter the closet and continue on his journey to heaven, but he stopped. Something held him back. Normally he'd shrug everything off and indulge his carnal nature, but something was stopping him. He could've just ignored his attack of consciousness and just did whatever the hell he wanted. This was just something he didn't like. It felt like a lousy case of indigestion. This was Mason's influence on him and he hated it. He started grumbling as he released the knob and turned around.

Tyler followed the hallway back to the main nurse's station. He was practically stomping like a child pitching a fit the entire time. He pulled a chart off the shelf and started looking at it. His brow was furrowed and his jaw clenched. It was the responsible thing to do, but he hated it. He was thumbing through the chart muttering to himself. "Where is this patient now? Josette Laughlin?" He asked the nurse on duty.

"She's in group right now, Dr. Lockwood." This nurse was an older female with white hair and a pair of red framed glasses on her nose. She handed him the list of the patients in the group session led by Dr. Bonnie Bennett.

Tyler started to look through the list, but stopped for the moment. The name Bennett meant something to him. He arched an eyebrow as he tried to remember the name. It was nothing but a haze clouding his mind. He didn't like not knowing something as trivial as a girl's name and why he couldn't place her. No matter how hard he pushed, that path to the name Bonnie Bennett was clouded. This absolutely infuriated him. The nurse on duty could have sworn he had just growled like a dog. "Thanks. I'll be around if I'm needed." He knew that statement was one of responsible actions. He shook his head before beginning his little investigation. Tyler left the records at the desk to head toward this group therapy session that was happening. Tonight, he was going to break out Mason's oldest bottle of Scotch and drink every last drop.

As Tyler arrived, the door to the group room had opened. There were several patients leaving. Most were heading back toward their rooms supervised by various orderlies. He stepped aside to allow the hallway to clear. It also gave him the chance to blend in with the crowd. He was trying not to be noticed but failing. Tyler slipped past them toward the door. He could overhear Dr. Bennett speaking to whom he assumed was Josette Laughlin. He pressed his back to the wall for a moment before finally getting closer to the open door and peering inside.

With a clear vision of both of them, his chocolate hues narrowed. They seemed unremarkable to him. They were just any doctor and patient to his best recollection, yet that eerie feeling of deja vu wouldn't leave him be. This was nonsense, right?
Tyler Lockwood/Cerberus
credit: james kriet

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