dead silence.

Last Login:
April 19th, 2024

Gender: Male
Age: 30
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
February 29, 2020



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02/24/2022 07:02 PM 



CHARACTER NAME: calysta ann muldoon. ( meaning; calysta is a girl's name meaning "cup", "fairest", or "most beautiful". it is a variant of the latin and greek name calista.
NICKNAMES: cc is a nickname she's been stuck with since a young age. mostly everyone calls her by it.
SPECIES: she is human.
GENDER: female (she & her). 
AGE: twenty-five years old.
BIRTH DATE: she was born on february 1st, 1995 making her an aquarius. ( strength: original, tolerant, ideal, calm, friendly, charitable, independent, smart, and practical. ) weakness: changeful, disobedient, liberalistic, hasty, rebel.) ──── her symbol is water carrier && element is air.
CURRENT OCCUPATION: animal behaviorist. ( animal behaviorists study the way animals behave and try to determine what causes certain types of behavior and what factors can prompt behavior change. they usually specialize in certain types of animals, whether it's fish, birds, large animals, wild animals, livestock or household pets. calysta main study is that of wild animals on the african savanna, siberian taiga, and to the indonesian islands of komodo.
FORMER OCCUPATION(S): formerly an archeologist that spent most of her time in pyramids of giza, chichén itzá, and the leptis magna.
BIRTHPLACE: calysta was born in a small town in africa until she left for collage at nineteen years old.
CURRENT LOCATION: she travels often and never remains in a place for far too long. her last location was kigali, capital of rwanda.
EDUCATION: silver oak high school graduate with such outstanding grades and hard work she was offered a full scholarship to the alaska pacific university, this is where she graduated with a phd in archeology.
HOBBIES: when she's able to find some free time for herself she rather enjoys painting.
HABITS: calysta has a bad habit of speaking her mind; bluntly in front of people. regardless of their thoughts on this.
ADDICTIONS: none. ( however, some might say her liking of lemonade could be one. )
PHOBIAS: ophidiophobia; or ophiophobia is the fear of snakes. it is possibly the most common subcategory of herpetophobia, the fear of reptiles. some researchers believe phobias related to reptiles (and snakes specifically) may be evolutionary, developed by our ancestors as a survival mechanism.

SEXUALITY: calysta is demisexual; people who only feel sexually attracted to someone when they have an emotional bond with the person.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: due to her choice of lifestyle, calysta has never been in a relationship longer than a few weeks. she's single.
PAST LOVERS: ( coming soon. )

RELATIONSHIP WITH HER FATHER: robert was a man well-known throughout the village she grew up in, perhaps even in the country. an old war vet turned into pursuing a life of helping those less fortunate. these were the traits he bestowed upon his daughters, however, calysta was the only one to grasp such traits. he also was a very well-known wildlife photographer often bringing calysta alongside himself during these encounters. this was where her love of animals truly began. however, there was also a great amount of respect he taught her to never fear these animals nor disrespect them. as she got older he soon started to teach her self-defense both with hand-to-hand combat and firearms. of course, no such actions were taken place on an animal, she did rather enjoy the dummies and hay practice. through her eyes, he was the only member of her family to never truly judged her for her choices or the way she wanted to live. no matter what he always seemed to support her and still continues to do so to this very day. he is perhaps the only person in her life that she truly feels connected to.
RELATIONSHIP WITH HER MOTHER: calysta and her mother seem to have a bit of a rocky relationship. the two have always seemed to buttheads on many topics throughout the years. this occurrence started at the early age of eight years old when calysta wanted to accompany her father on one of his photography trips to further understand his career and be able to see some of the wild animals up close. this was something her mother and father fought on numerous occasions. calysta's mother also highly disliked the fact that her father would teach calysta about self-defense and firearms at an early age. her mother believed that any young lady should act as such. this sort of butting heads has continued on to this very day with her mother constantly trying to control calysta's life. calysta's mother, kimberly, also has a habit of comparing her to beth. calysta's older sister. believing that beth has an ideal life.
RELATIONSHIP WITH HER SISTER: calysta and her sister, beth have always seemed to differ on many topics. she is such an older sibling and often expresses her opinion and point of view on calysta even into adulthood. beth married her high school sweetheart and followed her career in fashion and was shortly married just after college. beth and her husband now have four kids and seem to have a picture-perfect lifestyle. this is something that is often held over calysta's head by her mother and her sister. constantly reminding her that she is not getting younger and eventually she could end up alone should she not stop chasing her career and settle down. this creates friction between the two sisters and often arises fighting. due to an incident nearly taking calysta's and her father's life, beth has a great hatred towards most wild animals and anything of that nature. she openly expresses this to calysta the second she hears of her younger sister leaving for another adventure. even while calysta would love to have a better relationship with her older sister things hasn't change over the years.

