
Last Login:
April 23rd, 2024

Gender: Female
Age: 34
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
January 14, 2017


06/06/2023 12:08 PM 

Optional Task 440

Bold what applies IC.
1.) Embarrassment
blushing | fidgeting | sweating | hiding their face in their hands | wide eyes | crossing their arms around their body | stutters | stammering | shifting their weight from side to side  | exaggerated movements | nervous quirks appear such as picking at their nails, playing with their hair, and rocking on their heels  | avoiding eye contact  |  glancing or staring at random objects  | stiff smiles  | scratching the back of their head or neck | subject changing | forced laughter | 

2.) Anticipation
big smiles | wetting their lips  | energized | constant movement | grinning | can't concentrate | clumsiness | fidgeting | questions

3.) Awe
frozen | wide eyes | slack jaw | harsh or erratic breathing | grinning | staring 

4.) Surprise/Shock
gasping | open mouth | slack jaw | wide eyes | covering their mouth with their hands | raised eyebrows | frozen | staring | stepping back | stutters or stammers

5.) Triumph
tilting back head and yelling out | fist pumping in the air | jumping | roaring | whooping | laughter | bright smiles | grinning

6.) Anger/Threatening
shaking fist | pointing | crossed arms | glares | frowning | scowling | stabbing with finger | slamming fist against something | veins throbbing | jutting out their chin | clenched fist | clenched jaw | flushed face | eyebrows lowered or furrowed | squinting | teeth bared | wide stance | tight-lipped smile | rapid breathing | sweating | aggressive stance | flared nostrils | puffed chest | loud voice

7.) Nervous 
lip biting | biting nails | blinking | tears | stepping back | awkward laughter | clumsiness | dry lips | dry mouth | fidgeting | darting eyes | wrapping their arms around themselves | repeatedly folding and unfolding their arms | clutching at themselves, their hip/shoulder/stomach | drawn in/furrowed brows | avoiding eye contact | jittery | pitched voice | no appetite or nervous eating so a bigger appetite | pacing | toying with things | restless | bouncing leg | rubbing at their face | scratching | sweating | trembling

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