SIBLINGS: calysta has an older sister named beth.
FRIENDS: she always seems to be on the move, therefore, she has a very small group of friends.
CHILDREN: she has no children, and is more than likely incapable of producing offspring.

HEIGHT: 5’ 10”
WEIGHT: 62 kg or 136 pounds.
BUILD: voluptuous; being voluptuous means being full-figured and curved. tanned skin by the sun's rays due to her lifestyle of ( mostly ) being outside. )
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: mole mark above her lip. )
EYE COLOR: blue; bright by nature.
HAIR COLOR: natural blonde, the length of her hair will often change as she wears it long and medium.

PIERCINGS: she only has her ears pierced.
TATTOOS: has a small rose on her ankle that she got on her eighteenth birthday.
SCARS: none.
PETS: she has a siberian husky, a male by the name of nimbus that is almost always by her side and joins her on every one of her trips.
PERSONALITY: can be somewhat intimidating and slightly intense. while she is overall a compassionate and kind soul many think twice before bluntly confronting her.
POSITIVE TRAITS: admirable, adventurous, aspiring, caring, cheerful, compassionate, daring, determined, faithful, forgiving, friendly, gentle, genuine, helpful, honest, intelligent, loyal, peaceful, trusting, understanding.
NEGATIVE TRAITS:stubborn, demanding. dependent.
FAVORITE MOVIE: calysta doesn't spend far too much time watching tv; however, any older black and while film would more than likely have her sitting down to watch it.
SNACK OF CHOICE: watermelon; ever since being a kid this has been one of her favorites.
FAVORITE DRINK: prickly pear lemonade.
FAVORITE MUSICAL ARTIST: it's common for anyone to hear sir tom jones when around calysta.
FAVORITE ANIMAL: golden tabby tiger; is a tiger with a color variation caused by a recessive gene. like white tigers and black tigers, it is a color form and not a separate subspecies. known for its blonde or pale-golden color and red-brown (not black) stripes, the golden tiger coloring comes from a recessive trait referred to as "wideband" which affects the production of black during the hair growth cycle. tiger colorations that vary from the typical orange-with-black-stripe do occur in nature, but in a very small percentage.
FAVORITE QUOTE: "if life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor." -eleanor roosevelt
FAVORITE PLANET: saturn; saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and the second-largest in the solar system, after jupiter. it is a gas giant with an average radius of about nine times that of earth.
FAVORITE FLOWER: aster; named after the latin word for "star," asters will brighten up any garden. it attracts butterflies and comes in a variety of colors including blue, indigo, violet, white, red and pink. unlike other colorful flowers, asters will typically stay in bloom into cooler fall months. ( the pink aster is her favorite of this flower! )
RELIGION: even while her father is an atheist she was raised under her mother's religion as a catholic.
PLACES SHE ALWAYS WANTED TO GO: transylvania; region in romania.
WHAT WOULD SHE BE IF SHE DIDN'T FOLLOW HER CURRENT CAREER: she would more than likely became a history professor.

OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST: optimist; a person who tends to be hopeful and confident about the future or the success of something.
INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT:extrovert; an outgoing, overtly expressive person.
DAREDEVIL OR CAUTIOUS:daredevil; a reckless person who enjoys doing dangerous things.
LOGICS OR EMOTION: it's perhaps a mix of both. ( while she does try to make sure her emotions do not get in the way often. )
DISORDERLY OR METHODICAL: methodical; she has a place for everything. ( but she isn't a stranger to the disorderly lifestyle. )
CONFIDENT OR UNSURE: she's very confident in her work, can somewhat be utmost among other things.
ANIMAL LOVER:extreme animal lover.
HOW THEY VIEW THEMSELVES: due to all her hard work, calysta has no ill-lighting towards herself.
ONE WORD USED TO DESCRIBE CHARACTER: adventurous; willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences.
BEST PERSONALITY TRAIT:her will to never give up.
WORST PERSONALITY TRAIT:she can be reckless.
BEST PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTIC: a smile that could brighten any room.
HOW DOES THE CHARACTER THINK OTHERS PERCEIVE THEM: proper-mannered. proud in her work.

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